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Unit 2: 20th Century Depth Studies (40452)

Written Paper – 1 hour 45 mins – 60 marks – 37.5%

Students will be examined on three units.

The roaring twenties (1919-1932)

The civil rights movement (1955-1968)

The Vietnam war (1963-1975)

This revision booklet is designed to offer parents a way of supporting their child through their final exam. Students will be given a three revision booklets,

one on each topic, on the first week back after Easter. We have already begun revision sessions after Academy time, each Thursday between 3 and 4pm. It

is recommended that your son/daughter attends as many of these as possible. These began week beginning 4th March. We also have all our resource online at

TGI Space. Here you will find exam papers and revision booklets should you wish to look in more detail. Revision will also take place during lesson time

from Easter onwards. Now that controlled assessment is completed, we have time to review the units we have studies this past year. At the back of this

revision pack, I have also included some examination papers to give you an idea of the format of the exam.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Farr should you have any questions. I recommend emailing me as it is a quicker form of communication.

[email protected]

Mr Bourke

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1. The Roaring 20s: USA, 1918–1929 – What do I need to know?

Key issue: How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s?

Isolationism and its effects: American rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and refusal to join the League of

Nations; the consequences for the USA

Tariff policy: Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922

Mass production (e.g. Ford and the Motor industry); consumer industries and advertising

Hire Purchase; purchase of shares; the stock market boom; Republican Government policies

Developments in the entertainment industries, e.g. the cinema, Jazz.

Key issue: How far was the USA a divided society in the 1920s?

Rich versus poor: continuation of poverty for some – e.g. farmers

Race: immigration controls; the quota system of 1921; National Origins Act of 1924; the Ku Klux Klan and

its activities

Prohibition: groups for and against it; organised crime; the impact on society

Young people: fashions, flappers.

Key issue: Why did the US Stock Exchange collapse in 1929?

The problems of the 1920s: over-production, lack of credit control; the effects of tariff policy; unequal

distribution of wealth

The Wall Street Crash: events and immediate consequences.

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1. Who was the American president in 1919? Woodrow Wilson

2. What was the organisation that the president wanted America to join?

The league of nations.

3. What were the two different attitudes to world affairs? 1. Stay out of world affairs (Isolationism) 2. Be involved in the League of Nations.

3. Why did Wilson fail to persuade America to join the league? Give four reasons. Method – WIMS (Wilson Is My Superstar!)

1. Americans were upset at loss of life in WW1 – NO MORE! 2. America was a nation of immigrants. It would be difficult to take

sides on a political issue overseas without upsetting its own people; eg, Italians/Germans

3. Republicans wanted America to focus America on what it was good at – making money! Placing sanctions on countries would impact on business.

4. Wilson had a stroke – His campaign lost momentum

5. Name all the presidents in the 1920’s. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1920) Warren Harding (1920-1923) Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)

6. Why had America become the world’s richest country by 1919? WW1 had devastated Britain, France and Germany – The USA did not join the war until 1917 so had overtaken them.

7. Why was America so successful in the 1920’s? Remember LACK PANTS!

“Laissez faire” (leave alone) The government led business get on with things and didn’t interfere – e,g, low taxes

Assembly lines – Goods could be produced quickly, cheaply and in one place; for example the Model T ford car. Another word is “mass production” By 1929, 6 cars were rolling off production lines a minute,

Credit – people could buy now, pay later, so lots of goods were brought.

Knowledge – of new things – for example, Bakelite plastic made radios and phones cheap. Electricity made factories run cheaply.

Position – of America – Now number 1 because of War, so traded with lots of countries – rubber, coal, oil.

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Advertising – was everywhere – encouraged people to spend money on things they didn’t even know they wanted!

New consumer goods – radios (60,000 in 1919, 10 million by 1929), cars, fridges (multiplied in number 167X by 1929!), phones – Everyone wanted them

Tariff – In 1922 the Ford-Mcumber tariff placed a tax on foreign goods coming into America – so people bought American goods!

Stocks/Shares – People invested in companies on the markets and made a lot of money – There was shared confidence

8. What did the KKK stand for? The Klu Klux Klan

9. What was lynching? Illegal hangings of black people in the south

10. What did the KKK believe? Black people were inferior to white people

11. Why did racism increase in the 1920’s? Immigration had not been controlled before the first world War and some felt they were being overwhelmed.

