Download - Paper 15

Page 1: Paper 15

1 SPOOLING is _________

simultaneous passive operation online

static peripheral operation online

simultaneous peripheral operation online

None of these options

2 _______is a program execution.




All of these options

3 _______ is an operating system




All of these options

4 The I/O request is largely processed by _________controller without the direct participation of CPU





5 _____is not a layer of OSI model


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6 The unit of measurement of data transfer rate is ______




None of these options

7 The characters are formed by electrostatic deflection plates in

Line printer

Dot Matrix printer

Laser printer

Inkjet printer

8 Magnetic disk is a ________ storage device

Direct access

Indirect access

Random access

None of these options

9 In the first generation machines, Instructions were written in__________

Machine language

Assembly language

Machine language and Assembly language

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High level language

10 The second generation machines saw the emergence of ____________

High level language

Operating system

Assembly language

High level language and Operating system

11 Digitization is composed of __________ and __________.

Scanning and Encoding

Sampling and Quantisation

Selection and Sorting

None of these options

12 _________ card enables the PC to transfer images of hard copy documents via telephone line

Colour and graphics adapter card

Network interface card

Fax modem card

Motion video card

13 The earliest Device which qualifies as a Computer is

Super Computer

Main Frame


Mini Computer

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14 _______ is a non-volatile memory chip in which data once stored cannot be altered by programmer





15 ______ is the brain of the computer.




None of these options

16 Storing programs on disk and then transferring these programs into main storage is called.




Process loading

17 SCSI Interface helps in

Extends the computer`s Bus outside the computer

Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Conversions

Projects information from a computer on a large screen

It is an Interface unit between I/O device and Ports

18 _______ is a device capable of changing signals from one form to another.


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19 Which of the following is true in regard to Work station.

It is a powerful desktop computer designed to meet greater processing power, large storage etc.

It is not used for computer aided design

They can be used by several personnel at a time

All of these options

20 All are Non-volatile memories EXCEPT



Secondary Storage

Primary Storage

21 The interface that enables similar networks to communicate is called

Bus network


Cable modem


22 The Calculations & decision making is done in

Control Unit



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Control Unit and ALU

23 ______refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together




None of these options

24 ___________ is the Software made available on Hardware stored in ROM.





25 All of the following are computer Language Processors EXCEPT:


Translation Software


None of these options

26 _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.





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27 The quality of Algorithm is judged on the basis of_________

Time requirement

Memory Requirement

Accuracy of solution

All of these options

28 A file management system typically supports the following types of files, EXCEPT:

Transaction file

Storage file

Master file

Backup file

29 The file organization method which stores records in no specific order is called:


Indexed Sequential



30 The file organization method that can be used with magnetic tape storage is:



Indexed Sequential

None of these options

31 The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm


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None of these options

32 Following are the advantages of flow charts

Promotes logical accuracy

Facilitates trouble shooting

Indicates the role played at each level

All of these options

33 A sequence of precise and un ambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a finite number of operation is___________




None of these options

34 The flowcharts used to describe the sequence of operations for a particular problem is called

System flowcharts

Program flowcharts

Activity flowcharts

None of these options

35 Connector is used as a substitute for



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Flow Lines

Input Output

36 An overloaded operator ________ .

cannot have default arguments.

can be a unary operator.

if it is not a member of a class, must have, at least, one argument of a user-defined type.

all these options are correct

37 In object oriented concept an object is defined as

Instance of class

Objects are variable of class type

Object maps real world entities.

All of these options

38 What name is given to a collection of components or routines?





39 The data type created by the data abstraction process is called



Abstract Data type

User Define Data type

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40 When the language has the capability to produce new data type,it is called____.





41 Which of the following are class relationships?

is-a relationship.

Part-of relationship.

Use-a relationship.

All of these options.

42 An object containing other object is called_____.



Containing and Composition

None of these options

43 Object Oriented Technology`s use of _________ facilitates the reuse of the code and architecture and its __________ feature provides systems with stability, as a small change in requirements does not require massive changes in the system:

Encapsulation; inheritance

Inheritance; polymorphism

Inheritance; encapsulation

Polymorphism; abstraction

44 What term in procedural languages corresponds most closely with "classes" in OOP?


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System-defined data type

User-defined data type

45 Suppose that the Test class does not have an overloaded assignment operator. What happens when an assignment a=b; is given for two Test objects a and b?

