Download - p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

Page 1: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g er_hrk®V$u_p Brslpkdp„ A¡_u rlfL$ S>e„su_y„ hj® A_¡L$ A\p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b_u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ Ap eyr_hrk®V$u_p¡ cp¥Np¡rgL$ rhõspf (L$pe®n¡Ó) h^pfhp_y„ rh^¡eL$ rh^p_kcpdp„ fS|> L$ey¯. _¡ A¡ khp®_yds¡ ̀ kpf \ey„ R>¡. `qfZpd¡ M¡X$p A_¡ ApZ„v$ rS>ëgp_u sdpd L$p¡g¡Å¡ NyS>fps eyr_hrk®V$udp„\u R|>V$u ̀ X$u_¡ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ kpd¡g \C R>¡. Qfp¡sf âv$¡i_u sdpd L$p¡g¡Å¡ Ap r_Z®e\u kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p¡ cpN b_u flu R>¡. A¡_y„ Ål¡f_pdy„ ̀ Z âNV$ \C Q|¼ey„ R>„.

Ap r_rdÑ¡ kfL$pfîu_p Archpv$__p¡ A¡L$ rhi¡j L$pe®¾$d 21 kàV¡$çbf 2015_p fp¡S> ApZ„v$ Mps¡ ep¡Åep¡ lsp¡. Ap âk„N¡ dy¿e dl¡dp_ sfuL¡$ NyS>fps kfL$pf_p rinZ (âp\rdL$, dpÝerdL$, âp¥Y$), DÃQ A_¡ V¡$L$r_L$g rinZ, AÞ_, _pNqfL$ `|fhW$p¡ A_¡ N°plL$p¡_u bpbsp¡, kpeÞk A_¡ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ_p L¡$rb_¡V$ d„Óuîu c|`¡ÞÖtkl QyX$pkdp D`[õ\s füp lsp. hmu, Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ Ars\u rhi¡j sfuL¡$ NyS>fps kfL$pf_p DÃQ A_¡ V¡$L$r_L$g rinZ, drlgp A_¡ bpmrhL$pk_p fpÄeL$np_p d„Óu îudsu hkybl¡_ rÓh¡v$u lpS>f füp lsp. Ap âk„N¡ ApZ„v$ gp¡L$kcp_p kp„kv$ îu qv$gu`cpC A¡d. `V¡$g, fpÄekcp_p kp„kv$ îu gpgtkl ey. hX$p¡qv$ep, ApZ„v$ rS>ëgp `„Qpes_p âdyMîu S>ih„stkl kp¡g„L$u, ApZ„v$ A_¡ M„cps_p rh^p_kæeîuAp¡ A_y¾$d¡ fp¡rlscpC ̀ V¡$g, k„S>ecpC ̀ V¡$g, ApZ„v$ çeyr_rk`prgV$u_p âdyM âo¡icpC ̀ V¡$g `Z D`[õ\s füp lsp.

Page 2: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

"iug îysd¹' kfv$pf `V¡$g rhðrhÛpge_y„ h©Ñ`Ó (Þe|T g¡V$f) R>¡.

eyr_hrk®V$u kp\¡ k„L$mpe¡gu i¥nrZL$ k„õ\pAp¡, A¡dp„ L$pe®fs i¥nrZL,$ rb_i¥nrZL$ L$d®QpfuAp¡ s¡dS> rhÛp\}Ap¡_p kdpQpf iug îysd¹dp„ AphL$pe® R>¡.

iug îysd¹ A¡râg\u S|>_ drl_p_¡ bpv$ L$fsp„ ârs dpk 15du spfuM¡ âNV$ \pe R>¡. iug îysd¹dp„ âL$pi_ A\£ dp¡L$ghp_u kpdN°u `fd `pW$L$, IQAC, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_¡ A„L$ârkqÙ_p ̀ „v$f qv$hk ̀ |h£ dp¡L$ghu. A¡ ̀ R>u Aph¡gu kpdN°u_p¡ rhQpf ApNpdu A„L$dp„ \i¡.

kpdN°u b_¡ Ðep„ ky^u V$pB` L$fu_¡ dp¡L$ghu; lõsrgrMs kpdN°udp„ lõspnf kyhpÃe lp¡hp Ar_hpe® R>¡. dlÒh`|Z® OV$_p/âk„N_p ap¡V$p¡N°pa_u lpX®$ L$p¡`u dp¡L$ghu, kp¡ãV$L$p¡`u _l].

iug îysd¹ dpV¡$ kdpQpf S>¡ s¡ k„õ\p_p g¡V$f `¡X$ `f, S>hpbv$pf ìe[¼s_p klurk½$p kp\¡ k„õ\p_p hX$p Üpfp dp¡L$ghp_p fl¡i¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ kdpQpf L¡$ AÞe kpdN°u_u `k„v$Nu bpbs¡ k„`pv$L$ d„X$m_p¡ r_Z®e ApMfu NZpi¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ kh® gMpZp¡, rQÓp¡, ap¡V$p¡ L$p¡`ufpCV$\u kyfrns R>¡. âL$pris \ep bpv$ eyr_hrk®V$u Ap kpdN°u_¡ L$p¡B`Z õhê$`¡ `y_dy®qÖs L$fu iL¡$ R>¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ gMpZp¡dp„ rhQpf-Arcâpe_u S>hpbv$pfu S>¡ s¡ g¡ML$_u fl¡ R>¡.

`fd `pW$L$

qv$_¡i L$pfuAp

Dˆ>hg rÓh¡v$u

l¡dÞs v$h¡

d_uj kp¡g„L$u

^d£ÞÖ rd÷u

Ar`®s `pV$qX$ep

Älp¡_ `u. `fdpf

r_g¡i ipl

kp„L$rmey„ k„`pv$L$ue _urs

k„`pv$L$ d„X$m

1. k„`pv$L$ue 1

2. rhðrhÛpge rhi¡j 2

3. "AÝepk_'h©Ñ 2

5. "rhcpN'h©Ñ 3

4. "dlprhÛpge'h©Ñ 4

7. rhÛp\} rhcpN 6

8. "gp¡L$'h©Ñ 8

9. "ârsr_r^'h©Ñ 11

`©›$rhÞepk: kyf¡i `V¡$g1

DS>hZu fS>sS>e„su_u...


True Spirit of Examinations...

We are almost through the semester, which lasts for about 100 working days. This means that the countdown for the final lap has begun. The final lap as we call in our system: the semester examination. Although, the exam is an essential component in the education system, it is growing in magnitude and has almost taken a form of monster for most students. As it comes closer, the pressure mounts and at times becomes unbearable, leading to the use of one or the other type of short-cuts to cope up. If that doesn't work it may end up into using unfair means or at times results into even more serious consequences. The whole attempt to make “cpf hNf_y„ cZsf” has by and large failed at every stage from schools to colleges just because the exams have taken a dominant share in the system which otherwise is really enjoyable.Everyone in the system, including teachers and administration agrees to this and at various levels has tried to take measures and use variety of methods like continuous evaluation, gracing marks, giving options etc. In spite of these efforts the ground reality still remains the same. The pressure doesn't seem to vanish. The situation therefore is: if there are exams then the pressure is inevitable. Does it mean, the only way left is either to abolish examinations or else live with this pressure? Can there be a way by which we can coexist with it? May be!The exams actually, are designed for a purpose and we should cooperate with it. What does it mean by the design of an examination? It means, looking to the purpose, there is a type of exam designed. For example, written or oral, interview, quiz, subjective, objective, theory, practical. The other types are physical, psychological, analytical etc. each of which are designed for a purpose and it is essential to understand this purpose, both by giver and taker. Basically, it is to test something, like knowledge in a particular subject. This means the questions are asked to check knowledge in that subject. So the answers given must be to show exactly that. Neither more, nor less. However, most of the times so much of efforts are given to put up a great show. Serious attempts are made to show our abilities much more than what it is actually. This is THE source of pressure. Let me give an example of an effortless, pressure free examination we all went through. Physical examination is done frequently in schools where our heights are measured. We stand against a wall and a scale is put touching our head and measurements are taken. We are measured exactly what we are, neither taller nor shorter. True! At times we try to raise our heels to look taller but that doesn't work. It is so simple here, just go there, stand there, and done. No pressure at all. Why? Is it because the exam is simple! No, it is because; our approach to the exam is simple.Do we approach our semester exams with the same simplicity? Do we cooperate? Or do we try to raise our heels and try to show ourselves taller? If this is not the case then why do we study harder and harder as we come closer to the D day? Why do we prepare so much on the previous day, sorry night, to write great answers which we are most probably going to forget the next day. This is acquired temporary knowledge and it is contrary to the purpose. We are not cooperating. Our desire to show ourselves taller, creates pressure. Our desire to project ourselves smarter than we actually are, and a fear of failure to do that, is the actual reason for pressure. It also leads to finding shortcuts and employing unfair means.

Page 3: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

"iug îysd¹' kfv$pf `V¡$g rhðrhÛpge_y„ h©Ñ`Ó (Þe|T g¡V$f) R>¡.

eyr_hrk®V$u kp\¡ k„L$mpe¡gu i¥nrZL$ k„õ\pAp¡, A¡dp„ L$pe®fs i¥nrZL,$ rb_i¥nrZL$ L$d®QpfuAp¡ s¡dS> rhÛp\}Ap¡_p kdpQpf iug îysd¹dp„ AphL$pe® R>¡.

iug îysd¹ A¡râg\u S|>_ drl_p_¡ bpv$ L$fsp„ ârs dpk 15du spfuM¡ âNV$ \pe R>¡. iug îysd¹dp„ âL$pi_ A\£ dp¡L$ghp_u kpdN°u `fd `pW$L$, IQAC, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_¡ A„L$ârkqÙ_p ̀ „v$f qv$hk ̀ |h£ dp¡L$ghu. A¡ ̀ R>u Aph¡gu kpdN°u_p¡ rhQpf ApNpdu A„L$dp„ \i¡.

kpdN°u b_¡ Ðep„ ky^u V$pB` L$fu_¡ dp¡L$ghu; lõsrgrMs kpdN°udp„ lõspnf kyhpÃe lp¡hp Ar_hpe® R>¡. dlÒh`|Z® OV$_p/âk„N_p ap¡V$p¡N°pa_u lpX®$ L$p¡`u dp¡L$ghu, kp¡ãV$L$p¡`u _l].

iug îysd¹ dpV¡$ kdpQpf S>¡ s¡ k„õ\p_p g¡V$f `¡X$ `f, S>hpbv$pf ìe[¼s_p klurk½$p kp\¡ k„õ\p_p hX$p Üpfp dp¡L$ghp_p fl¡i¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ kdpQpf L¡$ AÞe kpdN°u_u `k„v$Nu bpbs¡ k„`pv$L$ d„X$m_p¡ r_Z®e ApMfu NZpi¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ kh® gMpZp¡, rQÓp¡, ap¡V$p¡ L$p¡`ufpCV$\u kyfrns R>¡. âL$pris \ep bpv$ eyr_hrk®V$u Ap kpdN°u_¡ L$p¡B`Z õhê$`¡ `y_dy®qÖs L$fu iL¡$ R>¡.

iug îysd¹dp„ âNV$ \sp„ gMpZp¡dp„ rhQpf-Arcâpe_u S>hpbv$pfu S>¡ s¡ g¡ML$_u fl¡ R>¡.

`fd `pW$L$

qv$_¡i L$pfuAp

Dˆ>hg rÓh¡v$u

l¡dÞs v$h¡

d_uj kp¡g„L$u

^d£ÞÖ rd÷u

Ar`®s `pV$qX$ep

Älp¡_ `u. `fdpf

r_g¡i ipl

kp„L$rmey„ k„`pv$L$ue _urs

k„`pv$L$ d„X$m

1. k„`pv$L$ue 1

2. rhðrhÛpge rhi¡j 2

3. "AÝepk_'h©Ñ 2

5. "rhcpN'h©Ñ 3

4. "dlprhÛpge'h©Ñ 4

7. rhÛp\} rhcpN 6

8. "gp¡L$'h©Ñ 8

9. "ârsr_r^'h©Ñ 11

`©›$rhÞepk: kyf¡i `V¡$g1

DS>hZu fS>sS>e„su_u...


True Spirit of Examinations...

We are almost through the semester, which lasts for about 100 working days. This means that the countdown for the final lap has begun. The final lap as we call in our system: the semester examination. Although, the exam is an essential component in the education system, it is growing in magnitude and has almost taken a form of monster for most students. As it comes closer, the pressure mounts and at times becomes unbearable, leading to the use of one or the other type of short-cuts to cope up. If that doesn't work it may end up into using unfair means or at times results into even more serious consequences. The whole attempt to make “cpf hNf_y„ cZsf” has by and large failed at every stage from schools to colleges just because the exams have taken a dominant share in the system which otherwise is really enjoyable.Everyone in the system, including teachers and administration agrees to this and at various levels has tried to take measures and use variety of methods like continuous evaluation, gracing marks, giving options etc. In spite of these efforts the ground reality still remains the same. The pressure doesn't seem to vanish. The situation therefore is: if there are exams then the pressure is inevitable. Does it mean, the only way left is either to abolish examinations or else live with this pressure? Can there be a way by which we can coexist with it? May be!The exams actually, are designed for a purpose and we should cooperate with it. What does it mean by the design of an examination? It means, looking to the purpose, there is a type of exam designed. For example, written or oral, interview, quiz, subjective, objective, theory, practical. The other types are physical, psychological, analytical etc. each of which are designed for a purpose and it is essential to understand this purpose, both by giver and taker. Basically, it is to test something, like knowledge in a particular subject. This means the questions are asked to check knowledge in that subject. So the answers given must be to show exactly that. Neither more, nor less. However, most of the times so much of efforts are given to put up a great show. Serious attempts are made to show our abilities much more than what it is actually. This is THE source of pressure. Let me give an example of an effortless, pressure free examination we all went through. Physical examination is done frequently in schools where our heights are measured. We stand against a wall and a scale is put touching our head and measurements are taken. We are measured exactly what we are, neither taller nor shorter. True! At times we try to raise our heels to look taller but that doesn't work. It is so simple here, just go there, stand there, and done. No pressure at all. Why? Is it because the exam is simple! No, it is because; our approach to the exam is simple.Do we approach our semester exams with the same simplicity? Do we cooperate? Or do we try to raise our heels and try to show ourselves taller? If this is not the case then why do we study harder and harder as we come closer to the D day? Why do we prepare so much on the previous day, sorry night, to write great answers which we are most probably going to forget the next day. This is acquired temporary knowledge and it is contrary to the purpose. We are not cooperating. Our desire to show ourselves taller, creates pressure. Our desire to project ourselves smarter than we actually are, and a fear of failure to do that, is the actual reason for pressure. It also leads to finding shortcuts and employing unfair means.

