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Notes from Jonathan Paul’s Sentencing Hearing, 6/5/07  Jonathan Paul, 41, is charged with one count of conspiracy and

one count of arson for the July 21, 1997 arson at Cavel West

Horsemeat Slaughterhouse. His sentence is now in abeyance aslawyers go back and forth on paper one more time. 

Assistant US Attorney Stephen Peifer for the government: 

 Jonathan Paul, 41, is charged with one count of conspiracy andone count of arson for the July 21, 1997 arson at Cavel WestHorsemeat Slaughterhouse. The defendant is famous or perhaps

infamous within animal rights circles, but he is not, according toPeifer, on trial for his politics. Jonathan Paul, according to theprosecution, is “not unlike anti-abortion extremists” who bombabortion clinics. 

Since 1986, Jonathan Paul has been “dodging bullets.” “Not realbullets, except perhaps those of Joseph Dibee and StanislasMeyerhoff” (an allusion to the alleged plot against Paul’s life byothers) but rather dodging accountability to the law. Jonathan

Paul is a very wealthy man, according to Peifer, and he cannotblame his parents or Avalon (Bill Rodgers) for his currentsituation; “He can only blame himself.” 

On October 26, 1986, Jonathan Paul was involved with the theftof animals at a University of Oregon laboratory in Eugene. Paultook part in six months of planning, two “recon” missions and apreparatory break-in before the raid. He was prosecuted for thisaction but the charges were dismissed.


In 1987, Paul co-founded the Hunt Saboteurs Association, anorganization that actively interferes with sport hunting. 

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On April 16, 1987, Paul took part in the arson at the Universityof California at Davis veterinary school. This is a public institutionwith state funding. Paul did reconnaissance on the building andacted as the driver. Kevin Tubbs was also there. This was the firstarson in the US attributed to the Animal Liberation Front. Paul

was a “proto-arsonist” who inspired others to arson by this act. 

In 1987, Paul acted as the driver at a raid against a Loma LindaResearch Facility in Southern California.

In May 1987, Paul and others visited the Bureau of LandManagement Wild Horse Corral in Litchfield, California. Using asaw, Paul cut away sections of the fence thus freeing the horses.

 There was no arrest; “Jonathan Paul dodged another bullet.” 

In 1988, and again in 1990, Paul also lived with RodneyCoronado, an ALF member who was later imprisoned for multiplearsons. 

On April 3, 1989, Paul participated in an action at the Universityof Arizona in Tucson. Paul was the driver for this action. In an

earlier bold “recon,” Paul and another person dressed as labworkers and, during the workday entered the building and altereda door lock to provide later access. Over 1,200 animals werestolen and the property was attacked by arson. Again, Paul wasnot arrested and he “dodged another bullet.” 

In 1990, Paul was charged for the 1986 UofO burglary, butcharges were dismissed on May 1,1991. 

On November 3, 1992, Paul was jailed in Spokane, Washingtonfor civil contempt for refusing to testify in front of a federal grand

 jury. He was held for five months and became a “hero” and“inspiration” to those who “resist legal prosecution.” 

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With his family’s wealth, Paul bought property in Williams,Oregon where he lived until moving near Ashland. Paul developedrelations with Joseph Dibee, Kevin Tubbs and Darren Thurston. Hedug ditches and blockaded roads at the China Left timber saleprotest dodging another bullet, “albeit a small one.”

In 1997, Paul met Jennifer Kolar at an animal rights event. Kolarwas a student in Colorado at the time. Kolar became enamoredwith him and a long-distance romance ensued. Paul introducedher to the ALF and recruited her for the Cavel West arson. He andhe alone recruited Kolar into “the family.” Kolar subsequentlyparticipated in other arsons not involving Paul, but “Kolar is theproduct of Jonathan Paul.” In 1997, Paul wrote several checks toKolar, and he paid her way to and from Oregon.


At an Earth First! Rendezvous in 1997, Joseph Dibee recruited Jonathan Paul for the Cavel West arson. His role was to make thefuel for the arson. Peifer asked, “Why attack Cavel West?” It wasat the center of an animal rights controversy and was linked byan article in the LA Times and other press to the Bureau of LandManagement wild horse project.