The automatic assignment operator is used

The copy constructor is used

Compiler error

Run-time error

46 What happens when an exception is not caught?

Program execution proceeds normally.

A catch block is automatically created by the compiler.

A compile time error.

The program terminates.

47 Which of the following do you think is used to seperate the base classes in a base class list?

Comma (,)

Colon (:)

Semi-colon (;)

Tilde (~)

48 In OOP`s, advantage of inheritance include.

Providing a useful conceptual framework.

Avoiding rewriting a code.

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Facilitating class libraries.

All of these options

49 Abstract class cannot have ________-.

Zero instance.

Multiple instance.

Both Zero instance & Multiple instance.

None of these options.

50 Two functions with the same name ________ .

must have different signatures

are only allowed in different class libraries.

are allowed only if they return different data types.

None of these

51 Following are the data type qualifiers except:





52 What will be the value of variable a in the following code? unsigned char a; a = 0xFF + 1; printf("%d", a);




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53 A C variable cannot start with

an alphabet

a number

a special symbol

both number and special symbol

54 The format string of printf() function can contain:

characters, conversion specifications and escape sequences

character, integers and floats

strings, integers and escape sequences

inverted commas, percentage sign and backslash character

55 Consider the following statements. i.Multiplication associates left to right ii.Division associates left to right iii.Unary Minus associates right to left iv.subtraction associates left to right

All are true

only i and ii are true

all are false

only iii and iv are true

56 A character variable can at a time store

1 character

8 characters

254 characters

None of these options

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57 void main() {    int a=10,b=20;    char x=1,y=0;    if(a,b,x,y)    {       printf("CDAC");    } } What is the output?

DAC is printed

cdac is printed

Compiler Error

Nothing is printed

58 An unsigned interger variable contains values

Greater or equal to zero

Less than zero

Only zeroes

Either greater or equal to zero or less than zero

59 Which of the followings is not a C operator?





60 The expression, a = 7/22 * (3.14 + 2) * 3/5; evaluates to



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60 The expression, a = 7/22 * (3.14 + 2) * 3/5; evaluates to





61 What is the result of 16>>2?





62 The value of the expression 3 ^ 2 & ~ 1 is :





63 Consider void main() {    unsigned char a;    a = 0xFF + 1;    printf("%d", a); }

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What value of variable a will be printed?





64 The break statement is used to exit from:

an if statement

a for loop

a program

the main() function

64 The break statement is used to exit from:

an if statement

a for loop

a program

the main() function

65 The minimum number of iterations that a `for` loop could make,is



Cant be said

None of these options

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66 How many times will the value in y be displayed in the following program segment? #include<stdio.h>void main(){    for(int x=0;x<5;x++)      for(int y=0;y<20;y++)      {         if(y >10) break;         printf("\n %d\t",y);      }}





67 The statement that tests to see if sum is equal to 10 and total is less than 20, and if so, prints the text string "incorrect.", is

if( (sum = 10) && (total < 20) )printf(

if( (sum == 10) && (total < 20) )printf(

if( (sum == 10) ¦¦ (total < 20) )printf(

None of these options

68 "if flag is 1 or letter is not an `X`, then assign the value 0 to exit_flag, else set exit_flag to 1" should be written as

if( (flag = 1) ¦¦ (letter != `X`) )exit_flag = 0;else exit_flag = 1;

if( (flag == 1) ¦¦ (letter <> `X`) )exit_flag = 0;else exit_flag = 1;

if( (flag == 1) ¦¦ (letter != `X`) )exit_flag = 0;else exit_flag = 1;

None of these options

69 What is the output of the following program?

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#include <stdio.h> main() { int a, count; int funct (int count); for(count = 1; count <=5; count++) { a = funct(count); printf("%d", a); } } int funct (int x) { int y; y = x * x; return (y); }



compilation error

none of the above

70 Formal parameters to a function cannot be declared as static because….

Arguments are always passed on the stack to support recursion

Arguments are always passed on the heap

False statement

None of these options

71 What is the output of the program? #include <stdio.h> void fn(int *p) { p++; *p=50; *(p+1)=100; *(p+2)=200; } void main() { int a[6]; a[0]=0; a[1]=1; a[2]=2; a[3]=3; a[4]=4;a[5]=5;

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fn(&a[1]); printf("%d",a[2]); }




None of these options

72 What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> char *someFun() {    char *temp = "String constant";    return temp; } main() {    puts (someFun()); }

String constant

Null value


None of these options

73 If int arr[3][3][3] is a three dimensional array of integers, which of the following refers to the arr[2][3][1] element in the array?