Page 4: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

3 iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...


DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

iug îysd¹

There can be a different approach to this and that is to cooperate. Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be theories, practicals today or seminars today or guest lecture today, it's exams today! Nothing special about it, nothing big about it! Consequently, we may go to the exam as blank as everyday, under-prepared. Or we may work hard every day like its exam day. In other words we are ever ready. In either case there is no question of any pressure. It is like they say in cricket, playing with a straight bat! It may happen that one may not be very successful in achieving great percent of marks. But it doesn't matter because that was never the purpose. What we succeed in is, we show our knowledge exactly what it is, neither MORE nor LESS, and this knowledge belongs to us, permanently. What if we fail? It's simple, failure is a stepping stone to success. Get back to work and come back stronger. Remember, exam is just another day in the office!

Ujjval Trivedi


?sp. 28-7-2015 \u sp. 30-7-2015 v$fçep_ kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡d.`u. `V¡$g Ap¡qX$V$p¡qfeddp„ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k._p ÓZ qv$hkue "ey\ guX$fiu`' L$pe®ipmp_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„, S>¡dp„ 180 S>¡V$gp rhÛp\} A_¡ 20 S>¡V$gp õhe„k¡hL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡. S>¡dp„ Arsr\rhi¡j sfuL¡$ rkÞX$uL¡$V$ kæe A¡_. hu. ip÷u A_¡ ipfuqfL$ rinZ_p X$pef¡¼V$f Nyfk¡hL$ kÁNy lpS>f füp lsp. Ap L$pe®ipmpdp„ ApZ„v$, hëgc rhÛp_Nf_u 32 S>¡V$gu L$p¡g¡Å¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap L$pe®ipmpdp„ A¡_. A¡_. ̀ V¡$g¡ ey\ guX$fiu` D`f h¼sìe Apàey„ lsy„. fuV$p Ly$dpf¡ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. A_¡ `ep®hfZ D`f s¡d_p rhQpfp¡ fS|> L$ep®. X$p¸. ð¡sp `V¡$g, DÄÄhg rÓh¡v$u A_¡ hpkyv$¡hcpC ApQpe® Üpfp eyhp_p¡_¡ ArcdyM L$fhpdp„ Apìep lsp. X$p¸. ep¡N¡i ̀ V¡$g, L$prs®L$ S>Nsp`, X$p¸. X$u. Æ. `V¡$g hN¡f¡A¡ L$pe®ipmp_y„ k„Qpg_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

?sp. 21-8-2015_p fp¡S> kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡d. `u. `V¡$g Ap¡qX$ep¡qfeddp„ _¡V$/õg¡V$ L$p¢rQN ¼gpk dpV¡$ ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d fpMhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡, S>¡dp„ rhÛp_Nf_u rhrh^ L$p¡g¡Å¡ A_¡ eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhcpNp¡_p 225 S>¡V$gp rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$ddp„ Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui `pY$_p lõs¡ v$u`âpNV$é L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ A_¡ s¡dZ¡ âpk„rNL$ Dv¹$bp¡^_ Üpfp rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ Arcâ¡qfs L$ep®. âp¡. bgv$¡h ApNÅ, X$p¸. ̂ d£ÞÖ rd÷u A_¡ X$p¸. eo¡i v$ghpX$uA¡ _¡V$/õg¡V$_u ̀ funp s¡dS> kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u _¡V$/õg¡V$ L$p¡tQN k¡ÞV$f rhi¡ ArcdyM L$ep® lsp. Ap L$pe®¾$d_y„ kyQpfy k„Qpg_ A_¡ ìehõ\p`_ eyr_hrk®V$u S>_fg rhcpN_p _peb Ly$gkrQhîu ÅN©rs ̀ fdpf A_¡ L$d®QpfuAp¡ Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

rhðrhÛpge rhi¡jrhðrhÛpge rhi¡j

"rhcpN'h©Ñ"rhcpN'h©Ñ?qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a L$p¡çàeyV$f kpeÞk, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u Mps¡ sp. 6-8-2015, Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S>,

A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. A_¡ fp¡V$fu ¼gb Ap¡a rhÛp_Nf_p k„ey¼s D`¾$d¡ õh. X$p¸. A¡.`u.S>¡. Aåvy$g L$gpd kpl¡b_¡

îÙp„S>rg_p¡ L$pe®¾$d Apep¡rS>s L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. Ap âk„N¡ rhcpN_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ s\p L$d®QpfuAp¡A¡ b¡

rdr_V$_y„ dp¥_ fp¿ey„ lsy„. X$p¸. L$gpd kpl¡b ̀ f Ap^pqfs V|„$L$u qaëd bsphhpdp„ Aphu lsu. rhcpN_p X$pef¡¼V$f

X$p¸. ̀ huf`qfepA¡ L$gpd_p Æh_ rhi¡ dprlsu Ap`u lsu.

Ap L$pe®¾$d A„sN®s h©npfp¡`Z A_¡ f¼sv$p_ Üpfp cpfs_p Ap k`|s_¡ îÙp„S>rg Ap`hpdp„ Aphu. f¼sv$p__p¡

L$pe®¾$d A¡.X$u.Np¡fhpgp ågX$ b¡ÞL$, L$fdkv$_p klep¡N\u k„`Þ_ \ep¡ lsp¡. f¼sv$p_ L$pe®¾$d A„sN®s 50

eyr_V$ f¼sv$p_ k„õ\p_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ s\p L$d®QpfuAp¡ Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

?kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u hëgcrhÛp_Nf_p ̀ prg-âpL©$s-k„õL©$s A_yõ_psL$ rhcpN Üpfp spS>¡sfdp„ Ap„sf

L$p¸g¡S>-k„õL©$s ïgp¡L$Np_ õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. L$pe®¾$d_p AÝen sfuL¡$ âp¡. hri›$ qÜh¡v$u

(r_epdL$, kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ V²$õV$) D`[õ\s füp lsp. L$pe®¾$ddp„ r_Zp®eL$ sfuL¡$ X$p¸. ̀ f¡icpC rÓh¡v$u

(Ap„L$gph ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>) s\p îu ̂ d£icpC ̀ V¡$g (X$pe¡V$¹, hgpkZ) D`[õ\s füp lsp. Ap õ`^p®dp„ â\d

¾$d A¡d.bu. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X$. L$p¡g¡S>_p rhÛp\}_u ddsp bpfp¡V$¡ âpàs L$ep£ lsp¡. buÅ¡ ¾$d ApL$pi v$h¡ (ApZ„v$

L$p¸g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_, ApZ„v)$, ÓuÅ ¾$d¡ îÙp Apf. ̀ V¡$g (ApZ„v$ L$p¸dk® L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$) füp„ lsp„.

Ap S>$ rhcpNdp„ sp. 14-8-2015, iy¾$hpf_p fp¡S> NyS>fps kfv$pf Üpfp â¡qfs drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ

`MhpqX$ep_u DS>hZu r_rdÑ¡ âp¡. S>ev$¡h Å_u (hX$p¡v$fp)_y„ "d_yóeÆh_dp„ ep¡N_y„ dlÒh' A¡ rhje `f

ìep¿ep_ ep¡Åey„ lsy„. s¡dZ¡ ep¡N_p„ rhrh^ A„Np¡ rhi¡ rhiv$ R>ZphV$ L$fu lsu

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpNdp„ sp. 9-7-2015, Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S> ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d_y„ Apep¡S>_

L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ sp. 3-8-2015_¡ kp¡dhpf_p„ fp¡S> `„qX$s

qv$_v$epg eyr_hrk®V$u_p âp¡. (X$p¸) l¡d„s rÓh¡v$u rhje sS¹>o sfuL¡$ A¡d.aug_p rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ k„ip¡^_ ̀ Ùrs ̀ f

h¼sìe Apàey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ sp. 1-8-2015_p fp¡S> A¡d. L$p¡d._p

rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ dl¢v$u õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ A¡d. L$p¡d._p rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ sp. 4-9-

2015_¡ iy¾$hpf_p„ fp¡S> S>Þdpô$du dlp¡Ðkh_y„ A_¡ sp. 3-9-2015, Nyfyhpf¡ rinL$qv$__y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„

Apìey„ lsy„.

"AÝepk_'h©Ñ"AÝepk_'h©Ñ? , kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p D`¾$d¡ A¡L$ h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ sp.

11-8-2014_p fp¡S> L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®_p¡ rhje lsp¡ "kpQu ApÝep[ÐdL$sp, cpfs_u rhð_¡ c¡V$'. Ap âk„N¡ îu AfrhÞv$ kp¡kpeV$u, ̀ p¢qX$Q¡fu_p dyM`Ó "A`®Z'_p s„Óuîu qL$fuV$ W$½$f D`[õ\s füp lsp. kpQu ApÝep[ÐdL$sp A„N¡ A¡dZ¡ `Z `p¡sp_p„ d„sìep¡ âNV$ L$ep¯ lsp„. Ap h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®dp„ 32 S>¡V$gp õ`^®L$p¡ lsp„ A¡dp„ fuep cË$, i¥gu ipl A_¡ _e_ bp¡Ofp A_y¾$d¡ â\d, qÜsue A_¡ s©sue ¾$d¡ rhS>¡sp Ål¡f \ep„ lsp„.

?îu Afthv$ Q¡f Ap¡a C[ÞV$N°g õV$X$uT_p D`¾$d¡ v$¡ic[¼s_p Nus A„N¡ A¡L$ L$pe®ipmp_y„ Apep¡S>_ \ey„ lsy„, A¡dp„ k„gÁ_ rhrh^ L$p¡g¡Å¡_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ Å¡X$pep lsp. Q¡f ̀ k®_ cpg¡Þvy$ h¥óZh, X$p¸. rhcp h¥óZh, X$p¸. fpS>¡ðfu tkO BÐepqv$A¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ v$¡ic[¼s_p„ Nusp¡ iuMìep„ lsp„.

îu AfrhÞv$ Q¡f Ap¡a C[ÞV$N°g õV$X$uT

Page 5: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

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DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

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There can be a different approach to this and that is to cooperate. Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be theories, practicals today or seminars today or guest lecture today, it's exams today! Nothing special about it, nothing big about it! Consequently, we may go to the exam as blank as everyday, under-prepared. Or we may work hard every day like its exam day. In other words we are ever ready. In either case there is no question of any pressure. It is like they say in cricket, playing with a straight bat! It may happen that one may not be very successful in achieving great percent of marks. But it doesn't matter because that was never the purpose. What we succeed in is, we show our knowledge exactly what it is, neither MORE nor LESS, and this knowledge belongs to us, permanently. What if we fail? It's simple, failure is a stepping stone to success. Get back to work and come back stronger. Remember, exam is just another day in the office!

Ujjval Trivedi


?sp. 28-7-2015 \u sp. 30-7-2015 v$fçep_ kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡d.`u. `V¡$g Ap¡qX$V$p¡qfeddp„ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k._p ÓZ qv$hkue "ey\ guX$fiu`' L$pe®ipmp_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„, S>¡dp„ 180 S>¡V$gp rhÛp\} A_¡ 20 S>¡V$gp õhe„k¡hL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡. S>¡dp„ Arsr\rhi¡j sfuL¡$ rkÞX$uL¡$V$ kæe A¡_. hu. ip÷u A_¡ ipfuqfL$ rinZ_p X$pef¡¼V$f Nyfk¡hL$ kÁNy lpS>f füp lsp. Ap L$pe®ipmpdp„ ApZ„v$, hëgc rhÛp_Nf_u 32 S>¡V$gu L$p¡g¡Å¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap L$pe®ipmpdp„ A¡_. A¡_. ̀ V¡$g¡ ey\ guX$fiu` D`f h¼sìe Apàey„ lsy„. fuV$p Ly$dpf¡ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. A_¡ `ep®hfZ D`f s¡d_p rhQpfp¡ fS|> L$ep®. X$p¸. ð¡sp `V¡$g, DÄÄhg rÓh¡v$u A_¡ hpkyv$¡hcpC ApQpe® Üpfp eyhp_p¡_¡ ArcdyM L$fhpdp„ Apìep lsp. X$p¸. ep¡N¡i ̀ V¡$g, L$prs®L$ S>Nsp`, X$p¸. X$u. Æ. `V¡$g hN¡f¡A¡ L$pe®ipmp_y„ k„Qpg_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

?sp. 21-8-2015_p fp¡S> kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡d. `u. `V¡$g Ap¡qX$ep¡qfeddp„ _¡V$/õg¡V$ L$p¢rQN ¼gpk dpV¡$ ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d fpMhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡, S>¡dp„ rhÛp_Nf_u rhrh^ L$p¡g¡Å¡ A_¡ eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhcpNp¡_p 225 S>¡V$gp rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$ddp„ Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui `pY$_p lõs¡ v$u`âpNV$é L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ A_¡ s¡dZ¡ âpk„rNL$ Dv¹$bp¡^_ Üpfp rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ Arcâ¡qfs L$ep®. âp¡. bgv$¡h ApNÅ, X$p¸. ̂ d£ÞÖ rd÷u A_¡ X$p¸. eo¡i v$ghpX$uA¡ _¡V$/õg¡V$_u ̀ funp s¡dS> kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u _¡V$/õg¡V$ L$p¡tQN k¡ÞV$f rhi¡ ArcdyM L$ep® lsp. Ap L$pe®¾$d_y„ kyQpfy k„Qpg_ A_¡ ìehõ\p`_ eyr_hrk®V$u S>_fg rhcpN_p _peb Ly$gkrQhîu ÅN©rs ̀ fdpf A_¡ L$d®QpfuAp¡ Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

rhðrhÛpge rhi¡jrhðrhÛpge rhi¡j

"rhcpN'h©Ñ"rhcpN'h©Ñ?qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a L$p¡çàeyV$f kpeÞk, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u Mps¡ sp. 6-8-2015, Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S>,

A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. A_¡ fp¡V$fu ¼gb Ap¡a rhÛp_Nf_p k„ey¼s D`¾$d¡ õh. X$p¸. A¡.`u.S>¡. Aåvy$g L$gpd kpl¡b_¡

îÙp„S>rg_p¡ L$pe®¾$d Apep¡rS>s L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. Ap âk„N¡ rhcpN_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ s\p L$d®QpfuAp¡A¡ b¡

rdr_V$_y„ dp¥_ fp¿ey„ lsy„. X$p¸. L$gpd kpl¡b ̀ f Ap^pqfs V|„$L$u qaëd bsphhpdp„ Aphu lsu. rhcpN_p X$pef¡¼V$f

X$p¸. ̀ huf`qfepA¡ L$gpd_p Æh_ rhi¡ dprlsu Ap`u lsu.

