Download - PAINESVILLE TELEGRAPH 1865 - USGenWeb · composed of members of the old Painesville Band, are now at home on a short furlough.




Judy J. Stebbins



PAINESVILLE TELEGRPAH Painesville, Ohio H. C. Gray, Editor & Proprietor

Jan. 5, 1865 Thursday p. 1 Married Wed., Dec. 28, Mr. Curtis Maltbie and Miss Jenell Teachout. Married Dec. 28, in the First Church, Capt. John T. Martin and Miss Sarah Gage. Married in this village at the Parsonage, Jan. 1, Mr. Collis A. Hyde and Miss Jane Alvord Married Fairport the 1st instant, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. F. A. Hungerford and Miss Maria Babcock. Probate Court H. P. Harmon guardian of Richard Sweet, final account A. P. Barber Guardian of C. L. Barber, 7th account Lewis Parker adm. of R. W. Spaulding, deceased, 1st account B. F. Sweet and M. E. Sweet adms. of John A. Sweet, deceased final account Harriet Haines guardian of Edmond Haines, 1st account George B. Viall adm. of Austin H. Viall, deceased, final account Chester Smith guardian of Wm. H. Winters, second account Chester Smith guardian of Charlie Winters, 2nd account p. 2 Governor’s Message p. 3 In the emphatic language of the President “The war continues.” The great contest for the life of this nation is not yet terminated. Our strength in all the elements of the contest has increased while that of the rebellion is diminished.

Jan. 12, 1865 Thursday p. 1 Delinquent Tax List Madison Bartholomew, Aaron Doty, Layman

Doty, M. Kinsman, Olive Peck, Lois Sawdey, Matilda E. Whitney, Lyman Perry Durfee, Ira F. Painesville Allen, Allcott and J. Y. Taylor Barnes, James B. Cole, P. G. Goodman, N. H. Westropp, Edward Kirtland Felshaw Pettingill, Edmund-heirs of Pemberton, Huldah Rockafellow, Tunis Mentor Barber, J. R. & Edw’d Barber Conner, John O. McLean, J. Titus, Austin Willoughby Card, Thos. – heirs of Cottrell, Asa Clark, Nathan Stewart, J. W. Wilson, Orrin Town Lots Barnes, J. H. Lamb, Eliza W. Drake, Ambrose Oakley, Daniel Valleau, Fatina Bell, William Bartholomew, J. C. Phelps, Henry – heirs of Taft, Lewis Unless the taxes and penalty are paid, the land will be sold the third Tuesday in January next by the County Treasurer at the Court House. p. 2 Death of Elutherus Cooke, of Sandusky City on the 27th of dropsy on the brain, age 77 yrs. on Christmas Day. He was one of the pioneers of northern Ohio, having settled in Huron, now Erie Co., some 45 yrs. ago. Some 35 yrs. ago he


Jan. 12, 1865

was a member of Congress representing a large district of the county embracing Cuyahoga. He leaves a wife and four children; Mrs. Wm. G. Morehead, of Philadelphia; Pitt, of Sandusky, Jay of Philadelphia and Henry D., of Washington. A circular has just been issued by the Provost Marshal, Gen. Fry, directing his subordinates to allocate no credits for the new quotas just assigned except for new recruits actually enlisted under the last call. The Government wants men in the field, and not merely on paper. The daughter of Col. Whitler, who built the first garrison on what is now the city of Chicago, is an elderly lady totally blind who has completed the 100th pair of stockings which she has knit for our brave soldiers in the field. Detroit Tribune Cases of smallpox are occurring in various parts of Erie County. The Dunkirk Journal records several cases in Chautauqua Co., one resulting fatally. George M. Dallas late V. P. of the U. S. died the 31st ultimo in Philadelphia. He was born in Philadelphia in 1792. Mr. Calvin Ward and wife of Randolph, Portage Co., celebrated their golden wedding on Dec. 22. p. 3 Mrs. H. B. Walbridge last surviving sister of Chief Justice Chase, died in Toledo a short time ago. Out of a family of ten brothers and sisters, Chief Justice Chase is the only survivor. The funeral of Lieut. Col. Clark who was shot at Franklin, Tenn., took place in Cleveland last Monday. A case of smallpox is reported in LeRoy. Families should see that every member of the family is vaccinated.

Died in this village last Thursday, Jennie M. Auld, daughter of Mrs. Jane Auld, age 17 yrs. She had only resided here a few months. She had been sick about a year. Her uncle, Rev. Mr. Walbridge, of Toledo, delivered the discourse at the funeral. Weather: The result of the cold weather and snow is the most excellent sleighing. Well, a nice thing is a “double-sleigh” with straw in the bottom, and with bells on the horses and belles on the straw, to gently squeeze in among rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes, muffs, and buffalo robes! Death of Dr. B. W. Richmond (Albion (N.Y.) Republican) Dr. Richmond was well known to many of our citizens. He died in Albion, N.Y., Dec. 25, age 50 yrs. He practiced in Chardon for some time. John M. Benjamin Esq. is our new Sheriff. I. Everitt Esq. is our Recorder S. T. Loomis, is now in the Quarter-Master’s Dept. at Nashville, Tenn., and has been in town some days to hire mechanics, teamsters, and laborers to go to Nashville. Next Saturday, Charley Shay’s Monster Quinquplexal, comprised of Chinese jugglers, and sorcerers, eighteen star performers, and trained dogs and monkeys, exhibit at Child’s Hall. p. 3 Court of Common Pleas Catharine Grant, burglary Chas. Thompson, assault and battery John Hill, assault and battery and violating liquor law Patrick Brick, illegal voting W. Perkins, violation of liquor law and keeping a gaming house Lake County Agricultural Society Report of Field Crop Premiums Isaac Tuttle, Mentor, Sorgham; 1st premium A. Bacon, Painesville, same, 2nd premium James McCue, Mentor, same, 3rd premium


Jan. 12, 1865

Guy Smith, Kirtland, spring barley, 1st premium Eli Young, Painesville, same, 2nd premium A. Bacon, Painesville, Orchard of fruit, 1st prem. Wm. Thomas, Mentor, Peach Blow potatoes, 1st premium N. Norton, Perry, White Wheat, 2nd premium N. Norton, Perry, Clover, 1st premium Eli Young, Painesville, Timothy, 1st premium Chas. Smart, Painesville, Timothy, 2nd premium H. N. and S. E. Carter, Winter Wheat, 1st prem. Same, Corn, 1st premium E. Rust, Concord, Corn, 2nd premium Committee: George Anderson Welcome Ackley E. A. Sanborn John P. Markell adm. of Thomas Beall, deceased, will be selling land in Kirtland. Married Chardon Dec. 29 at the residence of Mr. Jacob Clark, Mr. Chas. W. Lamb, recently of the 25th Ohio Battery, and Miss B. E. Marshall, formerly of Solon. Married Dec. 29 in Willoughby, Mr. Theo. H. Burr and Miss Hellen M. Viall, all of Willoughby.

Jan. 19, 1865 Thursday p. 3 The funeral services of Wm. H. Dunton who died at field Hospital near Petersburg on the 1st instant, will be held at the Disciple Church on next Lord’s Day. Veteran soldiers on a visit to their homes: Lieut. Pike of the 2nd Ohio Cavalry and Capt. Franklin Paine of the sharpshooters Alfred Elwell, adm. of Lyman C. Thayer, deceased, will be selling land in Mentor. Married Jan. 4 at the parsonage in Madison, Mr. Elijah Devine, of Randolph, N.Y., and Miss Emily J. Ferry, of Madison, Ohio. Married at Preble, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1864, Mr. John Lusk, of Painesville, and Miss Rachel Green, of the former place.

Married in Iowa City, Iowa, on the 12th instant, Capt. E. F. McMurphy, U.S.A., and Miss M. Frank Wheaton, of the former place. Married at Warren, Ill., on the 13th instant, Augustus Pepoon Jr. to Miss Mary C. Robinson, all of Warren. Died in Painesville, Dec. 19, 1864, of consumption, Angie A. Cone, age 17. Died Cleveland, Jan. 12, of consumption, Noah F. Bond, age 39. Died St. Louis on the 10th instant, Bertha Marilla, infant daughter of Ezra B. and Marilla M. Starkwather.

Jan. 26, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Many Facts of a Small Compass The number of languages spoken is 2, 064. The number of men is equal to the number of women. The average age of human life is about 33 years. One quarter die before the age of 7. Not more than 1 in 500 will reach the age of 80. The married ones live longer than the single. p. 3 We were shown a very fine article of sugar made from sorghum by Jacob Rowland, of Perry. The 2nd Brigade Band of the 23rd Army Corps composed of members of the old Painesville Band, are now at home on a short furlough. It has the reputation of being the best band in the 23rd Corps. In Common Pleas a divorce was granted to Mira H. Truran vs. Richard Truran—the plaintiff to resume her maiden name. Madison – Mr. Luther Warner and his wife celebrated their golden wedding last Thursday. Married on the 22nd instant, Richard B. Capiem, a paroled prisoner, and Lottie L. Stanhope, of this township.

Feb. 2, 1865 Thursday

p. 3 The ground hog saw his shadow. An earthquake was felt in Buffalo early on Friday morning.


Feb. 2, 1865 Married at Willow Manse, Jan. 31, Mr. Edson Hill and Miss Sarah Huntoon, both of Concord. Died Painesville, Jan. 23, of consumption, Owen C. Brown, age 20 yrs., 6 mos.

Feb. 9, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Court Case: Regarding land Brutus Stockwell purchased from Hezekiah King, now deceased. Brutus Stockwell vs Benjamin Bissel, Hezekiah King, Clarissa King (widow of Hezekiah King), Adaline V. B. Cook and Herbert Cook, Mary Van Boskirk of Illinois, Charlotte Cliner, George Cliner, Samuel King, Michael Hand adm. of Wm. King, deceased of Michigan; Sealey R. King, James Wallace King, Edward B. King, Clara A. King, Kate King, Benjamin H. King and Charles H. King. Married Hamben, on Dec. 27, Mr. Wilson S. Taylor and Miss Sarah A. Cone, of Leroy. Married on the 2nd instant at the bride’s father’s in Willoughby, Arthur M. Sawtelle, of the U.S.N., to Miss Libbie E. Miller. Died at Andersonville, Ga., June 14, George Martin, age 25 yrs. He joined the 105th Aug., 1862. He was shot through he left lung at Perryville. He recovered enough to rejoin his Regiment and was captured at the battle Chickamauga and imprisoned at Richmond, Danville, and Andersonville where he died after 8 months of neglect and inhumanity of the boasted chivalric South. He leaves a young widow, orphaned child, and aged parents. Died Kirtland on the 17th ultimo, Adaline Brockway, age 13. The idol of her parents—the favorite of her schoolmates. Died Jan. 20 in Philadelphia, of consumption, Mrs. Mary, wife of Harvey Watts, and daughter of Dr. Benj. Palmer of Painesville. Died Painesville on Feb. 6, Jane Caroline Eaton, wife of Rev. J. T. Eaton and mother of George E. Paine, age 60 yrs. p. 3 Twenty-three years ago on the 4th instant a destructive tornado, accompanied with hail and

rain and vivid flashes of lightning and severe claps of thunder passed over a considerable portion of this county. In Mentor quite a number of houses were blown down together with many barns and outbuildings. In some places timber was completely leveled with the ground. The only death record was that of a child in the in Kirtland, killed by the falling of a chimney. Many of the houses in Painesville were left without a pane of glass on the side on which the storm approached. Today we have nearly a foot of snow, good sleighing and very comfortable winter weather.