74 What is the output of the following code? #include <stdio.h> main()

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{ float a[] = {13.24,1.5,1.5,5.4,3.5}; float *j,*k; j=a; k=a+4; j=j*2; k=k/2; printf(""%d%d"",*j,*k); }



Garbage values

Compilation Error

75 Consider the program segment given below: 1. #include<stdio.h>2. int y;3. void main()4. {5. int x,*px,**ppx;6. x = 10;7. y = 1000;8. px = &x;9. ppx = &px;10. f4(ppx);11. printf("%d",*px);12. }13. f4(int **pp)14. {15. int k;16. k=200;17. *pp=&k;18. printf("%d",**pp);19. }The printf() at line 11 prints the value :




Any junk value

76 #include<stdio.h>

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int prg(int); main() { int a=10,j=3,i=2; prg(a); a*=( i + j ); printf("%d",a); } int prg(int x) { int k=2; x*=k; return (x); } What is the output of this program?




None of these options

77 Consider the program segment given below. (The italicized numbers represent program line numbers): 1. #include<stdio.h>2. int y;3. void main()4. {5. int x,*px,**ppx;6. x = 10;7. y = 1000; 8. px = &x;9. ppx = &px;10. f1(px);11. printf("%d",*px);12. }13. f1(int *p)14. {15. *p = 20;16. printf("%d",*p);}The printf() at line 11 prints the value:




None of the above

78 void main()

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{ char *p; p="Hello"; printf("%d",p[0]); } The output of the above code is :





79 The correct way for a structure in C to contain a pointer to itself is

typedef struct { char *item; NODEPTR next; } *NODEPTR;

struct node { char *item; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *NODEPTR;

Both are correct.

None of above.

80 The operation for adding an entry to a stack is traditionally called:





81 Transform this expression to postfix form? A$B*C-D+E/F/(G+H)



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+/+HG/FE-D* C$BA

None of these

82 The five items: A, B, C, D and E are pushed in a stack, one after the other starting from A. The stack is popped four times and each element is inserted in a queue. Then two elements are deleted from the queue and pushed back on the stack. Now one item is popped from the stack. The popped item is.





83 Which of the following is not an operation of queue, assuming that queue has items `Q` and `X`?





84 A linear list, in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle, is known as





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85 Which of the following operation is performed more efficiently by doubly linked list than by linear linked list?

Deleting a node whose location is given

Searching an unsorted list for a given item.

Inserting a node after the node with a given location

Traversing the list to process each node.

86 The drawback of linked list is that

To search an item entire list is to be traversed

It is linked

It has pointers

It can be implemented as an array

87 Write the infix form of following -A/B*C$DE

A – B /C * D $ E

A – B / (C * D $ E)

A – (B / C * D $ E)

A / B – (C $ D * E)

88 What do you think is true about queue data structure? i. It is a LILO data structureii. Element from queue are deleted from rear endiii. We can design a circular queue

i & ii

i & iii

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ii only

i only

89 What kind of list is best to answer questions such as "What is the item at position n?"

Lists implemented with an array.

Doubly-linked lists.

Singly-linked lists.

Doubly-linked or singly-linked lists are equally best

90 What would be the output of the following program? #include <stdio.h> main() { printf("\n%c", "abcdefgh"[4]); }





91 Select the correct C code which will read a line of characters (terminated by a \n) from input_file into a character array called buffer. NULL terminate the buffer upon reading a \n.

int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch != `\n`) && (ch != EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] = NULL;

int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch = "\n") && (ch = EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop--; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] = NULL;

int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch <> "\n") && (ch != EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] = -1;

None of the above

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92 Which of the following are correctly formed #define statements

#define INCH PER FEET 12

#define SQR (X * X) (X)

#define SQR (X* X * X)

#define SQR(X) (X) * (X)

93 What`s the difference between memcpy and memmove?

memmove offers guaranteed behavior if the source and destination arguments overlap. memcpy makes no such guarantee.

memcpy offers guaranteed behavior if the source and destination arguments overlap. memmove makes no such guarantee.

