Download - Parent Lesson - Week 3



FOOD MATCH WHAT YOU NEED: Food Match Activity Page (see below)

WHAT YOU DO: Copy the activity pages on cardstock (so the paper is not see-through) and cut apart, two sets. Show your child the picture cards then place cards face down and mix around. Encourage them to take turns turning two cards over at a time to make a match. When a match is made, remove the cards. Play until all matched are made. Repeat as many times as desired. WHAT YOU SAY: “Let’s play a memory match game! These cards have pictures of yummy food to eat. Let’s flip them over and mix them up. We’ll take turns flipping two cards over at a time to find a match. Where do we go to get food? Yes, we get our food from the store. Today, we’ll hear a story about how God gave some people food in a VERY special way.”



BIBLE LESSON WHAT YOU SAY: “Today’s TRUE story starts in a desert. Have you ever been to a desert? This one was hot and sandy. Show me what you look like when you’re hot and sweaty. Whew! God’s people, the Israelites, were in the desert. And they were NOT happy about it. Show me your unhappy face. Good job! They were hot and sweaty and HUNGRY. Show me what you look like when you’re hungry. Yikes! Let’s go see what happens next.” BIBLE LESSON WHAT YOU DO: Show the teaching video now. VIDEO LINK:

WRAPPING UP THE STORY WHAT YOU SAY: “Finally, the Israelites stopped worrying. They knew that they could trust God to give them what they needed each day. And they were thankful. But what about us? Can God give US what we need each day? Yes! So, we can be thankful. Thankful when it’s pizza day or rice day or taco Tuesday because we can thank God for everything. In fact, let’s pray right now and thank God for everything. Close your eyes, and let’s talk to God together.” PRAYER WHAT YOU SAY: “God, You are big, awesome, and wonderful. Thank You for giving the Israelites the food they needed each day in the desert. Thank You for giving us what we need, too. Thank You for always loving us. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”


MEMORY VERSE WITH MOTIONS WHAT YOU SAY: “I’m going to say our memory verse. Watch me! I will give thanks (thumbs to chest). To the Lord (point up) With my whole heart (hands over heart) Psalm 111:1. (Open your hands like a book). Now let’s do it together! Are you ready? I will give thanks (thumbs to chest). To the Lord (point up) With my whole heart (hands over heart) Psalm 111:1. (Open your hands like a book).” JOURNAL AND PRAYER WHAT YOU SAY: “Today’s Bible story was about something amazing that God did! Moses and the people didn’t have any food. What was the amazing thing God did about it? You’re right! God gave the people food. Moses and the people thanked God for their food, and you can thank God for your food, too. You can thank God for EVERYTHING. Who can you thank for everything? I can thank God for everything. You sure can! Let’s write in our prayer journal and talk to God. Since Moses and the people were thankful for the food God gave them, I think we should make a list of some of our favorite foods. Then when we pray, we can thank God for our food. This list is making me hungry! Let’s use it when we pray.” Prayer WHAT YOU SAY: “Dear God, Thank You for all of the yummy food you give us. Thank You for (read the list you made). Help us thank You for everything, even the foods that aren’t our favorites, because we can thank You for everything! You are the best, God, and we love You very much. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


TABLETOP THANKS WHAT YOU NEED: Tabletop Thanks Activity Page (see below), Crayons/Markers, Tape WHAT YOU DO: Copy the activity page on cardstock for your child. Encourage them to decorate and color their paper. When they are done, help them fold at the designated lines then tape it shut so it will stand up on a table. WHAT YOU SAY: “Who can we thank for all the food we have? That’s right! We can thank God for our food. Let’s make a thankful decoration for your kitchen table. No matter what food we eat, we can always thank God for it. In our story today, we heard about the Israelites. They were God’s people. They were out in the hot, sandy, desert, and they were hungry. God told them He would give them food. Every night while they were asleep, God covered the ground with bread. When the Israelites woke up, they had bread for breakfast. Moses and the Israelites thanked God for their food, and we can thank God for our food, too. Because we can thank God for everything! Who can you thank for everything? I can thank God for everything!”