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2 -5-92 IFinal Progress 3/15/91 - 12/31/94L SILS AMJ 3UIlllLk S. FUNDING NUMBERS

1991 Gordon Research Confeience on NonlinearOptics and Lasers NOOO14-91-J-1579


Prof. Hermann Haus 4124517-01


Research Laboratory of Electronics REPORT NUMBER

Massachusetts Institute of Technology7.7 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, MA 02139


Office of Naval Research800 N. Quincy St.Arlington, VA 22217-5000

11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESThe view, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of theauthor(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Armyposition, policy, or decision, unless so designated by other documentation.


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)


S E I EI 1992 i

0 92-0335992 2 io0 117





NSN 7540-01-280-SSOO Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2.89.Prtcribed by ANSI Std Z-L-Sl2911002


Final Progress Report

AFOSR and NSF Grant No: ECS-9111835ONR Grant No: NOOO-1491J1579

Summary of Conference Events

The Conference on Nonliriear Optics and Lasers, which is held traditionally every otheryear, was held again this year_.The topic we-re' chosen on the basis of their current interestand of significant advances within the past year.p production of X-rays with high powerlasers, generation of millimeter waves with femtosecond pulses, microcavities and micro-lasers, second harmonigeneation in fibers and advances in photorefractivity and paralleloptical processing. It is important to introduce Gordon conferees to ways of thinking andscientific methods in fields that are related, but would not generally appear in specializedconferences. ,.ha4 three such examples: The methods of nonlinear optics as appliedto electronic signal processing P-Dave-Broom), the concept of squeezing (special quantumstates of the electromagnetic field) as used to explain the generation of gravitational wavesin the expanding universe-(Leeid-Grishchukj and particle interferometers with particle-instead of wave-gratings (Lav#Pritchard).

By asking Nobel laureate Bloembergen one year in advance to give the traditional afterdinner speech, we were privileged to hear him speak of the history of optics over thecenturies resulting in the various principles of linear optics, and the highly accelerated pace

of discovery of the analogous principles in nonlinear optics. His presence was particulalrygratifying, since there was a large contingent of graduafe\atudents participating in theconference.

We had two foreign cochairman: Profs. E. Hanamura and Prof. E. G~bel. Invited foreignspeakers were:

from France: Prof. Jean-Michel Raimond

from Great Britain: Prof. Wilson Sibbettfrom the Soviet Union: Profs. Leonid Grishchuk and Boris Zeldovitchfrom Germany: Prof. Theo Tschudifrom Austria: Prof. Arnold Schmidt


In order to air the work of graduate students, and to give the opportunity to present veryrecent work, we have had the tradition of a poster session. This year we expanded theposter session to two evenings. This was a very useful innovation. The number of posterseach night was of the order of 15, giving plenty of time for extensive discussion with thepresenters. This mode is highly recommended for future conference.

At the Thursday conference dinner votes were taken on the "best poster." The winnerwas "Optical Coherence Tomography," Paper 29 on the poster program. The runner upwas "Time Domain Observation of Squeezing in a Nonlinear Fiber Ring Interferometer,"Paper 18 on the poster program.

On Tuesday afternoon, the committee consisting of the chairman, vice-chairman, anddiscussion leaders selected two candidates for vice-chairman of the 1993 conference (andthus chairman of the 1995 conference). In the Tuesday evening session an announcementwas made to the conferees that on Wednesday night a vote would be taken on the nextvice-chairman and that they should consider presenting candidates. When nominationswere made on Wednesday night, the nominee of the conferees was Yaron Silberberg. Inthe vote, Silberberg was the winner. As chairman of this conference I can express mysatisfaction that a very good candidate was chosen and that the 1995 conference planning

is in good hands.

At any time during the week, about 90 conferees were present.