Ap L$pe®¾$d A„sN®s h©npfp¡`Z A_¡ f¼sv$p_ Üpfp cpfs_p Ap k`|s_¡ îÙp„S>rg Ap`hpdp„ Aphu. f¼sv$p__p¡

L$pe®¾$d A¡.X$u.Np¡fhpgp ågX$ b¡ÞL$, L$fdkv$_p klep¡N\u k„`Þ_ \ep¡ lsp¡. f¼sv$p_ L$pe®¾$d A„sN®s 50

eyr_V$ f¼sv$p_ k„õ\p_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ s\p L$d®QpfuAp¡ Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

?kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u hëgcrhÛp_Nf_p ̀ prg-âpL©$s-k„õL©$s A_yõ_psL$ rhcpN Üpfp spS>¡sfdp„ Ap„sf

L$p¸g¡S>-k„õL©$s ïgp¡L$Np_ õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. L$pe®¾$d_p AÝen sfuL¡$ âp¡. hri›$ qÜh¡v$u

(r_epdL$, kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ V²$õV$) D`[õ\s füp lsp. L$pe®¾$ddp„ r_Zp®eL$ sfuL¡$ X$p¸. ̀ f¡icpC rÓh¡v$u

(Ap„L$gph ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>) s\p îu ̂ d£icpC ̀ V¡$g (X$pe¡V$¹, hgpkZ) D`[õ\s füp lsp. Ap õ`^p®dp„ â\d

¾$d A¡d.bu. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X$. L$p¡g¡S>_p rhÛp\}_u ddsp bpfp¡V$¡ âpàs L$ep£ lsp¡. buÅ¡ ¾$d ApL$pi v$h¡ (ApZ„v$

L$p¸g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_, ApZ„v)$, ÓuÅ ¾$d¡ îÙp Apf. ̀ V¡$g (ApZ„v$ L$p¸dk® L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$) füp„ lsp„.

Ap S>$ rhcpNdp„ sp. 14-8-2015, iy¾$hpf_p fp¡S> NyS>fps kfv$pf Üpfp â¡qfs drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ

`MhpqX$ep_u DS>hZu r_rdÑ¡ âp¡. S>ev$¡h Å_u (hX$p¡v$fp)_y„ "d_yóeÆh_dp„ ep¡N_y„ dlÒh' A¡ rhje `f

ìep¿ep_ ep¡Åey„ lsy„. s¡dZ¡ ep¡N_p„ rhrh^ A„Np¡ rhi¡ rhiv$ R>ZphV$ L$fu lsu

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpNdp„ sp. 9-7-2015, Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S> ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d_y„ Apep¡S>_

L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ sp. 3-8-2015_¡ kp¡dhpf_p„ fp¡S> `„qX$s

qv$_v$epg eyr_hrk®V$u_p âp¡. (X$p¸) l¡d„s rÓh¡v$u rhje sS¹>o sfuL¡$ A¡d.aug_p rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ k„ip¡^_ ̀ Ùrs ̀ f

h¼sìe Apàey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ sp. 1-8-2015_p fp¡S> A¡d. L$p¡d._p

rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ dl¢v$u õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

?A_yõ_psL$ rbT_¡k õV$X$uT rhcpN, kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ A¡d. L$p¡d._p rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ sp. 4-9-

2015_¡ iy¾$hpf_p„ fp¡S> S>Þdpô$du dlp¡Ðkh_y„ A_¡ sp. 3-9-2015, Nyfyhpf¡ rinL$qv$__y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„

Apìey„ lsy„.

"AÝepk_'h©Ñ"AÝepk_'h©Ñ? , kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p D`¾$d¡ A¡L$ h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ sp.

11-8-2014_p fp¡S> L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®_p¡ rhje lsp¡ "kpQu ApÝep[ÐdL$sp, cpfs_u rhð_¡ c¡V$'. Ap âk„N¡ îu AfrhÞv$ kp¡kpeV$u, ̀ p¢qX$Q¡fu_p dyM`Ó "A`®Z'_p s„Óuîu qL$fuV$ W$½$f D`[õ\s füp lsp. kpQu ApÝep[ÐdL$sp A„N¡ A¡dZ¡ `Z `p¡sp_p„ d„sìep¡ âNV$ L$ep¯ lsp„. Ap h¼s©Ðh õ`^p®dp„ 32 S>¡V$gp õ`^®L$p¡ lsp„ A¡dp„ fuep cË$, i¥gu ipl A_¡ _e_ bp¡Ofp A_y¾$d¡ â\d, qÜsue A_¡ s©sue ¾$d¡ rhS>¡sp Ål¡f \ep„ lsp„.

?îu Afthv$ Q¡f Ap¡a C[ÞV$N°g õV$X$uT_p D`¾$d¡ v$¡ic[¼s_p Nus A„N¡ A¡L$ L$pe®ipmp_y„ Apep¡S>_ \ey„ lsy„, A¡dp„ k„gÁ_ rhrh^ L$p¡g¡Å¡_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ Å¡X$pep lsp. Q¡f ̀ k®_ cpg¡Þvy$ h¥óZh, X$p¸. rhcp h¥óZh, X$p¸. fpS>¡ðfu tkO BÐepqv$A¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ v$¡ic[¼s_p„ Nusp¡ iuMìep„ lsp„.

îu AfrhÞv$ Q¡f Ap¡a C[ÞV$N°g õV$X$uT

Page 6: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

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DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

- A¡d. bu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a AÄeyL¡$i_, hyd_ k¡g A„sN®s sp. 8-8-15hëgcrhÛp_Nf ìep¿ep_-A¡_.Apf. ̀ V¡$g

AphL$pf-rhv$pe L$pe®¾$d sp. 8-8-15

- ApZ„v$ A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$ drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ ̀ MhpqX$ep_u DS>hZu sp. 7-8-15rhð õs_`p_ kápl_u DS>hZu sp. 8-7-15Ly$qfhpÅ¡_u _pbyv$u L$pe®¾$d sp. 13-8-15A„^îÙp r_hpfZ-h¼sìe sp. 13-8-15÷u c°yZ lÐep AV$L$php¡-b¡V$u bQphp¡ sp. 14-8-15- _pV$L$ âõsyrsL$fZep¡N L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15Åsue kspdZu ksL®$sp L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15b¡V$u bQphp¡ - ̀ p¡õV$f d¡qL„$N L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15Aplpf A_¡ ̀ p¡ZZ ̀ f ̀ qfk„hpv$ sp. 14-8-15

- A¡_.A¡Q.`V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡S>eyL¡$i_, drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ ̀ MhpqX$ep_p¡ iycpf„c sp. 1-8-15ApZ„v$ rinL$ qv$hk_u DS>hZu-h¼sp X$p¸. S>e¡ÞÖ ip÷u --

õ`^p®ÐdL$ ̀ funp A„N¡ ̀ qfk„hpv$ sp. 31-8-15

- îudsu ̀ yó`pb¡_ L$_¥epgpg C_pdv$pf â¡dQ„v$ S>e„rs sp. 31-7-15L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_, bpL$fp¡g ârscp ip¡^ L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15

69dp õhps„Ôe ̀ h®_u DS>hZu sp. 15-8-15fpMX$u b_phhp_u õ`^p® sp. 27-8-15afpmu hp_Nu õ`^p® sp. 27-8-15


- ArMg¡i kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$®k L$p¡g¡S,>bp¡qfephu gÁ_Nus-gp¡L$Nus L$pe®¾$d sp. 5-8-15

A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. ArcdyMsp sp. 14-8-15rh_e_

- ApZ„v$ L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ D`¾$d¡ Cfdp_u dygpL$ps --÷u ki[¼sL$fZ qv$__u DS>hZu --rinL$ qv$_ A_¡ S>Þdpô$du dlp¡Ðkh sp. 5-9-15dl¡dp_ ìep¿ep_ î¡Zu --

- ku.`u. ̀ V¡$g A¡ÞX$ A¡a.A¡Q. ipl ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d -- L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. Üpfp ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d --

isf„S> õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ --ârscp ip¡^ 2015 L$pe®¾$d sp. 10-8-15`„QfÐ_ lqfapC - L¡$irhÞepk, sp.3 \u 5-8-2015dl¢v$u õ`^p®, h¡õV$dp„\u b¡õV$,Apfsu kyip¡c_, f„Np¡mu õ`^p®õhe„ k¡hL$p¡ dpV¡$ _¡s©Ðh L$pe®¾$d --drlgp kyfnp dpN®v$i®_ - ìep¿ep_ --NyS>fps âñ õ`^p® --Ap„sfrhcpNue S|>\ QQp® õ`^p® --fpMX$uAp¡ s\p AÞe hõsyAp¡_y„ âv$i®_ --

- k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>, hëgcrhÛp_Nf v$¡ic[¼s õ`^p® sp. 14-8-15i¥nrZL$ âhpk_y„ Apep¡S>_ sp. 17-8-15Myv$ufpd bp¡T_p iluv$qv$_ r_rdÑ¡ sp. 11-8-15îu ̂ d£ÞÖcpC ̀ pW$L$_y„ h¼sìe\¡g¡k¡rdep rQqL$Ðkp rirbf sp. 19,20-8-15hpguAp¡ dpV¡$ L$pe®ipmp sp. 23-8-15

, ApZ„v$


rhop_- _Vy$cpC hu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ kv¹$cph_p qv$_ DS>hZu --

A¡àgpBX$ kpe[Þkk eyhpqv$__u DS>hZu --rhðhõsuqv$__u DS>hZu --

sbubu- îu ̀ yfyjp¡Ñdv$pk dp¡sucpC ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S>$ ìep¿ep_- âp¡. A¡.A¡Q. ̀ V¡$g sp. 23-7-15

Ap¡a ̀ ¡fpd¡qX$L$g kpeÞk A¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ d¡qX$L$g Q¡L$-A` âp¡N°pd --

k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S> _¡L$ fu-A¡¾¡$qX$V¡$i_dp„ "A' N°¡X$ kp\¡ khp£ÃQ õ\p_¡

Qpfysf rhÛpd„X$m, hëgc rhÛp_Nf k„Qprgs k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>_¡ _¡L$ fu-A¡¾¡$qX$V¡$i_ A„sN®s

k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>_¡ "A' N°¡X$_u L$p¡g¡S> Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡. _¡L$ L$rdV$u Üpfp 14 kàV¡$çbf

2015_p fp¡S> Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g `fuZpdp¡dp„\u kdN° cpfs_u 76 L$p¡g¡Å¡dp„\u 8 L$p¡g¡Å¡_¡

"A' N°¡X$ âpàs \e¡g R>¡. k¡ëa apC_pÞk L$p¡g¡S> sfuL¡$ õ\pr`s k„õ\pAp¡dp„ 19 hj®_p V|„$L$pNpmpdp„

_hu_sd ArcNd A_¡ DÃQ dp`v$„X$p¡ õ\p`u_¡ A¡L$ ApNhy„ õ\p_ âpàs L$ey¯ R>¡. L$p¡g¡S>dp„ L$p¡dk®,

d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$, L$p¡çàeyV$f kpeÞk A_¡ C-rbT_¡k_p rhrh^ Aæepk¾$dp¡ Qgphhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. _¡L$

Üpfp k|Qh¡g rhrh^ Arc_h Aæepk¾$dp¡ crhóe_u dp„N_¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMu L$p¡g¡S> Üpfp ify

L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡. kp¥_¡ Arc_„v$_ !!!

