Download - Pegaso 650 IE Manual English 2004

  • 7/30/2019 Pegaso 650 IE Manual English 2004


    use maintenance+ book

    PEGASO I.E.650

    aprilia part# 8104312

  • 7/30/2019 Pegaso 650 IE Manual English 2004


    2 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    2001 aprilia s.p.a.- Noale (VE)

    First edition: January 2001

    Reprint: January 2002, November 2002,May 2003, February 2004

    Produced and printed by:

    DECA s.r.l.Via Risorgimento, 23/1 - Lugo (RA) - ItaliaTel. +39 - 0545 35235Fax +39 - 0545 32844E-mail: [email protected]

    on behalf of:aprilia s.p.a.via G. Galilei, 1 - 30033 Noale (VE) - Italia

    Tel. +39 - 041 58 29 111Fax +39 - 041 44 10


    The following precautionary warnings areused throughout this manual in order toconvey the following messages:

    Safety warning. When you find thissymbol on the vehicle or in the

    manual, be careful to the potential riskof personal injury. Non-compliance withthe indications given in the messagespreceded by this symbol may result in

    grave risks for your and other peoplessafety and for the vehicle!

    WARNINGIndicates a potential hazard which mayresult in serious injury or even death.

    CAUTIONIndicates a potential hazard which mayresult in minor personal injury ordamage to the vehicle.

    NOTE The word NOTE in this manualprecedes impor tant in format ion orinstructions.


    The operations preceded by thissymbol must be repeated also on

    the opposite side of the vehicle.

    If not expressly indicated otherwise, for thereassembly of the uni ts repeat thedisassembly operations in reverse order.

    The terms right and left are referred tothe rider seated on the vehicle in thenormal riding position.


    Before starting the engine, carefully read

    this manual and in particular the sectionSAFE DRIVE.

    Your and other peoples safety dependsnot only on your quickness of reflexes andon your agility, but also on what you knowabout the vehicle, on its efficiency and onyour knowledge of the basic information forSAFE DRIVE. Therefore, get a thoroughknowledge of the vehicle, in such a way asto be able to drive in the traffic safely.

    NOTE Keep a stock of one bulb per typewith the vehicle (see technical data).

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    3use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    NOTE This manual must be consideredas an integral part of the vehicle and mustalways accompany it, even in case ofresale.

    apriliahas carried out this manual withthe maximum attention, in order to supply

    the user wi th correc t and updatedinformation. However, since apriliaconstantly improves the design of itsp roduc ts , there may be s l i gh tdiscrepancies between the characteristicsof your vehicle and those described in this

    manual. For any clarification concerningthe information contained in this manual,do not hesitate to contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    For control and repair operations notexpressly described in this publication, forthe purchase of aprilia genuine spare

    parts, accessories and other products, aswel l as for speci f ic advice, contactexclusively aprilia Official Dealers andService Centers, which guarantee promptand accurate assistance.

    Thank you for choosing aprilia. We wishyou a nice ride.

    Al l r ights as to e lectronic s torage,reproduction and total or partial adaptation,with any means, are reserved for allCountries.

    NOTE In some countries theantipollution and noise regulations in force

    require periodical inspections.

    The user of the vehicle in these countriesmust:

    contact an aprilia Official Dealer tohave the non-homologated componentsreplaced with others homologated for

    use in the country in question; carry ou t the requ i red per iod ica l


    NOTE Soon after purchasing thevehicle, write down the identification dataind ica ted on the SPARE PARTSIDENTIFICATION LABEL in the table here

    below. This label is positioned on the leftside of the saddle support; to read it, it isnecessary to remove the saddle, see p. 18(UNLOCKING/LOCKING THE SADDLE).

    These data indicate:

    YEAR = year of manufacture (Y, 1, 2, ...); I.M. = modification code (A, B, C, ...); COUNTRY CODES = homologation

    country (I, UK, A, ...).

    and are to be supplied to the aprilia Official

    Dealer as reference data for the purchase ofspare parts or specific accessories of themodel you have acquired.

    In this manual the various versions areindicated by the following symbols:

    J optional

    TIBET version

    coolant expansion tank variant

    L catalytic version


    + Italy 2 Singapore

    4 United


    P Slovenia

    > Austria F Israel

    M Portugal e South Korea

    ( Finland - Malaysia

    $ Belgium @ Chile

    A Germany * CroatiaC France # Australia

    ' Spain R United States ofAmerica

    ) Greece g Brazil

    / Holland 1 South Africa

    6 Switzerland K New Zealand

    & Denmark % Canada

    , Japan

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  • 7/30/2019 Pegaso 650 IE Manual English 2004


    safe drive


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    To drive the vehicle it is necessary to be inpossession of a l l the requi rementsprescr ibed by law (dr iv ing l icence,

    minimum age, psychophysical ability,insurance, state taxes, vehicle registration,number plate, etc.).

    Gradually get to know the vehicle bydriving it first in areas with low traffic and/orprivate areas.

    The use of medicins, alcohol and drugs or

    psychotropic substances notably increasesthe risk of accidents.

    Be sure tha t you a re in goodpsychophysical conditions and fit fordriving and pay particular attention tophysical weariness and drowsiness.

    Most road accidents are caused by thedrivers lack of experience.NEVER lend the vehicle to beginners and,in any case, make sure that the driver hasall the requirements for driving.

    Rigorously observe all road signs andnational and local road regulations.

    Avoid abrupt movements that can bedangerous for yourself and other people(for example: rearing up on the backwheel, speeding, etc.), and give due

    consideration to the road surface, visibilityand other driving conditions.

    Avoid obstacles that could damage thevehicle or make you lose control.

    Avoid riding in the slipstream created bypreceding vehicles in order to increase

    your speed.

    WARNINGAlways drive with both hands on thehandlebars and both feet on thefootrests (or on the riders footboards),in the correct driving posture.

    Avoid standing up or stretching your limbswhile driving.

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    7use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    The driver should pay attention and avoiddistractions caused by people, things andmovements (never smoke, eat, drink, read,etc.) while driving.

    Use only the vehicles specific fuels andlubricants indicated in the LUBRICANTCHART; check all oil, fuel and coolantlevels regularly.

    If the vehicle has been involved in anaccident, make sure that no damage hasoccurred to the control levers, pipes, wires,braking system and vital parts.

    If necessary, have the vehicle inspected byan aprilia Official Dealer who shouldcarefully check the frame, handlebars,suspensions, safety parts and all thedevices that you cannot check by yourself.

    A lways remember to repor t anymalfunction to the technicians to help themin their work.

    Never use the vehicle when the amount ofdamage it has suffered endangers yoursafety.

    Never change the position, inclination orco lour o f : number p la te , d i rec t i onindicators, lights and horns.

    Any modification of the vehicle will result inthe invalidity of the guarantee.

    Any modification of the vehicle and/or theremoval of original components cancompromise vehicle performance levelsand safety or even make it illegal.

    We recommend respecting all regulationsand national and local provisions regardingthe equipment of the vehicle.

    In particular, avoid all modifications thatincrease the vehicles performance levelsor alter its original characteristics.

    Never race with other vehicles.


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    Make sure that the equipment is wellfastened to the vehicle and not dangerousduring driving.Do not install electrical devices and do notmodify those already existing to avoid

    electrical overloads, because the vehiclecould suddenly stop or there could be adangerous current shortage in the hornand in the lights.aprilia recommends the use of genuineaccessor ies (apri l ia genu ineaccessories).


    Be careful and moderate when loadingyour luggage. Keep any luggage loaded asclose as possible to the center of gravity ofthe vehic le and dis t r ibute the loaduniformly on both sides, in order to reduceumbalance to the minimum. Furthermore,

    make sure that the load is firmly secured tothe vehicle, especially during long trips.

    Avoid hanging bulky, heavy and/ordangerous objects on the handlebars,mudguards and forks, because the vehiclemight respond more slowly in turns and itsmanoeuvrability could be unavoidably


    Do not place bags that are too bulky on thevehicle sides and do not ride with the crashhelmet, because they could hit people orobstacles, making you lose control of thevehicle.

    Do not carry any bag if it is not tightlysecured to the vehicle.

    Do not carry bags which protrude too muchfrom the luggage-rack or which cover the

    lights, horn or indicators.Do not carry animals or children on theglove compartment or on the luggage rack.

    Do not exceed the maximum load allowedfor each side-bag.

    When the vehicle is overloaded, its stabilityand i t s manoeuvrab i l i t y can be


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    10 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.



    1) Headlight2) Ignition switch/steering lock3) Left rear-view mirror4) Fuel tank filler cap5) Fuel tank6) Coolant expansion tank cap

    7) Battery8) Electronic unit

    9) Fuse carrier10) Passenger grab rail11) Glove/tool kit compartment12) Rear luggage rack13) Rear fork14) Passenger left footrest

    (snapping, closed/open)

    15) Centre standJ (*)16) Side stand17) Rider left footrest18) Shifting lever19) Not present .