The atmosphere in Wolfeboro is beyond compare. I attend many conferences myself, yetI have never found an equally informal and productive setting for the exchange of ideasand the spawning of new ideas. On the whole, it is my opinion that the conference wasvery successful and I am looking forward to the 1993 conference, hopefully at the BrewsterAcademy.

Y-~ -Hermann A. HausSDInstitute Professor

Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyChairman, Gordon Research Conferenceon Nonlinear Optics and Lasers, 1991





1. Conference Fee

Invited Speakers: 24 x 350 1,100 4,000 - 3,300 8,400

Session Chairmen: 9 x 350 2,800 - - - 2,800

Junior Faculty, 22 x 350Students: 1,000 1,000 4,000 1,700 7,700

2. ravel

Invited Speakers, domesticairfare: 9 x 455 (avg) 100 4,000 - - 4,100

Invited Speakers, foreignairfare: 6 x 1,000 (avg) 6,000 - - - 6,000

Junior faculty, students,cochairmen: 10 x 300 - 1,000 2,000 - 3,000

Local transportation, busfrom Logan airportto Wolfeboro 28 x 25 1,000 - - - 1,000

TOTALS 12,000 10,000 6,000 5,000 33,000



Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, NHJuly 22-26, 1991

Chairman: Hermann A. Haus Vice Chairman: Dana Z. AndersonCo-Chairmen: E. G6bel and E. Hanamura

Monday, July 22

Morning J. Feinberg, Discussion Leader

8:30-9:15 D. Auston Terahertz Radiation from Photoconducting Antennas9:15-10:00 D. Bloom Nonlinear Electronics10:00-10:30 Coffee Break10:30-11:15 Y. Silberberg Photon Echoes in Er-doped Fibers11:15-12:00 C. Rhodes Interaction of High Intensity Radiation with Molecules

and Solids

Evening R. Falcone, Discussion Leader

8:00-8:45 G. Mourou Ultraintense Lasers and Nonlinear Optics of Free Elec-trons

8:45-9:30 S. Szatmiri Up-scaling of TW-class KrF Lasers

Tuesday, July 23

Morning E. Gobel, Discussion Leader

8:30-9:15 D. Steel High Resolution Nonlinear Spectroscopy and PhotonEchoes of Localized Excitons

9:15-10:00 T. Fukuzawa Luminescence of Type-II Excitons in Coupled Q.W.'s10:00-10:20 Coffee Break10:20-11:05 J. Shah Subpicosecond Coherent Spectroscopy of Optical


11:05-11:50 J. Stark Nonlinear Optical Response of Stro-,gly Confined Exci-tons

11:50-12:30 W. Knox Femtosecond Quantum Well Opto-electronics

Evening C. Rhodes, Discussion Ledder

7:30-8:15 M. Murnane X-rays from Short-pulse Laser Produced Plasmas



I. "Ten Hertz laser generation of sub-Angstrom X-rays," J. D. Kmetec, C. L. Gordon IMl, and S. E.Harris, Stanford University.

2. "X-ray resonant noniaear effects in plasma," A. E. Kaplan and P. Shkolnikov, The JohnsHopkins University.

3. "Relativistic pulse compression," H. C. Kapteyan and M. M. Murnane, Washinyton StateUniversity.

4. "Ultra-short pulse formation in passively mode-locked fiber lasers," M. E. Fermann and M.Hofer, Technical University of Vienna.

5. "Femtosecond desorption of molecules from surfaces: CO/Cu(1 11)," H. W. K. Tom, J. A.Prybyla and G. D. Anniller, AT&T Bell Laboratories.

6. "Probing the vibrational contribution to X(3) with femtosecond optical pulses," W. T. Lotshaw,C. P. Yakymyshyn, and P. K. Singh, General Electric Company.

7. "Photon echo in strongly saturated systems," V. L. da Silva, Y. Silbergerg, J. P. Heritage and E.W. Chase, Bellcore.