Marc Blackman, Paul’s lawyer, objected to this on severalgrounds. There was no link between Jonathan Paul and the LA

 Times article. The terrorism enhancement issue was closed forthe Cavel West arson (it did not apply) and so such argumentsshould not be made. Judge Ann Aiken responded that theinformation in itself was relevant, but that she understood herpast rulings. 

Returning to Peifer’s presentation, he stated that Dibee was

angry that Paul recruited Kolar, someone who was a stranger toDibee, for the action. Kolar and Paul together made a mixture of glycerin soap and diesel fuel called "vegan jello." Containers werepainted black and contained no fingerprints. The team metoutside of Redmond and changed into disposable clothing. 30gallons of fuel were used. According to Kolar, Paul set the devicein the shed. After 45 minutes, one of the devices prematurely

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ignited (Peifer claims that this shows just how dangerous theywere.) Returning to the staging site, participants poured acid onthe clothes used and buried them. The fire was spotted by abread delivery van and called 911.

At a nearby residence, two people were sleeping, Pascal Derdeand Roberto Rezendez. Derde had walked through the CavelWest property around midnight. The device allegedly placed byPaul in the shed failed to ignite, and was discovered by Rezendezand another individual, Sancher. Several large propane tankswere nearby and this was of great concern to firefighters.Fighting the fire depleted two million gallons of water.

Peifer then displayed several photos of the arson. Theresidence, propane tanks and a fuel tanker on the rail line werepointed out, as was the shed with the unignited device.

Several newspaper articles were then introduced as evidence. The Bend Bulletin article discussed the 40 firefighters and backupfrom Sisters, Oregon who responded; it mentioned that the plantemployed 22 people. The Redmond Spokesperson quoted acommander for the firefighters as stating that it was lucky there

was no loss of life; a sidebar discussed the fire’s impact on waterreserves. 

Kevin Tubbs wrote the communiqué for the arson. Jonathan Paulwas an early suspect, but he “dodged that bullet” until Kolar,

 Tubbs and Dibee informed on him. Following the arson, Paul wasapparently not wanted back by the group. He was too recklessand “frankly, too arrogant.” The arson caused over a milliondollars in damage; Paul settled with Cavel West’s insurers over

his part. After the fire, Cavel West left Redmond which, Peifersaid, Paul regarded as a victory. 

After this arson, Paul was a public proponent of sabotage. Hedescribed the legal process as unworkable and likened the ALFwith the Underground Railroad. At the Environmental Law

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Conference in Eugene in 1998, Paul likened burning animal labsto burning Nazi death camps. He apparently admitted to lying tothe Spokane Grand Jury, and attacked those who cooperate withthe government as “traitors.” Kevin Tubbs was also at thisconference.


In 1999, Paul was involved with and convicted for the disruptionof a court-sanctioned whale hunt by the Makah tribe inWashington State. Peifer likened Paul’s activity to that of “juveniles or drunks.” 

In March 2005 Paul again attended the Environmental LawConference in Eugene, Oregon. He met Jacob Ferguson there and

the conversation was recorded. Paul urged Ferguson to keepresisting the grand jury there, “It’s the only honorable thing youcan do. Fuck them.” Paul also recounted in the recording hismistake of touching an identification card shown to him in 1989by an FBI investigator, from which the Feds later obtainedfingerprints.

Peifer again referred to the UC Davis attack as the “proto-arson”that encouraged another 20 years of arsons. He presented a 57-

month suggested sentence to the court. He proposed an equalupward departure even if the terrorism enhancement was notapplied. Upon showing how upward and downward departureswould lead to a sentence of 57-71 months, he also suggested atruncated version of this process, starting with the federalmandatory minimum of 60 months for arson and then simplyagreeing to go down three months for Paul’s plea deal. Paul’sattorney Blackman, Peifer argued, had come very close to askingfor less than the 37 months mentioned in the plea agreement.Peifer noted that Paul’s sentence was linked to that of 

cooperating defendant Darren Thurston within the plea deals, butwhile Thurston had been thorough in his cooperation and namingof names, Jonathan Paul didn’t come close to this in hiscooperation.

