Download - Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Volume 2, Number 7 July 2011

    nside this issue:

    ommanders 1

    alendar 2

    olf Tournament 3

    AOs Corner 4

    afety Officers



    ersonnel and

    dmin Officer


    L/MS Summerncampment


    tandards andval


    adets Cornerndromotions


    id You Know?11

    rivia 11

    romotions 12

    pecial Thanks 13

    adet Fun Nighthotos



    Summer is in full swing. The mercury is staying near

    triple digits on most days. We are well into the dangerous

    100 days of summer. Some of us are still busy trying torecover from the April Storms. June was a busy month.

    We had several missions. We are now ready for the Fourth

    of July Holiday. When we stop most of what we do and

    spend time with family and friends. We usually enjoycookouts and fireworks. Many of us take a well deserved

    break if only for a short time.

    At this time, I think about how fortunate I am to be associated with our organization and

    with our members. The dedication and professionalism that each of you display is of the

    highest caliber. The amount of time and energy that you give to study, train, and practicto make sure that we are prepared to meet our mission demands is very inspiring.

    Some of our upcoming activities:

    Sunny King Golf Tournament Constant Watch Exercise

    Wing Biennial Operations Evaluation

    Squadron SUI

    AL/MS Encampment

    South East Regional Staff College

    Local Funded ES Training

    I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for all that they do, each and

    every day. You are the reason we are a success.

    Jim Gosnell

    Commander AL-118



    Maj. Jim Gosnell

    Cadet Commander -

    Capt. Cindy Bennett

    To serve America by developing our Nations youth; accomplishing

    local, state and national emergency and humanitarian missions; andeducating our citizens on the impact of aviation and space.

    - CAP Mission Statement

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 2Happ



    4 5 6 7

    Cadet Mt.


    8 9

    Happyirthday J.DanielSmith

    11 12Happy



    13 14 15 16






    Brian Scott

    20 21 22 23


    25 26 27NEWSLETTER


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    August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 August 6 August 6


    July 2011July 2011

    Calendar . . . Page

    Sonny King Golf Clas

    olf cont . . .

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Sonny King Golf Tournament . . . Page 3

    Each year Pell City Composite Squadron is asked to work atthe Sunny King Golf Classic. A generous donation is made toour squadron for working three days and this goes towardpaying for O rides and other activities we enjoy through theyear. If you want to continue to see us be able to benefit fromthis golf tournament, we need you to volunteer a couple hoursto help it be a be success. If you do not help, you may be

    asked to pay out of pocket for activities we have from time totime. Lets all do our part!!!

    From Maj. Gosnell:

    Please mark your calendar for July 8 - 10, 2011. This are the dates for the Sunny King Golf Tourna-ment. We have again been invited to assist with this great program. We have been asked to collectscore cards at the tournament at the Pine Hill Course, which is east of Anniston on Choccolocco Roa(Take I-20 east to Anniston/Oxford exit 188. Turn left (north) and travel approx. 3 miles on Leon SmitParkway/Golden Springs Road. Turn right onto Choccolocco road and travel 6 miles to Pine HillDrive. Turn left onto Pine Hill Drive. 175 Pine Hill Drive.

    We will again be asking that a minimum of 2 Cadets and 2 Senior Members work each schedule forthe tournament.

    SCHEDULE on Friday, Saturday, Sunday11:00 until 14:3014:30 until Close

    UNIFORM: Any approved CAP uniform that presents a professional appearance.DO NOT WEAR FLIGHT SUITS or SHORTS

    Thank You in advance for your assistance,


    Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

    We will be taking up scorecards as the golfers finish, checking their math and entering scores

    as we have done in the past.

    We are fortunate to have this fund raising opportunity and I know that everyonewill support this endeavor. This is an important event for our squadron as evidenced by thefact that the funds raised help support our cadet activities.

    Please sign up ASAP by sending me (A) confirmation that you received this email and (B) indicating what day and time you wish to assist. I will assign shifts based on who responds firstSo if you have a priority, get your response back to me quickly. Let us "move with a purpose"on this response.We will then coordinate with the senior side to let them know who to expectandwhen.

    Looking forward to hearing from EVERY cadet in this squadron SOON!If you have any questions, please contact me: [email protected] phone 256-225-2230 or landline 256-237-0447.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    PAOs CORNER . . . Page 4

    I was honored to be able to attend the graduation ceremony for the Alabama/Mississippi WingsSummer Encampment held at Fort McClellan last Saturday. This was the 4th graduation Ive attendin the time Ive been affiliated with Civil Air Patrol , two of which were for my own daughters.

