Download - Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Page 1: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

EYFS ELG Skill Strand Skill Objective Key Knowledge Vocabulary U








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Early learning Goal:

Children talk about the past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They know about the similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.

Knowledge and Understanding of events, people and changes in the past

Identify changes between me as a baby and me now. Discover the differences between the toys of today and those of the past.

Children look at pictures of themselves as babies. How have they changed? What can they do now that they couldn’t then? Find out about toys their parents or grandparents had. Compare to those of today.

change remember same past long ago

different baby toddler

younger older child

Chronological Understanding

Order some activities in my daily life Order pictures from a baby to an old person. Begin to identify the days of the week in order

Order daily events on a blank timeline. E.g. ‘My Morning Routine’: Wake up, brush teeth etc. Children order pictures of a baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and elderly person Through song and discussion- what we did on Monday, last week, what we will do next week/ next term etc.

timeline morning afternoon teenager adult days of the week last

time early later parent grandparent next term

first then soon

Historical Enquiry and Interpretation

Identify similarities and differences between baby toys and children’s toys. Explain why we wear different clothes at different times of the year (link to geography/science) Explore objects associated with the events that I enjoy celebrating (link to RE)

Handle toys they might have used as a baby and toys enjoyed now. Discuss why and what might change as they get older. Talk about the changes in the seasons and why, as time passes we change our clothes. Look at objects related to family celebrations and traditions such as Christmas, Diwali, Eid, Birthdays etc. and discuss what they represent

old new now year seasons month celebration festivals objects

small big calendar birthday special family

Page 2: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: 1. Learn about changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life 2. Learn about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally

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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Describe the everyday lives of people

that lived and worked in castles.

Identify some key features of The

Great Fire of London.

Aspects of everyday life such as jobs, objects,

food, technology, school and entertainment

The date it happened, the people and places

involved and the consequences of the event.

knight jester castle London diary

king queen treasures

prince princess

Chronological Understanding

Sequence types of castles in chronological order Order the events of The Great Fire of London on a timeline.

Order an early hillfort, medieval castle and a more modern Palace. Order events using vocabulary such as first, next, finally, then, and after.

moat drawbridge gate house (time adverbials from EYFS)

bailey ramparts finally then after

battlements portcullis gun loops

Historical Enquiry

Identify what happened to the dinosaurs (science link)

Model researching in books and iPad. Children to work in small groups.

dinosaurs fossils

extinction evidence


Historical Interpretation

Describe how housing has changed over time (science and geography ink)

Compare pictures of Victorian and modern housing in Britain. Focus on materials, chimneys, roof shapes, door designs etc.

modern present (day)

Communication and Organisation of


Present historical information in a simple non-chronological report, story or role-play.

Use a variety of appropriate methods to communicate and organise information learnt.

As above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 3: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: 3. Learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods

4. Learn about significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. (Linked to Geography)

KS1 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary


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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Explain why Mary Anning is

important (science link)

Explain why Neil Armstrong is

important (science link)

Learn about her discovery of fossils which helped us learn more about our world Moon Landings taught us more about how to make sense of our world and the endeavour of mankind.

Mary Anning palaeontologist Neil Armstrong spaceship

discovery astronaut universe

female samples explore

Chronological Understanding

Order the main events of the history of space travel on a timeline.

Work as a whole class or in small groups to sequence event cards and use sequencing words (time adverbials), such as first, before, after and next, to order them.

such as

before moon travel


Historical Enquiry

Describe the importance of local people and places in WGC (geography link)

Linked to Geography local area study. Look at how houses, schools and shops have changed in WGC in the last 50 years by looking at a variety of sources- photographs, books etc.

local town develop


Historical Interpretation

Explain why Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale were important.

Florence Nightingale’s improvement of hygiene and hospital care Mary Seacole’s support of British soldiers in Crimea through nursing and medicine.

Mary Seacole Florence Nightingale hygiene

hospital injured

soldier prejudice charity

Communication and Organisation of


Present historical information in a simple non-chronological report, story or role-play.

Us a variety of appropriate methods to communicate and organise the information learnt.

As above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 4: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Learn about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Describe how the lives of people in Britain developed during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Recognise that life changed and developed due to the discovery and use of stone, bronze and iron. (New materials)

Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age

bronze iron tribe

hunter- gatherer life-style

Chronological Understanding

Sequence dates and information on a timeline

Understand that a timeline can be divided into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini)

sequence BC AD

chronology prehistory

Historical Enquiry

Ask a variety of questions about what life was like in Prehistoric times Use a range of different sources to find out how and why Prehistoric people evolved Explain the similarities and differences between Prehistoric times and our lives today

What would they like to discover? Discuss how they can find these things out and areas to research such as clothing, food, shelter, school, jobs. Look at the advent of farming in the Neolithic Age. the influence of the Beaker People, progress in technology, creation of tribal communities and permanent settlements by the end of the Iron Age Human needs are still the same; food, shelter, accumulation of wealth and power, technology, communication etc.

