Download - p aper route

Page 1: p aper  route

in the morningbefore school

through the rainon my bike

with my bagon my shoulder

along the puddlesin cold miserypast the dogto the houses

in the Blade boxesonto the driveway

with moneyin my pocket

with two hoursbefore school

paper route

Page 2: p aper  route
Page 3: p aper  route
Page 4: p aper  route

The cat is sleeping under the tree.The boys are running toward the ocean.Mike is writing a book about the environment.I will go to Henry after hockey practice.Sandy is flying to Paris tomorrow.I like chocolates instead of sweets.Tracy is going with Gary to the dance.I will eat my sandwich during recess.

Page 5: p aper  route

beside befor


next to

against instead

of inunder



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