Download - Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

Page 1: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

P a r t 6 : P r i n c i p l e s o f A c t i o n P l a n a n d I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f P o t e n t i a l P r o j e c t s



Westfields Primary School, Mortlake

Page 2: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


IntroductionImplementation of the objectives and proposals setout in the Strategy will require the preparation of anAction Plan, which provides an agenda for co-ordinated action in the future, and which will besubject to regular monitoring and review. Thepurpose of the Action Plan will be to set out howthe objectives of the Strategy will be achieved, andto establish a programme of action to be promoted.Preparation of the Action Plan will initially be theresponsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew toChelsea Steering Committee.

The Action Plan should set out the programme ofpriorities, activities and targets for the Strategy. Thekey areas of work will include:■ Identification of Appropriate Delivery

Mechanism: In the first year of the ActionPlan it will be necessary to give furtherconsideration to alternative deliverymechanisms and to identify the preferredapproach for taking forward the objectives ofthe Strategy.

■ Co-ordination of strategic projects topromote the objectives of the Strategy:These are likely to focus on specific subjectareas such as transport or recreation and keygeographic areas within the study area. TheStrategy can be used as a vehicle to obtainfunding for project implementation.

■ Promotion of local projects: The Strategywill encourage and support local projectswhich will promote the objectives of theStrategy and provide advice on projectimplementation.

■ Facilitation of new projects and forums forjoint working: Promotion of integratedplanning and management of the River and inthe future, the possible establishment offorums for addressing issues of mutual interestrelating to the River and riverside such asrecreation and education.

■ Strategy Management: Establishment of aninformation and communication network andproduction of promotional tools and marketinginformation such as a web site and newsletter.

■ Fund-raising: Preparation of a strategy forfund raising including business sponsership,European funding, local and national sourcesand funding partners.

■ Workshops and events: Organisation ofevents and workshops to promote theobjectives of the Strategy and greater co-ordination of initiatives and to exchangeexperience and knowledge.

A preliminary list of projects and actions has beenidentified through consultation with members of theStrategy Steering Committee, private landownersand developers and representatives of localorganisations. It does not represent an exhaustivelist of potential projects but is considered to beindicative of the range of projects which wouldassist in promoting the objectives of the Strategyand which will require the co-operation of a numberof partners in project implementation.

KEY TO FOLLOWING TABLESBTCV British Trust for Conservation

VolunteersCA Countryside AgencyEA Environment AgencyEH English HeritageEN English NatureGLA Greater London AuthorityH&FHBG Hammersmith and Fulham Historic

Buildings GroupLBH London Borough of HounslowLBHF London Borough of Hammersmith &

FulhamLBRuT London Borough of Richmond upon

ThamesLBW London Borough of WandsworthPLA Port of London AuthorityRBKC Royal Borough of Kensington and

ChelseaTfL Transport for London

The project list should be monitored and updatedas part of the Action Plan review.

The indicative projects are divided into strategicprojects and local projects which are identified byindividual character reach.

Strategic Projects and ActionsStrategic projects and actions for possible futureimplementation in the study area are summarisedin Table 6.1.

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TABLE 6.1 Strategic Projects List

Project Description Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Ref Status

Countryside AgencyLocal AuthoritiesTfL

CADeveloper contribution

Accessibility and signage projects inprogress.








✔✔✔✔✔Riverbus Services � the potential of introducing new passenger services and securinguse of piers as part of an integrated public transport system for London.

Use of the River for freight transport � promoting the use of the River for freighttransport, based on an understanding of cargo markets and land use pressures.

Steps and Stairs Project � established definitive location of all access points on thetidal Thames and began to define condition and appropriate level of use.

Access to the Foreshore � a strategic evaluation and risk assessment is needed toidentify areas where the foreshore is amenable for public access and the legal andsafety implications of encouraging access.

River Structures � bridges, jetties, piers, steps, wharves, drawdocks, barge-beds,docks, hards and slipways form part of the river infrastructure. Many are of historicsignificance, but few benefit from a protective mechanism and are threatened byclosure, eradication and neglect. The conservation and restoration of river structurescould form a major bid to the HLF.

Education Action Plan � establishment of an Education Working Group, web site to linkschools, involvement of local community organisations in projects with local schools andthe further development of educational resources and programmes.

Strategic Links � improvements in walking and cycling links to the Thames Path andNational Cycle Route No.4 from public transport and town centres.

Circular Walks � the promotion of waymarked circular recreational walks based on rivertributaries, canals and public open space.

Green Chains and Corridors � protect, create and manage �green chains and corridors�linking areas of landscape, recreational and ecological value and extending outside thestudy area, for example along the Beverley Brook to Richmond Park.

Transport for London

Transport for LondonPLAFreight operatorsLDA

PLA, EALocal Organisations


Riparian ownersThames Archaeology SteeringCommitteeHeritage Lottery Fund

Local authoritiesSchoolsThames Explorer TrustHammersmith & Fulham UrbanStudies CentresThames 21

GLA, Countryside AgencyLondon Walking ForumLocal AuthoritiesSustransLondon Cycling Campaign

Countryside AgencyLondon Walking ForumRamblers Association

GLA � Open Space ForumLocal authoritiesCountryside AgencyEnglish Nature

Local EducationAuthoritiesDeveloperContributions/Sponsor-ship

CALocal Transport PlansSustransTfL

Local commercialsponsorship

CAENLocal authorities

TfLPrivate operators

LDAPLATfLFreight operators

EALocal organisations


PLA, EA, EH, HLFRiparian ownersDeveloper contribution

Will form part of emerging strategy.TfL has issued preliminary proposalsfor consultation.

The PLA has commissionedresearch on the provision ofboatyards and a survey of wharvesfor cargo handling

Preliminary project completed in1996

Preparation of Action Plan includingresource packs, training courses,projects

London Walking Forum has a number ofinitiatives.

Local groups of Ramblers Associationhave prepared guides.

