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The Best Pets When You Have Children

If you've decided that it's about time for your family to grow with one more member, and by that you don't mean a new baby, then you can check out which are the best pets out there, to do the job. Fish or a dog it solely depends on the situation at home whether or not you have children, how old are they, and how much space do you have at hand.


These are suitable for almost any home. If you have little children, babies or simply you don't have the time to walk a pet for 30 minutes every day, then fish are for you.

Turtles or Tortoise

They require a bit more of handling, but it's pretty much the same like with fish. You need an aquarium, a suitable temperature and good food sources. If a turtle is well-taken care of, it can live up to 40 years!


Although they may not sound like a good choice for a pet, having one is really fun. It does require a lot of care, but if your child wants to learn what it feels like to have a real life to watch for, then frogs are perfect.

Hamsters and Guinea Pigs

These animals require a good amount of care and a cage constantly cleaned. They can be aggressive to little children but in general are a pretty decent choice for a pet.

BirdsDifferent kinds of parrots are okay for homes with little kids, as long as they are separated. Otherwise a bird requires a cage, big enough for it to spread its wings, and a constant supply of food and water.

RabbitsThey require a big amount of care, much like a cat. They need a cage twice their size, covered with sand. Some people don't let them out while other decide to do it.

CatsOf course, cats are suitable for any type of home. They go along, perfectly, with small children. They need a box filled with sand which has to be replaced every one or two weeks, otherwise you will need to find a good carpet cleaning service.

DogsLast but not least dogs. Dogs are well-known as the man's best friend and they keep up with their reputation. A dog requires a big amount of care, but remains loyal. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for small spaces and apartments.

The end

Max Schau
Cleaners Melbourne