    Coolant expansion tank

    19A) . Coolant expan-sion tank

    20) Rear luggage rackJ (*)21) Left side bagJ (*)

    (*) = Supplied as standardequipment in the countrieswhere required)

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    1) Rear light2) Passenger grab rail3) Saddle lock4) Saddle5) Rear brake fluid tank6) Air cleaner

    7) Rear shock absorber

    8) Engine oil level plug-dipstick

    9) Front brake fluid tank10) Right rear-view mirror11) Horn12) Engine oil tank

    13) Idle speed adjusting knob14) Engine oil filter

    15) Rear brake control lever16) Rider right footrest17) Anti-theft hook (for shielded

    cab le Body-GuardapriliaJ)

    18) Rear brake pump

    19) Passenger right footrest(snapping, closed/open)

    20) Drive chain21) Right side bagJ (supplied

    as standard equipment inthe countries whererequired)

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    1) Clutch lever2) Instruments and indicators3) Ignition switch/steering lock ( - - )4) Front brake lever5) Throttle grip

    6) Engine stop switch ( -)7) Start push button ()

    8) Direction indicator switch ()9) Horn push button ()

    10) Dimmer switch ( -)11) High beam signalling push button ()12) Cold start lever ()

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    1) Revolution counter2) Speedometer3) Total kilometres odometer4) Coolant temperature indicator ()5) Partial kilometres odometer

    6) Trip meter resetting knob7) Red engine oil pressure warning light ()

    8) Blue high beam warning light ()9) Red diagnostic warning light (c)

    10) Amber low fuel warning light ()11) Green direction indicator warning light ()12) Green neutral indicator warning light ()


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    Description Function

    Direction indicator warning light Blinks when the direction indicators are on.

    High beam warning light Comes on when the high beam bulbs are on or when the headlight signaller is operated.

    Revolution counter rpmIndicates the number of revolutions of the engine per minute.

    Never exceed the engine max. speed rate, see p. 47 (RUNNING-IN).

    Low fuel warning light It comes on when the quantity of fuel still available in the fuel tank is less than 5 b.

    In this case, top up as soon as possible, see p. 24 (FUEL).

    Engine oil pressure Warning light

    Comes on whenever the ignition switch is in position and the engine is not running, thuschecking the functionality of the bulb.

    If the light does not come on in this phase, contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    If the engine oil pressure warning light remains on after thestart or comes on during the normal operation of the engine, this

    means that the engine oil pressure in the circuit is insufficient.In this case, stop the engine immediately and contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    Neutral indicator warning light Comes on when the gear is in neutral.

    Diagnostic warning light c

    It comes on whenever the ignition switch is positioned on and goes out a few seconds afterthe engine start.

    Do not carry out any operation on the components of the vehiclewith the ignition switch in position .

    With the engine stop switch in position , it comes on whenever the ignition switch ispositioned on and remains on, with low light intensity, thus checking the correctoperation of the injection circuit.

    If the light does not come on in this phase, contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    If the diagnostic warning light c remains on after the enginestart or comes on during the normal operation of the engine, this

    means that the electronic unit has detected an anomaly. In many cases the engine keepsrunning with limited functions; contact an aprilia Official Dealer immediately.






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    Description Function

    Speedometer (km/h) It indicates the driving speed.

    Total kilometres odometer It indicates the total number of kilometres covered.

    Coolant temperature indicator

    It indicates the approximate temperature of the coolant in the engine.When the pointer starts moving beyond the 40 level, the temperature is sufficient for drivingthe vehicle.The normal operating temperature appears on the graduated area of the scale.

    The switching on and off of the cooling fan does not depend on theposition of the ignition switch. To lower the coolant temperature,

    the cooling fan works even when the engine is off and it is disconnected automatically.

    If the maximum allowed temperature is exceeded (red area of the

    scale), the engine may be seriously damaged.If the pointer gets near the red area, stop the engine, wait until the cooling fan is disconnectedand check the coolant level, see p. 31 (COOLANT).If the pointer reaches the red area, stop the vehicle and let the engine idle for approximately twominutes, thus permitting the regular circulation of the coolant in the system; then, position theengine stop switch on and check the coolant level, see p. 31 (COOLANT). If the situation onthe dashboard remains the same after the coolant level has been checked, do not start thevehicle and contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    Partial kilometres odometer It indicates the partial number of kilometres covered. To set it to zero, use the trip meterresetting knob.

    Trip meter resetting knob Rotate it anticlockwise to set the partial kilometres odometer to zero.



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    The ignition switch (1) is positioned on theupper plate of the steering column.

    NOTE The key operates the ignitionswitch/steering lock, the fuel tank lock (2)

    and the saddle lock (3).Two keys are supplied together with thevehicle (one spare key).

    NOTE Do not keep the spare key on thevehicle.

    Position Function Key removal



    The steeringis locked. Itis not

    possible tostart theengine.

    It is possibleto remove thekey.

    The enginecannot bestarted.

    It is possibleto remove thekey.

    The enginecan bestarted.

    It is notpossible toremove thekey.

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    WARNINGNever turn the key to position inrunning conditions, in order to avoidlosing control of the vehicle.


    To lock the steering:

    u Turn the handlebar completely leftwards.u Turn the key (1) to position .u Press the key (1) and rotate it to position

    .uWithdraw the key (1).



    u Position the vehicle on the stand, see p.


    u Insert the key (1) in the saddle lock (2).u Turn the key (1) clockwise and raise and

    remove the saddle.

    NOTE Before lowering and locking thesaddle, make sure that you have not left

    the key in the glove/tool kit compartment.

    To lock the saddle:

    u Position the tangs (3) in the seat, lowerand press the saddle, making the lock


    WARNINGBefore leaving, make sure that thesaddle is properly locked.

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    To perform some specific operations, it isadvisable to use the following special tools(to be requested to an aprilia OfficialDealer):


    The vehicle may be equipped with thefollowing accessories (to be requested tothe aprilia Official Dealer):

    side bagsJ, see p. 21 [SIDE BAGS

    J (supplied as standard equipment inthe countries where required)]; rear caseJ, see p. 23 [REAR CASEJ (supplied as standard equipment inthe countries where required)];

    centre standJ (supplied as standardequipment in the countries whererequired).

    Tool Operations

    Support pins (1) for the rearsupport stand, see p. 61(POSITIONING THEVEHICLE ON THE REARSUPPORT STANDJ).

    Positioning ofthe vehicle onthe rear stand.

    Rear support stand (2), see p.61 (POSITIONING THEVEHICLE ON THE REARSUPPORT STANDJ).

    Rear wheeldisassembly.Drive chainadjustment.

    Front support stand (3), see p.61 (POSITIONING THEVEHICLE ON THE FRONTSUPPORT STANDJ).

    Front wheeldisassembly.

    Washer (4) for front supportstand, see p. 61(POSITIONING THEVEHICLE ON THE FRONTSUPPORT STANDJ).

    Front wheeldisassembly.

    Click clamp (5) installationpliers, see p. 54 (CLICKCLAMPS).

    Click clampinstallation.

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    SIDE BAGSJ (supplied asstandard equipment in thecountries where required)

    Thanks to the use of the side bags it ispossible to transport clothes or otherobjects even in bad weather, so that theyare protected and do not constitute ahindrance or a risk for the rider.

    NOTE If the side bags are not installedon the vehicle, before using them it isnecessary to instal l the appropriatesupports, see p. 66 [INSTALLING THE


    (supplied asstandard equipment in the countries whererequired)].

    Clean and lubricate the coupling lock onthe bag every 6000 km (3750 mi) or 12months.

    NOTE The following information refersto one unit only, but is valid for both.

    To open the side bag, proceed asfollows:

    u Position the vehicle on the stand, see p.49 (POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ONTHE STAND).

    u Introduce the key (1) in the lock.u Turn the key (1) anticlockwise.u Extract the key (1) and insert it in the

    other lock.u Turn the key (1) anticlockwise.u Lift the two parts of the lock (2).uOpen the case (3).

    Two keys are supplied together with the

    vehicle (one spare key).

    NOTE Do not keep the spare key on thevehicle.

    WARNINGIf it is necessary to transport more thanone object, distribute the load uniformlyon the side bags.

    Secure the luggage by means of the

    appropriate elastic belts, in such a wayas to avoid dangerous movements ofthe same during the trip.It is not advisable to use the vehiclewith only one side bag installed.

    Do not load the side bags excessively.

    Maximum allowed weight: 5 kg (for eachbag).

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    To remove the side bag, proceed asfollows:

    u Introduce the key (4) in the lock.u Turn the key (4) clockwise and at the

    same time move the lower part of thebag slightly towards the outside (A).

    u Grasp the bag firmly with both hands, asindicated in the figure.

    u Lift the bag (B) slightly and release it (C)from the appropriate coupling seats (5)on the bag support.

    Two keys are supplied together with thevehicle (one spare key).

    NOTE Do not keep the spare key on thevehicle.