Page 7: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

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DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

- A¡d. bu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a AÄeyL¡$i_, hyd_ k¡g A„sN®s sp. 8-8-15hëgcrhÛp_Nf ìep¿ep_-A¡_.Apf. ̀ V¡$g

AphL$pf-rhv$pe L$pe®¾$d sp. 8-8-15

- ApZ„v$ A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$ drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ ̀ MhpqX$ep_u DS>hZu sp. 7-8-15rhð õs_`p_ kápl_u DS>hZu sp. 8-7-15Ly$qfhpÅ¡_u _pbyv$u L$pe®¾$d sp. 13-8-15A„^îÙp r_hpfZ-h¼sìe sp. 13-8-15÷u c°yZ lÐep AV$L$php¡-b¡V$u bQphp¡ sp. 14-8-15- _pV$L$ âõsyrsL$fZep¡N L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15Åsue kspdZu ksL®$sp L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15b¡V$u bQphp¡ - ̀ p¡õV$f d¡qL„$N L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15Aplpf A_¡ ̀ p¡ZZ ̀ f ̀ qfk„hpv$ sp. 14-8-15

- A¡_.A¡Q.`V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡S>eyL¡$i_, drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ ̀ MhpqX$ep_p¡ iycpf„c sp. 1-8-15ApZ„v$ rinL$ qv$hk_u DS>hZu-h¼sp X$p¸. S>e¡ÞÖ ip÷u --

õ`^p®ÐdL$ ̀ funp A„N¡ ̀ qfk„hpv$ sp. 31-8-15

- îudsu ̀ yó`pb¡_ L$_¥epgpg C_pdv$pf â¡dQ„v$ S>e„rs sp. 31-7-15L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_, bpL$fp¡g ârscp ip¡^ L$pe®¾$d sp. 14-8-15

69dp õhps„Ôe ̀ h®_u DS>hZu sp. 15-8-15fpMX$u b_phhp_u õ`^p® sp. 27-8-15afpmu hp_Nu õ`^p® sp. 27-8-15


- ArMg¡i kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$®k L$p¡g¡S,>bp¡qfephu gÁ_Nus-gp¡L$Nus L$pe®¾$d sp. 5-8-15

A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. ArcdyMsp sp. 14-8-15rh_e_

- ApZ„v$ L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ D`¾$d¡ Cfdp_u dygpL$ps --÷u ki[¼sL$fZ qv$__u DS>hZu --rinL$ qv$_ A_¡ S>Þdpô$du dlp¡Ðkh sp. 5-9-15dl¡dp_ ìep¿ep_ î¡Zu --

- ku.`u. ̀ V¡$g A¡ÞX$ A¡a.A¡Q. ipl ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d -- L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$ A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. Üpfp ArcdyMsp L$pe®¾$d --

isf„S> õ`^p®_y„ Apep¡S>_ --ârscp ip¡^ 2015 L$pe®¾$d sp. 10-8-15`„QfÐ_ lqfapC - L¡$irhÞepk, sp.3 \u 5-8-2015dl¢v$u õ`^p®, h¡õV$dp„\u b¡õV$,Apfsu kyip¡c_, f„Np¡mu õ`^p®õhe„ k¡hL$p¡ dpV¡$ _¡s©Ðh L$pe®¾$d --drlgp kyfnp dpN®v$i®_ - ìep¿ep_ --NyS>fps âñ õ`^p® --Ap„sfrhcpNue S|>\ QQp® õ`^p® --fpMX$uAp¡ s\p AÞe hõsyAp¡_y„ âv$i®_ --

- k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>, hëgcrhÛp_Nf v$¡ic[¼s õ`^p® sp. 14-8-15i¥nrZL$ âhpk_y„ Apep¡S>_ sp. 17-8-15Myv$ufpd bp¡T_p iluv$qv$_ r_rdÑ¡ sp. 11-8-15îu ̂ d£ÞÖcpC ̀ pW$L$_y„ h¼sìe\¡g¡k¡rdep rQqL$Ðkp rirbf sp. 19,20-8-15hpguAp¡ dpV¡$ L$pe®ipmp sp. 23-8-15

, ApZ„v$


rhop_- _Vy$cpC hu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ kv¹$cph_p qv$_ DS>hZu --

A¡àgpBX$ kpe[Þkk eyhpqv$__u DS>hZu --rhðhõsuqv$__u DS>hZu --

sbubu- îu ̀ yfyjp¡Ñdv$pk dp¡sucpC ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S>$ ìep¿ep_- âp¡. A¡.A¡Q. ̀ V¡$g sp. 23-7-15

Ap¡a ̀ ¡fpd¡qX$L$g kpeÞk A¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ d¡qX$L$g Q¡L$-A` âp¡N°pd --

k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S> _¡L$ fu-A¡¾¡$qX$V¡$i_dp„ "A' N°¡X$ kp\¡ khp£ÃQ õ\p_¡

Qpfysf rhÛpd„X$m, hëgc rhÛp_Nf k„Qprgs k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>_¡ _¡L$ fu-A¡¾¡$qX$V¡$i_ A„sN®s

k¡dL$p¡d L$p¡g¡S>_¡ "A' N°¡X$_u L$p¡g¡S> Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡. _¡L$ L$rdV$u Üpfp 14 kàV¡$çbf

2015_p fp¡S> Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g `fuZpdp¡dp„\u kdN° cpfs_u 76 L$p¡g¡Å¡dp„\u 8 L$p¡g¡Å¡_¡

"A' N°¡X$ âpàs \e¡g R>¡. k¡ëa apC_pÞk L$p¡g¡S> sfuL¡$ õ\pr`s k„õ\pAp¡dp„ 19 hj®_p V|„$L$pNpmpdp„

_hu_sd ArcNd A_¡ DÃQ dp`v$„X$p¡ õ\p`u_¡ A¡L$ ApNhy„ õ\p_ âpàs L$ey¯ R>¡. L$p¡g¡S>dp„ L$p¡dk®,

d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$, L$p¡çàeyV$f kpeÞk A_¡ C-rbT_¡k_p rhrh^ Aæepk¾$dp¡ Qgphhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. _¡L$

Üpfp k|Qh¡g rhrh^ Arc_h Aæepk¾$dp¡ crhóe_u dp„N_¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMu L$p¡g¡S> Üpfp ify

L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡. kp¥_¡ Arc_„v$_ !!!

Page 8: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

7 iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...


rhÛp\} rhcpNrhÛp\} rhcpN?kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡_.A¡k.A¡k.rhcpN

rhÛpd„X$m k„Qprgs _Vy$cpC hu. `V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ A¡àgpBX$ kpe[Þkk_p A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. rhcpN_p õhe„k¡hL$p¡A¡ DÐkpl`|h®L$ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. L$pe®rirbf v$fçep_ ep¡S>hpdp„ Aph¡g rhrh^ õ`^p®Ap¡dp„\u rQÓõ`^p®dp„ L$p¡g¡S>_u â\d hj®_u rhÛpr\®_u Ly$. qfqÙ b°ûcË¡$ â\d õ\p_ d¡mìey„ lsy„.

Üpfp ep¡S>hpdp„ Aph¡g rÓ-qv$hkue L$pe®rirbfdp„ Qpfysf

Ap_„v$dW$ : fpô²$p¡Ð\p_ â¡fL$ A¥rslprkL$ _hgL$\p

cpfsue kprlÐe_u kh®î¡›$ _hgL$\p sfuL¡$ dp_âpàs A¡hu "Ap_„v$dW$' _hgL$\p b„Npmu kS>®L$ îu b„qL$dQ„Ö QË$p¡`pÝepe_p lõs¡ fQpe¡gu eiõhu A_¡ âiõe L©$rs R>¡. Ly$g Qpf cpN, 46 âL$fZ A_¡ 222 `©›$dp„ rhc¼s Ap _hgL$\p dps©c|rd âÐe¡ ùv$ek„h¡v$_ âNV$phsu A_¡ Brslpk_u AÞe OV$_pAp¡ `f Ap^pqfs L$\p_L$$ ^fph¡ R>¡. Aphu âriô$ L©$rs_p¡ NyS>fpsudp„ A_yhpv$ Djpbl¡_ AÝhey®A¡ L$ep£ R>¡.

C.k. 1770_p hj®dp„ b„Npmdp„ ̀ X¡$gp¡ cujZ vy$L$pm. C.k. 1780_p kdeNpmp v$frdep_ \e¡gp¡ kÞepku-rhÖp¡l A_¡ îu b„qL$dQ„Ö QË$p¡`pÝepe C.k. 1857 v$frdep_ A„N°¡S> kfL$pf_u _p¡L$fudp„ lp¡hp\u rhrh^ âv$¡ip¡dp„ Qpgsu âh©rÑAp¡_u dmsu dprlsu - Ap b^p_p„ õ`„v$_p¡_p A_ych\u C.k. 1882dp„ Ap`Z_¡ "Ap_„v$dW$' _pd¡ A¡L$ _hgL$\p dm¡ R>¡.

_hgL$\p_p Apf„cdp„ b„Npmdp„ ̀ X¡$gp cujZ vy$óL$pm_y„ hfhy„ hpõsh R>¡. vy$L$pm_¡ L$pfZ¡ Of-N°pd ÐeS>sp„ kh® gp¡L$p¡_u S>¡d dl¡ÞÖtkl A_¡ L$ëepZu `Z _p_u `yÓu kp\¡ _uL$mu `X¡$ R>¡. fõspdp„ L$ëepZu NpY$ S>„Ngdp„ Mp¡hpC Åe R>¡ _¡ Ðep„\u k„Oj®de b_su Ap L©$rsdp„ dl¡ÞÖtkl_p¡ NpY$ S>„NgdÝe¡ [õ\s Ap_„v$dW$dp„ k„sp_ k„âv$pe_p„ dlp`yfyj kÐep_„v$ kp\¡ d¡mp` s\p ̀ Ð_u_u kp\¡ d¡mp`, dl¡ÞÖtkl_y„ k„kpf ÐepNu k„sp_ k„âv$pe N°lZ L$fhp¡, s¡ kp\¡ S> chp_„v$, op_p_„v$, ip„rs (_hu_p_„v$) s\p lÅfp¡-k¢L$X$p¡ k„sp_ h°s^pfuAp¡_y„ L$p¡C rhi¡j spgud rh_p `Z L¡$hm cpgp A_¡ ApÐdbm_p klpf¡ A„N°¡S>_u sp¡`p¡ kpd¡ gX$u, ApÐdbrgv$p_ Ap`u_¡ ̀ Z A„N°¡Å¡_¡ ̀ fprS>s L$fhp S>¡hu Np¥fhipmu bpbsp¡_¡ hZsu Ap _hgL$\p ùv$eõ`i} b_u R>¡.

Aphu cph_pdesp âNV$ L$fsp„ A_yhpv$L$ Djp® AÝhey® L$l¡ R>¡ : "Ap AdfL©$rs dpÓ A¡L$ _hgL$\p S> _\u, ̀ f„sy rhv$¡iu kpd°pÄehpv$_u S>„Æfp¡dp„ S>L$X$pe¡gu cpfsdpsp_¡ dy¼s L$fhp TT|dsp ¾$p„rshufp¡_u iåv$de sõhuf R>¡.'

L©$rsdp„ r_ê$r`s âÐe¡L$ ̀ pÓdp„ kS>®L¡$ âbm ip¥e® cey¯ R>¡. s¡dS> v$f¡L$dp„ ApÐdk„Oj® ̀ Z A_¡fp¡ r_ê$`pep¡ R>¡. S>¡_p¡ âcph L©$rs âNV$ \ep ̀ R>u A¡hp¡ ̀ X¡$ R>¡ L¡$ gp¡L$p¡dp„ _hQ¡s_p âNV$sp dps©c[¼s ÅN¡ R>¡ A_¡ õhrlsp\£ A„N°¡Å¡ kdn TT|dhp_u tlds ÅN¡ R>¡.

îu b„qL$dbpbyA¡ ip„rs A_¡ L$ëepZu S>¡hp ÷u `pÓp¡dp„ `yfyj kdp¡hXy„$ bm, ip¥e® A_¡ `fp¾$d âep¡Æ_¡ _pfui[¼s_y„ Np¥fhNp_ L$ey¯ R>¡. s¡dS> ̀ p¡s¡ k„kpfu lp¡hp R>sp„ kÞepk gC dps©F>Z Av$p L$fhp ApÐdgp¡` L$fsp chp_„v$, op_p_„v$ S>¡hp `pÓp¡ ̀ Z âcphL$ gpN¡ R>¡.

_hgL$\p_p„ 42dp„ `©›$ `f chp_„v$_p„ dyM¡ kS>®L¡$ cpfsdpsp_y„ kp¦v$e®Np_ L$fsy„ "h„v$¡dpsfd¹' Nus dy¼ey„ R>¡. S>¡ `R>u\u Apf„c_p¡ A¡L$ M„X$ Ap`Ï„ fpô²$Np_ b_u fl¡ R>¡. Ap fus¡ kfm-âhplu NÛ_u kp\¡ kyNçe N¡efQp_pAp¡\u `Z k„`|Z® L©$rs ùv$e„Nd b_u R>¡.

Ap fus¡ A_Þe A_¡ A`|h® v$¡iâ¡d ìe¼s L$fsu s\p âv$¡i rhi¡j sfuL¡$ b„Npmu kprlÐe_u rifdp¡f NZpe s¡hu Ap L©$rs_¡ cpfs_p„ âÐe¡L$ _pNqfL¡$ hp„Qhu S> Å¡CA¡ A¡hy„ dpfy dp_hy„ R>¡. d¢ hp„Qu. sd¡ ¼epf¡ hp„Qip¡ ?

- fS>_uLy$dpf S>¡. `fdpfA¡d.A¡. k¡d¡õV$f-1

A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpNkfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u

rhÛp\}_u L$gd¡: `yõsL$ `qfQe:eyr_hrk®V$u_u rhrd_ k¡g_u duqV„$N spS>¡sfdp„ 14 kàV¡$çbf_p fp¡S> ep¡ÅC lsu. A¡dp„ ApNpdu qv$hkp¡dp„ _uQ¡ dyS>b L$pe® L$fhp_u rhQpfZp \C lsu:

1. kfv$pf `V¡$g ey_hrk®V$u_u h¡bkpCV$ `f rhrd_ k¡g_y„ A¡L$ AgN h¡b `¡S> d|L$hy„. A¡dp„ rhd¡_ k¡g_¡ gNsu dprlsu, kæep¡_p k„`L®$k|Ó BÐepqv$ v$ip®hhp.

2. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ Aæepkfs rhÛp\}Ap¡_p¡ Apfp¡Áe QL$pkZu L$pe®¾$d ep¡S>hp¡.

3. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ L$pe®fs drlgpAp¡ dpV¡$ sZph ìehõ\p`_$ L$pe®¾$d ep¡S>hp¡.

4. ÅÞeyApfu 2016_p fp¡S> Ap„sffpô²$ue drlgpqv$_ r_rdÑ¡ ÷u dlp¡Ðkh_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhy„.

eyr_hrk®V$u k¡g_p kæeîuAp¡ : Ly$g`rsîu (AÝen), âp¡. X$p¸. r`_pqL$_u ̀ „X$ép ¼Þhu_f (A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpN), X$p¸. _ykfs L$pv$fu (ApQpep®, ApC.Æ. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X¹$. L$p¡g¡S>, dp¡Nfu), âp¡. v$i®_p v$h¡ (A¡d.bu.A¡. rhcpN), X$p¸. kudp fpW$p¡X$ (A_yõ_psL$ rlÞv$u rhcpN), X$p¸. kp¡_g cË$ (A_yõ_psL$ A\®ip÷ rhcpN)$, X$p¸. v$urá ipl (A_yõ_psL$ L$p¡çàeyV$f rhcpN) A_¡ îudsu kydub¡_ ̀ V¡$g (A¡_.Æ.Ap¡.)

drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ

A¡L$ _hu `l¡g...

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p $ `Z A¡L$ Ddv$p rinL$ R>¡, s¡_y„ spSy>„ Dv$plfZ s¡Ap¡ ApZ„v$ rS>ëgp_p bp¡fkv$ spgyL$p_p A„sqfepm Npd `u`rmep`yfp (v$php¡g)dp„ AW$hpqX$epdp„ A¡L$ qv$hk N°pduZ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ NrZs A_¡ rhop_ cZph¡ R>¡. s¡dS> 21 S>¡V$gp eyr_hrk®V$u_p AÞe L$d®QpfuAp¡A¡ `Z Ap fus¡ N°pduZ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ cZphhp dpV¡$_u ̀ l¡g L$fu R>¡.

Ly$g`rs X$p¸. lfui `pY

Page 9: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

7 iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

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DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...


rhÛp\} rhcpNrhÛp\} rhcpN?kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A¡_.A¡k.A¡k.rhcpN

rhÛpd„X$m k„Qprgs _Vy$cpC hu. `V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ A¡àgpBX$ kpe[Þkk_p A¡_.A¡k.A¡k. rhcpN_p õhe„k¡hL$p¡A¡ DÐkpl`|h®L$ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. L$pe®rirbf v$fçep_ ep¡S>hpdp„ Aph¡g rhrh^ õ`^p®Ap¡dp„\u rQÓõ`^p®dp„ L$p¡g¡S>_u â\d hj®_u rhÛpr\®_u Ly$. qfqÙ b°ûcË¡$ â\d õ\p_ d¡mìey„ lsy„.

Üpfp ep¡S>hpdp„ Aph¡g rÓ-qv$hkue L$pe®rirbfdp„ Qpfysf

Ap_„v$dW$ : fpô²$p¡Ð\p_ â¡fL$ A¥rslprkL$ _hgL$\p

cpfsue kprlÐe_u kh®î¡›$ _hgL$\p sfuL¡$ dp_âpàs A¡hu "Ap_„v$dW$' _hgL$\p b„Npmu kS>®L$ îu b„qL$dQ„Ö QË$p¡`pÝepe_p lõs¡ fQpe¡gu eiõhu A_¡ âiõe L©$rs R>¡. Ly$g Qpf cpN, 46 âL$fZ A_¡ 222 `©›$dp„ rhc¼s Ap _hgL$\p dps©c|rd âÐe¡ ùv$ek„h¡v$_ âNV$phsu A_¡ Brslpk_u AÞe OV$_pAp¡ `f Ap^pqfs L$\p_L$$ ^fph¡ R>¡. Aphu âriô$ L©$rs_p¡ NyS>fpsudp„ A_yhpv$ Djpbl¡_ AÝhey®A¡ L$ep£ R>¡.

C.k. 1770_p hj®dp„ b„Npmdp„ ̀ X¡$gp¡ cujZ vy$L$pm. C.k. 1780_p kdeNpmp v$frdep_ \e¡gp¡ kÞepku-rhÖp¡l A_¡ îu b„qL$dQ„Ö QË$p¡`pÝepe C.k. 1857 v$frdep_ A„N°¡S> kfL$pf_u _p¡L$fudp„ lp¡hp\u rhrh^ âv$¡ip¡dp„ Qpgsu âh©rÑAp¡_u dmsu dprlsu - Ap b^p_p„ õ`„v$_p¡_p A_ych\u C.k. 1882dp„ Ap`Z_¡ "Ap_„v$dW$' _pd¡ A¡L$ _hgL$\p dm¡ R>¡.

_hgL$\p_p Apf„cdp„ b„Npmdp„ ̀ X¡$gp cujZ vy$óL$pm_y„ hfhy„ hpõsh R>¡. vy$L$pm_¡ L$pfZ¡ Of-N°pd ÐeS>sp„ kh® gp¡L$p¡_u S>¡d dl¡ÞÖtkl A_¡ L$ëepZu `Z _p_u `yÓu kp\¡ _uL$mu `X¡$ R>¡. fõspdp„ L$ëepZu NpY$ S>„Ngdp„ Mp¡hpC Åe R>¡ _¡ Ðep„\u k„Oj®de b_su Ap L©$rsdp„ dl¡ÞÖtkl_p¡ NpY$ S>„NgdÝe¡ [õ\s Ap_„v$dW$dp„ k„sp_ k„âv$pe_p„ dlp`yfyj kÐep_„v$ kp\¡ d¡mp` s\p ̀ Ð_u_u kp\¡ d¡mp`, dl¡ÞÖtkl_y„ k„kpf ÐepNu k„sp_ k„âv$pe N°lZ L$fhp¡, s¡ kp\¡ S> chp_„v$, op_p_„v$, ip„rs (_hu_p_„v$) s\p lÅfp¡-k¢L$X$p¡ k„sp_ h°s^pfuAp¡_y„ L$p¡C rhi¡j spgud rh_p `Z L¡$hm cpgp A_¡ ApÐdbm_p klpf¡ A„N°¡S>_u sp¡`p¡ kpd¡ gX$u, ApÐdbrgv$p_ Ap`u_¡ ̀ Z A„N°¡Å¡_¡ ̀ fprS>s L$fhp S>¡hu Np¥fhipmu bpbsp¡_¡ hZsu Ap _hgL$\p ùv$eõ`i} b_u R>¡.

Aphu cph_pdesp âNV$ L$fsp„ A_yhpv$L$ Djp® AÝhey® L$l¡ R>¡ : "Ap AdfL©$rs dpÓ A¡L$ _hgL$\p S> _\u, ̀ f„sy rhv$¡iu kpd°pÄehpv$_u S>„Æfp¡dp„ S>L$X$pe¡gu cpfsdpsp_¡ dy¼s L$fhp TT|dsp ¾$p„rshufp¡_u iåv$de sõhuf R>¡.'

L©$rsdp„ r_ê$r`s âÐe¡L$ ̀ pÓdp„ kS>®L¡$ âbm ip¥e® cey¯ R>¡. s¡dS> v$f¡L$dp„ ApÐdk„Oj® ̀ Z A_¡fp¡ r_ê$`pep¡ R>¡. S>¡_p¡ âcph L©$rs âNV$ \ep ̀ R>u A¡hp¡ ̀ X¡$ R>¡ L¡$ gp¡L$p¡dp„ _hQ¡s_p âNV$sp dps©c[¼s ÅN¡ R>¡ A_¡ õhrlsp\£ A„N°¡Å¡ kdn TT|dhp_u tlds ÅN¡ R>¡.

îu b„qL$dbpbyA¡ ip„rs A_¡ L$ëepZu S>¡hp ÷u `pÓp¡dp„ `yfyj kdp¡hXy„$ bm, ip¥e® A_¡ `fp¾$d âep¡Æ_¡ _pfui[¼s_y„ Np¥fhNp_ L$ey¯ R>¡. s¡dS> ̀ p¡s¡ k„kpfu lp¡hp R>sp„ kÞepk gC dps©F>Z Av$p L$fhp ApÐdgp¡` L$fsp chp_„v$, op_p_„v$ S>¡hp `pÓp¡ ̀ Z âcphL$ gpN¡ R>¡.

_hgL$\p_p„ 42dp„ `©›$ `f chp_„v$_p„ dyM¡ kS>®L¡$ cpfsdpsp_y„ kp¦v$e®Np_ L$fsy„ "h„v$¡dpsfd¹' Nus dy¼ey„ R>¡. S>¡ `R>u\u Apf„c_p¡ A¡L$ M„X$ Ap`Ï„ fpô²$Np_ b_u fl¡ R>¡. Ap fus¡ kfm-âhplu NÛ_u kp\¡ kyNçe N¡efQp_pAp¡\u `Z k„`|Z® L©$rs ùv$e„Nd b_u R>¡.

Ap fus¡ A_Þe A_¡ A`|h® v$¡iâ¡d ìe¼s L$fsu s\p âv$¡i rhi¡j sfuL¡$ b„Npmu kprlÐe_u rifdp¡f NZpe s¡hu Ap L©$rs_¡ cpfs_p„ âÐe¡L$ _pNqfL¡$ hp„Qhu S> Å¡CA¡ A¡hy„ dpfy dp_hy„ R>¡. d¢ hp„Qu. sd¡ ¼epf¡ hp„Qip¡ ?

- fS>_uLy$dpf S>¡. `fdpfA¡d.A¡. k¡d¡õV$f-1

A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpNkfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u

rhÛp\}_u L$gd¡: `yõsL$ `qfQe:eyr_hrk®V$u_u rhrd_ k¡g_u duqV„$N spS>¡sfdp„ 14 kàV¡$çbf_p fp¡S> ep¡ÅC lsu. A¡dp„ ApNpdu qv$hkp¡dp„ _uQ¡ dyS>b L$pe® L$fhp_u rhQpfZp \C lsu:

1. kfv$pf `V¡$g ey_hrk®V$u_u h¡bkpCV$ `f rhrd_ k¡g_y„ A¡L$ AgN h¡b `¡S> d|L$hy„. A¡dp„ rhd¡_ k¡g_¡ gNsu dprlsu, kæep¡_p k„`L®$k|Ó BÐepqv$ v$ip®hhp.

2. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ Aæepkfs rhÛp\}Ap¡_p¡ Apfp¡Áe QL$pkZu L$pe®¾$d ep¡S>hp¡.

3. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$udp„ L$pe®fs drlgpAp¡ dpV¡$ sZph ìehõ\p`_$ L$pe®¾$d ep¡S>hp¡.

4. ÅÞeyApfu 2016_p fp¡S> Ap„sffpô²$ue drlgpqv$_ r_rdÑ¡ ÷u dlp¡Ðkh_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhy„.

eyr_hrk®V$u k¡g_p kæeîuAp¡ : Ly$g`rsîu (AÝen), âp¡. X$p¸. r`_pqL$_u ̀ „X$ép ¼Þhu_f (A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpN), X$p¸. _ykfs L$pv$fu (ApQpep®, ApC.Æ. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X¹$. L$p¡g¡S>, dp¡Nfu), âp¡. v$i®_p v$h¡ (A¡d.bu.A¡. rhcpN), X$p¸. kudp fpW$p¡X$ (A_yõ_psL$ rlÞv$u rhcpN), X$p¸. kp¡_g cË$ (A_yõ_psL$ A\®ip÷ rhcpN)$, X$p¸. v$urá ipl (A_yõ_psL$ L$p¡çàeyV$f rhcpN) A_¡ îudsu kydub¡_ ̀ V¡$g (A¡_.Æ.Ap¡.)

drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ

A¡L$ _hu `l¡g...

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p $ `Z A¡L$ Ddv$p rinL$ R>¡, s¡_y„ spSy>„ Dv$plfZ s¡Ap¡ ApZ„v$ rS>ëgp_p bp¡fkv$ spgyL$p_p A„sqfepm Npd `u`rmep`yfp (v$php¡g)dp„ AW$hpqX$epdp„ A¡L$ qv$hk N°pduZ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ NrZs A_¡ rhop_ cZph¡ R>¡. s¡dS> 21 S>¡V$gp eyr_hrk®V$u_p AÞe L$d®QpfuAp¡A¡ `Z Ap fus¡ N°pduZ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ cZphhp dpV¡$_u ̀ l¡g L$fu R>¡.

Ly$g`rs X$p¸. lfui `pY

Page 10: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

"gp¡L$'h©Ñ"gp¡L$'h©Ñ? Organ Donation Week

? Hiroshima Day

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Üpfp " $'_p cpN ê$`¡ A¡L$ rhi¡j f¡qX$ep¡

âp¡N°pd s¥epf L$ep£ lsp¡. D`fp¡¼s L$pe®¾$ddp„ A¡_.A¡k. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$_p AÝep`L$ X$p¸. Ar`®s ̀ pV$qX$ep Dv¹$Op¡jL$

sfuL¡$ s\p rhje_p sS¹>o sfuL¡$ îu S>kh„s fphg (s„Óuîu, _ep `X$L$pf, ApZ„v$) Üpfp D`fp¡¼s rhje_u rhõs©s

dprlsu îp¡spS>_p¡_¡ Ap`hpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap L$pe®¾$d L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ Üpfp sp. 13-8-2015 Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S>

âkpqfs$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g lsp¡.

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Üpfp " '_p cpN ê$`¡ L$p¡çeyr_V$u kpeÞk

k¡ÞV$f_p dp_v¹$ kgplL$pf X$p¸. L¡$. A¡_. Å¡ju`yfp Üpfp A¡L$ rhi¡j f¡qX$ep¡ L$pe®¾$d b_pìep¡ lsp¡ A_¡ s¡ L$pe®¾$d L$p¡çeyr_V$u

f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ Üpfp sp. 6-8-2015 Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S> âkpqfs$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g lsp¡.

