Download - Pastor Bill Monroe Especially · congregation - from the very young to the very old. Sunday School - it's for life!

Page 1: Pastor Bill Monroe Especially · congregation - from the very young to the very old. Sunday School - it's for life!

On May 8, voters in North

Carolina will decide whether or not

marriage should be between a man

and a woman, or members of the

same sex. It will be the only time

voters will be able to vote in favor

of or in opposition to it. The

outcome will be something you and

I will have to live with from now

on. If you’re a Christian I want you

to listen closely to what the Bible

has to say about marriage. To

others it will not matter.

In Genesis 2:18 God said,

“It is not good for a man to be

alone. I will make a helper

suitable for him.”

Now notice the first thing. God

did not create another

Adam. Genesis is very specific

about who Adam was going to be

partnered with. His name wouldn’t

be John, or Paul, or Bill, or

Earl. God knew that it wasn’t good

for man to be alone. He knew that

Adam needed a companion. So he

made him a “helpmate,” someone

similar but also different! Different

only in the respect that this

“helpmate” could

reproduce! Therefore, God’s

creative work was not complete

until he made woman.

Listen also to Genesis 2:21 and


“And the Lord God caused a

deep sleep to fall on Adam, and

he slept; and he took one of his

ribs, and closed up the flesh in

its place. Then the rib which the

Lord God had taken from man

he made into a woman,

and he brought her to the

man. Therefore a man shall

leave his father and mother and

be joined to his wife, and they

shall become one flesh.”

To become one flesh means their

hearts and lives would be in

complete union with each other.

I believe that Adam was

handsome and Eve was

beautiful. They were pleasing to

each other. I believe they had a

lot of things in common. They

liked the same things. They

enjoyed each other’s

Company. They loved, they

talked, and they

laughed. Everything was perfect,

just the way God had intended it

to be. And that’s how marriages

should be today. It is only when

man destroys the original intent

of marriage between a man and a

women that it becomes

imperfect. And imperfection is

the one thing that separates us

from the love we feel for each

other, and the love that we share

with God.

Now the day is coming when

your preacher will be arrested for

speaking so boldly about the

things that God has

ordained. And it may be sooner

than later. In the coming days it

will be considered a “hate crime”

for me to stand in the pulpit or

any other public forum and say

such a thing. But I want to tell

you this. If you are a born again

Christian you need to vote your

conscience in the upcoming

election. Ask yourself this

question. Do you really believe in

the words of the Bible or have you

placed your faith in the lies of


What you will see on the ballet

this fall will read something like

this; “Constitutional amendment

to provide that marriage between

one man and one woman is the

only domestic legal union that

shall be valid or recognized in

this State.” Our President

Barack Obama has spoken out

against this amendment. I will

vote for it. May God bless you as

you strive to serve Him daily.

March / April 2012

Cordova Baptist Church

From the Pastor ’s Desk

The Visitor, from our Hearts to yours

Volume 2, Issue 2

“a little church with a lot to offer”

Come Worship With Us on Sunday!!

Bible Study 7:00 pm

RA, GA, & Youth 7:00 pm

Wednesday Opportunities

Monthly Opportunities

MIA’s 1st Monday of each month at 6:00 pm

Morning Glories 1st Thursday of each month at 10:00 am

Sunday School 10:00 am

Worship Service 11:00 am

Children’s Church 11:30 am

Choir Practice 5:00 pm

Evening Worship 6:00 pm

Youth Meeting 6:00 pm

5th Sunday Night Sing & Social 6:00 pm

Come be a part of a growing Family of God!

226 Ledbetter Street

PO Box 160

Cordova, NC 28330


(910)334-1222 Pastor's Cell

[email protected]

Pastor Bill Monroe

[email protected]

Cordova Baptist Church


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Take Up Your Cross John 3:14-17

For God so loved the world that He gave His one

and only Son, that whosoever, believes in Him

shall not perish but have eternal life.

Page 2: Pastor Bill Monroe Especially · congregation - from the very young to the very old. Sunday School - it's for life!

Sunday School

Ministry News . . .

Through the leadership of

Joey and Linda Taylor we are

participating in the “Baker House Ministry.” This ministry is

for any and all members of our church

who are willing to join us. We’ve had two wonderful experiences during the

past month and have averaged 12 men

and women joining in this most important outreach. Relationships are being

developed and the love of God is being

expressed through our church. Pray for our continued support of these men in

the months ahead.