12. What law was passed in 1896? What did it mean? Jim Crow laws. Blacks were to be treated as inferior people.

13. What law was passed in 1921 and what did it do? Emergency Quotas Act – Number of people allowed into America was to be 3% of the number of those living in the USA in 1910 – this favoured white Europeans

14. What law was passed in 1924? National Origins Act – 3% figure reduced to 2% and date put back to 1890. This slowed down immigration. This was done to slow down arrival of Russians and Greeks.

15. What impact did these laws have? Made Americans more isolationist.

16. What was a ghetto and why did they start appearing in the North? Poor areas, and they resulted from black migration from the south – uneducated workers.

17. How popular were the KKK? Very popular between 1919 and 1925 – 5 million members. Then it dropped because some Americans became horrified at their tactics. Its leader, David Stephenson was sentenced to life in prison in 1925 for rape and murder of a woman on a Chicago train. This contributed to its fall, but racism remained powerful.

18. Who did not do well in the 1920’s? Black people did not do well. Many poor people did not do well – There was a lot of poverty. 1/3 population owned 5% of the wealth. Despite the reputation of a wealthy country, many struggled.

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19. Name a famous American jazz player. Louis Armstrong.

20. Why did cinema and sports activities like baseball become so popular?

The car – people could drive to the cinema and to sports fields. More people had money in their pocket.

21. What was prohibition? Outlawing of alcohol.

22. What was it called, and when did it come into force? 1919, Volstead Act (18th amendment)

23. Who wanted prohibition? Why? Women’s groups,(impact on families – wage cheques going on booze) religious groups.

24. What was the impact of prohibition? Bootlegging (illegal selling of alcohol)

Speakeasies – Growth of illegal bars

Crime increased – Lots of people became criminals for simply supping alcohol

Lack of respect for law grew

Growth of criminals - Al Capone/Lucky Luciano – Even politicians like Joseph Kennedy (John Kennedy’s dad) were involved in bootlegging

Poisoning – People died from manufacturing their own alcohol. They used mouthwash for example!

Alcohol consumption dropped

More awareness of alcohol. AA was set up in 1935.

25. What was moonshine? Manufactured alcohol at home.

26. What paper declared that prohibition was a failure, and a “violation of personal liberty” in 1927?

Boston Globe

27. What happened on October 1929? The Wall Street Crash

28. What did this mean? Stocks collapsed – Fortunes collapsed and businesses closed. People became unemployed

29. What is “speculation” Investors gossip about how shares/stocks are going to do – Speculation was responsible for the collapse of shares.

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30. What was the impact of the crash? IHSBBUHE I have seven bombs buried under here really!

Investors lost heavily – The Vanderbilt family lost $40 million

Homelessness - Banks repossessed homes – homes had been used as insurance for credit

Suicide – Investors/bankers killed themselves

Bankruptcy – Companies crashed as people pulled out shares. 100,000 companies closed down 1929-1933.

Banks went out of business – people couldn’t repay loans

Unemployment rose to 12 million by 1932.

Hoovervilles – People built shacks out of rubbish/wood to live in. These were called “Hoovervilles” after president Hoover, who did little to help people.

Election of Roosevelt in 1933 – a democrat who vowed to help the poor.

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2. Race Relations in the USA 1955–1968 Key issue: To what extent did racial inequality exist in the USA in the 1950s? Segregation laws; attitudes in the Southern States; the Ku Klux Klan Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955–1956 Brown versus Topeka Board of Education Little Rock High School,1957 Living standards for African Americans. Key issue: How effective were the methods used by members of the Civil Rights Movement between 1961–1968? The Freedom Rides, 1961; Freedom Marches 1963 The Washington March, 1963 Black Power protests at the Mexico Olympics, 1968 The Black Power movement in the 1960s. Key issue: How important was Martin Luther King in the fight for Civil Rights in the USA? His role as a protest organiser, 1955–1963 The Civil Rights Act, 1964 Winning the Nobel Peace Prize, 1964 Race Riots, 1965–1967 The assassination of Martin Luther King.