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Peifer then stated that Jonathan Paul should be compared toShelly Shannon, who in 1992 torched a doctor’s office merelybecause he performed abortions there. The doctor ended hispractice after this. Shannon also refused to testify against othersand refused to name names. She is serving a 20-year sentence;

Paul should get at least 57 months. 

Peifer closed his presentation saying that, as a leader in animalrights circles, he should renounce the use of fire. Peifer said thatPaul has not done this. 

Marc Blackman, attorney for Jonathan Paul, began hispresentation:


Paul Bains, an attorney licensed in Oregon and elsewhere, wascalled before the court after a brief dialogue about hisappearance (there had been some discussion about thepossibility of Bains simply making a statement by telephone, butthe timing of communications led to Bains appearing in personalthough this was not strictly necessary.) Bains stated that alawsuit for recovery of loss by the insurer had been filed afterPaul’s arrest, and that Paul had resolved this with a very fair

settlement for the loss, fulfilling his obligation. 

After noting the presence of members of Paul’s family in thecourtroom, Blackman mentioned the letters they had submittedto the court. 

Blackman then stated that it was necessary not to “romanticize”Cavel West even though its destruction was unjust. He mentioned

the surveillance video of practices there that were in governmentdiscovery. This was briefly reviewed during Tubbs’ sentencing butvery little of it was played. Blackman noted that it was ironic thatthe government mentioned the water depletion arising fromfighting the fire, as blood from the slaughterhouse was known tobe polluting the groundwater in the area. After the arson, thenearest neighbors complained of the foul odors that used to

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come from the plant. One former employee commented that hewas “tired of working with a bunch of illegals,” and Blackmanused this to suggest that Cavel West did not provide qualityemployment at a living wage. In fact, a USDA meat inspector hadstated in documents that the operation was a “company run by

the Belgian Mafia.” Blackman argued that one shouldn’t justifythe arson, but should be careful not to“gild the lily” in the other direction either.


Blackman then addressed Paul’s wealth: Paul was hardly alonein benefiting from the wealth of a parent, but unlike many whoused this wealth frivolously, Paul used it to promote hisconviction that all life should be protected. It’s interesting to notethat others from these cases had complained that Paul was “too

visible.” This was because Paul actively funded his belief that alllife is precious. 

Although most of Paul’s assets were of the sort that thosewanting to collect a settlement “could not get at,” this still didnot stop Paul from paying his settlement to the insurancecompany in full. Paul sold real property to do this, “It’s not like he

 just wrote a check.” 

Blackman discussed a 1999 letter that Paul wrote to TheOregonian newspaper. The letter was in response to an articlethat claimed Paul supported arson. Paul’s letter stated that henever advocated or was involved in arson. Blackman stated thatthis was the renunciation which Peifer claims he never heard;although the letter’s claim about past involvement was a lie, therest of it summed up Paul’s true feelings. Paul had spent the lasteight years as a firefighter, earning him the deep respect of hiscommunity and even awards. Paul had tried to make up for the

crime he had committed. 

Blackman stated that Paul was the least involved with thecrimes in these cases. There is no need to get into the claimsmade by Kolar, Blackman said, but as a lawyer he would beconcerned about putting her on the stand and cross-examination

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if he was a prosecutor. Blackman said that he made it clear toPaul that if he brought his charges to trail and lost, he would belooking at 60 months. Blackman stated that Paul should bedistinguished from the other defendants, both cooperating andnon-cooperating. Aiken had stated in past hearings that the non-

cooperating defendants “want to have their cake and eat it too,”but in Paul’s cases it is the prosecution that wants this—theirsuggested sentence is extremely close to what Paul would havereceived had he lost at trial, but Paul has taken responsibility forwhat he has done and helped to resolve the Oregon federalcases.

Again returning to statements by Kolar, he stated that theysimply were not true. Kolar stated that Paul drove his own van inone of the actions, but Paul has never had a van. At the

University of Arizona, Paul was there to release animals, notcommit arson.

