Download - PageA2•January26,2012•InlandEmpireCommunityNewspapers Web Pages/1-28-12 WE…Kesling(Matt)andSherryStorms Simpson, along with great

Page 1: PageA2•January26,2012•InlandEmpireCommunityNewspapers Web Pages/1-28-12 WE…Kesling(Matt)andSherryStorms Simpson, along with great

E.Virginia “Ginny” Storms,88, a 60 year resident ofRialto, passed away on

Thursday, January 19, 2012 inRedlands, CA. Born December 10,1923 in Culbertson, Nebraska, shewas a beloved wife and mother of

2. She is survived by daughter Bar-bara Woolery, nieces Tara StormsKesling (Matt) and Sherry StormsSimpson, along with greatnephews Jesse and Cody Keslingplus many others. She was pre-ceded in death by her husband of50 years Harlan Storms, son Har-lan Storms Jr., son-in-law MichaelWoolery and brothers Frank andHenry Hadley.She was co-owner of A & S Ap-pliance for 15 years. MemberOrder of Eastern Star Tri-StarChapter 211 Rialto for 30 years.Received the Rob Morris Award,Mokattam Temple Daughters ofthe Nile, Ard-El-Gannah Nile ClubNo. 3, and Order Golden SlipperM.H.C, Dirot Chapter – SanBernardino Shrine Widows Club.She enjoyed traveling with her hus-band Harlan and friends in Para-

dise Valley and also participated inthe Shrine Club Car unit in manyparades featuring miniature VWcars and wrecker truck.She enjoyed camping, fishing,boating, and water skiing. Her hob-bies were ceramic painting, knit-ting, word search puzzles, andcrafts of all kinds. Her many fam-ily and friends cherished her ce-ramic gifts. Her love of dogs andcats started early in childhood withPepper followed by many blackand white Boston Terriers. Hum-ming birds brought her great de-light. She was loved by all and shewill be greatly missed.A memorial service will be heldon Thursday, January 26, 2012 at1 p.m. at Montecito Park in theValley View Chapel at 3520 E.Washington St. in Colton, CA.Visitation begins at 12 p.m.

Music, cont. from frontthe curriculum in an effort to usethe benefits of the arts for aca-

demic success.The district also contracts withIMC INC, an organization that

hosts free music classes for stu-dents after school. Student learnguitar, bass guitar, drums, andkeyboard.Individual school also still havetheir music programs such asband, orchestra and choir. Ap-proximately ten schools performedeach day so it took a lot of coordi-nation within the district.“The teachers and the studentsare outstanding,” said Culber-house.All of the talent cultivated inthese programs was on display atthe music festival.Students from all grade levelsperformed and cheered each otheron enthusiastically as each groupwent to the stage to perform.After their performances theyalso received critiques from pro-fessionals in each respective fieldabout how to take their perform-ances to the next level as musi-cians.The outstanding acts from thefestival will be chosen to performin a music showcase later in theschool year.

Page A2 • January 26, 2012 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Rialto Record

From the Rialto FireDepartment

Speed, cont. from frontdowntown area while making thearea a customer friendly place forall to shop,” said Joe Flores, Jr.,president of the association. According to John Brockhouse,owner of Brockhouse and Hallumand member of the associationsboard of directors a number ofideas have been tried in the past in-cluding changing the speed limit atdifferent times of the day. Duringdiscussions about the revitalization

of downtown decreasing the widthof the lanes was proposed as a wayto decrease speed as well. The current proposed plan is tobuy ten of the devices becausethey are sold in bundles of ten. Theones being proposed are immov-able because those are less expen-sive. The city will purchase eight ofthe devices and pay for the instal-lation and maintenence and the as-sociation will pay for two of them.

One will be put on RiversideAve. just south of Foothill facingsouthbound motorists and theother will be on Riverside Ave.just north of Merrill facing north-bound motorists. The idea is not to prosecute mo-torists but to remind them of thespeed limit and encourage them tolslow down. The police department will alsohave access to the data that is col-lected.


Each day of the week a different genre was performed. Pictured here is a choir from EisenhowerHigh School.


Students of all grade levels were invited to perform and the bestacts will perform in a showcase at the end of the school year.


Students from Frisbee Middle School performed holiday classicson Tuesday.

Joann Smith was born June 18,1944 in Queens New york.Daughter of Doris and Fiore

Cassella. Joann was raised in NewYork and married to Bill Smith.She is survived by sons Bill andJim Smith as well as daughtersMistel Wellington and KathySmith. Joann also has five beloved

grandchildren, Adam Wellington,Brandin, Devon, Alex and TabithaSmith. Joann spent her best yearsraising her children in Rialto Cali-fornia. She lost a 2 year battleagainst cancer. She left to be withJesus on Sunday morning January22, 2012 Joann loved her familyand she loved the Lord. She willforever be loved and missed.

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Agency, cont. from frontresolve California’s $25 billionbudget deficit. After months oflegislative wrangling, a compro-mise was reached with the enact-ment of two bills: ABX1 26 andABX1 27. The first bill, (ABX126), eliminated redevelopmentagencies statewide, while the sec-ond bill (ABX1 27) authorized re-instatement by each agency uponthe agreement to make certain“voluntary” payments for the ben-efit of the State. Following thepassage of ABX1 26 and ABX127, the California RedevelopmentAssociation (CRA), League ofCalifornia Cites (League), and sev-eral independent cities filed a law-suit challenging theconstitutionality of the two laws.CRA and the League argued thatthe two budget bills violatedProposition 1A (2004), Proposition22 (2010), and the California Con-stitution. On December 29, 2011, the Cali-fornia State Supreme Court handeddown its decision that ABX1 26,which eliminated redevelopmentagencies statewide, was a constitu-tional exercise of the Legislature’sauthority. The Court opined that ifthe Legislature had the right to cre-ate redevelopment, then it also hadthe right to eliminate redevelop-ment agencies. The Court opinedthat ABX1 27 – which would haveallowed agencies to reactivate if

they made “voluntary” paymentsto the State – was unconstitutional.The Court indicated that the pay-ment was not voluntary and there-fore violated Proposition 22. TheCourt also rejected the argumentthat the two bills were inseparablylinked. Although many legislators haveindicated support for new legisla-tion to continue some of the basicgoals of redevelopment, such as af-fordable housing, infrastructureand job creation, it is unlikely thatthe Legislature will approve anysuch legislation prior to February1, the date upon which the Agencywill cease to exist. In accordance with the Court’sruling, the Rialto RedevelopmentAgency will be dissolved on Feb-ruary 1. A Successor Agency willbe created to provide basic admin-istrative support in the dissolutionprocess. A seven member Over-sight Board, which will be con-trolled by County of SanBernardino and various SchoolDistrict appointees, will overseethe payment of all existing obliga-tions, the liquidation of all currentassets of the Agency, and disposi-tion of all proceeds and unencum-bered funds to various state taxingentities. For additional informa-tion on the dissolution of theAgency and the creation of theSuccessor Agency, please contactJohn Dutrey at (909) 879-1151.

Fire, cont. from front

A donation can be made to thenon-profit account of the Lorne B.Eastwood Rescue Fund. The ac-count is at lnland CommunityBank, 255 South Riverside Ave.

Rialto, CA 92376, Acct. 1106476. Together we can build a partner-ship through team work and train-ing with one another. Contact Information: Tondra Hill(909) 820-2501 or [email protected].

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