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Pearson English OneBusiness English Course Content

Important: The entire course consists of a total of 139 assignments and activities. Only some of them have been mentioned here to give you an idea about the course content.

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 0 (Basic Course)Total number of assignments and activities – 15

0.3 Jobs and CountriesLEARNING GOALS:

• Name common jobs• Name some countries• Say where you’re from

• Ask and answer basic questions about people’s jobs and home countries

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Asking for and giving personal information

The simple pres-ent of the verb be: negative form, yes/no questions, short answers

Listen to words describing common jobs, countries and nationalities; listen to exchanges about where peo-ple are from

Practice asking and answering questions about job and nationality

Read common job titles and nationalities

Write simple sentences giving your name and nationality

BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 1Total number of assignments and activities – 10

1.1 Talking about YourselfLEARNING GOALS:

• Name some countries, nationalities, and languages• Greet people and introduce yourself

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Greetings and introductions

Subject pronouns with the verb be

Listen to people introduce them-selves; listen to words describing nationality and language

Practice asking about and saying country of origin, nationality, lan-guage, and food

Read a brochure about restaurants

Write a simple self-introduction


• Understand and communicate names of jobs

• Ask questions to get personal information

• Introduce people to each other• Ask someone to repeat what

he or she said

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Introductions: specific questions

Questions with the verb be in the simple present tense

Listen to people say what they do for work; listen to numbers and the spelling of words

Practice asking and answering questions about people’s jobs

Read simple descriptions about people’s jobs

Write about your job

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 2Total number of assignments and activities – 15

2.8 At the OfficeLEARNING GOALS:

• Make and receive a telephone call • Refer to office supplies• Identify who owns certain items

• Communicate the location of items in an office using above, below, and next to

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Speaking on the phone

Prepositions of place: above, below, next to

Possessive nouns and pronouns

Listen to names and locations of office supplies; listen to people making and receiving a telephone call

Practice expres-sions used to make and receive a telephone call; practice saying names of office supplies

Read descriptions of where things are located

Write about your office

BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 3Total number of assignments and activities - 10

3.6 At the OfficeLEARNING GOALS:

• Understand descriptions of an office• Apologize and accept an apology

• Understand a basic description of the culture in an office

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Apologizing and accepting apologies

Listen to a conver-sation welcoming a new employee and describing the office and the company culture; listen to peo-ple apologizing and accepting apologies

Practice apologiz-ing and accepting apologies; practice saying words and phrases associated with office work

Read a basic description of a company’s culture; read an email exchange between an employee and his new co-worker

Write about your first day at a new job or school

3.10 Socializing Outside of WorkLEARNING GOALS:

• Participate in social situations with friends or co-workers

• Thank people and respond to thanks • Understand thank-you notes

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Thanking and responding to thanks

Listen to people so-cializing with friends and co-workers over dinner; listen to people thanking and responding to thanks

Practice thanking and responding to thanks

Read about some social customs in the United States; read thank-you notes

Write about socializing with friends and co-workers

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 4Total number of assignments and activities – 15

4.6 The Early Days of SonyLEARNING GOALS:

• Ask people about themselves and their jobs

• Give information about a company• Talk about some electronic products

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Asking people about themselves and their work

Listen to people talk about early electronic products of a successful company; listen to people talk about themselves and their work

Practice asking others about themselves and their work

Read about the early days of a successful company

Write about your job and your company

4.8 Sony Comes to the U.S.LEARNING GOALS:

• Invite someone to do something• Accept or reject an invitation

• Understand data represented in a graph

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Invitations: inviting, accepting, and declining

Listen to a report about the beginning of an international business; listen to descriptions of data represented in graphs; listen to people making, accepting, and rejecting invitations

Practice making, accepting, and rejecting an invitation

Read about starting a new business; read about international business

Write about globalization in your industry

4.15 The Creation of Virgin Atlantic AirwaysLEARNING GOALS:

• Talk about the airline business • Make flight reservations

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Making travel reservations

Listen to people talk about flying and the airline business; listen to people making flight reservations

Practice making a flight reservation

Read a letter describing a suc-cessful business deal; read an article about busi-ness expansion

Write about the importance of risk-taking in business

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 5Total number of assignments and activities - 12

5.5 International FinanceLEARNING GOALS:

• Express the probability of something happening using may, might, perhaps, probably and other phrases

• Have basic conversations about bank loans

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Expressing pos-sibility

Modals of possibility: may, might, perhaps, probably

Listen to a con-versation about a company’s financial situation; listen to phone messages about the possibility of something happening

Practice language about bank loans; express the possibility of something happening

Read an email requesting financial information

Write about possibilities for your life

5.9 Leaving a MessageLEARNING GOALS:

• Make a telephone call and leave a message

• Understand telephone messages

• Make and respond to polite re-quests using can, could, will, and would

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Leaving telephone messages

Modals of request: can, could, will, would

Listen to business telephone calls and messages

Practice making a telephone call and leaving a message

Read instructions about using a hotel telephone

Write about the importance of the telephone in your job

5.10 Returning a Call LEARNING GOALS:

• Return a telephone call

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Returning phone calls

Phrasal verbs Listen to a conversation about setting up a meeting

Practice returning a phone call

Read an email summarizing a conversation and outlining a plan of action

Write about difficulty making an appointment

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 6Total number of assignments and activities – 13

6.1 Reviewing InformationLEARNING GOALS:

• Review or summarize main points in a discussion• Express number or amount using much, many, and enough• Write about a presentation you have given

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Reviewing and summarizing information

Quantifiers—much, many, and enough—with countable and uncountable nouns

Listen to people share observations and summarize information

Practice asking a hotel concierge for sightseeing suggestions; practice reviewing and summarizing information

Write about a presentation you have given

6.6 Preparing a PresentationLEARNING GOALS:

• Communicate varying degrees of agreement and disagreement• Express agreement using So do I. / I do too. / I don’t either. / Neither do I.

