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Page 1: People of Influence


Influential people of the

Eastern Hemisphere

Articles submitted by

the Writers of Mrs.

Kranzusch’s CA/Geo

Classes 2011-2012

Page 2: People of Influence
Page 3: People of Influence

Contents features 2 Adolf Hitler

4 Albert Einstein

6 Alexander the Great

8 Anne Frank

10 Aristotle

12 Attila the Hun

14 The Beatles

16 Beethoven

18 Benito Mussolini

20 Bishop Desmond


22 Buddha

24 Charles de Gaulle

26 Cleopatra

28 Galileo

30 Genghis Khan

32 Hammurabi

34 Idi Amin

36 Ivan the Terrible

38 J.K Rowling

40 Joan of Arc

42 Johann Gutenberg

44 Joseph Desire


46 Joseph Stalin

48 Julius Caesar

50 Justinian

52 Karl Marx

54 Kim Jong II

56 King Henry VIII

58 King Leonidas

60 King Louis XIV

62 King Tut

64 Leonardo Di Vinci

66 Mahatma Gandhi

68 Mao Zedong

70 Marco Polo

72 Margaret Thatcher

74 Marie Antoinette

76 Marie Curie

78 Martin Luther

80 Maximilien


82 Mikhail Gorbachev

84 Mother Teresa

86 Muammar Gaddafi

88 Napoleon Bonaparte

90 Nelson Mandela

92 Osama Bin Laden

94 Paul Potts

96 Princess Diana

98 Princess Diana

100 Qin Shi Huang Di

102 Queen Elizabeth I

104 Queen Elizabeth II

108 Saddam Hussein

110 The Scorpians

112 Vincent Van Gogh

114 William Shakespeare

116 Winston Churchill

118 Wolfgang Mozart

120 Xerxes

Page 4: People of Influence

EVIL Genius or MAD Man

he enemy of many countries, and the

person who was responsible for the

deaths of over 46,000,000

Europeans, started off as a

Secondary School dropout, and was too weak

to be accepted into the Austrian Army. In fact

he was not even accepted into Art School,

which was his passion growing up. Even though

Adolf Hitler had these setbacks in his early

years he became the leader of the country that

almost took over the world.

Many people wonder how

someone as unassuming as Hitler

could have rose to so much power.

However, even though Hitler was

not very big or strong he was a

great speaker and told people what

they wanted to hear.

When Germany went to war in

World War I (WWI), Hitler crossed the border

into Germany and was accepted into the

German Army. Although he had a slight frame

he did well in the German Army as a dispatcher

and earned five medals. This brought Hitler

notice from his superior Officers.

After Germany surrendered during WWI, it

became a defeated and disillusioned country.

Germany had to give up all of its colonies,

much of its natural resources, and a portion of

its land. It also had to give up a lot of its wealth

for causing WWI. Adolf sensed what the people

were feeling and told them that they were not

to blame. Adolf did not trust Jewish

people, therefore he began to tell people in his

speeches that the Jews were responsible for

WWI and their current suffering. Many of the

German people were also looking for someone

to blame, so they began to believe what Adolf

was saying.

The better Hitler became as a speaker the more

people attended his speeches. During his

speeches he also warned the people about

communism and countries such as Russia who

were communists. Hitler also told

German the people he would

basically end all of their problems.

In 1933 Hitler became the dictator

of Germany. Once he had complete

power he convinced the German

people that they should start

invading other countries, like Russia

and Poland (this led to WWII).

Additionally Hitler had his secret police

imprison and kill Jewish people. During the

peak of the killings up to 60,000 Jews were

killed per day.

Germany eventually started to lose the war and

Hitler started to kill anyone who disagreed with

him. He became a Mad man! Rather than be

captured, Hitler committed suicide.

Adolf Hitler should serve as a lesson that we

should never give so much power to one

person. He convinced his countrymen to do the

unthinkable of trying to exterminate an entire

race of Jewish people.

Adolf Hitler – The man who took over a country

and convinced his countrymen to do the unthinkable

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Good or bad influence?

A scientist, one of the

greatest in the world.

Who is he?

Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein was a good

influence because he was one of

the greatest scientists in the 20th

century. He grew up in a family of

Jewish Germans, in Ugh, Germany.

He was also a good influence on

people too because of his great

knowledge, though Albert did not

graduate high school. Albert also

had a difficult time with his speech

until the age of twelve. In my

opinion he inspired people to

learn and experiment too. Albert

was a very smart man, so that

made him a good influence for his

career and other people that had

known about the great

achievements he had made.

Though, with those great

achievements, Einstein had gotten

expelled from 1888 to 1895, while

he had spent those years in the

performing arts. Even though

Albert spent all those years in the

performing arts he somehow

became the most famous scientist

of the twentieth century.

Albert started to become famous

after his Theory of relativity, and

then people started to see how

knowledgeable Einstein was, so

they started to listen more closely

to Einstein’s ideas and thoughts

Then Einstein fell in love by a

woman named Mileva Marvic, and

married her in 1903, then Mileva

and Albert had two sons by the

names of Hans and Eduard, they

also had a daughter but was given

for adoption. Einstein was very

knowledgeable and he made our

world better with science and

that’s why he is a good influence.

Few are those who see with

their own eyes and feel with

their own hearts

-Albert Einstein

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Alexander loved


medicine and

philosophy. All three

came in handy. His

father was Philip the

second. When he was

little he watched his

father become

victorious. Slowly by

each victory Macedonia

became mostly military

powered. At the age of

16 Phillip`s his son was

in charge (Alexander).

Alexander made an

army of his own in the

absent of his father. He

defeated Maedi and

renamed it


Alexander became a

general when his

father invaded

Greece. Alexander

showed that he was

brave when he killed

the elite Greek force.

In the year of 336 BC

His father was

assassinated by a

noble Pausanias.

People thought that

Alexander killed his

father. He killed each

and every enemy.

When Greeks and

others saw an

opportunity for


Alexander moved


He made them

scared. A rumor

between all the

Greeks was that he

was dead. So a major

revolt started.

Alexander was super

angry so he marched

to Greece in two

weeks. Theban told

the Greeks that

everyone who

wanted freedom

could join them in

the fight

He told the Greeks

that they had the

option to change. All

of the Greeks that

wanted freedom

went with the


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Anne Frank was just one of the many

Jewish people who lost her life to the


By: Megan Fencl

Not many people have influenced us the way Anne Frank has. She

was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. At the time Hitler was in

power and hated Jewish people and blamed them for Germany’s problems.

Anne Frank was killed, with many other Jewish people, for what I believe to

be no reason at all.

Anne thought of her diary as her friend that she called Kitty. Anne

wrote down what she thought was important. Even though Anne and many

others were living through hard times she wrote in her diary about what her

day was like and the fights her and her family had. Anne wrote most of her

diary in the Secret Annex. If I was Anne I would have liked to have a diary

too. It would be nice to tell someone how it felt to live in this terrible time.

Out of her family Otto Frank, Anne’s father, survived and was

given Anne’s diary. To me, Anne Frank’s diary is very important because she

told us what it was like to live through this terrible time.

Today there is a museum of Anne Frank. It is the Secret Annex

were Anne, her family, and her father’s co-workers stayed until they were

found. Anne Frank’s diary can still be read in your local library along with

many other books about Anne Frank. She is just one of the thousands of

people that died because of Hitler, but she one of the few people who had

their diaries made into a book and a book about them. Thanks to Anne

Frank we know a little more of what it was like to live through the


Jewish people were ordered to wear

the Star of David when they went


Anne frank’s diary

“I hope I will be able to confide

everything to you, as I have never

been able to confide in anyone, and I

hope you will be a great source of

comfort and support.”

Anne Frank

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your teacher


Aristotle, an influential figure

even today, continues to shape how

our society thinks. A Greek

philosopher and scientist, he was

known for his discoveries, and


Aristotle was born in a Greek

town called Stagires. Upon turning 17,

he enrolled in Plato’s school in Athens

(an ancient Greek city) where he

studied for 20 years. After Plato died

Aristotle went to Asia Minor, where he

became a teacher. At Asia Minor

Aristotle studied yet another field of

knowledge, biology. Studying at Asia

Minor for two years, Aristotle

broadened his mind. Soon after

Aristotle finished his studies Phillip II

(Alexander’s dad and a King) asked

Aristotle to teach his thirteen year old

son, Alexander. Aristotle taught

Alexander for some time. He could

have had great influence on Alexander

The Great, no one truly knows.

Aristotle could have influenced our

history, and what we know today

depending on what he taught


At age 20 Alexander became king. With the power and wealth of

his new position Alexander gave Aristotle a large amount of

money to start a school in the Athens. Once Aristotle started

teaching he really started influencing the young minds, and how

we think today. When teaching so many students, Aristotle was

passing on all his knowledge. The students of Aristotle knew

everything there was to know. They dissected animals, and

studied insects, habitats, and wildlife. Aristotle taught his

students new science methods, and shared his various ideas. Not

only was Aristotle teaching, he was also learning. Aristotle

continued teaching at his school, until the Athens reconsidered

Aristotle and his methods. The Athens accused Aristotle of going

against the law (impiety). Choosing to flee, Aristotle ended up

on the island of Euboea.

Aristotle died on Euboea about a year after he got there.

After his death, all his writings were strewn about or lost. Only a

few of Aristotle’s many writings were found in the middle ages,

and they were all on logic. In the early 13th

century, other books

and writings of Aristotle’s were found and sent to the Western

U.S. to be translated. Now, most of the writings of the ancient

Greek philosopher are preserved. Not only was Aristotle

influential because he taught so many young children, he is also

influential because of his writings. Aristotle’s writings gave

growing civilizations new ideas and ways to think. By sharing

his ideas with the rest of the world, Aristotle influenced virtually

every area of modern thinking.

“At his best, man is the noblest of all

animals; separated from law and justice

the worst.” –Aristotle

gives Aristotle Among other things, Aristotle

taught the famous Alexander

The Great!

By Nora Ptacek

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Attila the Hun was the most advanced

conquer of his time nobody could

compare to Attila’s strength, one threat

from Attila and he was showered with

gifts but before all of this Attila was a

normal Hunic kid.

By: Darius Sargent

Attila the Hun was born in 406 and his dad died shortly after

leaving Attila’s three uncles to care for him and his brother Bleda until

they were old enough to take over the Hun clan. Attila was the favorite of

the uncles he had learned how to ride a horse before he could walk, he

could shoot a bow by the time he was four, and he could use a sword by

the time he was five. As you can see great things were expected of Attila.

When Attila was young he was sent of to live in Rome as a

captive as a sign of peace and Rome sent there prince to the Huns. Attila

was returned to the Huns in 420 he had hated the Romans he hated

everything about them and he vowed to himself that one day he would

destroy them.

Bleda died in 444 giving Attila control of the whole Hun clan after

sharing power with Bleda for twelve years. As soon as Attila had control

he started conquering at an alarming rate. As soon as the Romans saw the

Huns they saw them as a punishment sent by god and they called him

Attila the scourge of god.

Attila was then married to his first wife Arica they had four sons.

When the Romans had figured out how easily the Huns were taking over

they tried to make peace with Attila but Attila did not want peace he

wanted riches so he made a deal with the Romans he said he would stay

away if they paid him 700 pounds of gold a year. But that deal was soon

broken when one of Attila’s scouts caught a Roman priest searching

around in tombs of the dead Huns looking for treasure. Attila was furious

he had immediately started making plans to destroy Rome.

As Attila was planning his attack one of the cattle herders came

to Attila with a sword that one of his cattle had stepped on Attila had

believed it was the sword of god. Attila had got a note from the king of

Rome’s sister she had asked to marry him if he let her free Attila had sent

a note back requesting her to be set free when the answer was no. Attila

destroyed city after city and now that Attila had the sword of god he was


Attila had destroyed Italy once before and now he was back he

only wanted Italy as a stronghold Attila destroyed Italy again and then left

for Rome but the Romans had fled to the capitol it was like a strong hold.

