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Page 1: Patana News Volume 18 Issue 32

NEWS Patana

B a n g k o k P a t a n a i s a n I B W o r l d S c h o o l , a c c r e d i t e d b y C I S a n d N E A S C

The Importance of Attitudes Pg. 2

Hands on at Bumrungrad Hospital German Pen Pals Create Excitement

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Letter from the Primary Principal

L ast week I shared a story with the Key Stage 2 children about the

guides who run alongside partially sighted athletes allowing them to take part in events such as marathons. What really impressed myself and the staff in the assembly was the depth of reflection the children shared as they spoke about empathy, cooperation, commitment and respect for both runners. Giving the children an opportunity to respond to situations they are not familiar with is not only valuable but also gives an insight to what the children are learning in what we call the ‘hidden curriculum.’; the things we don’t always explicitly teach but we want our children to learn so they become balanced individuals.

This week we have enjoyed hosting the Primary FOBISIA Games. Whilst competitive in nature, the children showed great team spirit and support not only in the events of their personal strength but also appreciation of other students’ talents. Well done to all Bangkok Patana students and a huge thank you to the Primary PE team.

In addition, our Year 1 students demonstrated a developing understanding of cooperation and empathy as they had their Thai Temple Maths Fair to raise money for their chosen charity.

With Year 6 undertaking their National Curriculum Assessments next week, they too will need to demonstrate the attitudes of the IB profile as they work through these new assessments.

With many events happening in the next four weeks please keep an eye on the Year group newsletters and additional communication from school.

With kind regards, Clare Sharp Primary Principal

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I found the pathology lab and the automated lab really interesting as you get to analyse a substance or a certain organ for diseases or malfunctions. Sasa Chanuntranont, 11K

I engaged in a conversation on the second day with a specialised nurse. From her I have learned that one must have compassion, empathy and great communication skills in order to pursue a career in the medical field. Joey Wong, 11P

I was unsure of whether I was committed to pursuing a career within the medical field. Two weeks later, I now believe that I will definitely pursue a career in the ever-difficult field of medicine. Mauno Lius, 11J

All-in-all, it takes around 15 years to become a doctor. And when you finally achieve it, you need to be able to balance your work, family and personal life. And this is one of the most heart-warming lesson that I learnt. The need to persevere though the tough, demanding work. Serri Matula 11L

The placement informed me that there are so many different varieties of jobs available in the medical/

biomedical field and to truly acknowledge the course I desire to pursue I think would need to do some more research on specific courses provided by different universities. Yurim Hong, 11B

My placement at Bumrungrad Hospital was just incredible. I have gained confidence in myself through having this opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. Nicholas Roberts, 11M

The Bumrungrad experience was incredibly eye-opening and intriguing. Before this experience I didn’t known how much medicine and technology were intertwined. After this experience I have also become interested in medical technology. Theo Bien, 11J

Understanding the different professions and doctors has shown me that the long years of studying in the medical field are “worth the wait” and very beneficial in the long run. I loved learning about the technology involved in the hospitals, this gave me an insight in to a career of being a biomedical engineer. Asel (Ash) Liyanage, 11P

O ur Year 11 Work Experience programme is off to a fabulous start thanks to the generous support of Bumrungrad Hospital. Our Work Experience Week will take place from the 20th – 24th June, however

the first placement in Bangkok Patana’s Year 11 Work Experience programme took place in February, during the half-term break. Eleven very fortunate students who were keen on exploring a future in Medicine and Health Care spent their break on an intensive placement at Bumrungrad Hospital. Below are some reflections from our aspiring Medical/Health Care students.

We are extremely grateful to Roland Hohmann, Winnie Narkprechar and Catherine Harsono from Bumrungrad Hospital for creating this wonderful opportunity for our students.

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A t the beginning of the year a pen pal link was established with a grammar school in

Pinneberg, Germany with the aim of linking Year 7 and 8 students to ‘real’ German speakers.

The first batch of letters were sent to the Johannes Brahms Schule in early 2016, receiving replies back from the German students in March. The following month we sent our answers and are now waiting to hear back from our German pen pals!

