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E-Mail: [email protected] Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

Volume 1 Issue 1


David Gitter


Leah Fang

Rongfei Gou


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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

PARTY WATCH is a weekly intelligence report delivered every Monday morning focusing on the latest

activities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Firmly based on Chinese language sources that are either

controlled by the CCP or controlled by organizations directly subordinate to the CCP, Party Watch endeavors

to provide a broad overview of China and the world through the lens of the country’s most powerful institution.

It also offers context and original analysis to help those that want to dig deeper.

Under the direction of China specialist David Gitter, Party Watch’s team of researchers with native Chinese

language fluency monitor an array of webpages including those controlled by: leading small groups, the four

central departments, CCP news outlets, research and archive centers, cadre study websites, journals, Party

schools and training academies, All-China unions and associations, and many other organizations. Special

attention is given to topics that are underreported by traditional media and think tank outlets. The result is a

unique yet important angle that supplements the reader’s understanding of China.

About the Authors

David Gitter is a China specialist and research consultant on Chinese politics, foreign policy, and strategic

industries. He has worked in various research capacities at Defense Group Inc. (DGI), the Congressional

Research Service (CRS), the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSDP), Project 2049

Institute, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) focusing on a broad array of China-

related topics. Dave received his MA in Asian Studies from the Elliott School of International Affairs at

George Washington University and his BA in Political Science from the State University of New York at

Stony Brook. He has lived and studied in Beijing, China and has working proficiency in Mandarin. He offers

custom research and consulting services and can be reached at: [email protected].

Leah Fang is a master’s candidate at The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced

International Studies, where she focuses on international economics and energy-related issues.

Rongfei Gou is a master’s candidate at the George Washington University Elliott School of International

Affairs, where he focuses cross-strait relations and issues related to political risk.

The authors thank George Washington University student Feiyu He for his important research and writing

contributions to this Party Watch issue.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 4

PROPAGANDA WORK .............................................................................................................................. 4

Innovation is Essential for PLA’s Development ...................................................................................... 4

Five High-Frequency Terms from Xi Jinping at the “Two Meetings” .................................................. 4

Provincial and City Leaders Voice Plans to Implement New Development Concept .................. 4

Zhang Dejiang: NPC is Successful, Implement 13th Five Year Plan ................................................... 5

Wuhu City Makes Core Socialist Values “Down to Earth” ................................................................... 5

UNITED FRONT WORK ............................................................................................................................... 5

Panchen Lama: Faithful Should Contribute to China’s Great Rejuvenation ................................... 5

CPPCC Consensus on 13th Five Year Plan a Great Success ............................................................... 5

United Front Work Will Gather Strength to Contribute to 13th Five Year Plan .................................. 6

PARTY DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................................... 6

CCDI: 9,073 Officials Investigated for Violating Party Discipline in 2016 ........................................... 6

CENTRAL MILITARY COMMISSION (CMC) .............................................................................................. 6

Civil-Military Integration Leads to 1000-Plus Enterprises Licensed to Produce Weapons ............... 6

OTHER ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

Big Data Requires Big Wisdom ................................................................................................................ 7

Central Party School Book: Be Self-Confident in China’s Road, Political System ............................ 7

Overseas Chinese Should Advance “Two Meetings’” Spirit, 13th Five Year Plan............................ 7

Taiwanese Society Urges New Leader to Acknowledge “1992 Consensus” ................................... 7

INTERNATIONAL LIASON WORK .............................................................................................................. 8

Meetings: 14-20 March 2016 ................................................................................................................... 8

ORGANIZATION WORK ............................................................................................................................ 9

Central Cadre Appointments: 14-20 March 2016 ................................................................................ 9

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.


China’s 13th Five Year Plan and related development policies demonstrate that innovation and large-

scale reform are viewed as critical to realizing the leadership’s goals of achieving a moderately

prosperous society, a strong military, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. China’s non-

public sector is viewed as a source of innovation, but also as ideologically unreliable.