    CAUTIONHandle the p last ic and paintedcomponents with care to avoid scrapingor damaging them.

    WARNINGUpon reassembly, make sure that thebag is properly anchored to its support.

    Upper part: perfect fitting of the bagcoupling pins in the coupling seatsprovided on the support;

    Lower part: perfect fitting of the supportcoupling pin in the relevant lockprovided on the bag; when the locksnaps, the coupling is correct.

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    The fuel used for internal combustionengines is extremely inflammable andin particular conditions it can becomeexplosive.

    It is important to carry out the refuellingand the maintenance operations in awell-ventilated area, with the engine off.Do not smoke while refuelling or nearfuel vapours, in any case avoid anycontact with naked flames, sparks andany other heat source to prevent thefuel f rom catch ing f i re or f romexploding.

    WARNINGFurther, prevent fuel from flowing out ofthe fuel filler, as it could catch fire when

    getting in contact with the red-hotsurfaces of the engine.

    In case some fuel has accidentally beenspilt, make sure that the area hascompletely dried and before starting thevehicle verify that there is no fuel insidethe fuel filler neck.

    Since petrol expands under the heat ofthe sun and due to the effects of sunradiation, never fill the tank to the brim.

    WARNINGScrew the plug up carefully afterrefuelling. Avoid any contact of the fuel

    with the skin and the inhalation ofvapours; do not swallow fuel or pour itfrom a receptacle into another bymeans of a tube.


    KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.Use only unleaded petrol, in conformitywith the DIN 51 607 standard, min. O.N. 95(N.O.R.M.) and 85 (N.O.M.M.)

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    To refuel, proceed as follows:

    u Raise the flap (1).u Insert the key (2) in the tank plug lock

    (3).u Turn the key clockwise, pull and open

    the fuel flap.

    FUEL TANK CAPACITY(reserve included): 21 b


    CAUTIONDo not put addi t ives or o thersubstances into the fuel.

    If you use a funnel or other similaritems, make sure that they are perfectlyclean.

    WARNINGDo not fill the tank completely; themaximum fuel level must remain belowthe lower edge of the filler neck (seefigure).

    CAUTIONDuring the refilling operations, becareful to avoid damaging the innerparts of the tank with the fuel pump.

    u Refuel.

    After refuelling:

    NOTE The cap can be closed only whenthe key (2) is inserted.

    uWith inserted key (2), close the cap bypressing it.

    WARNINGMake sure that the cap is properlyclosed.

    uWithdraw the key (2).u Close the flap (1).

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    BRAKE FLUID - recommendations

    NOTE This vehicle is provided with frontand rear disc brakes, with separatehydraulic circuits.

    The following information refers to a single

    braking system, but is valid for both.

    WARNINGSudden res istance or c learanceproblems on the brake lever may be dueto troubles in the hydraulic system.

    For any doubt regarding the perfect

    functioning of the braking system andin case you are not able to carry out theusual checking operations, contactyour aprilia Official Dealer.

    WARNINGMake sure that the brake discs areneither oily nor greasy, especially aftermaintenance or checking operations.

    Check that the brake cables are neither

    twisted nor worn out.Prevent water or dust from accidentallygetting into the circuit.

    In case maintenance operations are tobe performed on the hydraulic circuit, itis advisable to use latex gloves.

    If the brake fluid gets in contact with theskin or the eyes, it can cause seriousirritations.

    WARNINGCarefully wash the parts of your bodythat get in contact with the liquid.Consult a doctor or an oculist if theliquid gets in contact with your eyes.



    CAUTIONWhen using the brake fluid, take carenot to spill it on the plastic or paintedparts, since it can damage them.

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    WARNINGThe brakes are the parts that mostensure your safety and for this reasonthey must always be perfectly working;

    check them before every trip.A dir ty d isc soi ls the pads, withconsequent reduction of the brakingefficiency.

    Dirty pads must be replaced, while dirtydiscs must be cleaned with a high-quality degreaser.

    The brake fluid must be changed everytwo years by an aprilia Official Dealer.

    Use brake fluid of the type specified inthe lubr icant char t , see p . 93(LUBRICANT CHART).

    NOTE This vehicle is provided with discbrakes with two, front and rear brakingsystems having separate hydraulic circuits.

    The front braking system is with single disc(left side).

    The rear braking system is with single disc

    (left side).The following information refers to a singlebraking system, but is valid for both.

    When the disc pads wear out, the level ofthe fluid decreases to automatical lycompensate for their wear.

    The front brake fluid tank is positioned onthe right part of the handlebar, near thefront brake lever coupling.

    The rear brake reservoir is positioned onthe right side of the vehicle, near the rearbrake control lever.

    NOTE Carry out the maintenanceoperations halving the intervals indicated, ifthe vehicle is used in rainy or dusty areasor on uneven surfaces.

    Have the brake discs checked by anaprilia Official Dealer after the first 1000

    km (625mi) and successively every 6000km (3750 mi).

    Before departure, check the brake fluidlevel in the reservoirs, see p. 28 (FRONTBRAKE), p. 30 (REAR BRAKE), and thewear of the pads, see p. 71 (CHECKINGTHE BRAKE PAD WEAR).

    Have the brake fluid changed every twoyears by an aprilia Official Dealer.

    WARNINGDo not use the vehicle if the brakingsystem leaks fluid.

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    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position andturn the handlebar, so that the fluidcontained in the tank is parallel to the

    brake fluid tank cover.uMake sure that the fluid level exceedsthe MIN mark.

    MIN= minimum level

    If the fluid does not reach at least the MINmark:

    CAUTIONWhen the disc pads wear out, the levelof the fluid decreases progressively tocompensate for their wear.

    u Check the brake pad wear, see p. 71(CHECKING THE BRAKE PAD WEAR)and the disc wear.

    If the pads and/or the disc do not needreplacing, provide for topping up.


    Carefully read p. 26 (BRAKE FLUID -recommendations).

    CAUTIONThe brake fluid may flow out of the tank.Do not operate the front brake lever ifthe screws (1) and (2) are loose or, mostimportant, if the brake fluid tank coverhas been removed.

    CAUTIONPosition a cloth under the brake

    reservoir, in case some fluid should bespilled.

    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position andturn the handlebar, so that the fluidcontained in the tank is parallel to thebrake fluid tank cover.

    u Unscrew the screw (1), using a short,

    cross-tip screwdriver.

    u Unscrew the screw (2).

    WARNINGAvoid any prolonged exposure of thebrake fluid to the air.

    The brake fluid is hygroscopic and

    when in contact with the air it absorbsits humidity.

    Leave the brake fluid tank open ONLYfor the time necessary for topping up.

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    u Raise and remove the cover (3) togetherwith the screws (1) and (2).

    u Remove the gasket (4).

    CAUTIONIn order not to spill the brake fluid while

    topping up, do not shake the vehicle.Do not put additives or other subtancesinto the fluid.

    If you use a funnel or other similaritems, make sure that they are perfectlyclean.

    NOTE In order to reach the MAX level,top up unt i l cover ing the glass (5)completely, with the brake fluid reservoirrim parallel to the ground.

    u Top up the reservoir (6) by adding brakefluid, see p. 93 (LUBRICANT CHART),until reaching the correct level.

    CAUTIONDo not exceed the MAX level whiletopping up.

    It is advisable to top up until reachingthe MAX level only with new pads.

    Do not reach the MAX level with wornout pads, since this will cause a fluidoutflow when the pads are changed.

    u Put back the gasket (4) in its seatcorrectly.

    u Put back the cover (3).u Screw and tighten the screw (2).u Screw and tighten the screw (1).

    WARNINGCheck the braking efficiency.In case of excessive stroke of the brakelever or reduced efficiency of thebraking system, contact an apriliaOff ic ia l Dealer , s ince i t may benecessary to bleed the system.


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    u Remove the right side panel, see p. 65(REMOVING THE RIGHT AND LEFTSIDES).

    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position.uMake sure that the fluid level exceeds

    the MIN mark.

    MIN= minimum levelMAX= maximum level

    If the fluid does not reach at least the MINmark:

    CAUTIONWhen the disc pads wear out, the levelof the fluid decreases progressively tocompensate for their wear.

    u Check the brake pad wear, see p. 71(CHECKING THE BRAKE PAD WEAR)and the disc wear.

    If the pads and/or the disc do not needreplacing, provide for topping up.


    Carefully read p. 26 (BRAKE FLUID -recommendations).

    CAUTIONThe brake fluid may flow out of the tank.

    Do not pull the rear brake lever if thebrake f lu id tank cover has beenremoved.

    WARNINGAvoid any prolonged exposure of thebrake fluid to the air.

    The brake fluid is hygroscopic andwhen in contact with the air it absorbsits humidity.Leave the brake fluid tank open ONLYfor the time necessary for topping up.

    u Unscrew and remove the plug (1).u Remove the gasket (2).

    CAUTIONIn order not to spill the brake fluid whiletopping up, keep the fluid in the tankparallel to the tank rim (in horizontalposition).

