Download - Pepe & the Ya Mon-Sters



WGAW Registration: 1302436

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For PEPE, a little boy with a larger than life appetite for adventure, (And yes, literally we mean his stomach!), BANANA BOAT ISLAND is one gigantic smorgasbord of a playground! Dragging his pet anchor WILFRED along, Pepe always seems to hook onto one big mishap after another while eating everything and anything that the island has to offer. Luckily, the island locals, the YA MON-STERS, have a fondness for Pepe and are always there to lend a helping hand in more ways than one, whether he needs it or not.

YAYA MON is the hairy high-strung mischievous one who always encourages Pepe to take his adventure to the next level. WE MON is the little genius one who wants to bring the island into the 21st century, inventing all sorts of amazing inventions and infomercial-level gadgets that usually fall victim to Pepe’s so-called adventures. FRUMP MON is the giant laid-back lazy one whose favorite sport is doing nothing and would rather enjoy the sun, surf and sand, but is always there to help Pepe out with his larger-than-life Ya Mon strength. NO MON is the hypersensitive shape-shifting chameleon with the unfortunate ability to always stand out from his surroundings. To him, Pepe is the origin of all the problems on Banana Boat Island and he will do anything to get him off. And then there are the WEEBEES, mini-sized native bush folk who worship Frump Mon as their Ear-gunk God and always get the short end of the cotton swab when things run ear-muck, thanks to you-know-who…

But that’s not all, adding to the mayhem is a group of misfit off-the-wall castaways. SVEN DINGLEBERRY is a Swedish one-man documentarian obsessed with creating the greatest reality show ever by secretly videotaping Pepe and others on the island (Alas, at any cost!). GIGI DINGLEBERRY is Sven’s 7-year old daughter who dreams of becoming the greatest female environmentalist ever to walk the face of the Earth! KING DOUG is a tourist who went a bit cuckoo after being shipwrecked and proclaimed himself King of Banana Boat Island. BOB is a laid-back surfer dude who washed up ashore one day on his surfboard and is Doug’s one-and-only royal subject. King Doug thinks that if he sacrifices Bob (And who or whatever else he can!) to the island’s volcano, BIG MAMA CANO, to appease the island gods, it will lead to their rescue. And although Bob’s never too keen on the idea, he unwittingly falls victim to Doug’s schemes every time. By the way, Big Mama Cano is an embarrassingly flatulent volcano located in the middle of the island that watches over Pepe with a mother’s loving heart and a really super stinky fart.

Covered with exotic plants and never-before-heard-of nutty creatures, every moment on Banana Boat Island is a zany, super-charged, fun-filled adventure for everyone! And as if Pepe and Wilfred’s misadventures are not enough, we never know where the island will float to next, and trouble always seems to be washing up ashore, making things even crazier in the already wacky world of Banana Boat Island!


WGAW Registration: 1302436

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WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m

WorldThe madcap world of

Banana Boat Island sits atop a gigantic inflatable banana boat (On TV, it’s seen as nothing

more than a plastic toy in a bathtub!). It’s always “cool-runnin-mon” wherever the island floats to next, which is half the fun

and always where the adventure begins.

A lush tropical jungle, the island is covered with many exotic plants and never-before-heard-of nutty creatures. There are SPITTIN’ BUSHES that squirt nasty smelling sticky

goo if they don’t like you; DREDMONS, shy little hair-dwelling monsters that hide and live in the Ya Mon Sters’ deadlocked hair; CHOMPERS, little unassuming purple plants that can

swallow a Ya Mon whole in a single bite; IRIEBERRIES, everyone’s favorite fruit, especially Pepe and YaYa Mon’s, that when eaten, make everything irie; CREEPY FLU BLUE VIRUS VINES that

strangle, tangle and sneeze in the face of their victims to get them sick; TICKLING SAND TRAPS that tickle the feet of their prey once they’re stuck; PRICKLY STICKLY JUNGLESICLES, yummy popsicles of every jungle flavor that just plain hurt when you peel back their prickly protective skin; and many, many more mysterious plants and goofy creatures that are just waiting to be discovered.

And of course, in the middle of the island sits Big Mama Cano, the mother of all volcanoes with serious case of indigestion who farts all the time. She knows everything that goes on around the island, and when the locals get into a pinch, she prefers to let them figure it out for themselves. But when Pepe’s mischievous ways get him into trouble, her motherly instinct kicks in, and she lets loose and blows her, um… bottom!

Pepe is oblivious to the dangers of the island, and regardless of them, does what he does best, imagining the biggest and greatest adventure from the most trivial of things, such as

anything he finds or that has washed ashore.

Of course, there are many other adventures that await Pepe and his friends. But all in all, Banana Boat Island is whatever he wants it to be, and because

there’s always something new to discover, with an imagination as big as Pepe’s, and a Ya Mon Ster there to always lend a helping

hand, mayhem and mischief are only an anchors throw away!