In order to control and limit reform and innovation to the economic sphere, the CCP will continue its

efforts to instill “core socialist values” in its citizens. United front work increasingly endeavors to both

channel the resources of all groups to advance China’s economy and provide CCP ideological guidance

and control.


Innovation is Essential for PLA’s Development Xinhua

3.14: During a meeting between Xi Jinping (习近平) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) delegation at

the annual National People's Congress (NPC), Xi pointed out that innovation is essential to the PLA’s

development, and further emphasized that the improvement of national defense must rely on reform and

innovation. Xi asked the PLA to focus on theoretical innovation, technological innovation, scientific

management, recruiting talented personnel, and practical innovation. Xi has met the PLA delegation at the

NPC every year since 2013, but this year marks the first time he mentioned the importance PLA innovation.

Themes of Xi’s previous speeches to the PLA delegation at the NPC included following the Party leadership,

establishing a strong military, and fighting corruption.

Five High-Frequency Terms from Xi Jinping at the “Two Meetings” Xinhua

3.14: A Xinhua article highlighted five high-frequency terms utilized by Xi Jinping at the NPC and Chinese

People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) meetings during the 2013-2016 period. These terms are:

reform (改革), innovation (创新), the people’s livelihood (民生), ecology (生态), and work style (作风).

From these terms, the Xi administration’s priorities can be discerned. An overriding goal remains maintaining

China’s economic growth, which increasingly relies on large-scale economic reform and technological

innovation. Improving the people’s living standards also remains a consistent Party focus and basis for the

CCP’s political legitimacy. China’s severe environmental degradation has necessitated a stronger and

consistent government response, as it directly influences the people’s livelihood. Lastly, the term “work style”

embodies Xi Jinping’s unrelenting crackdown on corruption.

Provincial and City Leaders Voice Plans to Implement New Development Concept The Economic Daily, Xinhua

3.15: Since the announcement of the “New Development Concept” (新发展理念) at the Fifth Plenary Session

of the 18th CCP Central Committee in October 2015, various provincial and city heads have reportedly

pledged their intent and described their plans to carry out the rubric, which was emphasized numerous times

by Xi Jinping at the 2016 NPC and CPPCC meetings. The plan calls for new conceptualizations of innovation,

coordination, green development, opening up, and sharing in order to assist the country as it enters into a “new

normal” economic state characterized by slower growth. Xi states that the five parts of the plan are inseparable

from one another and must be implemented swiftly. Practices not in line with the New Development Concept

are to be corrected.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

Zhang Dejiang: NPC is Successful, Implement 13th Five Year Plan Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)

3.16: The Fourth Session of the 12th NPC came to an end on the morning of 16 March, which saw the approval

of the government work report, the 13th Five Year Plan (FYP), and the NPC Standing Committee work report.

The passage of charity legislation also took place, which was an important focus of the NPC meeting. The

13th FYP’s passage was said to reflect the NPC’s full acceptance of the development targets, missions, and

spirit of the 13th FYP consultative draft. Following the completion of the meeting’s agenda, CCP Politburo

Standing Committee Member and NPC Standing Committee Chairman Zhang Dejiang (张德江) gave a

speech praising the NPC’s work, with special praise for the passage of the 13th FYP. In order to advance the

China Dream under Xi Jinping’s leadership, Zhang stated that the NPC must: carry out the 13th FYP; maintain

development as the key task; firmly realize innovation, coordination, green development, opening up, and

sharing (the “New Development Concept”); advance economic building, political building, culture building,

society building, and ecological civilization building (the “Five-in-One” development formula); and

comprehensively establish a moderately prosperous society according to schedule.

