Download - Pentium-4 Cache Organization_final

  • 8/2/2019 Pentium-4 Cache Organization_final


    Shabnam shahreen sifat

    Course: CSC311


    Mr. Mohammad Noor Nabi

  • 8/2/2019 Pentium-4 Cache Organization_final


    IntroductionA common technique for improving performance in computer

    systems (both hardware and software) is to utilize caching for

    frequently accessed information. This lowers the average cost of

    accessing the information, providing greater performance for

    the overall system. In the Intel Pentium 4 Processor

    architecture, caching is a critical component of the system's


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    Caching in Pentium 4 ProcessorThe Pentium 4 has three levels of cache:

    Level 1 cache

    Level 2 cache

    Level 3 cache

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    Level 1 Cache

    The level 1 cache is a split cache.

    8KB in size.

    four-way set associative. This means that each set ismade up of four lines in cache.

    The replacement algorithm used for this is a leastrecently used algorithm.

    The line size is 64 bytes.

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    Level 1 Cache The level 1 cache is small to reduce latency, taking 2

    cycles for an integer data cache hit and 6 cycles for afloating point.

    Instead of a classic level 1 instruction cache, the Pentium 4

    uses a trace cache which takes advantage of the advanced

    branch prediction algorithms.

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    Trace Cache

    After the instructions have been decoded into micro-ops,they are stored in the trace cache.

    Six micro-ops are stored for each trace line. The tracecache can store up to 12K micro-ops.

    Since the instructions have already been decoded, thehardware knows about any branches and fetchesinstructions that follow the branch.

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    Trace Cache Problems might occur in the case of conditional branches if

    the wrong one is predicted and a lot of additional

    instructions that are not needed have been pre-fetched and

    decoded into the cache.

    We would also have to wait for the cache to fetch the

    correct instruction from the level 2 cache if the correct

    branch was not stored in the cache. This may take up to 7

    cycles, more if the branch is not found in the level 2 cache.

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    Advantage of Trace Cache If the predictions work well, the cache is able to

    provide three micro-ops per cycle to the execution


    This also means that since the trace cache is only

    storing instructions that will actually get executed,

    it is making more efficient use of the limited space.

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    Level 2 Cache The level 2 cache is a unified cache.

    256KB in size.

    eight-way set associative. This means that each

    set is made up of eight lines in cache.

    The line size is 128 bytes

    The replacement algorithm used for this is a

    least recently used algorithm.

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    Level 2 Cache

    The increase in size and set size means that it will reduce

    the chances of a miss occurring when accessing this cache,

    increasing its effectiveness.

    The increase in line size can cause higher latency, so the

    Pentium 4 employs a 400MHz system bus using a 100MHz

    clock that delivers a data rate of 3.2GB/s to make up for

    the latency.

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    Level 3 Cache eight-way set associative .

    line size of 128 bytes.

    make use of a least recently used replacement


    This provides a large on-processor tertiary memory storage

    area that the processor uses for keeping information nearby.

    Thus, the contents of the Level 3 cache are faster to access

    than main memory, but slower than other types of cached


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  • 8/2/2019 Pentium-4 Cache Organization_final


    Thank You