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Mr. Shreemurthy D M Dr. P. Ammani

BIG BAZAAR- Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd.

A Future Group Venture



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A report submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA (Marketing) Program of ISMS


I Girijesh Tripathi hereby declare that the dissertation entitled “OVERVIEW OF RETAIL OPERATIONS WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON STORE PROMOTIONS AND VISUAL MERCHANDISING” is a result of original research work done by me in the MBA (Marketing)


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program of ISMS, Hyderabad. I further declare that the dissertation or any part thereof has not been submitted anywhere for any degree or diploma.

All care has been taken to keep this report error free and I sincerely regret for any unintended discrepancies that might have crept into this report.

Place: Bangalore -Girijesh Tripathi

Date: 20/06/2009


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Acknowledgements 5

Abstract 6


1(a) Need of the study 8

1(b) Scope of the study 9

1(c) Limitation of the study 11

1(d) Objective 19




4(a) Data Interpretation

4(b) Graphs 55-60


5(a) Recommendation 64




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A project consists of inputs and suggestions from various people directly or indirectly related to the

writer of the project, which cannot be ignored. Thus, I’m thankful to FUTURE GROUP (BIG

BAZAAR) for allowing me to be a part of them.

I would like to thank Mr. Shree Murthy (Store Manager, Big Bazaar, Koramangala, Bengaluru)

who has been provided guidance, perspective and stimulating discussion, throughout the completion

of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank Mr. T.R.K. Rao (Director, ISMS) & Mr. K.Rajnath (Dean,ISMS)

for giving us this opportunity to gain practical experience of corporate working and also for inspiring

us to give our best to it. Dr. P. Ammani (Professor, Icfai School of Marketing Studies) my Faculty

Guide who has helped me to carve this project in a better way and also the entire faculty of ISMS for

the help whenever I needed it.

Furthermore, I’ll express my gratitude to Mr. Manu Joseph (DM, Big Bazaar, Koramangala),

Mr.Raghuram (DM, Big Bazaar, Koramangala) for their constant support and also all my colleagues

and seniors who helped me with their inputs during my project period.

Last but not the least I’ll mention my family and friends who have always been a source of

motivation and support for me.

Girijesh Tripathi



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The project describes the factors which affects the buying behavior of customers and also assess the

effectiveness of promotions. This promotion includes both in-store and outdoor promotions.

Some of the important factors are-

Influence of discounts

Influence of family & friends

Income of the individual

Special occasions etc.

The importance of promotions is to increase the sales. This requires framing of strategies and

planning by the management.

There are many offers and promoting means to enhance the sales. Such promoting means are free

gifts; discounts etc. and media used for creating awareness about these offers are newspapers,

television, pamphlets for outdoor promotions and Visual Merchandising for in-store promotion.

This project checks the effectiveness of these offers and recommends some changes in it. It also

finds the customer point of view for the best media for promotion and studies the customer’s profile

visiting the store like Big Bazaar.


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A Retail store runs on the basis of its customer base more number of regular customers helps it to

reduce its cost. To maintain this and to regularly attract and remind the customer about the offers in

the store “promotion” is very important. At the same time understanding the requirements and psyche

of the customers is also a key factor.

Therefore, understanding the importance of the above mentioned points, it is important to study and

find out that what the factors which influence customer buying behavior are and how effective is the

store promotion of Big Bazaar.

This will help to frame new promotion strategies if the existing are not effective as well as it will

help in designing the strategies according to requirements of the customers. This strategy also

includes the visual merchandising of the store.


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The scope of this study is to know the factors affecting the buying behavior of the customers and the

effectiveness of promotional offers and visual merchandising of the store. This study will help in

finding the effect of store promotions on the buying behavior of the customers which will help in

selecting the best way to promote the store offers, selecting the best media to promote the offers.

Further, understanding the buying behavior of the customers helps in improvement of the shopping

experience at the store, as it affects the revenue of the store in the long run.



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This research is done only in Bangalore, thus it decreases the wide application of this research

report which could result in deviations while application. Thus, it narrows down the total

scope of the study.

The limit of accessibility to the confidential documents, which could not be compiled or

mentioned in the project report acts as a limitation to the result of the study.



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In a retail chain like Big Bazaar which has his main customer group of Indian middle class families

(including the upper middle class). Big Bazaar provides its customer group with various offers which

includes free gifts, discounts on MRP etc. This attracts the customers to visit again and again to the

store. As well as it also impels the customers to buy extra i.e. impulse buying. Thus, store promotions

acts as drivers for buying extra value from the store.

· Price and discount

· Advertising and sales promotion

· Visual merchandising

· Emotional attachment

· Company

· Income

· Festival season

The following factors have to be kept in mind while choosing strategies for store promotion.

Generally all the offers which are given in a store are given from the H.O. level only and the store has

to implement the offer as per the guidelines given to them.

Price and discount- Customers are attracted towards a store like Big Bazaar due to the discounts

given on the products. As small retail outlets do not have such lucrative offers. So the customers

prefer and are attracted towards purchasing at Big Bazaar.

Advertising and sales promotion- Advertising is an essential component of brand building. The

advertisement and brand building is done through various ways, the techniques used are: -

Tag-line- Big Bazaar tag-lines are the key components of advertising. These tag-lines are

modified according to demographic profile of customers. These catch-phrases appeared on

hoardings and newspapers in every city where Big Bazaar was launched. Everybody

understood and connected easily with these simple one-liners. The catch-liners include

"Hindi - Chane ke bhaw kaaju", "Bengali - Rui er dame illish", "Hindi - Stall ke bhaw

balcony", etc.


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Print Ads- Big Bazaar newspaper advertisements are present just before launch of any new

scheme. This creates aura about the Big Bazaar brand in the minds of customers.

TV Ads- Big Bazaar spends a lot of money in brand building exercise. Big Bazaar

commercials are shown on various channels in India and at the same time a major amount of

promotion is spent on newspaper ads. Presently, Fashion@Big Bazaar commercial is aired

on televisions.