    Do not put additives or other subtancesinto the fluid.

    If you use a funnel or other similaritems, make sure that they are perfectlyclean.

    u Fill the tank (3) with brake fluid, see p. 93

    (LUBRICANT CHART), until reachingthe correct level between the MIN andMAX marks.

    CAUTIONIt is advisable to top up until reachingthe MAX level only with new pads.

    Do not reach the MAX level with worn

    out pads, since this will cause a fluidoutflow when the pads are changed.Check the braking efficiency.In case of excessive stroke of the brakelever or reduced efficiency of thebraking system, contact an apriliaOff ic ia l Dealer , s ince i t may be

    necessary to bleed the system.


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    CAUTIONDo not use the vehicle if the coolant isbelow the minimum prescribed level

    MIN.NOTE Carry out the maintenanceoperations halving the intervals indicated, ifthe vehicle is used in rainy or dusty areasor on uneven surfaces.

    Before departure, check the coolant level,see p. 32 (CHECKING AND TOPPING

    UP); have the coolant changed every twoyears: for this operation, contact anaprilia Official Dealer.

    WARNINGThe coolant is noxious: do not swallow

    it; if the coolant gets in contact with theskin or the eyes, it can cause seriousirritations.

    If the fluid gets in contact with your skinor eyes, rinse with plenty of water andconsult a doctor. If it is swallowed,induce vomit, rinse mouth and throat

    with plenty of water and consult adoctor without delay.



    WARNINGBe careful not to spill the coolant on thered-hot parts of the engine: it may catchfire and send out invisible flames.

    In case any maintenance operationshould be required, it is advisable touse latex gloves.

    CAUTIONHave the pads changed by your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    The coolant is composed of 50% water and50% antifreeze.

    This mixture is ideal for most runningtemperatures and ensures good protectionagainst corrosion.

    It is advisable to keep the same mixture

    also in the hot season, since in this waylosses due to evaporation are reduced andi t i s no t necessary to top up veryfrequently.

    The mineral salt deposits left in the radiatorby evaporated water are thus reduced andthe efficiency of the cooling system

    remains unchanged.

    If the outdoor temperature is below 0,check the cooling circuit frequently and ifnecessary increase the ant i f reezeconcentration (up to maximum 60%).

    For the cooling solution use distilled water,in order not to damage the engine.

    WARNINGDo not remove the expansion tank plug

    (1) when the engine is hot, since thecoolant is under pressure and itstemperature is high.

    If it gets in contact with the skin or withclothes it may cause severe burnsand/or damage.

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    WARNINGCheck the coolant level and top up theexpansion tank with cold engine.

    u Stop the engine and wait until it has

    cooled down.u Keep the vehicle in vertical position, with

    the two wheels resting on the ground.

    u Not present . Make sure thatthe level of the fluid contained in theexpansion tank (2) is included betweenthe MAX and MIN.

    MAX= maximum levelMIN= minimum level

    u . The level is correct if it approxi-mately reaches MAX mark.

    If not, proceed as follows:

    u Unscrew and remove the filling cap (1).

    WARNINGThe coolant is noxious: do not swallowit; if the coolant gets in contact with the

    skin or the eyes, it can cause seriousirritations.

    Do not use your fingers or any otherobject to check if there is enoughcoolant.

    CAUTIONDo not put additives or other subtancesinto the fluid.

    If you use a funnel or other similaritems, make sure that they are perfectlyclean.

    u Top up the expansion tank by addingcoo lan t , see p . 93 (LUBRICANTCHART), until this almost reaches theMAX level. Do not exceed this level,otherwise the fluid will flow out while theengine is running.

    u Put back the filling cap (1).

    CAUTIONIn case of excessive consumption ofcoolant and in case the tank remainsempty, make sure that there are noleaks in the circuit. Have it repaired byan aprilia Official Dealer.

    TYRES There are several k inds of wearindicators For more information on

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    This vehicle is provided with tyres withtube.

    NOTE Carry out the maintenanceoperations halving the intervals indicated, ifthe vehicle is used in rainy or dusty areasor on uneven surfaces.

    WARNINGCheck the inflation pressure at roomtemperature every two weeks.

    Check the conditions of the tyres andthe in f la t ion pressure at roomtemperature every 1000 km (625 mi),see p. 90 (TECHNICAL DATA).

    WARNINGPeriodically check the tyre inflation

    pressure at room temperature, see p. 90(TECHNICAL DATA).

    If the tyres are hot, the measurement isnot correct.Carry out the measurement especiallybefore and after long rides.

    If the inflation pressure is too high, the

    ground unevenness cannot bedampened and is therefore transmittedto the handlebar, thus compromisingthe driving comfort and reducing theroad holding during turns.

    If, on the contrary, the inflation pressureis too low, the tyre sides (1) are undergreater stress and the tyre itself mayslip on the rim or it may become loose,with consequent loss of control of thevehicle.

    In case of sudden braking the tyrescould even come off the rims.

    Further, the vehicle could skid whileturning.


    Check the surface and the wear of thetyres, since tyres in bad conditions canimpair both the gr ip and thecontrollability of the vehicle.

    Some types of tyres homologated forthis vehicle are provided with wearindicators.

    indicators. For more information onhow to check the wear, contact yourDealer.Visually check if the tyres are worn andin this case have them changed.

    Change the tyre when it is worn out orin case of puncture on the tread side, ifthe puncture is larger than 5 mm.

    After repairing a tyre, have the wheelsbalanced.

    WARNINGThe tyres must be replaced with othertyres o f the type and modelrecommended by the manufacturer, seep. 90 (TECHNICAL DATA); the use oftyres different from those prescribedmay adversely af fect the

    manoeuvrability of the vehicle.Do not install tyres with air tube on rimsfor tubeless tyres and viceversa.

    Make sure that the inflation valves (2)always have their sealing caps on, toprevent the tyres from suddenly goingflat.

    Change, repair, maintenance andbalancing operations are very importantand therefore they must be performedby qual i f ied technic ians wi thappropriate tools.


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    WARNINGFor this reason, it is advisable to havethe above mentioned operations carriedout by an aprilia Official Dealer or by aqualified tyre repairer.

    If the tyres are new, they may still becovered with a slippery film: drivecarefully for the first miles. Do not oilthe tyres with unsuitable fluids. If thetyres are old, even if not completelyworn out, they may become hard andmay not ensure good road holding.In this case, replace them.

    MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH LIMIT (3):front and rear 2 mm and in any case notless than prescribed by the regulations inforce in the country where the vehicle isused.

    WARNINGEngine oil may cause serious damageto the skin if handled daily and for long

    periods.Wash your hands carefully after use.



    Put it in a sealed container and take it tothe filling station where you usually buyit or to an oil salvage center.

    In case any maintenance operationshould be required, it is advisable touse latex gloves.

    CAUTIONIf the engine oil pressure warning light comes on during the normaloperation of the engine, this means thatthe engine oil pressure in the circuit isinsufficient.

    In this case, check the engine oil level,

    see p. 55 (CHECKING THE ENGINE OILLEVEL AND TOPPING UP); if the levelisn t correct , s top the engineimmediately and contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    CAUTIONProceed with care.Do not spill the oil!Take care not to smear any component,the area in which you are working and

    the surrounding area. Carefully removeany trace of oil.

    In case of leakages or malfunctions,contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    Periodically check the engine oil level, seep. 55 (CHECKING THE ENGINE OILLEVEL AND TOPPING UP).

    For the engine oil change, see p. 52(REGULAR SERVICE INTERVALSCHART).

    NOTE Use high-quality 5W 40 oil, seep. 93 (LUBRICANT CHART).

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    Adjust the clutch after the first 1000 km(625 mi) and successively every 6000 km(3750 mi) and when the engine stops or

    the vehicle (with pulled clutch lever andgears on) tends to move forward, or if theclutch sl ips, causing a delay in theacceleration with respect to the enginerpm.

    For the adjustment, proceed as follows:

    u Position the vehicle on the stand, see p.49 (POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ONTHE STAND).

    uWithdraw the protection element (1).u Loosen the lock nut (2).

    u Rotate the adjuster (3), until the idlestroke of the clutch lever is about 10mm.

    u Tighten the lock nut (2) and check theadjustment again.

    u Start the engine, see p. 41 (STARTING).u Pull the clutch control lever completely

    and engage the 1st gear.Make sure that the engine does not stop,that the vehicle does not tend to moveforward, or that the clutch does not slipduring the acceleration phase or while thevehicle is running.

    WARNINGIf it is not possible to obtain a correctadjustment or if the clutch does notfunction properly, contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    CAUTIONMake sure that the clutch control cableis intact: the inner cable and outer sheatmust not be worn or flattened at anypoint.