They are equivalent.

None of the above.

94 Consider a linked list of n elements. What is the time taken to insert an element pointer ?




O(n log2n)

95 #include <stdio.h> void main() { int I=3,*j,**k; j=&I; k=&j; printf("%d%d%d",*j,**k,*(*k)); } What is the output of the above program code?

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96 What is the output of the following code? #include <stdio.h> aaa() {    printf("hi"); } bbb() {    printf("hello"); } ccc() {    printf("bye"); } main() {    int (*ptr[3]) ();    ptr[0]=aaa;    ptr[1]=bbb;    ptr[2]=ccc;    ptr[3]=(); }





97 The value of the expression 3 ^ 2 & ~ 1 is :




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98 What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; int i,*ptr; for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++) printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]); }


6 5 4 3 2

0 garbage garbage garbage garbage

4 3 2 1 0

99 Typedef struct error{int warning, error, exception;}error; main() { error g1; g1.error = 1; printf("%d",g1.error); }


garbage value


None of the above

100 The statement which reproduces the following output, is 1 22 333 4444 55555

a = 1; while(a <= 5){

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while(b <= a){printf("%d ", a);b = b + 1;};a = a + 1;}a = 1,b; while(a <= 5){b = 1;while(b <= a){printf("%d", a);b = b + 1;}printf("\n");a = a + 1;}a = 1; while(a <= 5){while(b <= 5){printf("%d", a);b = b + 1;}a = a + 1;printf(" ");}a = 1; while(a <= 5){printf(" ");b = 1;while(a <= b){printf("%d", a);b = b + 1;}a = a + 1;}

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.



redundant : wordy

saturn : venus

heavenly : starry

wolf : sly

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.



Requital :reverberate




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Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


103 CONE : PINE ::

fruit : berry

bulb : flower

acorn : oak

needle : fir

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.



itinerary : trip

signal : light

tenant : premises

volume : library

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.







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Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


106 Imitation : Individuality ::

determination : success

recklessness : courage

vanity : conformity

debauchery : morality

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.


107 FETTER :





Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.






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Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.







Directions:- Sentence Correction


110 They must either choose the plans we proposed or the ones approved by the preceding administration.

must either choose the plans we proposed

either must choose the plans we proposed

must choose either plans we proposed

either have to choose the plans we proposed

Directions:- Sentence Correction


111 The young reporter went out on many routine assignments until his ability of grasp essentials was proved

Until his ability to grasp essentials was proved

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Until his ability to grasp essential was proved

Until his ability to grasp essential was proven

Until he proved his ability to grasp essentials

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.


112 OCCULT :





Directions:- Sentence Completion


113 It may be useful to think of character in fiction as a function of two ________ impulses: the impulse to individualize and the impulse to __________.

analogous  humanize

disparate  aggrandize

divergent  typify

comparable  delineate

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


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114 ODE : POEM ::

character : novel

brick: building

ballad : song

street : intersection

Directions:- Sentence Correction


115 John found a new job more preferable to the one he had left so he decided to continue on for a while.

more preferable to the one he had left so he decided to continue on

preferable to the one he had left so he decided to continue on

more preferable to the one he had left so he decided to continue

preferable to the one he had left so he decided to continue

116 In the closing days of the civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was planning to graciously welcome the defeated confederate states back into the Union. After Lincoln was assassinated, however, the "Radical Republicans" in Congress imposed martial law in the South, creating resentment that caused problems well into this century. Had Lincoln lived, the history of regional conflict in 20th century America would have been considerably different. All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT

The imposition of martial law in the South was primarily responsible for the resentment felt in the South

Had he lived, lincoln would have treated hte defeated South as he had planned

Lincoln would have been able to prevent the Radical Republicans in Congress from imposing martial law in the South

Factors other than the imposition of martial law in the South affected the history of regional conflicts in 20th century America

Directions:- In each of the following questions are given some statements followed by conclusions that can be drawn from them choose the conclusion which appeals to you to be the

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most correct


117 sushil is the son of the teacher. mohan is the teacher and he has a son and daughter therefore mohan is the father of sushil

definitely true

probably true

cannot say

probably false

Directions:- For each question, chose the best answer among the listed alternatives.