Road-side Advertisements- Big Bazaar bill-boards are displayed on prime locations in

various cities as a brand building exercise. They display the catch-phrases now-a-days.

Radio Ads- This technique is used in small towns. Now-a-days, it is replaced by

advertisements on FM channels. This informs customers about all new happenings at Big


Fashion Shows- "FASHION @ BIG BAZAAR - Desh Badla, Bhesh Badlo" is the latest

invention of the Indian iconic brand. In an effort to take the Fashion to the masses, Big

Bazaar, the flagship hypermarket brand of retail chain of Future Group, organized a three-

day Fashion Show on the streets of Bandra, Mumbai.

Brand Endorsement by Celebrity-Big Bazaar is always associated with celebrities for

advertising and marketing of its brand name. The current campaign is starred by Brand

Ambassador and Indian Cricket ODI Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Film Actress Asin.

Sales promotion techniques used are through various offers given on products. This could be


1 on 1 free


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Off on MRP



Big Bazaar ties up with various brands for such offers recently they have done such activities with

association with giants like Vodafone, Reliance, VLCC etc.

Thus, there is a symbiotic association which leads to gain of both the parties and Big Bazaar

charges for such activities done by the associated company, in this way monetary benefit is also

gained by the company.

Other than such offers the company is a regular in giving gifts to the customers on slab basis i.e.

providing the customer with certain gifts if his purchasing exceeds a particular amount.

Emotional Attachment- The customers get attached to that product with which they are satisfied

and therefore they become a regular customer, the same happens with a store if a customer is

satisfied with the service provided by a store they become a regular or loyal customers as they are

emotionally attached to the store.

A store always wants to retain their loyal customers as they not only bring business for the store but

also they reduce the cost of promotion. As such customers don’t need special reason to visit or

they don’t required to be attracted through various modes to the store.

Company- Here company refers to the person with whom the customers come to the store for

shopping. It is important for a company to know to which intensity it affects the buying behavior

of the customer.

Income- It is generally observed that the main customer group which forms the target customer

group of Big Bazaar is the middle class families. They are attracted for their purchases at Big

Bazaar due to its cheap prices which help them in maintaining their budgets.


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So the target customer group is very important criterion to be kept in mind. This is the group which

has to be attracted. All the promotions should stress on the target customer group.

Festival- In India, there are many religions therefore the number of festivals are more than any

country. The customers are willing to spend money during festive season. Thus, stores keep track

of these festivals to cash it. But it is necessary for stores to know the requirement of the customers.


Visual merchandising, until recently called simply merchandising, is “the activity of promoting the

sale of goods, especially by their presentation in retail outlets.” This includes combining product,


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environment, and space into a stimulating and engaging display to encourage the sale of a product or

service. It has become an important element in retailing that is a team effort involving senior

management, architects, merchandising managers, buyers, the visual merchandising director,

designers, and staff. Visual merchandising starts with the store building itself. The management

decides on the store design to reflect the products the store is going to sell and how to create a warm,

friendly, and approachable atmosphere for its potential customers.

Many elements can be used by visual merchandisers in creating displays, including color, lighting,

space, product information, sensory inputs such as smell, touch, and sound as well as technologies

such as digital displays and interactive installations.

Visual merchandising is not a science; there are no absolute rules. It is more like an art in the sense

that there are implicit rules but that these also exist to be broken for striking effects. The main

principle of visual merchandising is that it is intended to increase sales, which is not the case with a

"real" art.

Visual merchandising is one of the final stages in trying to set out a store in a way that customers will

find attractive and appealing and it should follow and reflect the principles that underpin the store’s

image. Visual merchandising is the way one displays 'goods for sale' in the most attractive manner

with the end purpose of making a sale. "If it does not sell, it is not visual merchandising."

Especially in today’s challenging economy, people may avoid designers/ visual merchandisers

because they fear unmanageable costs. But in reality, visual merchandisers can help economies by

avoiding costly mistakes. With guidance of a professional, retailer can eliminate errors, saving time

and money. It is important to understand that the visual merchandiser is there, not to impose ideas,

but to help clients articulate their own personal style.

Visual merchandising is the art of implementing effective design ideas to increase store traffic and

sales volume. VM is an art and science of displaying merchandise to enable maximum sale. VM is a

tool to achieve sales and targets, a tool to enhance merchandise on the floor, and a mechanism to

communicate to a customer and influence his decision to buy.

VM uses season based displays to introduce new arrivals to customers, and thus increase

conversions through a planned and systematic approach by displaying stocks available.


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Recently visual merchandising has gained in importance as a quick and cost effective way to revamp

retail stores.

A close sister to visual merchandising is "retail experience". "Customer experience" looks at the same

issues around product presentation but from the customer perspective, rather than the retailer

perspective. In optimal retail environments such as the Apple Retail Stores, the visual merchandising,

customer experience, and store design are all in synch creating amazing environments and

unbelievable sales.


Retail professionals display to make the shopping experience more comfortable, convenient and

customer friendly by:

Make it easier for the shopper to locate the desired category and merchandise.

Make it easier for the shopper to self-select.

Making it possible for the shopper to co-ordinate & accessorize.

Provide information on sizes, colors & prices.

Inform about the latest fashion trends by highlighting them at strategic locations.

Merchandise presentation refers to most basic ways of presenting merchandise in an orderly,

understandable, ’easy to shop’ and ‘find the product’ format.


Educate the customers about the product/service in an effective and creative way.

Establish a creative medium to present merchandise in 3D environment, thereby enabling long lasting

impact and recall value.


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Set the company apart in an exclusive position.

Establishing linkage between fashions, product design and marketing by keeping the product in prime


Combine the creative, technical and operational aspects of a product and the business.