The Countryside Agency supports GreenChains and Corridors through its�Countryside on Your Doorstep Initiative�








Thames Path National Trail � completion of missing links, clarification of sectionslegally available for cycling, access for those with mobility impairment, co-ordinatedand consistent interpretation and signage. Encouraging more sensitive design solutionsthat respect local character.

Page 4: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


TABLE 6.1 Strategic Projects List (continued)

Project Description

Retired Flood Defences � the implementation of the riverbank design guidancecontained within the EA document Partnership in Planning and the promotion of flooddefences set back from the river.

Tidal Thames � Upstream Embayment Studies � looking at justification for continuingto maintain and review as necessary flood defences, leading to the identification ofindividual frontages that need work.

Lost Rivers � the �rediscovery� and interpretation of lost rivers and tributaries. Many ofthese remain culverted right up to their confluence with the Thames.

Tidal Thames Habitat Action Plan � the drawing together of information on existingecological habitats and areas of sensitivity to establish one comprehensive database.

Thames Festival and other public events � An annual festival would allow Londonersto re-establish a relationship with their river, encourage awareness and wider appreciationof the Thames and bring the river into the urban experience of the city. The festivalcould help to channel resources into environmental improvements and enhancement ofpublic amenity.

Visitor Information �Integrated visitor information and interpretation together withcross-promotion and marketing of visitor attractions/destinations.

Discovery Centres � establishment of a local discovery centre(s) east and south of theriver to mirror the Thames Explorer Trust and Hammersmith & Fulham Urban Studies Centre.

Thames Kew Chelsea On-Line � the establishment of a co-ordinated portal web site.

Recreation Study - including distribution and location of community boat houses andvisitor moorings

Coordination of Archaeological Data - developing frameworks and standards for theco-ordination and assimilation of archaeological data, and producing a manual detailing it.Develop techniques to interpret archaeological data

Industrial Heritage - identify industrial archaeology of area and update GLSMR.Develop techniques to interpret the industrial heritage, to raise awareness and breakdown barriers to access.

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Ref Status

EA, PLA, EN, GLA,Riparian owners


EA, PLA, ENLocal authoritiesLocal organisations

EA, PLA, GLALondon Biodiversity PartnershipThames Estuary Partnership

GLA, EA, Local Authorities,Riparian owners

Local AuthoritiesLondon Tourist BoardVisitor attractions

Local AuthoritiesLocal organisations

All partners

Local authoritiesSport LondonThames Rowing CouncilAmateur Rowing Association

EH, Museum of London,Instituteof Archaeology, LondonBoroughs

EADeveloper contributionEU LIFE Programme




GLA, EASponsorship

Local AuthoritiesLondon Tourist Board

Lottery fundingEC Life

Riverbank Design Guidancedocument prepared by EA 1997

Next stage of tidal Thames flooddefence project.

Now complete

Potential to showcase ThamesStrategy as part of London String ofPearls Golden Jubilee Festival






Greater London Sites and Monumentsprovides a database service. Variousdata standards exist, though these arenot specific to the archaeologicalresource of the study area.

Hammersmith and Fulham HistoricBuildings Group have undertaken anaudit of industrial sites and buildings.The TS archaeological GIS map wasdisseminated to attendees at the focusgroup for annotation and informationabout additional sites.

Preparation of integrated strategy forpromotion of use of River for recreation.






Core funding

Local AuthoritiesSport LondonLottery funding

Heritage lottery funding

Heritage lottery fundingAssociation for IndustrialArchaeology, HLF, EH, GLIAS,Hammersmith & Fulham HistoricBuildings Group





Potential to link with Wetland Centre

Page 5: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

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Local ProjectsIndicative projects for possible implementation ineach of the character reaches are set out inTables 6.2 - 6.9.

Implementation of the projects identified in theseschedules will principally be dependent on theavailability of funding and where appropriate,securing the necessary planning permission andother consents in respect of the proposed works.The following categories of projects have beenidentified as potential priority projects:■ Category 1: Projects for which funding has

been identified and work can be expected tocommence within the next 1-2 years (subjectto necessary consents being granted). Theseinclude River-related and River-enhancingprojects associated with committed andproposed development schemes on theriverside (Project Refs: 1.2, 1.6, 2.7, 3.7, 3.8,4.2, 5.2, 5.5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 6.11, 6.13,7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.11, 7.12, 8.1, 8.2,);

■ Category 2: Projects which have been definedand stakeholder support secured but whichrequire additional funding. These projects havethe potential to be implemented within 2-3years subject to the identification of necessaryfunding and required consents. (Project Refs:1.3, 1.7, 2.6, 2.8, 2.14, 4.1, 4.7, 4.9, 5.1, 5.6,5.7, 6.5, 6.10, 6.11, 6.14, 7.10, 8.4);

■ Category 3: Projects with community supportbut which require wider support from otherstakeholders , the preparation of more detailedproposals and the identification of funding.These projects have the potential to beimplemented within 2-5 years subject to theidentification of necessary funding and therequired consents.(Project Refs: 1.4, 1.5,1.10, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.9, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.9,3.11, 3.14, 4.3, 4.6, 5.3, 5.4, 6.4, 6.8, 6.15,7.4).

Potential priority projects are identified in Tables6.2-6.9. The identification of potential local priorityprojects does not preclude other projects beingbrought forward for implementation within the first 5years of the Action Plan subject to funding and thenecessary consents and approvals.

Possible Approaches to RiverbankDesignA number of the indicative local projects involveriverbank restoration and enhancement. Theseprojects are capable of being implemented onpublicly owned land and provide the potential forenhancing the appearance of the riverside andsupporting the local ecology, landscape andrecreation as well as providing effective flooddefence.

The following illustrative designs relate to individualsites as identified in the preliminary project lists butthe principles applied can be adapted to other partsof the study area.