    I was so proud of all of the cadets who survived the week of high temperatures, long days, sore feechallenging tasks, and much testing. For those of you who have attended encampment, remember

    that the purpose of this training is to make you a better cadet, more disciplined, and more motivated be the best you can be at all tasks you attempt in life.

    If you have not attended an encampment yet, I strongly encourage you to start saving your coins andmake plans to attend AL/MS Summer Encampment in 2012.

    To make the graduation even more special, several cadets (current and past members of oursquadron) were honored!!

    Congratulations go to Alaina Howard for the Delta Flight Honor CadetClayton McDaniel Rising Star award for most improvedAndy MillerHonor Cadet for Bravo Flight

    Now we can start looking forward to next summer and the cadets who will participate in it the nextencampment!!! You all make us proud!


    Civil Air

    Cadet Services

    Alabama Wing of Civil Air Patrol

    Pell City Civil Air Patrol

    Wing Emergency Services School (WESS)

    Photo Files on Flickr


    On Facebook: Civil Air Patrol, AL WingCivil AirPatrol, Pell City Composite Squadron, SER-AL-118,

    Civil Air Patrol


    A Yahoo Email group has been set up make communication between membeeasier. Invitations were sent to all tcadet members.

    If you are not receiving updates areminders from the Yahoo Group, ymost likely are not a member of it yet.

    Please contact Beth Shurbutt at:

    [email protected] and request thshe add you to the group.

    You can also go to the Yahoo Group sand join:

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Safety Corner . . . Page 5

    From Our Safety Officer . . . SAFETYs hard to believe that, only 235 years ago, a group of Americans gathered to sign the Declaratio

    ndependence. The signees knew full well that one person, the king of England, would be very upsver this document and that they would encounter the full wrath of the English Empire for their deeut, as history tells us, they pledged their fortunes and their lives to this noble cause. They also m

    ave known but, maybe didnt give full weight to, the objections of some of their very neighbors tostoric declaration. Yes, even then, not everyone in America agreed that we should be andependent country and that seeking independence was in the best interest of our new colony.

    What happened after that has filled volumes but, I think, we agree that they were right andourageous in their actions despite what some of their peers and neighbors may have thought abohem at the time.

    n a similar vein, the Rev. Martin Luther King came to Birmingham to obtain rights that had long beenied blacks for decades after the end of the Civil War. After touring the Civil Rights Institute inirmingham, I was struck with how the Rev. King was not only up against the white establishment

    nd their fringe elements; he was also bucked by some of the more prosperous black community.ome of the black community had taken advantage of the segregation that turned away blacks frohite owned businesses to create a thriving commerce in their own neighborhoods. They had theiwn high society with dinners, balls, and some of the same advantages as the privileged whiterganizations. Some of Kings famous letters from jail were not addressed to the white communit all but to his own peers and he implored them to look beyond their own narrow interests to theood for all.

    Well, you may be wondering, what does this mini history lesson, which may be full of historical errave to do with me and with Safety in general? In both my examples, the participants encounteredgorous rebuttal of their objectives from the least anticipated source, their own compatriots. You

    may, if you are a committed safety advocate, encounter some of the same objections from your vewn peers. If you point out, what you consider to be a safety hazard, it may be considered a delayactic or a non-important item by your peers. If you encounter this resistance, please do your best xplain your concerns to the other person or persons involved with the plan or the activity. If this faou need to remember that, in the CAP, anyone, from the Incident Commander to the most basicerson in the operation has the authority to declare a halt to operations that they consider unsafe.

    most instances, you will not be subject to hanging by King George of England or being put into theirmingham jail but you must make sure that you are heard if you have a viable objection in the naf Safety. If the person or team makes a concerted effort to alleviate your concerns and truly correhe perceived problem, then you may stand down. In the long run, everyone will thank you for it bu

    ou may never hear it in person. It doesnt matter; you know you have done your duty.

    tay Safe!

    tay Safe! Ron Harlan, Squadron 118 Safety Officer

    Reminder: Read the newsletter and receive aSafety Briefing Credit.

    Please email Ron Harlan at - [email protected]

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    From your Personnel/Admin Officer . . . Page 6


    Due to the importance of this information and the fact that part was left out of last months newsletter, I amreprinting this page for your information. Please be aware of what your requirements are for Promoting!