Draw the attention of the customer to enable him to take purchase decision within shortest possible

time, and thus augmenting the selling process.


A window display is also a "visiting card" for the store. Windows are the most important factor

within the store/shop front as they can communicate style, content, and price point. They can be

seductive and exciting, based on emotional stimulus, or price-based (when they clearly emphasize

value for money with easy and obvious ticketing). For the retailer, the window is among the most

controllable elements in relation to image and to what is happening inside the store, and there are

number of decisions to be made about a how these effects are achieved.

The best store windows can generate great excitement and talking point for an entire city. They

contribute to the environment by entertaining pedestrians, while simultaneously communicating the

products and services on offer.

For a retailer willing to exploit the full potential that a window gives, the image-building process can

be exciting and have enormous potential. A fashion retailer, for instance, will often change a window

weekly to show the latest items on offer.

A glance into a shop's window by a passerby establishes the time of the year and, very likely, a

timely contemporary event. It might combine seasonal and festive points of the year such as Back-to-

school, Spring, Summer, Easter, Christmas, New Year approaching, Diwali, Valentine's Day,


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Mother's Day etc. At other times the propping may be based on color schemes, materials or cultural

themes - the possibilities for innovative ideas around such themes are endless.


Selling and in management jargon ‘Marketing” is the key facet for a store to survive, the various

ingredients for fulfilling it are promotion and visual merchandising.

A customer’s mind is preoccupied with information which is collected by various sources; customer

uses this information to make decision regarding his purchases. Promotion of the store (Big Bazaar)

is done in order to make the customer know about the benefits of the store and also to occupy a

valued position in the mind of the customer, regular promotion acts as a recall and reminder for the

customer which results in learning. Visual Merchandising attracts the customer and persuades the

customer to make their purchase decision faster.

Therefore, regular up gradation of the above mentioned is necessary. In today’s scenario it is very

hard to know and change according to the needs of customer as customer’s expectation is very high in

terms of the service offered by the stores. The challenge for the stores is to keep pace with the

changing desire of the customers and to keep them satisfied, at the same time increase the revenue of

the store i.e. growth of sales is necessary to obtain.

Thus, if the following topics are considered for a survey as a topic for the project the result obtained

could be used by the store as well as the information gained while preparing the project would help in

understanding the basics of the store in a better way, because at last only customer satisfaction

matters for a store as it results in customer loyalty.


Objective can be derived from the importance of the study as given above.


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The study will help to find out-

1) The major factors’ influencing a customer’s buying behavior.

2) Assess the effectiveness of the promotions and visual merchandising.

3) Seek the best media in terms of return of investment.


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Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited is India's leading retailer that operates multiple retail formats in both

the value and lifestyle segment. Pantaloon has ushered a retail revolution in India and its founder

Kishore Biyani is known as India's "King of Retail". Pantaloon's headquarter is in Mumbai.

Pantaloon's origin can be traced to 1987 when the company was incorporated as Manz Wear

Private Limited. The company launched Pantaloons trouser, India's first formal trouser brand. In

1992, Pantaloon launched its IPO. In 1994, The Pantaloon Shoppe - exclusive menswear store in

franchisee format was launched across the country. Pantaloon started distribution of branded

garments through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation. In 2001, Big Bazaar, India's first

hypermarket chain was launched. In 2002, Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain was launched. In

2006, Future Capital Holdings, the company's financial arm launched real estate funds, "Kshitij" and

"Horizon" and private equity fund "Indi vision". The company is also planning forays into insurance

and consumer credit.

Pantaloon Retail is the flagship company of Future Group. Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited is India’s

leading retailer. The company operates across multiple segments including –Food, Books & Music,

Fashion, Telecom & IT, Home & Electronics, General Merchandise, Leisure & Entertainment,

Wellness, Health & Beauty and E-tailing and that helps the company cater to every Indian customer.

Some of the leading formats include Pantaloons (department store), Central (seamless malls), Blue

Sky (fashion accessories) and Big Bazaar (hypermarket), Food Bazaar (supermarket), Fashion Station

(popular fashion), E-Zone (consumer electronics), Depot (books and music) and Shoe Factory



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Major Milestones


Company incorporated as Manz Wear Private Limited. Launch of Pantaloons trouser, India’s first formal trouser brand.


Launch of BARE, the Indian jeans brand.


Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the month of May.


The Pantaloon Shoppe – an exclusive menswear store a franchisee format launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded garments through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation.


John Miller – Formal shirt brand launched.


Company enters modern retail with the launch of the first 8000 square feet store, Pantaloons in Kolkata.


Three Big Bazaar stores launched within a span of 22 days in Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad.


Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched.


Central - India’s first seamless mall is launched in Bangalore.


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Group moves beyond retail, acquires stakes in Galaxy Entertainment, Indus League Clothing and Planet Retail.

Set up India’s first real estate investment fund Kshitij to build a chain of shopping malls.


Future Capital Holdings, the company’s financial is formed to manage over $1.5 billion in real estate, private equity and retail infrastructure funds. Plans forays into retailing of consumer finance products.

Home Town, a home building and improvement products retail chain is launched along with consumer durables format, Ezone and furniture chain, Furniture Bazaar.

Future Group enters into joint venture agreements to launch insurance products with Italian insurance major, Generali.

Form joint ventures with US office stationery retailer, Staples.


Future Group crosses $1 billion turnover mark.

Specialized companies in retail media, logistics, IPR and brand development and retail-led technology services become operational.

Pantaloon Retail wins the International Retailer of the Year at US-based National Retail Federation convention in New York and Emerging Retailer of the Year award at the World Retail Congress held in Barcelona. becomes India’s most popular shopping portal.


Future Capital Holdings becomes the second group company to make a successful Initial Public Offering in the Indian capital markets.

Big Bazaar crosses the 100-store mark, marking one of the fastest ever expansion of a hypermarket format anywhere in the world.

Total operational retail space crosses 10 million square feet mark.