The foreshore below Hammersmith Bridge Outside the Old Ship, Hammersmith

Page 6: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


Page 7: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

P a r t 6 : P r i n c i p l e s o f A c t i o n P l a n a n d I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f P o t e n t i a l P r o j e c t s


Duke�s MeadowBishops Park

Page 8: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a













Project Description

Kew Pier � bring River Bus service torestored pier, with improved passengerfacilities, new visitor moorings and betterquality signage to Kew Gardens

Kew Riverside development � new publicopen space and S.106 commitments

Preparation of management plan for thewooded Tow Path, including revetments,steps and stairs

Restoration of Westerley Ware Park toinclude upgrading of play equipment,paving and furniture

Oliver�s Island management plan

Strand on the Green : Repair andrestoration of river wall (highway supportand/or flood defence), upgrade Kew Bridgeand Strand End drawdocks

Strand on the Green, environmentalimprovements related to 1.6 (eg:Landscaping draw docks and seating areas,replanting willows etc)

Restoration of Kew Railway Bridge andfeasibility of pedestrian and cycle link fromOccupation Lane to Strand on the Green

Restoration and reuse of river structures(e.g: bridge grid, midstream moorings,Sailing Club ramps, old Bason & Arnold�sBoatyard Jetty

Creation of dog-free zone in riverside parks

Preserve and enhance SOTG ConservationArea by replacing inappropriate pavingsand street furniture introduced by earliertraffic calming scheme

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef

TABLE 6.2 Character Reach No.1 : Kew and Strand on the Green - Indicative Projects


TfL, Westminster Passen-ger Services Association,PLA, LBRuT,

LBRuT, Developers - StJames St. George

Tow Path Group, LBRuT,PLA, EA, Developers,BTCV, Community Groups

LBRuT, Westerley WareAssociation

PLA , LBH, EA, BTCV,Thames 21

LBH, EA, PLA, EH,Riparian owners

EA , LBH, PLA, EHRiparian owners

Railtrack, LBRuT, LBH,EH, TfL, Victorian Society

PLA, EH, LBRuT, LBH,PLA River WorksLicensees, river users,planning applicants

LBH, Strand on the GreenAssociation

LBH, Strand on the GreenAssociation


Developercontributions pooledinto Charitable Trust


LBH, EA, Strand onthe Green Association,DeveloperContributions



LBH, Strand on theGreen Association

LBH, Strand on theGreen Association

Linked to overall TfL Strategy. SeeStrategic Project 2.

The Tow Path Group were formed in July2001 to conserve and restore the TowPath between Kew Bridge & Beverley Brook

Westerley Ware Association have alreadyundertaken improvements and arepreparing a strategy for its enhancement

Management Plan in place to bereviewed

Subject of Court Order, for Completionend 2003. LBH/EA Project Agreement indraft for finalisation end April.

Dependent on Project 1-6. Strand on theGreen Association has prepared plans forraising river wall and re-landscaping in drawdock areas.

Maintenance work on Kew RailwayBridge, already undertaken by Railtrack

Preliminary ideas prepared by Strand onthe Green Association

Identified by Strand on the GreenAssociation

Kew Society, Kew ResidentsAssociation, Strand on the GreenAssociation, Mortlake with EastSheen Society, Chiswick ProtectionGroup, Grove Park Group,Environmental Trust for Richmondupon Thames and Tow Path Group

Westerley Ware Association, KewSociety, Kew Residents Association,Strand on the Green Association,Mortlake with East Sheen Society,Chiswick Protection Group

Strand on the Green Association,Grove Park Group, ChiswickProtection Group, Kew Society

Strand on the Green Association

Strand on the Green Association

Strand on the Green Association, KewSociety, West London River Group,River Thames Society, Strand on theGreen Sailing Club, Grove Park Group








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TABLE 6.3 Character Reach No.2 : Mortlake, Barnes and Duke�s Meadow - Indicative Projects















Project Description

Mortlake riverside � replacement of flooddefences, restoration of Tow Path and historicpassages, environmental enhancement

Enhancement of Jubilee Gardens and sub-stationand access to riverside

Enhancement of Bull Alley/Draw Dock andimprovements to Tow Path between BarnesBridge and Mortlake Brewery

Barnes Railway Bridge � restoration and accessimprovements using redundant old bridge forsegregated cycleway

Barnes Terrace/Lonsdale Road river wall andpublic realm traffic management improvements

Duke�s Meadow integrated land managementplan and comprehensive project area

Duke�s Meadow riverbank improvements (wheresafety is not compromised re access to the River)including localised retired defences, eradicationof Japanese knotweed and mitten crabs

Duke�s Meadow Landscape Plan includingenhancement of the Promenade and bandstand

Expand Chiswick Boathouse as a new water sportscentre in a sensitive way

Interpretation/rediscovery of Bollo Brook and linkto Chiswick House via Promenade Approach

Management/enhancement of Mortlake Cemetery

Restoration of Small Profits Dock and adjoiningpublic open space

Creation of Mortlake Dock, 77 High Street, JohnDees HouseExtension of Civil Service Rowing Club, DukesMeadow to create improved facilities

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources Local Interest GroupsRef Status

Mortlake with East Sheen Society, Friendsof Duke�s Meadow, Mortlake NetworkTow Path Group

Mortlake with East Sheen Society, Friendsof Duke�s Meadow, Mortlake NetworkTow Path GroupMortlake with East Sheen Society, BTCV,Mortlake NetworkTow Path Group

Barnes Community AssociationFriends of Duke�s Meadow

Barnes Community Association, Friends ofDuke�s Meadow

Barnes Community AssociationFriends of Duke�s Meadow

Barnes Community AssociationFriends of Duke�s Meadow

Barnes Community AssociationFriends of Duke�s Meadow

Barnes Community AssociationFriends of Duke�s Meadow

Friends of Duke�s Meadow, Old ChiswickProtection Society

Mortlake with East Sheen Society, Grove ParkGroup, Chiswick Protection Group, Kew SocietyNorth Barnes Residentents AssociationBarnes Community AssociationTow Path GroupMortlake and East Sheen Society, WestLondon River Group

