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Patient Centered Medical Home,A Pathway to Value-Based Reimbursement?

Industry Webcast

February 3, 2016

11:00 PT / 2:00 ET

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Today’s discussion

○ Introduction and overview

○ PCMH clinical and financial


○ The alternative payment landscape,

and its link to PCMH

○ Core competencies,

today and tomorrow

○ The Christ Hospital: PCMH’s role in

practice transformation

○ Q&A

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Speaker introductions

David RoweSVP, Marketing & Business Development

Joe Siemienczuk, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Jacquelyn Hunt, PharmD, MS

Chief Population Health Officer

Amy Mechley, MD

Medical Director – Wellness Division,

The Christ Hospital Health Network

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Enli Health Intelligence

Top-Performing Population Health Management Solution

- KLAS Research. December 2015. Population Health Management 2015: How Far Can Your Vendor Take You?


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Patient Centered Medical Home

Gauging performance & progress

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What is PCMH, practically?

The medical home is best described as a model or

philosophy of primary care that is patient-centered,

comprehensive, team-based, coordinated,

accessible, and focused on quality and safety [ … ]

Above all, the medical home is not a final destination

instead, it is a model for achieving primary care

excellence…Source: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative

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PCMH provides roadmap to advanced primary care practice

○ 7K+ practices recognized by NCQA1

○ 500%+ growth in PCMH incentive

programs—from 26 (2009) to 160 (2016)2

○ Fastest growing NCQA service PCMH certification also offered by URAC, The Joint Commission, AAAHC

1. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Jan – Feb, 2016. Rosenthal. Are We Learning More

About Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), or Learning About Primary Care?

2. Health Leaders Media. January 2016. Letourneau. PCMH Model Soaring, Despite Funding Challenges

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Enli customers are pursuing PCMH more aggressively than industry at-













US PCP's Enli Customers

PCMH Program Participation

Live Planning

1. Enli Health Intelligence and PYA Consultants. National CCM Provider Survey 2015

2. Enli Health Intelligence. Alternative Payment Model Participation, December 2015

○ Enli customer

participation in

PCMH networks is

>50% greater than

the national average

○ Providers

participating in

PCMH are early

adopters of

government and

commercial APMs

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Evidence supports the efficacy of the PCMH model

14 peer-reviewed studies

› 10 reported on cost, 6 found


› 13 reported on utilization, 12

found improvements

› 3 reported on quality, 2 found


› 4 reported on access, 4 found


› 4 reported on satisfaction, 4

found improvements

Source: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative.

January 2015. The Patient-Centered Medical Home’s

Impact on Cost and Quality

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PCMH requires investment, but economics scale

○ $147,573, median annual cost1

○ $64,768 per clinician, $30 per patient1

○ 30% more, incremental short-term

impact to primary care costs2

1. Health IT Analytics. January 2016. RAND: Patient-Centered Medical Home May Cost $147K Per Year

2. JABFM. Jan – Feb, 2016. Rosenthal. Are We Learning More About Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), or Learning About Primary Care?

3. Health IT Analytics. July 2014. CMSA Study: Patient Navigators Pay for Themselves in Two Months

○ 4%, reduction in the 30-day

readmission rate3

○ $156,000, combined savings per

navigator over six month period3

○ 2 months, average pay back period

for navigator (based upon $35K annual


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○ HHS publishes clear objectives and goals to guide payment reform. The

proliferation of commercial and government reimbursement programs to

complement team-based delivery creates sustainable models

○ PCMH certification criteria developed and updated, providing discrete

measures and offering an onramp to other programs or models

(e.g. ACO certification)

○ The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network launches, bringing

together public and private stakeholders to accelerate the transition to

alternative payment models

Catalyzing the transition from volume to value

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Alternative Payment Model Framework

Source: Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network,

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Medical homes well-positioned to pursue more aggressive payment


Payments in Category 3 are structured to

encourage providers to deliver effective and efficient


○ Primary care PCMHs are recognized within

Category 3 of HCP-LAN’s framework

○ PCMH practices have the flexibility to participate

in FFS reimbursement programs linked to quality

and value

○ PCMH practices accepting downside risk are

building competencies for population-based

payment programs

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…PCMH figures prominently in the Merit-Based

Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which aims to

accelerate the nation’s shift to pay-for-performance

reimbursement and financial bonuses based on quality

achievements using the PCMH as one of the most

promising foundations for systemic improvements.