Future Group acquires rural retail chain, Aadhar present in 65 rural locations.


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Headquartered in Mumbai, the company operates more than 115 Big Bazaars and 45 Food Bazaars in

56 cities.

The Big Bazaar store is generally deals in following categories:


Big bazaar has a wide range of ready-to-wear fashionable clothes and accessories. Big bazaar brings

forth a wide collection of stylish clothing to select from, be it Western wear, Indo-western or Ethnic

wear in both Formal and Casual categories. Big bazaar also offers matching accessories like belts,

ties, and handbags in a perfect size and fit.

What stands out at Big bazaar is the merchandise that has been designed and tailored keeping the

fashion sensibilities of Indian customer in mind. While the product mix changes, depending on the

needs and requirements of customers.


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In Big Bazaar, apparels consist of the following items

Men’s Apparel

Women’s Apparel

Women’s plus sizes

Infant wear

Home Decor

Furnishing & accessories

Home Linen


Kitchen appliances

Other kitchenware

Toys & games



Chef zone:

The product of this zone consists of various food items. It generally includes packaged ready to eat

products by companies which need a little cooking. For e.g. Honey, jam, sauces, ketchup, vinegar,

noodles & instant mixes.


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Hungry kya:

The products displayed in this zone are the ones which could be eaten without any cooking For e.g.

Soan papdi, namkeens, biscuits, cookies, wafers, instant drinks, break fast cereals, health drinks.

Baby care:

Every kind of products which are related to baby needs are displayed for sale in this section.

Chill station:

Beverages ranging from Cold drinks, soft drinks, dairy products, drink concentrates are available. As

the products are served chill therefore the name of this section is chill station the display of this

section is an open display so that the customers can examine and buy the products.

Farm fresh: Imported fruits, non seasonal fruits, seasonal fruits, exotic vegetables, leafy vegetables,

non leafy vegetables, root vegetables.

Head to toe: Tooth brush, tooth paste, tooth powder, soap, hand wash, Medicare products, talc,

deodorant, body lotion, face wash, sunscreens, skin cream, hair oil, conditioner, shampoo, hair

remover, face bleach, sanitary pad.

Sweet and far son: Shaving- blade, brush, cream, foam, battery cell.

Spic n span: Glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, floor cleaner, scrub pad, sponge wipe, room freshener,

tissue, shoe polish, brush, shiner, aluminum foil, scotch brite, gloves, rat killer, insect killer, mosquito

coils, mosquito refills, match box, pooja needs.


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This department deals with mobile phones of different brands such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson,

Motorola etc. and also mobile accessories.


In order to survive in the market the company should earn a considerable amount of profit. It is

needed to expand the business of the company. But making only profit should not be the main motto

of the company. The co. in order to increase its profits and sales should spend much time and money

in search of new customers. Just the skill of attracting the new customers is not enough. It should also

maintain good relationship with them and customers are more likely to enter those shops, where they

get a friendly environment and good quality of goods.

The two important tools used by retailers to attract and retain customer are visual merchandise and

effective store layout. This can have a better impact on the sale of the company.

The ‘atmospherics’ which includes the effective use of space, colour, pillars& floor

coverings, music, lighting etc. influence the consumer. Atmospherics are created by the combination

of all series and stimulates to produce the desired ambience and emotional response from the group of

target customers. So it is necessary on the part of the retailer to know the factors influencing and

pleasing the customers.

The key principles on which the modern stores designed are: attraction, productivity and



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“Big Bazaar” the retail store is designed to attract as well as easy movement of customers. The entire

store is well planned and neatly arranged for the benefit of the customers and easy functioning.

The store at Koramangala is classified in to three levels for convenience of customers and employees.

They are:

Level I: On the ground floor.

Level II: On the first floor.

Level III: On the second floor.


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Indianess: confidence in ourselves

Leadership: to be a leader, both in thought and business.

Respect & Humility: to respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.

Introspection: leading to purposeful thinking.

Openness: to be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.

Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: to build long term relationships.

Simplicity & Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and action.

Adaptability: to be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

Flow: to respect and understand the universal laws of nature.

These core values of Big Bazaar forms a basic code of conduct for the employees.


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According to Louis A, ‘Organization is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be

performed and dividing them among the individuals and creating authority and responsibility

relationships among them for the accomplishment of organizational objectives.

Organization is the process establishing relationships among the number of enterprise. The

relationships are created in terms of authority and responsibility. Each member in the organization is

assigned a specific responsibility or duty to perform and is granted the corresponding authority to

perform his duty.

An organization structure shows the authority and responsibility relationships between various

positions in the organization, by showing who reports to whom. It is a set of planned relationships

between groups of related functions and between physical factors and personnel required for the

achievement of organizational goals. The structure of an organization is generally shown as

organizational chart.

Big Bazaar has a structure of delegation of authority and responsibility on the basis of –

Segmentation of the market is done on the basis of territory i.e. East, West, North and South. The

zonal offices take care of the zones in other words the stores which come under them.


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Kishore Biyani is the Managing Director of Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited and the Group Chief

Executive Officer of Future Group.

Mr. Gopikishan Biyani, Wholetime Director

Gopikishan Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has more than twenty years of experience in the

textile business.

Mr. Rakesh Biyani, Wholetime Director

Rakesh Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has been actively involved in category management;

retail stores operations, IT and exports. He has been instrumental in the implementation of the various

new retail formats.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Chopra, Independent Director

V.K.Chopra is a fellow member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) by

profession and is a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB). His banking career

spans over 31 years.

Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti, Independent Director

Shri Shailesh Haribhakti, is a Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, and a Certified Internal

Auditor. He is on the Board of Company since June 1, 1999.


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Mr. S Doreswamy, Independent Director

S. Doreswamy, is a former Chairman and Managing Director of Central Bank of India and serves on

the board of DSP Merrill Lynch Trustee Co and Ceat Limited among others.