Blackman stated that this is one of the most difficult cases torule on. Paul is someone who did something very bad, quite awhile ago. After he thought that he had gotten away with it, Paulnevertheless did penance. Paul donned the gear of the firefighter.Blackman stated to Aiken that he didn’t know how Aiken does it,that ruling on this case is extremely difficult. He doesn’t think

that the government had properly assessed all the variables inthis situation. Blackman does not think that one can impose asentence over the mandatory minimum in this situation. 

Aiken clarified what she meant about having one’s cake andeating it too. Six people have “stepped up” and cooperated withthe government. Out in the community, their cooperation willfollow them forever and they will receive a different sort of punishment. The non-cooperating defendants want to receive

lower sentences but also want to avoid the sort of repercussionsfaced by the cooperators. Aiken then lectures about “randomacts of violence.” Aiken wants to know what sort of message isgoing out to the young people. She wonders why Jonathan Pauldidn’t use his wealth to draw attention to the issues in lawful andnon-violent ways. She returns to the non-cooperation issue. Sixdefendants made the decision to cooperate, and four did not.

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“That’s just a factor” in her sentencing, she stated. She respectsthe negotiations, but wonders if people are truly intent onchanging or if they are just donning a mask to curry favor. Shesays that she hopes Paul will say something to“change people’s behavior” away from “random acts of 

violence.” The young people deserve real leaders. “Changetactics.” 

Blackman made a comment about what Paul has to say and thatAiken’s remarks were prescient. He turned to the issue of Paul’snon-cooperation and stated that the government still had theoption of subpoenaing Paul before a grand jury. “The irony of allof this,” according to Blackman, is that even if Paul had beenwilling to trade information for government generosity, Paul had

nothing to offer in terms of new information. The prosecutionknows this. 

Blackman discussed Jacob Ferguson’s first debriefing with thegovernment. It included a long list of crimes, but not Cavel West.In the second debriefing, there it is. Blackman stated that hecould have really shoved this fact down the government’s throatif there had been a trial.

Blackman stated that Paul did not name names, as it was amatter of personal integrity to take responsibility for his ownactions and not deflect blame onto others. 

Aiken stated that she sees this in court every day. There are“the rules” about informing on others. A father sold out his son,but the son didn’t sell out his father because of “the rules.”Money is taken away from education and the community because

it has to go into containing “tough behavior.” She respects bothsides of the legal arguments and has exercised discretion. Shehopes for people to “turn down violence as a means of debate.”“Violence never starts debate, it only ends it.” She realize thatthe defendants have had to dig deep to figure out how they willportray themselves or reveal themselves at sentencing. She hasto strike a balance and adhere to the guidelines and rules.

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“Regardless, I really hope that Mr. Paul has something profoundto say.” At this point, there is a break. 

Upon return, Blackman addresses Paul’s pre-sentence report

(PSR). He wants “JP” to be removed as an alias for Jonathan Paul,as it is merely a nickname. Purdue, who took the lead inpreparing the PSR, consents to this. Blackman wants theargumentative language in the overview of the offense to beremoved. The reference to Cavel West as a federal crime of terrorism should also be removed, as should statements by Kevin

 Tubbs. These issues are taken into advisement. Blackmanchallenges information taken from Paul’s disclosure to thegovernment being used under Federal Sentencing Guidelinessection 1B1.8.


Aiken sings the praises of Mr. Purdue and those working withhim. He has an enormous workload and pressing timeconstraints. Purdue is professional and has a sense of humor. Hemet other obligations as well, “enormous efforts”… The issuesraised won’t impact on this hearing, only the Bureau of Prisons(BOP).

Blackman returns to his criticisms of the PSR—more referencesto the terrorism enhancement, judgmental language in thecharacterization of victim impact, improper applications of guidelines, and a reference to the University of Oregon incidentthat shouldn’t be there. 

Purdue states that he will make revisions once the court makesits findings. The BOP will look at what is decided by the court andinterpret the PSR in light of this. Aiken states that once she rules,

revisions will be made. She agrees to write letters to the BOP fordefendants. 