Then the Romans allied with the Visigoths Attila set up camp in Italy but it

was harder for his horses to run so he said he would leave and he did but

he would come back once he regrouped Attila and his now much larger

army and he set out for the capitol of Rome when they got they were met

by the Visigoth army along with the roman army but it was still an evenly

matched battle they battled till the afternoon and then both sides fled and

Attila returned home.

The Visigoths then stopped allying with

Rome and Attila and Rome came to an


It is now 453 and Attila is getting

married and of course he drinks a lot

the next morning Attila is found dead.

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By: Mike Colon

"I am going into

an unknown

future, but I'm

still all here, and

still while there's

life, there's


John Lennon

The Beatles were a band from Liverpool, England which

was a poor and gloomy city. The band member’s names

are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and

Ringo star. They had made popular rock and roll music

like no other band had done before. Before the break up

the Beatles had some pretty good times like when they

were practicing as the Quarry Men. They are important

because they were the most popular band in the 1960’s

also they were popular in the U.K and the U.S. So that is

why we should never doubt what we can’t do because

the Beatles didn’t. Also there song Love Me Do was inter

nationally popular gaining them the name the Fab Four.

Also they had the top spot for a long time also they left

their home country to come to the USA. And when the

USA heard there music they became more popular than

ever before. Just like Elvis they had a dream and went

for it and just like many people they became

discouraged because they thought they weren’t that

good. The cool thing is that they taught themselves to

sing play the guitar and they made their own songs so

they were really determined to get it right. Also they got

the name “the Beatles” because they have beat as in the

Beatles. They were so popular 40% of the American

population was tuned in and was listening to their


Page 19: People of Influence

The Case Of The

How could one

of the world’s


musician, be



Ludwig Van Beethoven is a

German composer that was influential

person to me because he overcame his

struggles. Beethoven was deaf but he

overcame that and wrote beautiful

music. I think we can all look up to

Beethoven because none of us are

perfect, we all have our flaws but we

can all do great things. Beethoven wrote

a total of 138 pieces most of them he

wrote when he was deaf. Isn’t that

amazing? Many people in Beethoven’s

time thought of Beethoven as the new

Mozart. Beethoven was deaf because he

had a misshapen ear but that didn’t

stop him. Although he was deaf he

communicated through a notebook he

carried around that people would write

in it what they wanted him to know.

Beethoven had many friends that he

wrote letters to. I imagine Beethoven as

a friendly person because after reading

about him I found out that he was not a

crazy musician. Nobody is perfect in this

world but we can all make a difference

like Beethoven. Beethoven changed

music and he changed us.

The Three Periods

The first period was named the early period. In

the early period Beethoven’s music was mainly

influenced by Josef Haydn and Wolfang Amadeus

Mozart. The early period lasted the whole year of

1801. Some of Beethoven’s important pieces were

the first and second symphonies, six string quartets,

two piano quartets, and the first dozen piano


The second period was named the heroic or

middle period. The heroic period was after the time

that Beethoven found out he was becoming deaf. It

lasted from 1803-1814. Beethoven composed many

great pieces during the heroic period. He wrote six

symphonies, the last three piano concertos, five

string quartets, several piano sonatas, one violin

sonata, and his only opera, Fidelio.

The third period was called the late period.

The late period lasted the year of 1815. To me

the late period was the most influential because

he expressed his feelings. Beethoven’s pieces

were the most intense. Some of his works were

the ninth symphony, the last three string

quartets, and the last five piano sonatas.

“Of course I am

resolved to rise above

every obstacle, but it

won’t be possible-


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Benito Mussolini was born in 1883 on

July 29th in Varano Di Costa. His

mother’s name was Rosa; she was 25 at

the time. His fathers name was

Alessandro, he was 28.

Benito troublesome child, always

stealing, playing pranks and he got it

fights a lot. He got expelled from two

schools. It took him awhile to realize

that was not the way to act, so Benito

straightened up his act and began

learning about politics.

At Around age eighteen Mussolini

attacked the king for freedom of religion.

He was imprisoned until he was almost

20 years old. A few weeks later Benito

enlisted for thearmy, in 1906 he returned

home. After Benito’s mother passed away

he fell in love with his new step sister,

Rachele. But that didn’t get in the way of

his politics.

In 1910 Mussolini started his own

news paper; he had a well paying job.

Benito constantly wrote bad things about

the government and sometimes religion.

His news paper never sold more the 350

copies a week, people who red the paper

quickly became hostile as the followed


Mussolini started a riot in 1911, he got

eight years worth of convictions, but only

spent five months in jail. When he got out

the people threw him a huge banquet and

nick named him IL Duce, its pronounced

dew chay. Later, it became a national


The more Benito wrote, the more famous

he became, and the more he went to jail.

That didn’t stop him. He was still offered

many well paying jobs, he turned them

all down. When Benito had the chance, he

would start more groups and riots. around

1913 and 1914. In 1916 Mussolini enlisted

in the army again.

On March 23rd 1919, Benito and several

other veterans formed a national fascist

party. The group grew to be very popular.

Mussolini talked with Adolf Hitler about

the group. March 15th 1920 almost a year

later, Mussolini and 35

Mussolini ran fro parliament twice,

others were elected to the Italian

Chambers of deputies.

By 1922 crowds of people followed

Benito Mussolini.

Mussolini became a dictator in 1925, to

re-establish Italy’s power. In 1935 he

invaded Abyssinia, now known as

Ethiopia. Mussolini was greatly

influenced by Hitler and introduced things

about anti-Jewish. In 1940 Mussolini

declared war on Britain and France.

Then in 1945 Mussolini was captured and

hung by Italian partisans. He died at age

61. Benito Mussolini was truly


Page 22: People of Influence

By: Michael Lambert

ithout the date of October 7, 1931, Desmond Tutu would not have existed… for that

was the day he was born. The place he was born was Klerksdorp, a South African

state. But he moved to Johannesburg when he was only twelve years old. Since he was

there, he attended Bantu High School, and, although he had planned it, his parents

couldn’t afford to send him to a medical school to learn to be a physician. Desmond’s father was a teacher who was

trained at Bantu normal college and graduated from the South Africa University in 1954.

The rights of black South Africans had not yet been extended by the government of South Africa. The

power of the promise of instituting a system of apartheid (separation of races) had belonged to the National Party.

Desmond thought that this was going too far, and he’s not the only one who fought for the rights of black people.

All South Africans were assigned to a racial group. To make it even worse, black people were denied the right to

vote! Passports were made to travel within, in and even out of the country. If critics so much even talked about it,

then they would be banned from talking in public and subjected to house arrest. Desmond did not like it at all. When

the government published a system of education that was lower than the usual education for black kids and only black

kids, he knew something had to be done about that. He knew he could no longer work as a teacher if he wanted to do

something about all of it, but he was determined to make a difference.

He moved to England in 1962 and he lived there until 1966. The reason Desmond was there was so he

could earn a master’s degree in theology. He then went back to South Africa for 5 years, and returned to England,

and was the assistant director of the World Council of Churches in London. In 1975 he became the first black

African to serve as Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral in Johannesburg. In 1978 he became the first black General

Secretary of the South African Council of Churches. In 1984, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, and it

just wasn’t for a gesture of support.

2 years after that, Desmond was elected Archbishop of Cape Town. Of course, he was the first black African to be in

this position. (He was the first black African to do and be in a lot of things.) In 2009, his accomplishments and

efforts to promote peace in the world were formally recognized by President Barack Obama, who gave him the

nation’s highest civilian honor… the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Desmond is earning more awards than ever,

but most importantly, he made a difference. He fought for the rights of black Africans, and it wasn’t because it was

right, because maybe it wasn’t. He did it because he felt in his heart that he had to make a difference.


The Life of Desmond tutu

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Would you have been able to give up

wealth, fine food and drinks, and

everything your heart desired?

Siddhartha Gautama did. He gave up

more than that. He gave up a wife and

new born child to find the meaning of

life and the universe. At age 23 he left.

He spent years searching for it. He

tortured his own body for it. Till he sat

under a red lotus tree and said “I will

not leave this spot until I know the

meaning of life and the universe.” God

of temptation tried and failed three

times to remove Gautama from the

spot. But none prevailed successful.

He sat in the spot for ninety days with

no food or water he sat there in a

deep trance like state. On the

ninetieth day he awoke and decided

to spread his knowledge throughout

the world. His home land was India so

he first spread the knowledge


A quote from

Buddha, it reads “Do

not dwell in the past,

do not dream of the

future, concentrate

the mind on the

present moment”

Buddha with his


Buddha means


one. Buddha



with knowledge

by the gods.

India. He first set out to tell the small

town nearby the lotus tree. He told

them but many didn’t believe him

because of the group that taught him

to torture his body till finally it spread

throughout India to China and to

Japan. Now it is the second biggest

religion. Now it’s known worldwide.

Do you believe in his knowledge?

“Do not believe anything, no matter if

I have said it or someone else. Only

believe it if it agrees with your

common sense and your own reason.

“- Buddha

By Trentyn Waring all rights reserved.

I don’t care if you copy all of


Waring/ Siddhartha Gautama Buddha/ Buddha

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The Man of June Citizen of France to hero.

By Kyra Litwin

Charles de Gaulle had always loved his

country. His family took great pride in the things

France did. All de Gaulle ever wanted was to go

down in history as a hero in France, and soon

that would all come true.

After attending the Saint-Cry Military

school, De Gaulle became the only corporal to

graduate in his class, all of the other students

became sergeants even though there were way

better behaved. Right after De Gaulle graduated,

World War two was born. De Gaulle saw this as a

way to prove himself worthy to his country.

During the Verdun Battle de Gaulle was

shot in the thigh when fighting a German soldier,

about a few minutes later he was hit in the head

by a piece of rubble, later in the day he woke up

in a prison camp. There he would spend most of

the war. He hade tried so many attempts to

escape he was moved to the high alert prison

camp. When Germany surrender to French

troops, De Gaulle escaped to England and gave

his famous speech for the people of France to

reset German troops. Giving him his nick-name

“The man of June.” Later in the war Germany

gave up leaving France victories!

After many battles and wars de Gaulle

retired as a hero to France. His childhood dream

finally came true. Not long after his retirement

France was in need of a president and who else

to answer call than Charles de Gaulle! He was a

brave and strong fighter during his years of

serves to France, if it wasn’t for him then for all

we know world war two could still be happening


Charles de Gaulle, General of Frances army.

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Charles de Gaulle President of France.

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Beauty Cleopatra VII

Philopator or

Cleopatra is one of

the most

romanticized person

in the modern world.

Cleopatra’s young

age, husbands,

ruling, and beauty

makes her life that

much more


By Alex Laux

and Love Romance

Julius Caesar Mark Antony Cleopatra was a beautiful,

strong woman who was the

last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt.

She became queen at the

very young age of 18 when

her father died. Even though

she had two other sisters

Cleopatra’s father chose her

to be the queen because he

had specially trained her. All

through her childhood she

watched her father rule by

buying support for other

leaders and buying his land.

Cleopatra ruled Alexandria,

Egypt the way her father did,

by using money to earn

peoples respect.

Cleopatra’s brother,

who shared the throne with

her, feared her ambition as a

ruler and forced her out of

Alexandria. Cleopatra then

met Julius Caesar and she

saw an opportunity to use

him, then drive back into

Alexandria. Cleopatra in my

opinion is very smart to use

Caesar, because at the time

he was a very powerful man

in Rome.

She had herself smuggled

in a rug into meet Caesar. Even

though Caesar and Cleopatra had

not known each other long they

fell in love. They went to

Alexandria and fought

Cleopatra’s brother. Caesar

killed her brother, and Cleopatra

returned to her throne.

Caesar and Cleopatra

were in love. They had a son

named Caesarion. Even though

they had a son Caesar did not

stay in Egypt long, instead he

returned to Rome. Once Caesar

arrived in Rome he invited

Cleopatra to Rome. She went to

Rome with him but did not stay

long due to Caesar’s dramatic

assassination. Cleopatra then

returned to Alexandria.