Dr. D O Koshy, Independent Director

D. O. Koshy, holds a doctorate from IIT, Delhi. He has over 24 years of rich experience in the textiles

and garment industry and was instrumental in the setting up of NIFT centres in Delhi, Chennai and

Bangalore. He is a renowned consultant specializing in international marketing and apparel retail


Ms. Bala Deshpande, Independent Director

Bala Deshpande, is Independent Director, Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd.

Mr. Anil Harish, Independent Director

Anil Harish, is the partner of DM Harish & Co. Associates & Solicitors and an LLM from University

of Miami.


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‘Research’ means a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions;

‘Methodology’ is defined as “the study of methods by which we gain knowledge, it deals with

cognitive processes imposed on research by the problems arising from the nature of its subject



Descriptive type of research has been used in this study; it involves surveys and fact

findings enquire of different kinds the major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the

state of affairs, as it exists at present. The main characteristics of this method are that the researcher

has no control over the variable; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. The

methods of research utilized in descriptive research are survey method.

Observation method is used for making a comparison between the sales revenue of the store on

offer days and non-offer days in order to analyze the effect of offers on the sales of the store.


The research instrument used in this study is “structured questionnaire”. Structured questionnaire

are those questionnaire in which there are predetermined question relating to the aspect, for which the

researcher collects data. The questions are presented with exactly the same wording and in the same

order to all the respondents.


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The structured questionnaire for consumer was framed with the following types of questions

open ended, multiple choice, likert scale.

The open ended question is only one in which the customer writes his name.

The multiple choice questions have 4 to 5 choices given to the customers from which the

customers have to make a choice. The choices are carefully framed according to the mindset of the

customers studied during the period of the study.

Likert scale’s questions contain strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree, from

which the customer has to choose the one which is more appropriate according to the respondent.


The data collection for this study consisted of both-

Primary and

Secondary data

Primary data

The primary data are those that are collected through questionnaire and direct personal interview. The

questionnaire was framed in such a manner to obtain correct information, graded suitably for the

study. All the questionnaires were collected through personal contact from the respondents at Big



Page 37: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Secondary data

Secondary data has been collected through oral communication with the people in the

organization and through personal experience while working, the data is collected and compiled

during the course of project. It includes the sales record of the organization which is used for the

observation made on the sales of the organization during offers running at the store.


Convenience sampling has been used in this study. Convenience sampling is used for

selection of homogeneous sample for the study. It refers to selecting a sample of study objects on

convenience. It is a non-probability sampling. Thus, research study may include study objects, which

are conveniently located. Research findings based on convenient sampling however, cannot be



The sample size for this project was 102. The sample was the people visiting the store for their

purchases and most of them were the regular customer group. The sample size is selected according

to the number of factors selected. The sample size should be 5 times the values of the factors selected.


The sample consists of the customers visiting Big Bazaar regularly. The customer group consists of

housewives, young adults etc.


Page 38: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


The information presented in this report is presented through the experience gained while working in

the respective departments.

The Customer Service Desk is the department which provides the various free gifts and offers on the

slab basis or on products individually. Thus, working in this particular department helps to

understand the consumer behavior and their requirements. Direct interaction with the customers is

possible here. At CSD customers share their problems and error in service by the store.

The SOP of Future group for Big Bazaar explains the details of dealing with the customers and also

how to delight them with listening and solving their problem or query.

The customer behavior can be easily observed at the CSD counter.

Generally in a store there are two types of promotions. Some of the factors have already been

mentioned in the report. The two types of promotions are:



The In store promotion deals with the offer signage which inform the customers about the

products available and offers on the particular products in departments.

An outdoor promotion deals with pamphlet distribution, hoardings, events organized and also

through media such as visual and audio etc.

These are broadly defined ingredients for a retail store. Use of them is very important for creating a

successful retail store.


Page 39: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Marketing Mix (7 P’s) in Big Bazaar


Big Bazaar offers a wide range of products which includes every minute thing which a person needs

for daily utilization. That is from food items to apparels and from kitchen item to home decoration

furniture and stationary.

This indicates that Big Bazaar covers every aspect in the product category. Even some of its store

offer jewellery also.


The price offered at Big Bazaar is claimed as “Isse sasta aur achcha aur kahin nahin”. This quote

itself tells that the main advantage which Big Bazaar had before any of its competitors came into

scene has become synonymous to its name.

In India the customers which is targeted by Big Bazaar is mainly middle class population. They are

mainly price conscious and want more value for lesser price. So Big Bazaar clicked for the Indian



Place i.e. location is a very important factor for a retail store.

Factors such as-

Population residing near and around the store

Accessibility to the store location

Competitors around the location

Rental as a criterion has to be considered.


Page 40: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


Big Bazaar started many new and innovative cross-sell and up-sell strategies in Indian retail market.

The various promotion techniques used at Big Bazaar include "saal ke sabse saste teen din", Future

Card (the card offers 3% discount), Shakti Card,

Brand Endorsement by M. S. Dhoni, Exchange Offer - ‘Junk Swap Offer’, Point-of-Purchase


Advertising has played a crucial role in building of the brand. Big Bazaar advertisements are seen in

print media, TV, Radio (FM) and road-side bill-boards.


They are one of the key assets for any organization. The salient features of staff of Big Bazaar are: -

A well-trained staff should be employed in a giant retail chain as Big Bazaar.

Well-dressed staff improves the overall appearance of store.

Employees are motivated to think out-of-the-box. Retail sector is in growth stage, so staff is

empowered to take innovative steps.

It employs close to 10,000 people and recruits nearly 500 people every month.

It uses technology for planning and decision making.

Multiple counters for payment, staff at store to keep baggage and security guards at every gate,

makes for a customer-friendly atmosphere.


The goods' dispatch and purchasing area has certain salient features which include: -

Multiple counters with trolleys to carry the items purchased.