Feb. 16, 1865 Thursday Madison Items The past year has been remarkable in this township for its death of old people. The record probably not a full one, shows more old men dying than women. Our village bell has tolled for the following since last Jan., 1864: John Davis, age 68 Hiram Grant, 68 Abraham Van Epps, 43 William Antisdell, 57 Justus A. Barnes, 77 Caleb W. Ensign Jr., 41 William Lyman, 71 Cyrus Ingersoll, 37 Frederick Smead, 48 Rebecca Talcott, 83 Sherman Dayton, age 78 Roxana Dodge, 35 Orris Blair, 45 Sidney Brewster, 64 Mrs. A. Woodworth, 43 O. C. Loveridge, 43 Gaius Hitchcock, 42 Abner Smead, 81 Asaph Ely, 76 Nathan Wood, 84 In other parts of the township have been buried: Jonas Allen, age 96* Julius A. Mixer, 70 Robert Burns, 77 Hannah Hill, 87


Feb. 16, 1865

Lewis Randall, 80 Clarissa Ferry, 71 Mrs. Toby, 70* Samuel Branch, 50 Orpha, Tyler, 47 Ira Dearborn, 75 Nath. Waterman, 65 Mrs. Fowler, 55 Grindall Rawson, 70 Ebenezer Ford, 88 Truman Wilcox, 73 Mr. Brainerd, 80* Mrs. Burroughs, 70* Susan Smith, 32 This is probably far from a complete exhibition of the necrology of this large township. N.B. The ages above given are most of them taken from the report of the Sexton; a few are approximate only; these are marked with a star. Married at his residence in Willoughby, on the 15th instant, Mr. Addison A. Austin to Miss Ellen S., only daughter of C. C. Clapp, of Concord. Died in Madison Feb. 6, of disease of the heart, Abel C. Ely, age 76 years. Wm. C. Curdy and Walter C. Tisdel have dissolved their partnership. Painesville

Feb. 23, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Died Painesville Jan. 25 of membranous croup, Albert Ackley, age 4 yrs., 10 mos.—also, Feb. 10, of the same disease—Charles Stanley, age 2 yrs., 7 mos.—children of Albert and Henrietta Paine. Died Thompson, Geauga Co., Feb. 7th, Mrs. Thankful B. Thompson, age 82 yrs., 5 mos., widow of the late Wm. Thompson, who served as a Capt. in the Revolutionary War. Died Mentor Feb. 14, Frances Marion Green, age 16 years. Foster E. Benjamin, Executor of John F. Moseley, late of Thompson, deceased will be selling land.

p. 3 Mrs. S. E. Thompson, the Union spy, had a large audience to hear her relate her experience in rebeldom at Wilcox Hall, last Monday evening. Parties have leased land in Thompson with a view of boring for oil. The remains of Gov. Huntington who died in 1817 and those of his wife who died in 1818 which were buried on the homestead now occupied by his son, H. C. Huntington Esq., are to be removed to Evergreen Cemetery this spring. p. 4 Neutrality: Brigham Young in a recent sermon said: “The North prays that their swords may strike into the heart of every rebel, and I say amen: and the South prays that the North may be cut down on a thousand battle fields and again, I say amen.”

Mar. 2, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Scarcity of Housing – There has been a great demand in Painesville at the present time for dwelling houses. There is not a house for rent in this town, and the second and third stories of our business houses are being fitted up for families to reside in until they can do better. Mr. Thomas Gunn, of Willoughby, was accidentally drowned last Sunday while attempting to cross the river on the ice near his own residence. He leaves a family. St. James Church The last sermon in this building was last Sunday. Workmen are busily engaged in taking down the building which will be moved to Perry and used as a Cheese Factory by the Messrs. Carter. Hon. John P. Converse, of Geauga Co., died at his residence in Parkman, Feb. 20, at age 73 years after a protracted illness.


Mar. 2, 1865

We learn that a fine show of oil has been struck in Windsor, Ashtabula Co., at a depth of 300’. Died Thompson Jan. 27, of pneumonia, John F. Moseley, age 43. Joining his companion after a separation of four months only. Samuel Folkinburg, Chardon, has opened a white sand stone quarry about 3 ½ miles from Chardon Village, Griswold’s Mill.

Mar. 9, 1865 Thursday

p. 3 Among the drafted men in Washington recently is our former townsman, Wm. Mathews Esq. Married Thompson on the 1st instant at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Theodore B. Terry, of Hudson, and Miss Eleanor M. Tillotson. Married Kirtland Feb. 25, Mr. Sylvan Skinner, of Mantua, Portage Co., and Miss Julia Pastora White, of Kirtland. Married Madison on the 7th instant at the house of Daniel Bailey Esq., Mr. Henry W. Foreman and Miss Rowena J. Wellman. Died Madison Feb. 26 after 4 months illness of chronic abscess of the brain, Abner Allen, 58 years old. He was among the early settlers of this county and well known for his skill in mechanics. Died Bloomington, Ill., on the 2nd ultimo, Captain A. F. Merriman, age 67. He was a brother of D. A. Merriman, of Madison. Died Perry 27th instant, of consumption after a long and painful illness of 20 years, Lydia Haywood, age 59 years. T. S. Baldwin and John Cooper have dissolved their partnership. Painesville J. P. Sherer has been appointed adm. of Olive C. Loveridge, late of Lake Co., deceased.

Serene Allen has been appointed adm. of Abner Allen, late of Lake Co., deceased. Probate Court Clinton A. Nowlen, executor of Mary Nowlan, deceased, final account N. P. Holbrook, guardian of Orrin Nash, first account Justus H. Hodges, guardian of Frederick T. Stevers, 3rd account B. K. Cranston, executor of Dutee W. Slocum, deceased, final account Spencer Dayton, executor of Sherman Dayton, deceased, final account Thomas W. Loomis, executor of Levi Shepard, deceased, first account Harvey Cram, executor of Levi Shepard, deceased, first account Stephen C. Warner, adm. of M. P. Sherwood, deceased, final account p. 4 The Postal Money Order System which lately went into operation is gradually gaining the confidence of the public. It is a safe way of transmitting small sums of money.

Mar. 16, 1865 Thursday p. 3 The Cleveland Plain Dealer has been suspended. The replevin suit for the mules taken from the Geauga Furnace Co. by Dep. Pro. Marshal Jennings in Aug., 1863, has been decided in favor of the Company. The Warren Chronicle of the 15th has an obituary notice of Thos. D. Webb, age 81. Mr. W was the editor of the Trump of Fame, afterwards changed to the W.R. Chronicle in 1812-1813, 1814. We believe only three of the old settlers of Warren still remain: Mr. Samuel Chesney, who came in 1802, now age 87; Mr. George Parsons, who came in 1803, age 84; and Mr. Richard Iddings, who came in 1805, age 80 years.


Mar. 16, 1865

Married in Girard, Pa., March 12, Mrs. Silas J. Harcourt, of Sabula, Iowa, and Miss Louise M. Kniffin, of Painesville, Ohio. Married Warren, Jo Davies Co., Ill., at the residence of J. W. Leverett Esq. on the 2nd instant, Mr. John S. Abbey, formerly of Painesville, to Miss Louise Tisdel, daughter of the late Thomas A. Tisdel, of Madison, Ohio. Married Painesville, March 7, at the residence of the bride’s mother, P. H. Calkins, drummer of the 41st Ohio Vol. Inf., and Miss Emma Ford, of the above place. Died Madison Feb. 21 of croup, George B., only child of Amandus and Susan Dewey, age 13 months. Abraham Teachout, guardian of Charles, Cornelia, William, and Mary Shepherd, petitions to sell land in Painesville.

Mar. 23, 1865 Thursday p. 3 The teachers of the Lake Erie Seminary acknowledge the generous gift from a number of ladies of Painesville of a beautiful Florence Sewing Machine. Miss Harriet B. Smith, age 27 died at Southport, Conn., March 11, of consumption. She was one of the earliest teachers of the Lake Erie Seminary. Valentine Perkins, the ossified man has died in our County Infirmary, age 52 years. G. W. St. John, of Perry, will enlist and credit himself to Painesville, or elsewhere, for the term of one year for $600 local bounty—having served three years. Married March 14 at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Alonzo W. Hendershot,

formerly of Painesville, to Miss Ella E. Field, both of Copley, Ohio. Married Painesville on the 21st instant, Mr. Daniel C. Tanner, of Kirtland, and Miss Cynthia C. Worden, of Willoughby. Married at the residence of the bride’s father in Thompson, Geauga Co., March 16th, Mr. Stephen Fredebaugh and Miss Maria Billington, both of Painesville. Died Madison on the 20th instant of congestion of the lungs, Robertus W. Childs, age 54 years. Died in Perry, March 20, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Sarah A. Tisdel, age 82 years, consort of the late Dea. Curtis A. Tisdel, of Madison, and mother of S. A. Tisdel, of this town. Died in Kirtland, Feb. 12, of consumption after an illness of 16 months, A. J. Miller, age 31 years. B. S. Upham, guardian of Richard Sweet, will sell land in Kirtland.

Mar. 30, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Henry Paine adm. of Alvin Loomis, deceased probably insolvent, notifies creditors to present their claims. LeRoy p. 3 A new vessel built at Fairport by W. O. Wilcox, our townsman, will be launched from her ways at the ship yard in Fairport. This fine new craft, Roswell Hayes, master builder, will carry over 500 tons. Another Pioneer Gone – Mr. Roswell Lowry, of Madison, a resident of Lake Co. for about 40 years, died of erysipelas, March 24, age 71 years. His wife survives him. Married Painesville, March 10, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Miss F. Louise Marshall and Mr. Wm E. Lincoln. Married March 16, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. P. T. Young, of Cleveland, and Miss Josie J. Warner. Died Madison on the 20th instant of congestion of the lungs, Robertus W. Childs, age 54.