L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_

L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i__p"f¡qX$ep¡ L¡$ç`k 90.4 A¡a.A¡d.'_p âkpfZ_y„

kde `ÓL$ (kp¡dhpf \u iy¾$hpf)khpf¡ b¡ L$gpL$ khpf¡ 09.00 \u 10.00 c[¼s k„Nus

khpf¡ 10.00 \u 11.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

b`p¡f¡ b¡ L$gpL$ b`p¡f¡ 12.00 \u 01.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

b`p¡f¡ 03.00 \u 04.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

kp„S>¡ A¡L$ L$gpL$ kp„S>¡ 06.00 \u 07.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

8 9 iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

ShivaShiva is described as a god of destruction among the Hindu Trinity i.e. Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (who maintains) and Shiva (who destroys). Some of the early literatures like Yajur-veda and Vajasaneyi Samhita mention the word Shiva, meaning "the auspicious". The cult of Shiva is the most widely spread in India. It consists of several sects, of which only few have survived to the present day. In the Shiva Purana, Shiva is celebrated in the five elements of nature governed by him - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Each of these elements is symbolized and worshiped in the form of a Linga, the formless form of Shiva.

Linga Murti

Shiva is worshipped in a number of anthropomorphic forms, as also in the symbol of Linga. Usually the chief image in the central shrine at a Shiva temple is in form of Linga Murti. Very rarely we do come across an anthropomorphic image of Shiva as a central shrine and wherever

rd ththey are seen such as in temples of the Pallava period (3 to 9 Century A.D.) in south India, they occupy a position subordinate to the Linga.

Lingas are broadly divided in two classes namely the Chala-lingas and the achala-lingas, i.e. the movable and the immovable Lingas. Achala-lingas, the large and heavy stone Lingas are permanently setup in the central shrine of Shiva temples. On the other hand, chala-lingas are further divided in to Mrinmaya (those made of an earthen clay), Lohaja (those made of metals),


NyS>fpsu kprlÐe_p NZdpÞe rhh¡QL$, k„ip¡^L$ A_¡ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpN_p `|h®AÝen îu S>ih„s drZcpC i¡MX$uhpmp_y„ spS>¡sfdp„ S> sp. 31-8-2015_p fp¡S> v$¡lphkp_ \ey„ R>¡. A¡dZ¡ kl¡S>¡e b¡ v$peL$p ky^u NyS>fpsu rhcpN_y„ kyL$p_ k„cpþey„ lsy„. s¡d S> k¡_¡V$, rkÞX$uL¡$V$, bp¡X®$ Ap¡a õV$X$uT, X$u_ S>¡hp rhrh^ kÑpd„X$mp¡dp„ dlÒh`|Z® c|rdL$p cS>hu lsu. NyS>fpsu kprlÐedp„ ̀ Z A¡d_y„ _p¢^`pÓ âdpZ R>¡. A¡d_p dy¿eÒh¡ R> ̀ yõsL$p¡ âNV$ \ep„ R>¡.

_pV$égp¡L$ (1981), kprlÐeg¡M (1996), NyS>fpsu _hgL$\p a¡frhQpfZp (2005), rhh¡Q_gp¡L$ (2007), gp¡L$kprlÐe Apgp¡L$ (2007), b©lv¹$_pV$égp¡L$ (2009)

Ap D`fp„s A¡d_p Ak„¿e rhÜÑp`|Z® k„ip¡^_ g¡Mp¡ ̀ yõsL$pL$pf¡ âL$pris$ \hp_u L$pdNufu Qpgu flu R>¡.

kv¹$Ns_p ApÐdp_¡ ̀ fdip„rs dm¡ A¡hu eyr_hrk®V$u ̀ qfhpf âcy_¡ âp\®_p L$f¡ R>¡.

Page 11: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

"gp¡L$'h©Ñ"gp¡L$'h©Ñ? Organ Donation Week

? Hiroshima Day

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Üpfp " $'_p cpN ê$`¡ A¡L$ rhi¡j f¡qX$ep¡

âp¡N°pd s¥epf L$ep£ lsp¡. D`fp¡¼s L$pe®¾$ddp„ A¡_.A¡k. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S>, ApZ„v$_p AÝep`L$ X$p¸. Ar`®s ̀ pV$qX$ep Dv¹$Op¡jL$

sfuL¡$ s\p rhje_p sS¹>o sfuL¡$ îu S>kh„s fphg (s„Óuîu, _ep `X$L$pf, ApZ„v$) Üpfp D`fp¡¼s rhje_u rhõs©s

dprlsu îp¡spS>_p¡_¡ Ap`hpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap L$pe®¾$d L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ Üpfp sp. 13-8-2015 Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S>

âkpqfs$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g lsp¡.

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Üpfp " '_p cpN ê$`¡ L$p¡çeyr_V$u kpeÞk

k¡ÞV$f_p dp_v¹$ kgplL$pf X$p¸. L¡$. A¡_. Å¡ju`yfp Üpfp A¡L$ rhi¡j f¡qX$ep¡ L$pe®¾$d b_pìep¡ lsp¡ A_¡ s¡ L$pe®¾$d L$p¡çeyr_V$u

f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ Üpfp sp. 6-8-2015 Nyfyhpf_p fp¡S> âkpqfs$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g lsp¡.

L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_

L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_

kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i__p"f¡qX$ep¡ L¡$ç`k 90.4 A¡a.A¡d.'_p âkpfZ_y„

kde `ÓL$ (kp¡dhpf \u iy¾$hpf)khpf¡ b¡ L$gpL$ khpf¡ 09.00 \u 10.00 c[¼s k„Nus

khpf¡ 10.00 \u 11.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

b`p¡f¡ b¡ L$gpL$ b`p¡f¡ 12.00 \u 01.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

b`p¡f¡ 03.00 \u 04.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

kp„S>¡ A¡L$ L$gpL$ kp„S>¡ 06.00 \u 07.00 i¥nrZL$ L$pe®¾$d

iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

8 9 iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

ShivaShiva is described as a god of destruction among the Hindu Trinity i.e. Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (who maintains) and Shiva (who destroys). Some of the early literatures like Yajur-veda and Vajasaneyi Samhita mention the word Shiva, meaning "the auspicious". The cult of Shiva is the most widely spread in India. It consists of several sects, of which only few have survived to the present day. In the Shiva Purana, Shiva is celebrated in the five elements of nature governed by him - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Each of these elements is symbolized and worshiped in the form of a Linga, the formless form of Shiva.

Linga Murti

Shiva is worshipped in a number of anthropomorphic forms, as also in the symbol of Linga. Usually the chief image in the central shrine at a Shiva temple is in form of Linga Murti. Very rarely we do come across an anthropomorphic image of Shiva as a central shrine and wherever

rd ththey are seen such as in temples of the Pallava period (3 to 9 Century A.D.) in south India, they occupy a position subordinate to the Linga.

Lingas are broadly divided in two classes namely the Chala-lingas and the achala-lingas, i.e. the movable and the immovable Lingas. Achala-lingas, the large and heavy stone Lingas are permanently setup in the central shrine of Shiva temples. On the other hand, chala-lingas are further divided in to Mrinmaya (those made of an earthen clay), Lohaja (those made of metals),


NyS>fpsu kprlÐe_p NZdpÞe rhh¡QL$, k„ip¡^L$ A_¡ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p A_yõ_psL$ NyS>fpsu rhcpN_p `|h®AÝen îu S>ih„s drZcpC i¡MX$uhpmp_y„ spS>¡sfdp„ S> sp. 31-8-2015_p fp¡S> v$¡lphkp_ \ey„ R>¡. A¡dZ¡ kl¡S>¡e b¡ v$peL$p ky^u NyS>fpsu rhcpN_y„ kyL$p_ k„cpþey„ lsy„. s¡d S> k¡_¡V$, rkÞX$uL¡$V$, bp¡X®$ Ap¡a õV$X$uT, X$u_ S>¡hp rhrh^ kÑpd„X$mp¡dp„ dlÒh`|Z® c|rdL$p cS>hu lsu. NyS>fpsu kprlÐedp„ ̀ Z A¡d_y„ _p¢^`pÓ âdpZ R>¡. A¡d_p dy¿eÒh¡ R> ̀ yõsL$p¡ âNV$ \ep„ R>¡.

_pV$égp¡L$ (1981), kprlÐeg¡M (1996), NyS>fpsu _hgL$\p a¡frhQpfZp (2005), rhh¡Q_gp¡L$ (2007), gp¡L$kprlÐe Apgp¡L$ (2007), b©lv¹$_pV$égp¡L$ (2009)

Ap D`fp„s A¡d_p Ak„¿e rhÜÑp`|Z® k„ip¡^_ g¡Mp¡ ̀ yõsL$pL$pf¡ âL$pris$ \hp_u L$pdNufu Qpgu flu R>¡.

kv¹$Ns_p ApÐdp_¡ ̀ fdip„rs dm¡ A¡hu eyr_hrk®V$u ̀ qfhpf âcy_¡ âp\®_p L$f¡ R>¡.

Page 12: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...


Ratnaja (those made of precious stones), Daraja (made of wood), Shailaja (made of Stone) and Khanika lingas (those made for the occasion and disposed off immediately after use).

The Mrinmaya lingas may be of baked or unbaked clay. For making linga out of unbaked clay, it is stated in the Kamikagama that white clay gathered from pure place, such as the tops of hills and banks of rivers, should be mixed with milk, curd, ghee, wheat and barley flours, barks of milky trees, powdered sandal paste, mercury etc. The whole mass is then well mixed up and kneaded and kept for a fortnight or at the most a month. The Linga is then shaped according to the instructions given in the Agamas. The baked clay linga is used for abhicharika purpose i.e. for incantation, to bring about destruction of an enemy. The Lohaja lingas may be made of the following eight metals namely gold, silver, copper, bell-metal, iron, lead, brass and tin. Similarly, the Ratnaja lingas may be carved in pearls, corel. cat's-eye (vaidury) quartz crystal, topaz (pushyarag), emerald and bluestone. Thus, the ratnas or precious stones employed in making lingas are seven in number. The Daruja lingas are made of the timber of shami, madhuka, karnikara, manduka, tinduka, arjuna, pippala and udumbara trees. Besides these, the timber of all such trees that have barks which exude milky latex when cut is also mentioned as good for making lingas. The Kamikagama adds many more trees such as the khadira, the sala, the bilva, the badara and the devadar are also fit for making lingas. The Shailaja lingas are those small stone lingas which are worn by the people of the sect of Shaivas known as the Jangamas, Lingavantas or Lingayats, or Vira Shaivas. The Khanika lingas are those, that are made then and there for puja, and after puja, they are cast away. They may be made of saikatam (sand), uncooked rice, river-side clay, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, sandal paste, kurcha grass, flowers, aggery and flour.It is said that worshipping a linga made of gold grants wealth, linga made of uncooked rice grants vaibhava, linga made of cooked rice grants plenty of food, linga made of clay gathered from river banks grants landed estates, linga made of cow-dung removes all deseases, linga made of butter a jovial temper, linga made of rudraksha seeds grants knowledge, linga made of sandal paste is prescribed for those who desire saubhagya, linga made of kurcha grass grants soul-libration, a linga composed of flower grants a long life, linga made of aggery confers all desired ends and linga made of flour confers strength.Shiva is considered to be one of the most powerful yet benevolent Lords in Hinduism. He is the one who has the power to devastate everything. Shiva can be pleased easily and He fulfills all the wishes of his devotees. The ancient literature, Shiva Purana mentions 64 manifestations of Lord Shiva. And this is the theme of Museum's forthcoming exhibition. Here in this exhibition the visitors will get to see some popular as well as lesser known forms and aspects of Shiva.

Amol A. MohiteCurator-Museum, Sardar Patel University


DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

iug îysd¹

iug îysd¹ V$uddp„ spS>¡sfdp„ Å¡X$pe¡gp rhrh^ k„õ\pAp¡_p ârsr_r^Ap¡¾$d k„õ\p_y„„ _pd ârsr_r^_y„ _pd

1. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a X$p¸. X$u. A¡k. rd÷uX$p¸. hpe A¡d. v$ghpX$u

2. Æ.A¡Q. ̀ V¡$g ̀ p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a X$p¸. ep¡N¡i ku. Å¡jurbT_¡i d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ X$p¸. fpSy>cpC A¡d. fpW$p¡X$

3. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a CL$p¡_p¡du¼k X$p¸. X$u. Æ. Np„husX$p¸. A¡d. Apf. ̀ V¡$g

4. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a d¡\¡d¡qV$¼k âp¡. A¡Q. hu. v$¡v$prZepX$p¸. ̀ u. A¡. X$pcu

5. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a kpeL$p¡gp¡Æ âp¡. kyf¡icpC dL$hpZpX$p¸. k„Nuspb¡_ ̀ pW$L$

6. qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a kp¡rieg hL®$ îu d¡lºgcpC A¡Q. fbpfuîu L¡$eys cË$

7. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a NyS>fpsu X$p¸. fd¡iQ„Ö Qp¥^fu

8. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a IÁgui X$p¸. âZh S>¡. v$h¡

îu ̀ ue|j bu. fphg

9. A¡d.bu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. S>eîu L¡$. v$h¡X$p¸. fu_p ìlp¡fp

10. kuhuA¡d L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a apC_ ApV¹$k® îu L©$óZ ̀ qX$ep11. A¡k.A¡d.`V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a lp¡d kpeÞk îu fZrS>s X$u. cNp¡fp

12. _Vy$cpC hu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ X$p¸. rldp„iy S>¡. rÓh¡v$uA¡àgpCX$ kpeÞk X$p¸. ̂ fsu A¡_. ̀ V¡$g

13. k¡ÞV$f ap¡f õV$X$uT A¡ÞX$ fuQk® Ap¡_ gpCa X$p¸. ̀ pfyg V$u_p v$p¡iuA¡ÞX$ hL®$ Ap¡a kfv$pf hëgccpC ̀ V¡$g (k¡fgu`) Ly$. rhÞku ̀ fdpf

14. h¡ d¡CX$ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. rQfpN v$fÆîu c|rdL$p dÞN°p¡gp

15. Cëkpk C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a g¸„Áh¡S> õV$X$uT X$p¸. ̀ ‰hu rÓh¡v$uA¡ÞX$ A¡àgpCX$ kp¡rieg kpeÞk îu fp¡QL$ k¼k¡_p

16. cuMpcpC ÆhpcpC hprZÄe dlprhÛpge îu ApC. A¡_. V„$X¡$gîu ̀ u. ey. dp¡f^fp

17. ApZ„v$ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. S>¡_uafb¡_ A¡. q¾$ròe_âp. fpL¡$iLy$dpf X$u. Np¡rlg

18. ApZ„v$ gp¡ L$p¡g¡S> îu dp¥rgL$cpC fpW$p¡X$19. ApZ„v$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a rbT_¡k õV$X$uT S>eÖ Æ. ̀ yfp¡rls

N°uódp ̀ u. blp¡fp20. ApZ„v$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a kp¡rieg hL®$ Äep¡rsb¡_ L$p. ̀ V¡$g

iusgb¡_ kp¡d¥ep

rbT_¡k õV$X$uT

Page 13: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

iug îysd¹

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...