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    The brake control lever is positionedergonomically during the assembly of thevehicle.If necessary, it is possible to adjust the

    brake control lever clearance:

    u Loosen the lock nut (1).u Screw the brake adjuster (2) completely.u Screw the lock nut (3) completely on the

    pump control rod (4).u Screw the pump control rod (4)

    completely, then unscrew it by giving 3

    4 turns.u Screw the brake adjuster (2) until the

    brake pedal reaches the desired height.u Lock the brake adjuster (2) by means of

    the lock nut (1).u Unscrew the pump control rod (4) and

    bring it in contact with the pump piston.

    u Screw the rod in order to ensure aminimum clearance of 0.5 1 mmbetween the pump control rod (4) andthe pump piston.


    Make sure that there is a certain idlestroke in the movement of the lever (5),to prevent the brake from remainingapplied and the consequent untimelywear of the braking elements.

    Lever (5) idle stroke: 4 mm (measured atthe lever end).

    u Lock the pump control rod (4) by meansof the lock nut (3).

    CAUTIONAfter the adjustment, make sure that thewheel rotates freely with releasedbrake.

    Check the braking efficiency.If necessary, contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.


    NOTE The following information refersto a single exhaust silencer, but is valid forboth.

    WARNINGAvoid parking the vehicle catalyticversion near dry brush wood or inplaces easily accessible to children, asthe cata lyt ic s i lencer becomesextremely hot during use; be verycareful and avoid any kind of contact

    before it has completely cooled down.The catalytic vehicle is fitted with a silencerwith metal catalytic converter of theplatinum-rhodium bivalent type.

    This device provides for the oxidation ofthe CO (carbon monoxide) and of the HC


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    CO ( ) C(unburned hydrocarbons) contained in theexhaust gases, changing them into carbondioxide and steam, respectively.

    CAUTIONDo not use leaded petrol, since itcauses the destruction of the catalyticconverter.

    WARNINGTampering with the noise controlsystem is prohibited.

    Owners are warned that the law mayprohibit:

    the removal or rendering inoperative byany person, other than for purposes ofmaintenance, repair or replacement, ofany dev ice or e lement o f des ignincorporated into any new vehicle for

    the purpose of noise control prior to itssale or delivery to the ultimate purchaseror while it is in use;

    the use of the vehicle after such deviceor element of design has been removedor rendered inoperative by any person.

    Check the exhaust silencer and the silencerpipes, making sure that there are neithersigns of rust, nor holes and that the exhaustsystem works effectively.

    If the noise produced by the exhaust systemincreases, immediately contact youraprilia Official Dealer.


    The instructions below must be followedwith the maximum care in order to avoidany injury to persons and damage toproperty and to the vehicle, caused by thefalling of the rider or the passenger fromthe vehicle and/or the falling or overturningof the vehicle itself.


    Risk of falling and overturning.Proceed with care.

    The operations and movements required toget on and of f the vehic le must beperformed with complete freedom ofmovement and with the hands free fromobstruction caused by holding objects, thehelmet, gloves or glasses.

    The vehicle is provided with two stands:centre stand and side stand.

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    CAUTIONDo not start the engine with the vehicleposi t ioned on the centre stand.Engaging the gears may make you losecontrol of the vehicle.

    Do not get on or let the passenger geton the vehicle if this is positioned onthe centre stand.It is forbidden to position the vehicle onthe centre stand while seated astridethe vehicle in riding position.

    Get on and off the vehicle only from the left

    side and always with extended side stand.

    CAUTIONDo not apply the load of your weight orof the passengers weight onto the sidestand.

    The stand has been designed to support

    the weight of the vehicle and a minimumload, without the rider and the passenger.

    Getting on the vehicle into the ridingposit ion with extended side stand ispermi t ted on ly fo r the purpose o fpreventing the vehicle from falling oroverturning and does not envision theloading of the weight of the rider and

    passenger onto the side stand.While getting on and off, the weight of thevehicle may cause an unbalance and theconsequent loss of equilibrium, and thevehicle may fall or overturn.

    NOTE The rider must always be the firstperson to get on the vehicle and the last to

    get off and it is the rider who controls thebalance and stability of the vehicle whenthe passenger gets on and off.

    When getting on and off the vehicle, thepassenger must make careful movements,in order to maintain the balance of thevehicle and the rider.

    NOTE The rider is responsible forinstructing the passenger how to safely geton and off the vehicle.

    The vehicle is equipped with specialpassenger footrests to make it easier to geton and off the vehicle. The passenger must

    always use the left footrest to get on andoff the vehicle.

    Neither get off, nor try to get off the vehicleby jumping or stretching your leg down tothe ground. In both cases this wouldcompromise the stability and balance ofthe vehicle.

    NOTE Bags or objects strapped to therear of the vehicle can represent anobstacle while getting on and off.

    In any case , per fo rm a con t ro l l edmovement with your right leg, which mustavoid striking and safely pass the rear partof the fairing or the luggage without creating



    u Grasp the handlebar correctly and get on

    u Incline the vehicle until the stand restson the ground.

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    u Grasp the handlebar correctly and get onthe vehicle without loading your weightonto the side stand.

    NOTE If it is impossible for you to placeboth feet on the ground, place the right footon the ground (in case of unbalance, theleft side of the vehicle is prevented fromfalling over by the side stand) and keep theleft foot ready to rest on the ground.

    u Place both feet on the ground andstraighten the vehicle into riding position

    while keeping it in balance.

    NOTE The rider must not extract orattempt to extract the passenger footrestwhile seated astride the vehicle, becausethis might compromise the stability andbalance of the vehicle.


    Have the passenger extract the twopassenger footrests.u Instruct the passenger how to safely get

    on the vehicle.u Kick the side stand completely back

    using your left foot.


    u Choose a suitable parking area, see p.48 (PARKING).

    u Stop the vehicle, see p. 48 (STOPPING).

    WARNINGMake sure that the parking surface isfree from obstacles, firm and flat.

    uWith the left shoe heel, extend the sidestand completely by acting on theappropriate lever.

    NOTE If it is impossible for you to placeboth feet on the ground, place the right footon the ground (in case of unbalance, the

    left side of the vehicle is prevented fromfalling over by the side stand) and keep theleft foot ready to rest on the ground.

    u Place both feet on the ground, keepingthe vehicle in balance in riding position.

    u Instruct the passenger how to safely getoff the vehicle.

    CAUTIONRisk of falling and overturning.

    Make sure that the passenger has gotoff the vehicle.Do not load your weight onto the sidestand.

    u Grasp the handlebar correctly and get offthe vehicle.

    u Rotate the handlebar completelyleftwards.

    u Lift the passenger footrests.

    CAUTIONMake sure that the vehicle is stable.


    WARNINGBefore departure, always carry out apreliminary checking of the vehicle tomake sure that it functions correctlyand safely, see the table (PRELIMINARYCHECKING OPERATIONS).

    The non-performance of these checkingoperations can cause severe personalinjuries or damages to the vehicle.

    Do not hesitate to consult your apriliaOfficial Dealer in case there is somethingyou do no t unders tand about thefunctioning of some controls or in case you

    suspect or discover some irregularities.It does not take long to carry out a check-up and this operation ensures you muchmore safety.


    Component Check Page

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    Component Check Page

    Front and rear discbrakes

    Check the functioning, the idle stroke of the control levers, the fluid level and makesure there are no leaks.Check the wear of the pads.If necessary, top up the fluid tank.

    26 (BRAKE FLUID - recommendations),27(DISC BRAKES),28 (FRONT BRAKE),30


    AcceleratorMake sure that it works smoothly and that it is possible to open and close itcompletely, in all steering positions. If necessary, adjust and/or lubricate it.


    Engine oil Check and/or top up if necessary.34 (ENGINE OIL), 55 (CHECKING THE


    Wheel/tyresCheck the tyre surface, the inflation pressure, wear and tear and any damage.Remove any foreign matter that may be stuck in the tread grooves.

    33 (TYRES)

    Brake leversMake sure that they work smoothly.

    Lubricate the articulations and adjust the stroke if necessary.



    The idle stroke at the end of the clutch lever must be approximately 10 mm; the clutchmust work without jerking and/or slipping.

    35 (CLUTCH)

    Steering Make sure that the steering rotates smoothly, without any clearance or slackening.

    Side stand andcentre standJ(supplied asstandard equipmentin the countrieswhere required)

    Make sure that it operates correctly. Make sure that when the stand is let up or downthere is no friction and that the spring tension brings it back to its normal position.If necessary, lubricate joints and hinges.Make sure that the safety switch operates correctly.


    Fastening elementsMake sure that the fastening elements are not loose. If necessary, adjust or tightenthem.

    Drive chain Check the slack. 62 (DRIVE CHAIN)

    Fuel tankCheck the fuel level and top up, if necessary.Check the circuit for leaks.Make sure that the fuel cap is correctly closed.

    24 (FUEL)

    Coolant The coolant level in the expansion tank must be included between thmax e MAXand MIN marks. 31 (COOLANT), 32 (CHECKING ANDTOPPING UP)

    Engine stop switch( -)

    Make sure that it operates correctly. 16 [ENGINE STOP SWITCH ( -)]

    Lights, warning lightsLED, horn, rearbrake light switchend electric devices

    Check the proper functioning of the acoustic and visual devices. Change the bulbs orintervene in case of failure.