Source: Health IT Analytics. January 2016. RAND: Patient-Centered Medical Home May Cost $147K Per Year

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Core Competencies, Today & Tomorrow

Teams, process, & technology

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PCMH standards & requirements

Standard Summary of Requirements

PCMH 1: Patient-Centered AccessThe practice provides 24/7 access to team-based care for both routine and urgent needs of patients/families/caregivers.

PCMH 2: Team-Based CareThe practice provides continuity of care using culturally and linguistically appropriate, team-based approaches.

PCMH 3: Population Health Management

The practice provides evidence-based decision support and proactive care reminders based on complete patient information, health assessment and clinical data.

PCMH 4: Care Management and Support

The practice systematically identifies individual patients and plans, manages and coordinates care, based on need.

PCMH 5: Care Coordination and Care Transitions

The practice systematically tracks tests and coordinates care across specialty care, facility-based care and community organizations.

PCMH 6: Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement

The practice uses performance data to identify opportunities for improvement and acts to improve clinical quality, efficiency and patient experience.

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Team-based approach to clinical care delivery

○ Clinic culture consistent with the medical home

○ Team-based training program

○ Central care team that provides support across

provider panels

○ Case management support for high-risk patients

○ Patient recognized as part of the care team

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Process to proactively engage & cost-efficiently operate

Continuous loop, grounded in ongoing

operational improvement

○ Mechanisms to identify high-risk patients

○ Communication forums and information sharing

○ Escalation procedures and triggers

○ Community connections

○ Integration of behavioral health

○ Patient access

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Technology platform to scale delivery model

○ Risk Stratification

● Tap clinical, claims, socioeconomic, health behavior data

● Build a population risk profile

● Define population goals consistent with contract requirements

○ Care Coordination

● Assign cohorts to programs

● Standardize workflows to minimize variation

● Assign tasks to team members according to licensure

● Forecast workload to align demand and capacity

○ Care Delivery

● Monitor, curate, and codify medical guidelines in the software

● Individualize care plans for patients

● Display opportunities complementary views across the enterprise

● Monitor and enhance patient health and engagement

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Challenge: Top of license teamwork

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Step 1: Filter by patients with an

appointment today

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Step 2: Rapid review of the Care Plan to

support pre-visit chart prep and

morning huddle. Use Memo for

communication and tasking

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Step 3: Easy-to-use tablet for collecting

patient information prior to the


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Step 4: Hardwire evidence-based,

patient-specific standing orders

to support the rooming process

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Challenge: Test tracking & follow-up

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Step 1: Providers are able to easily

adjust cancer screening intervals

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Step 2: Filter by patients overdue for

cancer screening

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Step 3: Automated recall letter by mail,

or via the patient portal

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Step 4: Abnormal cancer work-up tracks

patients in a closed loop

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Challenge: ED follow-up

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Step 1: Population monitoring of

Emergency Department (ED)


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ED Follow Up

Step 2: ED Follow-up Module enables

efficient, standard care


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Step 3: Patient goal setting includes

assessment of confidence and


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Step 4: Send patient an

Asthma Action Plan by mail,

or via the EHR portal

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CareManager addresses key PCMH certification standards

Standard FactorsDegree of Coverage

Product 360° Program EHR

PCMH 1: Patient-Centered Access

A. Patient-Centered Appointment Access X

B. 24/7 Access to Clinical Advise X

C. Electronic Access X

PCMH 2: Team-Based Care

A. Continuity X

B. Medical Home Responsibilities X X

C. Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services X

D. The Practice Team X X

PCMH 3: Population Health Management

A. Patient Information X

B. Clinical Data X

C. Comprehensive Health Assessment X X

D. Use Data for Population Management X X

E. Implement Evidence-Based Decision Support X X

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CareManager addresses key PCMH certification standards (cont.)