Friends of Dukes MeadoiwBarnes Community Association

EA, LBRuT, PLA, EH, CA,Stag Brewery, Riparian owners

LBRuT, Powergen, LondonElectricity

LBRuT Community GroupsDevelopers

Railtrack, EH, TfL, LBRuT,LBH, Sustrans


LBH/ CIP, GLA, Friends of Duke�sMeadow, Sports Clubs,EA

EA, PLA, LBH, EN, CA,Thames 21

LBH/CIP, Friends of Duke�sMeadow, EA

LBH, Sport England, Rowingclubs Thames Rowing Council





Civil Service, Sports Council,Sport England, LBN

Stag Brewery, EADeveloperContributiions

New OpportunitiesFund

New OpportunitiesFund, DeveloperContributions

Railtrack, TfLSustrans,


Sports Council YouthSports Trust


LBH, NewOpportunities Fund,Local fund raising

Sports lottery

Operators, New -Opportunities Fund

Identified in LBRuTConservation AreaStudy

Identified in LBRuTConservation AreaStudy

Identified in LBRuTConservation AreaStudy

Link to National CycleRoute No.4

Identified in LBRuTConservation AreaStudyCommitment toManagement Plan inLB Hounslow UDP

Feasibility Studybeing undertaken

Plan preparedby Clive Wren

Proposal by HounslowHockey Club to use as�super clubhouse�

Scheme prepared asbasis for discussionwith possible partners








Page 10: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a

















Project Description

Feasibility of introducing ferry from ChiswickPier to Ferry Lane Lonsdale RoadImprove connections between the ThamesPath and Chiswick House, Hogarth�s Houseand the Fuller�s Brewery (including Parr�s Walk)Conservation and management of ChiswickEyot, including eradication of mitten crabs andpollarding of willowsPromotion of Chiswick Pier for tourist boats aspart of overall strategy for increased use of river.

Restoration of Chiswick (Church Street)drawdock and causewayEnhance Hammersmith Mall as a location forrowing and water sportsHammersmith Mall / Furnival Gardens furtherpublic realm and river wall improvements,including enhancement of links to town centrevia underpassRestoration and potential upstream extensionof Dove Pier and use for tourist boats/passengervesselsImprovements to Hammersmith Riverside; towncentre links; Beckett�s wharf; Queen�s drawdockInterpretation/rediscovery of Stamford Brook/Hammersmith Creek/Parr�s Ditch

A4 Great West Road and crossings, GreenCorridor

Provision of missing link of river walk atRiverside StudiosConservation and restoration of Leg of MuttonReservoir. Review existing management plantogether with the Tow Path project 1.3St Paul�s School landscape master plan

Investigate the potential of a new pier at NorthBarnes

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef Status

LBRuT, LBH, PLA, Schools

LBH, CA, EH, Fuller�s Brewery,Hounslow Association forTourismLBH, Old Chiswick ProtectionSociety, EA, PLA


LBH, PLA, EA CommunityGroupsLBH, Sport England, Rowingclubs, Thames Rowing Council

LBHF, EH, Hammersmith andFulham Historic BuildingsGroup, EA

LBHF, PLA, TfLOwners of Dove Pier

LBHF, PLA, ArchitectureFoundation, EAEA, LBHF, HFHBG


LBHF, EA, Riparian owners.

LBRuT, EN, BTCV, EACommunity Groups

St Paul�s School


Fuller�s BreweryTfL, schoolsEH, Fuller�s Brewery


Tourist Boat Operators,Thames Explorer Trust,Chiswick Pier Trust, RNLILBH, EA, Old ChiswickProtection SocietySport England, Lottery,Rowing Clubs Sponsership

Developer contributionLBHF

TfL, Owners of Dove Pier

LBHF, developercontributions

Developer ContributionsLBHF

Funds available for plantingblack poplars,schools, EN

St Paul�s School


Work undertaken byvoluntary organisation.Possible SSSI designation

Chiswick Pier to be used asbase for river lifeboat service

Initial ideas prepared by OldChiswick Protection Society

First phase of work underconstruction

Proposals prepared by ownersof Dove Pier, possibleplanning Issues

Proposals identified byArchitecture Foundation

Conceptual Scheme Preparedin association withHammersmith & FulhamUrban Studies Centre

Management Plan inoperation. Work undertakenby voluntary organisation

Under consideration

TABLE 6.4 Character Reach No.3: Chiswick, Hammersmith and North Barnes - Indicative Projects








Old Chiswick Protection Society, North Barnes ResidentsAssociation, St Paul�s, Harrodian & Swedish schoolsOld Chiswick Protection Society, North Barnes ResidentsAssociation, Barnes Community Association, Friends ofDuke�s Meadow, CPGOld Chiswick Protection Society

Friends of Duke�s Meadow, Old Chiswick Protection Society,Chiswick Pier Trust, North Barnes Community Association,Barnes Community AssociationOld Chiswick Protection Society, North Barnes ResidentsAssociationHammersmith Society, Hammersmith and FulhamHistoric Buildings GroupHammersmith Society, Hammersmith and Fulham HistoricBuilding Group, Hammersmith Community Trust

Hammersmith Society, Hammersmith and FulhamHistoric Buildings Group, Hammersmith Community Trust,North Barnes Residents Association

Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Building Group,Hammersmith Community Trust, Hammersmith SocietyHammersmith Society, Hammersmith and FulhamHistoric Buildings GroupHammersmith Community Trust, Hammersmith Society,Hammersmith & Fulham Historic Buildings

Hammersmith Society, Hammersmith and FulhamHistoric Buildings Group, Hammersmith Community Trust

North Barnes Residents Association, Barnes CommunityAssociation, Tow Path Group, Local Schools

North Barnes Residents Association, Hammersmith Society,Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Buildings Group, OldChiswick Protection Society, Tow Path GroupNorth Barnes Residents Association


Potential route to schoolsavoiding Hammersmith Bridge

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TABLE 6.5 Character Reach No.4: Fulham Reach and Barn Elms - Indicative Projects











Project Description

Fulham Reach � public realm and accessimprovements including interpretation ofheritage/industrial archaeology,feasibility ofnew moorings

Hammersmith Embankment Phase 2 public openspace and access improvements to Broadway

