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Evaluation Savannah Hardwick

Page 2: Packaging Evaluation

Packaging Final Product Evaluation

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What are the technical qualities of your work?

I think throughout this project I have developed further my ability to design and produce a good quality product featuring many technical parts, especially with the packaging design. I had decided very early on that I wanted my product to be based on the theme of pop art, and that each product I made (packaging, magazine advert and web banner) would all have the same theme and look to them. When creating the packaging, we had to design it to a real life scale, making sure that we kept within the guidelines so that it would fit on the can flat plan we had been provided with. I think that the can design I created first well on to the can image and when I adjusted the design, using the warp tool and trimming it down, I found that it fit very well without changing the design very much. On the packaging, I created a small ginger haired stereotypical Scottish man, running across the bottom of the can. I think the technical quality of this image is very good because I spent my time rotoscoping over an existing image, and changing it completely from what it was, adding the beard and hair, the tartan kilt and the speed lines. I kept the basic elements of the existing image but changed them to suit my needs. I think this image changes the design of the can totally, making it more fun and interesting to look at. I think it adds more style to the packaging design, but it still is in keeping with the theme I chose to use. I also made sure to keep the IRN-BRU colours, orange and blue, because I know that these are what makes the product recognisable. Another technical quality of this packaging design is the nutritional information box that I created, the overall look of it is very professional looking, and the colours used all relate to the product. The copy in the box isn't overwhelming and is easy to read due to the colour and font choices.


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What are the aesthetic qualities to your work?

On each of my developments for the packaging design I used a similar theme, and for this I used a variety of aesthetic techniques. One of the main aesthetic qualities that I considered was the two main colours that I was using on the packaging and how they would go with each other. When I was planning the layout and designs of the different development I made sure to try out the colours in a variety of ways. I decided that orange was a better colour to be in the foreground, having it for text and images, as it was made brighter and more vibrant by the darkness of the blue. I also decided very early on to keep the two colours that IRN-BRU have become known for, orange and blue. Another aesthetic quality to my work is the small cartoon character on the bottom half of the can. The stereotypical Scottish man helps to relate the product to its original roots, as this is where IRN-BRU was originally made. I think that the image I used is attractive and fun looking, which will help with drawing in the audience to the product. I think that another aesthetic quality of the packaging is the bubbled font that I chose to use. ‘’Badaboom’ is a fun, bold and easy to read font that is appropriate for the design as well as appropriate for the target audience. This same font has been used throughout each of the products I’ve produced. The text is always in bright orange with a white stroke making it stand out even more off of the dark blue background it is placed on. I also chose to create a bar code to put on the packaging, I created it online, and chose to pit the phrase ‘IRN BRU 32’ as the code instead of number. I think that this is a great way of making the design unique and individual. The colour, image and font choices also all stick with the pop art theme.


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Are there opportunities for further development of your work? My final packaging design, I left a lot of room for improvements or further

development if I wanted it. When looking at my final product, I can see many things that I would change or add to it, I would develop the placement of the copy on the can, as well as the images and smaller areas of text. I think that the overall design of the packaging is very similar to existing products that are already on the market, specifically the Relentless can design. Both my final product and the Relentless can feature a colourful can, minimal text and then and image. I think that because they are very similar, I could develop this design further to change the layout. I think that another area of the packaging that could be developed is the cartoon character I created. I think that I could have gone further with the design, adding more detail in where it needed. I could've added the can into the cartoon, having the man carrying the drink itself to directly have the product relate back to the image used even further. I also think that I could develop the nutritional information even further, ensuring that I have all the relevant information and that this information is all correct. I think that I could've also further developed the copy used on the packaging (the copy within the nutritional information box as well as the main copy on the can). Another way I could further develop this work would be to change the theme completely, which would also change the look of all my final product.


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Are your final pieces fit for purpose? I think that the final product itself is fit for purpose because it is an energy drink

packaging design with the name ‘IRN-BRU 32’. I think that by keeping the two main colours as orange and blue has also helped to make this product fit for purpose because these two colours help to symbolize the current product that is being made ‘IRN-BRU’ therefore people will associate the energy drink with this drink. I think that the design is simple but effective, and gets the message of what the product Is to the consumer very quickly. I think that the chosen tag line ‘Faster. Stronger. Better’ is very effective as well because It make it inherently clear that the product will boost your skills, making you faster, stronger and better. I think that the stereotypical Scottish man cartoon is a great way of showing the drinks nationality, showing its Scottish roots without being too in your face or making It to obvious. In an obvious way, the product Is fit for purpose because the design fit on to a plain can flat plan, so when I added my design and then warped and cut it into shape, it fit perfectly, therefore becoming the product, which makes It fit for purpose.


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What areas of your planning and development worked well?

My final product is very different form my initial plans, where I did basic ideas and didn’t elaborate very much on specific details of what I wanted on the packaging. I had originally decided that I wanted the can to be shaped in the size of a 32. having it like a flask instead of a can, but I quickly realised that this was an interesting and fun idea that would be very hard to create in the time given. For my further planning I looked into text sizes, fonts and colours as well as the type of image that I want to use on the packaging. Planning the types of font, colours, theme and general layout of the packaging helped me to be able to create it very quickly, and to be able to adapt it further if I needed to. I think that planning out and developing the fonts and colours was a great help to me and allowed me to be able to experiment with what I wanted to do. I think that because each font I looked at had a similar look, It made it obvious to me that I would be having a certain look on each of my products. I decided that I wanted my theme to be pop art by looking at the two bright and bold colours, orange and blue, which are frequently used in pop art images. By going into production having a vague idea of colours and fonts helped me to be able to develop other aspect of the product, including the image I used and the layout on the packaging.


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What areas of planning and development could have had more work?

The first area of panning and development that I think could’ve been improved would be looking into the colours more. I think that I could have looked at different shade of the two colours, orange and blue, and seen how the variety of colours worked with each other. During the production of the packaging, I found that you had to be very specific with the shade of orange you chose, because when adding the design to the can template, I found that the shade of orange I had been using looked very yellowish. I then had to go back to my planning and evaluate the shades of colour that I used, I decided to try a much darker orange to see if it had the opposite effect and would look brighter on the can template, I found that it did. I also think that the copy itself could have had more work. I think that I needed to develop the text more and see how I could make it more creative. I have used minimal copy on each of the products as a way to draw in the audience, but I could see how I could change that, by using copy as a way to draw them in. I also think that I could've developed my can shape more, in my initial ideas, I thought about doing the can itself in an unusual shape to make it more unique and attractive. I think I could've developed this more and used it as a possible design due to it being a more interesting can than what is out there now, and also because I feel that my final design looks similar to those that already exist.


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What effect do you think your development had on your final products?


I think that my development had a huge effect on my final product. I think that if I hadn't developed my initial ideas then I would not have been as happy as I was with my final packaging design. Developing my ideas helped me to think about the layout, the shade and intensity of the colours, the text and the font as well as what I actually wanted on the packaging. I had a very decided idea in my first few designs, they all consisted of the two colours, orange and blue being striped on the can, or having the two colours merged somehow. I used this style for the majority of my designs, it was only on my last development that I moved away from this and chose to do a completely different packaging design, which ended up being my final packaging design. I had also designed a character to go on to the can but I hadn't had a chance to use it yet, so when I decided to do this design in all blue, having the text in orange, I knew that I would have room to add the image onto the can and it not look to full or cluttered, which is what I was worried about with the other designs. I think that developing my ideas helped me to work towards creating something that was very different from my other designs, which helped me massively because it became the design that I chose to use.