Standard FactorsDegree of Coverage

Product 360° Program EHR

PCMH 4: Care Management& Support

A. Identify Patients for Care Management X X

B. Care Planning & Self-Care Support X X

C. Medication Management X X X

D. Use Electronic Prescribing X

PCMH 5: Care Coordination & Care Transitions

A. Test Tracking & Follow-Up X X X

B. Referral Tracking & Follow-Up

C. Coordinate Care Transitions X X X

PCMH 6: Performance Measurement & Quality Improvement

A. Measure Clinical Quality Performance X

B. Measure Reporting Use & Care Coordination X X

C. Measure Patient & Family Experience

D. Implement Continuous Quality Improvement X X

E. Demonstrate Continuous Quality Improvement X

F. Report Performance X

G. Use Certified EHR Technology X

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The Christ Hospital

PCMH & practice transformation

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The Christ Hospital Health Network

○ Integrated delivery system based in

Cincinnati, OH with a 555 bed acute care

hospital, 41 primary care locations, and

100+ ambulatory sites

○ Recognized national leader in clinical

excellence and patient experience

○ Focused on improving the health of the

TCH community and creating patient value

by providing exceptional outcomes,

affordable care, and the finest experiences

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The evolution of primary care…

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…The patient-doctor visit is no

longer the primary commodity.

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○ PCMH provides a framework to

evaluate clinical effectiveness and

supports our drive for better outcomes

○ PCMH standardizes best practices

across a broad network

○ PCMH aligns delivery with emerging

reimbursement models

● Commercial payers consider PCMH network

adoption in contracts

● State of Ohio has published 5-year roadmap

for payment reform on PCMH principles

● CMS is funding payment innovation

• MDs: 200+

• Staff: 1,000+

• Clinical specialties: 25

• Locations: 100+

• EHR platform: Epic

PCMH certification vs. PCMH methodology

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Value-based programs offer new revenue streams

○ Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPCI)

● Multi-payer program providing primary care practices with monthly care

management payments to support practice transformation

● 4-year project: Yr. 1-2, limited risk; Yr. 3-4, base payment reduced 25% with gain


● Represents $10M over 4 years

● 16 of 34+ practices chosen for CPCI

○ Chronic Care Management (CCM)

● CMS-sponsored program that allows providers to bill ~$42 PMPM for non-face-to-

face care management services delivered to eligible Medicare beneficiaries

● Non-CPCI practices eligible to bill for service

● Represents $2M - $3M annually

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Team-based care was not designed into the EHR

○ The EHR user experience is

transactional, not actionable

○ EHRs are designed for data

capture, not visualization or

knowledge transfer

○ Epic ill-equipped to address more

rigorous 2014 NCQA PCMH

certification requirements, or

value-based programs like


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Fewer resources

Quicker deployment

Higher functioning

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Financial impact > Commercial Medicare Results

Intentional investment on focused resources leads to significant improvements

Actual Earned Potential Available Actual Earned Potential Available

3%, of


55%, of


Q4 2014, MA Products

Q1 2015, MA Products

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Work effort > Commercial Medicare Advantage

CPCi and Non-CPCi Offices







17 12 4 7 12 12











Calls Made LMTCB Referral Placed Refused Called forReport/Waiting

Gap Closed

CPCi Offices Non-CPCi Offices

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YTD Performance > Clinical Quality Measures

Clinical Quality Measure



All CPC Region


Influenza Immunization 24% 37%

Tobacco Use Assessment and Cessation Intervention 94.04% 70%

Colorectal Screening 59.71% 42%

Breast Cancer Screening 63.53% 41%

Diabetes Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control (low % desirable) 11.47% 12%

Diabetes LDL Control (Patients screened for LDL test) 80.07% 62%

Diabetes LDL Control (Patients LDL < 100) 45.69% 42%

Blood Pressure Control 72.93% 68%

Ischemic Vascular Disease (Patients Screened for LDL test) 74.83% 58%

Ischemic Vascular Disease (LDL controlled) 49.74% 42%

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Looking forward, what’s next?

○ TCHHN has committed to invest further in CareManager,

upgrading to incorporate additional clinical evidence to address

at-risk populations

Deployment within 6 weeks

○ TCHHN is installing CareManager Central Worklist to help with

the efficiency and effectiveness of our care teams engaged in

PCMH outreach

○ TCHHN is augmenting its technology platform and delivery

model with creative strategies focused on patient engagement!

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[email protected]

CareManager supports PCMH & can help put you on the path to VBR

“Enli stand outs due to its 'Knowledge to Action,' which

introduces real-time clinical decision support at the

point of care by synthesizing the latest evidence-based

guidelines and codifying them in the software”

Matt Guldin,

Chilmark Research



informed by


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Questions & Answers

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Schedule a meeting, or stop by!

○ February 29th – March


○ Upper Floor, Hall C

○ Booth #4461

Find us at HIMSS’16

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Thank you.