8. "Ultrafast behavior of a nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon," J. Paye and D. Hulin, ,cole Polytechnique- lcole Nationale Suprieure de Techniques Avancies.

9. -Harmonic mode-locking of a Nd:BEL laser using a 20 GHz dielectric resonator/opticalmodulator," A. A. Godil, A. S. Hou, B. A. Auld, D. M. Bloom, Stanford University.

10. "Practical limitation of optical parametric oscillators," K. L. Schepler, Wright Laboratory.

11. "Biexciton AC Stark splitting in CuCI," R. Shirnano and M. Kuwata-Gonokani, University ofTokyo.

12. "Near infrared dispersion of X(3)(3 o), Im[X(3)(-co;),c,-o)] and X(3)(2Co1-co2) of poly (4-BCMU)thin films," W. E. Torruellas, K. B. Rochford, R. Zanoni, S. Aramaki and G. I. Stegeman,University of Florida, CREOL

13. "Optical nonlinear response and the generation of PCW in disordered exciton systems," N.Taniguchi and E. Hanamura, Univ. of Tokyo.

14. "Nonlinear compton scattering in focused pulsed laser," U. Moludeen, H. W. K. Tom, R. R.Freeman, J. Bokor, P. H. Bucksbaun, AT&T Bell Laboratories.

15. "High-power femtosecond optical pulse compression using spatial solitons," D. H. Reitze, A. M.Weiner and D. E. Leaird, Bellcore,

16. "Picosecond transient photoreflectance measurements of heavily ion-implanted and annealedsilicon," S. C. Moss, J. E. Wessel, and J. F. Knudsen, The Aerospace Corporation.

17. "Effects of chirp on coherent measurements: the case of the optical Stark effect insemiconductors," J.J. Baumberg, R. A. Taylor and J. F. Ryan, Oxford University.


18 "Time domain observation of squeezing in a nonlinear fiber ring interferometer," K. Bergman,Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

19. Two-photon correlation of squeezed pulse train," T. Kuga, Y. Miyamoto, T. Hirano and M.

Matsuoka, University of Tokyo.

20. "Spatial dark soliton stripes and grids," G. A. Swartzlander, Jr. Naval Research Laboratory.

21. 'Transoceanic fiber transmission that overcomes the Gordon-Haus limit," A. Mecozzi, Y. Lai,and IL A. Haus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

22. "Quantum frequency conversion: experimental evidence," P. Kumar and J. Huang, NorthwesternUniversity. 4

23. "High-nonlinearity optical fibers," D. L. Weidman, J. C. Lapp, and M. A. Newhouse, CorningIncorporated.

24. "Holographic mode structure in waveguides," D. Brady, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana.

25. "A self-organizing photorefractive demultiplexer," M. Saffman, C. Benkert and D. 7. Anderson,University of Colorado.

26. "Self-organizing feature extraction by a photorefractive system," D.Montgomery, C. Benkert andD. Z. Anderson. University of Colorado.

27. "Photorefractive gratings in KLTN," R. Agranat, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

28. "All optical ultrafast serial-to-parallel conversion using excitonic giant nonlinearity," K. Ema, M.Kuwata-Gonokami, T. Saiki, K. Takeuchi, and F. Shimizu, University of Tokyo.

29. "Optical coherence tomography," D. Huang, E. A. Swanson, C. P. Lin, J. S. Schuman, W. G.Stinson, W. Chang, M. R. Hee, T. Flotte, K. Gregory, C. A. Puliafito, and J. G. Fujimoto,Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

30. "Coherent detection of the AC Kerr effect by pump-probe prism coupling in semiconductor dopedglasses," B. J. Offrein, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, T. H. Hoekstra, A. Driessen and T. J. A.Popma," Technical University of Twente.

31. "Observation of internode correlation in whispering gallery mode laser with dye doped microsphere," M. Kuwata-Gonokami, K. Ema and K. Takeda, University of Tokyo.


Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro. New HampshireJULY 22-26, 1991


Auston, David N. off site Bacher, Gerald David Kimball Room 3Columbia University Univ. of Southern CaliforniaSchool of Engineering & Appl. Science Dept. of PhysicsNew York, NY 10027 Seaver Science Center, Room 300

Los Angeles CA 90089-0484212-854-2993 213-740-0844

Baumberg, Jeremy J. Kimball Room 3 Senkert, Claus H. Haines Room 1Oxford University Univ. of ColoradoClarendon Laboratory J ILAParks Road Box 440Oxford OX 1 3PU England Boulder CO 80309-0440865-272338 303-492-5129

Bergman, Keren Estabrook Room 4 Bloembergen, Nicolaas off siteMassachusetts Inst. of Technology Harvard University36-355 231 Pierce Hall50 Vassar Street 29 Oxford StreetCambridge MA 02139 Cambridge MA 02139617-253-5481 617-495-3336

Bloom, David M. off site Brady, David Haines Room 1Stanford University Univ. of IllinoisGinzton Lab Beckman InstituteGL-269 405 N. MathewsStanford CA 94305-4085 Ursana IL 61801415-723-0464 21 7-224-5558

Cudney, Roger S. Kimball Room 4 Da Silva, Valeria L. Estabrook Room 4Univ. of Southern California BellcoreDept. of Physics 331 Newman Springs RoadLos Angeles, CA 90089-0484 Red Bank, NJ 07701

213-740-0844 908-758-3130

Dominic, Vincent G. Kimball Room 4 Donoghue, Jack Kupper Room 2Univ. of Southern California Tufts UniversitySSC 320, Physics Dept.Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484


Driessen, A. Sargent Room 205 Ema, K. Sargent Room 108Univ. of Twente Univ. of TokyoDept. of Applied Physics Dept. of Applied PhysicsP.O. Box 212 7-3-1 Hongou, Bunkyo-Ku7500 Ae Enschede The Netherlands Tokyo 113 Japan053-892744 81 -2-2812-2111


Falcone, Roger off site Feinberg, Jack House 2 Room 2Univ. of California, Berkeley Univ. of Southern CaliforniaPhysics Dept. Dept. of PhysicsBerkeley, CA 94720 Mail Code 0484

Los Angeles CA 90089-0484415-642-8916 213-740-1134

Fermann, M.E. House 1 Room 4 Froberg, Nan M. Estabrook Room 1Tu Vienna Columbia UniversityGusshausstr. 27/359/9 Dept. of Electrical EngineeringDept. Electronics Mudd BuildingVienna Austria A-1 040 New York NY 1002722588013879 212-859-1738

Fujimoto, James G. Brown Room 3 Fukuzawa, Tadashi Brown Room 4Massachusetts Inst. of Technology IBM, Japan, Ltd. Tokyo Res. LabDept. of Electrical Eng. & Comp. 5-19, SanbanchoScience Bldg, 36-361 50 Vassar St. Chiyoda-KuCambridge MA 02139 Tokyo Japa 10261 7-253-8528 3-3288-8366

Gabetta, Giuseppe House 3 Room 1 Garmire, Elsa House 2 Room 6Univ. of Pavia Univ. of Southern CaliforniaVia Abbiategrasso, 209 Center For Laser Studies, MC1112Pavia, Italy 27100 Los Angeles, CA 90089-1112

39-382-381212 213Z40-4235

Glassner, David S. Kupper Room 3 Gobl, Ernst D. House 1 Room 3USCLA Physics Dept. Phi ipps Univ., FB Physik

R hthof 5

Marburg, Germany 3550


Godil, Asif A. Sargent Room 107 Grishchuck, Leonid Sargent Room 304Stanford University JILAGinzton Lab Univ. of ColoradoStanford, CA 94305 Boulder, CO 80302