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1. What year was slavery ended in the US? Who ended it? 1863 – Abraham Lincoln

2. When was the KKK formed and what does is stand for? 1866 – Klu Klux Klan

3. What name was given to the laws passed between 1876-1965? What did they do?

The Jim Crow Laws – Blacks were to be treated differently than whites.

4. Who was “Jim Crow”? A black caricature for white people to laugh at

5. What word means to be kept apart? Segregation

6. What were illegal hangings called? Lynching’s

7. Why did black people not unite to battle these laws Fear of being killed

8. Why did the 1950’s begin a new period of resistance? 1. Use of media could highlight issues and spread the word of protest, especially outside of the USA which caused embarrassment.

2. Black servicemen returned from WW2 – to what? Another racist style of government! Some were treated well overseas and recognised that they could be treated well. They had fought for freedom.

9. Name as many examples of segregation as possible. How many can you get?

Bus station waiting rooms and ticket windows Railroad cars or coaches Restaurants and lunch counters Schools and public parks Restrooms and water fountains Sections of movie theaters There were even separate cemeteries

10. What happened in 1943? Rosa Parks paid her fare, but the bus driver rode off when she got off the bus to re-embark through the back door.

11. What happened in 1954? Why was it so important in the story of the Civil Rights Movement?

Brown Vs Board of Education law – Two parents took the board of education to court over their daughter Linda Brown being refused access to local school – The court declared educational segregation was unconstitutional. The law backed black people.

12. Who was Anne Robinson? Educated member of the Women's Political Council in Montgomery. She encouraged community resistance on the town of Montgomery and planned the boycott.

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13. What was the NAACP and who was their leader? National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People – The only group that campaigned for black people. It was led by Ed Nixon.

14. What did he say about Rosa Parks? "I had to be sure that I had somebody I could win with." The NAACP wanted to organise a protest, but needed a good citizen people (both white and black) would get behind.

15. What happened on 1 Dec 1955? Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her seat

16. When did the bus boycott begin? 5 Dec, 1955 – The day of Rosa’s trial.

17. Who was the minister at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery and what did he become in 1956?

Martin Luther King – Elected leader of the MIA – Montgomery Improvement Association.

18. How did Montgomery council try to break the boycott? Leaked (false) reports to a newspaper that the boycott was over. MIA members went bar hopping (bar to bar) telling black people to ignore the paper reports.

King's home was bombed on January 30, and Nixon's home was bombed on February 1 1956.

February 21, 89 blacks were indicted under an old law prohibiting boycotts. King was the first defendant to be tried.

Whites also tried to break down the "private taxi" system that many blacks relied on. For example;

Liability insurance was cancelled four times in four months before King found an insurance company willing to insure private taxis (Lloyds of London!)

Police also arrested drivers for minor traffic offenses.

It became illegal for drivers to charge less than $3. ALL FAILED TO BREAK THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

19. How did black people work together in the boycott? Private Taxis

Clubbed together to buy cars

Churches hired station wagons to get black people to get to work. Called “Rolling Churches”.

Black people challenged other blacks to support one another.

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One black elderly woman said to a bus driver who stopped to

pick her up; “I ain't rushing to get on your bus. I'm just'

trying to catch up with that nigger who just got off, so I can

hit him with this here stick." Lloyds of London insured taxis! Taxis made the most of the service by cheap rates.

20. Why did the boycott succeed? Drove bus companies out of business.

Local businesses demanded change in law. It was their businesses in town suffering by black people not coming into town to spend money.

KKK lost their fear factor – One night a black boy was seen warming his hands at a burning cross. Real sense of “Togetherness”.

Black people were confident and willing to continue because of the Brown vs. Board victory in court – they believed the law would finally come onto their side.

21. Why was the boycott so important? First major step for civil rights movement

Showed peaceful protest could work

Black community came together for first time

Propelled MLK to media attention

US Supreme Court ruled in favour of the protest – segregation ruled unlawful. Another victory in the federal court.

22. What happened in 1958? Little Rock incident

23. Where was the school? Arkansas

24. Who was the president at the time? Eisenhower

25. Who was the governor of Little Rock and why did he refuse access to the Little Rock 9 into the school?

Governor Faubus – He wanted white support – He had been a supporter of civil rights but nearly lost his re-election. He reversed his position.

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26. Who was the black student split from the other 8 on their way to their first day at school? What happened to her?