 Jonathan Paul then made a statement. Jonathan Paul admittedthat his part in the Cavel West arson was a crime. While it wouldbe dishonest to say that he regrets Cavel West no longer being in

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business, the ends do not justify the means. He apologizes for thepain and hardship suffered by the victims. The arson wasmotivated by horror and despair at the horses destined to beslaughtered for human consumption, to spare living beings whosuffer unimaginably. When he saw the flames and damage, he

knew he could not be part of arson any more.

Paul has been a firefighter since ’99 and knows that arson isdangerous. “I crossed the line.” He has not done so since. Paulwill do everything in his power to share this realization. He willcontinue to act for humans and animals, and againstenvironmental degradation, but with lawful means or with publiccivil disobedience. He has tried to make amends, serve thecommunity and alleviate suffering.

He thinks of his sister Caroline, who he is “incredibly proud of.”She was one of the first female firefighters in the Bay Area. Hethought of her responding to a fire such as Cavel West. Hethought of the firefighters who responded in 1997. 

In 1999, he was made a lieutenant fire fighter. He declined thepromotion at first, but in the end he was made to reluctantly

agree. His knowledge of the inherent risks of fire only deepenshis regret. His work as a firefighter became a newfound form of activism. He has become an emergency responder and EMT. Heis proud of his skills and loved his work. He responded toapproximately 2,000 calls. He put his feelings aside and evenrescued a bear poacher. He rescued a three-year-old kitten. Bothare sentient and equal, he said. Paul regrets that he was unableto keep up with his training following his arrest and his licenseexpired.

A pivotal turning point in Paul’s life was when he met and fell inlove with Tamara Drake. She is a paralegal and assists whaleconservation litigation. They married in 2002 and built a lifetogether. He did not share his “dark secret” as he was afraid hewould lose her and that a cloud would be put over her lawfulmarine conservation work. They use solar energy and vegetable

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oil fuel—this is activism at its most basic level, leading byexample. Paul apologizes to his family and thanks them for theirlove and support.

Paul apologizes to the fire service—his past actions wereinexcusable, but his own work as a firefighter was always true. Hewants to send a sincere message that what he did was “not OK.”He will work for animals and the environment in public andtransparent ways, and deeply regrets that prison will cost him hiswork as a firefighter. 

After Paul’s emotional statement, there was a break for lunch.

When court resumed after lunch, Aiken started doing her thing.Aiken stated that initially Paul seemed to “read” like the othernon-cooperators, only doing what they had to. But she took abreak to consider his words. “Believe me, I’m not trying to dragthis out.” 

Aiken had listened to Paul’s statement and found it thoughtful.“This is a classic case of good intentions gone wrong.” If humansare going to use animals, it should be humane. But Paul had

crossed boundaries, more than once, apparently.

“I’m not convinced that some of your co-defendants get it.”Somewhat ironic that you put firefighters at risk. Congressionalfive-year mandatory minimum for arson. You meant to intimidate.Watched the surveillance tape of slaughter at Cavel West, “notpretty.” Why not publicize it? Why not work with those whosewater supply was affected? That takes real work, “rolling up one’ssleeves” and doing work. But you just decided to destroy the

property of business and government. What happened to thehorses? They went somewhere else, maybe somewhere worse.“Actions didn’t help animal rights.”

 There’s something that hasn’t been understood. “Generally, Ihonor negotiations.” Block, Zacher, McGowan and Paul decided to

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limit cooperation. “That was your choice” and “choices haveconsequences.” Others made their choice and face the detrimentof being labeled as a “snitch.” Non-cooperators decided to behailed as heroes for keeping their integrity “so to speak.” Non-cooperators face detriment of not getting the same sentence as

cooperating defendants. Doesn’t know what information Paulcould have given. “Right or wrong, that’s the system.” “Don’t putit back on me.” Without the government offer, Aiken could notdepart downward from the mandatory minimum. Doesn’t like itwhen she keeps reading about the government overreaching inthese cases. “Everybody could have rolled the dice at trial.” 