Proper display / posters of the place like (DAL, SOAP, etc.).


Page 41: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Home delivery counters also started at many places.


It deals with the final deliverable or the display of written facts. This includes the current system and

available facilities.


Page 42: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar



EXCHANGE MELA- The first work which was allotted was to promote their scheme of

EXCHANGE of scrap to the customers; it involved attending the customers and explaining the


The strategy involved in it was that each category was made in the following ways i.e. newspaper –

Rs.100, apparels-Rs.200 etc. each of them had an amount attached as mentioned .The amt. was

multiplied to the total weight of the items. The amount mentioned thereafter was the amount the

customers have to shop 4 times the value, which were given in terms of coupons of various


Thus, increasing the sales of the store and the items which were brought by the customers were

newspapers and apparels therefore there amount was kept higher than other less frequently

brought items. The customers will get more no. of coupons which will convert into sales for the



It was a slab offer for customers who made purchase above Rs.1001 and above. This offer was

promoted during Ugadi festival week 21st March to 28th March.

It contributed as a sales promotion strategy as customers were tempted to buy above the slab in

order to get the sweets as a kind of extra benefit.


Page 43: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


If a customer makes a purchase of Rs.750 and above, a Wednesday diary is provided and in next 4

Wednesday shopping if the total purchase amount reaches Rs.2000 and above a sure gift is provided.

This offer helps in increasing sales in the middle of the week which is a less revenue generator

when compared to the weekends.

20-20 OFFER:

The latest of them all is 20-20 offer which is in accordance to the cricket fever during this period of

IPL matches where customers gets 20 products free if the total amount of purchase is Rs,1499 and

above and there are 20 or more items purchased by the customer.


Promotion of the new launched future card was also a task assigned which included explaining the

benefits of the card to the customer and converting them.

Convincing the customer for it was the main task as the customer has to spend Rs. 1050 at the

same time.

This card helps in customer retention and increases customer loyalty as customers have to use

the shopping card in order to use the amount deposited in the future prepaid card.


Page 44: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


The companies which want to do tie up activities with the store. They come to the store through

Zonal or they directly contact the individual store. In case the company is coming through Zonal such

an activity is for pan zone basis and in such a case the revenue which is obtained through such an

activity is divided among the store and the entity which handles such promotions i.e. Future Media.

If the company has directly approached an individual store in such a case the revenue need not be

shared and the total benefit of such an activity goes to the store.


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1) The effect of offers on sales.2) Benefit of the offers in terms of revenue to the organization.3) The best offer in terms of revenue to the organization.

The various offers taken into consideration for study are of 2009 only.


There are various offers which run in Big Bazaar. These offers are applied in order to promote sales. Such offers are applied on regular intervals.The observation made during the course of the project shows following results:

Sales promotion offer of the Big Bazaar stores on 24th, 25th and 26th of January was “SABSE SASTA TEEN DIN”. This offer is promoted on the Republic Day as it is a nationalized holiday.The Sales on 26th January was Rs.52, 37, 749.But, Sales on 23rd January was only Rs.6, 93, 728.

The sale shows an increase of whopping 655%.

In the same way, The Great Exchange Mela was also a sales promotion scheme which helped in increasing the revenue of the organization. The Sales on 8th March was Rs.22, 08, 435. This was the day when the offer was running in the store. The Sales on 11th February was Rs.5, 07, 183.

The sale shows an increase of 335%

20-20 Offer promoted during the period of IPL 20-20 Matches had an offer of providing 20 ensemble items as a gift hamper on the purchase of 20 or more items.

The Sales on 15th April was Rs.4, 26, 547. The revenue, when the offer was running was Rs. 6, 32, 002.


Page 47: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Thus, showing a increase of 48.13%. This is quite less than other promotion offers of Big Bazaar.

Other similar offer which cannot be compared as it is a weekly running offer is WEDNESDAY SAVINGS DIARY

This is also a Sales Promotion scheme of Big Bazaar to promote Wednesday sales. It is seen that there is a significant increase in sales on every Wednesday; it is also due to the various offers, discounts which are provided to the consumers on this day of the week.

The best offer of them all is “Sabse Sasta Teen Din”.

The various reasons for the following are:

Due to public holiday people are free to purchase on this day. The various offers which are not provided on other days are provided to the consumers on these

three days. The other offers lack due to the above mentioned reasons.


Products shown on the pamphlets and newspapers for the promotion of the offer had products which were not available actually as free gifts at the store. This resulted in dissatisfaction of customers

The offer details were not clear therefore the customers came up with some pre-conceived notions for the products being provided as free gifts during 20-20 offer. This defeated the main objective to attract the customer. So the promotional campaign should have clarity so that it could be easily communicated and understood by the target customer group.


Page 48: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar



Factor Analysis is primarily used for data reduction or structure detection.

The factor analysis is used in this project in order to know the variables which are important

to and uncorrelated.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.


Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 147.120 df 78 Sig. .000

The KMO value is 0.534 which is greater than 0.5 therefore the Factor Analysis is



Page 49: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Communalities indicate the amount of variance in each variable that is accounted for.

Initial communalities are estimates of the variance in each variable accounted for by all

components or factors. For principal components extraction, this is always equal to 1.0 for

correlation analyses.

Extraction communalities are estimates of the variance in each variable accounted for by the

components. The communalities in this table are all high, which indicates that the extracted

components represent the variables well. If any communality is very low in a principal

components extraction, you may need to extract another component.