Palaeolithic Mesolithic Neolithic agriculture community similarity difference

Celts hillforts burial evolve sources

domesticated settlement monuments

Historical Interpretation

Start to consider what clues artefacts can give us about life in the Stone Age

Children ‘dig’ for clues and think about what artefacts can tell us.

archaeologist artefact clue

jewellery tools

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information. Research small aspects of a topic with a group

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, data-handling, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

diagrams role-play research

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 5: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.

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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Describe the 'Romanisation' of Britain, including the impact of technology, culture and beliefs. Describe everyday life in a Roman town

The building of roads, houses and villas with technology such as underfloor heating; the building of forts and fortified towns; use of language, numbers and the spread of Christianity Focus on jobs, schools and housing. Also, include slavery, male and female roles, family life and the use of the forum for decision making

villas fortified Christianity toga roles

Roman numerals Latin slavery forum democracy


Chronological Understanding

Sequence the significant events, battles and individuals of the Roman Empire on a timeline

Show chronological understanding of events of the Roman Empire, from 753 BC to AD 476 with a particular focus on the dates the Romans were in Britain.

empire invasion fall

emperor sequence

Historical Enquiry

Ask a variety of questions about what life was like in Roman Britain Construct a profile of a significant leader using a range of historical sources.

Focus on the life of a child- school, family life, food, entertainment, religion etc. Examples to include a famous Gladiator, Boudicca, Julius Caesar, Claudius, Spartacus etc.

gladiator centurion Julius Caesar

amphitheatre colosseum

Historical Interpretation

Explain how the design, decoration and materials used to make an artefact can provide evidence about the object’s owner

Compare highly decorated artefacts made of precious materials with simple objects made of readily available materials. Children discuss what that might tell us about who owned them.

evidence owner

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information. Research small aspects of a topic with a group

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, data-handling, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 6: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Statement: a) Learn about Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots.

b) Learn about the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor.

LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary


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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Explain in simple terms the main causes, consequence and impact of the Anglo-Saxon invasion and settlement in Britain. Understand the significance and impact of the Viking invasion of Britain

Who were they and where did they come and why did they invade? How did their invasion affect ordinary people? Consider ‘Who were the Vikings? And ‘Where did they come from?’

Anglo-Saxon Scots Viking warrior long boat

Saxons conquest invasion shield helmet

settler rebellion

Chronological Understanding

Place the Kings of England on a class timeline in order of succession

King Alfred until Edward the Confessor - include Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Edgar the Peaceful, Edward the Martyr, Ethelred the Unready, Canute and Harold I

monarch succession

Historical Enquiry

Research what everyday life was like for the Vikings Research an aspect of life in Anglo-Saxon Britain Ask questions about what Vikings believed about religion and

Use various historical source materials including websites. Research in groups one aspect of Viking life, such as ships, weapons, life for women and children, famous Vikings, homes and warriors Group research on aspects such as homes, the seven kingdoms and famous Anglo-Saxons such as Bede and Athelstan. Learn about the main religious beliefs and gods and goddesses such as Thor and Odin. Beliefs about the afterlife.

longhouse runes afterlife

raids gods

Odin Thor

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information. Research small aspects of a topic with a group

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 7: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Conduct a local history study (link to geography)

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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Analyse a range of historical information to explain how a national or international event has impacted the locality.

Research the reasons why WGC was created (New Towns Act, impact of WW1, rapid population growth etc.) and consider why it was ‘unique’- focus on significance of Ebenezer Howard

garden city Ebenezer Howard

Population World War I


Chronological Understanding

Place the key events of the history of WGC onto a class timeline

Its creation in 1920, Ebenezer Howard’s involvement, Shredded Wheat Factory, Howard Centre, Train Station etc.

events dates

Historical Enquiry

Ask a range of questions about what WGC was like 100 year ago Compare living in WGC today compared to live 30, 40 or 50 years ago

Relate to Centenary events in 2020 Compare housing, schools (focus on Peartree) and shops. Use a variety of sources available from library and Welwyn Historical Society

centenary decade transport


Historical Interpretation

View a range of sources representing the history of WGC and identify how they all show a different aspect of its history

Look at pictures, videos, books, listen to audio, interviews etc. and discuss how they all tell us something different.

interviews oral histories

identify aspect

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information. Research small aspects of a topic with a group

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 8: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Learn about Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world

LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary


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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Describe the achievements and influence of the ancient Greeks on the wider world.