Mar. 30, 1865

Died Perry March 20 after a lingering illness, Sarah A. Tisdel, age 82 yrs., consort of the late Dea. Curtis A. Tisdel, of Madison, and mother of S. A. Tisdel of this village. Died Perry March 11 little Stellie, youngest daughter of Charles and Edna Spalding, age 8 months. Died Leroy March 23 of quick consumption, Charlotte Augusta, wife of Benjamin W. Potts and only daughter of Dea. H. P. Shepherd, of Painesville. Died Little Mountain March 17, Franklin, oldest son of David and Louisa Tyler, age 15 years. Died Cleveland the 15th instant of consumption, Miss Eliza Phelps, daughter of the late Judge Phelps, of Chardon, age 42 years. Died in Hospital in Huntsville, Ala., March 3, Alden Wilkins, of the 13th Wisconsin Infantry, brother of A. P. Wilkins, of Chardon. Died Madison Feb. 14 after a short illness, Abner M., son of W. H. Stocking, late of Chester, age 17. Died Concord March 9, Mary Tuttle, wife of Joseph Tuttle, and eldest daughter of Moses and Mary Kirby, deceased. Born in Berkhampstead, Litchfield Co., Conn., March 25, 1798, and hence, nearly completed her 67th year. One June 19, 1819, she married Martin Adams Jr. and immediately removed with him and his parents to Ohio. On June 20, 1820, her husband died leaving her an infant son. Jan. 2, 1823, she married a second time. Her second husband and all of her six children survive her. Axtell Eddy, son of D. M. Eddy, who left here with the band died recently in Nashville, Tenn. His remains have been brought home for interment. He was 19 or 20 yrs. old. S. Carpenter, adm. of Jeremiah Truman, deceased, will be selling land in Kirtland.

Apr. 6, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Ed Huntington Esq., of this village, was re-elected Justice of the Peace. Lake Erie Female Seminary Enrollment:

Sr. Class – 11 Middle Class – 12 Junior Class- 81 Unclassed- 49 Total 153 April Election: Mayor – Horace Stele Recorder – H. P. Sanford Trustees – D. C. Gray, J. B. Carson, M. L. Root, S. C. Hickox, W. W. Dingley Painesville Township Election: Trustees – J. F. Schofield, Wm. F. Greer, J. A. Mansfield Clerk – A. H. Foote Treas. – S. A. Tisdel Assessor – George Everitt Constables – A. W. Stocking, Chas. Philbrook, Geo. L. Ricker Leroy: Clerk – Enos Tew, Jr. Trustees – Jas. Wright, D. D. Weed, Geo. Abbey, Jr. Assessor – Don Williams Constables – John Pike, W. W. Wheeler Justice of the Peace – Henry Paine Mentor: Trustees – John McClelland, Philander Parmele, Alexander Snell Clerk- Orlando Sawyer Treas. H. N. Munson Assessor – Franklin Murray Constables – M. M. Fisk, M. H. Nye Extract from letter of L. Wilson to J. J. Thompson Esq., of Perry, advising there are hundreds of deserters from the rebel army who will be furnished transportation anywhere in the United States for work and asking if any laborers are needed on the farms in Perry, etc. “You may object to have anything to do with these fellows, but I think as they have voluntarily left the confederacy and seem willing to make amends for past conduct, that we ought in justice give them an opportunity to do so.”


Apr. 6, 1865

Married at the residence of the bride’s father March 16, P. F. Young, late Capt. 107th O.V.I., and Provost Marshal, Dist. of Fla., and Josie J., youngest daughter of Martin J. Warner Esq., of this place. Groomsmen: Mr. Chas. Atwood and Lyman H. Kendall, of Cleveland Bridesmaids: Miss Mary E. Clayton and Nellie R. Carpenter, of Painesville. (Jackson Fla. Union, pls. copy) Died in this village April 2 after a long and severe illness, Mr. J. Wallace King, age 47. Died LeRoy March 23, of quick consumption, Charlotte Augusta, wife of Benjamin W. Potts, and only daughter of Dea. H. F. Shepard, of Painesville, age 27 yrs. “Little Mountain House” and Mountain Home (formerly occupied as a Water Cure). This attractive and pleasant summer resort is now offered for sale, together or separately on easy terms of payment. J. Reynolds Little Mountain, April 4, 1865 M. Brockway will cut the hair of all those heavy laden with long beards and bushy hair—cutting it in a faultless and fashionable manner. Shop one door west of Pike’s Banking Office. Wm. Minor gives notice that his wife, Ellen, has left his bead and board and he will pay no debts of her contracting. Painesville. March 30, 1865 p. 4 Richmond is Ours!

Apr. 13, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Great Triumph! General Lee has surrendered the remains of the Army of Northern Virginia to General Grant. The men and officers to go to their homes and officers to retain their private baggage and side arms. President Lincoln had a reception the other day at the late residence of Jeff Davis at Richmond.

It was only a few weeks since this mansion was the headquarters of treason. Gen. G. W. C. Lee – This rebel General captured at Burkesville by Sheridan is the second son of Gen. Robert E. Lee, Commander-In-Chief of the rebel armies. Gen. Robert E. Lee had three sons in the rebel army: Gen G. W. C. Lee, age about 33, who was educated at West Point, William H. Fitzhugh Lee, a farmer who has been reported killed last week at Five Forks, age 17 years, and Robert E. Lee, 20 years of age. The latter was taught in a military school in Virginia. There are three other children surviving—daughters. None of the children are married but Fitzhugh Lee. Gen. R. E. Lee is the son of Gen. Henry Lee, of Revolutionary memory. p. 3 Weather: The first thunderstorm of the season visited us on Tuesday night. Rain in great abundance fell. Rejoicing - The whole North is still stirred with rejoicings over the late grand successes of our armies. From enumerable cities, towns, and villages, we have accounts of illuminations, ringing of bells, firing of cannon, and all manner of joyful demonstrations. Evergreen Cemetery - We were astonished in a recent visit to this quiet and beautiful resting place of the dead, to find so many re-interments of old friends and relatives exhumed from the old cemetery. P. T. Safford and Francis Hendry have dissolved their co-partnership. Madison, March 24, 1865

Apr. 20, 1865 Thursday

p. 2 Appalling National Calamity! The Nation Mourns! Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theater in Washington last Friday night. J. Wilkes Booth age 27, son of the celebrated Junius Brutus Booth who died in 1852, was the leading conspirator. There was a conspiracy to assassinate every member of the cabinet along with the President.


Apr. 20, 1865

Attempted Assassination of Sec. Seward About the same time the President was shot, a man came into Sec. Seward’s bedroom while he was asleep and stabbed him two or three times in the throat and twice in the face. The nurse alarmed Mr. Frederick Seward, who was in the adjoining room. He hastened to his father’s room where he met the assassin who inflicted wounds upon him. The recovery of Frederick Seward is doubtful. It is not probable the President will live through the night. Later – Abraham Lincoln died at 22 minutes after 7 o’clock. E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War Married Madison on the 18th instant at the house of John M. Tilden Esq., Mr. Jasper Brewster and Miss Rebecca Safford. Also, on the 6th instant, Mr. Henry Roberts and Miss Augusta L. Norton. Married in this village at the residence of P. Clegg on the 9th instant, Mr. Nathan J. Rogers and Miss Eliza G. Clague. Died in Thompson March 31, Mrs. Freedom Gee, widow of the late Chester H. Gee, age 79. Died Marion, Iowa, March 30, of dysentery, Frank Clayton, son of A. O. and Sarah E. Cottrell, age 13 months. Died Geneva, Ashtabula Co., April 5, of inflammation of the lungs, Marion Isabella Duncan, age 4 mos., 22 days. p. 3 The Country in Mourning! Sorrow Apparent Everywhere Mayor Steele very properly issued a Proclamation requesting the suspension of business and a public meeting to be held at 3 o’clock p.m. to give expression to the feeling of ours citizens concerning the assassination of President Lincoln. The day of Lincoln’s funeral all the businesses in Painesville were closed, all the hotels were draped in mourning as was main St. with black and white cambric and crepe. The churches

were draped and many offices and dwellings showed signs of mourning. The body of President Lincoln will pass through this village en route to its last resting place in Springfield, Ill.

Apr. 27, 1865 Thursday

p. 2 The President’s Family Hon. Andrew Johnson, President of the U.S., is age 56. His family resides in Nashville, Tenn. and consists of his wife and four children-- two sons and two daughters. This son, Robert, is 29, and Andrew Johnson Jr. is 12 years old. His two daughters with their families, also, reside in Nashville having been driven from their homes in East Tennessee. One of Mr. Johnson’s sons, Charles, a surgeon in the army was thrown from his horse in 1863 and killed, and Col. Stover, a son-in-law, commanding the 4th Regt. of Tenn. Infantry was killed in the battle of Nashville, Dec. 18, 1864. Judge Patterson, who is, also, a son-in-law of the President, lives in Nashville. Mrs. Johnson has been in very delicate health for some time past, and it is probably Mrs. Col. Stover will preside over the Presidential household. p. 3 On the 6th instant, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moodey celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Moodey is among the oldest settlers of Painesville now living. Weather: The weather Saturday and Sunday was cold and gloomy and on Sunday night we had quite a sprinkle of snow. Died of typhoid fever, April 20, Mrs. Eunice H. Palmer, wife of Judge J. Palmer, and only daughter of, Judge M. and Mrs. N. A. Harris, age 44. Mrs. Palmer was a native of this village where she has always resided. Died of starvation and neglect in Salisbury Prison, Jan. 24, 1865, Horatio Storrs, eldest son of Jesse and Harriet Storrs, of Painesville. He was a member of the 10th Co. O.V.S.S. that left here scarcely a year since. His last words to his wife when parting were: “God will be with me there as well as here.”


Apr. 27, 1865 Died April 2 of congestion of the lungs and bowels, Mary C., wife of James M. Patchin and daughter of John and Martha Karnes, age 25 years. She had been a blooming bride of two short months. Died Leroy April 22 of consumption, Francis E. Foster, age 33. O. D. Hendryx, guardian of Henry G. Hitchcock will be selling land in Madison. Thomas Fox gives notice that no one should trust his wife, Henrietta, and he will pay no debts of her contracting. Kirtland, April 15

May 4 , 1865 Thursday p. 2 Married in Madison the 27th instant, Chas. B. Flinn Esq. Of Dayton, and Miss Sylvia B. Williams, of Madison. Died Painesville at the residence of Chauncey Morse April 25, Mr. Charles F. Crary, age 22 yrs. Died of consumption April 19, Eliza C. Paine, youngest daughter of Franklin and Dotha E. Paine, age 24. Died Painesville April 27, Mr. Samuel Stocking, age 56. Court Case: Elisha Abbott and Diana Abbott vs Martin Van Buren Richards and Adaline B. Brookins for partition of real estate in Willoughby. Guardian’s Sale – John F. Blair, guardian of Jessie F. Blair, will be selling land in Madison. p. 3 Samuel Henry Phelps, son of Col. S. W. Phelps, has been nominated by Judge Spalding for admission to the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Geo. Northard, Commissary Sergt. 2nd Ohio Cavalry, recently wounded died last week in Hospital in Washington. His remains were brought home to LeRoy for interment. John W. Wilbur Esq., of Huron, Erie Co., Ohio, died April 18, age about 57 years.