While Cleopatra was

traveling to Alexandria Mark

Antony followed her. She hoped

to be able to have a romantic

relationship with him because

both she and he enjoyed each

others presence. Antony, a very

romantic man, summoned

Cleopatra to marry him. There

was one thing stopping them

though, Antony was still married

to a woman in Rome and since

they had not legally separated, in

the laws eyes, Antony and his

wife from Rome were still

married. They did not care

because they were madly in love.

The two had a very romantic and

traditional ceremony. Later

Cleopatra had twins and another

child with Antony.

Antony’s former wife

revealed Antony’s “adventures”

with Cleopatra and his army turned

against his. Cleopatra and Antony

were driven even closer to each

other. She gave him money to re-

build his army. So by this time in

the relationship I think the only

reason they were together is for


Cleopatra died shortly after

due to a suspected suicide caused

by a snake bite at age 40. Cleopatra

was a very beautiful, smart, kind,

and strong woman. She inspires me

and many other girls and women

that anything is possible. She also

inspires any two people in love

with her love filled life. Overall

Cleopatra inspires everyone

whether it is a young girl thinking

she cannot make a change, or an

old couple who thought they have

lost all love, she will be influential

for generations to come.

Page 30: People of Influence
Page 31: People of Influence

Inventor or Thief?


Galileo was born to be famous

worldwide because in his life he

would invent one of the greatest

inventions in history, the telescope.

Did Galileo really invent the

telescope? After much research I

have discovered that Galileo did not

really invent the telescope but had

taken it and used it to gaze at the

stars which made the telescope an

invention before it’s time. Galileo had

used the telescope to discover distant

planets like Jupiter and Saturn but

also used it to watch the stars. He

became famous for the telescope but

also for how he used it. Galileo had

gone to college for mathematics and

that is he started using the telescope.

I am not trying to persuade you, but

you can decide to believe that he

didn’t invent the telescope or if he

did it’s up to you now. Believe or

disbelieve it’s up to you.

“In questions of science, the

authority of a thousand is not

worth the humble reasoning of a

single individual.”

Galileo was named the

creator of the telescope

but is it true did Galileo

really invent the telescope

or did someone else?

By Justus Eldred

Galileo the inventor of the telescope

research thinks no many people think



“Nature is relentless and

unchangeable, and it is indifferent

as to whether its hidden reasons

and actions are understandable to

man or not.”

“The Bible shows the way to go to

heaven, not the way the heavens


I think Galileo is important to

modern day science.


Page 32: People of Influence

G enghis Khan was

the most influential

person that I've ever

heard of. Genghis

Khan was most likely

the main reason that

the great wall was

built, so without him

China would most

likely be a poor

country. He attacked

China so they had to

make a giant stone

wall to keep him out.

He may have

been the leader of the

Mongol nation, but he

may not have been

Even though

Genghis Khan

was the ruler of

one of the most

ruthless leaders the

world has ever

known he still has

done good by

doing bad.

bad on purpose but was just

trying to get revenge on those

who poisoned his father, and

denied him his father’s place

as chieftain of his tribe. But

he might just be crazy,

because he had a little fight

with his half brother and

killed him to be the leader of

the house when he was

younger (Maybe he is crazy).

From that he went on

and ended up almost ruling

the known world. Genghis

Khan even defeated the

Khwarizm Dynasty (not a

thing survived not pets, kids,

adults, livestock they stacked

the skulls of the people in

small pyramids).

Genghis even came up

with a government code

known as Yassa. Yassa was

based on the Mongol law but

included our normal laws

such as no thievery and

being married and

“being” with someone

else but others such as

no blood feuds (such as

in Romeo and Juliet

how their families

would always fight).

After he destroyed the

Khwarizm Dynasty he

turned to China who

was suppose to send

reinforcements. He was

killed by the Tanguts of

Xi Xia and his eldest

son took over..

Destroyer or savior

Page 33: People of Influence
Page 35: People of Influence



Rule Maker for Rule Breakers

Hammurabi was the

king of Babylonia. He

lived from 1795-1750

BC. He is one of the

biggest reasons why we

have rules and laws


By Seth Kurrasch

The Code of Hammurabi is one of the first known examples of human laws.

Hammurabi’s Code had 282 rules carved on the stone tablet. Some of the laws are

common, for example anyone caught committing a robbery was put to death

immediately. Other rules were quite exact, like "If anyone hires an ox-driver, he shall

pay him six guru of corn per year." The most well known law is, "If a man put out the

eye of another man, his eye shall be put out too." We know this as, “An eye for an eye

and tooth for a tooth.”

Hammurabi ordered that the code of laws be published in the seven cities of his

realm. This means that there were seven tablets. The most complete tablet is made of

polished black stele that is 8 feet high found at Susa. The laws, originally 282 in

number, do not form a complete code in the modern sense because they have been


If Hammurabi wouldn’t have created his code, I believe that the rules we have and

live by today wouldn’t exist. Without those rules bad people would be taking over

without any consequences. I liked that Hammurabi’s rules prevented people from

continuing to do the same crimes over and over again. I also believe that people deserve

a second chance, which people didn’t get with Hammurabi’s Code.

Page 36: People of Influence
Page 37: People of Influence

Idi Amin

ost people would have thought that because he was

President of Ugandan he

would be a good good

person, but he did some

things that were not so


Idi Amin was born in

Koboko, West Nile province

Ugandan but when he was very little when his mom left his dad and

he grew up with his mom, his mom and he moved to center of

Uganda. In a few years his mom fell in love with another man, and

they had eight kids, Idi was the third of them all. As Idi got older he

went to lots and lots of military schools and soon gained power

over some of the people because of this. Then he became general

of Ugandan and eventual, became president.

I think Idi Amin was influential because he crashed Ugandans social

origination and there government’s money was lost. I think this is

influential because other countries could see what Idi did wrong so

that they don’t do it. He also lost lots of lives in battle. He sent lots

of troops into Muammar, al-Gaddafi, and Palestinian to help there

neighboring Country’s in battle. I think he was a bad person

because of what he did to his country and because he sent a lot of

this troops away. I also think he should have used his money more


Hero or Killer In this

article you

will read

about Idi

Amin was

he a hero



or a killer

to the


By Jayden



Page 38: People of Influence


lthough Ivan the Terrible did some good deeds, he was hated by many. Why? He

gave his nation much terror and destruction; however, there is a good part to his

rule: he declared Russia to be united when he was crowned ruler of Russia.

Before Ivan was even born, a Holy Man came up to Ivan’s father, Tsar Vasily lll, and told him a

bothersome prophecy: “You shall have an evil son, your nation shall fall to terror and tears,

rivers of blood shall flow.” Vasily was terrified, but he needed a son who would take over the

nation after he died. His wife was too old to give birth to another child, so he married a younger

woman named Jelena Glinsky. Many people thought Ivan’s birth was a curse, which it sort of

was, but his mother thought it was a gift.

Ivan’s mother took over the policies that her husband started after he died. Ivan couldn’t take

over the policies because he was still too young. I believe he was about 3 years old when his

father died, so he was obviously too young to take over. Ivan, even though he was so young

when his father died, still loved his father very much. His mother lived another 6 years before

she died as well from poison.

When Ivan turned 13, he was crowned royalty. He saw people bowing to him, but at the same time,

they did not respect him for he was a boy. You might still be wondering: So? Why was Ivan so evil?

Well, it was because of not being respected that he became evil. He trusted no one, and after a

while, he was convinced that he was the God of the earth. You’re kidding, right? No, I’m not kidding.

That is how Ivan was led to his madness and insanity.

Ivan was then crowned Tsar Ivan. Then a war came between

Russia and Europe. He sent 6,000 soldiers to fight against 30,000

warriors; but he knew he would win. He had two advantages: a

trusty General and something no one would usually use - gun


As Ivan predicted, they won the war; but Tsar Ivan was no more,

now, it was Ivan Grosnig, Ivan the Terrible. What?! Why would

they change his name to that? Well, back then, terrible meant a

sense of respect for a great leader to have such great power.

Soon came the time of marriage. He found a suitable wife named

Anastasia Romanov. However, she was killed 5 years later, making Ivan heartbroken and causing

more terror and destruction to his nation.

Some horrible things that Ivan did to people was boiling people in oil, cutting out tongues because

they displeased him, and his personal favorite was impaling people with a stake. So you see, he was

still terrible, but not terrible enough that he still didn’t do some good deeds.

Ivan the


Was he








“I will not see the destruction of the

Christian converts who are loyal to

me, and to my last breath I will

fight for the Orthodox faith."

-Ivan the Terrible

"To shave the beard is a sin

that the blood of all the

martyrs cannot cleanse. It is

to deface the image of God"

-Ivan the Terrible

Did you know?

-Ivan made

sure that his

enemies’ souls

went directly

to their doom.

-When Ivan


someone, he

made sure no

one prayed for

that person.

-He had an



-Without Ivan

the Terrible,

Russia would

not have been


Page 39: People of Influence

"To shave the beard is a sin that

the blood of all the martyrs

cannot cleanse. It is to deface

the image of God"

-Ivan the Terrible

Page 40: People of Influence
Page 41: People of Influence

hat does the 12th richest woman

in the United Kingdom know about

writing books?

It was 1990 when she was on a four

hour delay train trip from Manchester

to London. About half way through

her trip her big idea came to her. Her

idea was about a boy going to school

in wizardry. As soon as she thought it

all over, she contacted the Bosten


Soon as she got to the train station in

London she started writing the first

draft of the first book of the harry

potter series.

In 1995 J.K. Rowling finished the first

manuscript of the Harry Potter series

on her type writer.

1997 came around and Rowling had

her book finished and published. The

USA had an auction for the right to

publish her book. The Scholastic INC.

won and they bought it for $105,000.

Rowling nearly died when she heard

the news.

2007 was when she was voted person

of the year. She also became the 49th

most powerful celebrity in the world.

To this day she has sold more then

400 million books. That’s estimated to

about $798,000,000.


The Book

That Made Millions

A simple house

wife with a good

college degree


becomes a

millionaire from

one book. How

did it start and

when did it


How did it all start?

It all started when she was young, and

she always loved telling her little sister

magical stories that she had written.

In 1986 She graduated from the

university of Exeter were she wanted

to be a writer.

1990, she traveled to Portugal to

teach English as a foreign language.

After a couple of years she started to

work for the Amnesty International

were she started to work farther on

the series.

To this day the Harry Potter series is

the number one top selling books.

By: Erika Winkler

Page 42: People of Influence

Joan of Arc, maid of Orleans, lived in eastern France over by the Burgundian

islands. When Joan was 12 the Burgundians invaded her town, all the women and

children fled to a shelter while the Burgundians slaughtered all the men. After the

invasion Joan claimed to have heard voices from god. These voices told her to go

invade England and over throw their government. When she was only sixteen she got

together an army and invaded England. Joan and her army marched forth determined to

over throw England’s power.

Joan of arc was captured when she was just 19. The Burgundians were

involved with her capture. They tied Joan to a steak and set her on fire. 25 years after

her brutal death she was claimed a saint by a local priest and that’s her name. Saint

Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans and heroine of France, was an influential young lady of

France and she has greatly influenced the United States also. She was a warrior born to

fight and followed the signs she perceived. Joan claimed to have been led by god, most

of her people thought she was insane. The English burned her because she was

religious. Hearing voices was considered insanity, but Joan was the voice of god. At

least she believed so.

The maid of Orleans heard voices from god or was she just insane?

“Joan of Arc was not stuck at the cross-roads, either by rejecting all the paths of Tolstoy, or by accepting them all like Nietzsche. She chose a path and went down it like a thunderbolt.” -G.K. Chesterton-English writer and philosopher

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Page 44: People of Influence
Page 45: People of Influence
Page 46: People of Influence

the person behind print ing

Brilliance in

the making Johannes Gutenberg,

possibly one of the most influential people in the 14 and 15th century. personally I think he was one of the

most influential people in hist ory without him and his ingenious invention of the moveable type print ing press. Johannes Gutenberg was not only an inventor, he was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced modern book print ing. H e also had another major work of his, which was the Gutenberg Bible, the first major book printed with a movable type print ing press, creating the star t of the Gutenberg Revolution.