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Agreeing and disagreeing

Agreeing with short statements using so, too, not either, neither

Listen to con-sultants express their opinions about business strategies for a client; listen to people express agreement and disagreement

Practice express-ing agreement and disagreement

Read a chart outlining people’s job experience; read about tips on preparing a presentation

Write your opin-ion on investing in advertisements

6.11 The Licensing AgreementLEARNING GOALS:

• Accept and decline offers in a negotiation • Make offers in a negotiation

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Negotiating: making and responding to offers

Listen to people negotiate purchases and licensing terms

Practice language related to negotiating

Read a product description/adver-tisement; read a product licensing offer letter and the response

Write your opinion of designer goods

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 7Total number of assignments and activities – 15

7.5 The Disagreement


• Communicate direct and indirect disagreement

• Make a suggestion using should and ought to

• Give strong advice using had better • Understand conversations about

expanding a business

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Expressing disagreement

Review of modals of advice: should, ought to, had better

Listen to business owners discuss business strategies; listen to people disagree; listen to people being formal, informal, direct, or indirect

Practice expressing disagreement

Write an advice on how to settle an argument

7.9 Finding a PartnerLEARNING GOALS:

• Compare options• Understand comparisons of different


• Introduce a new topic or additional information in a conversation

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Ways to present information

Review of comparative and superlative forms

Listen to business owners compare companies; listen to people introduce information

Practice introducing information into a conversation

Read about a company’s business philosophy

Write about your company’s markets compared with other markets

7.12 Planning for the NegotiationLEARNING GOALS:

• Talk about quantities of things in formal situations using a great deal of, a considerable amount of, and other phrases

• Offer assistance using various expressions

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Offering assistance Nouns and quantifiers

Listen to people discuss the key negotiation points of a business sales proposal; listen to people offer assistance

Practice offering assistance to someone; prac-tice talking about the quantities of things

Read a letter detailing a sales proposal to the CEO of a company

Write about changes in your job

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 8Total number of assignments and activities – 11

8.2 The NegotiationLEARNING GOALS:

• Draw listeners’ attention to specific ideas or topics

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Introducing points of discussion

Question: word clauses

Listen to a discussion about the terms of an acquisition; listen to how people draw listeners’ attention to specific ideas or topics

Practice talking about a job can-didate; practice drawing attention to a particular topic or idea

Read an email posing questions about what occurred in a meeting

Write about a negotiation you handled

8.4 Working Out the Details


• Make a proposal• Express opposition to an idea or a proposal• Understand a discussion negotiating the

details of a merger

• Communicate complex time relationships between actions and events using as soon as, for as long as, and other phrases

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Making or opposing a proposal

Connectors showing time relationships: as soon as, for as long as, once, whenever, every time

Listen to a discussion negotiating the details of a merger; listen to people make and oppose proposals

Practice expressing the relationship of events; practice making and opposing proposals

Write about your travel experiences

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 9Total number of assignments and activities – 10

9.6 Business Communication across Cultures: Etiquette


• Understand discussions about cultural differences in business

• Ask personal questions

• Talk about etiquette and acceptable behavior in different cultures

• Decline to answer personal questions

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Asking and declining to answer personal or sensitive questions

Review of past tenses

Listen to colleagues talk about cultural differences in the workplace; listen to people ask and decline to answer personal questions

Practice asking and declining to answer personal questions

Read letters asking for and giving advice about etiquette and acceptable be-havior in different culture; read an article about doing business in different cultures

Write about asking personal questions in a foreign country

9.7 Intercultural Business Communication


• Rephrase what someone said• Clarify information and ask for clarification

• Talk about problems that may occur due to cultural differences

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Asking for and giving clarification

Listen to people talk about cultural differences; listen to people ask for and give clarification

Practice asking for and giving clarification

Read about problems that may occur due to cultural differ-ences and their solutions; read someone’s notes used to prepare for a meeting

Write about a cultural misunderstanding you have experienced

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BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE 10Total number of assignments and activities – 10

10.6 The Global Society


• Communicate similarities and differ-ences using similarly, on the other hand, in contrast, and other phrases

• Talk about globalization

• Infer meaning beyond what is ex-plicitly stated

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Connectors: showing similarities and differences

Listen to interviews with people in the film industry; listen to people talk about how globalization has affected their lives

Practice expressing similarities and differences

Read about globalization

Write about the similarities and differences between two cultures

10.8 An Overseas Assignment


• Understand exchanges about relocating abroad• Speculate about past events using could have,

should have, might not have, and other phrases

• Infer meaning beyond what is explicitly stated

• Talk about regrets using could have and should have

Expressions Grammar Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Past modals: could have, should have, might not have

Listen to people talk about relocating abroad; listen to people speculate about past events

Practice expressing speculations about past events

Read about over-seas job opportunities, relocating, and experiences in a new country

Write about the challenges of working in foreign country

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