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Stream processing, Heka and Riemann

PDX DevOps, June 29th, 2015


Site Reliability Engineer at New Relic

Dataflow programming is more descriptive

Stream processing came up at Monitorama several times

Assembly line vs workbench

Stream processing

Frameworks provide some primitives and abstractions: !• Inputs • Outputs • Some sort of message/event abstraction

along with delivery guarantees • Task assignment and code delivery

Stream processing frameworks

Apache Storm

Apache StormDeveloped at Twitter, then open-sourced as an Apache project

Inputs are spouts

Outputs are bolts

Messages/events are tuples

Your code takes tuples from spouts, does something with them and sends them to bolts


Apache StormSpouts and bolts are combined

to make topologies

Topologies are like Hadoop jobs, but they don’t shut

down unless told to

‘pooter science wordz: Topologies are directed

graphs of defined transformations (your spouts

and bolts) of streams

Streams are a flow of tuples


Topology info and metadata are kept in Zookeeper

Apache Samza

Twitter Heron

Twitter’s follow-up to Storm, but they haven’t open-source’d it yet

Apache Mesos/Mesosphere

Apache Kafka

Apache KafkaDistributed pub-sub message queue

Different queues for different things are topics

Topics are broken up into partitions

Things that write to Kafka are producers

Things that read from Kafka are consumers

Apache KafkaKafka is capable of huge throughput,

saturating network and/or disk IO

(you better have SSDs and a 10gig network)

Apache KafkaJepsen Kafka testing:

Apache Storm and Kafka

Spouts = consumers

Bolts = producers (if they’re not writing to

another spout)

Tuples = messages



Streams = Kafka topics

Why use a message queue?

Message queues provide buffers and the ability to handle back pressure

Allowing spouts to read from a topic without expiring the messages after a single read lets you spin up separate

topologies in parallel for experimenting, etc.

If your producers/consumers are stateless, your topologies can be horizontally scalable

Stream processing and monitoring

Monitoring is an area where stream processing as a technique can be useful

Metrics, events, and logs are (usually) generated continuously…

Stream processing tools

Stream processing toolsBut setting up Storm + Kafka and writing custom code can be a lot of work and sometimes, we just want to get things done

Heka, Riemann and Logstash are stream processors (Logstash being geared specifically towards logs)

Previous talks on Riemann and Logstash:

HekaWritten in Go

Swiss army chainsaw (tons of inputs/outputs)

Heka messages

:Timestamp: 2015-06-23 03:03:33.18044776 +0000 UTC!:Type: ProcessInput!:Hostname: dnsmaster1.local!:Pid: 10902!:Uuid: 6f8f1730-a72c-4dab-b3b4-a236c292eb77!:Logger: check_procs_critical!:Payload: PROCS WARNING: 98 processes | procs=98; 1:1 -c 2 -C sshd ;;0;!:EnvVersion:!:Severity: 7!:Fields:! | name:"ProcessInputName" type:string value:"check_procs_critical.stdout"

A Heka message represented as reStructured text (they’re really Go structs under the hood):

Heka configsConfigurations are written in TOML, which is really easy to

template with config mgmt.

Confusingly, different components are called plugins, as are the instances of them you create with your configuration

[carbon]!type = "CarbonOutput"!message_matcher = "Type == 'heka.statmetric'"!address = ""!protocol = "udp"!![influx]!type = "CarbonOutput"!message_matcher = "Type == 'heka.statmetric'"!address = ""!protocol = "udp"

Heka architecture

Heka inputs and outputsInputs include: • Log files • HTTP • TCP/UDP • StatsD (includes a

StatsD server) • Docker logs/events API

(via Docker’s sockets) • Process output (like

NRPE) • Kafka (as a consumer)

Outputs include: • Log files • HTTP • TCP/UDP • InfluxDB • Elasticsearch • Built-in web dashboard

(for outputting generated JSON)

• Kafka (as a producer)

Decoders take inputs and turn them into Heka messages

Encoders take Heka messages and turn them into a form or wire format that can be used by an output (ex: turn a Heka

message into Elasticsearch-compatible JSON, then hand it off to an HTTP output which talks to the ES API)

Heka decoders and encoders

Heka encoders and decodersInputs specify what decoder to use:

Outputs specify what encoder to use:[ElasticSearchOutput]!message_matcher = "Type == 'sync.log'"!server = "http://es-server:9200"!flush_interval = 5000!flush_count = 10!encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"

[nginx_access_logs]!type = "LogstreamerInput"!splitter = "TokenSplitter"!decoder = "nginx_access_decoder"!log_directory = "/var/log/nginx"!file_match = 'access\.log\.?(?P<Index>\d+)?(.gz)?'!priority = ["^Index"]

Filters take Heka messages and transform them into new ones

Heka filters

Example: Take messages with log lines as payloads and break the log line apart into separate fields

Decoders, encoders and filters can be implemented in either Go or Lua

Heka and Lua

Why use Lua? You don’t have to recompile/repackage Heka

Heka includes a Lua sandbox, which is a bundled distro of Lua with some extra

libraries (HTTP, JSON, LPEG, etc.)