Ratnaja (those made of precious stones), Daraja (made of wood), Shailaja (made of Stone) and Khanika lingas (those made for the occasion and disposed off immediately after use).

The Mrinmaya lingas may be of baked or unbaked clay. For making linga out of unbaked clay, it is stated in the Kamikagama that white clay gathered from pure place, such as the tops of hills and banks of rivers, should be mixed with milk, curd, ghee, wheat and barley flours, barks of milky trees, powdered sandal paste, mercury etc. The whole mass is then well mixed up and kneaded and kept for a fortnight or at the most a month. The Linga is then shaped according to the instructions given in the Agamas. The baked clay linga is used for abhicharika purpose i.e. for incantation, to bring about destruction of an enemy. The Lohaja lingas may be made of the following eight metals namely gold, silver, copper, bell-metal, iron, lead, brass and tin. Similarly, the Ratnaja lingas may be carved in pearls, corel. cat's-eye (vaidury) quartz crystal, topaz (pushyarag), emerald and bluestone. Thus, the ratnas or precious stones employed in making lingas are seven in number. The Daruja lingas are made of the timber of shami, madhuka, karnikara, manduka, tinduka, arjuna, pippala and udumbara trees. Besides these, the timber of all such trees that have barks which exude milky latex when cut is also mentioned as good for making lingas. The Kamikagama adds many more trees such as the khadira, the sala, the bilva, the badara and the devadar are also fit for making lingas. The Shailaja lingas are those small stone lingas which are worn by the people of the sect of Shaivas known as the Jangamas, Lingavantas or Lingayats, or Vira Shaivas. The Khanika lingas are those, that are made then and there for puja, and after puja, they are cast away. They may be made of saikatam (sand), uncooked rice, river-side clay, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, sandal paste, kurcha grass, flowers, aggery and flour.It is said that worshipping a linga made of gold grants wealth, linga made of uncooked rice grants vaibhava, linga made of cooked rice grants plenty of food, linga made of clay gathered from river banks grants landed estates, linga made of cow-dung removes all deseases, linga made of butter a jovial temper, linga made of rudraksha seeds grants knowledge, linga made of sandal paste is prescribed for those who desire saubhagya, linga made of kurcha grass grants soul-libration, a linga composed of flower grants a long life, linga made of aggery confers all desired ends and linga made of flour confers strength.Shiva is considered to be one of the most powerful yet benevolent Lords in Hinduism. He is the one who has the power to devastate everything. Shiva can be pleased easily and He fulfills all the wishes of his devotees. The ancient literature, Shiva Purana mentions 64 manifestations of Lord Shiva. And this is the theme of Museum's forthcoming exhibition. Here in this exhibition the visitors will get to see some popular as well as lesser known forms and aspects of Shiva.

Amol A. MohiteCurator-Museum, Sardar Patel University


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iug îysd¹ V$uddp„ spS>¡sfdp„ Å¡X$pe¡gp rhrh^ k„õ\pAp¡_p ârsr_r^Ap¡¾$d k„õ\p_y„„ _pd ârsr_r^_y„ _pd

1. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a X$p¸. X$u. A¡k. rd÷uX$p¸. hpe A¡d. v$ghpX$u

2. Æ.A¡Q. ̀ V¡$g ̀ p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a X$p¸. ep¡N¡i ku. Å¡jurbT_¡i d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ X$p¸. fpSy>cpC A¡d. fpW$p¡X$

3. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a CL$p¡_p¡du¼k X$p¸. X$u. Æ. Np„husX$p¸. A¡d. Apf. ̀ V¡$g

4. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a d¡\¡d¡qV$¼k âp¡. A¡Q. hu. v$¡v$prZepX$p¸. ̀ u. A¡. X$pcu

5. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a kpeL$p¡gp¡Æ âp¡. kyf¡icpC dL$hpZpX$p¸. k„Nuspb¡_ ̀ pW$L$

6. qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¡a kp¡rieg hL®$ îu d¡lºgcpC A¡Q. fbpfuîu L¡$eys cË$

7. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a NyS>fpsu X$p¸. fd¡iQ„Ö Qp¥^fu

8. `p¡õV$N°¡ÄeyA¡V$ qX$`pV®$d¡ÞV$ Ap¸a IÁgui X$p¸. âZh S>¡. v$h¡

îu ̀ ue|j bu. fphg

9. A¡d.bu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. S>eîu L¡$. v$h¡X$p¸. fu_p ìlp¡fp

10. kuhuA¡d L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a apC_ ApV¹$k® îu L©$óZ ̀ qX$ep11. A¡k.A¡d.`V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a lp¡d kpeÞk îu fZrS>s X$u. cNp¡fp

12. _Vy$cpC hu. ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a àep¡f A¡ÞX$ X$p¸. rldp„iy S>¡. rÓh¡v$uA¡àgpCX$ kpeÞk X$p¸. ̂ fsu A¡_. ̀ V¡$g

13. k¡ÞV$f ap¡f õV$X$uT A¡ÞX$ fuQk® Ap¡_ gpCa X$p¸. ̀ pfyg V$u_p v$p¡iuA¡ÞX$ hL®$ Ap¡a kfv$pf hëgccpC ̀ V¡$g (k¡fgu`) Ly$. rhÞku ̀ fdpf

14. h¡ d¡CX$ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. rQfpN v$fÆîu c|rdL$p dÞN°p¡gp

15. Cëkpk C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a g¸„Áh¡S> õV$X$uT X$p¸. ̀ ‰hu rÓh¡v$uA¡ÞX$ A¡àgpCX$ kp¡rieg kpeÞk îu fp¡QL$ k¼k¡_p

16. cuMpcpC ÆhpcpC hprZÄe dlprhÛpge îu ApC. A¡_. V„$X¡$gîu ̀ u. ey. dp¡f^fp

17. ApZ„v$ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ X$p¸. S>¡_uafb¡_ A¡. q¾$ròe_âp. fpL¡$iLy$dpf X$u. Np¡rlg

18. ApZ„v$ gp¡ L$p¡g¡S> îu dp¥rgL$cpC fpW$p¡X$19. ApZ„v$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a rbT_¡k õV$X$uT S>eÖ Æ. ̀ yfp¡rls

N°uódp ̀ u. blp¡fp20. ApZ„v$ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a kp¡rieg hL®$ Äep¡rsb¡_ L$p. ̀ V¡$g

iusgb¡_ kp¡d¥ep

rbT_¡k õV$X$uT

Page 14: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be


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21. ApZ„v$ A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. X$u. A¡d. ̀ V¡$gX$p¸. hu. A¡g. cphkpf

22. îu X$u.A¡_. C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a L$p¡çàeyV$f A¡àgpCX$ sdßp L$pQhpgp23. îu ApC. S>¡. ̀ V¡$g A¡d.A¡X¹$. L$p¡k® X$p¸. v$urá A¡_. rÓh¡v$u24. îu ApC. S>¡. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X¹$. L$p¡g¡S> S>ëv$pb¡_ A¡a. hp¡fp25. îu cuMpcpC ̀ V¡$g C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a X$p¸. ÆsycpC bu. dL$hpZp

`u.Æ. õV$X$uT A¡ÞX$ fukQ® C_ ü|d¡r_qV$T X$p¸. lj®v$Ly$dpf X$u. Qp¥lpZ

26. ku.`u. ̀ V¡$g A¡ÞX$ A¡a.A¡Q. ipl L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> âp¡. A¡k. hu. ̀ uÞV$p¡âp¡. v$u$`¡i A¡. ipl

27. A¡_.A¡k. ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. bu. bu. hpO¡gpâp. Æs ipl

28. bu.A¡a. ipl C[ÞõV$V$é|V$$ Ap¡a L$p¡dk® A¡ÞX âp. DÐL$j®cpC L¡$. ipl$d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ âp. A_yóL$p A¡. dl¡sp

29. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a A¡àgpCX$ kpeÞk îudrs bp¡õL$u A¡Q. W$½$fîu âsuL$ Apf. ̀ V¡$g

30. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡X$rdr_õV²¡$i_ A¡ÞX X$p¸. hu. S>¡. qÜh¡v$u$d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ îu tQs_ ̀ fdpf

31. ArMg¡i kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> îu _f¡ÞÖLy$dpf Æ. ̀ V¡$grh_eLy$dpf Apf. ̀ V¡$g

32. spfL¡$i A¡ÞX$ r_f„S>_ kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g rifu_ âhuZcpC ̀ V¡$gL$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> A¡ÞX³$ ip„rsgpg q¾$ròe_

33. q¾$ròe_ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ d_uj A¡_. Nyàspde|f dL$hpZp

34. A¡k.V$u. õV$uh_ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a rbT_¡k âsuL$ âÅ`rsd¡_¡S>d¡ÞV A¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ$ kfafpT> dÞk|fu

35. ÆhL$fZ N°y` Ap¡a C[ÞõV$V$é|V l¡sgb¡_ W$½$fArð_ub¡_ L$p`k¡, A`|h® ̂ dp®L$f

36. îudsu ̀ yó`pb¡_ L$_¥epgpg C_pdv$pf L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. bu_pb¡_ ̀ pf¡MAp¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_

37. îu bu. Æ. ̀ V¡$g L$p¸g¡S> Ap¡a qarTep¡\¡fp`u X$p¸. âsuL$ bMpfuepîu Ad|gLy$dpf cË$

38. ApZ„v$ dL®$ÞV$pCg L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a kpeÞk, îudrs ÅN©rs ̀ „Qpgd¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ A¡ÞX$ L$p¡çàeyV$f V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ îudrs r_r^ âÅ`rs

39. S>icpC dp¡sucpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> îu fpSy>cpC hu. dp¡Y$hpqX$epîu _e_Ly$dpf A¡d. ̀ V¡$g

40. L¡$. A¡k. L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a kpeÞk, d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ îu r_d¡j S>¡. rÀõsuA¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ îu Arh_pi ̀ u. fp¡rls

41. L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ îu kduf bu. cË$

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...A_yk„^p_ dyM`©›$ `f\u... eyr_hrk®V$u_y„ rhõsfZ...Archpv$_ kfL$pf_y„...

13 iug îysd¹

A¡_. A¡k. `V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>dp„ C[ÞX$e_ ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k ep¡Åi¡ApNpdu sp. 9 \u 11 Ap¡¼V$p¡bf 2015 v$frdep_ ApZ„v$ [õ\s A¡_. A¡k. `V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>dp„ 39du C[ÞX$e_ ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k ep¡Åi¡. S>¡dp„ kdN° cpfs, _¡`pm, `pqL$õsp_ S>¡hu v$¡ip¡dp„\u gp¡L$rhÛprhv$p¡ ̀ p¡sp_p k„ip¡^_ ̀ Óp¡ fS|> L$fhp Aphi¡. Ap ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k_y„ Dv¹$OpV$_ NyS>fps fpÄe_p dp__ue fpÄe`pgîu Ap¡. `u. L$p¡lgu_p hfv¹$ lõs¡ \i¡. kdN° NyS>fps dpV¡$ Al] Aph_pfp gp¡L$rhÛprhv$p¡_p k„ip¡^_`Óp¡ k„ip¡^__u qv$ipdp„ â¡fZp ê$` b_i¡.

fkpeZip÷ rhcpNdp„ ey.Æ.ku. A_yv$pr_s _¡i_g L$p¡ÞafÞkApNpdu sp. 8 A_¡ 9 Ap¡¼V$p¡bf 2015 v$frdep_ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p fkpeZip÷ rhcpNdp„ ey.Æ.ku. A_yv$pr_s b¡ qv$hkue fpô²$ue `qfk„hpv$_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡. Ap L$p¡ÞafÞk_p Dv¹$OpV$_ kÓdp„ dy¿e Arsr\ sfuL¡$ Asyg rgrdV¡$X$_p S>_fg d¡_¡S>f X$p¸. dl¡icpC kp¡_u D`[õ\s fl¡i¡ s\p Dv¹$OpV$_ kÓ_p âdyM sfuL¡$ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui ̀ pY$ D`[õ\s

fl¡i¡. Ap _¡i_g L$p¡ÞafÞk_p¡ dy¿e rhje Emerging Trends and Advances in Chemical Sciences (ETACS-2015) R>¡. Ap rhje ̀ f k„ip¡^L$p¡ ̀ p¡sp_p k„ip¡^_ ̀ Óp¡ fS|> L$fi¡.

