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  • 8/10/2019 Paradigm Shift and Steel Industry


    Paradigm shift and steel industry

    Posted bySatyendraon May 15, 2013 inArticles|1 comment

    Paradigm shift and steel industry

    A Paradigm Shift is when a significant change happens usually from one fundamental view to

    a different view. In most cases, some type of major discontinuity occurs as well. In laymen

    terms, Paradigm Shift is a popular, or perhaps, not so popular shift or transformation of the way

    we Humans perceive events, people,environment, and life altogether. It can be a national or

    international shift, and could have dramatic effects whether positive or negative on the

    way we live our lives today and in the future.

    Paradigm shift is a basic theory. It is a conceptual framework within which scientific theories are

    constructed. It is notion of a major change in a certain existing pattern. It is a radical change in

    personal beliefs, complex systems and organizations replacing the former way of thinking with a

    radically different way of thinking. During paradigm shift one conceptual view point of the

    world changes to another conceptual view point. It is a revolution, a transformation and a sort of


    A paradigm shift is visible when a significant change had happened usually from one

    fundamental view to another fundamental thinking. In simple language paradigm shift is a

    significant popular or unpopular change, shift or transformation of the way human being

    perceive life, environment, events, working methods and implements from an earlier way to a

    new way. The shift has dramatic effect whether positive or negative on the way the life as it is

    lived today. In this shift, todays dominant viewpoint is changed to another viewpoint. Paradigm

    shifts normally bring irreversible changes. The transformation in paradigm shift can be gradualor sudden but ultimately it changes the way of thinking or way of doing things.

    Thomas Kuhn fathered, defined and popularized the concept of paradigm shift. He wrote about

    Paradigm Shift during the early 1960s, and explained how series of peaceful interludes

    punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions caused one conceptual world view to be
  • 8/10/2019 Paradigm Shift and Steel Industry


    replaced by another view. He wrote a book in 1962 on the structure of scientific revolution. In

    his book he described it as a change in basic assumptions within the ruling theory of sciences. As

    per him the successive transition from one paradigm to another paradigm is the usual

    development pattern of mature science. He gave scientific paradigm its contemporary meaning

    when he adopted it to refer to the set of practices that define a scientific discipline during a time


    Thomas Kuhn explained that a scientific revolution occurs when scientists encounter anomalies

    which cannot be explained by the universally accepted paradigm within which scientific progress

    had been made hitherto. When enough significant anomalies have accrued against a current

    paradigm, the scientific discipline is then thrown into a state of crisis. During this crisis period

    new ideas, perhaps ones previously discarded are tried. Eventually a new paradigm is formedwhich gains the acceptance all around. This shift of scientific discipline from one paradigm to

    another is known as paradigm shift.

    During paradigm shift series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectual violent revolutions

    happens. It just does not happen on its own but rather it is helped and driven by the agents of


    A techno economic paradigm shift is the embodiment of this new potential in a new set o f bestpractice principles that accompanies the diffusion of each technological revolution. The new

    paradigm is capable of transforming every branch of the industry and the economy, renovating

    products and processes, relocating activities, redefining markets, redesigning firms and gradually

    modifying the ways of producing and the ways of living.

    Paradigm shifts result in new businesses that transform or destroy old ones. According to

    Utterback (Fig 1), when an invading technology first appears (t1), the established technology

    generally offers better performance or cost than the challenger, which is still

    unperfected. Eventually, as the performance characteristics of the challenger reaches the point

    where it matches that of established technology (t2), incumbent leaders perceive the threat and

    invest heavily to sustain their business models and leadership. Their resulting innovations cause

    them to rocket past the invader with rapid innovations and improvements. Eventually, by time

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    t3, the challenging technology continues to improve and equals existing industry performance,

    on this path to ultimate leadership.

    Fig 1 Competition between established and invading product

    Competitive priorities when paradigms shift

    Even though a new paradigm may not have open competition, competitive priorities are still

    relevant for strategies to cross the gap between paradigms. In fact, competitive strategies exist

    across technological paradigms, since existing strategies are being threatened by the new

    technological paradigms. Each paradigm has its own life cycle of development, with a

    continuing sequence of competitive priorities leading to continuous improvements. The

    performance of existing competitors impacts on the ability of firms with new paradigms from

    bridging the competitive market gap, i.e., developing a strategy and capabilities for the paradigm

    that outperforms existing paradigms. Hence, in the context of paradigm shifts, it is important to

    understand that competitive priorities are critical in bridging the gap.

    To cross the gap, a paradigms success strongly depends on its existing capabilities and

    competitive performance. This means that quality and cost metrics must first provide the new

    paradigm with a significant advantage over incumbent paradigms. This is akin to advancing the

    price/performance frontier. Accordingly, the need to focus on basic competitive performance
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    suggests that quality, dependability, and cost may be critical in bridging the gap. Flexibility

    appears to be a priority for maturing markets with more standardized technologies, such as Dell

    applies to computers. Such flexibility is seldom a competitive factor in new business. Quality

    remains the most important priority and reliability remain entry level priorities. Cost then sets the

    new paradigm on a growth path. We hypothesize that competitive priorities between paradigms

    must be addressed in the same fashion as competitive priorities within established paradigms.

    Initially, the success of a new product-market strategy will depend on its competitive value,

    based on its quality and reliability characteristics first, and then its cost. Once a new paradigm

    becomes accepted, its competitive success hinges on a steady stream of innovation that

    sequentially and cumulatively improves competitive quality, dependability, cost and flexibility.

    There are many examples of paradigm shift in every sphere of life. Adoption of settled life withagriculture by man in place of wandering life is one of the earlier examples of paradigm shift.

    During sixties invention of quartz watches replaced the mechanically driven watches. This has

    thrown out of gear the highly successful Swiss watch industry which was based on mechanical

    watches. This shift was a paradigm shift. Now another paradigm shift is taking place which is

    making even the wrist watches irrelevant. In cricket switch over from test cricket to 50-50

    version and now to 20-20 version is a paradigm shift. Further examples of paradigm shifts are

    replacement of postal mails by e mails, replacement of landline phones with mobile phones and

    so on.

    There are a large numbers of examples of paradigm shifts in the iron and steel industry. Some of

    major amongst them are given below.

    1. Replacement of reduction of iron ore from charcoal to coke

    2. Replacement of wrought iron with steel.

    3. Development of processes like pelletizing and sintering for utilization of mines wastes


    Evolution of oxygen steel making

    5. Replacement of ingot casting with continuous casting

    6. Processes relating to reduction in the process steps such as thin slab casting and rolling.

    7. Processes related to environment protection and energy conservations

    8. Technologies related to automation and controls of the processes

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    These technological developments have led to a paradigm shift in the way steel is made, the

    price, quality and range of products generated, energy requirements, material usage and the

    byproducts generated. The paradigm shift has brought and bringing a considerable change in the

    basic structure of steel industry.

    During the shifting of the paradigms, the earlier paradigms become irrelevant. They loose their

    identity and soon disappear from the scene. The organizations which judge this shift in time and

    change over to the new paradigm earlier than others become successful organizations and

    succeed in the competitive field.