Aiken begins her sentencing calculations. One charge each of conspiracy and arson, conspiracy grouped with arson. Starts with

offense level 6, goes upward 13 for amount of loss, 2 for morethan minimal role in planning. Cavel West not an attempt toinfluence, coerce or retaliate against government, so no terrorismenhancement. Down 3 levels for accepting responsibility.Criminal history of 1. Upward departure for attempting to frightenand intimidate others. Won’t do some complex up 30, down 25levels calculation. Arrives at 57-71 months. Mandatory minimumof 60 months removed.

Further downward departures: circumstances different for eachindividual defendant. Aiken didn’t go down more than two levelsfor any defendant, even cooperators. Not inclined to do so here.No basis for going downward with Block and Zacher. GaveMcGowan the “benefit of the doubt” and went down one level.Giving Paul the same benefit. Down one level, 51-63 months.Goals of sentencing to punish, rehabilitate and community safety.

Aiken wants to take a moment because this is the last

sentencing. Bemoans immaturity, lack of mentoring. “So many of you have much to give.” “What’s the message to young people?”

 The planet is worth fighting for, but don’t break the law. “Walkthe walk. [Note: abbreviated as WTW hereon] Practice what youpreach. […] Do the little things.” “Why is it that we make heroesout of bad people?” Don’t live lavishly. Defendants “at a realcrossroads.” They will be haunted by their words if they don’t

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WTW; we’ll see if these were just words, or the final layer of amask. 

Paul’s family stuck by him, love him. According to some

psychologists, anger reflects an unmet need, “Let’s meet needs.”Lots of people hear what you have to say. Appreciated Paulstanding up in court and renouncing arson. In the final analysis,it’s all in your head, so be true to yourself.

Aiken talks about her experience doing drug court, talks aboutsomebody who “finally got it.” Volunteered to go into school andtalk with children about his drug experiences. “I know whenpeople WTW.” It’s these little successes that are important.

“What role modeling.” 

Sentence given as 51 months for conspiracy and same forarson, concurrently. The usual conditions, but no restitution dueto settlement. No contact with groups involved with illegal action,other environmental and animal rights groups okay, withapproval. Aiken will write a letter recommending FCI Sheridan. 

Blackman appears confused about Aiken’s sentencingcalculations. “How did we go up?” Aiken: “Then I’m not done.”Break as Aiken tries to crunch numbers, return. 

Aiken: “Calculations are important,” begins again. States thatshe applied the upward departure for Cavel West frightening andintimidating others as with Kevin Tubbs. More sentencing gridstuff, 51 months in the end again. 

Blackman: Refers to plea agreement, paragraph 9. He has rightto appeal. Court had previously entered findings in Tubbs caseand the upward departure was not for Cavel West. You can’t expost facto (after the fact) apply a justification for the sentence.After mandatory minimum has been overcome, should be by thesentencing grid: 27-33 months. The court’s findings are binding;there is no authority to do this. Blackman urges the court to

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reflect and select an appropriate mechanism for sentencing.Assistant US Attorney claims that there is “nothing political”about these sentencings. Then why is there not truth insentencing? Under United States v. Booker, the court has no

 justification for imposing this sentence. Aiken has made a

fundamental error. 

Aiken: “We’re going to leave this open.” Wants Blackman’s bestargument in writing. Blackman has until the 15th for hissubmission to the court, government has one week after torespond. Aiken insists that she referenced Cavel West when shedeparted upwards with Tubbs, regardless of how she referencedit. Reminds everyone that Paul entered into a plea agreement.

 Thanks Blackman for raising the issue. No date set for

reconvening the sentencing.

Finally, a note of interest: Recently retired FBI agent JohnFerreira showed up in court for Jonathan's sentencing. He was thelead investigator as early as the Detroit Ranger Station fire, andreceived many congratulatory handshakes from US Attorneys andothers at their table when he walked into the courtroom. Thegovernment had sent out a press release and planned to hold apress conference at the courthouse after Jonathan's sentencing,

crowing about their “job well done” in apprehending and sendingto prison these members of the country’s “number one domesticterrorist threat.” Regardless of whether or not Marc Blackman’slegal jiu-jitsu gets Jonathan a better sentence, the disgruntledlook on Ferreira’s face after the cancellation of his precious pressconference was almost reward enough.