    Most of you know that I carry a box in and out of the squadron meeting each week. That box contains your CAP Form 66.This is your hard copy record of your accomplishments that allows you to promote. Over the last couple of years, Phase 3

    and 4 cadets regularly ask to see their CAPF 66. They add their WESS, NESA, NCSA, Ironman, Air show, O-Flight, andMission dates as well as ES test dates and scores. Very few Phase 1 and 2 cadets even ask to see it. It is yourresponsibility to make sure it is up to date with all your accomplishments, proper signatures, etc. If you are promoting, yoursignature is required on your CAPF 52's. Although most of this information on CAPF 66 is in eservices, this can be mostvaluable if you transfer, want a copy of your CAP involvement for your portfolio or resume, or if the computer has problemslike recording your scores. That has happened to some of you already.

    Please note that NHQ occasionally changes or adds additional requirements now and then. It is important that you regularlygo to eservices and read the latest news that is posted regarding promotion requirements. Also note that a safety brief isrequired each month even though it is not on the CAPF 66. If you have not done your safety brief for the month than Icannot promote you in eservices. Your account is blocked until that is completed.

    Our squadron has elected to require a Board of Review for each Phase. YOU must schedule this yourself two weeks inadvance before an "end of Phase" promotion. Drill Tests are taken AFTER you have completed your achievement tests.One more thing. I do not check the "active participation" box until just before sending your promotion request to CaptBennett. Don't Panic!!

    So, as a reminder, each Phase has the following requirements:

    Phase 1 Requirements:Physical Fitness TestLeadership TestAerospace TestCharacter DevelopmentDrill Test

    Cadet OathActive ParticipationComprehensive ExamBoard of Review

    Phase 2 Requirements:Physical Fitness TestLeadership TestAerospace TestCharacter DevelopmentDrill Test

    Cadet OathActive ParticipationMentoring (achievement beforeMitchell tests)EssaySpeechEncampmentComprehensive ExamBoard of Review

    *One 16 week minimum wait forpromotion

    Phase 4 Requirements:Physical Fitness TestLeadership TestAerospace TestCharacter DevelopmentDrill Test

    Cadet OathActive ParticipationEssaySpeechInstructor (each achievement)SDA Reports (each achievement)SDA Staff ServiceCOS or RCLSComprehensive ExamBoard of Review

    *Two 24 week minimum wait forpromotions

    SPAATZ(Tests NOT taken at the squadron)

    PT TestComprehensive LeadershipComprehensive AerospaceEssay Exam

    Phase 3 Requirements:Physical Fitness TestLeadership TestAerospace TestCharacter DevelopmentDrill Test

    Cadet OathActive ParticipationMentoring (each achievement)SDA Reports (each achievement)SDA Staff ServiceComprehensive ExamBoard of Review

    *Two 16 week minimum wait forpromotions

    1LT Jeannie Scott , Personnel and Admin. Officer

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    AL/MS Summer Encampment 2011 . . . Page

    Congratulations to Thomas Bracker, Alaina Howard, Allison Howard, Christian Norwood, MichNorwood, Noah Thomas, and David Thompson who attended and graduated from the AL/MS SummEncampment held at Fort McClellan! Also a great big THANK YOU goes to Cindy Bennett who spmost of the week there as support staff. Eddie and Rachel were able to attend some and take photos.

    Alaina Howard Clayton McDaniel Andy Miller

    Alpha Flight

    Delta FlightBravo Flight

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011



    ave included the briefing below from the Wing Safety Officer concerning loss of electrical power. We have discussed this in the past so I thought it would be a good refresh

    unds like our fellow CAP crew members handled the situation very professionally. I have heard of similar situations that did not go as smoothly. The take-away point from

    efing is know thy aircraft. Thank you, Col. Coghlan, for permission to include the briefing in the Flight Line Newsletter. - Maj. Iddins



    n todays Safety Education Briefing, we shall talk about a topic which has been addressed previously, but people caill forget how to handle until it is too late. Better yet, we had a Wing crew handle one of these in flight events in axtbook fashion at the june SAREX event, and they should be recognized for it. The topic is Handling In-Flightlectrical Failures.

    he key to handling any in flight emergency is to first be able to recognize you have a problem (Houston, we have aroblem), and then have the presence of mind to diagnose the problem correctly, and then execute the emergencyrocedure correctly to resolve the problem, or at least to mitigate it long enough to allow you time to divert and returnsuitable landing field. As in all in flight emergencies, the more you know about your aircraft, the better off you are

    hey, that knowledge is not just a checkmark on the Annual Stand Eval ride, its preparing you for real life events).