118 A politician wrote the following: "I realize there are shortcomings to the questionaire method. However, since I send a copy of the quetionnaire to every home in the district, I believe the results are quite representative.... I think the numbers received are so large that it is quite accurate even though the survey is not done scientifically"

Most people who received the questionnaire have replied

Most people in the district live in homes.

the questionnaire method of data collection is unscientific

A large, absolute number of replies is synonymous with accuracy


119 During 1985, advertising expenditures on canned food products increased by 20%, while canned food consumption rose by 25%.Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except:

Advertising effectiveness increased.

Canned food prices decreased relative to substitutes.

Canned food products are available in more stores.

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Can opener production doubled.

120 You are a senior officer and you are invited by your junior staff to have refreshment during lunch hours again and again. You also notice that they want to take a little liberty with you. What will be your attitude ?

you want to show your gentlemanliness, so you will always accept the offer

you will give some excuse that you will have tea with them after office hours

you will rebuke them harsly for their move,

you will decline the repeated invitation politely.


121 In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in a straight line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it. The cups are numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the balls is painted a single solid color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange, purple, red, and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in a manner that conforms to the following conditions:

The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-numbered cup than the orange ball.

The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent to the cup under which the magenta ball is hidden.

The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.

Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups, in order from 1 through 6?

Green, yellow, magenta, red, purple, orange

Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow

Magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange

Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple

122 An employment questionnaire asks the prospective employee, "If XYZ company hires you, will you continue to use drug?" The prospective employee may not wish to indicate "yes" or "no" because

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1. a simple "yes" or "no" answer could indict the applicant.

2. The question contains an implication to which the applicant may not wish to lend credence.

3. The question presents a moral judgment.

1 only

2 only

1 and 2 only

2 and 3 only

Directions:- Which of the following can be best inferred from the passage?


123 In winning its bitter,protracted battle to acquire Blue industries, Inc., Bell industries has fulfilled its goal to lessen its reliance on tobacco holdings, while the $5.2 billion deal may spur more takeover activity in the insurance, analysts said.

Blue Industries is in the tobacco industry.

Belle Industries is in the insurance business

Blue Industries is in the insurance business.

More divestment takes place in the tobacco

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R are intelligent in mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies hindi and psychology


124 whi is intelligent in psychology,hindi and buddhist studies



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Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R are intelligent in mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies hindi and psychology


125 who is intelligent in psychology, geology and buddhist studies





126 Which of the following letters would be 6th to the right of the letter which is 18th from the right in the following of the alphabet





Directions:- For each of these questions, select the best of the answer choices given.

The local race track is a square with four turns. In order to measure a racer`s performance, four timers - Aaron, Bill, Chad, Derek - are positioned around the track as follows :

Each timer is positioned between two turns.

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No two timers are between the same two turns.

The starting post is also considered the fourth turn.

Aaron is adjacent to the third turn.

Derek is adjacent to the fourth turn.

Aaron is not adjacent to the fourth turn.


127 Who can be positioned between the third and the fourth turns ?

Bill only

Chad only

Either Bill or Chad

Either Bill, Chad, or Derek

Critical Reasoning

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

Directions:- The workweek in a small business is a five-day workweek running from Monday through Friday. In each workweek, activities L,M,N,O and P must all be done.The work is subject to the following restrictions:

L must be done earlier in the week than O and earlier than P

M must be done earlier in the week than N and earlier than O

No more than one of the activities can ever be done on any one day


128 Which of the following is an acceptable schedule starting from Monday to Friday?

L, M, N, O, P

M, N, O, N, M

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O, N, L, P, M

P, O, L, M, L

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R are intelligent in mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies hindi and psychology


129 who is intelligent in mathematics ,hindi but not in geology





Directions:- The following questions are based on the following situations. Asha, Babli, Charn, Deepti, Eira, Farha are cousins. No two cousins are of the same age , but all have birth days on the same date in that year.The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest is Eira is 22.Farha is somewhere between Babli and Deepti in age.Asha is older than Babli. charn is older than Deepti.