WGAW Registration: 1302436

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Wilfred is Pepe’s pet anchor and bestest friend, completely inanimate, yet very endearing. Pepe always seems to get tired of dragging Wilfred around but never wants him to leave him behind, so he’s always inventing new ways to move Wilfred around the island – a coconut-wheeled barrow, rubber tree slingshot, a Ya Mon-apult, a Ya Mon throwing contest (Anchors away!) and a gigantic palm frond kite, etc. And Pepe loves Wilfred so much that he can’t sleep without him. Wilfred is truly Pepe’ one and only security… anchor!

Pepe is a naive 7 year-old wild-boy who speaks with a Latin accent (Think a young Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy.) that was orphaned on the island after a tremendous storm washed him ashore. Adopted and raised by Big Mama Cano and the Ya Mon-Sters, Pepe has enjoyed a life of exploration and adventure (And something to eat!) and is always finding fun in the strangest of places. He is fearlessly oblivious to danger and can easily make a mountain out of a molehill with his impulsive nature. Naive to the ways of the outside world, when anyone or anything washes ashore, Pepe is easily coaxed into doing mischievous and risky things and often sets out on great adventures on his own (Even searching for the ultimate Captain Salty Microwavable Frozen Chicken Nuggets! – But how to cook them? Now that’s another episode!).

Wi lfred

WGAW Registration: 1302436

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Frump MonFrump Mon is large and in charge, and although he comes from a long line of very petite Ya Mon-Sters, he is the strongest Ya Mon-Ster on the island. Frump Mon speaks with a full-blown Jamaican accent, that’s if he bothers to speak at all. He’s so lazy that he sleeps upside down, hanging in the low branches of trees that are too small to support his weight, simply because he’s too lazy to climb up to anything bigger. Somehow though, Frump Mon always seems to be able to muster up the energy to stay awake long enough and solve most any problem, but only if he feels like it that is.

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m

YaYa MonYaYa Mon is a shaggy little mischievous Ya Mon-Ster that only speaks “YA YA!” Whenever he feels good, he performs the happy Ya Ya dance. He waddles around, speaking gibberish most of the time and is always the first to know when something is wrong, or if something washes up on shore and alerts everyone by shouting, “YA YA YA YA YA!” Frump Mon seems to be the only one who understands YaYa Mon, but regardless of his seeming inability to com-municate with anyone else, he’s an expert at coaxing Pepe into the next great misad-venture on the island.

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m


Gel-phoneStyle your hair& talk to friends

Keeps you warm anywhere

The Snoogie

3 payments


3 payments

$ 9.95

va-FUR-izerRemove unwanted

hair in seconds

3 payments

$ 9.95

We MonWe Mon is the pitch Ya-Mon of the island (Think Billy Mays.) who’s always inventing all sorts of gadgets and widgets that would only suit the most corny of infomercials (The Gel Phone, The Snoogie, The Va-Fur-izer, only to name a few). We Mon is always trying to sell something to others for 3 easy payments with his in-your-face pitch Ya-Mon voice (Style your hair & talk to friends, Keeps you warm anywhere, Remove unwanted hair in seconds!). He believes that he’s the only one who can lead the island into the 21st century, but he usually creates more problems than what he started with. Can anyone say, YA-BOOM!?

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m

No MonNo Mon is a hypersensitive shape-shifting chameleon with an identity crisis whose ability to blend in with his environment is way out of whack. In fact he’s so confused that he always speaks with a different ac-cent, forgets everybody’s name, and tends to turn the exact “physical opposite” of what he’s trying to blend in with. This is kinda how he got his name, or at least that’s how he thinks he got it. One day he jumped on a Ya Mon and tried to shape-shift, but he turned into the exact opposite, a No Mon! Then the Ya Mon told him, “No Mon, you can’t be a Ya Mon, you’re a chameleon mon!”

POOp! Pfssssst!















WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m


Weebees are mini-sized native bush folk who always get the short end of the cotton swab when anything goes wrong on the island. Being treated as no more than just props by most of the islanders, they collectively suffer from a victim’s mentality. The Weebees have a strange belief that ear wax is the greatest blessing ever, and guess who has the most ear wax on the island, Frump Mon! That’s why they worship him as their Ear-gunk God! All hail Fump Mon…

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m


Big Mama Cano is a volcano with a serious case of indigestion and is located in the middle of the island. She watches over Pepe with a mother’s loving heart and a really super stinky fart. Her farts can literally end the show or be a rim shot for a fart joke punch line that other characters make. Let the fart games begin…Pfffhhhbbbrrrrtt!

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m

King DougKing Doug is a tourist who has gone a little off the deep end. Shortly after being shipwrecked on the island, he donned a cuckoo bird and tied it to his head, proclaiming himself King. And for some strange and unknown reason, he…talks…like…this… (William Shattner.). In Doug’s confused mind, he figures that the only way to safely get off the island is to sacrifice his one-and-only royal subject, Bob, to the island’s volcano gods. So Doug builds every possible contraption to shoot, drop, lower, insert or blow Bob into the volcanoes mouth, or rear-end, and unfortunately, or fortunately for Bob, his inventions never seem to work.