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moodey of this village, was celebrated on the 6th instant. One sister and three brothers of Mrs. Moodey were present: Mrs. Mary Gray; William, Daniel, and Levi Kerr Esqs., who with one exception were present at the home of the father, Moses Kerr in Mentor, then Geauga Co., at the wedding of Robert Moodey and Margaret Kerr, April 6, 1815. The local whereabouts of this scene 50 years ago is now the home of Robert Murray Esq. The first four years of their married life was spent in Pennsylvania on the farm originally the residence of Seth Marshall. Only one of their seven children has died: Mrs. C. A. Avery. The other six were all present save Mr. M. K. Moodey, of New York. Of the family relations, Capt. J. B. Kilbourne, a son-in-law was, also, absent on duty to his country with the victorious army of Gen. Sherman. Samuel Moodey is the oldest son. M. L. Root is appointed adm. of J. Wallace King, late of Lake Co., deceased. Painesville Almon Sawyer is appointed adm. of Eunice Cobb, late of Lake Co., deceased. Mentor Wm. L Perkins has been appointment adm. de bonis non, of the estate of Levi Sheperd.

May 11, 1865 Thursday

p. 3 A girl by the name of Emma Robinson broke her leg jumping out of a carriage in front of Mr. Tisdel’s store. Dr. Root set her leg. Her parents being both dead and being poor, she was taken to the Infirmary where we hear she is doing well. Married in Marysville, Cal., Dec. 5, 1864, Mr. E. P. Palmer and Miss Delia Green, all of the former city. Married Thompson, Geauga Co., on the 26th ultimo, Mr. A. C. Jones, of Mayfield, Cuyahoga Co., and Miss Sarah Frances, oldest daughter of Rev. B. J. Kennedy. Died Painesville, May 2 of consumption, Sarah Montgomery, wife of F. Montgomery, age 30.


May 11, 1865 Died at Washington, D. C., on the 23rd ultimo from a “Minnie” shot in the knee at the battle of Five Forks, Va., April 1, Geo. W. Northard, only son of Samuel and Ann Northard, of LeRoy, age 23 yrs., 8 mos., a Commissary Sergt. in the 2nd Ohio Cavalry Co. G, under Gen. Sheridan. Died Willoughby, April 21, Mrs. Catherine E. Vrooman, wife of John Vrooman, age 40. Wm. Kewish has been appointed adm. of Charles Kewish, deceased, late of Lake Co. LeRoy, April 26 p. 4 Muster Roll of E Co., 171st Regt. O.N.G. May 6, 1865: Capt. - Wm. D. Shepherd Lieut. - 1st Jas. L. Parmly; 2nd S. N. Ford Sergts. -1st Newton Watts, 2nd A. L. Shepard, 3rd P. S. Race, 4th Tom Perry, 5th T. C. Hickok Corporals – Wm. A. Davis, Phil Lockwood, J. B. Vrooman, H. Owen, W. A. Wheeler, L. Green, A. J. Whiting, C. M. Thompson Fifer – A. Crosby Drummer – H. E. Paine Teamster – Jesse Perry Privates: Armstrong, Thos. Andrews, Lewis E. Blood, Miles Burns, Pat Barkalow, Geo. Butler, Warren Button, Jared Bidlake, Ira Barker, Orson Bartlett, Silas R. Blair, Warren C. Champion, Joel H. Call, Ad. Coolidge, Carlos Chapman, Saml. Cook, Major B. Decker, Adam Fitz, Geo. A. Ferris Harvey

Gordon, Blake A. Griffin, Chas. Gardner, Enos H. Haskall, Wm. H. Holcomb, D. N. Hurlburt, Eugene R. Hall, Monroe Hunt, Cyrus Knox, Ransom Lockwood, Orange K. Lapham, Wm. Morse, Harrison Mosher, Hugh W. Malin, Albert Mather, Henry W. Mansfield, Henry McNish, James H. Manchester, E. Nolan, James Nellis, Homer C. Naughton, John Paine, Geo. E. Palmer, Walter Parsons, Thos. Perry, D. Perkins, A. A. Parmly, Leo. Raynolds, John H. Russell, Almon Russell, Wm. W. Russell, O. V. Russell, Harrison F. Russell, Wilson Sinclair, Baxter Sinclair, Henry Sinclair, Wad. Shepard, W. Stockwell, E. F. Sager, Harvey C. Sanborn, Simpson Savage, Alonzo L. Smith, W. Smith, Geo. W. Smith, Jas. H. Turney, G. Burr Thompson, Thos. Torrey, Frank S.


May 11, 1865

Upson, David Van Ness, Henry R. Woodworth, N. D. Ward, Hartman Wright, Chas. O. Wheeler, Alfred Williamson, Peter Whiting, Henry Wood, L. C. Woods, H. H. White, John A. Watts, H. D. Wire, Theodore Zethmayer, Francis Total 80

May 18, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Constable Stocking last week arrested Peter Stanley for stealing a horse and buggy from the barn of Dudley Cozad, of E. Cleveland. The property was found in his possession M. Brockway fitted up a room in the rear of his shaving saloon for Hot and Cold Baths. This is a necessity Painesville has long felt, and we have not doubt “Brock” will be well patronized by those seeking such a luxury. Gen. Casement, as soon as the war was over, resigned and is now home. Jeff Davis was captured at Irvinville, Ga., by the 4th Michigan Cavalry. A salute was fired in commemoration of the capture. It is said Jeff when taken was disguised in one of his wife’s dresses. Thus, attired he ran into the forest, where, on being brought to bay, he drew a bowie knife and flourished it at his pursuers. Mrs. Chesney, President of the Soldiers Aid Society, was presented with a splendid Bradbury piano. Mrs. Chesney has been untiring in her efforts on behalf of the soldiers, working for the last 4 years—and this present was made by our citizens.

Hortensius J. Paine Esq. died May 7, about age 40. He was the son of Gen. James N. Paine and brother of Hon. Byron Paine, who came to this city about 1847 we think. (Milwaukee Sentinel). He left a widow and three children. A young lady, of Cleveland, named Adeline Grieshaber, who had been seduced, hung herself in jail where she had been confined for theft last Saturday. The new three cent piece is enough smaller than the cent to be easily distinguished from it. Married Hambden March 3, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Samuel S. Oliver, of Concord, late a member of the gallant 7th, and Miss Celia A., daughter of Mr. Chancy Cobb. Married by her father at his residence in Perry, May 11, Miss Julia M. Andress, and Mr. Philetus H. Russell, of Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Died Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Sept. 3, 1864, of dysentery, Willie J., only child of Josiah G. and Jerusha Bates, age 4 yrs., 10 days. Matthew L. Root and H. S. Fay, adm. of the estate of Daniel I. French, deceased, final account. Flavia B. Cunningham and Silas T. Ladd executors of Cushing Cunningham, deceased, final account. B. F. Sweet and M E. Sweet, adm. of the estate of John H. Sweet, deceased, final account. A. J. Holmes, adm. of the estate of Ezra Holmes, deceased, final account. J. P. Sherer, adm. of the estate of O. C. Loveridge, deceased, final account of said guardian. H. L. Gibbs adm. of the estate of Calvin Gibbs, deceased, final account. Nathan Corning, executor of Warren Corning, deceased, final account.

May 25, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Mayor Steele and wife, Capt. Geo. E. Paine, C. S. Pike, and others left early Monday for Washington to witness the grand Review of the


May 25, 1865

Army of the Potomac—comprising a body of 200,000 troops. Lewis S. Dilley, of the 103rd Ohio, has recently been promoted to Captain. Died Madison April 29, Frank G. Allen, age 18 yrs. In Jan., 1864, he enlisted in the 14th Ohio Battery Vol. under Capt. Burrows. He was discharged at New Orleans with heart disease and camp diarrhea. He reached home emaciated and exhausted. Died Mentor May 19, of pulmonary consumption, Charles T. Wood, age 39 years. (Detroit paper, pls. copy)

June 1, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Died near Spotsylvania C.H., Va., May 12, Henry Smith, age 37. He was born in New York City, served as a soldier in the Mexican War. Had lived in the county 18 years. While a resident of Kirtland, left his family there, returned to his native city and enlisted in the 39th Regt., N.Y. Vol., Dec., 1863. He left a wife and four small children. Kirtland R. A. White and S. S. Pelton have dissolved their partnership in the manufacture of potash and soap. Painesville. Geo. F. Rogers has been appointed Light-house Keeper at Fairport; vice Jas. McAdams.

June 8, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Day of Humiliation and Prayer Last Thursday in compliance with the Proclamation of President Johnson and Gov. Brough, was very generally observed in this village as a day of humiliation and prayer. The 105th Ohio arrived at Cleveland last Monday and were given a grand public reception by the people of that city. The Regt. was mustered out of service at Washington and nothing now remains but to pay them off. The men composing the 105th Regt. belong to Lake, Mahoning, Trumbull and Ashtabula Counties and were mustered in Aug. 20 and 21, 1862.