Focus on any of these aspects; English alphabet

and language; democracy, sport and the

Olympic Games, mathematics, science,

philosophy, art, architecture and theatre.

Greeks democracy Olympic games

ancient alphabet

Parthenon column

Chronological Understanding

Place significant events and people from Ancient Greece on a class timeline

Include the first Olympic Games, the first Persian war and the Battle of Marathon, the Peloponnesian Wars, the reign and death of Alexander the Great and the invasion of the Romans


Historical Enquiry

Research in a group, the life and achievements of a famous Greek philosopher, mathematician or God

For example, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Plato, Archimedes,

philosopher mathematician

goddess Zeus Athena

Historical Interpretation

View a range of artefacts related to Ancient Greece, considering what information they might give us

Borrow artefacts from Hertfordshire Library Service such as objects and pictures. Become ‘History Detectives!’

detective range

tunic coin helmet

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information. Research small aspects of a topic with a group

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 9: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Learn about a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a

study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300.

Chosen Area: Mayan Civilization c. AD900

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Create an in-depth study of the characteristics and importance of the Mayan Civilization.

Focus on the everyday life of the - look at food,

clothing, homes, beliefs, hierarchy and leisure.

Mayan Civilization hierarchy

beliefs leisure

Chronological Understanding

Compare what was happening in Mayan civilisation with what was happening in Britain at the same time. Place the chronology of key events of the Mayan civilisation on a class time line, comparing to our class Anglo-Saxon and Viking timelines

Compare Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain with the Maya in Central America. What is similar? What is different? Where are the overlaps? Would they have known about each other? Why and how?

compare overlap indigenous

Historical Enquiry

Use previous knowledge and sources to compare the everyday life of the Maya with that of the Anglo-Saxons.

Compare work completed on Anglo-Saxons with research on the Maya. Examine a variety of sources and use these to make inferences about both societies.

sources inference society

Communication and Organisation of


Make choices about the best way to present historical accounts and information.

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

as above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 10: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Study an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 Chosen Areas: The Victorians, The Titanic and the History of Computing

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Knowledge and

Understanding of events, people and changes in the past

Debate the significance of the Industrial Revolution Debate the significance of the death of Queen Victoria

How the introduction of steam power caused the revolution to gain such rapid pace and why coal was such an important raw material How Britain reacted to her death and the state of Britain when she died

Industrial Revolution Queen Victoria reign State

Isambard Kingdom Brunel engineer Prince Albert Monarchy funeral

steam coal innovation era reaction public

Chronological Understanding

Place dates and events on a Victorian timeline and relate to events happening simultaneously around the world

Understand other events happening in the world simultaneously-

British Empire


Historical Enquiry

Compare and contrast Victorian schools, cities and towns to those of today Examine the decisions made by Sir Robert Peel and Lord John Russell, and make a summative judgement about their choices. Describe the causes and consequences of Victorian slums on the lives of ordinary people Think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and present a perspective on the conditions aboard The Titanic.

Find out about the daily routines of the Victorian school day and make comparisons with today. how has travel and sanitation improved and developed in our cities and towns? Research crime and punishment in Victorian times. Compare to today. Research the lives of the poor and rich in Victorian Britain. Compare conditions for rich and poor, find out what type of people were aboard and why they wanted to head to a ‘new life’ in America.

corporal punishment Sir Robert Peel police crime slum poverty Work House The Titanic emigrants

slate cane punishment Lord John Russell factory Cholera aristocracy immigrants

sanitation transportation execution court law overcrowding homelessness causation first/second/ third class

Page 11: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

Historical Interpretation

Ask perceptive questions to help evaluate a historical source. Ask perceptive questions to help evaluate a historical source.

Examine and summarise the impact of the Social Reforms bought about by the work of William Wilberforce and Dr, Barnardo.