P a g e 3 V o l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2

Deacon Ministry

April Deacon’s Robert Heath 895-2020 Don Smeigh 461-7473

May Deacon’s Jackie Knox 410-8483

Tommie Ussery 895-2800

June Deacon’s Anthony King 895-5261

Mike Lisk 997-6861

Meeting Schedule April 16th, May 21st, June 18th, at 6:30 pm

May Anniversaries

April Anniversaries

9th Jimmy & Cindy Taylor

26th Robert & Kelly Luce

27th Steve & Nikki Thompson

3rd Hoover & Ruby Patrick

7th Josh & Beth Ludlum

8th Scott & Donna Nixon

23rd Bernie & Barbara Jordan

29th Jackie & Nora Knox

April Birthdays

P a g e 2


6th– Ronne & Mary Wright Nursery—Maridith J.& Molly L.

13th—Mother’s Day Nursery—Morgan K. & Laura R.

20th—Steve & Nikki Thomas Nursery—Nora K. & Sage Pryce

27th—Joan Monroe & Laura R. Nursery—Lisa L. & Mallory Mc.


1st - Winona Gibson /

Nursery—Amy D & Taylor


Nursery—Donna G. & Laura R.

15th - Winona Gibson / Taylor

Nursery—Mary G. & Madison

22nd - Mark & Robin Lovette

Nursery—Brittany G. & Mallory

29th—Winona Gibson / Doris W.

2nd Donna Gainey

4th Rev. Cass Vincent

10th Gary Denning

14th Addison Smith

18th Hattie Parker

20th Taylor Gathings

25th Helen King

Kendall Hornbuckle

5th Lyn Wright

8th Zietta Hatcher

11th Linda Taylor

Kailyn Mead

15th Carlie Ramsey

18th Jean Taylor

20th Mary Gainey

21st Mary Ruth Miller

Peggy Brigman

29th Joyce Bridges

31st Margaret Fountain

May Birthdays

Happy Birthday and

God Bless each

one of you!!!

But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN


BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one

flesh. What therefore God has joined together,

let no man separate.”

A Card from Mrs. Margie . . .

Dear Ladies of Cordova,

Your act of kindness in recognizing me for

my service as Sunday School Secretary

and for my 22 years of perfect attendance

in Sunday School was overwhelming to me

during Baptist Woman’s Day. I am deeply

grateful and Love each one of you for your

kindness to me.

May God Bless you All— Margie Sellers

Wonderful things happen in Sunday

School ...sometimes. Sunday School will show its

promise with just a little more attention. Sunday

School can touch the lives of everyone in the

congregation - from the very young to the very old.

Sunday School - it's for life!



about real life

connected to the Source of life, Jesus Christ

Sunday School is a place where people and churches

can be transformed: growing leaders for the church’s


increasing people’s sense of belonging and

commitment to stewardship

providing a place for new people to make

friends and learn to grow as disciples

deepening people’s understanding of God’s

activity in all of life

See you this Sunday!!!

If you have a transportation need of any kind,

doctor, shopping, etc. please let our ladies

know and we can assist..

Meeting Schedule

10:00 am

Thursday Mornings

April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th

Morning Glories

2012 Mission Trip July 7th —14th

Tanner, Alabama, Tornado Recovery

Operation Christmas Child

April — Toothpaste May — Small Flashlight

June — Washcloths

Baptist Men & Baptist Women’s Day 2012

C ongr atu lat io ns ' t o M a r i d i t h J o h n s o n f o r c o m p l e t i n g h e r d e g r e e a n d s t a r t i n g o f f

h e r c a r e e r a t S a l o n 3 6 0 .

And Mag gi K ing fo r A - Ho no r R ol l W e a r e p r o u d o f y o u y o u n g l a d i e s !

S S Per fe ct Att en da nc e Awar ds f or 2011

Margie Sellers

Jackie Knox

Nora Knox

Tommy Ussery

Ronnie Wright

Tommy Haire

T h e V i s i t o r ,

Children’s Church / Nursery

MIA’s Ministry

Welcome new Members!

We are happy to have received two new

families into our church. Carl and Barbara

Shy have joined by transfer of letter from

Calvary Baptist and reaffirmation of their

faith. Phil and Debbie Knight have come by

transfer of letter from Rockingham 1st and

reaffirmation of their faith. Please continue to

make them welcome into our church family.

New Convert !

Magg i K ing has ac cep ted the Lo rd in t o he r l i f e and w i l l be bapt i z ed on Eas te r mo rn ing . To God be the g lo r y f o r he r

s a lva t i on t h rough Jesus Ch r i s t ou r Lo rd .