Restoration of Crabtree Drawdock, Palace Wharfand adjacent areas

Potential seasonal ferry crossing from CrabtreeDrawdock to Queen Elizabeth Walk/WetlandCentre

Barnes Waterside and Harrods Village, treeplanting and enhancement of Tow Path.Restoration of Harrods Depository wharf andprotection of industrial archaeology

Enhancement of Queen Elizabeth Walk, ThamesCycle Route, and riverside frontage of WetlandCentre

�River Life� discovery exhibit at Wetland Centre

Establishment of Thames Discovery Centre(possibly in association with Wetland Centre)linked to project 4.7

Barn Elms Sports Centre and Boathouseredevelopment, new tree planting andenhancement of playing fields

Beverley Brook/Roehampton Vale/Richmond Parkgreen chain, integrated land management plan.Promote Beverley Brook Walk

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef Status

Fulham Society, HFHBG, Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group, BCA, NBRA, PutneySociety

Fulham Society, HFHBG, HammersmithSociety, NBRA

Fulham Society, HFHBG, Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group, NBRA

Putney Society, Fulham Society, NBRABishops Park Co-ordinating Group

Barnes Community Association, NorthBarnes Residents Association,Hammersmith Society, HFHBG, Tow PathGroup

North Barnes Residents Association, BCA,Hammersmith Society, Hammersmith andFulham Historic Buildings, Tow Path Group

North Barnes Residents Association, BCA

Wandsworth Society, North BarnesResidents Association, Putney Society

Fulham Society, Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group, WLRG, BCA, PutneySociety, HFHBG, Tow Path Group

Putney Society, BCA, North BarnesResidents Association, Tow Path Group

LBHF, CA, EA, PLA,Riparian owners

LBHF, Developers, EA

LBHF, EA, Operators ofEH

LBW, LBHF, WetlandCentre, CommunityGroups, TfL, PLA

Developers, LBRuT, EA,EH, Tow Path Group

Wetland Centre, Sustrans,LBRuT, CA, EA

Wetland Centre

LBW, Wetland Centre,Comm�ty Groups, BarnElms Schools SportsCentre

LBRuT, LBWSport England, EA, LBHF

LBRuT, LBW, GLA, EA,Royal Parks, Conservatorsof Wimbledon Common

LBHFDeveloper contribution

Developer contribution

Riparian OwnersDeveloper contribution

Operators, BreweryWetland Centre, TfL

Harrods, Developercontribution

LBRuT, CA, Sustrans,Countryside Agency,Wetland Centre

Wetland Centre, Lottery

New Opportunities Fund

Riverside Walk Briefbeing prepared byLBHF

Proposals prepared

Project proposalprepared by WWT

Proposals prepared byLBW

Beverley Brook Walk inplace, furtherpromotion required








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T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


TABLE 6.6 Character Reach No. 5 : Putney and Fulham Palace - Indicative Projects









Project Description

Restoration and enhancement ofmouth of the Beverley Brook,including Leaders Gardens andAshlone Wharf. Possible removal oftidal flap, obsolete pumping stationand weir, together with provision ofnew footbridge

Establishment of permanentDiscovery/Education Centre atAshlone Wharf to promotecommunity youth river related use aspart of any refurbishment scheme.Use of Ellen Elizabeth for boattraining and educational purposes

Enhance Putney Hard as location forrowing and sailing and moorings outin river. Improvements to boathouses

Increased use of Putney Pierincluding improved passenger andvisitor facilities

Putney Wharf new riverside walk-way and spaces, improved settingof church and potential extension ofwalkway under Putney Bridge

Fulham Palace conservation andmanagement plan, promote FulhamPalace Museum

Further improvements to BishopsPark

Putney Bridge Conservation Area -public realm and accessimprovements to station andfootbridge

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef Status

EA, LBRuT, LBWWimbledon & Putney CommonsConservators

LBW, Sea Cadets, existingoccupiers, Wandsworth YouthRiver Group, River ThamesBoat Project

LBW, Rowing clubs, AmateurRowing Association, ThamesRowing Council, Sport England,PLA

LBW, TfL, Operators (ThamesLuxury Charters)

LBW, EH, St George�s

LBHF, EH, ChurchCommissioners, Museum ofFulham Palace Trust, FulhamPalace Management Board

LBHF, EH, Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group

LBHF, Railtrack, EH, CA

EADeveloper contribution,Chas Newens boatbuilders/chandlers

Developer contribution,Lottery Funding, LBW

Sports Lottery

Owners of the pier.New owners of ShellsiteTfL

Developer contribution

LBHF, ChurchCommissioners, HLF,EH

HLF Urban ParksProgramme/NewOpportunities Fund

Landscape strategyprepared and limited workbeing undertaken by EA,Discussions ongoingbetween LBW, EA andCommons Conservators

Planning application submittedfor the refurbishment of thebuilding followingconsultation on options. Thecommunity/youth river relatedactivities will remain, as willthe boatyard.

The Council�s UDP promotesimprovements which supportPutney Embankment�s role asa centre for river sports

Preliminary ideas forenhancement of facilities.Uncertainty over what type ofservice is commercially viable

Proposals part of S.106agreement, except walkingunder bridge

Consultation draft August2000. Bid to HLF prepared

Refurbishment worksrecently completed

Riverside Walk Brief beingprepared by LBHF

BCA, Putney Society,Wimbledon & PutneyCommons Conservators

Putney Society, Community Groups, ChasNewens, Save Ashlone Wharf Campaign,Putney Partnership Board

Putney Society, Fulham Society, ChasNewens, HFHBG, Bishops Park Co-ordinatingGroup, River Thames Society, PutneyParnership Board

Putney Society, Fulham Society, HFHBG,Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group, RiverThames Society, Putney Partnership Board

Wandsworth Society, Fulham Society,HFHBG, Putney Parnership Board

Friends of Fulham Palace, Fulham Society,Museum of Fulham Palace Trust, HFHBG,BPCG

Fulham Society, Friends of Bishops Park,Bishops Park Co-ordinating Group, PutneySociety

Fulham Society, HFHBG, Putney Society,Wandsworth Society









Page 13: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

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TABLE 6.7 Character Reach No.6 : Wandsworth and Sands End - Indicative Projects













Project Description

Wandle Delta riverbank improvements (WandleDelta 1998 WSA), including Causeway Island

Wandle Promenade � linking Wandsworth HighStreet to the Thames

Modification of half-tide weir at mouth ofWandle

Complete Thames Path over Waste TransferStation and across Feathers Wharf, andmissing link in Thames Cycle Route

Rejuvenation of Wandsworth Park

Point Pleasant � new riverside walkway(Thames Path and Cycle Route), moorings andpublic open space

Gargoyle Wharf � new riverside walkway(Thames Path and Cycle Route)Potential pier

Sands End � completion of riverside walkway(Thames Path), and potential new moorings.