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    u Operate the front brake lever completely.u Pull the clutch lever (8) completely and

    shift the gearbox lever (9) into neutral[green warning light (10) on].

    NOTE If the room temperature is low(near to or lower than 0C), see p. 43


    CAUTIONTo avoid excessive consumption of thebattery, do not keep the start pushbutton pressed for more thanfifteen seconds.

    If the engine does not start in this lapseof time, wait ten seconds and press thestart push button again.

    u Press the start push button (11)without accelerating and release it assoon as the engine starts.

    CAUTIONAvoid pressing the start push button (11) when the engine is running,since you may damage the starter.

    If the engine oil pressure warning light (5) remains on, or if it comes onduring the normal operation of theengine, this means that the oil pressurein the circuit is insufficient.In th is case, s top the engine

    immediately and contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    u Keep at least one brake lever pulled anddo not accelerate until you start.

    CAUTIONNever leave abruptly with cold engine.

    To reduce the emission of pollutingsubstances and the consumption offuel, warm the engine up by proceeding

    at low speed for the first miles.

    CAUTIONIf the diagnostic warning light c (6)comes on on the dashboard during thenormal operation of the engine, thismeans that the electronic unit has

    detected an anomaly.In many cases the engine keepsrunning with limited functions; contactan aprilia Official Dealer immediately.

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    When the room temperature is low (about0C), it may be difficult to start the engineat the first attempt.

    In this case:

    uRotate the cold start lever (12)downwards.

    u Insist for at least ten seconds with thestart push button (11) pressed and atthe same time moderately rotate thethrottle grip (13).

    If the engine starts.

    u Release the start push button (11)and the throttle grip (13).

    u Rotate the cold start lever (12)upwards.

    u If the idling is unstable, twist the throttle

    grip (13) slightly and frequently.

    If the engine does not start.

    Wait a few seconds and repeat the coldSTART PROCEDURE.

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    WARNINGDo not position any object inside thefront part of the fairing (between thehandlebar and the dashboard), in order

    not to h inder the rotat ion of thehandlebar and visibility toward thedashboard.

    NOTE Before departure, carefully readthe safe drive chapter, see p. 5 (SAFEDRIVE).

    CAUTIONIf the low fuel warning light (1)positioned on the dashboard comes onwhile the vehicle is running, this meansthat 5 bof fuel are still available in thetank.

    Provide for topping up as soon as

    possible, see p. 24 (FUEL).

    WARNINGIf you drive without passenger, makesure that the passenger footrests arefolded.

    While riding, keep your hands on the

    grips and your feet on the footrests.NEVER RIDE IN ANY POSITION OTHERTHAN THOSE INDICATED.

    WARNINGIf you drive with a passenger, instructhim/her so that he/she does not create

    problems during manouvres.

    Before leaving, make sure that thestand is completely up.

    To leave:

    u Start the engine, see p. 41 (STARTING).u Adjust the inclination of the rear-view

    mirrors correctly.


    With the vehicle at rest, try to getacquainted with the use of the rear-viewmirrors. The reflecting surface isconvex, therefore the objects seem tobe farther away than they actually are.These mirrors offer a wide-angle viewand only experience will allow you toevaluate the distance of the following

    vehicles correctly.uWith released throttle grip (2) (Pos.A)

    and engine idling, pull the clutch lever (3)completely.

    u Engage the first gear, by pushing thegear lever (4) downwards.

    u Release the brake lever (pulled on the


    CAUTIONIf the engine oil pressure warning light

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    WARNINGOn departure, the abrupt release of theclutch lever may cause the engine tostall or the vehicle to jerk forwards.

    Never accelerate abrupt ly or

    excessively when releasing the clutchlever, in order to prevent the clutchfrom slipping (slow release) or thefront wheel from raising rearing up(quick release).

    u Slowly release the clutch lever (3) and atthe same time accelerate by slightlyturning the throttle grip (2) (Pos.B).

    The vehicle will start moving.

    u Ride at reduced speed for the first miles,in order to warm the engine up.

    CAUTIONNever exceed the recommended rpm,see p. 47 (RUNNING-IN).

    u Increase the speed by gradually rotatingthe throttle grip (2) (Pos.B), without

    exceeding the recommended rpm, see p.47 (RUNNING-IN).

    To engage the second gear:

    CAUTIONProceed quickly.

    Never ride the vehicle at too low rpm.

    u Release the throttle grip (2) (Pos.A), pullthe clutch lever (3) and lift the shiftinglever (4). Release the clutch lever (3)and accelerate.

    u Repeat the last two operations and shiftup.

    g p g g (5) comes on during the normaloperation of the engine, this means thatthe engine oil pressure in the circuit is

    insufficient.In th is case, s top the engineimmediately and contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    The downshifting should be carried outin the following situations:


    When riding downhill or when braking, inorder to increase the braking action byusing the compression of the engine.

    uWhen riding uphill, if the gear engaged isnot suitable to the speed (high gear,moderate speed) and the engine rpmdecreases.

    CAUTIONShi f t the gears one by one; thesimultaneous downshifting of morethan one gear may make you exceed themaximum rpm (red line).

    Before and during the downshifting,release the throttle grip and decelerate,

    in order to avoid the red line.

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    WARNINGThe fall or excessive inclination of the

    f f f

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    WARNINGIf possible, avoid stopping abruptly,slowing down suddenly and braking atthe last moment.

    u Release the throttle grip (1) (Pos.A),gradually put on the brakes and at thesame t ime shi f t down in order todec rease the speed, see p . 44(DEPARTURE AND DRIVE).

    Once the speed has decreased, beforestopping the vehicle:

    u Pull the clutch lever (2) in order toprevent the stopping of the engine.

    When the vehicle has come to rest:

    u Shift the gear lever to neutral (greenwarning light on).

    u Release the clutch lever (2).

    u In case of a brief stop, keep at least onebrake on.


    It is very important to choose a suitableparking area, respecting the road signs andthe indications given below.

    WARNINGPark the vehicle on firm and flat ground,to prevent it from falling down.

    Neither lean the vehicle against walls,nor lay it on the ground.Make sure that the veh ic le andespecially its red-hot parts do notrepresent a danger for persons and

    children. Do not leave the vehicleunattended when the engine is on or thekey is inserted into the ignition switch.

    Do not get too near the cooling fan evenif it is not in operation, since it may startand parts of clothes, hair, etc. may getentangled in it.

    vehicle may cause the fuel to flow out ofthe tank.

    The fuel used for internal combustionengines is extremely inflammable andin particular conditions it can becomeexplosive.

    CAUTIONDo not apply the load of your weight orof the passengers weight onto the side

    stand.To park the vehicle:

    u Choose a suitable parking area.u Stop the vehicle, see p. 48 (STOPPING).uMove the engine stop switch (3) to

    position .u Rotate the key (4) and move the ignition

    switch (5) to position .

    WARNINGWhen getting on or off the vehicle, keepto the instructions given, see p. 37(GETTING ON AND OFF THE VEHICLE).

    u Following the indications, wait until the

    passenger has got off the vehicle beforedismounting.

    u Lock the steering, see p. 18 (STEERINGLOCK) and extract the key.

    WARNINGMake sure that the vehicle is stable.

    u Press the side stand with your right footand extend it completely (3).

    u Incline the vehicle until the stand rests

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    To place the vehicle on the side standwhile seated astride the vehicle, see p. 37

    (GETTING ON AND OFF THE VEHICLE).If any manoeuvre (for example, moving thevehicle) required the lifting of the stand, toplace the vehicle on the stand again,proceed as follows:


    Make sure that the parking surface isfree from obstacles, firm and flat.

    u Choose a suitable parking area, see p.48 (PARKING).

    u Grasp the left grip (1) and the handle (2).

    on the ground.u Steer the handlebar completely


    WARNINGMake sure that the vehicle is stable.

    CENTRE STAND J (supplied asstandard equipment in the countries

    where required)

    WARNINGIt is forbidden to position the vehicle onthe centre stand while seated astridethe vehicle in riding position.

    WARNINGMake sure that the parking surface isfree from obstacles, firm and flat.

    u Choose a suitable parking area, see p.48 (PARKING).

    u Grasp the left grip (1) and the handle (2).

    CAUTIONThe lowering of the side stand issuggested, for safety reasons, in order

    to prevent the vehicle from falling downor overturning in case of unbalance.

    NOTE Do not let the side stand touchthe ground. Keep the vehicle in verticalposition.

    u Press the side stand with your right foot

    and extend it completely (3).u Push down the lever (4) (Pos.A) of the

    centre stand and make it rest on theground.

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    50 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    CAUTIONProceed with care.The positioning of the vehicle on thecentre stand may be difficult, since thevehicle is very heavy. Release the grip

    (1) and the handle (2) only afterpositioning the vehicle on the stand.

    u Load your weight on the lever (4)(Pos.B) of the centre stand and at thesame time move your centre of gravitytowards the rear part of the (Pos.C)vehicle.