915-723-0294 301 -492-2860

Guthals, Dennis House 3 Room 2 Hall, Gregory off siteRockwell International Savannah River Laboratory

Bldg. 735AAiken, SC 29808


Hanamura, E. House I Room 2 Harris, S.E. off siteUniv. of Tokyo, Applied Physics Stanford University7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku Ginzton Laboratory #4Tokyo, Japan 113 Stanford, CA 94305

3-3812-2111 415-723-0224


Harvey, Albert B. Haines Room 4 Haus, Hermann A. Kupper Room 5National Science Foundation Massachusetts Inst. of Technology1800 G Street NW, Rm 1151 79 Massachusetts AvenueWashington, DC 20550 Cambridge, MA 02139

202-357-9618 617-253-2585

Houser, Glenn D. Kimball Room 2A Hu, Binbin Kupper Room 4Univ. of Southern California Columbia UniversityCenter For Laser Studies 1725 Mudd Bldg.1042 West 36th Place/DRB-15 500 W. 120th StreetLos Angeles CA 90089-1112 New York NY 10027213-740-4245 212-854-1738

Huang, David Sargent Room 109 Huang, Weiping House 3 Room 5Univ. of Waterloo Univ. of WaterlooDept. of Ede Dept of EdeWaterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1Canada Canada519-885-1211 519-885-1211

Jacobson, Joseph M. Sargent Room 109 Jasinski, Jerry P. House 3 Room 3Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Keene State CollegeDept. of Physics 229 Main StreetRoom 36-347, 50 Vassar St. Keene, NH 03431Cambridge MA 02139617-253-8908 603-358-2563

Jewell, Jack House 1 Room 7 Joffre, Manuel B. Sargent Room 307AT&T Bell Labs Ensta-Ecole PolytechiqueRm 4G-520 Pab D'Optique AppliqueeHolmdel, NJ 07733 Palaiseau, France F91120

201-949-7666 33-1-601003318

Joneckis, Lance G. House 3 Room 5 Kaplan, Alexander E.Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Johns Hopkins University36-47777 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge MA 02139617-253-2532

Kapteyn, Henry C. House 2 Room 5 Kinrot, Opher Kupper Room 6Washington State University Weizmann Inst. of ScienceDept. of Physics Chemical Physics Dept.Pullman, WA 99164-2814 Rehovot, Isreal 76100

509-335-4671 972-8-343193

Kmetec, Jeff Kupper Room 7 Knox, Wayne H. House 1 Room 5Stanford University AT&T Bell LabsGinzton Labs 29 4B-415Stanford, CA Crawford Corner Road

Holmdel NJ 07733415-725-2258 908-949-0958


Kuga. Takahiro House 3 Room 4 Kumar, Prem off siteUniv. of Tokyo ,J,, Northwestern UniversityInst. for Solid State Physics q 2145 Sheridan Road7-22-1 Roppongi Evanston, IL 60208Tokyo 106 Japan81-3-3478-6811 708-491-4128

Kuwata-Gonokami, Makoto House 3 Room 4 Lai, Yinchieh Kimball Room 1Univ. of Tokyo Massachusetts Inst. of TechnologyDept. of Applied Physics Room 36-3637-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku Cambridge, MA 02139Tokyo 113 Japan81-3-3812-2111 617-253-8302

Lenz, Gadi Bearce Room 1 Levenson, Marc D. Sargent Room 201Massachusetts Inst. of Technology IBM Research Division36-315Elc Eng. & Computer ScienceCambridge MA 02139617-253-8524

Little, Brent Bearce Room 2 Lotshaw, William T. House 3 Room 6Univ. of Waterloo General Electric Res. & Dev.Dept. of Electrical Engineering Room KWD 270Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 P.O. Box 8Canada Schenectady NY 12391519-885-1211 518-387-5163