    n the case of an electrical failure, familiarity with your aircraft is a big help. For example, if you are used to alwayseeing a positive 5 amp deflection on the Amp-Loadmeter with all equipment turned on, and one day you see a muchgher load (say 20 Amps) or a much lower (say 1 Amp), the electrical system is trying to talk to you! Are you listeno you understand what the loadmeter is telling you? If you dont, go read about it and then discuss it with your Uniwill make you a better pilot. It may save your bacon one day. What does it mean if the Loadmeter shows a max

    eflection after engine start? What does it mean if it happens suddenly in flight? What does a negative deflection mea

    he Loadmeter is the lifeline of the electrical system, much like an EKG on a heart. It tells you how many Amps theystem is drawing from the Alternator or Generator, as required (most GA aircraft show the actual Amps because theont use much. For military jets or commercial aircraft, they tend to read a percentage of max Amperage load). If yover see a negative load, it means the Alternator or Generator is not providing ANY electricity, and all the juice is

    oming from the Battery. If you ever see a very high load indication, it is telling you have either a stuck starter after angine start, or a short in flight causing a high draw on the system, which if not fixed very soon will lead to an electrire.

    o you can see that knowing more about your electrical system is better than just knowing the basics (like why do weave a 28 VDC system but a 24 VDC battery?). With electrical problems, the sooner you take action, the better off yore. And detection requires keeping the loadmeter in your instrument scan! You should not have to depend on the LOOLT light to illuminate to know you have a problem. Now lets look at the excellent job done recently by one of ouAR crews with an electrical problem.

    SAR crew had departed TCL and was already at about halfway into their search sortie, when they noticed the Vol

    ow indication and correlated it to a discharge of amps and a loss of system voltage (instead of showing 28 +/- 0.5, as showing 24 Volts). PIC Captain Steve Leonard, along with copilot/MO Captain Jim Harris and Scanner 2 Lt Donorner worked together brilliantly diagnosing the electrical problem, reading and executing the checklist, and securin

    nd shutting down all unnecessary electrical equipment and radios. They called Mission Base to alert them of theroblem, and that they were returning to base, an estimated 30 -40 minutes of flying time. After the system voltageropped to 19 volts in about 15 minutes, they shut the battery off (remember how we have been told a battery shouldrovide at least 30 minutes of power-well, its not necessarily true!). The crew was flying in VMC conditions and haerted both Mission Base and ATC of their loss of electrical system. Fortunately, by calling mission base it allowed

    mission base to coordinate with TCL tower to expect a NORDO (No Radio) plane, and they were prepared to give threw a green light signal to clear them to land. Fortunately, that light signal was not needed since the crew had a portCOM VHF Comm with NAV capability, which they used to navigate and to talk to ATC. This led to a successful an

    neventful recovery and landing at mission base. I love it when a good plan comes together. We dont have any specroken Wing awards like they do in the military, so help me show our appreciation to this very well trained, well

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    quipped and very resourceful crew by congratulating them the next time you see them around the flight line! Wellone!!!

    What is the moral of this story? Be prepared for emergencies, know the airplane systems, be prepared to take action, you can afford it, buy and carry with you one of those portable NAV/COMMs, they are very useful (but only if you

    ave it with you).

    hank you for all of your hard work this year and for your Safe Operations!

    ets keep doing the smart things you all are doing now, and keep our accident rate at zero. Lets all fly and fight...anve to do it another day!

    uestion- If you are flying in cruise and see the loadmeter showing a discharge (or negative indication). Would you:ontinue on your mission, it is probably just a failed or bad indicator; b) Change from a VFR to an IFR flight plan, sTC will know where you are at all times; or c) Verify the electrical problem, and turn any extra radios off and retur

    n airport where you can make a precautionary landing? Food for thought!

    aj. Chris IddinsL-118tandards/ Evaluations

    Looking for Writers!!!The Flight Log needs writers who would be willing to submit articles that pertain to the

    mission of CAP. Cadets, wed love to hear about your trips to WESS, Encampment, NESA,special training, volunteering ventures, etc . . . This applies to all senior members as well.

    Photos always add a lot to the articles. Please consider writing an article for the next


  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Cadets Corner . . . Page

    Cadet Corner . . .

    Due to the fact that Cindy Bennett has spent most of her timeately at AL/MS Encampment, her article will be coming next


    Reminder: All Staff Members need to answer last monthsTrivia Question and return the answer to Cpt. Bennett ASAP!!

