Download - Partial Analysis for “Easy” - Avalon Performance Horse


Equine Anatomy and Health ConsiderationsLearning Activity - Conformation

Partial Analysis for “Easy”

Equine Anatomy and Health ConsiderationsLearning Activity - Conformation

Partial Analysis for “Easy”

Division into thirds:Using the pink lines and white grid, we are able to see that from point of shoulder to start of back there are approximately 5 grid sections.

From start of back to point of hip there are approximately 4.5 grid sections

From point of hip to point of buttock there are approximately 5 grid sections

He has a short back with shoulders and hips approximately the same length

Equine Anatomy and Health ConsiderationsLearning Activity - Conformation

Partial Analysis for “Easy”

Height vs length of body:He is pretty square, measuring 14.5 grids wide by 14 grids tall

Girth to Leg Length comparison:His front legs are longer than his depth of girth, measuring 7.5 to 6.5 respectively

Equine Anatomy and Health ConsiderationsLearning Activity - Conformation

Partial Analysis for “Easy”

Shoulder angle:I measure his shoulder angle at about 52 degrees, within the ideal range

Hip angle:The proportions of his hindquarters are almost ideal with respect to the hip/buttock/stifle angle.

Lower hind limb:He is camped under and toes out behind

Topline:He is downhill from croup to withers, his back is shorter than his underline

Equine Anatomy and Health ConsiderationsLearning Activity - Conformation

Partial Analysis for “Easy”

More to notice about Easy:In the upper photo you can see that the left and right sides of his shoulders are not even and his back is not completely straight. He has a conformational issue with his front hooves where the left front has a lower heel and the right hoof is more upright. This affects his shoulders, which affected his saddle fit, which affected his back. We are in the process of helping him with better saddle fit and swim conditioning to help him use his body properly.

He is a little narrow behind with right hind hoof turning slightly outward. These are all things which we manage and try to work with over time. He’s a tremendous athlete with a huge heart.