Download - Our Topic question: Where in the World? Topic Theme ... · This links mostly with our theme, ‘Around the World in 80 days’ but there are also many links across all curriculum

Page 1: Our Topic question: Where in the World? Topic Theme ... · This links mostly with our theme, ‘Around the World in 80 days’ but there are also many links across all curriculum

Our Topic question: Where in the World?

Topic Theme: Around the World in 80 days

This term our Science topic is ‘Forces’ which will give us plenty of opportunities to work

scientifically, exploring how forces are working all around us in our everyday lives. We will be

investigating forces that make things move, get faster or slow down; exploring friction and how it

slows or stops moving objects. Also we will explore the effects of levers, pulleys and simple

machines on movement. As part of this topic, we will also research how particular scientists helped

to develop the theory of gravitation.

This term we will build on the great progress of last term and further develop our

skills. In particular we aim to improve our confidence when solving multi-step

problems in contexts. Now that we have learnt all the multiplication tables and

related division facts, we will consolidate and extend our skills with facts beyond

12 x 12.

We will be revising the per cent symbol (%) and the knowledge that per cent means

‘the number of parts per hundred’. We will move on to learning how fractions,

decimals and percentages are different ways of expressing proportions.

Kensuke’s Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo, will be the focus for our learning this term.

This links mostly with our theme, ‘Around the World in 80 days’ but there are also many

links across all curriculum areas. Through this text, and other specific skills sessions, we


explore and evaluate how different authors use language for effect

write narratives which describe settings, characters and atmospheres

take part in discussions about our text and other topic books

continue to extend our understanding of core grammatical concepts

We will continue to improve our handwriting and presentation in all our learning. M




Page 2: Our Topic question: Where in the World? Topic Theme ... · This links mostly with our theme, ‘Around the World in 80 days’ but there are also many links across all curriculum

How vicious were the Vikings? We will be looking at the wider World

and the impact that the Vikings had on different countries. In particular we will be looking at the

weapons of the Viking warriors and some of their raiding strategies. Our class novel will lead us

to develop our knowledge of the World and the location of continents and countries. We will be

looking in particular at the travels of the Viking warriors.

History and Geography

Through research tasks for various curriculum areas, we will be

exploring Digital Literacy and how to select the most relevant information during searches. As

part of our Geography learning we will be using databases, such as timetables, to plan a journey.

The Vikings are our focus for creative

learning this term—textiles, clothing and tapestry in DT and Viking

helmet designs in Art.

Our theme this term is ‘What do we

know about the Bible and why is it important to Christians?

Our theme this term is ‘Going for Goals’. This will give us opportunities to explore the skills and

dispositions that make an effective learner.

Now that we are almost experts on the Solar System and the Planets, we are using that

knowledge to help extend our skills in French. We will be learning how to describe the colour,

size and temperature of each planet whilst also learning to give opinions with reasons. The main

aim of our learning is to develop fluency and understanding through listening, repetition and con-


Art and Design





PE is on Wednesday and Thursday this term. Mrs Thomas is teaching Gymnastics on Wednesday

afternoons and on Thursdays will be doing Dance ( Theme — What’s so funny?).

Music will continue on a Thursday afternoon with the Music Specialists. The children who take

home their instruments must remember to bring them in for the lesson. They also need to

remember to practise at home in between lessons.

Spellings will continue to be given out at the start of the week in the Spelling Investigation

Books then there will be a quiz on the Friday.

Other Important Information