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Part A Words to Learn

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Part A: Words to Learn.


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Structural Elements

• 1. -arch, -archy• 2. omni-• 3. pan

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SSCD Strategy

•See and Say: say each word using the pronunciation.•1.hierarchy ˈhaɪərɑːrki•2. oligarchy ˈɑːləɡɑːrki•3.monarchy ˈmɑːnərki•4. archetype ˈɑːkitaɪp•5. omnipotent ɑːmˈnɪpətənt •6.panorama pænəˈræmə•7. panacea pænəˈsiːə•8. pandemonium pændəˈmoʊniəm

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• Look at the structural elements of each word. Use these elements to unlock the word’s meaning.

• omni- all• pan- all• -arch ruler• -archy one who rules

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Context Clues

• Use the words around the unfamiliar word to determine the word’s meaning. Words in bold are the vocabulary words; words in italic are the context clues.

• 1. The dancers were arranged in hierarchy from tallest to shortest.

• 2.After unsuccessfully trying to incorporate a democracy as their government, the club realized that an oligarchy would be better, with a few member making the decisions for the group.

• 3. England is the best example of a governmental type know as monarchy.

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Context Clues

• 4. The scepter made an archetype so that the client could see a model of the proposed statue.

• 5.Because the king was omnipotent, he had the power to decide who would live and who would die.

• 6. The panorama was so beautiful that I could turn completely around and still see beautiful sights in every direction.

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Context Clues

• 7. Penicillin was considered a panacea, wonder drug, for most bacterial infections.

• 8. Since all of the children in the classroom were talking at once, pandemonium broke out.

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• Read the following definitions.• 1. hierarchy noun• a series of ordered groupings of people or things• Synonym: cast, structure• 2. oligarchy noun• Government by a few, especially by a small faction of

persons or families; a state governed by a few persons.• synonym: government by a few

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• 3. monarchy: noun

• An autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority.

• Synonym: king, queen, ruler

• 4. archetype: noun

• An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype ;ideal example of a type.

• Synonym: model, ideal

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• 5. omnipotent adjective• Having unlimited or universal power or

authority.• Synonym: almighty, supreme• 6. panorama noun• An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area• Synonym: overview, diorama

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• 7. Panacea noun• A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties;

a cure-all.• Synonym: remedy, elixir• 8. pandemonium noun• wild uproar or noise.• Synonym: chaos, riot, bedlam