The Regt. left Cleveland over 1,000 strong. The Regiment fought at Perryville, Melton, Tenn.; Hoover’s Gap, Tenn; Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resacca, and Jonesboro. Originally part of the Army of the Cumberland, it was transferred to Sherman’s 14th Corp and made the march “down to the sea.” Death comes to the family of Robert Murray, of Chardon. The wife and mother, Eliza E. Murray, daughter of John Corlett, of Concord, died of brain fever on May 9, being sick only 1 week. She was 35 years old leaving two little children, Johnny and Emma, and her husband. Married June 3rd, at the parsonage in Madison, Mr. Wilbur H. Gaylord and Miss Laura M. Bourn, of Perry, Lake Co., Ohio. Valuable Property for Sale I will sell the hotel called the “Parmly House” and buildings connected to it. The American Hotel with buildings and about three acres of ground. Also, the farm called “Hills Farm” of eighty acres—all in the town of Painesville. Propositions and offers for the whole or in parcels may be directed to me, No. 19, West 38th St., New York. E. Parmly

June 15, 1865 Thursday p. 2 The government has distributed 300 horses in one day, gratuitously to the people of Virginia, to enable them to work their farms. p. 3 M. Brockway, who has had a good deal of experience in military affairs, is interesting himself in raising an artillery company in this village—and already has 32 names enrolled. Home From the War This week the veterans of the 105th Ohio Vols., the first regiment of the ’62 troops to return to our midst, came suddenly upon us, received a warm welcome and disbanded to return to their homes. In this Regiment, Lake was largely represented, Co. D entire being made up from this county and a large fraction of Co. F. Below


June 15, 1865

is a list of the Lake County boys of Co. F who returned to Cleveland and received their final discharge: Capt. A. G. Wilcox, Madison 1st Lieut. J. W. Allen, Willoughby 1st Sergt. C. R. Brown, Willoughby Corp. I. D. L. Schram, Willoughby Corp. David Lester, Willoughby Corp. Ira Ely, Kirtland Priv. J. M. Brindle, Willoughby “ N. T. Clark Willoughby “ Charles Caley, Mentor “ Erastus Davison, Willoughby “ Horace Green, Willoughby “ Nelson King, Willoughby “ S. H. Lemunyan, Mentor “ Watson S. Schram, Willoughby “ George H. Sharp, Willoughby “ Reub. M. Simmons, Willoughby “ Dwight H. Woodard, Kirtland Resigned 2nd Lieut. L. D. Burbank, Willoughby Killed in Battle Corp. Jarius Childs, Willoughby Priv. Joseph Ball, Willoughby “ Thomas Haver, Willoughby “ Emmet C. Huston, Willoughby “ Elias J. Bottin, Mentor “ Fred Smith, Willoughby Died of Wounds Sergt. H. J. Fuller, Madison Corp. Josiah King, Willoughby Priv. Oliver R. Brewster, Madison “ Robert B. Barlass, Willoughby Died of Disease Thomas Ball, Willoughby George Martin, Kirtland The former was the second on two brothers to die in the service, and the latter died after he had survived the horrors of a rebel prison for nine months. Married June 3, Madison, Mr. Will H. Gaylord and Miss Lura M. Bowen, of Perry, Lake Co. Died Montville, Geauga Co., May 28, of consumption, Henry Sober, age about 22 yrs.

Died Concord, June 8, David Smith, age 62 yrs.. Died Willoughby, April 18, Arthur Ernest, youngest son of Joel and Mary A. G. Reeve, age 1 yr., 3 mos.

June 22, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Joseph Curtiss, guardian of Wm. Wallace Wood, will sell land in Painesville. W. F. Potts is “Strawberry King” in LeRoy. He presented us with a box of the largest strawberries we have seen in market. Twenty-five of them would fill a quart measure. Dr. S. M. Sumner and lady have returned to Painesville. He will open an office for the practice of Homeopathy. A son of John Rafter, age about 8 yrs., drowned last Friday. He and his older brother were bathing in the river near Arch Bridge when the little fellow got beyond his depth and drowned. The Band of the 2nd Brigade, 3rd, 23rd A.C. were mustered out and arrived here last Monday. The names of the Band: Painesville J. D. Hennessy H. H. Coe H. Holcomb E. E. Gill D. Thompson T. C. Radcliff H. A. Titus John Dickenson N. E. Kent Cleveland J. M. Leland James Mills D. L. Moore E. W. Jones John Coons Chester Ed Geary D. S. Gilmore


June 22, 1865

Married Painesville, June 14, Henry K. Raynolds, of Cleveland, and Caroline Cook, daughter of Stephen Mathews Esq., of Painesville. Married, Mr. William Haywood, and Miss Juliet Weldon, both of Madison. Died Albert J. Abbey, son of George and Ann Abbey, of LeRoy, and a member of the 14th Ohio Artillery being the second son who has fallen in the service of their country. He died April 14, on board a hospital boat, age 21 yrs. 2 mos., 7 days. ( The place of sepulture is unknown.) Died Thompson, Geauga Co., June 17, of consumption, Margaret Bliss, wife of H. E. Moseley and daughter of the late Timothy Bliss, of Brimfield, Mass., age 45 years. Died Odin, Ill., on June 11, of congestion of the brain, Mary Corning, daughter of H. C. and A. M. Durand, age 11 mos., 25 days. The body was brought to Mentor for burial. S. B. Baker is the adm. of Sabrina Callow, late of LeRoy, Lake Co. Charles B. Gillet is adm. of James Mosher, late of Lake Co.

June 29, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Died at Otsego, Michigan on May 13, 1865, Alva Stewart, age 47 yrs., formerly of Painesville. Melen S. Pardee is adm. of William E. Pardee, deceased late of Lake Co. Roxana Stewart is adm’x. of the estate of Alva Stewart, deceased of Lake Co.

July 6, 1865 Thursday p. 2 George Fisher will pay no debts for his wife, Rhoda Fisher. July 5 p. 3 Description of a monument designed by J. M. Martin, of Cleveland, which is to be erected in the new Cemetery for Mr. Jos. Sedgebeer of that place.

Adelbert Stone, only son of Amasa Stone Jr., of Cleveland, drowned while bathing in the Connecticut River last week. He was with a party from Yale College of which he was a member. Married at the residence of the bride’s father in Painesville, Jun 22, Robert N. Shepherd and Caroline S., eldest daughter of Hon B. Bissel. Married at the parsonage in Madison, on June 29, Mr. Amanda(?) Crandall, of Madison, and Miss Cathlean Hardy, of Geneva. H. D. L. Webster has sold his medical practice in Painesville to Dr. Marcus Kingsley. p. 4 Dr. D. W. Raymond, for some 30 years a resident and practitioner of medicine at Conneaut, died on the 18th instant of erysipelas after a brief illness of six days.

July 13, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Mr. Seth Marshall has been appointed P.M. of this town; vice M. M. Seymour. Samuel Cook, quite a youthful personage, was bound over to the Common Pleas Court for attempt to commit a rape on Sarah Jane Mellin—not yet 15 years old. Eighteen of our citizens have generously advanced Mr. Wm. Post $15,000 for the first payment on the purchase of the Parmly House. List of Income Tax Payers for 1864 in Lake Co. (newpaper, also, shows amount of tax paid by each) PAINESVILLE Avery, C. A. Andrews, J. H. Axtel, I. P. Briggs, R. P. Brewer, Geo. E. Baker, George Brainard, Noah Brayton, J.A. Baker, Geo. O.


July 13, 1865

Brown, L. C. Bishop, W. M. Bacon, Wm. L. Beardslee, H. C. Barstow, H. L Blackmore, Wm. Baker, A. R Bailey, J.A. Baldwin, G. M. Blair, R. L. Brink, Nicholas Braman, L. Bissel, Benj. Childs, Asa Clayton, Desky B. Collins, Orson Chesney, B. D. Clayton, David B. Casement, D. T. Curdy, W. W. Clayton, William Cooley, L. Cowles, G. R. Carroll, Harmon Curtiss, Geo. C. Clapsadal, F. Dingley, W. W. Dow, Royal Elias, J. S. Elias, Harrison Eddy, D. M. Fleming, F. H. Gray, D. C. Goodell, N. P. Gould, Harris Gray, H. C. Gage, L .P. Griswold, H. L. Hitchcock, R. Higgins, James Hoyt, C. L. Hawes, Charles Huntington, Colb Harrison, J. J. Harvey, Moses S. Hawley, Gideon

Hamilton, A. Jewell, Elijah Johnson, R. M. Kerr, Daniel Lee, N. O. Ladd, S. T. Lockwood, J. S. Loomis. T. W. Moodey, Samuel Malin, E. Moodey, R. A. Marshall, Seth Mason, Arnold. Marsh, B. F. Marshall, R. Morley, Albert Morse, B. F. Mason, Carlos Mather, I. A. Morse, Collins Noble, S. L. Nevison, W. W. Olmsted, C. C. Osborn, S. S. Perkins, W. L. Patterson, C. W. Porter, A. Pratt, Pliny Pike, E. S. Paige, D. R. Parmly, D. C. Patrick, S. S. Pease, C. C. Pancost, S. G. Raynolds, Geo. K. Rich, M. J. Rich, John Roberts, Thomas Stockwell, Brutus Steel, Horace Sedgebeer, Jos. Schwab, Solomon Stebbins, L. C. Seeley, Uri Seymour, M. M. Storrs, Jesse Skinner, R. W.


July 13, 1865

Sanford, P. P. Sanford, H. P. Tisdel, W. C. Tisdel, S. A. Teachout, A. Tinan, R. Van Etten, A. Viall, George Williams, H. G. Wheeler, N. S. Wells, Thomas B. Warner, M. J. Wilcox, Aaron Warner, F. D. Wilder, G. N. Wilder, Thomas Woodworth, H. Young, Wm. CONCORD Brown, Elijah Burr, Roswell Blish, George Carroll, Stephen Carroll, Martin Clark, George B. Camp, H. C. Drake, H. B. Dille, Monroe Fay, H. S. Jewell, Jason Murray, John Murray, Jared Murray, John H. Murray, G. S. Morse, Jacob Merrill, William Nye, Lyman E. Nye, H. C. Smith, James P. Winchell, Simeon LEROY Carter, S. E. and H. N. Elias, A. J. Paine, Henry PERRY Axtell, L. A.

Axtel, A. P. Baker, Olmstead Barber, Jas. W. Blair, Wm. A. Cook Warren Call, Amherst Castler, R. Cook, James H. Crosby, M. L. Ford, Warren Green, L. Gray, William Haskell, Eli B. Haskell, F. Hurlburt, Jehiel Hutchkins, Calvin Manchester, O. Norton, Nelson Nichols, F. Orton, Wayne Parmly, Jehiel Parmly Jr., Jehiel Parmly, Jas. L. Pike, Dan H. Sawdey, Isaac Stratton, Eliphalet Sinclair, L. C. Spalding, C. W. Thompson, Moses Thompson, C. M. Vrooman, B. VanNess Watts, H. D. Watts, N. I. Wood, Otis M. Wood, Lewis B. MADISON Barnes, David Barton, Horace Bissell, E. M. Brewster,Jasper Brewster, E. W. Blair, Thomas Bartram, C. L. Blair, J. F. Brockway, L. D. Bidwell, Wm.