Elizabeth Eckford – She was verbally abused and threatened by the white students and parents.

27. Who stopped them entering? Arkansas National Guard

28. What did the president do? Ordered Faubus to see him and tried to encourage him to let the nine students in.

29. What did the governor do? What happened? Replaced the NG with police – They were unable to cope with numbers. Riot broke out. A black reporter was assaulted. The students got in the school but then had to be sneaked out over fears of lynching.

30. How did the president respond? Sent in the Airborne Division to escort students in. They guarded the students in school. Eisenhower took charge of the NG and they replaced the airborne troops in November. They stayed protecting the students for the whole year, with weapons at their side.

31. Was Little Rock a success for the Civil Rights movement? Yes

Showed the president was willing to enforce the law (Brown Vs. Board)

Showed that FEDERAL power (govt) could be used over STATE (local power)

Media sensation – issue beamed round world. Gained publicity and embarrassed Arkansas.

It challenged people’s perceptions. For example, in 1996, the woman who screamed abuse at Eckford apologised for her behaviour and met her again.


Faubus closed the school down after a year

When it re-opened in 1960, only 3% of students were black – much lower than local black population

Parents of the Little Rock Nine lost their jobs. Most of the little rock 9 did not graduate.

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32. What were sit ins? The next campaign 1961-1963 – Black AND white supporters of the civil rights movement would sit in segregated seats in buildings and get arrested – Nor resistance.

33. Where and when was the most famous sit in? What happened? Woolworths – Greensboro, 1960. Woolworths reversed its segregation policy on seating.

34. Name the group that planned the sit ins. CORE (congress of racial equality)

35. What was the impact of sit ins? 70,000 people had participated in sit-ins across the country (more than 3,000 of these were arrested). Students from across the country became active participants in the civil right movement. Mass nonviolent direct action could be successful and brought national media attention to the new era of the civil rights movement. Use of jail/refusal to pay bail became a successful strategy Most stores (e.g. Woolworths) stopped segregation

36. What were freedom rides and when did they take place? 1961-1963 - People got on buses and went from place to place testing segregation laws around the south.

37. What happened at Aniston? Alabama White protestors attacked a bus with iron pipes and baseball bats and slashed its tires. They then beat up the occupants.

38. What was the impact of the freedom rides? Positive

Attorney General Robert Kennedy (Initially opposed to freedom rides) forced the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) to pass new laws on 1 Nov 1961 – segregated signs were removed – passengers could sit where they wanted.

Motivated many to join the civil rights movement

Inspired next movements voter registration/black power movement Negative

Violence began to become widespread – put some people off the movement – began radicalization (black power movement)

The press criticized CORE and the violence/confrontation that freedom rides seemed to cause.

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39. Where did the freedom rides end, and what was the major event it arrived at?

The Washington March, 1963 “March for jobs and freedom”

40. Who was the new president at this time? John F Kennedy

41. What was the impact of the Washington March and speech? Give at least four.

Speech became famous worldwide – Highlighted the Civil Rights Movement

Kennedy (at first against the march) swung his support behind the movement and met King.

Kennedy introduced the Civil Rights Act – It would eventually pass in 1964 after his assassination in November 1963

It showed the movement in good light – there was little violence despite there being 300,000 present

80% were black, but 20% white – It showed that the movement had cross-racial support

It inspired others to join the movement – e.g., John Lewis

It led to the bombing of a church and the killing of 4 black children

42. What happened in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? What was the impact?

Parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and golf courses in to avoid de- segregating them. Peaceful protestors attacked by fire hoses and police dogs. White opponents of civil rights movement looked violent.

43. What was the Voting Rights Act (or “Civil Rights Act) and when was it passed?

1964 - made it illegal to try to prevent black Americans from registering for the vote – It removed literacy tests for voters. Put through congress in 1965.

44. What was meant by “black power”? Pride in being black – Called for more “direct” action.

45. Name their leaders. Stokey Carmichael Malcolm X

46. Why did black power emerge? Churches had less power in the north. Northern blacks willing to use violence.

Some black people felt that social economic change was needed to bring black people out of poverty. Violence would achieve this quicker.

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MLK was less popular in the north. He had less government support (he criticised Vietnam)

Change was happening too slowly. Black people becoming impatient.