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui ̀ pY¡$ A¡ kp¥_¡ AphL$pep® lsp. h^ydp„ A¡dZ¡ S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhõsfZ dpV¡$ Ad¡ ̀ |fp s¥epf R>uA¡. Adpfp¡ d„Ó R>¡ : rhÛp\}_y„ rls A_¡ L$pev$p_¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMhp¡. Ap âk„N¡ âk„Np¡rQs h¼sìe Ap`sp„ hkybl¡_ rÓh¡v$uA¡ Ap kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p L$pe®n¡Ó_p rhõspf_u OV$_p_¡ kfõhsu dpsp_p d„qv$f_p rhõsfZ ê$` NZphu lsu. _¡ A¡dZ¡ eyr_hrk®V$u_p dp¡hX$uAp¡_¡ A_yfp¡^ L$ep£ lsp¡ L¡$ Ap eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhÛp\}Ap¡_y„ ìe[¼sÐh kfv$pf `V¡$g_p S>¡hy„ \hy„ Å¡CA¡. eyr_hrk®V$uA¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_p rinZ_u kp\¡ A¡d_p QpqfÔe_y„ `Z OX$sf L$fhp_y„ R>¡.

Ap âk„N¡ kfL$pfîu hsu kp¥_y„ Archpv$_ Tugsp ârscphê$`¡ L¡$rb_¡V$ rinZ d„Óuîu c|`¡ÞÖtkl QyX$pkdpA¡ S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ Ap`Z¡ Aæepk¾$d, ̀ funp, ̀ qfZpd_p QugpQpgy dpmMp\u D`f DW$u_¡ _ìe k„ip¡^_p¡ L$fuA¡. Ap`Zp¡ rhÛp\} _p¡L$fu L$fhp L¡$ ip¡^hp _p Åe. `f„sy buÅAp¡_¡ fp¡S>Npf Ap`hp knd \pe. A¡dZ¡ _ìe k„ip¡^_ dpV¡$_u õV$pV®$A` S>¡hu kfL$pf_u ep¡S>_pAp¡_p¡ ¿epg Apàep¡ lsp¡. hmu, rhð_u î¡›$ 200 eyr_hrk®V$u_u epv$udp„ Ap`Zu eyr_hrk®V$u õ\p_ ̀ pd¡ A¡ dpV¡$ e\pi¼e L$fhp kp¥_¡ A`ug L$fu lsu.

Ap âk„N¡ ApZ„v$, M¡X$p rS>ëgp_u L$p¡g¡Å¡_p k„QpgL$ d„X$mp¡, ApQpe®îuAp¡, AÝep`L$p¡, rhÛp\}Ap¡ dp¡V$u k„¿epdp„ D`[õ\s füp lsp.

Page 15: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be


DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...

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21. ApZ„v$ A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. X$u. A¡d. ̀ V¡$gX$p¸. hu. A¡g. cphkpf

22. îu X$u.A¡_. C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a L$p¡çàeyV$f A¡àgpCX$ sdßp L$pQhpgp23. îu ApC. S>¡. ̀ V¡$g A¡d.A¡X¹$. L$p¡k® X$p¸. v$urá A¡_. rÓh¡v$u24. îu ApC. S>¡. ̀ V¡$g bu.A¡X¹$. L$p¡g¡S> S>ëv$pb¡_ A¡a. hp¡fp25. îu cuMpcpC ̀ V¡$g C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a X$p¸. ÆsycpC bu. dL$hpZp

`u.Æ. õV$X$uT A¡ÞX$ fukQ® C_ ü|d¡r_qV$T X$p¸. lj®v$Ly$dpf X$u. Qp¥lpZ

26. ku.`u. ̀ V¡$g A¡ÞX$ A¡a.A¡Q. ipl L$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> âp¡. A¡k. hu. ̀ uÞV$p¡âp¡. v$u$`¡i A¡. ipl

27. A¡_.A¡k. ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. bu. bu. hpO¡gpâp. Æs ipl

28. bu.A¡a. ipl C[ÞõV$V$é|V$$ Ap¡a L$p¡dk® A¡ÞX âp. DÐL$j®cpC L¡$. ipl$d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ âp. A_yóL$p A¡. dl¡sp

29. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a A¡àgpCX$ kpeÞk îudrs bp¡õL$u A¡Q. W$½$fîu âsuL$ Apf. ̀ V¡$g

30. kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡X$rdr_õV²¡$i_ A¡ÞX X$p¸. hu. S>¡. qÜh¡v$u$d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ îu tQs_ ̀ fdpf

31. ArMg¡i kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> îu _f¡ÞÖLy$dpf Æ. ̀ V¡$grh_eLy$dpf Apf. ̀ V¡$g

32. spfL¡$i A¡ÞX$ r_f„S>_ kyf¡icpC ̀ V¡$g rifu_ âhuZcpC ̀ V¡$gL$p¡dk® L$p¡g¡S> A¡ÞX³$ ip„rsgpg q¾$ròe_

33. q¾$ròe_ L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ d_uj A¡_. Nyàspde|f dL$hpZp

34. A¡k.V$u. õV$uh_ C[ÞõV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a rbT_¡k âsuL$ âÅ`rsd¡_¡S>d¡ÞV A¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ$ kfafpT> dÞk|fu

35. ÆhL$fZ N°y` Ap¡a C[ÞõV$V$é|V l¡sgb¡_ W$½$fArð_ub¡_ L$p`k¡, A`|h® ̂ dp®L$f

36. îudsu ̀ yó`pb¡_ L$_¥epgpg C_pdv$pf L$p¡g¡S> X$p¸. bu_pb¡_ ̀ pf¡MAp¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i_

37. îu bu. Æ. ̀ V¡$g L$p¸g¡S> Ap¡a qarTep¡\¡fp`u X$p¸. âsuL$ bMpfuepîu Ad|gLy$dpf cË$

38. ApZ„v$ dL®$ÞV$pCg L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a kpeÞk, îudrs ÅN©rs ̀ „Qpgd¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ A¡ÞX$ L$p¡çàeyV$f V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ îudrs r_r^ âÅ`rs

39. S>icpC dp¡sucpC ̀ V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S> îu fpSy>cpC hu. dp¡Y$hpqX$epîu _e_Ly$dpf A¡d. ̀ V¡$g

40. L¡$. A¡k. L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a kpeÞk, d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ îu r_d¡j S>¡. rÀõsuA¡ÞX$ V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ îu Arh_pi ̀ u. fp¡rls

41. L$p¡çeyr_V$u f¡qX$ep¡ õV¡$i_ îu kduf bu. cË$

DS>hZu lufL$S>e„su_u...A_yk„^p_ dyM`©›$ `f\u... eyr_hrk®V$u_y„ rhõsfZ...Archpv$_ kfL$pf_y„...

13 iug îysd¹

A¡_. A¡k. `V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>dp„ C[ÞX$e_ ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k ep¡Åi¡ApNpdu sp. 9 \u 11 Ap¡¼V$p¡bf 2015 v$frdep_ ApZ„v$ [õ\s A¡_. A¡k. `V¡$g ApV¹$k® L$p¡g¡S>dp„ 39du C[ÞX$e_ ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k ep¡Åi¡. S>¡dp„ kdN° cpfs, _¡`pm, `pqL$õsp_ S>¡hu v$¡ip¡dp„\u gp¡L$rhÛprhv$p¡ ̀ p¡sp_p k„ip¡^_ ̀ Óp¡ fS|> L$fhp Aphi¡. Ap ap¡L$gp¡f L$p¢N°¡k_y„ Dv¹$OpV$_ NyS>fps fpÄe_p dp__ue fpÄe`pgîu Ap¡. `u. L$p¡lgu_p hfv¹$ lõs¡ \i¡. kdN° NyS>fps dpV¡$ Al] Aph_pfp gp¡L$rhÛprhv$p¡_p k„ip¡^_`Óp¡ k„ip¡^__u qv$ipdp„ â¡fZp ê$` b_i¡.

fkpeZip÷ rhcpNdp„ ey.Æ.ku. A_yv$pr_s _¡i_g L$p¡ÞafÞkApNpdu sp. 8 A_¡ 9 Ap¡¼V$p¡bf 2015 v$frdep_ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p fkpeZip÷ rhcpNdp„ ey.Æ.ku. A_yv$pr_s b¡ qv$hkue fpô²$ue `qfk„hpv$_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡. Ap L$p¡ÞafÞk_p Dv¹$OpV$_ kÓdp„ dy¿e Arsr\ sfuL¡$ Asyg rgrdV¡$X$_p S>_fg d¡_¡S>f X$p¸. dl¡icpC kp¡_u D`[õ\s fl¡i¡ s\p Dv¹$OpV$_ kÓ_p âdyM sfuL¡$ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui ̀ pY$ D`[õ\s

fl¡i¡. Ap _¡i_g L$p¡ÞafÞk_p¡ dy¿e rhje Emerging Trends and Advances in Chemical Sciences (ETACS-2015) R>¡. Ap rhje ̀ f k„ip¡^L$p¡ ̀ p¡sp_p k„ip¡^_ ̀ Óp¡ fS|> L$fi¡.

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Ly$g`rsîu âp¡. lfui ̀ pY¡$ A¡ kp¥_¡ AphL$pep® lsp. h^ydp„ A¡dZ¡ S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhõsfZ dpV¡$ Ad¡ ̀ |fp s¥epf R>uA¡. Adpfp¡ d„Ó R>¡ : rhÛp\}_y„ rls A_¡ L$pev$p_¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMhp¡. Ap âk„N¡ âk„Np¡rQs h¼sìe Ap`sp„ hkybl¡_ rÓh¡v$uA¡ Ap kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p L$pe®n¡Ó_p rhõspf_u OV$_p_¡ kfõhsu dpsp_p d„qv$f_p rhõsfZ ê$` NZphu lsu. _¡ A¡dZ¡ eyr_hrk®V$u_p dp¡hX$uAp¡_¡ A_yfp¡^ L$ep£ lsp¡ L¡$ Ap eyr_hrk®V$u_p rhÛp\}Ap¡_y„ ìe[¼sÐh kfv$pf `V¡$g_p S>¡hy„ \hy„ Å¡CA¡. eyr_hrk®V$uA¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_p rinZ_u kp\¡ A¡d_p QpqfÔe_y„ `Z OX$sf L$fhp_y„ R>¡.

Ap âk„N¡ kfL$pfîu hsu kp¥_y„ Archpv$_ Tugsp ârscphê$`¡ L¡$rb_¡V$ rinZ d„Óuîu c|`¡ÞÖtkl QyX$pkdpA¡ S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ Ap`Z¡ Aæepk¾$d, ̀ funp, ̀ qfZpd_p QugpQpgy dpmMp\u D`f DW$u_¡ _ìe k„ip¡^_p¡ L$fuA¡. Ap`Zp¡ rhÛp\} _p¡L$fu L$fhp L¡$ ip¡^hp _p Åe. `f„sy buÅAp¡_¡ fp¡S>Npf Ap`hp knd \pe. A¡dZ¡ _ìe k„ip¡^_ dpV¡$_u õV$pV®$A` S>¡hu kfL$pf_u ep¡S>_pAp¡_p¡ ¿epg Apàep¡ lsp¡. hmu, rhð_u î¡›$ 200 eyr_hrk®V$u_u epv$udp„ Ap`Zu eyr_hrk®V$u õ\p_ ̀ pd¡ A¡ dpV¡$ e\pi¼e L$fhp kp¥_¡ A`ug L$fu lsu.

Ap âk„N¡ ApZ„v$, M¡X$p rS>ëgp_u L$p¡g¡Å¡_p k„QpgL$ d„X$mp¡, ApQpe®îuAp¡, AÝep`L$p¡, rhÛp\}Ap¡ dp¡V$u k„¿epdp„ D`[õ\s füp lsp.

Page 16: p£dp„ ArhõdfZue b u fl¡i¡. NyS>fps kfL$pf¡ · Exam is just another day in the office', approach. Here, we take the exam day as a normal, usual, routine day. Like it can be

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Subscribe Today Contribute TodaySheel Shrutam invites news of University's academic institutions, teaching and non-teaching staff, and of students. The news should be sent to Sheel Shrutam so as to reach fifteen days before the date of publication.Contact: Param Pathak, IQAC, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120.Email: [email protected]:

Ad¡qfL$p_p A¡V$gpÞV$p Mps¡ kfv$pf `V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p c|s`|h® rhÛp\}Ap¡_y„ kd¢g_

sp. 12 kàV¡$çbf 2015_p fp¡S> Ad¡qfL$p_p A¡V$gpÞV$p Mps¡ kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p c|s`|h® rhÛp\}Ap¡_y„ k„d¡g_ ep¡Åey„ lsy„. Ap k„d¡g_dp„ dy¿e dl¡dp_ sfuL¡$ kfv$pf `V¡$g A¡ÄeyL¡$i_ V²$õV$_p d¡_¡tS>N V²$õV$u A_¡ k¡¾¡$V$fu îu cuMycpC A¡_. ̀ V¡$g¡ Mpk lpS>fu Ap`u lsu. Ap k„d¡g_dp„ Ad¡qfL$p_p rhÛp\} k„NW$__p âdyM îu S>e¡i `V¡$g, i[¼s d„qv$f_p V²$õV$u bp¡bu `V¡$g, h¡õV$CÞX$uT q¾$L¡$V$f ¼g¡V$p¡_ g„bX®$, c|s`|h® âdyM Ar_g `V¡$g, ku. L¡$. ̀ V¡$g, sfyZ ̀ V¡$g, dpCL$ ̀ V¡$g, _gus ̀ V¡$g, cfs rÓh¡v$u, c|s`|h® âdyM ̀ u_¡i ̀ V¡$g, rh`yg `V¡$g krls_p kæep¡ dp¡V$p âdpZdp„ D`[õ\s füp lsp.

kfv$pf ̀ V¡$g eyr_hrk®V$u_p Ly$g`rsîu lfui ̀ pY$ Üpfp ̀ pW$hhpdp„ Aph¡g rhX$uep¡ k„v$¡i v$ip®hhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡.