Download - Paycare Achievements 2020


Wellbeing Policy reviewand training – extra

wellbeing daysand commitment to

mental health duringCovid.

We helped reduce period poverty bydistributing sanitary products intended

for the Molineux toilets to localcharities while the stadium was closed

to fans.

How many times we’ve said “you’reon mute”... We might've lost count

of this one, but we haveimplemented remote working

practices with our team, and thirdparties to keep service for ourcustomers at an all-time High.

· The Team went purple for The Haven - We embraced

Empurple Week and supportedvulnerable women and children inthe shared community by helpingThe Haven to raise much neededfunds to support service users to

rebuild their lives following thetrauma of domestic abuse.

We’ve been creative in ourways of supporting local

charities and initiatives helpingthose in need with supplies,

time, understanding andkindness.

Sponsored theExpress & Star's Heroes Awards -

Ambassador of theYear and Hero of

the NHS.

This year we got to know our teams in adifferent way, with glimpses of families and

home life. Babies on heads and home-schooling happening at a shared table.

We got a delightful glimpse throughthe key keyhole, letting one another intoour virtual backdrops and the warmth of

our homes.

We’ve been there forPolicyholders, Members and

for each other,through some tough times,

and made it through strongerthan ever.

Extended partnershipwith Luxury Brand

Molton Brown whichsaw Policyholders givenaccess to unique offers.

Sponsorship of The Haven's

Domestic AbuseHelpline

and newlylaunched live

chat, which hasbeen a lifeline formany struggling

in 2020.

Bilston Town FCSponsorship - We willbe sponsoring BilstonTown Football Club’skits for the next two


Guest blogs with Beacon Centre &

Laura Butler.

MyPocketGP Re-Launch - Our much lovedand much used digital doctor

service (GP 24/7) wasrelaunched with a new name,look and feel as MyPocketGP.

MyPeople News - launched for

the first time in 2020on a monthly basis to

provide our groupswith extra support,

health and wellbeingtips and community


Mental Health E-Clinics Launch - over 300 delegates benefited

from our wellbeing team's expertise on everythingfrom stress management to kindness.

Awarded Corporate Volunteer

of the YearBy the Beacon


Bundle Launch - our low cost and highvalue Wellbeing Package whichaims to help employers engagetheir teams and to keep them

mentally, physically andfinancially healthy.

Main sponsors of Motherwell FC - After two fantastic

years of sponsoring the well-lovedcommunity club, we decided to become

their front-of-shirt sponsor!

Members of Heredfordshire & Worcestershire

Chamber of Commerce.

MyGiving Reasons to beGrateful

Charity Vote - £3000 ofcharity money to be


Reasons to be Grateful2020

We’ve still been herefor you, On average,

242 claims have beenprocessed

a day.

Fully operational with coverage from themanagers to the Customer Service teams,we've been able to keep everyone in workand have been lucky enough not to need tofurlough, nor lose any team members. Evenbringing new team members in anddelivering on development commitments forthe team. Covid with safe working

practices implemented, training andadopting remote working.

Our team have delivered amazingConsistency of service for 2020 –

safely maintaining theservice standards our customers

know and love us for.

In the office, we all found ourZen in different ways, and luckily

throughout the time at home,we've continued with yoga

sessions for the team...Namaste. �

The year none of us could makeplans, we still made the most of ourBirthday days off for the first time,baking cakes, having a catch up withfriends online, or making the most ofthe year's glorious early summer sun!

Survived an average of 2 Zoommeetings, per day, per person.

The numbers started to look veryhigh when we did the maths! So

we've used inititaives like#TechTimeOutDay to help

redress the balance and maintainthe wellbeing of the team.

Number of snacks consumed, by theteam, during our time working

from home - countless! Luckily we'vehad some guest nutrition advice tohelp to keep our minds and bodies


Undisclosed number ofmeetings secretly conductedwhilst wearing a snuggly pair

of pyjama bottoms... Wehear that the team regularlypassing it off as 'loungewear'.

Looking afterour Communities

Looking afterthe Paycare team

Looking afterour Policyholders,

Members and Groups

92% of claims received are paid within 48


Paycare is a not for profit company limited by a guarantee and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Company Registration Number 820791. These products and services are not regulated and therefore, exempt from regulation.