Wuhu City Makes Core Socialist Values “Down to Earth” China Spiritual Civilization Net

3.18: An article featuring Wuhu City’s (芜湖市) promotion of core socialist values (社会主义核心价值观)

and its related “three advocates” (三个倡导) was featured on China Spiritual Civilization Net, a website under

the purview of the CCP Propaganda Department and the Central Commission for Guiding Cultural and Ethical

Progress. In the article, Wuhu City Party Committee propaganda chief Duan Yujia (段玉嘉)explained that

the 18th Party Congress promotes the three advocates, which are: advocating wealth and power, democracy,

civilization, and harmony; advocating freedom, equality, justice, and rule of law; and advocating nationalism,

strong work ethic, integrity, and friendliness. The third set is said to apply to each individual citizen, and forms

the basis for the other two sets. The article highlighted Wuhu City’s creative efforts to help core socialist

values “gather energy” and appear more down to earth, with the goal of helping residents internalize and

ultimately act upon them. Such efforts have included lectures on virtue and city volunteer movements. The

article likely reflects a realization that Party-propagated core socialist values currently have little meaning or

clear applicability to the common Chinese person.


Panchen Lama: Faithful Should Contribute to China’s Great Rejuvenation United Front Work Department

3.14 At the annual CPPCC meeting, the Beijing-selected 11th Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, asked

religious figures and believers to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Previously on 1

March, United Front Work Department Minister Sun Chunlan (孙春兰) met with the Panchen Lama in

Beijing. The Panchen Lama pledged to uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions to uphold monastic

discipline and faithfully advance Tibetan Buddhism.

CPPCC Consensus on 13th Five Year Plan a Great Success People’s Daily

3.15: A People’s Daily commentary praised this year’s CPPCC meeting. In addition to highlighting the

importance of political consultation, democratic oversight, and political participation, the commentary also

emphasized that the key success of this year’s CPPCC meeting was creating consensus on the 13th FYP. The

13th FYP set the target of maintaining a 6.5% economic growth rate over the next five years, which would

increase China’s GDP per capita to around $10,000 a year by 2020. Other goals include realizing universal

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basic health care, expanding China’s high-speed rail system, lowering personal income and real estate taxes,

and exercising prudent but flexible monetary policy.

United Front Work Will Gather Strength to Contribute to 13th Five Year Plan United Front Work Department

3.17: During a conference on studying the spirit of the annual “two meetings,” United Front Work Department

Minister Sun Chunlan pointed out that united front work should be consistent with the decisions of the CCP

Central Committee, which is led by Xi Jinping. Sun explained that a main mission of the United Front Work

Department is to gather and contribute strength to the 13th FYP, with a key focus on the provision of

ideological guidance to the non-public sector. This marks the second time in one week that Sun has mentioned

the non-public sector as a major focus for united front work. The non-public sector is becoming ever more

important to China’s economic development, and has arguably been the main contributor to China’s rise.


CCDI: 9,073 Officials Investigated for Violating Party Discipline in 2016 CCDI

3.15: The CCDI released detailed figures on investigations and punishments of CCP cadres that have violated

the “Eight-Article Regulation” during the months of January and February. These regulations center on

activities causing discord between officials and the masses, such as corruption and extravagance. The statistics

show that during this period, 6,551 problems involving 9,073 individuals have been addressed, 7,138 of whom

received Party and or government disciplinary punishment. Punished activities ranged from using public funds

for recreational purposes and holding extravagant ceremonies to sending and receiving excessive gifts.

Whereas previous rules on Party discipline were numerous and focused on forbidden behaviors, the Eight-

Article Regulation is mainly an ethical code that CCP cadres must uphold.


Civil-Military Integration Leads to 1000-Plus Enterprises Licensed to Produce Weapons Ministry of National Defense

3.15: Recent measures introduced by China’s State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for

National Defense (SASTIND) to accelerate military-civilian integration have led to a strong increase in the

number of private enterprises that obtain weapons R&D and production permits. Also known as civil-military

integration (CMI), this strategy leverages society’s science and technology base to provide adaptable

technologies for military use and the overall advancement of China’s defense sector. According to SASTIND,

more than 1,000 private enterprises have obtained such permits to date, which is an increase of 127% when

compared to figures at the end of the 11th FYP. In 2016, SASTIND plans to accelerate the structural adjustment

of R&D and production capacities, improve supervision to enable a fair military product market, advance

coordination and innovation in defense science and technology, and promote the industry’s export orientation

by enhancing international cooperation. Chinese weapons exports have substantially increased over the past

five years; these exports have also become much more advanced. Most arms sales focus on Asia and Oceania.