July 13, 1865

Blair, Susan Brooks, John L. Bailey, David L. Copley, Reuben Cook, P. O. Crocker, Erastus Cook, Geo. T. Cram, Lowell Cummings, Chas. Church, J. B. Cook, M. B. Dayton, James Dewey, Hez. Doty, D. M. Dow, John Doty, M. A. Dickenson, H. R. Dickenson, B. W. Ensign, H. C. Ensign, E. F. Ford, James Ford, Wm. H. Frogley, Joseph Flowers, Andrew Follet, Almeron Foster, Chas. Ford, Reuben Griswold, A. F. Gager, Aaron E. Graves, Carlton Holbrook, N. V. Hayden, J. B. Hotchkiss, L. Hobart, Noah Hogaboam, John Holbrook, S. K. Isham, M. B. Johnson, Levi G. Kellogg, H. E. Keener, C. L Latham, Royal R. Merriman, A. Mack, Salmon G. McMackin, Wm. More, George Marsh, Darius

McDonald, L. B. Newell, Orlin Olds, Eli B. Plympton, E. L. Palmer, Cullen Roe, Henry A. Rand, H. C. Roberts, E. Sherwood, Wm. H. Safford, P. T. Sherer, J. P. Stewart, John A. Scott, Nelson Taylor, J. B. Talcott, S. O. Vandevere, J. H. Woolever, L. B. Wood, S. E. Williams, John Wetmore, A. J. Williams, Elijah Warner, O. W. Winchester, H. Winchester, J. Warner, A. G. Woodworth, L. C. Wood, Joseph, L. Warner, S. C. WILLOUGHBY Austin, A. Y. Boynton, D. G. Baker, Lucius Brown, S. W. Cain, Humphrey Caroll, K. Y. Downing, Wm. French, J. E. Gunn, A. W. Gray, M. E. Hall, H. D Hopkins, Chas. Hunt, Anson Hills, C. W. Kennedy, Ransom Lloyd, Lester Lloyd, Thomas Law, David Mosler, John


July 13, 1865

Pelton, Chas. Powel, N. Reeves, Joel Roberts, Joel Richardson, Trum Smith, Asa K. Smith, Wm. S. St. John, O.S. St. John, O.S, executor Estate Maria Fisk Skiff, Geo. Smart, S. W. Stewart, H. A. Stockwell, N. C. Schram, Wm. Schram, S. S. Taylor, Samuel T. Talbott, L. J. Ward, E. A. Worallo, M. Worden, Joseph Wilson S. V. Whitney, S. F. KIRTLAND Bonnell, E. G. Brown, Samuel Crary, C. G. Dixon, Hiram Gildersleeve, S. D. Holmes, G. P. Hotchkiss, Uriah Harmon, R. P. Kent, G. H. Lee, Edward Martindale, Theo. Martindale, Pliny Metcalf, P. A. Metcalf, E. B. Metcalf, Samuel Randall, Henry Smith, Guy W. Smith, Thomas Tryon, H. G. Tiffany, William MENTOR Andrews, Oliver

Andrews, F. Andrews, N. M. Burridge, E. Bostwick, A. S. Brooks, H. M. Brooks, Hugh Curtiss, Gilbert Carpenter, L. H. Clapp, T. J. Campbell, Jeremiah Dunbar, Henry Davis, William Dickey, Geo. Dill, M. T. Fenton, L. C. Gibbons, Samuel Hodges, O. S. Hodge, E. E. Hodge, John F. Hart, Stephen H. Hart, Daniel H. Haskell, Foster Hyde, H. N. Ingersoll, E. M. Murray 2nd, Robt. McClelland, John Markell, James Murray, Franklin Munson, E. S. Rexford, Seymour Smith, James M. Sawyer, Martin Sawyer, Isaac Sawyer, Almon Wells, C. C. Wells, Newton, Youmans, S. Probate Court Don Wyman, guardian of Sarah P. Tisdel, final account Don Wyman, guardian of Phebe E. Tisdel and Emma L. Tisdel, 6th account Abigail Rust, adm. of Truman H. Rust, deceased, first account H. P. Sanford, executor of Mary Brick, deceased, final account


July 13, 1865

Isaac H. Tuttle, guardian of Mary Jane Tuttle, first account Henry G. Williams, executor of Henry Williams, deceased 2nd account David Picket, adm. of John Lace, deceased, final account C. L. Hoyt, adm. of John Perkins, deceased, first account

July 20, 1865 Thursday

p. 2 David F. Bevins, who killed his aged parents in Adrian, Mich., to get their property and his own young wife about to become a mother, that he might marry a lover in Grafton, Ohio, has been sentenced to the Penitentiary for life. p. 3 Sad Accident – A son of Wm. A. Blair Esq., of Perry, aged about 12, had his foot cut off by being caught in a mowing machine. Foundlings – Last Friday morning, C. C. Jennings Esq. found two male infants left on the ground of his wagon shed. The children are about 4 weeks old. They were taken to the infirmary where they will be cared for Anyone wanting a baby boy can find one or a pair at the infirmary. The 29th Ohio Regt., 350 strong arrived at Cleveland Monday—disbanded in compliance with the late order. The Regiment was organized at Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Aug., 1861—the men chiefly from Ashtabula, Lake, and Summit Counties. Died Kirtland on the 3rd instant of typhoid fever, Aurelia E. eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Metcalf, age 21 yrs., 2 mos. 24 days. She left the school she had been teaching Thursday evening, and the following Monday died. Julia Rawley vs. Charles C. Rawley, petition for divorce. She is charging him with drunkenness and gross neglect of duty. Ellen E. Minor vs. William Minor, petition for divorce. She is charging him with extreme cruelty and adultery.

July 27, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Lake Erie Female Seminary Graduating Class Eunice P. Alger, Richfield Luette P. Bentley, Streetsboro Sarah P. Clark, Huntsburg Mary E. Flanders, Marengo, Ill. Florence A. Leonard, Collamer Eliza J. McCartney, Metropolis, Ill. Eugenia Munger, Maquoketa, Ia. Jane W. Smead, Shelburn, Mass. Naomi Sperry, North Eaton Cordelia A. Squire, Deerfield, Mich. Martha S. Taylor, Madura, India Died in LeRoy, N.Y., July 17, Lydia, A., wife of Dr. J. L. Gage, age 61(?) yrs. S. M. More and J. M. Benjamin are dissolving their partnership and the business will continue as J. M. Benjamin and S. M Drake, Family Groceries.

Aug. 3, 1865 Thursday P. 2 Died Painesville, July 21, Mrs. Mary E., wife of Bidwell Alderman, and only daughter of Allen Earl, age 24 years. Married July 31 at the residence of the bride ‘s father, Capt. W. H. Keyes, of Berlin, Wis., to Miss Louisa Cleveland, of this place. They will live in Petersburgh, Va. He passed through nearly 40 battles without the loss of a limb (save the two hands of his watch that were carried away by a Minnie ball). Married in this village, July 29, Wm. H. Bestor to Barbara Nichols, both of Cleveland. Married this this village July 29, Henry Knowles to Miss Elizabeth Hellen, both of Cleveland. These young men have been side-by-side for four years in the bloody strife for our national existence. p. 3 There was a tremendous storm which occurred in Parkman, Geauga Co., on Friday the 21st instant sweeping away one or two bridges and a sawmill and three mill dams. The carding mill of Mr. D. Foote was destroyed.


Aug. 3, 1865

Capt. W. R. Tracy has been promoted to Brevet Major for meritorious conduct. He is on Gen. Gillan’s staff. John Cooper, Titusville, Crawford Co., Pa. vs Lucius Gale, Lake Co., Ohio. Regarding: Money owed.

Aug. 10, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Mrs. Frances C. Parsons, mother of Hon. R. C. Parsons, of Cleveland, died July 31 at Niantic, on Long Island Sound, near New London. Marred Painesville at the residence of Allen Earl Esq., July 25, Wm. H. Earl, of Painesville, and Orilla Brown, formerly of Harpersfield. Married Spring Valley, Minn., July 16th, at the residence of J. Q. Farmer Esq., Mr. J. Fred Cook, of Austin, Minn., to Addie E., youngest daughter of the late Dr. Carpenter, of Painesville. Died Perry July 25, B. S. Glines, age 33 years. Died Quincey Aug. 2, Charlton Henry, infant son of Rev. Thomas B. and Susan F. Wells, age 20 mos.

Aug. 17, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Incest – Willard Green was arrested on Saturday and brought before Justice Doolittle charged with having sexual intercourse with his own daughter, about age 19. She was delivered of a child about 10 days ago which she claims is her own father’s. Married in this village on the 15th instant at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John D. Wheeler and Miss Mary M. Gibbs. Married at “Willow Manse” Aug. 14, Mr. Lemuel B. Strong, of Wickliffe, and Miss Sarah A. Kent, of Painesville. Married Madison on the 8th instant at the residence of Harry Wood Esq., Mr. Jerome Wellman to Miss Victoria A. Wood, all of Madison. Died at the house of her son-in-law, Rev. J. A. Brayton, in Painesville, Ohio, on the 6th instant, Mrs. Mary Ann Fowler, age 81.

Aug. 24, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Married Cleveland on the 8th instant at the Erie St. Baptist church, M. H. H. Baker, of Willoughby, and Miss Louisa M. Parker. Of Cleveland. Married Tyrone, N.Y., August 13, Dr. M. Strong, of Dansville, N.Y., to Miss Persis F. Griffeth, of Tyrone. Married in this village on the 17th at the Parsonage, Mr. Elbridge G. Huntoon and Miss Lura S. Taylor. Died Unionville, Aug. 18, Dwight Curtis, only child of D. H. and Harriet S. Babcock, age 3 yrs., 6 mos. Died Thompson, Aug. 11, at the residence of her son, Uri G. Sumner, Mrs. Lydia, wife of the late Ira Sumner, of Jay, Essex Co., N.Y., age 70 yrs.

Aug. 31, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Dr. J. G. Moore, formerly of the village, died in Cleveland last Friday of consumption. Thursday evening W. D. Howells, Consul to Venice, Italy, has lately returned to his home in Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., on leave of absence. Married in Painesville Aug. 24 at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Charlie A. Matteson, of Jefferson, to Mrs. Nan G. Sheldon. Married Painesville Aug. 24, Mr. Chas. W. Harris to Miss Susan M. Thompson, both of the former place. Died Mentor, Aug. 22, Mrs. Mary Thompson Griswold, age 74 yrs., She was born in Vershire, Orange Co., Vt., July 4, 1791. With her father’s family she came to Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., June, 1816, herself taking charge of the family and driving one team. The following year, she married Foster Emerson, of Madison, Lake Co., and after his death married Truman Griswold, of Mentor, July, 1824.

Sept. 7, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Married Hambden, Aug. 30, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. O. P. Quiggle, late a member of Co. E, 105th Regt.


Sept. 7, 1865

O.V.I., to Miss Helen I. Field, both of Hambden, Geauga Co. Died Madison, Aug 23, Arba Benjamin in the 76th year of his age. p. 3 Business Change – M. Brockway has recently formed a co-partnership with T. K. Butler, formerly of the 7th Conn. Vols., in shaving and haircutting.

