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Page 1: Overview of Paying For Traffic

Overview of Paying for Traffic


Susan Harrison

Harrison Kenyon Marketing

Page 2: Overview of Paying For Traffic

Overview of Paying for Traffic

The topic of paid traffic is large and can be confusing for anyone just starting out with it. While you may feel a little overwhelmed about how to go about using this traffic method it is not that difficult to learn. You definitely want to take the time to learn the basics of paid traffic and the various platforms that you can use to advertise.

There are many ways to use paid traffic and some of the most popular include using Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Banner advertising and making use of mobile marketing.

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

You may be wondering if this is a viable marketing method that you should be using. This is a common concern for many marketers and how do you know when it is time to start paying for your traffic?

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

One of the reasons people decide to pay for traffic is to see results faster. You may be running a special offer and want to get this in front of as many people as possible. Other reasons include that your site is just not getting enough traffic or you are tired of waiting for all the free traffic methods to take effect.

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

Before diving into paid traffic you need to determine what you can comfortably afford to spend on advertising. Then look for appropriate places to advertise. Instead of using Google Adwords right away it may make more sense to buy and ad on a major website.

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

Another idea is to write an article and then pay a more prominent site to advertise it for you. This method can really help ramp up your traffic and don’t forget that this would be a permanent link on a top blog. Your post or article will be available for years to come and could potentially be a traffic generation method for years as well.

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

It is always recommended to start out with a small advertising campaign at first. Then as you get more experienced you can increase the amount of money you want to use for advertising.

Another aspect of using paid traffic is to have a way to track your efforts and your results. Why spend money on advertising if you don’t know if it is generating your desired goals?

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Overview of Paying for Traffic

If you use something like Google Adwords or Bing Ads inside your account you will have access to performance reports. You should monitor these carefully and make adjustments as necessary.

Using paid traffic methods is easy just research your preferred method and always start slowly with a small campaign.

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