Restoration of Broomhouse Drawdock (workin progress)

Imperial Wharf Phase 1� new riverside walkway,moorings and local park.

Hurlingham Club, provision of viewing area/jetty and improvements to facilities,restoration of buildings and maintenance offormal grounds

Enhancement of Hurlingham Park

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources Local Interest GroupsRef Status

Gargoyle Wharf Community Action Group,Battersea Society, Wandsworth Society,HFHBG, Fulham Society

Wandsworth ChallengePartnership (WCP), LBW, EA

WCP, LBW, EA, Young�sBrewery, British Olympic Ass�n


Countryside AgencyWandsworth ChallengePartnership, LBW, EA, Sustrans,Ramblers Association


Countryside AgencyLBW, GLA, Sustrans,Developer, EA,Ramblers Association

LBW, GLA, PLA, EA, Sustrans,Developer

LBHF, PLA, EA, Developers,Hurlingham Yacht Club

LBHF, Developer � St George�s

LBHF, Hurlingham Club, EA

LBHF, Sport England, EA

Detailed proposals prepared for 3 out of 8projects which have already been identified, 2more are in preparation, SRB funding in place

Number of improvements being implementedto enhance the existing link, from the towncentre to the Wandle Mouth

Feasibility study undertaken by ARUPconcluded that the removal of this structurewas not justified at this time

New foot/cycle bridge over Wandle completed,and E-W link improvements across deltaproposed

On its anniversary in 2003 some minorimprovements are planned in keeping with theVictorian layout

Planning permission granted but detailedproposals to be agreed.

Under construction

Restoration of Broomhouse Dock complete

Phase 1 under constructionBrief required for park

Initial proposals for jetty, permission grantedfor building works

New sports pavilion/stadium designed

Wandsworth Society, River Thames Society,Fulham Society, HFHBG, Hurlingham Club

Wandsworth Society, Fulham Society,Hammersmith and Fulham Buildings










Association of Residents in Sands End(ARISE), Fulham Society, HFHBG, BatterseaSociety, Wandsworth Society

Fulham Society, HFHBG, Wandsworth Society

Wandsworth Society, Battersea Society,Fulham Society, HFHBGs, Rambler�sAssociation

SRB, Adjacent landowners,EU LIFE,Groundwork

SRB, Young�s BreweryCapital Studios, Groundwork

EA, Developer contribution

SRB, Sustrans, Developer,Contribution, CountrysideAgency

HLF Urban ParksProgramme

Developer S.106commitment

Developer S.106commitment

Developer contribution,PLA, LBHF

Developer contribution

Developer contribution

Sports Lottery


Page 14: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


Project Description Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef StatusPotentialPriorityProject





Interpretation/rediscovery of RiverFalcon, including green corridor link toFalcon Park

Potential for re-opening Battersea HighStreet Station

Provision of pedestrian walkway/cycleway on Battersea Railway Bridge(West London Line)

Provision of Riverside footways/cycleways under Wandsworth Bridgeon both banks


LBW, Railtrack,Strategic RailAuthority, GLA, TfL

LBHF, LBW, RBKC,CA, Railtrack,Developers, Sustrans

LBW, LA, CA,Sustrans, RamblersAssociation

Developercontributions, Railoperators

Developer contribution,TfL, Railtrack

Developer contribution

LBW has a long term aim for astation on the West LondonLine in North Battersea, butthere is no spare capacity atpresent

A walkway adjacent to therailway bridge providing a linkto the proposed ChelseaHarbour Station is underconsideration by LBW/LBHF

Strong support from Sustrans


Battersea Society, WandsworthSociety, London Walking Forum

Battersea Society, WandsworthSociety

Battersea Society, Fulham Society,Sustrans, London Walking Forum,Chelsea Society ARISE

Wandsworth Society, BatterseaSociety, London Walking Forum,Sustrans

TABLE 6.7 Character Reach No.6 : Wandsworth and Sands End - Indicative Projects


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TABLE 6.8 Character Reach No.7 : Chelsea and Battersea - Indicative Projects














Project Description

Continuation of riverwalk under Battersea and ChelseaRailway Bridges.

Chelsea Creek � habitat creation, conservation ofindustrial heritage, access improvements and re-excavation of old dock/Kensington canal

Completion of Thames Path through Lots Road site andassociated transport/access improvments.

Chelsea Harbour Phase II - 500 metres of newlycreated Thames Path with direct pedestrian access tothe foreshore & associated riverside public open space.

