Download - Parts of the computers by sandra & maria


1. disk

2. Keyboard

3. Monitors

4. Mouse

5. Printer

6. Scanner

8. Modem

9. Chip

10. CPU

11. Web cam

7. Speakers





A disk is a piece of plastic that holds information for orfrom your computer.

Keyboard is a tool that is used for typing like a typewriter

A monitor is a screen on your computer that you look at when you are on the computer

A piece of plastic that has a ball on the bottom and two buttons on the top. When you click on the mouse,you usually click in the left button. It allows you to click on and choose things on your screen.

A machine that puts things from the computer onto paper.

A piece of a equipment that copies pictures so that you can use it in your computer project.

The part of thecomputer that letsyou hear the soundsfor the programs.

A part of the computer that connects to the phone lines so that you can go on the internet

A small piece inside the computer that helps your computer work. Chips have to be programmed by people or they won´t work. There are many chips in the computer.

CPU = Central Processing Unit.A chip that is the brains of your computer that processes the information.

A web cam is a video capture device connected to a computer or computer network, often using a USB port of, if connected to a network, ethernet of WI-FI

What is the web cam fuction?

· To speak with other people

· Other people see you

· To print papers or pictures

What is speakers do?

· listen to music

· to write words

· to talk with other people

What is keyboard do ?

.To listen to music

.Other people can you see

. To write

What is the mouse fuction ?

To click in the pages

To writeTo save things