How reliable are visual materials as a historical source? Look at sources of Victoria and her family to consider what they reveal about the past. Look at, handle and sort a range of Victorian household objects to investigate what they are and how they were used in the home. Relate to the role of women. Compare the two social reformers and debate who had the greatest influence.

reliable reveal suffrage Suffragettes Social Reform William Wilberforce Dr. Barnardo

perceptive evaluate equality revolt Emily Davison abolition slavery campaign Parliament

primary/ secondary evidence vote Emmeline Pankhurst politician orphan discrimination

Communication and Organisation of


Use a variety of ways to communicate knowledge and understanding including extended writing Plan and carry out individual investigations and research

Communicate ideas and present historical information using different genres of writing, drawing, diagrams, drama role-play, storytelling and using ICT.

communicate knowledge investigation

As above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 12: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Study an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 Chosen Areas: WWII, Significant Historical Figures and the History of Computing

UKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary M




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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Debate the significance of The Blitz Explain why the discoveries of Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton were so significant (Linked to Science)

Research the bombing of London and consequences for Londoners- Evacuation etc. Research the findings of both and debate their significance on our understanding of the world.

Blitz Galileo Galilei significant

allies Sir Isaac Newton

Anderson Shelter Enlightenment controversial

Chronological Understanding

Create a timeline showing major events of the Second World War in Britain and across the world Articulate and present a clear, chronological world history of computing Compare and contrast school life in the 1940s to that of another time period (Victorians)

Understand other event happening in the world simultaneously- Pearl Harbour, America’s involvement etc. Origins can be traced back 2000 years. Significant developments include the calculating machines of the mid-1600s and Turing’s computer in 1936. Highlight similarities and differences. Which would they have preferred to experience and why.

Pearl Harbour involvement internet

President Alan Turing Ada Lovelace

Prime minister Tim Burness-Lee

Historical Enquiry

Describe and explain the significance of a world leader Research the significance of the Evacuation on children and families

Focus on Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler. Research the positive and negative experiences. Relate to rationing.

Winston Churchill evacuation gas masks

Adolf Hitler Nazi rationing

propaganda occupation

Historical Interpretation

Evaluate the human impact of war or on the everyday life of Britain’s in the 1940s and beyond Debate the reasons for America and Russia partaking in the ‘Space Race’ in the 1960’s

Short and long-term consequences on families and workforce with young men killed, soldiers returning to inadequate housing and medical care- impetus behind Welfare State (NHS). Research background to the ‘Space Race’ and the impact on our understanding of the world

workforce National Health Service ‘Space Race’ USSR Cold War

welfare identity Communism Capitalism supremacy

Communication and Organisation

of Knowledge

Use a variety of ways to communicate knowledge and understanding including extended writing and individual research.

Plan and carry out individual investigations and research topics

As above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation

Page 13: Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and ... · LKS2 Skill Strand Skill Objective Key knowledge Vocabulary Julius Caesar T T Knowledge and Understanding of events, people

Peartree Primary School History Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression

NC Area of Study: Learn about the achievements of the earliest civilizations- an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.

Chosen Areas: Ancient Egypt

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Knowledge and Understanding of

events, people and changes in the past

Create an in-depth study of the characteristics and importance of a past or ancient civilisation or society: Famous Pharaohs & Gods and Goddesses

The achievements and profile of Pharaohs such as Ramesses the Great, Nefertiti and Cleopatra VII. Belief in Gods and Goddesses compared to other religions and the Ancient Greeks and Romans

Ancient Egypt Pharaoh underworld deities Horus Isis

Tutankhamun hieroglyphics papyrus scrolls

myths and legends

Chronological Understanding

Sequence, and make connections between, periods of world history on a timeline.

Understand that the Ancient Egyptians ran concurrently with the Ancient Sumer. Include important dates and at least 10 events.

Great Pyramid of Giza Sphinx

concurrent continuity global


Historical Enquiry

Investigate the everyday life of the Ancient Egyptians Use a range of historical source materials to find out what ancient Egyptians believed happened after they died.

Compare the lives of the rich and poor. Draw comparisons with Ancient Greece and Rome. Rituals around death and belief in the afterlife, such as embalming, mummification and ‘The Book of the Dead’

comparison embalmer mummification paradise

ointment natron

Sarcophagus Canopic jar eternity

Historical Interpretation

Consider what the artefacts discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb can tell us and what they cannot. Explore the validity of a range of historical reports on the death of Cleopatra. Consider what the ancient Egyptians contributed to world history.

Understanding that artefacts can give information but may also leave gaps in our knowledge. Explain how sources of historical information can have varying degrees of accuracy, depending on who wrote them, when they were written and the perspective of the writer. Drawing on all their knowledge, the children must give their own interpretation of the Ancient Egyptian’s contribution.

mummy amulets charms accuracy perspective bias interpretation view

coffin mask tomb Cleopatra accounts

Communication and Organisation

of Knowledge

Use a variety of ways to communicate knowledge and understanding including extended writing and individual research.

Plan and carry out individual investigations and research topics

As above – application of vocabulary throughout writing and presentation