Students from both schools write part of their letters in German and part in English. In the letters the students talk about their families, hobbies, school and their favourite things. Quite a few students have also attached photos which has been

particularly educational as many of the photographs from Germany show snow and icicles which some Bangkok Patana students have never experienced. Other inclusions in the letters have been drawings and little self-made gifts like bracelets and hair bands. As well as being a great opportunity to try out their German and fantastic letter writing practice, it is also good practice at trying to understand what the German students have written.

In such a technology minded era it has been wonderful to see how excited our students are when they receive an actual letter with their name on it. I hope this is an international link that can continue to benefit and excite our students.

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University/College Representative Location Date Time

Raffles College of Higher Education Khang Le Senior Studies, 2nd floor 30.05.16 12:15

Singapore Institute of Management Ms Iris Neo Senior Studies, 2nd Floor 30.05.16 12:15

Durham University Ian Whitfield TBC 09.06.16 12:15

Stanford life and US Style essay tips Tita Kanjanapas (Alumni) Senior Studies, 2nd Floor 15.06.16 12:15

B angkok Patana School advises all parents to ensure that they have suitable personal accident insurance for their children

whilst taking part in all school activities. To find out more details about the School Insurance Cover please click here. This information is also available on the Parents’ Gateway.

All personal items that students bring to school are the responsibility of the student to keep safe. Any damage, loss or theft is not covered within the school insurance policies. Please ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for all necessary personal high value items and remind your child to ensure they take good care of all of their own items.

T hank you to those parents who have already participated in our recent Admissions Survey. We would like to hear the opinions of as

many parents as possible, so if you have not yet done so, please click on the following link to complete the short online survey by Thursday 2nd June: The survey should take less than five minutes to complete, and your responses will be completely anonymous. The survey may be completed by each parent in the family, as we would like a broad range of feedback. Thank you in anticipation for your valuable feedback.

Friday 3rd June 2016 8:00am in the Rosamund Stuetzel Theatre

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Snacks on the Bus Please help to ensure that only ‘non messy’ snack items are eaten on the bus. Please ask your child to be mindful of our bus drivers who will have to clean their bus after they depart. Thank you for your help and cooperation.

Events After School If your child is attending an afterschool event such

as the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award ceremonies, Sports Awards Dinner, rehearsals or other event that is outside of their normal ECA schedule please ensure that you cancel the bus home if they will not be using the bus. Not cancelling the bus causes inconvenience to other bus users, transport staff, bus drivers and monitors as the bus is delayed in departing from school due to waiting for students who are not coming to the bus. Your help with this matter is very much appreciated.

School AGM If you are planning to come to the school AGM on

Friday 3rd June please remember that you are welcome to use the school Transport Service with your child. Please book a seat to ensure availability.

PTG Bus Inspections Are you available to help with the PTG Bus

Inspections? Every year the school buses that are over six years old undergo an additional inspection by the school and we invite parents to join and take part in these inspections. This is a very important but simple job that helps ensure the safety of the children using the school buses. This year the inspections are taking place on Monday 6th and

Tuesday 7th June from 8:30am – 10:00am and we would like to ask for your help in completing these - especially from those parents whose children use the school Transport Service. If you are able to help please contact Khun Pa in the Services Department [email protected] with the day that you are able to assist. A check list is provided to help with the task and further detail will be provided.

Year 11 Parents Please note that Year 11 students who were on

school transport this year will automatically resume the Transport Service as normal from the start of Term 1 2016/17. If you would like to withdraw from the Transport Service please contact Transport by Friday 24th June, 2016.

New Enrolments/ Withdrawals If you would like to join the school Transport

Service or cancel the school transport service for 2016/17 school year, please do so by Friday 24th June.

Moving House? Are you planning to move house over the

summer? If so, please contact Transport in advance to ensure we have a bus service to your new location. Advance notice of the move and new address is required to enable route planning for the start of 2016/17. Please advise the Transport Service at your earliest convenience about any planned change of address.

For all transport queries and requests please email

[email protected] or call 02 785 2470.

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#32: Digital Citizenship Q&A and Everything Google Knows About You

Have a great mindful-tech weekend. Brian Taylor, Assistant Principal, Campus Curriculum Technology Integration

Drop Off / Pick Up Zone Please remember that no cars should be left unattended in the pick up / drop off

zone at the front of school. Parents and/or drivers must remain with their vehicle at all times and not walk into school. Blocking the area for other parents/drivers causes inconvenience and upset. Please help to ensure that no cars are left unattended to keep this area running smoothly. If parents/drivers need to leave the car to enter school please park across the road in the Sports Complex Car Park. Thank you for your understanding.

