Download - Performance-based Funding – UCF Results February 20, 2014 Dr. Paige Borden Assistant Vice President, Institutional Knowledge Management 1Institutional.

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Performance-based Funding UCF Results February 20, 2014 Dr. Paige Borden Assistant Vice President, Institutional Knowledge Management 1Institutional Knowledge Mgmt Slide 2 2 Slide 3 3 Slide 4 Performance-based Funding UCF tied for 3rd 4Institutional Knowledge Mgmt Slide 5 Potential Allocation (as of 2/11/2014) Institutional Knowledge Mgmt5 Slide 6 Several TBD Items New funding approval? Model review and approval? Allocation review and approval? If allocated as suggested by BOG: Recurring vs. non-recurring? On-going tracking or reporting? 2014-15 model changes? Institutional Knowledge Mgmt6 Slide 7 Resource Links Institutional Knowledge Management (IKM) University Work Plans Annual Accountability Reports Performance-Based Funding Models Florida Board of Governors ns/2012-13_accountability.php ns/2012-13_accountability.php Paige Borden, Asst. VP, IKM [email protected] [email protected] 7Institutional Knowledge Mgmt