    [email protected]

    CADET OATH"I pledge to serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program and that I will

    attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers,wear my uniform properly and advance my education and training rapidly to

    prepare myself to be of service to my community, state and nation."

    Promotions and Honors . . .

    Senior Promotions for June:Tony Diez, from Capt to Maj completion of LV3

    Jason Lane, from 2d Lt to 1st Lt completion of LV1

    Cadet Promotions for June:Rachel Shurbutt C/1Lt

    Christian Norwood C/TSgt


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    Did You Know? . . . Page 1

    Did you know that whales can fly? I know that you have heard of flying monkeys, flying squirrels, and flying fish but, flhales? Thats a little hard to believe but they have been flying for almost 60 years. Let me explain.

    The Whale is the nickname affectionately given to the Douglas A-3 Skywarrior. For many years it was the heaviest anrgest carrier base aircraft. Hence the nickname The Whale. The A-3 was developed in the early 1950s by the US Nawas to be a long range, carrier based, strategic bomber, capable of delivering a nuclear payload. The aircraft was planoperate from the proposed United States-class "supercarrier"s, much larger than existing carriers, and the specificationtarget loaded weight of 100,000 lb with a payload of 10,000 lbs. Ed Heinemann, chief designer of the Douglas Aircraftompany, (who also designed the A-4 Skyhawk), fearing that the United States-class was vulnerable to cancellation,oposed a significantly smaller aircraft of 68,000 lbs gross weight, capable of operating from existing carriers. Its foldingngs and tail section help reduce the size aboard ship.

    TheChief of Naval Operations officially requested the development of the aircraft in January 1948. The prototype XA3st flew on 28 October 1952. Eventually, 282 aircraft would be built between 1956 and 1961. The downsizing of the A-3as probably a good idea since the mission of carrying a nuclear payload was scrapped and given to the soon to beeveloped A-5 Vigilante, which was supersonic. However, because of changes in policy and the Navys mission, thegilante also saw its mission changed.

    So what became the mission of the A-3? Well, I am glad you asked. Skywarriors saw some use in the conventionalombing and mine-laying role during the Vietnam War from 1965 through 1967. The Navy would soon use only more nimghter sized attack bombers over Vietnam, but the A-3 found subsequent service in the tanker, photographic reconnaissand electronic warfare roles.

    For most of the Vietnam War, EA-3Bs of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (VQ-1) flew from Da Nang Air Base inouth Vietnam, providing electronic warfare capability over the area, including the Ho Chi Minh trail and north to Haiphonarbor. The aircrew and ground support personnel were TAD from their home base at NAS Atsugi, Japan and after 1970AS Agana, Guam. VQ-1 also provided detachments of two EA-3B aircraft that deployed with Western Pacific and Indiacean (WESTPAC/IO) bound aircraft carrier battle groups up until the late 1980s when it was replaced by the ES-3Ahadow. There was also a detachment based at Cubi Point, Philippines until closed by BRAC.

    . Eddie D. Shurbutt

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Civil Air Patrol Trivia . . . Page 1

    Trivia Question

    for July

    Last Months Winners:Michael Norwood & Cindy Bennett

    There will be no trivia question for the

    month of July and August!

    Be ready for September!!!!

    Thanks to ALL you answered the ques-

    tion this month!!! We had a great


    Looking for Writers!!!The Flight Log needs writers who would be willing to submit articles that pertain

    to the mission of CAP. Cadets, wed love to hear about your trips to WESS,

    Encampment, NESA, special training, volunteering ventures, etc . . . This applies

    to all senior members as well. Photos always add a lot to the articles. Please

    consider writing an article for the next newsletter.

    If you have done something noteworthy or you have some information that you

    think needs to be in the newsletter, please send it!

    Send to: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 Pell City Squadron - Jul 2011


    Promotions and Honors . . . Page 1

    SPECIAL THANKS!!!!!SPECIAL THANKS!!!!!A special thanks goes to a group of senior members and cadets who met last month

    at the Pell City Airport to clean out the hangar, cleaning the CAP van, and movesome supplies back to the community center. Those giving of their time were RayBennett, Cindy Bennett, John Smith, Eddie Shurbutt, Beth Shurbutt, RachelShurbutt, and JerrodFinlay.

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    Cadet Fun Night . . . Page 14

    CAP CADET FUN NIGHTEach 5th Thursday is designated Cadet Fun

    Night. The next Cadet Fun Night will beSeptember 29. Your suggestions for

    activities are encouraged and welcomed!!

    Anniston Bowling


    Top ScorerMaj. John