Sept. 14, 1865 Thursday p. 2 George Miller of Lake Co. filed a petition for divorce from Elizabeth Miller, of Petersborough, Madison Co., N.Y., charging her with adultery with Marion Rull and J. Blakeslee. S. A. Tisdel has sold out his stock of merchandise to Mr. S. B. Cowles. Insanity - John Lusk has been arrested after several months of insane ravings and will be examined before the Probate Judge on a charge of lunacy. Mrs. Rusk made a complaint in fear of personal injury to herself and her family. Miss Carrie B. Ellis died at Little Mountain last Friday, age 18 yrs., 7days. She had typhoid fever and heart trouble. The temporary home of the deceased was Painesville where her father has resided for a year or more. She was to attend Lake Erie Seminary in the fall. Married Perry Sept. 2, Mr. Samuel P. Kemp and Miss Caroline M. Park, both of Perry. Died in Marysville, Cal., July 18, Isaac Green, age 36 yrs., 5 mos.

Sept. 21, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Ex-Gov. Tod’s eldest daughter, Charlotte, was married at Cleveland, Thursday, to Major General Kantz. Death of Spencer Phelps

Spencer Phelps died in Mentor, Sept. 16, age 83. He settled in this county 62 years ago. Mr. P served in the War of 1812. The Court granted a divorce in the case of Thos. Fox vs. M. Fox. Frank C. Gansburg was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary at hard labor for horse stealing. Lake County friends who won premiums at the State Fair: Names: Geo. Anderson, J. W. Penfield, J. Sedgebeer, S. E. and H.N. Carter, Mrs. Geo. Anderson, Mrs. M. Church. Married Madison Sept. 14 at the house of Dr. Merriman, Mr. Irwin S. Childs and Miss Ellen B. Merriman. Died Kirtland Sept. 2 after a short illness, Flora Flavillia, daughter of B. S. & L. S. Upham, age 4 yrs., 2 mos. Died this village Sept. 1, Charles M., son of W. F. and Joisey Green, age 15 yrs. He had been employed some time at the Parmly House (Rochester paper, pls. copy). Died of dysentery at the residence of his grandmother in Mentor, Aug. 17, Foster Ashley Moseley, child of Ruth and John F. Moseley, of Thompson, in his 7th year.

Sept. 28, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Franklin Paine Jr., adm. of Wm. I. Ford, deceased will be selling land. J. Warren Cook, executor of Lydia Haywood, deceased, will sell land in Perry. Lucius E. Judson is adm. of Wm. Holbrook late of Lake Co., deceased. Painesville Probate Court Stephen Raplee, adm. de bonis non, of Mark Young, deceased, final account


Sept. 28, 1865

John P. Markell, adm. of Thomas Beall, deceased, final account Hiram P. Harmon, adm. of Samuel T. Booth, deceased, final account William Harrison, executor of Joseph L. Fish, deceased, first account Hezekiah Cole, adm. of Andrew Copeland, deceased, final account William Durand, guardian of Ann M. Pike, third account Charles D. Adams, guardian of S. Axtell Eddy, final account p. 3 Passing Away – This week we record the death of two aged men—Wm. Holbrook Esq. of this village, age 84; and Dea. Elijah Smith, of Madison, age 80. Mr. H. Settled in the county in 1811 and has resided most of the time in the village. Grape and Wine Show at Sandusky by the Northern Ohio Grape Growers Association. The Madison Academy was never more prosperous than at this time. About 130 students are enrolled and more applications are made than can be found places for boarding. D. C. Parmly and L. C. Parmly have gone into partnership . Painesville Married on the 26th, Mr. F. A. Cady and Miss Minerva Bliss, of Madison. Married at the Cowels House, Painesville, Walter Gilbreath, Lieut. 20th Ind. Battery, to Miss Jennie Spears, of Madison, Lake Co. Died Madison, Sept. 12, Deacon Elijah Smith, age 80. Died Painesville, Sept. 21, Wm. Holbrook Esq., age 84.

Oct. 5, 1865 Thursday P. 2 Married at the house of the brides’ father, Mr. John D. Thompson and Miss Mary J. Tyler, both of Perry.

Married at the residence of the bride’s father in Richmond, on Sept. 28, Mr. David Barclay and Miss Villetta Morrell. Died Painesville Sept. 6 of dysentery, Elisha R., and Marrie S., sons of Solon and Susan Hall, ages 11 yrs., 13 days; and 6 yrs., 6 months, 26 days. Died Painesville, Sept. 21, same disease, Emma A., daughter of Solon and Susan Hall, age 8 yrs., 2 mos., 4 days. Died Madison Sept. 17, of typhoid fever, Louisa H., youngest daughter of Darius and Mary Ann Marsh, age 23. Died at Albion, Ind., Aug. 20, after a distressing sickness of one week, Mrs. Lutina S. Bliss, wife of John H. Bliss Esq., of Madison, age 61 yrs. p. 3 This page of the newspaper is all about the Annual Lake Co. Agricultural Society Fair.

Oct. 12, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Married Sept. 28, George W. Smith and Almeda Burrows, both of Madison. Married Oct. 5 at the Cowles House, Painesville, George Balch and Emma Warner, both of Madison. Married in this village Sept. 27, Rev. Richard L. Ganter, of Iowa City, Iowa, and Henrietta D., only daughter of P. P. Sanford. Died Madison, Sept. 13, after a few days illness, Mary A. oldest daughter of Ira and Jane Hodges, age 14. Died Unionville Sept. 29, Eliza A. Sterrett, age 17, youngest daughter of Thomas T. and Harriet Sterrett. p. 3 Martin Phelps has been appointed executor of Spencer Phelps, deceased of Lake Co. H. G. Griswold has been appointed adm. of Arba Benjamin, late of Lake Co., deceased Joseph P. Waldo cautions all from harboring his wife, Matilda, and he will not pay any of her debts. Oct. 11, 1865


Oct. 12, 1865

From the Chardon Democrat, we learn that Mrs. M. C. Ayers, of Russell, committed suicide by hanging herself last Monday. No cause is assigned for the fatal act.

Oct. 19, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Mary E. Multer, adm’x. of John R. Multer, deceased, will be selling land in Painesville Township. Aaron S. Mallory, guardian of Catharine M., Waldo, and others will be selling land in Painesville Township. p. 3 “Some Cabbage” – A cabbage raised on the farm of Mr. Wm. Durban, in Mentor, measured 4’ in circumference after stripping it close. Mr. D informs us he has some heads ¼ larger than this one. On a recent visit to Detroit, we viewed the magnificent painting of the “Rocky Mountains” by Biernstadt which was then on exhibit. This painting has just been purchased by Mr. McHenry, one of the English capitalists, for the snug sum of $25,000. p. 3 Little Mountain A writer in the Christian Advocate, traveling through this section, thus, writes of the natural scenery, & c. of our county: Five miles south of Painesville is Little Mountain. It rises gradually eight hundred feet above the lake. About 50 acres, covered with tall pines, chestnut, and mosses, embraces the summit. The mountain is literally hollow. There are ledges, and caves, and crevices and subterranean halls. Here three neat little hotels cozily rise among the pines, a dozen villas about, one is possessed by Ex. Governor Tod. But the rocks! Massive orators of God! They are conglomerate and of marble, pebble, iron, and silica base. One rock has been carried by the original explosion fifty rods, and by its fall was severed into six parts, each as large as a barn.

Near Little Mountain is the village of Kirtland, built long ago by the Mormons. Here a magnificent Temple stands.

Oct. 26, 1865 Thursday

p. 2 George Miller vs. Elizabeth Miller—divorce petition. A great stir amongst the Germans at Nashville has been caused by a bill providing for an immigration bureau, which has been proposed in the senate by the Hon. Mr. Frazer. The bill provides for a bureau at Nashville, with the Governor as head, creates agencies at New York and at several of the principal places in Germany, and provides an appropriation for the purpose of purchasing suitable buildings at the first cities of the state, to be established as immigrants’ homes after the fashion of Castle Garden in New York. P. 3 From the Chardon Democrat of last Saturday, we learn that the family of Mr. Silas Gaylord have been most terribly afflicted, no less than five of their number having died of dysentery within a short time, viz: Mr. Gaylord’s mother, his father-in-law, Capt. Tuttle; his sister-in-law, Miss Elizabeth Tuttle; his son Master Fred Gaylord, age about 6, and his son-in-law and business partner, Mr. Chas. A. Hawthorne. Other families in Burton have been similarly afflicted, but none to so fearful an extent. A number of families from Lake and Geauga Counties have been part of a large emigration from the Reserve counties to Missouri—and more will undoubtedly follow next spring. To all those who desire information on matters pertaining to Missouri, we would advise them to seek out Messrs. Lacy & Adam, Emigration Agents, opposite the Post Office, Cleveland. It is with sincere sorrow that we are called upon to record the decease of Mrs. Mary P. Bridgman, late of Springfield, Mass. She died there Oct. 23 in her home after a protracted


Oct. 26, 1865

illness. She was known to our readers a Miss Mary P. Bronson who was the pioneer teacher of the Lake Erie Female Seminary in 1859. She married Mr. S. T. Bridgman later in Springfield. The sudden death of Rev. Parshall Terry (former Pastor of the First Church in Painesville) occurred at Troy, Geauga Co., last week. He died of congestion of the spinal column. His remains were brought to Painesville to be deposited by the side of a beloved daughter. He was about 60 years old. Married in the First Church in Painesville, Oct. 17, M. H. Bline Steele and Miss Mary E. Sterling. Married Mentor, Oct. 4, Mr. Algernon S. Austin and Mrs. Frances B. Viall. Married Oct. 23, Mr. Philander W. Curtiss, of Chattanooga, and Miss Laura A. Robbins, at Painesville. Died Concord Aug. 28 of consumption, Hannah, daughter of Luman and M. Anna Wheeler, of Madison, age 20 years. Died Madison on the 9th instant, Arthur, infant and only son of Harmon F., and Betsey Doty, age 2 yrs., 6 mos. Died Painesville on the 19th instant of consumption, Catharine, wife of Franklin Williams, age 45 years. Died Painesville, Oct. 20, after a painful and protracted sickness, Mr. A. Van Etten.

Nov. 2, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Married Wed., Oct. 18, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. H. C. Ford, landscape artist of Chicago, to Mrs. Nellie W. Sackett, only daughter of A. E. Webster, of Mentor. Died Perry, Lake Co., Oct. 16, Mrs. Malinda Wyman, age 85, wife of Wm. Wyman, deceased, formerly of Manchester, Vt.

p. 3 Dr. C. N. Fowler, formerly surgeon of the 105th Ohio, has taken up his abode in Painesville with a view to practice his profession. The Painesville Ladies Aid Society as an organization has ceased to exist—the members at their last meeting disbursing the funds in their possession. The Society has done a noble and blessed work since its formation in the dark days of 1861. Rev. J. M. Green and wife celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary last Saturday in this place.