    WARNINGMake sure that the vehicle is stable.

    u Let the side stand up.


    CAUTIONDo not use any brake lock devices.Failure to heed this warning can

    seriously damage the braking systemand lead to an accident thus provokingserious injuries or death.

    NEVER leave the ignition key (1) insertedand always use the steering lock .

    Park the vehicle in a safe place, possibly in

    a garage or a protected place.When possible, use an additional anti-theftdevice.

    Make sure that all documents are in orderand the road tax has been paid.

    Wri te down your personal data andtelephone number in this page, to facilitatethe identification of the owner in case offinding after theft.

    SURNAME: ...............................................

    NAME: .......................................................

    ADDRESS: ................................................


    TELEPHONE NO.: ....................................

    NOTE Very often stolen vehicles areidentified thanks to the data written in theuse/maintenance manual.



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    51use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    WARNINGRisk of fire.Keep fuel and other f lammablesubstances away from the electricalcomponents.

    Before beginning any maintenance

    operation or any inspection of thevehicle, stop the engine, extract the keyfrom the ignition block, wait until theengine and the exhaust system havecooled down and if possible lift thevehic le by means of the properequipment, on firm and flat ground.

    WARNINGBefore proceeding, make sure that theroom in which you are working is

    properly ventilated.Keep away from the red-hot parts of theengine and of the exhaust system, inorder to avoid burns.

    Do not hold any mechanical piece orother parts of the vehicle with yourmouth: the components are not edible

    and some of them are noxious or eventoxic.

    If not expressly indicated otherwise, forthe reassembly of the units repeat thedisassembly operations in reverseorder.

    In case any maintenance operationshould be required, it is advisable touse latex gloves.

    Routine maintenance operations canusually be carried out by the user, but

    sometimes specific tools and specifictechnical skills may be required.In case periodic maintenance operations,assistance or technical advice are needed,contact an aprilia Official Dealer, who willensure you prompt and accurate servicing.

    Ask your aprilia Official Dealer to test the

    vehicle on the road after a repair orperiodic maintenance operation.In any case, personally carry out thePreliminary checking operations after anymaintenance operat ion, see p. 40(PRELIMINARY CHECKINGOPERATIONS).



    After run-ning-in [1000km (625 mi)]

    Every 6000km (3750 mi)or 12 months

    Every 12000km (7500 mi)or 24 months

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    52 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    THE aprilia Official Dealer (WHICHCAN BE CARRIED OUT EVEN BY THE



    " = check and clean, adjust, lubricate orchange, if necessary;

    # = clean;

    $ = change;

    % = adjust.

    NOTE Carry out the maintenanceoperations halving the intervals indicated, ifthe vehicle is used in rainy or dusty areasor on uneven surfaces.

    (*) = Check every two weeks or according

    to the intervals indicated.(**) = J (provided as standard equip-

    ment in the countries where re-quired).

    CO = carbon monoxide.

    ( )]

    Battery Clamp tightening -electrolyte level

    " "

    Spark plug " $Fork " "

    Light operation/direction "

    Light system" "

    Safety switches

    Brake fluid "

    Coolant "

    Side bag coupling pins (**) "

    Tyres every 1000 km (625 mi): "

    Tyre pressure (*) every 1000 km (625 mi): %

    Engine idling rpm and CO % %

    Securing locks for the side bags and therear case (**) "

    Diagnostic warning light at every start: "

    Engine oil pressure Warning light at every start: "

    Flexible couplings upon each final transmission change : $

    Drive chain tension and lubrication every 500 km (375 mi): "

    Brake pad wear " before every trip and every2000 km (1250 mi): "

    Flexible coupling wear and flexible cou-pling unit slack


    OPERATIONS TO BE CARRIED OUT BYTHE aprilia Official Dealer


    ComponentAfter running-in[1000 km (625


    Every 6000 km(3750 mi)

    or 12 months

    Every 12000 km(7500 mi) or 24


    Rear shock absorber "

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    53use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    " = check and clean, adjust, lubricate orchange, if necessary;

    # = clean;

    $ = change;

    % = adjust.

    NOTE Carry out the maintenanceoperations halving the intervals indicated, ifthe vehicle is used in rainy or dusty areasor on uneven surfaces.

    CO = carbon monoxide.


    Battery - Clamp tightening "

    Carburation, CO adjustment " "

    Drive chain " Transmission cables and controls " "

    Wheel centering "

    Rear suspension linkage bearings "

    Steering bearings and steering clearance " "

    Wheel bearings "

    Brake discs " "

    Fuel pump filter every 15000 km (9375 mi): "Air cleaner " $

    Engine oil filter $ $

    Engine oil filter (on oil tank) # #

    General running of the vehicle " "

    Clutch clearance % %

    Adjusting the valve clearance % %

    Braking systems " "

    Cooling system "

    Brake fluidevery 2 years: $


    Fork oil every 12000 km (7500 mi): $

    Engine oil $ $ (*)

    Fork oil seals after the first 30000 km (18750 mi) and successivelyevery 22500 km (14000 mi): $

    Brake pads if worn: $Wheel/Tyres

    " "

    Nut, bolt, screw tightening

    Suspensions and attitude " "

    Spoke tension " "

    Final transmission (chain, crown and pinion) "

    Fuel pipes " every 4 years: $

    Clutch wear "



    CAUTIONUpon installation, replace the clickclamp that has been removed with a

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    54 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    It is a good rule to write down the frameand engine numbers in the space providedin this manual.The frame number can be used for thepurchase of spare parts.

    NOTE Do not alter the identificationnumbers if you do not want to incur severepenal and administrative sanctions. Inparticular, the alteration of the framenumber results in the immediate invalidityof the guarantee.


    The frame number (1) is stamped on theright side of the steering column.

    Frame no.


    The engine number (2) is stamped on the

    rear part of the engine, near the pinion.Engine no.

    CAUTIONRemove ONLY the clamps indicated inthe maintenance procedures.

    This text is not to be intended as anauthorization to arbitrarily remove theclamps present on the vehicle.

    WARNINGBefore removing a clamp, make sure

    that the removal does not involve anyf lu id leakage; i f so , provide forpreventing such leakages and protectthe components positioned near thejoint.


    For the removal it is sufficient to use simplepliers, while for the instal lation i t isnecessary to use a special tool (seebelow).

    Before removing a clamp, prepare themater ia l necessary for the correc treassembly.

    NOTE Have the appropriate special toolJ to hand: clamp installation pliers, see p. 20


    pnew one having the same dimensions,to be requested to an aprilia Official

    Dealer.Do not attempt to reinstall the removedclick clamp, since it is unusable.Do not replace the removed click clampwith a screw clamp or with other typesof clamp.

    CAUTIONProceed with care, in order not todamage the joint components.

    uWork with the pliers on the head of theclick clamp, forcing until you release it.


    For the removal and installation it issufficient to use a simple screwdriver.

    CAUTIONCheck the conditions of the clamp andif necessary replace it with a new one ofthe same type and dimensions, to be

    requested to an aprilia Official Dealer.When fastening the clamp, make surethat the joint is sufficiently stable.

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    CAUTIONThe disassembly and reassembly of the

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    56 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    The disassembly and reassembly of thefront wheel may be difficult for unskilledoperators.

    If necessary, contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    If you want to perform these operationspersonally, keep to the followinginstructions.

    Carefully read p. 51 (MAINTENANCE).

    While disassembling and reassemblingthe wheel, be careful not to damage thebrake pipes, the disc and the pads.

    WARNINGRiding with damaged rims may bedangerous for the rider, other persons

    and the vehicle.Check the conditions of the wheel rimand change it if it is damaged.

    NOTE Weight without driver (ready forstarting): 200 kg.


    u Position the vehicle on the appropriatef ron t suppor t s tand , see p . 61(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEFRONT SUPPORT STANDJ).

    u Put a support (1) under the tyre, in sucha way as to keep the wheel in its positionafter loosening it.

    CAUTIONMake sure that the vehicle is stable.

    u Partially unscrew the two wheel pinclamp screws (2) (right side).

    u Unscrew the wheel pin (3) completely.

    NOTE To facilitate the extraction of thewheel pin, slightly raise the wheel.

    u Support the front wheel and manuallywithdraw the wheel pin (3).

    u Take the left spacer ring (4) (left side).

    NOTE Upon removal, check the positionof the tachometer/odometer transmissioncable, since this will be useful for thereassembly.

    u Remove the speedometer/odometercontrol (5) from the wheel seat.

    NOTE Remove the wheel, withdrawingthe disc from the brake caliper with care.

    u Remove the wheel by withdrawing it fromthe front.

    CAUTIONNever pull the front brake lever afterremoving the wheel, otherwise thecaliper pistons may go out of theirseats, thus causing the outflow of thebrake fluid. In this case consult your

    aprilia Official Dealer, who will carryout the proper maintenance operation.