Strassburg, 1440, ring any bel ls? Well it was the year that Gutenberg final ly perfected and unveiled the secret of print ing based on his research, cal led Kunst und Aventur, which is german for “art and enterprise”. I t isn't clear what work he was involved in, or whether some earl y trials with print ing f rom movable type could have been conducted there. After that there is a huge gap spanning 4 years in record. Then final ly in 1448, he was back in Mainz, where he t ook a out a loan f rom his brother-in-law, presumably for a print ing press. Gutenberg could have been familiar with print ing, it is claimed that he had w orked on copper engravings with an ar t ist known as the “Master of playing cards.” Then by 1450, the print ing press was in operation, and a german poem had been print ed, that could've been the first it em printed there. Gutenberg was able to convince the incredibly rich moneylender, for a loan of 800 guilders(the currency, 1 guilder is equivalent t o 1 american dol lar). Gutenberg’s workshop was set up at this place called Hof Humbrecht this land was owned by a distant relat ive of G utenberg. I t isn’t clear when Gutenberg created the bible project but for this he borrow ed another 800 guilders f rom the moneylender, and work started in 1452. I n 1455 Gutenberg published his 42-line bible, again, known as the Gutenberg bible. About 180 were printed, mostly on paper and some on vel lum

In 1462, during a conflict between two archbishops, M ainz was sacked by archbishop Adolph von Nassau, and Gutenberg was exiled. An old man by now, he moved to Eltvil le where he may have init iated and supervised a new print ing press belonging t o the

Bechtermünze brothers.I n January 1465, Gutenberg's achievements were recognized and he was given the t it le Hofmann (gentleman of the court) by von Nassau. Gutenberg died in 1468 and was buried in the Franciscan church in M ainz. The church and the cemetery were later destroyed and Gutenberg’s grave was lost and never found.

Page 47: People of Influence

oseph-Desire Mobutu

was born October 14Th 1930. He

was a bundle of joy. Joseph died

September 7th 1997. He Lived for

67 years from 1930 to 1997.

Joseph was a big help to the

democracy, because he was the

president of the Democratic

Republic in June and July of 1961.

Joseph concentrated his efforts on

reunifying the fragmented army

under his command.

His palace was large and

worth a lot of money, He Had

guards protecting him so people

couldn’t hurt him because, people

out in the world or even his

country would try to kill him. They

also didn’t agree with his rules or

laws that he made. The guards

were in the front and the back of

Joseph’s palace.

Joseph also had to change

his palace because it got blown up

in World War . Joseph has had

two palaces in his life.

Joseph was also a people

person, so for him to be what he

was he needed to be a person

who isn’t afraid to talk. That is why

he was president of the

Democratic Republic.


Bre DeRuyter

“ Final Draft ”

I am who I am because people

have trust in me and I believed in

myself -Joseph

Page 48: People of Influence

Losif Vissarionovch Dzhugashvili or better known as Joseph Stalin

Stalin killed 20 million people

Stalin was born in Gori Russia / Georgia Stalin was not rich but he was actually poor his father

was a shoemaker and his mother was really big time religious and had no bothers or sisters

because they died right after birth from bad health during his childhood when he was 17 he went

in the seminary and then he didn’t want to be in the seminary so then Stalin got In to politics

and helped with the execution of Nicholas 2 during ww1 by a firing squad in the

early morning hours of July 17, 1918 when this happened Lenin and the

communist started the Russian revolution and the communist won so then Lenin

died and Stalin was his replacement Stalin is the worst Russian dictator the world has ever

seen because he sent 20 million people to death or to camps in Russia’s Siberia which is in the eastern

part of the country and it is really cold in the winter and hot in the summer to and a lot of people died

there do to the extreme cold and in Ukraine 5 million people died due to famine that Stalin

orchestrated that caused a massive famine outbreak that killed 5 million people but before

the famine Stalin only wanted for politics was Communist Party which was first started by

Vladimir IIyich Lenin and Stalin was Lenin vice president and when Lenin died in 1924 then

Stalin became dictator and then told killed 2 million of his people right before world war 2

started he signed a nonaggression pact with his neighbor Poland and then another

nonaggression pact with Germany for Poland he signed it in 1936 and for Germany he signed

it in 1939 in 1953 Stalin died form 2 bullet wounds and from detracting health. after Stalin’s

death the

Soviet Union looked for another dictator and then they did and then there was a revolt in the

satellite state of Hungary but the revolt was crushed. The revolt happened because the dictator

of Russia /Soviet Union told his soldiers in Hungary to pack up and come back to Russia but

came back to put down the revolt because Hungary was trying to become independent country

from Russia / Soviet Union because they hated them.

Page 49: People of Influence
Page 50: People of Influence




Julius Caesar, one of the most

influential people in Rome’s

history died because of people’s

greed for power and wealth.

Julius was born between 100

and 102 BC. His father was Gaius

and his mother was Aurelia. He

had a normal child hood, but got

married at the age of 18, but got

divorced soon after and

remarried to Cornelia. Julius

had only one confirmed child

that was a girl named Julia.

When Julius went into the army

he quickly roes to the rank of

general, and led Rome and its

army to many victories. Julius

helped to make Rome one of the

greatest nations of its time and

perhaps even one of greatest

nations on earth’s history.

When Julius returned to Rome

he was welcomed as a hero and

made an aedile. (Which is the

person who was responsible for

maintaing the public buildings.)

After he held games and other

things to celebrate and entertain

the people of Rome. Julius became a

politician. He inspired the people

and helped them with their

problems. Into their own hands

Some of the other politicians didn’t like

all the attention that he was getting

and decided to take matters into their

own hands.

The person who stated plotting the

assignation was a man named Cimber. He

also was a man of importance in Rome and

helped Govern the people. He got sixty

other followers to help him kill Julius.

While he was doing this Julius was

fighting battles all across Europe

and still had come home to Rome.

When he was going into the place

were they held their meetings the

people gathered around him and tried

to warn him by giving him signs and

messages that told of the plot to kill

him, but all the commotion he didn’t

read any of the messages? When

Julius came a home the senitars

gathered a round him as if to ask a

question. When he got up a person

grabbed his cloak and Casca stabbed

him in the back. He was stabbed at

least 23 times and then died. His last

words were: “You too, my child, “because of

how he saved one of the people who killed him.

I think that he was very influential

because he inspired the people and

led them to do great things and give

many break throughs in science and

technology. I hope that the people

who read this article appreciate how

great a person he was. In my opinion

he was the most influential person

for good in the Eastern hemisphere.

Page 51: People of Influence
Page 52: People of Influence
Page 53: People of Influence

Justinian The Best Emperor?

Justinian made big changes

to the Roman Empire in the


By Imogen Gillard

Justinian lived from

482-565 and was

emperor from 527-565.

Justinian’s jobs were the

consul there were 2

consuls that had 1 year

terms each. Then he

was a General Chief

which is a military rank

and forces around the

world. Then he was an

assistance emperor and

soon after became a

solo emperor, he was

really excited when he

found out he got the job

he was really exited.

When he was the

Byzantine Emperor his

goal was to restore the

Roman Empire

(Byzantine was the

eastern Roman Empire).

When he was emperor

he completed the

written list of rules for

the Roman Empire

which was called the

twelve tables.

He changed Byzantine to give

women a greater benefit and

let Christian women own

property equally. This was big

because women never got to

own property before and

now they could with out

every thing being the men’s.

In the end women had a little

more of an advantage than

men did. He was making

great progress with his

changes until the plague

started spreading. It killed

almost every one in the

Roman Empire and it came

from rats. The most

important thing to know

about Justinian is that he is

Christian. This is very

important because it had a

lot to do with how he built

things, every thing would be

different if he wasn’t. The

best thing he built was the

church Santa Sophia. He was

influential because he created

laws, let women have a

bigger benefit, and helped

people survive the plague. I

think he was the best Roman

emperor ever.

Justinian, did he change

the world? Was

Justinian an influential

person? His jobs were

the consul there were 2

consuls that had 1 year

terms each. Then he

was a General in Chief

which is a military rank

and forces around the

world. After that he

was an assistant

emperor and soon after

became a solo emperor,

he was really excited

when he found out he

got the job. When he

was the Byzantine

Emperor his goal was to

restore the Roman

Empire (Byzantine was

the eastern Roman

Empire). When he was

emperor he completed

the written list of rules

for the Roman Empire

which was called the

twelve tables. This was

good because he

created the first laws.

“The emperor who never slept”

“The last of the Romans”

The Byzantine Empire

Page 54: People of Influence
Page 55: People of Influence

Karl Marx; Master of Philosophy?

Did Karl Marx really do

philosophy or was it a


Was he a political with

time on his hands

writing books?

Who was Karl Marx???

Karl Marx was born in Trier, in the

German Rhineland, on May 5, 1818. Even

though, he was Jewish, he converted to

Christianity from a young age.

Karl Marx was a studious student,

and as the years progressed Karl studied

law and went to the University of Bon and

Berlin. Not long after he did this, he wrote

a Ph.D thesis in Philosophy.

One part of this thesis was about

Democritus. He was a man who studied on

atoms. Democritus was nicknamed the

"Father of Modern Science" who, most

likely, interested Karl. Another man named

Epicurus taught that events in the world

are based on the interactions of atoms

moving in a space, also, very interesting.

After finishing his doctorate in 1841,

Karl hoped for a more academic job, but he

had already fallen into a group of

philosophers. The problem with that was no

real answer.

Karl decided to try journalism. Marx

became more involved in political and

social issues, and soon he found himself

having to consider communist theory. For

a new political writing a book was a bold


Marx did not set out his theory of

history in great detail. Instead, he read

from a variety of books. Karl used a

theoretical analysis to past and future

historical events, yet some are more of a

purely theoretical nature.

Soon Karl wrote books. ‘Contribution

to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of

Right, Introduction’, and ‘On the Jewish

Question’, these were both written in

1843.The Economic and Philosophical

Manuscripts, written in Paris 1844, and

the ‘Theses on Feuerbach’ of 1845, were

unpublished in Marx's lifetime. These

books were used for educational purposes.

Do you think

philosophy is lame?

Karl Marx would

counteract it!

Page 56: People of Influence
Page 57: People of Influence


He is the greatly respected leader of the North. By: Neela Vang

Kim Jong Il is the second generation ruler

of North Korea. He was named his father’s

successor, he is still fulfilling his duties as leader.

He has earned great respect from his people

once there was a great train explosion, to show

their respect many people rushed to their homes

to save their pictures of their ‘dear leader’ before

their families.

He and his father have earned the names

of dictators. He seems to keep the country

secretive, as it is North Korea isn’t the most

popular country in the world. Kim Jong Il, as it

says in an article, he had the comfy luxurious life

while his people starved, some reduced to eating

grass and plants.

He was determined to have the most

powerful nuclear weapons and bombs, even one

stronger than the one that had hit Hiroshima. He

had retired from the Non-Proliferation Treaty

(NPT) North Korea has been the ONLY country to

retire from the treaty. The treaty was created to

prevent countries from building/creating nuclear


Guess what?! Kim Jong Il’s birthday is

a….NATIONAL HOLIDAY! Yep, imagine your

birthday being celebrated nation wide! On his

birthday they have ice skating shows, a festival

going on and they have museums showing the

KIMJONGILIA! Yes, of course he should have his

own flower, I mean everyone does! Well the

official flower’s name is Begonia.

There was someone in China calling North

Korea a spoiled child because of what they’d done

in the past and continuing to do so today. Because

North Korea and China have been allies so long

that China is getting fed up with North Korea

because they feel they have to take responsibility

for everything North Korea does. North Korea has

also been to many different countries for financial


China agrees along with South Korea that

North Korea and South Korea should be one again,

Seoul should take control, because they (North

Korea) have already collapsed economically, and

soon will collapse in its political regions too,

because of the death of their leader (They

predicted). China’s economic views are now

depended on South Korea, Japan and the U.S.,

excluding North Korea.