47. What were the aims of black power? Blacks should take more responsibility, power and control in their own communities (e.g. set up their own businesses).

Use of violence.

Focus on social and economic issues (e.g. poverty) rather than political issues (e.g. Jim Crow laws)

Study their own history and culture; Slogans Like "black is beautiful”.

Separatism – Blacks to have their own state - this is very different to segregation!)

Set up a Muslim state – Different from Christian nature of civil rights movement.

48. What was the impact of the black power movement? Were the successful?


Patrol the Pigs campaign: following cops and teaching Blacks their civil rights to reduce brutality and injustices.

Focus on poverty - Free breakfast and school for Black children.

Free healthcare centres and ‘liberation’ schools. Funded by local businesses and celebs. E.g. Jimi Hendrix (right) Influenced Red power (Indian)


FBI had poor relations with them. Leaders were also frequently jailed.

Some members were criminal or very violent and absorbed too

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much media attention. Lost white support because of shoot outs with police.

49. What happened at the Mexico Olympics in 1968? Black power salute in medal ceremony – 200 metres finalists

50. Who was involved? Peter Norman (Australian) Tommie Smith/John Carlos

51. What were they doing? What did it symbolise? Salute – The arc (both held up one arm each with a glove) – “arc” of black unity. (Normans idea) Carlos had forgotten his gloves

Black scarf – Black pride

Black beads round neck (slaves/that drowned in the crossing/lynching’s)

Black socks (poverty)

Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) badge

52. What was the impact? Olympic president resigned (he had been a Nazi sympathiser) Norman was dropped by Australian Olympic team Carlos and Smith criticised/attacked in the USA for breaking “Olympic spirit” World attention for black power movement

53. When and where was King assassinated? Why was he there? Memphis, Tennessee, 1968. He was there to support black garbage workers on strike.

54. Who killed him? James Earl Ray

55. What happened after? Huge riots across 60 American cities.

56. Why was King a great leader? Peaceful Christian nature of movement – gained white support Launched movement with Bus boycott (1955) Good at dealing with politicians, e.g., Kennedy Brilliant at speaking – Inspired others, for example John Lewis His death resulted in the 2nd Civil Rights Act, 1969 which swept away all discrimination in American life

57. Why did he begin to lose power/influence over the movement after 1964?

Aims became difficult - achieving economic equality not as easier to achieve as de-segregation. The north was less religious – more willing to use violence

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Failed to control black power movement – people left to join after 65 Opposed war in Vietnam – lost him political support and alienated some supporters

58. What did the Civil Rights Movement achieve? Give five successes. 1) The end of segregation in public places. 2) Many more schools are now fully integrated. 3) Far more blacks now vote in elections. 4) The first black mayor (Carl Stokes in Cleveland, 1968) was elected. 5) Many black authors and actors have become very successful.

59. Where did the movement fail? 1) 75% of the black population are still worse off than whites 2) Unemployment for blacks still high 3) Black people have lower educational standards than whites still 4) Ghettos remain in many cities 5) America is still a deeply divided society with racial problems, despite

the laws.

60. Which was the most important event in the Civil Rights Movements history?

You can argue for any of the following – Ensure you know WHY they are important. I have put them in order (my preference)

Brown Vs. Board (1954) – Starting point – Law on black side

Bus Boycott (1955) – First major stand – again, law

Washington March (1963)

Little Rock (1957)

Freedom Rides/Sit Ins (1961-1963)

Black power salute (1968)

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3. The USA and Vietnam: Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964–1975 Key issue: How effective were guerrilla tactics during the Vietnam War? The theory of Guerrilla warfare Guerrilla tactics, 1964–1968 The US response to guerrilla tactics: Operation Rolling Thunder; ‘Hearts and Minds’; Agent Orange and Napalm; Search and Destroy The My Lai Massacre, 1968. Key issue: How did the coverage of the Vietnam War in the USA lead to demands for peace? TV and media coverage of the war, from the Gulf of Tonkin to the evacuation of Saigon Protest movements in the USA, 1968–1973 The public reaction to the My Lai Massacre, the trial of Lieutenant Calley The Kent State University protest, 1970 The Fulbright Hearings, 1971. Key issue: Why were the US actions to end the Vietnam War unsuccessful? The Tet Offensive and its impact on the war, 1968 Attacks on Laos and Cambodia, 1970 US bombing of the North and attacks on Laos and Cambodia, 1970 –1972 The Paris Peace Conference and US withdrawal The fall of Saigon, 1975.