Taxi Area Please do not pick up or drop off students/parents in the area in front of True Coffee especially during peak times.

Cars waiting in this area not only cause congestion on Soi Lasalle but they also block the area for people using a taxi often requiring them to step out into the road to get in a taxi. We want to help to ensure the safety of our community at all times so please drop off/pick up in the drop off zone or at the Sports Complex car park.

Soi Lasalle 39 Some students are being dropped off at the U-turn area / entrance to Soi 39. Please do not drop off in this area. It

causes congestion and is not considered a safe drop off area. Please drive into the car park to drop off, use the drop off zone or the Sports Complex Car Park. Thank you for helping to ensure the safe arrival of your child to school.

I use the Common Sense Media website often. They have an excellent Frequently Asked Questions area that you can filter by age (preschool to teen). There is a wide range of topics from cyberbullying through to the impact of marketing on your children. Even if you don’t have a question you would like answered, I always learn something from their research-grounded guidance every time I visit the page.

Seth Wenig/AP

Like many of us no doubt, you rely on many amazing free Google products in your everyday life. Just think about your typical day in which you may be using their search engine, checking your email via Gmail, listening to music on YouTube and driving home trying to avoid traffic using Google Maps. I found this article in the Business Insider fascinating. Make a coffee, sit down and read through the article and follow the instructions – I think you’ll be surprised as to how much Google knows about you, and how much you can take control of what they know.

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Alternatively, you may notify the AEC that you are overseas by using the following link to the AEC website: Further information about voting in the election can also be found on the Smartraveller website (

An Australian Federal Election will be held on 2 July 2016.

Australians in Thailand have been encouraged to take advantage of early (in-person) voting to avoid possible lengthy waiting times on election day itself (i.e. 2nd July).

Early (in-person) voting will be offered at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok from Monday 20th June 2016, between the hours of 8:30am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.

In-person voting will also be offered at the Embassy on election day, Saturday 2nd July 2016, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Please bring your Australian passport when you attend the Embassy to vote.

Online Postal Vote Applications

If you are unable to vote in person and wish to apply for a postal vote, you will need to access the online postal vote application ( as this is the AEC’s preferred method of receiving postal

AustCham Thailand 20th Floor, Thai CC Tower, 43 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120 Thailand BTS: Surasak Tel. +66 2 210 0216-8 Fax. +66 2 675 6696 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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Address: St Andrew’s School, 9 Soi Pridi Banomyong 20/1, Sukhumvit 71 (BTS Phra Khanong)

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June Workshop at the Neilson Hays Library

Coffee Art Workshop

A Coffee Appreciation and Art Workshop

Led by Thirach Rungruangkanokkul Workshop Time: Wednesday, June 8th at 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Please Note: A previous press release for the exhibition said that the workshop would be on Saturday the 11th of June. The date of the workshop has changed and it is now on Wednesday the 8th of June.

Come and learn about the world of organic coffee in the north of Thailand with a group of Thai artists led by Thirach Rungruangkanokkul. Learn about the journey that coffee goes through from berry to finished product. Participants will learn how to appreciate different types of coffee by analysing their fragrances and aromas, using a professional coffee aroma wheel. Participants will also create "coffee paintings" using drip coffee, as well as "cappuccino art" like a professional barista. Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Place: The Neilson Hays Library Price: 3,500THB / person. All net proceeds go to charities for indigenous people in Northern Thailand. Seating's Limited. Advance bookings required at [email protected] This workshop is in conjunction with the exhibition The Journey of Coffee – The Journey of Life, which exhibits unique art pieces that humans have created in cooperation with nature. The opening reception for the exhibition will be held on Saturday, June 10th from 6 - 8pm.

The group exhibition, put on by a group of Thai artists and Indigenous people from the mountains in Northern Thailand, is about the art of living in harmony with nature. This way of living will be demonstrated and presented in different forms, from printed canvases and woven wall hangings, to Indigenous music and coffee art. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Nalin Vanasin, Curator at the Rotunda and Garden Café Galleries EMAIL: [email protected]

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The weekly canteen menu is available here.

Please check the calendar on the Parents’ Gateway, Student pages and Staff Centre

for up-to-date information on school events.

Visit and click on the relevant icon to log in