Bob is the laid-back surfer dude who’s liv-ing the gnarliest surfer dude’s life ever on the island. Always up for an adrenalin rush, Bob doesn’t mind trying out Doug’s next great “ride” and is uncaringly clueless to exactly what he’s up to. Bob doesn’t talk much and just lets his hang-loose tude do all the talking, “Check ya’ later dudes!”


WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m

Gigi Dingleberry


Gigi is Sven’s precocious 7-year old daughter who wants to be the greatest female environmentalist to ever walk the face of the Earth. Thinking that she’s helping out her nature-loving dad, she does everything right, which of course turns out to be everything wrong for Sven. Gigi can be nerdy at times with her laptop always close by, but can also be tough when things get a bit wacky and out of control on the island.

Sven is a lost Writer/Director/Producer/DP/Gaffer/Grip (You get the point!) from Sweden who is obsessed with creating the greatest reality show ever (To get rich, of course!) by supposedly secretly filming Pepe and others on the island, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Pepe is oblivious to Sven’s evil scheme, and Sven thinks that he has never been seen, even though everyone else on the island knows otherwise. And for some reason he can’t understand what anyone on the island is saying, and refers to everyone as a meatball, even though for the most part, they are speaking with perfect English.

WGAW Registration: 1302436

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Rough Episode Ideas“Banana Boat Idol”It’s the first official singing contest on the island and everyone is gearing up for it and flexing their vocal pipes. Even Big Mama Cano is getting in on the fun, but she quickly becomes the butt of everyone’s jokes as the pressure to perform builds up while she practices. With every high note she hits, she farts out something equally as loud and stinky, which everyone initially thinks is hilarious! But everyone on the island quickly realizes that this is no laughing matter, and because of the incredibly terrible smell and the extreme danger of an eruption, so to speak, someone must tell Big Mama to drop out before it’s too late. But who will it be? Everyone points to Pepe… But before he can spill the beans, Big Mama finds out that she stinks and when the sparks begin to fly she blows her top, I mean bottom! La, la, la, la, laaaaaa… Pfffhhhbbbrrrrtt, Ka-boom!

“Mur-Monkeys”As we float along, Banana Boat Island has a run-in with a rogue band of MUR-MONKEYS. Of course they drool uncontrollably over the gigantic floating inflatable banana; they just don’t know it’s inflatable, yet… Now Pepe and the Ya Mon-Sters must come up with a way to defeat them in order to save their island, and before the Sea-Monkeys pop it and it starts to sink! “Mon Overboard” When things get too laid back, Sven Dingleberry throws Wilfred into the ocean, “to create more drama on the island,” and he sinks to the bottom. (Bikini Bottom - where he meets Sponge Bob Square Pants and the rest of the gang?) While Wilfred is being hailed as a gift from above, Pepe develops a serious case of separation anxiety. Pepe quickly hatches a plan, enlisting YaYa Mon to help save Wilfred and float him back to the surface, using We Mon’s untested super rubber tree sap coconut balloons filled with Big Mama’s highly explosive super stinky fart gas. But the Ya Mon-Sters don’t like the water, and nobody wants to risk filling the balloons, especially Frump Mon - “No worries mon. Wilfred’s an anchor mon. Dats how anchors do mon. Dey sink mon!” But when Pepe jumps into the water, the Ya Mon-Sters have no choice but to help…

“Bubble-Wrap Thunder”Pepe finds some bubble-wrap in a UPX box that has recently washed ashore. Using We Mon’s newest invention, the island’s first-ever Coconut Vine PA system (Of course he uses it to pitch his infomercial gadgets too.), Pepe turns the simple pleasure of a bubble-wrap popping frenzy into a series of “thunderous explosions” that echoes across the entire island, scaring the heebie-jeebies out of everyone, even Big Mama Cano! “Anchors Away”Wilfred’s apparent unwillingness to learn how to move on his own has Pepe up in arms, so he decides to have a contest and see who can come up with the best way to help move Wilfred along. The one and only time Wilfred speaks, he does it with a New York dockworker’s accent, “Ah, wha-da-ya want fro-me? Dhat’s what I do! I’m-a anchor, I’m supposed ta-do nathin’ I anchor tings!”

“Creature Swap”Sven comes up with a brilliant idea for another reality show. His scheme puts King Doug together with a family of Dodo birds while making a Dodo bird into King Dodo with…who else but Bob! Creature Swap becomes the hit of the island, and everyone begins to swap with everyone else, creating a one huge confusion on the island! Perhaps one can wish for Dr. Phil as the next castaway?!

WGAW Registration: 1302436

PYM PB 006F© 2 0 0 9 . c o m