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Hewan kecil

Kucing Anjing

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• Anjing dan kucing , hewan liar• Domestikasi 14.000-15.000 tahun yang lalu• Kisah kesetiaan anjing

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Animal Welfare

• Freedom from hunger,thirst and malnutrition• Freedom from pain,injury and disease• Freedom from discomfort due to environment• Freedom from fear and distress• Freedom to express its normal behavior

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Resep Rasional

• Usia• Jenis kelamin• Penyakit• Kondisi fisik• Mobilitas• Diet• Genetik (ras)• Sirkandian ritme

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Faktor Administrasi

• Ruteperoral, via makanan, parenteral, topikal atau membran mukosa.Parenteral Intravena

Intramuscular Subcutan

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• Injeksi IM 4-5 ml (ras besar)Injeksi IM 2-3 ml (ras kecil)Injeksi IM 1.5-2 ml (kucing)

• Injeksi SC < 15-20 ml (kucing&ras kecil)Injeksi SC < 25-30 ml (ras besar)


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Defek enzim proses metabolismeSpesies Reaksi Konjugasi Target Gugus Reaksi

Kucing Sintesis glukuronid (glucuronil transferase)

-OH, -COOH,-NH2,=NH, -SH

Ada,berjalan lambat

Anjing Asetilasi Ar-NH2 Absen

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• Obat yang tidak boleh diberikanParasetamol, organofosfat, aspirin, kloramfenikol dan griseofulvin.

• Karena;Fenasetin, bersifat racun akibatnya anemia hemolitik methemoglobinemia, udem dan cyanosis.

• Treatment : vitamin C dan asetilsistein

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• Antiseptik dan desinfektaniodin, turunan benzoat

• Tetrasiklin dapat mewarnai gigi

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• Turunan sulfamisal : sulfanamid, sulfasalazine dan sulfametoksazol

• Reaksi asetilasi tidak ada,tidak bisa di eliminasi

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• Tetracycline antibacterials may cause permanentstaining of the dental

• NSAIDs may cause gastric ulceration, particularly at highdoses or if given in combination with corticosteroids

• Phenothiazines such as acepromazine should be used withcaution in Greyhounds

• Ketokonazole dapat sebabkan infertilitas pada anjing jantan

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Common breed spesific problem in dogs

Breed Recurrent conditionAfghan houndBeagleBoxer

Border CollieBulldog

Cairn terrierCavalier KCDachshundGolden Retriever

German shepherdLabradorPoodleRottweiler

Eye problemHeart disease, epilepsy, skin conditionHeart disease, digestive problem, bloateEpilepsy, deafnesssHeart disease, respiratory problem, skin and eye problemSkin allergiesEye problemiHeart disease, diabetes, skin conditionHeart problem, skin problem, epilepsy, eye problemGastric disorder, bloat, eye diseaseCataract and other eye problem, bloatEye and ear problemEye problem and bloat

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Yorkshire Terrier

• Patellar Luxation Patella luxation is a condition in which the patella (knee-cap) no longer glides within its natural groove in the femur, the upper bone of the knee joint.

• Urolithiasis Urolithiasis refers to the formation of stones (calculi or uroliths) in the urinary tract.

• Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia is defined as a blood glucose or blood sugar concentration of less than 70 mg/dl of blood.

• Cataracts A cataract is any opacity in the lens of the eye. The normal lens is translucent (clear), and it transmits and focuses light onto the retina in the back of the eye.

• Portosystemic Shunt A portosystemic shunt is an abnormal communication between blood vessels, which causes blood to bypass the liver.

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