130 which of the following must be true if exactly two of the cousins are between charan and farha in age?

Asha is between Farha and Deepti in age

Babli is younger than Deepti

Babli is 17 years old

Farha is 18 years old

131 You are the in-charge of a Unit. Suddenly a lot of urgent additional work is entrusted to you. Your subordinates are disinclined to do more than the usual work. What will you do?

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you will start doing work yourself even if the officials do not join you

you will explain to the staff the urgency of the work and inspire them to rise to the ocassion

you will say that the work cannot be done

you will request the in-charge of another branch to depute some officials to cope with the additional work

Directions:- For each question, chose the best answer among the listed alternatives


132 In 1950, transylyvania earned $ 1 million in tourist revenue.By 1970, tourist revenue doubled and in 1980, it reached the sum of $4 million Each of the following, if true may explain the trend in tourist revenue except:

The number of tourists has increased from 1950 to 1980

average expenditure per tourist has increased

Average stay per tourist has increased

the number of total hotel rooms has increased.

133 If the equation x2 + 2(k+2)x + 9k = 0 has equal roots, find k?




can`t be determined.

134 If (x+1) is a factor of 2x3 - ax2 - (2a-3)x + 2, then the value of `a` is




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135 A clock that gains two minutes each hour is synchronized at midnight with a clock that loses one minute an hour. What will be the difference, in minutes, between the times shown on the two clocks when a third clock correctly shows noon?





136 A path 7 metres wide surrounds a circular lawn whose diameter is 252m. What is the area of path?

5698 sq.mtrs.

5000 sq.mtrs.

5500 sq. mtrs.

None of these

137 Which is a better investment? 14% stock at Rs.120 or 10% stock at Rs.90 ?

First investment is better

Second investment is better

Both are equally good

None of the above.

138 Dictionaries weigh 6 pounds each and a set of encyclopedias weighs 75 pounds. 20 dictionaries are shipped in each box. 2 sets of encyclopedias are shipped in each box. A truck is loaded with 98 boxes of dictionaries and 50 boxes of encyclopedias. How much

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does the truck`s load weigh?

7500 pounds

11750 pounds

19260 pounds

22840 pounds

139 A truck departed from Newton at 11:53a.m. and arrived in Far City, 240 miles away, at 4:41 p.m. on the same day. What was the approximate average speed of the truck on this trip?

16/1,200 MPH

40/288 MPH

1,494/240 MPH

50 MPH

140 Emily works three times as fast as Russ. Together, they can address x envelopes in y hours. In terms of x, how many envelopes can Emily, working alone, address in y hours?





141 An old picture has dimensions 33 inches by 24 inches. What one length must be cut from each dimension so that the ratio of the shorter side to the longer side is 2:3?

2 inches

6 inches

9 inches

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10 1/2 inches

142 Aluminium bronze consists of copper and aluminum usually in the ratio of 10:1 by weight. If an object made of this alloy weighs 77 lb. How many pounds of aluminum does it contain ?





143 The length breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The length, breadth and height of the cuboid are increased by 100%, 200% and 200% respectively. Then the increase in the volume of the cuboid is

5 times

6 times

12 times

17 times

144 If x and y are positive integers, and x - 2y = 5, which of the following could be the value of x2

- 4y2 ?





145 A is thrice as good a workman as B. If the time taken by B to do piece of works exceeds that taken by A by 8 days. In how many days A does the work.

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146 If ABC has A = 35° and B = 85°, then the measure of X in degrees is :





147 A tap is dripping at a constant rate. If, at noon on Sunday, 3 ounces of water have dripped from the tap into a holding tank and at 5 pm on Sunday, a total of 7 ounces have dripped.A total of how many ounces will have dripped into the tank by 2:00 am on Monday ?


5 (1/5)


14 (1/5)

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148 One dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples are currently the same price. If the price of a dozen eggs rises by 10% and the price of apples goes up by 2%, how much more will it cost to buy a dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples?





149 If 9x = 9/3x , then x is





150 If the length of segment EB; base of triangle EBC, is equal to ¼ the length of segment AB (AB is the length of rectangle ABCD), and the area of triangle EBC is 12 square units, find the area of the shaded region.

24 square units

96 square units

84 square units

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72 square units