Kim Jong Il (right) meeting with the senior official (left)

from China in Pyongyang, North Korea

Not many countries favor Kim Jong Il

because he causes trouble to their

countries. Even some of his own people

don’t like him because he takes care of

himself before anyone else. He takes things

overboard sometimes and not many people

enjoy that. In the end he’s still respected by

his people.


Page 58: People of Influence

King Henry had a wife in the year of 1536. Her name Queen Anne Boleyn she had been married to King Henry for a little more then three years. King Henry was getting a little tired of the Queen and then he had heard that she had experimental affairs with four other men and then it soon turned to be five including the Queen’s Brother. Then after he had beheaded the five men he beheaded his wife Queen Anne Boleyn. She would be the first but not the last to die from beheading.

King Henry the 8th had been engaged to Queen Catherine of Aragon. King Henry had been made to show that he was against the marriage and against the doubts expressed by Pope Julius the 2nd and Arch Bishop War Hamas to the pressure. King Henry the 8th was not happy with them because of this but to no a due he still got married to Queen Catherine of Aragon.

King Henry the 8th was a Protestant and then he had two daughters the first to rule was Queen Mary and the second to rule was Queen Elizabeth the 1st. King Henry died and then his daughter Queen Mary changed the church to Christian and killed mainly burned but still killed more than 300 protestant people. Then she died after her rule and left her half sister Elizabeth to decide to change it back to protestant or to keep it as Christian. She chose Protestant.

King Henry was known for being a King besides being a crazy king he was a good King. He also changed the church to Protestant. One of those reasons was because of the pope he declined to divorce Henry from his wife and then King Henry made his own Church of England. Then his daughter Bloody Mary burned more than 300 Protestants

The Executor! BY: Christopher DuVernay

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By: Corrina C.

King of Glory King of Life

The King

1. King Leonidas

was born in a Spartan

Territory, as the son of the

Spartan king

Anaxandrides. He was

descended from the great

hero Hercules. When he

was a little older, his

mother died. After a

while, the elders of his

group compelled his

father to get a new wife.

Leonidas had two

brothers, Dorieus and

Cleombrotus. When he

was younger, he probably

got a lot of physical

training, and also some

military training. His

father was hardcore about

him joining the military.

3. After he did that, he sent his main position in front to start rebuilding the old Phocian

wall. On the fifth day, he attacked. On the final sunrise, he heard that they would soon be

surrounded. But he still declared that it would be dishonorable for the Spartans to retreat.

When they had their last meal, he stated, “Eat hearty, lads, for today we dine in Hades."

2. When

Cleombrotus himself

died, it was Leonidas

who took the throne.

He went on to marry

his niece. After that,

he got the spot in the

priesthood of his

state, but the biggest

job he got was the

commander of the

Spartan army. When

he was on his way to

fight in Thermopolis,

he was accompanied

by 700 Thespians,

400 Thebans, 1,000

Phocians, and 1,000

Locrians so that his

small army added up

to about 700.

Cleombrotus, his

brother, was


handicapped, but

when his father

passed away, he

became king. He

was an outstanding

ruler. But Dorieus,

not wanting to have

to live under his

brother’s control, set

sail to distant lands,

and went on a series

of adventures and

events, resulting in

his death.

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ing Louis XIV- also known as Louis the great or the sun king-

ruled over France for 72 years, he controlled their government for

54 of the years too. King Louis XIV became the known heir to the

throne at age 4 and was allowed to rule at age 13.King Louis XIV

reformed France from Medieval to refined and sophisticated. He influenced

how people acted and reacted. King Louis XIV changed the direction of life,

art, and literature. Without King Louis XIV we probably wouldn't be where

we are today. We wouldn't necessarily listen to the same kind of music, or

see pictures that we see today, partially because we wouldn’t have the

same interests we do today. We wouldn't live in the same environment

of rules and government either. King Louis XIV used a form of

absolutism government to refine the sparkling, strong city of France.

Absolution government is the principal or exercise of complete

unrestricted power in government.

King Louis XIV became in charge of the French army too. They thought he was strong and stern so he was

the one who was picked for the job. That is also how he became more and more

powerful. King Louis XIV was always trying to take land, small or large- he

usually only got small land but it still gave him more power but power is power.

King Louis XIV was always trying to get what is now Belgium- because of its

strength and because how badly he wanted to transform it into a part of France-

to be remembered- King Louis XIV the one who took France to a new level.

Even though he never did take over Belgium, King Louis XIV is still

remembered, on how he influenced the future.


A good king?

A bad King? Kings can be

good, kings can

be bad, and





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King Tut

Age 19 and died! King Tutankhamun, I have always admired you

since I was a little boy. The main reason why people

know you and not many other Egyptian kings is

because you became king so young - at about age

nine. The youngest Egyptian Pharaoh ever! One

day, when I was seven my dad wouldn’t let me

watch a documentary on you unless I told him three

facts. When I told him, he was very surprised!

From that day forward I devoted my life to learning

a little more about you each day. To this day I have

kept that promise.

You were influential in my life by being the greatest

discovery of the Valley of the Kings. Your coffin

wasn’t made for you, but for another king of Egypt.

Your “tomb” was so small, not suitable for a great

king like you, with only four chambers. You didn’t

have a pyramid like many other kings. Almost

nobody found your tomb, including the tomb

robbers, because it was so small. “Robbers often

raided these ancient tombs. That’s why we don’t

know what other pharaohs had in theirs. This made

the discovery of King Tut’s tomb so important.”

(Briscoe, p. 27).

You died so young, around age 19, compared to

most Egyptians who lived around 40 years. The

million dollar question is how did you die? No

one knows how exactly you died, but many people

have their ideas ranging from natural death to a

fractured knee to murder.

King Tut you were found by Howard Carter in

1922 A.D., over 3000 years after your mysterious

death! With your discovery we have found over

4,000 items from board games to glorious riches

of pure gold! You have been influential on more

than your people over 3,000 years ago; you have

been influential on millions of people today

including me.

King Tut found 3,000 years later and still making an

impact on the world today!

By Colby McKinley

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What if Leonardo da Vinci were living today? Luke D. Moss


hen people hear the name of Leonardo da Vinci, they often imagine a magnificent painter of the Renaissance, meticulously working his

brush on masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. A common presumption about him centers on his artwork.

If you thought all he accomplished in his lifetime was art, I am afraid you are terribly mistaken. He studied a profusion of fields, such as astronomy, anatomy, zoology, geology, botany, and paleontology, to name a few. Most geniuses were fixed on one field, but not da Vinci, who essentially taught himself everything he knew.

He had to teach himself because Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an outcast. He was born illegitimate and left handed, which was highly dejected at that time. He did not have much formal schooling, and nobody thought any good would come from him.

Yet da Vinci seemed to excel wholly, in everything he did, and when he did incomparable things without any education, it is truly unnatural. He had an uncanny success, though poverty, insecurity, and illness swept Europe.

Da Vinci was seamless, yet he had but one gaping flaw. He had a horrendous follow-through. Leonardo da Vinci started an ocean of work, only to complete a puddle. He possibly left the most unfinished work in history.

He spread himself out too much without focusing on a single topic. Da Vinci had so many talents he could not emphasize just one. It is almost incomprehensible, but he was too smart.


Leonardo’s designs were never built; they were too advanced for the machines of the 15th century. With the right materials and fulltime devotion, da Vinci may have created the airplane four centuries before the Wright brothers. He was a mountain of talent, towering over others.

So if Leonardo da Vinci were living today, all his past works, paintings, and studies—masterpieces—could not compare to what he might accomplish today. Do not get me wrong; his pieces are amazing works of art. If da Vinci were living today, however, he would have more freedom, technology, education, and knowledge, with fewer deaths, less illness, and no prejudice for being left-handed and illegitimate. Leonardo da Vinci would surpass everyone’s imagination, blow modern genius’ minds away, and achieve outstanding work, even more brilliant than what he did in the Renaissance.

As a visionary, he could draw up his plans and have other learned men complete them. He could make a list of ideas, draw blueprints, and that would be all it would take to get the idea grounded and ready for execution. Considering da Vinci’s outstanding ideas in the Renaissance, how much more exceptional would his visions be in the 21st century, with more resources, technology, and possibilities?  

We do not know what he could have done, but some in the modern era compare Steve Jobs to da Vinci, even though da Vinci lived half a millennium ago. Perhaps Leonardo da Vinci would easily dominate today’s geniuses if he were living right now.

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Gandhi A Good or Bad Guy?

Was Gandhi a good guy or a bad

guy? Some people said that he did

more damage than he did good. Do

you think that is true?

Here are some facts about him….

Gandhi was born on October 2,

1869 in Porbandar India. He was

Hindu. His dad died when he was 16

years old. He was married at age 13.

As a result of being married so young,

he missed 148 days of school. He

didn’t take the end of the year quiz

but he still went up to the next grade.

Today, if you miss 148 days of school

someone will call your home and

make sure you are ok. Also, you

would not be able to go up to the

next grade. After finishing school in

India he went to college in London

when he was 19 years old. He earned

a degree in law and became a lawyer

and then earned his master’s in law.

During this time he hardly went out

because was he made fun of because

he was Hindu. In London there were

other problems like if you didn’t have

a Christian ceremony you were not

considered married.

He formed a protest/riot with other

Hindus to protest about the idea that

if you don’t have a Christian marriage

you’re not married. In March 1912 he

was arrested and was going to jail for

6 years but he got out after only 2

years because they were afraid if they

didn’t let him go that the world would

erupt in violence. He went to jail

again because he took salt off of a

beach. Also 60,000 other people were

arrested along with him for taking salt

off of the beach. Gandhi had a

“rebellious” side in him. For example

in his religion you are not supposed

to eat meat but he ate it anyway.

Gandhi tried to bring the Hindus and

Muslims together by protest. He said

that the Hindus would not eat until

they made up. Today, no one would

listen to you - they would just think

you’re crazy!

So, do you think Gandhi was a bad

guy or a good guy? Did he cause more

damage than good? You decide.

“Confession of

errors is like a

broom which

sweeps away

the dirt and

leaves the

surface brighter

and clearer. I

feel stronger for


By: Gandhi

By: Paige


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Great Leader;

Bad Mistakes

War can only be abolished

through war, and in order to

get rid of the gun it is

necessary to take up the gun.

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong. If you hear of that name you either get the feeling

or good respect or the exact opposite.

Mao Zedong was a great leader of the Chinese Revolution but

during that time he made some bad choices.

He took away a lot of education including

shutting down colleges and punishing

academics and scholars.

Plus, he destroyed historical Chinese artifacts

and books.

Li Rui said “Mao was to autocratic” meaning he

takes no account of other people’s wishes.

Out of all the bad things he was a good leader

and has done great things. He promoted Women

Rights and out of all the bad things he did. he

united the country together.

I think that Mao was a great leader. He thought

that what he was doing was right, that’s why he

did it. I don’t see why everyone spoke with

hatred because he did way more to help the

country then bring them down. I don’t think

people realized that more than half of the things

he did were good, that’s why I think he is a

great leader!

Even though he has all made these bad

decisions, he is still known as one of the most

important figures in Modern World History

because without Mao, China would not be where

it is today.

Lilliana Fowler-Jansen

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Marco Polo: an Inspirational traveler

It was no small feat to travel from

Venice to China in the 1200`s, not to mention to do it with your dad that you only met a few months earlier or to get very sick in the middle of the trip and have to stop for a year so you could better just to keep going. Marco Polo did all of these great things and more. Marco Polo was more then just adventurer. He was very intelligent. Marco, his father and his uncle rose in Kublai Khans court because of their intelligence and how well they knew the world.

Once they entered Kublai Khan Court they lived in prosperity for 17 years. Kublai Khan enjoy Marco`s company the best out of the three travelers. Marco is admired to this day in becoming the king’s envoyin just a few years. He spoke for the king when he couldn’t be there. During his adventures he documented every thing he did or saw in his travel documents. When he returned to Venice they were at war with Genoa. Marco Fought in the war and he was captured. While

captured he and a writer wrote The Travels of Marco Polo.