Initial ExtractionDiscOffAttrac 1.000 .643Buy1get1 1.000 .558influByOff 1.000 .633printvisualAds 1.000 .765hordPamph 1.000 .630Placingofpro 1.000 .639regularuse 1.000 .624behaviofsales 1.000 .720Incomstatus 1.000 .726ShopWidPer 1.000 .615influofFriFam 1.000 .678SpeOccMore 1.000 .810festdisc 1.000 .536

Page 50: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Total % of Variance Cumulative %1 2.159 16.611 16.6112 1.683 12.948 29.5593 1.367 10.513 40.0714 1.236 9.508 49.5805 1.115 8.576 58.1566 1.017 7.827 65.9827 .963 7.410 73.3928 .762 5.858 79.2509 .665 5.118 84.36810 .594 4.571 88.93911 .579 4.456 93.39512 .444 3.418 96.81313 .414 3.187 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

. The variance explained by the initial solution, extracted components, and rotated components is

displayed. This first section of the table shows the Initial Eigen values.

The Total column gives the eigen value, or amount of variance in the original variables

accounted for by each component.

The % of Variance column gives the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the variance

accounted for by each component to the total variance in all of the variables

The Cumulative % column gives the percentage of variance accounted for by the first n

components. For example, the cumulative percentage for the second component is the sum of

the percentage of variance for the first and second components.

For the initial solution, there are as many components as variables, and in a correlations analysis, the

sum of the eigen values equals the number of components. You have requested that eigen values

greater than 1 be extracted, so the FIRST FIVE principal components form the extracted



Page 51: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

Component Matrix (a)


1 2 3 4 5 6DiscOffAttrac .256 -.331 -.575 .234 .248 .146Buy1get1 .579 -.449 -.115 -.042 .080 -.019influByOff .300 .614 -.323 .155 .086 .172printvisualAds .426 .087 .510 -.060 .506 -.237hordPamph -.013 .658 .044 .290 -.281 -.179Placingofpro .183 .546 .247 -.366 .212 .262regularuse .372 -.216 .332 .472 .325 .008behaviofsales .600 -.112 -.290 -.440 -.233 .125Incomstatus .569 .078 .052 .354 -.505 .117ShopWidPer .497 .409 -.326 -.041 .305 -.007influofFriFam .358 -.040 .087 -.544 -.216 -.445SpeOccMore .132 -.130 .449 -.137 -.146 .731festdisc .489 -.074 .289 .277 -.291 -.218

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a 6 components extracted.

Rotated Component Matrix (a)



Page 52: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

1 2 3 4 5 6DiscOffAttrac .179 .742 .004 -.170 -.090 -.152Buy1get1 -.029 .608 .228 .291 .221 .048influByOff .772 -.037 .124 -.110 -.081 -.029printvisualAds .124 -.064 -.003 .174 .845 .039hordPamph .368 -.549 .339 -.129 -.108 -.223Placingofpro .492 -.331 -.204 .181 .223 .406regularuse -.048 .253 .317 -.289 .609 .047behaviofsales .249 .397 .175 .625 -.172 .225Incomstatus .181 .073 .812 .052 -.070 .148ShopWidPer .721 .187 .005 .146 .166 -.107influofFriFam -.057 -.070 .083 .799 .107 -.111SpeOccMore -.111 .005 .115 -.060 .030 .883festdisc -.073 -.002 .661 .150 .264 -.039

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a Rotation converged in 9 iterations.



Page 53: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

According to the data of Factor Analysis the Store Promotional offers which influence the customers’ are-

1st COMPONENT- 0.772(influence by offers), 0.721(shopping with the person)

2nd COMPONENT- 0.742(discount offers attract), 0.608(Buy get1free)

3rd COMPONENT- 0.812(income status affects buying behavior), 0.661(Festival discount)

4th COMPONENT- 0.799(Influence of friends and family), 0.625(Behavior of salesperson)

5th COMPONENT- 0.845(Print and visual ads)

6thCOMPONENT- 0.883(Special Occasion makes them buy extra)



Page 54: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

The survey suggests that most of the customers are influenced by offers which are given by Big Bazaar attract them to make their purchase from this store. As well as the customer’s choice is affected by the person with whom they shop. This could be concluded that the main attraction of Big Bazaar stores is the offers which are provided to the customers.

Of all the offers provided by Big Bazaar the most influencing offer is discounts and buy 1 get 1 free offers (which is 50% discount on products) provided on products in the store. Most of the customers come to store in order to get the discounts and they think that the rates are better than other stores.

Most of the customers agree to the statement that their income status affects their buying behavior. At the same time, festival discount affects the amount of buying. Thus, the offer of giving any extra value or discount on products induces them to come for purchasing in Big Bazaar.

Influence of friends and family on decision-making for the purchase of any product is a statement that many customers agreed to. These friends or family members act as a reference group when a purchase decision has to be made by an individual. Behavior of sales person affects the buying of the customers as well as it influences their choice making.

The other component which could be considered as an important factor in promotion is the media through which the offers are promoted. The most important and beneficial media in terms of reach and effectiveness is print and visual media.

Special occasion makes customers to purchase extra. Thus, this could be derived that festivals need special offers. This could result in increase of revenue for the store.



Page 55: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


The age group which visits retail stores frequently according to the study is

The age group is between 25-35 years of age. This age group consists of young people who come to buy their daily necessities e.g. housewives etc.



Page 56: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

The survey suggests that the majority of customers visiting the store are female. It is therefore necessary to make strategies which could attract female customers.

Already some promotions have been done in the store like Rangoli competition and Mehendi competition etc.


Page 57: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


45% of the customers of Big Bazaar come from the income category of 3 lakh and above per annum. The other majority comes from 2 lakh-3 lakh. This suggests that the customers of Big Bazaar come from Upper-Middle and Middle-Middle class families.


Page 58: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


It is clear from the result of this survey that most of the customers come to know about the offers running in the store through newspapers. The other best way through which the customers come to know about the running offers is when they visit the store.


Page 59: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


38% customers easily find the products in the store easily due to the signage positioned at various

places of the store. 24% of the customers sometimes and 7% of them are not able to locate the

products easily.

Thus, this could be derived that there is a scope of improvement for the placing of signage in the

store. So that it does not lead to loss of sales to the store in the long run.


