Download - Global Benefits Brokerage - Aon COMPLIANT AND COMPETITIVE GLOBAL BENEFITS PROGRAMMES Multinational corporations constantly confront new …


EFFECTIVE, COMPLIANT AND COMPETITIVE GLOBAL BENEFITS PROGRAMMESMultinational corporations constantly confront new challenges as they seek to globalise and expand, particularly with respect to how they support an increasingly diverse and internationally mobile workforce.

Historically, many multinationals operated in a decentralised management model. This, however, is changing as a number of market forces converge and force companies to act. These include: • Corporate governance • Focus on operational and cost efficiency • Rationalisation of objectives • Converging international accounting standards • Governments shifting responsibility to private sector • Development and management of a global workforce

Today, we see companies taking a much more active role in managing global issues. This is particularly true with employee benefits where the company may face significant financial, legal and human capital risks. People are any organisation’s most valuable asset and employee benefits play a major role in “attracting and retaining” the desired calibre workforces.

AON CONSULTING DELIVERS VALUEAon Consulting Worldwide has organised a systematic way of supporting multinational corporations in their global benefits efforts. We believe that a successful programme includes: • Strategic planning which embraces local realities, cultural differences and competitive norms • Global benefits management that integrates with the global business and overall risk strategies • Systems that allow global, real-time access to data so that global decisions can be made to meet market demands • Flexibility to manage human capital • Global expense management to drive operational efficiency • A change management approach

Aon Consulting’s Global Benefits Brokerage (GBB) platform addresses these and other global benefits objectives through three core elements: • Serving as the local broker/consultant to subsidiary management (Aon is positioned to do this in over 100 countries with wholly owned operations delivering “locally appropriate” employee benefit services). • Organising a structured and disciplined approach and process with distinct client service tools and protocols in a manner that is well understood and accepted by HQ and subsidiary management alike. • Deploying active global relationship management and delivering insightful stewardship that goes beyond simply reporting data by correlating the data against corporate business, financial and risk management goals.

Global Benefits BrokerageA high-impact approach to address today’s global benefits needs


Aon’s GBB approach, supporting tools and processes are proven with major recognisable global firms such as GE, Kraft, Computer Associates, Microsoft, First Data and Trelleborg.

Our partnership with global clients has the potential to lead to a reduction of up to a third of total direct and indirect spend on benefits: • 8%-12% as a result of moving from an unpooled situation to complete, actively managed multinational pooling • 3%-5% from enhanced governance and harmonisation • 3%-7% from the use of captives • 3%-6% from using global benefit database as a single source of data

Benefits for CEO/CFO: Benefits for Senior HR Exec: • Achieve global governance • Proactive response • Quantify global spending and ROI • Facilitate better planning

• Increased economy • Knowledge of existing and best practices • Align HR and business requirements • Ensure HR efficiencies • Increase shareholder value • Attract and retain talent • Facilitating the development and management of a global workforce.

CASE STUDy – How Aon Global Benefits Brokerage helped a global software giant save millionsOne of the world’s leading software companies asked Aon Consulting to take over the international employee benefits as their global broker. The mandate to Aon was to: • administer their benefits overseas • assist the client in implementing a global approach to benefits • establish a global benefits philosophy • achieve economies of scale through the use of financial vehicles, such as multinational pooling.

Aon began implementing the process in over 40 countries where there were insured employee benefits programmes, utilising the client’s existing data and systems.

We provided a number of reports to help the client’s management team obtain information on the benefits in place globally. Our tools enabled them to analyse their existing employee benefit plans and organise these benefits into multinational pools.

By using financial vehicles, such as multinational pooling, we were able to save the client millions of dollars over a number of years.

Subsequently, the client asked Aon Consulting to organise the employee benefits data into Global Benefit Manager (Aon’s on-line benefits management system). Aon uses the system to ensure that any changes to any plans around the world are updated as they occur. As the client’s global needs evolve, Aon are there to support them.

WIDE VARIETy OF SERVICESAon Consulting Worldwide is shaping the workplace of the future through benefits, talent management, and rewards strategies and solutions. We leverage our global network of offices, unmatched talent, innovation, thought leadership, and operational excellence to deliver distinctive value to our clients.

Mary J OlariagaAon Consulting

p: +1.305.961.5925 e: [email protected]

Tony Dowd Aon Consulting

p: +353 (0)61 402313 e: [email protected]

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