Marco Polo influenced many people to travel to different places and go on exciting adventures. Some people even say that he inspired Christopher Columbus to go to China, which in his attempt he found America. His book was read by thousands of people all inspired by his adventures. He gave a whole new meaning to travelling and the people thought of China. Marco Polo will always be remembered for his inspirational travels and his passion for adventure.

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Margaret Thatcher

was born in October 13, 1925. She

is 86 years old right now. Her

middle name is Hilda. Het

nickname is “Iron Lady.” Her place

of birth is Lincolnshire, United

Kingdom. Margaret Thatcher is

know best is a prime minister.

In 1979 Margaret Thatcher

was the first woman who got to be

a Prime Minister. She led a war in

the defense of the British Falkland

Islands. Margaret severed as the

prime minister of England from

1979, to 1990. Margaret Thatcher

is the 71st prime minister of United


Margaret Thatcher work as

hard as she could, that’s why she got

awards from school. One person told

her that she was lucky that she

earned the awards, but Margaret

replied back to her that she wasn’t

lucky she deserved it.

Margaret Thatcher was Know

for strong opposition to the Soviet

Union, economic policy centered on

an increase in indirect taxes,

opposition to the early proposals o

the European Union, defense of the

Falkland against Argentinean invasion

and agreeing to return control of

Hong Kong to china. Thatcher

currently holds a permanent seat in

the House of Lords.



Quotes: “Being powerful is

like being a lady.” –Margaret


“If you have to tell people

you are, you aren't.” –

Margaret Thatcher

“A world without nuclear

weapons would be less

stable and more dangerous

for all of us.” –Margaret


“Any woman who

understands the problems of

running a home will be

nearer to understanding the

problems of running a


-Margaret Thatcher

“Disciplining yourself to do

what you know is right and

important, although difficult,

is the highroad to pride, self-

esteem, and personal

satisfaction.”- Margaret


By: Mai Chong Xiong

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They Called Her

All her life was

perfect until she

was beheaded

By Alexandra


Marie Antoinette

was queen of France; she was

born October 2nd 1755. Marie

Antoinette was a proud and

extravagant ruler, who had

failed to respond to the needs

of her people at a time when

they needed her most, like

when they needed bread. In the

beginning they thought that she

was the most beautiful queen

that they had ever seen, and

looked up to her. Then, they

started to know how horrible

she was. For example, when

she was at the palace and her

aunts and uncles came to visit

they noticed how sarcastic and

ignorant she had become. The

villagers had known the

mistake she made when she put

the only bakers in town in

prison. People started

complaining that they had no

bread. When the queen over

heard this, she suggested “then

let them eat cake.” The queen

continued to make mistakes

like, making plays that poked

fun of her husband and getting

drunk. The villagers grew to

hate their new queen. In fact,

they began to despise her.

Finally, word got out and it had spread to

Spain. A Spanish general decided to go to

France and dethrone the family. When he

got there he helped the bread maker escape

from prison and arrested Marie Antoinette

with her family. She was in prison for 2

years, but they didn’t treat her any different

then the way they did when she was as a

queen in the palace. On the 16th of

October, 1793 Marie Antoinette was

beheaded by the guillotine while she sat in

her cell she started to realize why she was

being beheaded.

Before Marie Antoinette died her husband

died by the same guillotine and her son was

taken away from her and later put with a

new royal family I don’t know what

happened with her other child but I know

she was taken away too.

Marie Antoinette thought that she couldn’t

do anything wrong when your royal, but

apparently she …….was wrong!

Madame Deficit.

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The Discovery of

It all started on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, when possibly one of the world’s smartest women was born. Maria Sklodowka. Better known as Marie Curie. When Marie was a child, she received a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father. Then she started getting involved in organizations, like the Students Revolution organization, and found it prudent to leave Warsaw. Marie went to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne where she obtained Licenciatships in Physics and the Mathematical Sciences.

When Marie was 17, she met Pierre Curie. The following year they got married. Marie gained her doctor of science degree in 1903, followed by the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906. Marie took his place as Professor of General Physics in Facility; she was the first women to be held in that position.

Her early researches with her husband were often performed under harsh conditions. Lab arrangements were poor, and both Marie and Pierre had to undertake much teaching to earn a livelihood. The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel inspired the Curies in they’re brilliant researches and analyses which led to the isolation of Polonium, named after the country of Marie’s birth, and radium.

The importance of Mme. Curie’s work is reflected in the numerous awards bestowed on her. Marie Curie received many honorary science, medicine, and law degrees and honorary memberships of learned societies throughout the world. Together with her husband, she was awarded half of the Nobel Peace Prize In science. In 1911, she received another Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. In recognition of her work in radioactivity, President Harding, on behalf of the woman in America, presented Marie with 1 gram of radium in recognition to her service to science throughout her amazing life.


Mme. Curie developed methods for the separation of radium from radioactive residues in sufficient quantities to allow for its characterization and the careful study of its properties, therapeutic properties in particular. That women must’ve been quite intelligent to understand that, much less discover it!

Mme. Curie devoted herself to science and discovering new facts about science. With all her hard work she got rewarded. In 1929, president Hoover presented Marie with a gift of 50,000 dollars, donated by American Friends of Science. The money was to purchase radium for use in the Warsaw laboratory.

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What a

Crazy Life Martin

Luther was

a leader.


Luther took

many big


Martin Luther was born in Eisleben,

Germany. He was born November 10,

1483. He had the intent of reforming the

medieval Roman Catholic Church but it

lead to a permanent restructuring of

Western Christianity. He studied at

Magdeburg and Eisenach. Martin got his

masters degree from the University of

Wittenberg in January of 1505. Martin

went to the University of Erfurt after

studying. Martin Luther began to study the

elements of law. Luther decided to stop

studying law. He decided to be an

Augustinian monk. He started to question

his decision. He became a professor.

Martin Luther led himself into a crisis. One

of his beliefs led him into a major

confrontation in his catholic church. On

December 10, 1520 Luther decided that he

wants to burn exsurge domine. People

started to donate money. Martin hated the

fact that they were doing that and he

didn’t donate. People did not allow the

pope to be forgiven. In 1512 Leo X decided

to elect the pope.

I Luther was refused and outlawed.

Later Luther hid in a castle and

began to wear a disguise. He later

then went to Rome. Since a war had

been raging it was safe for Martin

to go back. Later in life Luther

decided to marry a nun. Her name

was Katherine von Bora. They got

married on June 13, 1525. Martin

Luther had passed away on

February 18 1546. Luther died

because of a heart attack. Luther

was in Eisleben when he died.

Martin Luther died at only 62 years


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And his reign of terror

aximimilien Marie Isadora

Robespierre was born on may

6th, 1758 in Arras, France. He

was the oldest of four children.

His father was a lawyer,

Maximilien also became a

lawyer. He had a reputation for

repeating the poor in court. He

had become known for his

attacks on the monarchy,

because he did not agree with

having a king or queen. He had

wanted the people to have a

say. He became very influential

during the French revolution,

because, he was head of the

Jacobin club. The Jacobin club

was the biggest political

organization in France, during

the French revolution. He was

elected to be president of the

Jacobin club. While being apart

of the Jacobin club, there were

thousands of deaths.

M There wasn’t a pretty

ending for the people

whom didn’t believe in

him, or disagreed with


By; Madison konkol

The reign of terror was a period where

if you did not like Maximilien ideas you

were killed/ murdered my guillotine.

Guillotine was almost like a bench

where you would lay, and a lade would

go down and chop your head off.

On July 28th, Maximilien Robespierre

and twenty one of his closest associates

died of guillotine. The next day a lot of

his followers or people whom believed

in him died, of guillotine. In my opinion,

I would not kill my self or want to get

killed because, the person I believed in


By: Madison Konkol

And his reign of terror

Fun facts

*Maximilien had tried to

change the names of the

months of the year.

* He tried to make 1798

the first year in French


Both of his attempts

were UN successful

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Mikhail is currently 80

years old. Mikhail’s

wife died 12 years ago

from Leukemia. They

had one daughter

named Irina.

Mikhail was elected

S.U. when he was 54

years old. He was also

given the Nobel Peace

Prize in 1990.

Mikhail is the son of

Russian peasants in

Stavropol territory

(kray) in

southwestern Russia.

. He joined the

Komsomol (Young

Communist League)

in 1946 and drove a

combine harvester at

a state farm in next

four years.

Mikhail was the president of the

Soviet Union from 1990-1991. He

trained as a lawyer at Moscow

State University. Mikhail was also

the general secretary of the

Communist Party of the Soviet

Union (CPSU) from 1985 to 1991.

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Mother Teresa

grew up with

almost nothing

but she wanted to

give. She became

a nun and has her

own Missionaries

of Charity.

From Nothing

to a Hero

t’s not about how much we

give but how much love we

put into it”.-Mother Teresa.

When Mother Teresa was

12 years old she knew

when she got older she

wanted to be a nun. When

she was 18 she left the

house and went to Ireland

for school to achieve her

dream and become a nun.

After a few mouths of

school she was sent to

India to teach at St. Mary’s

School in Calcutta. She

was given permission to

stop teaching there and

she started her own


She wanted to give to the

poorest children and

families. She started an

outdoor school. She

didn’t have any money

but she didn’t care she

just wanted to help.

Volunteers helped her

and the school was given

financial support. It was

a great thing to do for

these kids that weren’t

able to get into school

because they didn’t have

the money.

Article Written

By- Ali Stumbris

In 1950 Mother Teresa

got permission by the

Pope to start a

Missionaries of Charity.

In 1965 Mother

Teresa’s Missionaries

of Charity went

international. A

Missionaries Charity

purpose is to help those

in need, to help those

who have nothing or

have problems and

need to get them fixed.

There are many

Missionaries of Charity





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Muammar Gaddafi


Muammar Gaddafi was

born on June 7, 942 in

Sirte, Italian Libya.

Gaddafi has 8 sons and,

2 daughters

He has participated/lead

four wars.

He Has had at least two


Muammar Gaddafi was 27 when he overthrew the Libyan monarchy and has been ruling as a dictator since. Before

he overthrew the monarchy he completed military collage and then went to Britain to train for the army. After com-

ing back form Britain, he and a small group of soldiers then overthrew the monarchy on September 1, 1996 leaving

Gaddafi in charge.

Once in charge, Gaddafi set up the communities, giving the people next to no power which later on lead to rebels

setting up a rebellion.

Gaddafi has tried gaining power in other parts of North Africa with no success. In the 70’s he sent an army to Chad

trying to take over and in the 80’s Libya supported terrorists. Gaddafi’s way of leading was considered responsible

for terrorist attacks around the globe. The U.S president Ronald Regan called Gaddafi a “mad dog” and sent bomber

planes to Libya, one of which nearly killed Gaddafi.

In 1998 Gaddafi was suspected of hiding terrorists who had dropped a bomb killing nearly 300 people. In order to

get Gaddafi to hand over the terrorists, the United Nation isolated Libya. In attempt to bring Libya out of isolation,

Gaddafi handed over the terrorists and claimed to be behind the bombing.

After Saddam Hussein lost power Gaddafi became worried he might lose control of Libya. In his fear he allowed

weapon inspectors in Libya to prevent the chance of anyone overthrowing him like he did the monarchy in 1996.

Gaddafi was right to fear losing control because,, when people began to become unsettled in Tunisia and Egypt in

the beginning of 2011, it was obvious it would spread to Libya as well. Gaddafi has been trying to hold on to his pow-

er with no success. He sent the army in hopes of eliminating the protesters. Hundreds of people were killed. After

losing so much of the country, the only question is how long he will have what little of his power is left.

By: Courtney Price

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Bonaparte- His Rise & FallBy Sam Mast

If you’re going to take

over the world, stay alert. When he took power in 1805 was either someone you loved or you hated. Napoleon, was to be crowned by the Pope, but instead he crowned himself. Beethoven actually made him a piece, but when he heard of the crowning, he tore it up. Napoleon was actually born in Italy, which made the Italians think that

when he was an emperor, he would favor Italy. Napoleon tossed them aside like the other countries.

One of his first victories was against the English. Traditionally soldiers would line up and shoot at one another, standing up. Al-though the weapons were inaccurate and it was hard to hit a target, they were still deadly. If you were shooting at a man, it was possible to hit the man five feet away.

Napoleon thought he had a better idea. Instead, he ordered his men to disperse into groups of one to two men. They were to shoot then find cover. The English were so baffled they beat a quick retreat through the forest. Napoleon’s men mounted their horses and caught the stragglers. He didn’t loose a single man.

(Left)- Napoleon getting ready for battle(Right)-Napoleon portriate in kings robes.







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Another one of his greater feats was in Egypt. He was trying to capture Cairo. He wasn’t that far from it, too. Outside of a small city, a large army of Egyptians stood waiting. Roughly 10,000. Napoleon had around 5,000. He ordered his men into squares. Everybody had bayonets raised, except for a man in the middle of the square who shot at the opposing army. This was his counterattack to approximately 7,500 Egyptian calvary men. But Napoleon wasn’t scared. He held his ground. In addition to light artillery as support for the squares (thats actually what Napoleon called them). Napoleon only lost around 500 men, and the horsemen were heavily armed (three swords, twenty knives, clubs, crossbows, bows, rope, and around 500-2000 shillings was on the average soldier). Napoleon took the city. During the night, his rival from the military school attacked him, representing the English navy. Napoleon was forced to leave. He returned later, this time with scholars and teachers. He and his soldiers were able to take Cairo with little resistance. He also discovered the Rosetta Stone. His soldiers loitered there for

so long, they even scratched initials and dates onto the ruins. One of the most famous engravings was from Napoleons officer.

Napoleon, I think, was one of the most influential people of his time, and certainly the most ambitious. In the end, he attacked Russia while he was still at war with the English, which caused his downfall. He stayed on an island close to England, supervised (many people were uneasy with him so close to England) but he grew tired and left the island. He regained his troops and the throne, but the last battle of Waterloo, he lost.

It is unclear how he died. Some say suicide, some say he just left for home. Others say he died of a stomach cancer. I think that’s what happened. Napoleon will forevermore be one of the most influential people in the world.

“Death is nothing, to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.”Napoleon Bonaparte

“A Revolution is an idea which has found it’s bayonets”Napoleon Bonaparte










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Page 94: People of Influence

I call Nelson Mandela the royal prisoner

because he was in jail for 27 years and came

out and became the first President.

Nelson is a hero to a lot of people be-

cause he helped stop racism. He fought for

what he believed in. He said, “It is an ideal that

I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs

be, it is ideal for which I am prepared to die”.

When Nelson was a boy he lived with

his dad. When his dad died he moved in with

his tribe chief. After he moved in with his chief

he went to boarding school and then to col-

lege. Nelson soon got kicked out of college be-

cause he helped plan a strike against the White

government. He soon went to college again

and got a law degree so he could be a lawyer.

Nelson was one of the leaders of the

NAC (National African Congress) and when he

joined the NAC he convinced them to go

against the white government. I believe that

what he is doing is the right thing because 90%

of the Africans are black people; so that means

10% of Africans are white and they control Afri-

ca. He and the NAC protested against the white

government. Then the government over pow-

ered the NAC and sent Nelson to jail for 5


Nelson was supposed to go to jail but

then he was sentenced to life in jail. He still

fought for what he believed in while in jail. As

Nelson said “In prison, you come face to face

with time. There is nothing more terrifying”.

When he was in jail his mother died, and his

oldest son died in a car crash. He could not go

to both of the funerals.

When they lifted the charges on the

NAC, they let Nelson out of jail, and they let

black people vote. Nelson went up for election

and over 2 million people voted for him. The

line was huge. Nelson was the first black Presi-


After he was released and became pres-

ident he won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2001 he

was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Nelson is really a hero to a lot of people.

He was in jail for 27 years and then came out to

be the president. He is a cancer survivor, won

the Peace Prize, and helped change Africa. I

would say he is a hero to me.

Ian chaudoir

Page 95: People of Influence

Nelson Mandela

Page 96: People of Influence

Born 3/10/57

Died May 1st


Responsible for 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden was a terrible man who in 1993 formed a secret network known as the Al Qaeda

(Arabic for the base), compromised for militant Muslims he met while he was in Afghanistan .The point of

this network he created was so he can target and attack`s worldwide “crazy right?” In 1994, the Saudi

government forced Osama to relinquish his Saudi citizenship, and took away his passport. He was disowned

by his family cutting off his $7 million dollar stipend.

Osama tried to draw the United States into war. In 1996 Al Qaeda detonated truck bombs against

the U.S. In 1998, they bombed the U.S embassies; which killed a lot of people, over 300. ”Here we go”, 2001

comes and Osama plans an attack on for September 11, 2001. Osama sent a small group of terrorists to the

United States. They hijacked four airplanes, two of them crashed in to the world trade center in New York

and another aircraft crashed into the Pentagon, in Arlington Virginia. The fourth plane was taken over by the

passengers and crashed in Pennsylvania “(to me those passengers are heroes, they were very brave!”). Over

3,000 people died in this terrorist attack. Osama didn’t get away with it though, after 10years of searching

for Osama we finally found him and shot him on May 1st 2011. President Obama announced that Osama bin

laden has been found and killed by the United States Army. After that, joy filled the air and a sigh of relief

came from people of America.


“It is far better for anyone to

kill a single American soldier

than to squander his efforts

on other activities." -- May


“We should fully

understand our religion.

Fighting is a part of our

religion and our Sharia [an

Islamic legal code]. Those

who love God and his Prophet

and this religion cannot deny

that. Whoever denies even a

minor tenet of our religion

commits the gravest sin in


Page 97: People of Influence
Page 98: People of Influence

"It just felt really strange to be in demand" - Paul Potts He says this when he goes on “TV Home Documentary”.

Page 99: People of Influence

walks on staged nervous and not sure of the

e never thought that his voice was

that amazing to change his future for

him, he walks onto the stage. He

started to sing “Nessun Dorma” by

Giacomo Puccini. The audience

became still. Simon Cowell stares at

Paul. He was observing Paul with

his narrow eyes. From the way

Simon looked, he looked very

surprised and impressed. As Paul

sang the last high note everyone

stood up and clapped. Some of the

people in the audience and Amanda

Holden were starting to get teary. As

the 3 judges all said “Yes” Paul

walked of stage excited and was

quite shocked to have made it.

In one of Simon Cowell’s

talk on Paul Potts, he said, “Paul

was incredible. When Paul walked

out he looked very embarrassed. In

an odd little suit looking very shy.

We all asked what he was going to

do. He then replied that he was

going to sing opera. We all just went

along and thought this was going to

finish fast, but as he singed we all

were very shocked. He was good!”


You, Sing For Me

Paul decided to come on Britain’s Got Talent

because of money problems. He hasn’t singed for a

long time due to his diseases and injuries. He suffered

from a burst appendix and had to do surgery on it.

Then he broke his collarbone from a bike accident in

2003 and he suffered from whiplash. He got

hospitalized a lot and that lead to financial problems,

but by luck and his voice he won Britain’s Got Talent!

He received £100,000 cash from this show. Now he

was able to live life better now with no money


He also got the privilege to perform at the

“Royal Variety Performance” on December 3, 2007 in

front of Queen Elizabeth II. What an honor for him

to increase his popularity! After the first successful

audition he quoted “After that first audition, I realized

I am somebody. I’m Paul Potts.” – Paul Potts

“I personally don’t like listening to opera but I

don’t have a problem with people singing opera. It is

another way to sing and express singing. Paul Potts is

amazing. He was able to impress me too a non opera

listener.” – Mai Nou Lee

Singing Career Fact: He also sang an OST for a

Korean historical drama called “Queen Seon

Duk” a very epic drama and life-teaching one.

The song is called “Passo Dopo Passo” meaning

“Step by Step” in Italian. “I really recommend

this drama and the song it really matches

together! The song was meant for Yushin and

Deokman’s love song. Very original and neat!

~” - Mai Nou Lee

An outstanding performance that made me very surprised, at first you

wouldn’t think that he was able to sing like that. – Mai Nou Lee


Page 100: People of Influence


The Tragic Story of the Princess of Wales-Dagny


Diana Spencer was a

proficient, tremendous, and

especially humble princess.

At age sixteen, she met her

future husband, Prince

Charles, who was currently

dating her oldest sister. After

they separated, Diana and

Prince Charles’s relationship

grew while they took

multiple trips together,

including a trip to Scotland to

meet the royal family.

When Diana married Prince

Charles, her life changed

dramatically. She became

one of the most

photographed women in

Britain. Her popularity

continued to grow as her

relationship with Prince

Charles weakened, and she

continually mentioned,

“being a princess isn’t all it’s

cracked up to be.”

Diana was involved in many

charities. She once said,

“Anywhere I see suffering

that is where I want to be,

doing what I can.” Her main

focus while being princess

was to help others and keep

others in mind at all times.

She used her fame and

fortune to raise awareness of

poverty from the day she

was married until the day

she died. Even after she and

Prince Charles divorced, she

continued to help people.

But then, the unthinkable

happened. On August 31st, in

an attempt to escape from

the paparazzi, Diana’s car

driver drove rapidly away

with Diana and her boyfriend

inside the car. It resulted in

an accident; Diana was

rushed to the hospital,

where she died not long


Even after she died, she

continued to invade the

spotlight. In 2002, she

ranked 3rd in Greatest

Britain’s poll, beating the

Queen. Her kindness toward

others will always be


Page 101: People of Influence


Page 102: People of Influence

Princess Diana personally didn’t

like being called “Princess” Diana

because she didn’t think of herself as a


I think Princess Diana wasn’t

afraid to do anything, she went out and

visited and helped people with

sicknesses. A lot people said that she was

a hero in many eyes, which makes me

think that she wasn’t just another non-

influential princess. She was a princess

who risked her life to go see people

whose sicknesses WERE contagious. So

that’s my opinion on Princess Diana.

Princess Diana was a

significant helper because she

supported many charities since she

was 22 years old. For example, she

visited starving kids in Africa and

also spent time visiting the

homeless. I would never expect a

princess to do that!

One of the charities she

focused on was to see and help

people who had HIV. Human

Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a

virus that attacks people’s immune

system. At that time people thought

HIV was contagious (which it wasn’t)

and she was one first high celebrity

to touch someone with HIV.

Princess Diana’s goal in life was to

help others in need, which I think

she had accomplished! I think she is

a great princess I mean how many

princesses do you see doing what

princess Diana did.

“Anywhere I see

suffering that is

where I want to

be, doing what I

can.” –Princess


“I'd like to be a queen in

people's hearts but I

don't see myself being

queen of this country” –

Princess Diana

Princess or Not


Diana, risking

her life to see

people with



-Avery Kuphal

Page 103: People of Influence
Page 104: People of Influence

Qin Shi Huangdi had the biggest and

longest lasting influence on China. At the

age of 12 he became emperor when his

father died. As he got older he became

more of an influence. During his ruling he

worried about the northern people invading

his land, so he built the Great Wall of China

to keep them out. It is over 1500 miles long

and the only manmade thing that can be

seen from space by the naked eye. It has

watch towers built every 200 feet. They

also used the bottom of the tower for

storing food and military supplies. It is said

for every block in the tower on person lost

his/her life. They even had kids helping with

the construction. He is not only known for

building the wall, but he standardized

writing, currency, weight and


If a person was guilty of a crime, he would

kill them and every person they knew. He

also buried 460 people alive. He buried

them because they were scholars. His

actions made many people afraid of him and

many soon left the country. He burned all

books and rewrote some because he was

afraid that the people would undermine his

legitimacy. The only books he left alone

were medical books and agriculture books.

He died in 210 BC and all around his tomb

were Terra Cotta Warriors. Even though he

was sometimes a very scary and mean

person people still thought of him as a godly

figure. The Terra Cotta Warriors were

made to protect him. They are all made of

clay. Someone discovered them while

digging a well. Not long after they discovery

of the Terra Cotta Warriors the tomb of

Qin Shi Huangdi was found.