Page 60: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


Here 46% of the customers think that the placing of the products could be better. This means that the

customers are not satisfied with the present display of products in the store. Furthermore,

attractiveness of the display could also be increased.


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Page 62: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


The result from this study suggests that –

As customers are attracted by various offers provided by Big Bazaar and the customers are attracted by the discounts which are offered by Big Bazaar store, Koramangala. Therefore the store should maintain its USP of offering products on various discounts offers. Most of the customers visit the store due to these discounts. Therefore Big Bazaar should always try to maintain its low margins in order to retain its customers.

Income status is referred to as one of the most important criteria for amount of purchase made by the customers. The segmentation of customer group can be done on demographic factor of income; the main aim of starting Big Bazaar was to cater the huge middle class segment of India. The target customers were pre determined for the store. Thus, it could be concluded by this statement that customer group of Big Bazaar which is mainly-

Middle-Middle classUpper-Middle class

These classes should be focused by Big Bazaar so as to retain its customer group who are the regular customers of Big Bazaar.

The Print & Visual ads should be stressed more as most of the respondents gained the information about the offers through Print or Visual media. These media comes out to be most viewed.So, more promotion of offers should be through print and visual media. In the recent times promotion of Big Bazaar was generally done through print media. But now Big Bazaar has recognized the reach of Visual media. Therefore advertisements of the offers are shown regularly (as comparative to previously occasional ads) through the visual media.

Most of the customers are influenced by comments of family and friends. For their purchase decisions.

Respondents admitted that they are driven to buy extra during special occasions like Festivals etc.

Therefore, offers during festivals should be more advertised, so that customers are driven to buy extra quantity.


Page 63: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


The age groups of the customers who visit Big Bazaar store in majority are of young age thus the offers which are given in the store should be such that it attracts the customers.

Mostly female customers come for shopping At Big Bazaar; it is because most women take up the household responsibilities and therefore they know the needs of their family. The promotions in Big Bazaar such as Future Prepaid card only show young woman with the card in her hand.

The following data suggests that as newspaper (Big Bazaar advertises mainly through Times of India) is the best medium to communicate the offer to the customers therefore it should be continued and could also be increased as per the requirement.

In-store promotion of the offers is always important; Visual Merchandising plays an important role in

it. Therefore, it should always be emphasized.

A large number of customers think that they are not able to find the product easily, this means that the

store signage need to be put in such a way that they are easily visible and are eye-catching.

In the same way placing of the products is also not satisfactory. The reason for the mentioned is the

limited space area of the store which cannot be increased.


Page 64: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar


More promotions should be made targeting on youth segment. Offers on luxury items and

eatables should be emphasized at youth is attracted towards them.

The customers of young adults come in majority to the store. Therefore, offers should be such

which attracts such customers.

As some Organic products are sold in the store which attracts the young people because today

people are more health conscious. Therefore giving free sample of products will not only

promote such products but also attract the youth crowd to buy such products.

The customers who visit the store are mainly female, therefore a Ladies Zone could be

introduced where-

i. The ladies could share their feelings about anything in the store, including the suggestions

they want to give about the store.

ii. Regular offers for the ladies customers and also competitions etc. organized on a regular

basis. Like- on a monthly basis.

iii. Special benefits for the women who shop every week from Big Bazaar.

Benefits could be- Special discounts, free gifts, and preference during Billing or Jackpot.

The media and outdoor promotions should focus more on women customers.

Certain areas which are eye-catching are

i. Entrance

ii. Cash till areas

iii. Stairs

iv. Area in front of the stairs.

Generally, stairs and area in front of the stairs is unutilized which could be utilized effectively.


Page 65: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

The inference can be drawn from the project that-

Factors which affect customers are

Offers i.e. mainly discount offers in the store

Opinion of friends and family

Festival season

Income of the customer

Visual media is the best media for promotion of the offers.

The ease of finding product has to be increased for the customers; this will help in

increasing the level of customer satisfaction.

Store signage can be made more visible by using places which are more eye-catching.


It suggests that promotional offers bring in more revenue for the store in comparison to

ordinary days.

Customers are more attracted to the store and purchase more than required i.e. leading to

impulse buying.

It suggests that some offers are better than others due to the extra benefits which are offered

to the customers during their period.


Page 66: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar



Internal references from Big Bazaar staff.

Store Manager, BB, Koramangala (Pantaloon Retail Ltd.)

Internal data obtained from the store in form of reports.

Practical experience of working in the store.

Day to day activities performed in the store.



Page 67: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar



AGE less than 25 25-35 35-45 45 and above


INCOME: less than 50,000 50,000 – 1 lakh 1 lakh – 2 lakh

2 lakh – 3 lakh 3 lakh and above

1 2 3 4


ii. Discount offers regarding product attracts me

iii. Various schemes like (buy 1 get 1 free) affects my buying moreiv. I am never influenced by offers on products

v. Advertisement of product in print and visual media attracts me to buy that productvii. Hording and pamphlets of product help me in impulse buyingxi. I easily find the product in store due to good placing of the producti. Regular use of the same product , popularity of a product is a motivational factor to buy productii. Behavior of sales person affects my buying behavior.

Please tick any one of the blanks in each question.


Page 68: Overview of Retail Operations and Store Promotion in Big Bazaar

SA A DA SDAi. Income status affects my amount of buying

i. The person with whom I am going for shoppinginfluences my product selectionii. Comments of family , friends influence my buying behavior

i. On special occasion I buy more than I need.

ii Various festival discounts on product induce purchase of product.

From where do you get to know the offer running at Big Bazaar? ( mostly)

a) Newspaper b) Pamphlets c) After coming to the store d) Other

Is it easy to find the products through signage in this store?

a) Yes, generally b) Yes, sometimesc) Not, sometimesd) No, never

How is the placing of the products in various departments according to your point of view?

a) Goodb) Could be betterc) Not attractived) Bad

Thank you for your valuable time.