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1. Until 1954 Vietnam was ruled by the ________________ until the Vietminh removed them by force. French

2. Vietnam was divided into North and South. The North was ruled by?

The Communists

3. The Americans renamed the Vietminh the…? Vietcong

4. The Americans got involved because they feared the spread of __________________ and worried about the ________________ theory. The war lasted between………

Communism Domino 1964-1975

5. Aim of America in Vietnam War. To kill all the communists trying to over-run the South.

6. Name of US president during Vietnam War. Lyndon Johnson

7. Name of North Vietnam’s leader until his death in 1968 Ho Chi Minh

8. The Gulf of ______________incident gave the Americans an excuse to get militarily involved. Tonkin

9. Name given to warfare used by VC was what? Why did they use it? Guerrilla warfare – They couldn’t match the American firepower.

10. Five tactics of this warfare include; Ambushes/Booby traps/Hit and run/Tunnel Systems/Befriending south Vietnamese villagers

11. What road went through Cambodia into South Vietnam and supplied the VC? Ho Chi Minh Trail

12. The aim of the VC in the south was to turn the southern villagers into_________________ Communists

13. Rolling thunder was ___________________________________________ American bombing programme (1965-1967)

14. Two cities in the North that were not bombed heavily at first, but were later bombed were _______________ and ___________________

Hanoi (capital) and Haiphong (main port)

15. Search and destroy was the American policy of __________________________________(1) Finding VC and killing them in the jungles and villages of South Vietnam

16. What did America try to achieve with the South Vietnamese villagers? Win their hearts and minds.

17. What made them unpopular, both in S.Vietnam and around the world? Heavy bombing ( of a peasant nation) Chemical warfare (agent orange) Killing of civilians (My Lai for example, 1968)

18. What was the Tet offensive and when was it? A massive military offensive by the VC and NVA in the South.

19. What were the aims of the North during Tet? That the south would rise up with them and

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fight the Americans The war would become unpopular in America

20. The Tet Offensive was a success for American troops because (3 reasons) They killed thousands of VC who came out to fight

The South Vietnamese army (their allies) fought well

The southern Vietnamese did not rise up and fight against them

21. The Tet Offensive was a failure for American troops because (Give four reasons) Walter Cronkite (famous American broadcaster) said the War was now “unwinnable”. President Johnson said that Cronkite lost him “middle America”-

America had been saying they had been winning the War – this huge attack threw this into doubt – the North had a lot of soldiers left

The media showed some terrible footage of the battles and appeared to play down American victories

It looked like it would take a long time to win the war.

22. Name two media events during Tet that affected US opinion. Killing of VC soldier in Saigon (caught on camera/film) The VC stormed the US embassy – the media exaggerated the damage down to the embassy and US forces

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23. Which American base in the northern part of southern Vietnam was surrounded and almost over run?

Khe Sanh

24. What happened as a result of the Tet Offensive? 6 reasons… Americans realised that the war was far from over. The American public would not be willing to pay the price that America would have to pay.

The President lost the support of the American people. In March 1968, he would announce his resignation. His popularity had fallen to 26%.

Walter Cronkite announced the War as now “unwinnable”. The images broadcast home have a traumatic impact on the people at home. It was a psychological victory for the South.

America announces a cessation of the bombing of North Vietnam and a desire to seek peace.

America won a military victory. The VC were decimated and the south did not rise up in support of the North as they had hoped. The North now agreed to the peace talks as well.

The US Congress refused to give General Westmoreland any more troops. They have had enough of the War.

25. Why did the North delay peace talks between 1968 and 1972? They were happy for the public in America to force a US withdrawal They were able to re-build their military

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forces after being decimated during Tet.

26. What three choices did Nixon face when he replaced Johnson, and what would be their impacts? Carry on with War (public anger) Withdraw from Vietnam (humiliation) Vietnamisation (allows America to save face)

27. What was Vietnamisation? Withdrawal of US forces, and training of South Vietnamese Army (ARVN).

28. What was the ARVN? Army of Republic of Vietnam

29. Why did the US Generals oppose Vietnamisation? They did not believe the ARVN could be trusted or able enough to defend the South – It was also giving in at a time when they felt the US were on top after Tet – They believed one big push could win the War.