The reason why China

suffers bitterly from

endless wars is because

of the existence of

feudal lords and kings.

-Qin Shi Huangdi

By Alexa West

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Page 106: People of Influence

A Woman in a

MAN’S world!

Queen Elizabeth I was an important person in

England because she changed many things in her country. For example… Queen Elizabeth I is most known for leading England in the Spanish Armada. The Spanish Armada is the fleet sent by Phillip II of Spain against England in 1588. I believe that Elizabeth I was very brave because she didn’t just sit there and watch her people fight, she went out to the battle with her people to “live or die”. (Which I think most women wouldn’t do or even have the guts to do it!) As Queen Elizabeth I made her way down to the battle, she said a speech that is now famous called the “Tilbury Speech”. “My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery. Let tyrants fear. I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chief strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and goodwill of my subjects. And therefore I am come amongst you all, as you see at this time, not for my recreation or disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honor and my blood, even in the dust. I know I know I have the body of a week and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too. And think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm!”

- Queen Elizabeth I

The tough war between Spain and England, with Queen Elizabeth 1 leading her people to victory to “live or die”! By: Ashley Wong

England won that battle against Spain and that’s how it became something that is very known for by Elizabeth I. I think that she put Spain to shame because the ruler of Spain (Phillip the second) was known to be very powerful and he just got beat in a battle by England. Her becoming Queen was the creation of England’s global increase and establishment of colonies. She achieved support for the needy too and did so many influential things but the one thing that I think that was badly influential was when she was becoming concerned about too many black people in the country increasing. So in 1596 she ordered that all black people had to be deported to Spain and Portugal, exchanging for English prisoners of war and she had to repeat this order again in 1601. I believe that was very racist and wrong to do. I don’t think that was a very good order to give out and I think that it was unnecessary.

I think that Queen Elizabeth I changed her country in mainly good but had some things that were badly influential. I believe Queen Elizabeth I became one of the most effective monarchs! I believe that she was a very important person and she did many things to support that.

England won that battle against Spain and that’s how it became something that is very known for by Elizabeth I. I think that she put Spain to shame because the ruler of Spain (Phillip the second) was known to be very powerful and he just got beat in a battle by England.

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Page 110: People of Influence
Page 111: People of Influence

Addam Hussein was a leader for Iraq. When his regime was overthrown by

United States invasion. Saddam Hussein joined the revolutionary Baath party and if

you’re wondering a Baath party it is when they kill ten of thousands of Iranians. He

launched his political career on 1958 by supporting a supporter of Iraq. He went to gulf

war and around February. The reason he went to gulf war is to help his people. This is

what happened, The coup leader, Abdul Karem Kassem, moved to reduce disparities

between Iraq's rich and poor and to form alliances with Communist countries. The

Eisenhower Administration was alarmed. So were Iraqis who belonged to the Baath

political party. A pan-Arab, Islamic party. Ba'aths and U.S. agents met. The Baath

people tried to assassinate Kassem. One of their participants was Saddam Hussein, a

19-year-old Iraqi who had been studying at Cairo University. He was shot in the leg

Suddam Hussein came renewed pressure in 2002. So U.S forces captured him on 13 of

December 2003.

he was in prison for 18 months before the sentenced him to hanging him… So he is a

good person for his town and he will always be…

After finding him hiding in a small underground piton also a piton is a hole in the ground

that is for running away near the farm nears the town of Tikrit. On 5th of the November

he was sentenced death by hanging. Then he got hung in Baghdahat. It happened on

the morning of the 30 of December 3rd 2006.

Suddam Hussein was in prison for 18 months before the sentenced him to

hanging him. He is a good person for his town and he will always be.

The United States hated him because he was killing people for no reason. Also he was

threatening us and then saying that he could win the war.

Created by:

Kalisa Trice

Page 112: People of Influence

The Scorpions, The Fame, The Rock!!!

The Scorpions started out as some teenage kids with a dream. A dream

that would come true: to be rock-stars! They all played their instruments as

kids, and practiced every day, and later came out with their first album in 1972,

“Lonesome Crow”.

The bands that the Scorpions were inspired by when they were kids,

were the Yardbirds, Scary Thing, and Spooky Tooth. Later, Klaus Meine got sick,

and lost his voice. He wanted to leave the

band, because he didn’t want to slow them

down on their major rock journey because of

his singing problems. They made him go to a

vocal class, and eventually, he regained his

singing abilities, and even got better than he

was before!!! They late came out with many

more albums, and kept getting new people in

the band, living the dream. Earlier this year, they came out with their last album

before they retire, called “Sting In The Tail”. Their career will come to an end in


The Scorpions went from some random teenagers with guitars, to

becoming one of the greatest rock bands in history!!! They changed music, they

changed lives, they changed rock!!!

By Andrew Ida

Page 113: People of Influence

1979: Francis Buchholz, Herman

Rarebell, Klaus Meine, Matthias Jabs,

Rudolf Schenker

Page 114: People of Influence

will never be

another like him, Vincent

William Van Gogh. Even though

Vincent Van Gogh would end up

to be one of the worlds most

famous artists his life started

out terrible. He was living in the

shadows of his older brother.

His first brother that was older

than him died at birth after his

parents had named him Vincent

William Van Gogh (he’s the one

who grows up to be the world

famous artist). Through the

years Vincent has inspired many

great artists including Andy

Warhol and John Arteman.

Vincent Van Gogh was an

impressionist and a semi

impressionist even over 100

years later he is still influencing

Vincent Van Gogh

One of the most

impactful artist of

all times. Vincent

Van Gogh did many

different paintings

in his life time

including self-

portraits (right) this

is a self portrait

painted by Van

Gogh in 1889. One

of his most famous

paintings is “Starry

night” (bottom) by

John Arteman

artist everywhere.

Vincent Van Gogh’s art

work became more

popular after his death

and in the late 20th

century. After his death

his death his paintings

sold for amazingly high

prices and the retail

price for his paintings

increase every day.

Vincent was born on March 30th 1853

in the small village of Brabant in the

southern Netherlands. Vincent’s art

career was very short it only lasted

for 10 years, 1880-1890. The first

four years of this ten was mostly

spent working on water colors and

drawings. Vincent was a troubled

person all of his life he had many

mental illnesses. One of the ways the

illnesses affected him was this. One

night Vincent and another French

Artist (Paul Gauguin) had a fight in a

local Café. In Gauguin’s point of view

Vincent chased him down the alley,

threatening him with a razor blade.

When Gauguin stared him down and

chased him away, Vincent went

home. As soon as he got home he cut

off his ear with the razor blade.

Vincent later died at the

age of 37 on July 29,

1890 from a self-

inflicted gunshot to the

stomach. As you can

probably see Vincent

Van Gogh was a very

important part in the

history of art and is very

inspirational to me.

T here

By John Arteman


Page 115: People of Influence
Page 116: People of Influence

England’s Greatest Playwright The Influence of Shakespeare

Nekita Krisko aster of the quill, William

Shakespeare was renowned as one

of England’s greatest playwrights,

he wrote poems, plays, and

sonnets. Shakespeare was and is

one of the greatest influences of

the English language, current and

old. In his time, Shakespeare was a

rock star.

William Shakespeare shaped

the English language like clay. He

knew no boundaries, and made his

own words and phrases.

Shakespeare is famous for his

plays, but he also made up his own

insults. Some of the nicer ones are;

“Though art a most pathetical nit.”

“Begone, ye giglets!”

“A dog, a cat, a rat to scratch a

man to death.”

Shakespeare was most famous for

his tragedies, but he also wrote

comedies, realities, and historical

fictions. People came from miles

around to the Globe Theatre; the

most famous theatre in London, to

come to see his plays and hear is

poems. He was a literary genius.

Shakespeare was

one of the only

literate people in

London, so he

didn’t have


competition. William Shakespeare;

Shakespeare also became

very rich. He was rich and famous

and had glory beyond any of our

wildest dreams. All because of a


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Page 118: People of Influence
Page 119: People of Influence

One of the Big Three

He was the

British Prime


right after

that he was

a man

engaged in


Gracie Klein

“We make a

living by what we get, but we

make a life by what we give.”

(Churchill) Some people

thought Churchill was a positive

influence while others thought

he was a negative person.

Winston Churchill was a man

known for his partaking in

different wars and his political

views. Right before he became

involved in wars he was the

British Prime Minister. Many

people felt that Churchill was a

great man acknowledging that

he helped stop the attack on the

Jewish people by Germany.

One of is many famous

quotes is “You have enemies?

Good. That means you’ve stood

up for something sometime in

your life.” (Churchill) In that

quote it shows that he was

always bold and always stood

up for what he thought was


Even if everybody else thought it

was wrong he truly believed what

he was doing was right. After

World War 2 Winston gathered

with Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph

Stalin during a wartime meeting.

People called these men the Big

Three because of their peaceful

meetings during World War Two.

The people started realizing

then that Winston Churchill was a

great man because he is able to

gather with other countries people

and be able to collaborate. There

still was a small bunch of people

that believed Winston Churchill

was a bad idea for them and their

country because, they believed he

was involved in to many warlike

situations and got the wrong idea of

why he was involved. In the end I

believe that Winston Churchill was

a positive influence because he was

vey optimistic, peaceful and a

wonderful leader who should be

remembered for his peaceful


Page 120: People of Influence

Mozart, Musician Since Birth Or Fraud By: Jacob Gass

Mozart was born in Salzburg Australia in 1756 on the 27th of

January. Mozart would have had 5 siblings but 4 died right after

birth, only 1 survived A. k. a. his sister Anna Maria who was

about 5 years older than him. When Mozart was still a toddler

he watched his sister play the Clavier, he stared at her almost

as if he were in a trance of some sort. One day after Anna

Maria was done with her lessons he walked up to the clavier

and struck some strings and found that they sounded so well

together. Than he decided to strike more strings. As he did

Anna Maria called out to her parents and said,’’ Mom Dad

Hurry Wolfgang is playing the clavier!’’ They both came running

as fast as their feet would carry them. As they entered the

room they saw Wolfgang play more notes and his sister wasn’t

helping him play at all. Their father thought that if I teach them

to play good they could be come some of the best musicians in

the world for their age; so their father trained them and then

once people started seeing how good they were people started

requesting them to play at parties for Kings and Queens and

Page 121: People of Influence

Mozart the child

who loved music at

age 3.

other royalty. When Mozart was a boy he ran right up to a

princess and sat on her lap and kissed her and said,’’ I’m going

to marry you’’. At age 12 Mozart wrote a symphony and at age

13 he wrote an Opera and it was 6 hours long and to his shock

people loved it, they loved it so much it was performed 20

more times that year.

Mozart changed

classical music forever

for people all over the

world in a time of the

future, Mozart made

classical possible and

impossible for kids and

adults. I thank Mozart

for making classical

music fun; I owe him for

creating Mozart’s

Melody which I learned

on the clarinet. Thank

you Mozart.

Mozart died when he was 35 years old in 1791

of a sickness scientists don’t know yet, but

they plan to discover what killed him and how

it killed him. I did this article in honor of

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Mozart telling the princess he’s

going to marry her after he ran to

her lap and kissed her.

Page 122: People of Influence
Page 123: People of Influence


Xerxes ruled from

485-465 B.C. His

father’s name was

Darius the Great

and his mother’s

name was Atossa.

Atossa was the

daughter of Cyrus

the great.

Xerxes made up an

army and invaded

Greece! Xerxes

ordered Roman

Troops to gather

seashells as spoils

of the sea. He did

that because there

was a HUGE storm

Hellespont delayed

Xerxes from going

to Greece. Xerxes

put ships in the sea

so no-

One could cross over.

But then a storm

ruined the ships!

Xerxes wasn’t that

smart so he decided

to ban storms and

water. After that

Xerxes wanted to

invade Greece for a

second time! He also

wanted another war! I

don’t know about you

but I think that he

likes fighting.


Xerxes was automatically born royal?

Xerxes was the prince of Persia?

Xerxes died by being stabbed to death?

Xerxes (zerk-seez)?