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Big Data Requires Big Wisdom CPC News

3.15: In an opinion piece published by CPC News, the author recognized the edict of the 18th CCP Central

Committee’s 5th Plenary Session to implement a national big data strategy, and further argued that big data

can assist the Chinese government’s decision-making process and foster scientific research. However, the

article states that the key challenge of utilizing big data is the lack of proper analytical methodology, thereby

necessitating the state’s ownership of big data capabilities. It further states that the government must establish

a national dataset center, which will allow the government to better decide how to utilize big data. In

September 2015, the State Council issued a notification to all governmental agencies in an attempt to guide

China’s development of big data. Premier Li Keqiang (李克強) has explained that big data, in combination

with cloud computing and the Internet of Things, can improve production methods, and also help search for

innovative answers in the medical care, education, and transportation fields. Big data will also play a key role

in a new government system that utilizes advanced software to predict terrorist acts before they occur, dubbed

a “pre-crime” program by western media.

Central Party School Book: Be Self-Confident in China’s Road, Political System CCCPC Party Literature Research Office

3.16: The CCP Central Party School Publishing House published a book named Strengthen the “Three Self-

Confidences”, Achieve the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation (《坚定“三个自信”,实现中华民

族的伟大复兴》). The three self-confidences are self-confidence in China’s road, theories, and system. The

book explains that understanding the three self-confidences stems from understanding the country’s historical

perseverance in upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics. It also professes that the modern-day value

of the three self-confidences becomes apparent when analyzing China’s historical glory and subsequent

decline, as well as the CCP’s hardships and glorious achievements.

Overseas Chinese Should Advance “Two Meetings’” Spirit, 13th Five Year Plan All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese

3.17: All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Party Group Secretary and Chairman Lin Jun (林

军) gave a speech at the federation’s general assembly to discuss the transmission and implementation of the

spirit of the “two meetings.” Lin emphasized the need for overseas Chinese to join the struggle to bring about

China’s moderately prosperous society. He further explained that the federation must fully understand the

CCP Central Committee’s new strategies in order to carry out the federation’s unique role in realizing the 13th

FYP. Lin’s message mirrors earlier statements made by CCP Politburo Member and Chinese Vice President

Li Yuanchao (李源潮) calling on overseas Chinese to advance China’s moderately prosperous society,

socialism with Chinese characteristics, the 13th FYP, China’s peaceful unification, and the China Dream.

Taiwanese Society Urges New Leader to Acknowledge “1992 Consensus” Xinhua

3.18: By citing reports from China Review News (中评网) and Want Daily (旺报), Xinhua argues that many

sectors of Taiwan urge the island’s next leader Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) to acknowledge the “1992 Consensus”

and prioritize the cross-strait relationship. Taiwan Cross-Strait Policy Association Member Chen Jianzhong

(Chen Chien-chung/陈建仲 ) stated that a tense cross-strait relationship would damage the investment

environment in Taiwan and hinder opportunities for the Taiwanese business community to invest in the

Mainland. Of note, Beijing announced on 17 March that it resumed diplomatic relations with Gambia, which

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was one of Taiwan’s remaining diplomatic allies until 2013. This move could spell the end of the diplomatic

truce between both sides of the strait, and the further reduction of Taiwan’s international space. It likely serves

as a warning to Taiwan’s incoming administration that to go against Beijing’s bottom line will mean further

international isolation.