30. Why did Americans turn against the war in Vietnam? Remember MDATC My Day At Tudor College

MEDIA COVERAGE People seeing on TV the reality of war. Soldiers are seen being killed and interviews show soldiers disillusioned.

DRAFT Many having to fight who didn’t want to. It seemed that the poor were fighting the war whilst the rich got away with it.

AMERICAN METHODS Use of napalm, heavy bombing, killing of civilians made America look the bad guy.

TET OFENSIVE Shows that America is not winning the War. It will take a long time to defeat the determined North Vietnamese. Cronkite, the respected news broadcaster turns middle America against the War.

CAMBODIA Nixon goes back on his promise to end the War by invading Cambodia. He ESCALATES the war.


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31. What was the My Lai massacre? What happened as a result? Killing of 500 plus civilians by US troops – further turned people against the War – The military tried to cover it up. Showed the lack of professionalism of US soldiers and failure of search and destroy policy.

32. Why did Nixon invade Cambodia in 1970? Fed up with VC and NVA fleeing to Cambodia and not taking peace talks seriously.

33. What happened as a result of the Cambodia invasion? Ken State university demonstration – 4 students killed – further angers US public and turn against the War.

34. What were the Fulbright hearings and when did they take place? William Fulbright was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee It was an investigation into the Vietnam War. 1966-1971.

35. What happened at the hearings? Twenty two people gave evidence, some pro and some anti- war. It was filmed on television. One of the witnesses was John Kerry – a Vietnam Veteran. His statements caused a huge outcry, specifically when mentioning their Winter Soldier Investigation which revealed problems in Vietnam – war crimes/drug use of soldiers. Shockingly, that My Lai was not a one off and that this was official war policy.

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36. What was the impact? Further protest against the War The May Day protests in Washington lasted for several days 35,000 protestors were met by a combination of the army, police & national guard of about 10,000. 12,000 were arrested but it was a huge issue with the Nixon administration. The protests unnerved the administration and arguably speeded up US withdrawal from Vietnam.

37. What did America do in 1972 and why? Massive bombing of North to persuade them to take talks seriously and stop advancing into Southern territory – It worked.

38. What did the North do? What happened in the US as a result? Agreed to peace talks in Paris. Seen as victory for Nixon – Yet caused huge protests.

39. What was the operation called? Operation Linebacker

40. How many bombs were dropped on the North? 200,000 bombs fell on Northern cities including the capitol, Hanoi.

41. What was the “mad man theory”? The CIA let it be known that Nixon was mentally unstable and might use nuclear weapons if the war went on for much longer! This scared the North Vietnamese

42. When did peace talks begin? What was agreed at the Peace talks? a. All US forces removed from Vietnam.

b. US Prisoners of War released by North Vietnam.

c. Government of South Vietnam allowed to

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continue, but North Vietnamese forces could stay in areas that they already controlled.

d. Elections to be held to determine whether Vietnam would be united or not.


43. How did Americans react to the peace talks? Peace was greeted with relief in the USA & Kissinger (foreign secretary) praised.

44. What did the North now do? Peace gave them time to prepare for an invasion – they would go back on their agreement.

45. What happened between 1974-1975? The North invaded. America failed to support the South – the US public had had enough, and Nixon was now out of office (Watergate Scandal)

46. When did the War end? May 1975 – The North took Saigon without a fight.

47. What did the TV show? Panic as people tried to flee from Saigon – US embassy was swamped with people who worked for the US trying to get out. US helicopters fled form the embassy rooftop and the war was now over.

48. How many American troops and North Vietnamese were killed in Vietnam? 58.000 – Roughly 1/5 of them were killed by friendly fire – a result of heavy firepower and guerrilla tactics. Over a million North Vietnamese were killed.

49. What was Saigon renamed? Ho Chi Minh City.

50. How many US soldiers are still MIA? (missing in action, presumed still imprisoned in North Vietnam) 2,500. Campaigns continue to try and freed them. Vietnam denies they exist

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