MacCormack, Stuart Bearce Room 3 Majetich, Sara Estabrook Room 5Univ.of Southampton Carnegie Mellon UniversityOptoelectronics Research Centre Dept. of PhysicsSouthampton, England 509-5NH Pittsburgh, PA 15213

0703-592066 412-268-31-5

Mecozzi, Antonio Kimball Room 1 Miller, Ian J. House 3 Room 7Fondazione Ugo Bordoni Lumonics Inc.Optics Group 105 Schneider RoadVia B. Castiglione 59 Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario K2K 1Y300142 Roma Italy Canada39-6-5480-2232 613-993-6018

Mohideen, Umar Bearce Room 4 Montgomery, Don House 3 Room 7Columbia University Univ. of- ColoradoRm 48-433, AT&T Bell Labs JILACrawford Corner Road Campus Box 440Holmdel NJ 07733 Boulder CO 80302908-949-2013 303-492-7806

Moroi, David S. House 2 Room 4 Moss, Steven C. Sargent Room 309Kent State University Aerospace CorporationDept. of Physics MS/M2-253Kent, OH 44242 P.O. Box 92957

Los Angeles CA 90009216-672-2542 213-336-9216


Mourou, Gerard A. House 1 Room 5 Murnane, Margaret M. House 2 Room 5Univ. of Michigan Washington State UniversityUltrafast Science Lab Dept. of PhysicsIst Bldg. Room 1008, 2200 Bonisteel Blvd. Bullman, WA 99164-2814Ann Arbor MI 48109-2099313-763-4877 509-335-6389

Nathel, Howard Sargent Room 206 Pang, Lily Estabrook Room 6Lawrence Livermore National Lab Massachusetts Inst. of TechnologyL-Division, L-59 Lincoln Lab, Room C-372P.O. Box 808 244 Wood StreetLivermore CA 94550 Lexington MA 02173415-294-6449 617-981-2751

Partanen, Jouni Sargent Room 207 Paye, Jerome Sargent Room 307Univ. of Southern California Ensta Centre De L'YvettePhysics Dept., SSC-328 Lab D'Optique ApiliqueeLos Angeles, CA 90089-0484 Palaiseau, France 91120


Pollock, Clifford Brown Room 5 Pritchard, David E. Brown Room 6Cornell University Massachusetts Inst. of Technology

\J' Phillips Hall Physics Dept.School of Electrical Engineering Cambridge, MA 02139Ithaca NY 14853617-255-5032 617-253-6812

Raimond, Jean-Michel Brown Room 7 Reitze, Dave Sargent Room 308E.N.S. -Paris VI Bellcore24 Rue Lhomond 331 Newman Springs RoadParis, France 75005 Red Bank, NJ

33-143291225 908-758-3225

Rhodes, Charles K. Bown Room 8 Rothenberg, Joshua E. off siteUniv. of Illinois at Chicago IBM T.J. Watson Research CenterDept. of Physics (MC 273) P.O. Box 218POB 4348 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598Chicago IL 60680


Schepler, Kenneth L. Sargent Room 310 Schmidt, A.J. House 1 Room 4Wright Patterson AFB Technische Universitat WienWright Lab Susshausstrasse 27WL/Elos A1040 WienWFAFB OH 45433-6543 Austria513-255-3804 222-58801-3714

Shah, J. House 3 Room 1 Shimano, Ryo Sargent Room 1oAT&T Bell Labs Univ. of TokyoRm 4D-415 Dept. of Applied PhysicsCrawsford Comer Road 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-KuHolmdel NJ 07733 Tokyo 113 Japan908-949-3691 81-3-3812-2111

Office of Naval Research


Scientific OfficerHerschel S. Pilloff 1 copy of proceedings

Code: 1112LOOffice of Naval Research800 North Quincy StreetArlington, VA 22217

Administrative Contracting Officer 1 copy of proceedingsE19-628Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MA 02139

Defense Technical Information Center I copy of proceedingsBldg. 5, Cameron StationAlexandria, VA 22314