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  • Pawang Uteun Local Wisdom Values in Managing Aceh


    4th IGEOS : International Geogrfaphy


    Muslihin, Enok Maryani, Ahmad Yani

    Indonesia University of Education, 229 Setiabudi

    Bandung, Indonesia

  • Introduction

    From year to year, Indonesia's forests

    have decreased in all areas, such as in

    2000 natural forest cover of 106.4

    million hectares, until in 2017

    Indonesia's forests decreased to 82.8

    million hectares or 43% of Indonesia's

    land area.

    Forest management shows

    that the rate of deforestation

    from community-managed

    forests is lower than

    protected forests.

    14 countries that have forests such as in Latin America,

    Africa, and Asia that countries that give legal rights to

    forest ownership to indigenous and local communities

    are better able to control deforestation than if the forests

    belong to the state.

    The community's tradition of

    managing forests is an indicator of

    forest success

    Forest management in Aceh cannot

    be separated from the role of local

    communities with traditions that

    are still being preserved to this day.

    the authors want to know in

    advance how the Acehnese people's

    perceptions of the local wisdom of

    the Pawang Uteun then explore the

    values of the pawang uteun in Aceh


  • Literature Review

    Local people with knowledge and local wisdom can emphasize the rate of

    deforestation and keep forests sustainable [7].

    The form of local wisdom can be in the form of knowledge systems, social

    systems, and cultural systems, reflected in environmental management, customs

    that regulate social relations, and cultural artifacts such as land use, residential

    materials and architecture, styles and styles of clothing, furniture, and ceremonies

    ushering in the cycle of life [8].

  • Method

    This research uses descriptive research. By

    expressing people's perceptions of a

    problem. As for answering the problem of

    public perception of the uteun handler using

    a survey method. Respondents in this study

    were the people of Aceh, namely 134 people

    consisting of 71 men (52.9%) and 63 women



    The next step is to formulate the values

    contained in the local wisdom of the

    uteun pawang in managing forests.

    located in peudada sub-district, Bireuen

    district, Aceh province, Indonesian

  • Item statement


    Skor (%)


    1. . Forests as the Lungs of

    the World, Water Reserves

    and Reducing Global





    (11,2)2 (2%) 0 0

    2. Poor Aceh Forest















    3. Transfer of Forest

    Management to customary











    4. The role and duties of

    Pawang Uteun have not

    been optimal in managing

    the sustainability of Aceh's







    (54%)24 (18)



    5. The importance of

    Pawang Uteun's existence

    in protecting the forest






    (11%)3 (2%) 0

    6. Pawang Uteun as the

    spearhead of preserving

    the forest






    (8%)5 (4%) 0

    7. The need for

    socialization of Pawang

    Uteun Customs to the

    surrounding community




    (47%)4 (3%) 1 (1%) 0

    8. The need to introduce

    the Pawang Uteun customs

    to learning at school




    (35%)3 (2%) 1 (%)



    Result and Discussion

    Public Perception of Pawang Uteun

    Item 3.This shows that the community wants forests in Aceh

    province to be managed wisely and with social aspects in mind.

    Then this is also in line with the local government that has proposed

    several Aceh forest areas to be used as customary forests to the

    Ministry of Environment and Forestry in determining Aceh's

    customary forests.

    Item 4.This shows that the respondents still doubt the role of the

    pawang uteun in preserving the forest. Therefore, it is necessary to

    make efforts to maximize the role of the pawang uteun. One of them

    is the role of the government, such as cooperation between the

    pawang uteun and the POLHUT (forest ranger).

  • Pawang Uteun is the

    spearhead of preserving

    the forest

    The community wants this

    custom not only to be

    contained in the qanun law,

    customary forest law, but

    also to be disseminated to

    the community

    the community wants this

    uteun pawang custom to be


    in the era of globalization and in

    millennial society, they don't know

    many traditions in society, so they

    need to be reintroduced as in an

    educational environment.

    Because in addition to raising

    concern for the environment, it is

    also to preserve the local wisdom

    of the uteun handlers and also

    some other local wisdom so that it

    is not lost to the times.

  • Pawang Uteuen


    Carrying out the glee custom, the

    pawang uteun advises on

    managing the forest

    03Become a judge in resolving a

    dispute over the violation of the

    customary law of Glee

    05Pawang Uteun also has the

    authority to determine the days that

    are not allowed to enter the forest


    Supervise and implement the

    glee / forest customary



    panglima uteun/ pawang uteun

    has the right to prohibit

    everyone from entering the

    forest on a certain day which

    has been determined by the

    pawang uteun based on his


    rituals and rules in protecting the forest which is led by the pawang uteun and have the following


  • Conclussion

    there is a need for socialization to the community

    around the forest regarding the rules in the forest that

    exist for the pawang uteun and introduce them to

    students so that they know about the culture in their

    environment where they live in protecting the


    Future research the values contained in the pawang

    uteun adat can be implemented in learning. It is

    hoped that in the field of education it can introduce

    learning resources from the environment around

    students, one of which is the traditional pawang

    uteun in protecting the forest.

    The pawang uteun is one of the traditions of the

    Acehnese community in the field of forest

    conservation. The community's perception of the

    importance of forests is very high and this is

    why they want this forest to be managed by

    indigenous peoples with their wisdom.

    The local wisdom of pawang uteun can be used

    as reading material on social media in an era of

    technological sophistication. And in the field of

    education, it can be linked with materials about

    the environment, culture, and natural resources.

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