Nov. 9, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Weather: Considerable snow has fallen in Geauga Co.—three inches in various localities. Jas. Hutchinson who was arrested for burglary, escaped. Robbery – Mr. R. B. Brockway, of Chicago, who has been visiting his relatives—the family of Mr. Jas. H. Avery—was walking alone in our village when he was seized by a ruffian, garroted, and relieved of $500 and a gold watch. Mr. Brockway was seriously injured but is able to be out. Mr. Chas. Moseley, brother of Noah Moseley Esq., formerly of Thompson, but for a number of years a resident of Madison, then of Illinois, came to death on the 14th ultimo. Nov. 9, 1865, he was thrown from his wagon and became entangled under the horses hooves. He was 49 years old. He leaves a widow. Married Perry Oct. 26 at the residence of the bride’s father, Perry Axtell Esq., Capt. Solon A. Rand, 2nd O.V.C. of Madison, to Miss Jane Eliza Ayers(?). Married Oct. 31, Mr. Wm. Bauney, of Pa., and Miss Nancy McCarlin, of Painesville. Albert Hickok has been appointed adm. of Linus Lee, late of Lake Co., deceased. Painesville


Nov. 9, 1865

Mary D. Phillips, Lake Co., filed a petition for divorce, from Jeremiah H. Phillips, of Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., for gross neglect of duty and charging him with adultery with Smokehouse Maria and other persons.

Nov. 16, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Foundling - A male child several months old was left on the door steps of Mr. G. N. Wilder, last Wednesday. We understand it is a fine healthy boy. Rev. Mr. Phelps, of Fremont, Ohio, has purchased a homestead here and will become a resident of our town. Married Madison at the house of the bride’s father on the 7th instant, Mr. Geo. R. Beardsall, of Kansas, to Miss Lucy J. Plympton, only daughter of Dr. E. L . Plympton, of Madison. Died Oct. 19, of apoplexy, age 70, Mr. Linus Lee, of Madison. Died in Erie, Mich., Oct. 29, Mrs. Rebecca Butler, age 64 years. Died Macon, Ill., Oct. 30, Mr. Luther J. Wells, age 35 yrs., formerly of this county.

Nov. 23, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Gov. Anderson has changed the Day of Thanksgiving in this State from Nov. 30th to the first Thursday in December, which occurs on the 7th. Married Willoughby, Nov. 9, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. W. S. Ferguson and Miss Hellen M. Worallo, all of Willoughby. Married LeRoy Nov. 11, Mr. Jonathan J. Taylor and Miss Lovina Ray, both of LeRoy. Married Thompson Nov. 19, Mr. Chauncey J. Wrst and Miss Harriet Phelps, both of Thompson. Died in Perry, Nov. 13, Hugh Gordon, age 80 yrs.

Died in Harlem Township, Stephenson Co., Ill., on the 5th instant, after four days’ illness, Huldah, wife of Peres A. Tisdel Esq., age 63 yrs., formerly of this county. Lucius Ingraham vs Christopher P. Tallman Regarding: Land in Mentor

Nov. 30, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Mr. Benajah Brewer, an old and esteemed citizen of Hambden, died last Friday. He died of dysentery, age about 60 yrs. Jeffersonian Democrat Anna Mathews, of Lake Co., filed a petition for divorce from James Mathews, of Troy, N.Y. She charges that he had a former wife living at the time he married her. The Woolen Factory owned by Messrs. Drake, in Concord, burned down last Wednesday. Melancholy Death – On Sunday morning, Frank W. Warner, son of Mr. D. Warner, Chardon, was found dead in the yard adjoining his father’s house—his neck broken. From marks on his throat, it is supposed he came in contact with a clothesline while chasing some colts in the yard. He was about 14 yrs. old. His remains were brought here for interment. A Painesville Relief Society has been created for aid and comfort to the poor. C. A. Avery, President Married Painesville at the residence of the bride’s father, Nov. 22, Mr. Jas H. Cook and Miss Ann M.Wood. Married Kirtland, Nov. 22, Mr. Albert C. Warren, of Mentor and Miss Helen M. Morse, of Concord. Married Unionville at the residence of the bride’s father, James A. Pope, of Pine Grove, N.Y., to Eliza L. Warner, of the former place.


Nov. 30, 1865

Married Thompson Nov. 9, Elverton J. Clapp, of Windsor, and Eliza Ann Carpenter, of Thompson. Died in Lyons, Iowa, at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. D. Easton, Nov. 18, after a short illness, Mrs. Nancy L. Kellogg, age 57 years. Died Painesville, Nov. 19, of consumption, Jennie E. daughter of the late, Dr. A. Plimpton, age 25. Died on the 28th instant from injuries received by a fall, Bede, wife of John McMakin, age 67. She came to Ohio with her husband in 1818 and lived in Madison until 1853, since which time her home has been in this village. p. 3 Probate Court Roxana Stuart, adm’x. of Alvah Stuart, deceased, final account Alanson Phelps, guardian of Lydia E., Eliza A., Mary B., and Louisa K. Phelps, final account Julius Heath, adm. of E. W. Heath, final account Cynthia Dickinson, guardian of John, George W., Frederick C. and Frank H. Perkins, first account Margaret A. Whitney, guardian of Sylvester, Sarah A., Gitty A., Margaret A., and Harvey A. Whitney, second account Samuel Miller and Sally Sharp, executors of Solon D. Moore, final account Aaron S. Mallory, guardian of Catherine M., Waldo, Mildred C., David E., Adelaide M., Caroline A., Ida E., Charles S., and Aaron E. Mallory, first account Samuel Taylor, guardian of Clarissa, Mary M., Henry H., James M., and Julia C. Young, fourth account Aretus Trumbull, executor of Lewis Randall, deceased, final account Caleb Van Ness, guardian of Eugene , Arthur, David R., and Elizabeth A. Crosby, fourth account A. P. Barber, guardian of C. L. Barber, eighth account

Dec. 7, 1865 Thursday

p. 2 Lucius P. Amidon guardian of Frank Amidon, will be selling land in Perry. Brazille Morrison, guardian of Anna V. Amidon, will be selling land in Perry. Lucy Lockwood guardian of Ann J. Lockwood, Garrett Lockwood, Elmer A. Lockwood, Frank W. Lockwood, Emma A. Lockwood will be selling land in Madison. p. 3 Mr. C. S. Harris, of Waukegan, Mich. (formerly of this place) was robbed. Death of Capt. Scribner Huntoon Mr. Huntoon died last Thursday. He was a native of New Hampshire, born in 1783. At the age of 34 he came to Ohio and settled at Concord. He was 45 days on the road with his family---having only an ox team to transport them. The day he was buried, last Saturday, it was just 48 years since he first settled on his farm where he lived and died. He was elected and served as Commissioner of Lake Co. for one or two terms. The first vote he ever cast was for Thomas Jefferson for President. During the War of 1812 he commanded a company in New Hampshire, but resigned and enlisted as a private and served his country faithfully. He leaves an aged wife and seven children (daughters) all living and married. The Fenian Sisterhood of this town gave a grand ball and supper at Steel’s Hall last Wednesday. Alden Nash was killed in Madison when the East Bound Express hit him on the 5th.

Dec. 14, 1865 Thursday p. 2 C. J. Komar, of Lake Co., vs Edward D. Covert, of Michigan. Mentioned: Charles H. Schranton. Regarding mortgage. p. 3 Married at Christ Church, Bridgeport Conn., Dec. 6, Levi S. Stockwell, of Painesville, and Jane R. Howe, daughter of Elias Howe Jr.


Dec. 14, 1865

Married LeRoy at the residence of the bride’s parents, Dec. 3, Mr. Thomas Hofman, of Robinson, Crawford Co., Ohio, and Miss Jennie Ray. Married on the 7th instant at the residence of the bride’s father in Thompson, Mr. Howard S. Hemmingway, of Brecksville, Cuyahoga Co., to Miss Louisa D. Matthews, only daughter of Hiram Mathews Esq. Married at the residence of the bride’s father on the 6th instant, Mr. Ozias N. Brainard and Miss Marion P. Rider.

Dec. 21, 1865 Thursday p. 3 Died in this town, Saturday, Dec. 2, Charles J., only child of Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Casement, age 4 yrs. Thompson Items Rev. Mr. Brinkerhoff, from the southern part of the state, has been engaged to officiate as pastor over the society of the Congregational Church in Thompson. Mr. Zeba Stearns has sold his farm in the “Gore” and purchased of Mr. Sherer, a few lots from his former place on another road. Mr. Daniel Williams, the purchaser of Mr. Stearns’ farm has sold to Mr. Jonas Hodges, recent from the state of New York. Mr. John Boyd has sold his farm to Mr. Nelson Scott, and purchased the residence of Widow Mahlon. The Widow Turner has sold her house and lot in the village to L. Lucas Esq. Mr. S. Hickok purchased the dwelling house and lot formerly owned by Mr. Lucas. Mr. Peter Williamson purchased a house and lot of Chas. Goodrich, Esq. for $600. Mr. W is a carriage and sleigh maker—a prompt, ready, reliable workman, a returned soldier. Mr. Orrin Jewell after faithfully serving his country’s cause for 18 months has returned home to his family, purchased a nice stock of material and opened a Harness Shop, on the corner of the park, and has a returned soldier for an apprentice.

Mr. Haling and two sons, all soldiers honorably discharged, are busy in the daily avocations of civil life. The father keeps the “Stage House” and the sons are building a Shoe Shop—having exchanged the drumsticks which they used on their drums during the war, for the awl and the peg. Concord Items A Freedmen’s Aid Society was organized in Concord, in this county, on the 7th instant, auxiliary to the Cleveland Freedmen’s Aid Commission. The following are its officers: Mrs. John Murray, President Mrs. Orson Wilson, Vice Pres. Miss N. Winchell, Treas. Miss Matilda Winchell, Sec. Married Washington, D. C., Dec. 7, at the residence of Thomas H. Barron Esq., Mr. Willard P. Tisdel, of Painesville, O., to Miss Sally F. Stone, of Washington. Married Madison, Dec. 17th, Mr. Cassius C. Rand and Miss Ann Gillett, both of Madison.

Dec. 28, 1865 Thursday p. 2 Mrs. Jane Daley, of Cleveland, was knocked down and run over by a man in a one horse wagon at the corner of Alabama & St. Clair St., last Monday. She died of her injuries on Wednesday, after 36 hours of suffering. She was 60 yrs. old. Married Thompson at the residence of the bride’s father on the 20th instant, Mr. Charles Underwood, of Montville, to Miss Sarah A., second daughter of Augustus Tillotson Esq. Married Dec. 26 at the Parmly House, Mr. Hiram Deeds, of Madison, and Miss Olive Starks, of New York. W. W. Branch has been appointed adm. of Nelson Peck, deceased of Madison.


Dec. 28, 1865

David D. Brewster has filed a petition for divorce from Ruth Ann Brewster. He charges her with adultery with Leander Wedge. Dan Cream, of Lake Co., vs Henry Quine, of Princeton, Ind. Re: Lease and money owed. The End