Download - Periferal Mikroprosesor. Keypad Matrix AT Keyboard / PS2.


Periferal Mikroprosesor

Keypad Matrix

AT Keyboard / PS2

Konektor PS2 & DIN

Frame Komunikasi Serial Keyboard

Keyboard to Host

Host to Keyboard

Interfacing AT Keyboarddengan Mikroprosesor

Display LED 7 Segment

LED 7 Segment

Common Anode & Common Cathode7 Segment LED

Tampilan LED 7 Segment

Display LED 7 Segment Matrix

Decoder 7 Segment dengan 74LS47

Dekoder biner ke 7 Segment dapat menggunakan 74LS47, namun angka 6 tidak seperti angka 6 biasa

Rangkaian internal 74LS47

Display LED Matrix

74138 3 to 8 decoder74LS138, 74HC138, 74HCT138

74138 Shift RegisterTruth Table

74164 Shift Register74HC164, 74LS164, 74HC164

MM54HC165/MM74HC165Parallel-in/Serial-out 8-Bit Shift Register

Serial EEPROM24C512

Fitur Serial EEPROM24C512

LCD Panel VCM 1602