Meetings: 14-20 March 2016

3.14: International Department Vice Minister Liu Hongcai (刘洪才) met with an Iraqi delegation from the

Sadrist Movement. The two sides discussed party-to-party ties and bilateral relations, and the Iraqi side

reportedly praised China’s contributions to regional peace and its defense of developing countries’ interests.

3.15: International Department Minister Song Tao (宋涛) met with a delegation from the Cambodian People’s

Party (CPP) in Beijing. During the meeting, both sides reiterated the importance of the China-Cambodia

relationship and party-to-party exchanges.

3.15: CCP Propaganda Department Vice Minister and Policy Research Center Deputy Director Wang Xiaohui

(王晓晖) led a CCP delegation to Poland to meet leaders from the Polish People’s Party (PSL). Wang stated

that the 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) will bring great opportunities for China-Poland cooperation.

3.15: International Department Vice Minister Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) led a young CCP members delegation

to New Zealand. During a meeting with President of the New Zealand Labour Party Nigel Haworth

and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Secretary Andrea Smith, Guo pledged to expand China’s cooperation

with New Zealand.

3.15: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li (周立) met with Georgian Ambassador to China David

Aptsiauri in Beijing. Zhou stated that the CCP will continue working with different parties in Georgia in order

to improve the bilateral relationship.

3.15: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li met a delegation of ruling party members from Antigua

and Barbuda and Barbados. Zhou explained China’s “two meetings” and emphasized China’s desire to

improve China-Caribbean relations, and the delegation reportedly thanked China for its important and selfless

development advice.

3.16: International Department Vice Minister Guo Yezhou led a young CCP members delegation to Australia

from 16-18 March. The delegation met Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop and other officials,

including a delegation of young Australian politicians. Both sides praised the value of young political

exchanges for the long-term bilateral relationship.

3.16: International Department Minister Song Tao met with Vietnam Ambassador to China Dang Minh Khoi

in Beijing. Song praised recent developments in the China-Vietnam relationship and emphasized China and

Vietnam are part of a community of shared destiny.

3.17: International Department Minister Song Tao met with a delegation from the Social Democratic Party

of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK). Song Tao stated that the CCP highly values its relationship with the SDPK and that

party-to-party exchanges can further boost cooperation between the two nations.

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3.18: International Department Minister Song Tao met with a multi-party Mongolian delegation led by

Democratic Party Central Executive Committee Member and Chief of the Government Secretariat Sangajav

Bayartsogt. Both sides praised their mutual good neighborly relations, and Song expressed China’s respect

for Mongolian independence and sovereignty.

3.18: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li met with Czech Republic Ambassador to China

Bedřich Kopecký. The two exchanged ideas regarding strengthening bilateral relations and party-to-party



Central Cadre Appointments: 14-20 March 2016

Gao Xiaobing

3.15: Gao Xiaobing (高晓兵) is confirmed to be the new Ministry of Civil Affairs vice minister. She was

previously a standing committee member of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee.

Cao Weixing

3.15: Cao Weixing (曹卫星) is confirmed to be the new Ministry of Land and Resources vice minister. He

was previously the vice governor of Jiangsu Province.

Huang Runqiu

3.16: Huang Runqiu (黄润秋) is confirmed to be the State Environmental Protection Administration vice

minister. He previously held several recent posts, including chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Committee.

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Qin Boyong

3.16: Qin Boyong (秦博勇) is confirmed to be the new deputy auditor-general of the National Audit Office.

She was previously the vice governor of Hebei Province.

Cao Hongming

3.17: Cao Hongming (曹鸿鸣) is confirmed to be the new central committee vice chairman of the China

Zhi Gong Party (致公党). He was previously the secretary-general of the Zhi Gong Party’s central


Sun Jinlong

3.18: The State Council appointed Sun Jinlong (孙金龙) as Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

(XPCC/新疆生产建设兵团) political commissar and chairman of the board. He was previously deputy

secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee.

For questions about Party Watch, please contact David Gitter at: [email protected]