Lua scripts are run inside of the sandbox and receive Heka messages

and output new Heka messages

Heka and message matchersDecoder, filter, encoder and output plugins can be used with

specific types of messages with the message_matcher config option

[CarbonOutput]!message_matcher = "Type == 'heka.statmetric'"!address = ""!protocol = "udp"

Heka negativesChanging the Type fields of messages isn’t as easy as it

should be

Lua plugins that use inject_message or inject_payload!forcibly override the Hostname and Type fields

The topology/directed graph of how data flows through Heka isn’t immediately obvious; you have to know your configuration

really well

Pre-v0.9 had no option to drop data if disk queues fill up

Heka negatives

…according to Rob Miller (Heka dev at Mozilla), overhead of goroutines/channels puts an upper ceiling on Heka’s


Hindsight is a thin C wrapper around the same Lua sandbox Heka uses and should perform better:

Performance is usually pretty good, but…

…moving to the Lua sandbox and back involves memory copies (we ran into memory leaks too)

Heka and Kafka

As a Kafka consumer:

As a Kafka producer:

Heka’s possible uses

NRPE replacement?

Sensu-style setup? (Heka as an uber-agent that runs on each machine, pushing check

results to Kafka instead of RabbitMQ?)

Heka at Monitorama

Heka and config management

Puppet module:

Chef cookbook:


Riemann eventsRiemann’s basic unit of data is an event

{ :host riemann1.local, :service cpu-0.cpu-wait, :metric 3.399911, :tags collectd, :time 1405715017,:ttl 60 }

(they’re just Clojure map data structures)

Riemann index

The index is an in-memory database of events

Events can be added to or removed from the index

(Underneath, it’s a Clojure hash map)

Riemann configurationConfiguration is a Clojure program:

(streams! #(info %) ; First, measure here! (where (service #"^riak .+")! #(info %) ; Then move the info stream here to check the filter! (by :service! (coalesce! #(info %) ; Third, check the coalesced vector of events! (smap folds/maximum! #(info %) ; Fourth, probe here to check the maximum calculation! (with :host nil! #(info %) ; Finally, check exactly what events are being applied! ; to the index.! index))))))


Riemann “plugins”

Riemann’s equivalent to Heka’s plugins are the Java and Clojure libraries it includes for inputs, outputs and functions for


Using a Riemann plugin is really just a Clojure function call

Riemann “plugins”Inputs and outputs for TCP/UDP, HTTP, Graphite’s carbon


Outputs to InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Nagios, email, a bunch of SaaS services (PagerDuty, Librato, OpsGenie, Logentries)….

Riemann “plugins”Add functionality by either writing Clojure functions and

referencing them or including Java/Clojure/Scala library .jar files in Riemann’s class path

Adding Clojure functions to configs doesn’t require a recompile of Riemann as it includes the Clojure compiler

Riemann streams

(streams! #(info %) ; First, measure here! (where (service #"^riak .+")! #(info %) ; Then move the info stream here to check the filter! (by :service! (coalesce! #(info %) ; Third, check the coalesced vector of events! (smap folds/maximum! #(info %) ; Fourth, probe here to check the maximum calculation! (with :host nil! #(info %) ; Finally, check exactly what events are being applied! ; to the index.! index))))))

Riemann streams are functions that take events as arguments. They live inside of the (streams) function:


Riemann streams

What you’re making in a Riemann config is a Storm-style topology, but inside of a single process instead of being

spread across several machines

Not having to bounce in and out of Lua plugins is a plus!

Riemann negativesRunning on the JVM means the memory usage is too high to

run Riemann as an agent on all of your machines

A client written in Ruby and a bunch of language client libraries are available:


Clojure can have a high learning curve, but the code-as-data aspect of Lisp-like languages can get you some really

powerful abstractions

Riemann at Monitorama

Kale 2.0 at Monitorama