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Colegio San Patricio4th Reading Period ExamSchool Year 2010-2011

Name: ___________________________________________________List No. _____

Date: _________________________________________________6th_____________


DirectionsI.George Washington Carver made many great contributions to Southern farming. Learn about this generous and thoughtful scientist and his agricultural ideas and inventions. Then answer the following questions.

George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver was born around 1861 near Diamond Grove, Missouri. The son of an enslaved woman, Carver spent his early years in Arkansas and Missouri. He lived on a plantation owned by his mother’s former slaveholders until he was about ten or twelve years old. Although he was physically fragil as a child, Carver showed a keen and early interest in plants and animals, as well as drawing and painting, and by the age of twelve he left the plantation to pursue an education.

After supporting himself by working a variety of jobs, including hotel cook and farm worker, Carver earned his high school diploma in Kansas. He later studied at Simpson College in Iowa and at Iowa State Agricultural College, where he earned degrees in agricultural science. In 1896 the famous black educator Booker T. Washington invited Carver to direct the newly opened department of agriculture at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, a college that Washington had founded in Alabama.

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Although he was offered many other jobs, Carver remained at Tuskegee throughout the rest of his life, researching ways to help farmers in the South. When Carver started his research in the 1890s, Southern farmers were suffering because they had long grown cotton as their only crop. The cultivation of only cotton resulted in the depletion of the soil’s nitrogen, which the crop needed in order to thrive. By growing cotton in their fields over and over again, Southern farmers had used up the nitrogen in their soil, and because the soil was exhausted, they could grow neither cotton nor anything else.

To solve the problem of nitrogen depletion, Carver encouraged farmers to diversify their crops by planting peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans, all of which provide nitrogen to the soil and protein to people who eat the vegetable products. He knew that by rotating different crops, farmers would be able to bring their soil back into good balance.

Although Carver’s solution restored the soil, farmers found that not many people wanted to buy the new crops of peanuts and sweet potatoes. To address this new problem, Carver conducted a long series of laboratory experiments to create new uses for these plants. Over many years, he developed 300 products that could be made from peanuts, including flour, ink, dyes, wood stains, medicines, and cosmetics, and 118 products from sweet potatoes, including vinegar, rubber, ink, molasses, and postage stamp glue.

Carver’s ingenious inventions revitalized the Southern farming economy. As farmers continued to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes, these crops became more and more in demand. Although the peanut was not even known as a crop in 1896 when Carver began his experiments, by 1940 the little plant had become the second biggest cash crop in the South, with cotton remaining the biggest.

Carver continued to devote his life to agricultural research and earned many awards for his achievements, including election to the British Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturers, and Commerce in 1916. Several U.S. Presidents visited him, and the Indian leader and humanitarian, Mohandas K. Gandhi, was his friend. After a long and extraordinary life, Carver died in 1943 in Tuskegee, Alabama.

____ 1. According to the selection, which of the following events occurred first?

a. The peanut became the second biggest cash crop in the South.b. Carver started working at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial

Institute.c. Carver researched and developed new uses for the peanut and

sweet potatoes.

____ 2. Why did Southern farmers have difficulty growing crops during the 1890s?

a. The soil had become exhausted from planting only cotton.b. The soil contained too much nitrogen.c. Too few people were willing to work on the farms.

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____ 3. Which of the following is a statement of opinion from the selection?

a. Carver developed 300 products that were made from peanuts.b. Booker T. Washington invited Carver to work at Tuskegee.c. Carver’s inventions of peanut products were ingenious.

____ 4. George Washington Carver can best be described as a

a. creative chefb. businessman.c. problem solver.

____ 5. What happened as a result of Carver’s inventing new uses for the peanut and the sweet potato?

a. The Southern farming economy became strong again.b. Southern farmers stopped farmingc. Washington founded a college.

____ 6. This selection is an example of

a. a fantasy story.b. an interview.c. a biography

____ 7. Why were farmers reluctant to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes?

a. Researchers were already finding better ways to grow cotton.b. Peanuts and sweet potatoes were not good for the soil.c. People were not buying peanuts and sweet potatoes.

____ 8. Which of the following would be a good title for the picture above?

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a. “The Parts of a Peanut Plant”b. “A Map of Alabama”“A Time Line of Carver’s Life”


Mark your answer choice for the following questions.

9. Which meaning of new is used in the following sentence?

Not many people wanted to buy these new crops.a. unfamiliarb. originalc. further

10. 10. What does the prefix in revitalized mean in the following sentence?

Carver’s ingenious inventions revitalized the Southern farming economy.a. againb. notc. wrongly

11. 11. Which word pair contains antonyms?

a. founded—earnedb. before—earlyc. destroy—restored

12. 12. What does the word diversify mean in the following sentence?

Carver encouraged farmers to diversify their crops by planting peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans.

a. plant two crops every yearb. grow different cropc. add fertilizer to crops

13. 13. Which word pair contains synonyms?

a. exhausted—tiredb. department—institutec. nitrogen—protein

Use these entries from a dictionary to answer the following questions.

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ad•dress ( dres´; also ad ´res for 1, 3), 1 n. the place mail is directed: Write your name and address on this envelope. 2 v. to write on a letter or package the place where it is to be sent: I addressed the envelopes for the greeting cards. 3 v. to retrieve or store n. a formal public speech: The President gave an address to the nation on TV. 5. v. direct your energies: She addressed herself to the task of learning French. � n., pl. ad•dress•es.

14. 14. Which meaning of address is used in this sentence?To address this new problem, Carver conducted a long series of laboratory experiments.

a. definition 1b. definition 2c. definition 5

15. Write a fact using the word “ toll”



IV. Find the word with the same meaning as the underlined word. Mark your answer by circling the letter next to your choice. (4pts)

16. On a hot day, lettuce will wilt.a) flourishb) growc) wither

17. The government has the authority to decide who enters the country.a) powerb) obligationc) necessity

18. Sally had never before take trip on a bus unaccompanieda) with familyb) with out anyonec) with the company

19. Sally could still sense her mother’s presence in the old room stairs.

a) appearanceb) influencec) behavior

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20. Sally hoped the pets would not miss their former home.a) oldb) fancyc) new

V. Write the number of the meaning that match each word . (4pts each).

21. friendly; receptive._______________________________________________

22. An imaginary creature from outer space.__________________________

23. Made liquid by heat; melted.______________________________________

24. of or belonging to all; concerning all._______________________________

25. Large boat for carrying freight._____________________________________

Alien ore barge refrainhospitable molten universalversion

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