Increased use and promotion of existing piers atChelsea Harbour, Cheyne Walk and Cadogan Pier

Chelsea Embankment integrated traffic managementand environmental improvements

New Chelsea Harbour railway station on the WestLondon Line and public transport improvements

Extend Thames Path from Cremorne Gardens to CremorneWharf including restoration of gardens

Re-interpretation of Ranelagh Gardens/greater usemade of Royal Hospital Grounds

Enhancement of existing facilities at Chelsea Yachtand Boat Company

Ransomes Dock restoration linked to Albion Wharfdevelopment

Battersea Park restoration and enhancement currentlyin progress which includes the restoration of thepromenade along the Thames. Feasibility ofreconstruction of Festival of Britain pier

Interpretation/rediscovery of River Westbourne/Tyburn/Effra

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef Status

RBKC/LBHF, Railtrack, LBW,Developers, Countryside AgengySustrans, Circadian

LBHF, RBKC, EH, EA, Railtrack,Circadian, British Gas, HFHBG

RBKC, EH, EA, TfL, LondonTransport, Circadian,

LBHF, RBKC, CA, EA Circadian

RBKC, TfL, PLACircadian


Strategic Rail Authority, GLA,Railtrack, TfL, RBKC, LBHF,Circadian, St George, British Gas


Royal Hospital, EH, RBKC,RHS, commercial exhibitors atflower show

RBKC, Chelsea Yacht & BoatCompany, PLA, EA




Developer contributionRailtrack

Developer contribution

Developer contribution

Developer contribution

TfLDeveloper Contribution


RailtrackDeveloper contribution

Developer contributionHLF, RBKC, Sports Council

Developer contribution,

HLF, Friends of BatterseaPark

Awaiting redevelopment of the propertyto the south of the Battersea RailwayBridge. There are currently no proposals.Feasibility studies needed.Proposal for whole Creek prepared by ADixon, R Weston and R Pedley Sept. 2000.Proposals partly incorporated in Lots RoadPower Station and Chelsea Phase IIHarbour development proposals, which hasearmarked £5 million for landscape andaccess improvements

Planning application submitted June 2001,by Circadian which includes a wide range oftransport improvements & interchangesbetween buses, trains and boats, completionof the Thames Path and a branch of theThames cycle path along Chelsea Creek.

Circadian have bought the site andsubmitted an application. It forms part ofa comprehensive scheme with the re-development of Lots Road power Station.

Circadian are promoting river taxiservices and improved passengerfacilities at Chelsea Harbour Pier

Cycle route installed

The SRA are undertaking a detailedfeasibility study.

Planning permission has been granted atChelsea Wharf to extend the ThamesCycle Path from Cremorne Gardens toCremorne Wharf

Initial proposals prepared

Potential for waterfront public realmimprovements

Grade 2 star listed park currently benefitingfrom a £10.5m restoration programme.

Battersea Society, Wandsworth Society,Fulham Society, HFHBG

Fulham Society, HFHBG, ChelseaSociety, Battersea Society, WandsworthSociety, ARISE

Fulham Society, Chelsea Society

Chelsea Society, Battersea Society,Wandsworth Society, ARISE,Fulham Society

Battersea Society, Chelsea Society

Chelsea SocietyCheyne Walk Society

Battersea Society, Chelsea Society











Page 16: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


KEY BTCV British Trust for Conservation VolunteersCA Countryside AgencyEA Environment AgencyEH English HeritageEN English NatureGLA Greater London AuthorityH&FHBG Hammersmith and Fulham Historic

Buildings GroupBPCG Bishop�s Park Co-ordinating GroupNBRA North Barnes Residents Association

BCA Barnes Community AssociationLBH London Borough of HounslowLBHF London Borough of Hammersmith & FulhamLBRuT London Borough of Richmond upon ThamesLBW London Borough of WandsworthPLA Port of London AuthorityRBKC Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaTfL Transport for LondonCIP Community Initiative PartnershipWLRG West London River Group

TABLE 6.9 Character Reach No 8 : Nine Elms - Indicative Projects





Project Description

Battersea Power Station redevelopmentincludes river pavilion, raised piazza, newdedicated river bus service and river walk.Associated Power House and communityfacilities

Battersea Wharf redevelopment and newriverside walk, including footways/cyclewaysunder Grosvenor Bridge to link Battersea Wharfwith Spicer-Cowan and Battersea PowerStation

Nine Elms � new riverside walkway (ThamesPath National Trail) and access improvements

New railway station and public transportimprovements

Stakeholders Potential FundingSources

Local Interest GroupsRef Status

LBW, GLA, EA,Parkview International,East Battersea Partnership

LBW, GLA, EA, Developer

LBW, Sustrans, CA, EA,East Battersea Partnership

Railtrack, TfL, Developer,LBW

Developercontribution, SRB

Developer contribution

Developercontribution, Sustrans,LBW

Developercontribution, Railtrack,TfL, LBW

Planning permission granted,SRB funding.There are proposals for a pierfacility and improvedpedestrain access betweenthe power station site, andBattersea Park along theriverside

Planning permission granted

Dependant on changes inland use

Related to new developmentschemes

Battersea Society, WestminsterSociety

Battersea Society, WestminsterSociety

Battersea Society, WestminsterSociety

Battersea Society, WestminsterSociety





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Potential Funding Sourcesand Project ImplementationPotential funding sources for different types ofprojects and programmes identified in the Strategyare summarised in Table 6.10.

To be successful, implementation of projects andactions will require a co-operative approach with theinvolvement of all sectors including nationalagencies, the riparian local authorities and the GLAand its associated functional bodies, the privatesector, the voluntary sector and local communities.It will be necessary to ensure that limitedresources are maximised and targeted by fosteringjoint working and supporting co-ordinated action. Itwill be necessary to gain the support of a widerange of organisations and individuals to worktogether to implement the projects.

Community InvolvementThe success of the Thames Strategy - Kew toChelsea is dependent upon involving all those witha responsibility for the future of the River, includingthe local community. There are a large number ofexisting community groups concerned with thestudy area, some taking a broad view of riverrelated issues such as the West London RiverGroup, London Rivers Association, Thames 21,River Thames Society and Thamesbank and otherswith more localised interests. Communityorganisations have taken an important role in thedevelopment of this Strategy and their continuedinvolvement in the Strategy will be encouraged.

Whilst organisations produce their own informationand literature, there is generally a lack of co-ordinated information on community organisationsand activities relating to the River. The Strategy canassist in promoting information about organisationsand events for example, through the development ofa web site and newsletter.

