Download - Oz Shaharabani. Study topic Detailed study of network evolution by analyzing four large online social networks with full temporal information about node.

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  • Oz Shaharabani
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  • Study topic Detailed study of network evolution by analyzing four large online social networks with full temporal information about node and edge arrivals.
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  • What is the goal? To develop a complete model of network evolution which accurately reflects the true network in all four cases.
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  • Study approach the microscopic behavior of nodes solely determines the macroscopic network properties
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  • Model core processes 1. Node arrival process - governs the arrival of new nodes into the network. 2. Edge initiation process - determines for each node when it will initiate a new edge. 3. Edge destination selection process -determines the destination of a newly initiated edge.
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  • Datasets
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  • Notations
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  • Preferential Attachment
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  • 1. Edge attachment by degree. 2. Edges attachment by the age of the node. 3. Bias towards node age and degree.
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  • Preferential Attachment 1. Edge attachment by degree. 2. Edges attachment by the age of the node. 3. Bias towards node age and degree.
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  • Edge attachment by degree
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  • Back to our networks:
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  • Edge attachment by degree Conclusion:
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  • Preferential Attachment 1. Edge attachment by degree. 2. Edges attachment by the age of the node. 3. Bias towards node age and degree.
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  • Edge attachment by nodes age
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  • We define e(a) to be the average number of edges created by nodes of age a.
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  • Edge attachment by nodes age We define e(a) to be the average number of edges created by nodes of age a.
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  • Preferential Attachment 1. Edge attachment by degree. 2. Edges attachment by the age of the node. 3. Bias towards node age and degree.
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  • Maximum-likelihood principle - Maximum-likelihood principle . , , " " .
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  • Maximum-likelihood principle
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  • Bias towards node age and degree We will see four models for choosing the edge endpoints at time t. (Using the MLE principle).
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  • Bias towards node age and degree
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  • We conclude that PA (model D) performs reasonably well compared to more sophisticated variants based on degree and age. i.e.,the probability of selecting a node v is.proportional to its current degree
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  • Locality of edge attachment
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  • Notation: Edge locality of edge (u,v), its the number of hopes its span. i.e., the length of the shortest path between nodes u and w immediately before the edge was created.
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  • Locality of edge attachment
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  • Here the distributions of these shortest path values induced by each new edge for the four networks.
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  • Locality of edge attachment
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  • What is the conclusion?
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  • Locality of edge attachment Conclusion: Most of the are most likely to close triangles, i.e., connect people with common friends.
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  • Triangle-closing models Given that such a high fraction of edges close triangles, we aim to model how a length-two path should be selected. We will see five models of choosing neighborhood node.
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  • Triangle-closing models
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  • We will focus on random-random model because: Gives higher probability to nodes with more length-two paths. (therefore, its biased towards high-degree nodes). Gives a sizable chunk of the performance gain over the baseline (10%). Much simple then the other models.
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  • Node and edge arrival process
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  • We want to create an optimal model, but we have to answer some questions before: Which nodes initiate edges? How long a node remains active in the social network? What are the specific times at which the node initiates new edges?
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  • Node and edge arrival process
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  • Node arrivals
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  • The final network evolution model
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  • We now show that our model, node lifetime combined with gaps, produces power law out-degree distribution. Why we want to produces power law out-degree distribution?
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  • The final network evolution model Why we want to produces power law out-degree distribution? Its very important property of social network! nodes degree
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  • The final network evolution model
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  • Proof: (at home)
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  • Validation of the model
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  • Result (on FLICKER for example):
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  • Validation of the model Result (on FLICKER for example):
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  • Conclusions
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