    CAUTIONProceed with care while inserting thedisc in the brake caliper.

    uWith pulled front brake lever, press thehandlebar repeatedly, thrusting the forkdownwards. In this way the fork rods willsettle properly.

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    57use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    u Spread a film of lubricating grease on thewhole length of the wheel pin (3), greasethe inside of the speedometer/odometercontrol (5), see p. 93 (LUBRICANTCHART).


    Position the tang of thespeedometer/odometer control (5) in theappropriate seat of the wheel hub.

    u Position the odometer control seatcorrectly, in correspondence with thespecial antirotation pin (6).

    CAUTIONWhile reassembling the wheel, becareful not to damage the brake pipes,discs and pads.

    u Position the wheel between the fork rodson the support (1).


    Danger of injury. Do not introduce yourfingers to align the holes.

    uMove the wheel until its central hole andthe holes on the fork are aligned.

    u Position the spacer ring (4) between thewheel hub and the fork left rod.

    u Introduce the wheel pin (3) completely

    from the right side and tighten it.wheel pin driving torque (3): 80 Nm (8kgm).

    u Remove the support (1) that upondisassembly was put under the tyre.

    WARNINGDue to the weight and dimensions ofthe vehicle, the following operationmust be performed by two persons.

    NOTE Weight without driver (ready forstarting): 200 kg.

    u Remove the front support stand, see p. 61


    u Remove the rear support stand, see p. 61(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEREAR SUPPORT STANDJ).

    p p yu Position the vehicle on the stand, see p.


    THE STAND).u Tighten the two wheel pin clamp screws

    (2) (right side).

    Wheel pin clamp screw driving torque(2): 12 Nm (1.2 kgm).

    uMake sure that the following components

    are not dirty: tyre; wheel; brake discs.

    WARNINGAfter reassembly, pull the front brakelever repeatedly and check the correctfunctioning of the braking system.

    Have the driving torques, centering andbalancing of the wheel checked by youraprilia Official Dealer, in order to avoidaccidents that may be harmful for youand/or other people.

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    59use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    CAUTIONDo not operate the rear brake lever afterremoving the wheel, since the pins maygo out of their seats and cause brakefluid leakages. In this case consult youraprilia Official Dealer, who will carryout the proper maintenance operation.

    NOTE The support plate (8) completewith brake caliper (9) remains positionedon the left side of the rear fork.

    Proceed with care. If the final drive unit(10) is installed on the flexible coupling

    holder (11), do not overturn or rotate therear wheel in horizontal position (on therear sprocket side), since the final driveunit would come off and fall down, with therisk of damaging the rear sprocket (7).

    NOTE The removal of the final drive unitisnt necessary if the wheel is in the normalrunning position (vertical) or in horizontalposition with the rear sprocket facingupwards and in both cases securedagainst overturning.

    NOTE Do not unscrew the six nuts (12).The whole f inal dr ive uni t must bewithdrawn from the flexible couplingholder.

    uWithdraw the final transmission unit (10),keeping it parallel to the wheel axis.

    u Remove the four flexible couplings (13)

    from the flexible coupling holder (11).NOTE Check the conditions of the fourflexible couplings (13); if they are damagedor excessively worn, change them, see p.52 (REGULAR SERVICE INTERVALSCHART).


    NOTE Insert the final transmission unit,parallel to the wheel axis, introducing thedrive pins in the relevant seats, between aflexible coupling and the other.

    u Position the four flexible couplings (13) inthe relevant seats in the flexible couplingholder (11).

    u Insert the final drive unit in the flexiblecoupling holder (11).

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    60 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.

    CAUTIONBefore proceeding with the reassembly,make sure that support plate (8) of thebrake caliper (9) is positioned correctly;the plate slot must be inserted in theappropriate stop pin in the inner part ofthe rear fork right rod.

    Insert the disc in the brake calipercarefully.

    u Position the wheel between the rear forkrods on the support (1).

    WARNINGDo not introduce your fingers betweenthe chain and the crown gear.

    uMake the wheel advance and positionthe drive chain (6) on the crown gear (7).

    u Uniformly apply a moderate quantity ofgrease on the wheel pin (2), see p. 93(LUBRICANT CHART).

    WARNINGDanger of injury.

    Do not introduce your fingers to alignthe holes.

    uMove the wheel backwards, until its

    central hole and the holes on the rearfork are aligned.

    u Rotate the support plate (8), completewith brake caliper (9) and with fulcrum onthe stop pin, until it is aligned with theholes.

    u Insert the washer (5) in the wheel pin (2).u

    Introduce the wheel pin (2) completelyfrom the left side.

    NOTE Make sure that the wheel pin (2)is completely inserted.

    u Position the washer (4) and tighten thewheel nut (3) manually.

    u Lock the rotation of the wheel pin (2) withthe appropriate key and tighten the nut(3).

    Wheel nut driving torque (23): 100 Nm(10 kgm).

    uMake sure that the following components

    are not dirty: tyre; wheel; brake disc.

    CAUTIONAfter reassembly, pull the rear brakelever repeatedly and check the correctfunctioning of the braking system.Have the driving torques, centering andbalancing of the wheel checked by youraprilia Official Dealer, in order to avoidaccidents that may be harmful for youand/or other people.

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    61use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    u Loosen the knob (1).uWithdraw the fork support (2) and extract

    it from the stand seat.u Insert the support pin (3).

    u Repeat the previous operations on theopposite side of the stand.u Remove the two drive chain guards, see


    u Pull the front brake lever (4) completely,then put a small piece of cardboard (5)on the grip and keep the front brake leverpulled by holding it against the grip bymeans of a plastic band (6).

    WARNINGRaise the vehicle by means of the tworear fork arms only.

    u Insert the stand from the rear side of thevehicle and position it so that the twosupport pins (3) rest on the lower part ofthe rear fork rods:

    the right support (Pos.A); the left support (Pos.B).

    uWithdraw the support pins (3) and makethem hit against the rear fork.

    u Tighten the two knobs (1).u Push the stand forward (7) until the

    support pin (3) rests, on the right side,against the rear fastening plate of thelower chain guard.

    NOTE Have someone help you keep thevehicle in vertical position with the twowheels on the ground.

    u Rest one foot on the rear part of thestand (7).

    u Push the stand (7) downwards until itreaches the end of its stroke (see figure).


    NOTE To position the vehicle on thefront support stand it is necessary to usethe appropriate rear support standJ.

    u Position the vehicle on the appropriate


    u Position the two appropriate washers (8)on the upper ends (9) of the stand.

    u Insert the two ends of the stand (9) in thetwo holes (10) positioned on the lower

    ends of the front fork.u Rest one foot on the front part of the

    stand (11).u Push the stand (11) downwards until it

    reaches the end of its stroke (see figure).

    CAUTIONCarry out the maintenance operationsmore frequently if you use the vehicle indifficult conditions or on dusty and/or

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    62 use and maintenance Pegaso 650 I.E.


    Carefully read p. 51 (MAINTENANCE).

    The vehicle is equipped with an endlesschain, in which a ring link joint is not used.

    CAUTIONAn excessive slackening of the chainmay cause noise or make the chainrattle, with consequent wear of the shoeand of the chain guide plate.

    Periodically check the slack and adjusti t i f necessary , see p . 62(ADJUSTMENT).

    To change the chain, contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer, who will ensure youprompt and accurate servicing.

    Incorrect maintenance may cause theuntimely wear of the chain and/ordamages to the pinion and/or thecrown.

    difficult conditions or on dusty and/ormuddy roads.


    To check the slack, proceed as follows:

    u Stop the engine, see p. 48 (STOPPING).u Position the vehicle on the appropriate

    rear suppor t s tand , see p . 61(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THE

    REAR SUPPORT STANDJ).u Position the shifting lever in neutral.uMake sure that the vertical oscillation, in

    an intermediate point between pinionand crown in the lower part of the chain,is included between 3545 mm.

    u Rotate the wheel manually, in such a

    way as to check the vertical oscillation ofthe chain even in other positions; theslack must be constant in all the wheelrotation phases.

    CAUTIONIf in some positions the slack is higherthan in others, this means that there arecrushed or seized links; in this case,contact an aprilia Official Dealer. Toprevent the risk of seizures, lubricatethe chain f requent ly , see p . 63(CLEANING AND LUBRICATION).

    If the clearance is slack is uniform, buthigher than 45 mm or lower than 35 mm,adjust it, see p. 62 (ADJUSTMENT).


    If after the check it is necessary to adjust

    the chain tension, slacken the chain toincrease the slack, tighten the chain todecrease it.

    u Position the vehicle on the appropriaterear suppor t s tand , see p . 61(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEREAR SUPPORT STANDJ).

    u Lock the rotation of the wheel pin (1) withthe appropriate key.

    u Loosen the nut (2).


    Further, check the chain and sprocketsand make sure that they do not present:


    CAUTIONThe drive chain is provided with O ringsamong the links in order to keep the

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