A number of organisations arrange events for thepublic relating to the River and promote the activeparticipation of people working to improve theirenvironment, including the British Trust forConservation Volunteers (BTCV), Thames 21 andLocal Agenda 21 Groups. For example, Thames 21run a series of public foreshore events includingclean ups in the study area and a number ofcommunity projects are being undertaken byBTCV, including work with the Friends of Duke�sMeadow in relation to the improvement of this openspace through the provision of advice on practicaltasks, habitat ecology and the preparation of amanagement plan.

The Strategy will seek to build on the existingnetwork of voluntary and community organisationsin the study area and to support initiatives whichpromote common objectives. A number of initialopportunities have been highlighted to promotegreater community use and involvement in theRiver, including:■ The potential to create focal points of

community activity along the River includingcommunity waterfronts and a network offacilities for public use;

■ The development of a co-ordinated data baseof local organisations concerned with theRiver;

■ The establishment of a web site (Thames-on-line)/ newsletter to enable groups to shareinformation and to develop closer linkages.This should build on existing initiatives andinclude information relating to planningapplications and events in the study area;

■ The potential to extend the existingprogramme of community activities and Riverrelated events;

■ The opportunity to promote increased use oflocal papers to promote river related activitiesand information and the potential to extendcross river linkages and circulation of localpapers/ newsletters;

■ The development of a more co-ordinatedapproach to consultation and the involvementof the community at an early stage in thepreparation of development proposals

The promotion of community involvement and useof the River will be a principal objective of theStrategy. The implementation of projects andprogrammes will be dependent on the availability ofresources.

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T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


TABLE 6.10 Potential Partners and Funding SourcesPotential Partners &Funding Sourcesfor Projects

Conservation and restorationof historic townscapeConservation and restoration ofhistoric parks & gardensConservation and restoration ofsemi-natural areasProtection and interpretation ofarchaeological sitesRestoration and enhancement ofurban parks and public openspacesEnhancement of sports andplaying fields/recreationalfacilitiesRegeneration of existing urbanareasModifications to flood defencesand habitat creationUpgrading Thames PathNew strategic links pedestrian andcyclistsImprovements to public transportroutes and interchangesNew pedestrian/cyclist rivercrossingsNew riverbus piers & servicesImproved visitor information &promotion of attractionsEnvironmental education andinterpretationNew public spaces

Upgrading of operational wharves

Promote/enhance appropriateRiver uses and support facilities

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* Transport for London includes London Underground and London River Services✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔

Page 19: Part 6: Principles of Action Plan and ... - Thames StrategyPreparation of the Action Plan will initially be the responsibility of the Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea Steering Committee.

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EducationThe River and its tributaries offer a rich educationalresource in many subject areas and a broad rangeof study activities currently take place. Theobjective should be not just to develop the River asan educational resource for schools but also toprovide training for decision makers and developers.

The study area is fortunate to have twoorganisations which are already involved inpromoting education about the Thames and areworking with local schools on river-related projects-The Thames Explorer Trust and Hammersmith &Fulham Urban Studies Centre. Both organisationsare located on the north side of the River. TheThames Education Network links organisationsinterested in the Thames and education. Thenetwork views the river as a linear national park andaims to work together to provide a coherenteducational service for anyone wanting to explorethe River.

The Strategy seeks to promote the River as aneducational resource and in so doing, to helpchildren and adults to development an increasedunderstanding and enjoyment of the River. TheStrategy will build on existing initiatives in thestudy area. A number of initial opportunities havebeen highlighted to promote the River as aneducational resource including:■ Establishment of an Education Working Group

to include bodies such as the ThamesExplorer Trust, Thames 21, Hammersmith &Fulham Urban Studies Centre, Museum ofLondon, Kew Bridge Steam Museum, theWetlands Centre and local educationauthorities;

■ Establishment of a web site to link schoolsand the community and to disseminate detailsof resources, materials and groups involved ineducation projects;

■ Encouragement of involvement of localcommunity organisations concerned with theRiver in projects with local schools;

■ Support the establishment of a Children�sParliament to encourage young people tocontribute to future change;

■ Further development of educational resourcesand programmes to overcome the current lackof co-ordinated information on the River,including the �River for Life� project developedby the Thames Explorer Trust, �Living with theRiver� with its emphasis on safety and natureconservation and the �Adopt a River�programme developed by Thames 21;

■ The development of new approaches toconsultation such as �Planning for Real� and�Enquiry by Design� which can involve thepublic at an early stage in the preparation ofdevelopment proposals;

■ The preparation of a Health and Safety Code;■ Training courses for developers, decision

makers and planners;■ The involvement of schools in River-related

projects eg: the design of mosaics/ paving andsignage for the River Walk;

■ The preparation of teaching and resourcepacks;

■ Explore the establishment of a local discoverycentre to the south of the River (eg: based onthe model of the Pier House, Corney Reach.

The implementation of the Action Plan will bedependent on resource availability.

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T h a m e s S t r a t e g y - K e w t o C h e l s e a


THE WAY FORWARDThe preparation of this Strategy is seen as the firststep in working to provide a better long term futurefor the River Thames between Kew and Chelsea.The Strategy will continue to evolve over time asnew challenges and opportunities arise and thestructure of any future partnership arrangement isestablished. The key objective is to build uponexisting initiatives and to promote a closer workingrelationship between all sectors in enhancing theenvironment of the Thames and promoting theincreased use and enjoyment of the River.

The Thames is one of London�s greatest asset andpreparation of this Strategy has highlighted theimportance placed on the River by all sectors of thecommunity- whether statutory bodies, localauthorities, developers, local community groups orschool children. The future provides anunprecedented opportunity to rediscover theThames- to improve the riverside environment, topromote a high quality of urban design in all newdevelopment, to re-establish vital connectionsbetween the River and the rest of the city and tobring the River and riverfront back to life through theactive encouragement of its use and enjoyment.

The promotion of these objectives will bedependent, however, on the identification of acommon purpose and continued partnershipworking between the public, private and voluntarysectors and local communities to implement thevision for this rich and varied stretch of the River.

It is intended that preparation of the ThamesStrategy - Kew to Chelsea will provide the basis fortaking this vision forward and for maximising thepotential for sustainable and beneficial change inthe future.