Download - Our Lady of Lourdes High School Chapter 3Grade 10 Mrs. SaffordFall 2014.

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  • Our Lady of Lourdes High School Chapter 3Grade 10 Mrs. SaffordFall 2014
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  • Questions to Think About Why is Mary said to be full of grace? How did Mary respond to grace? Who is Saint Joseph? What does the name Jesus mean? What does virgin birth mean? What is the Incarnation? How does Mary and Joseph willing to say yes, play a part in human salvation?
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  • Why is Mary said to be full of grace? Mary is full of grace because of her Immaculate Conception, a gift appropriate in virtue of her role as Mother of God. It means that Mary was enriched by Gods gifts appropriate to someone who would be the mother of the Savior. Mary was wholly born by God grace which made it possible for her to make her free assent of faith.
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  • How did Mary respond to grace? Wholly borne by grace, Mary asserted and cooperated in Gods plan and never committed an actual sin. Full of Grace expresses the fully developed doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which is The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first incidence of her creation, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, (in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race), was preserved free from all stain of original sin.
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  • Who is Saint Joseph? Marys spouse, Joseph, a just man also freely cooperated with Gods plan and became Jesus foster father, helping provide a human family for Christ. Josephs Annunciation is he had discovered that Mary was going to have a baby. In a dream, he learned from an angel that he should not be afraid to take Mary as his wife because the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
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  • What does the name Jesus mean? The name Jesus means God saves. It expresses Jesus identity and mission as the Son of God who would save the people from their sins.
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  • What does Virgin Birth mean? It mean that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit without human seed.
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  • What is the Incarnation? It is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Video: God in Human FormGod in Human Form
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  • How does Mary and Joseph willingness to say Yes to Gods plan play a part in Gods salvation? God counts on faith filled cooperation to implement his plan of salvation. Mans role is to cooperate freely with God.
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  • Assignment Define on a piece of paper the following terms: Annunciation Atonement Immaculate Conception Incarnation Justification Pascal Mystery Presentation Visitation This will count as a homework grade.
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  • Assignment You will be given a graphic organizer and you are to comparing the differences and similarities between the Ark of the covenant and the ark of the new covenant in regards to nourishment, authority, and teaching. You may use your book. This assignment will count as a quiz grade.
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  • Questions to Think About What do the genealogies of Luke and Matthew teach? How are they similar and how are they different? What is the basic point of Lukes genealogy? How does Matthews genealogy support kingship? What is significant of Matthews inclusion of women in his genealogy? Why is Mary properly called the Ark of the New Covenant? How is the Hail Mary prayer one way in which Marys declaration that All generations will be blessed come true?
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  • What do the genealogies teach? Luke and Matthews genealogies teach us that Jesus Christ is the son of Abraham in the line of the Davidic Kings and a son of Adam whose salvation is for all men, both the chosen people and Gentiles of every age and condition.
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  • What is the most basic difference between Luke and Matthews genealogies of Christs ancestry? Luke Matthew Luke begins with Jesus and traces him back to Adam. Matthew begins with Abraham and traces his descendents forward through David to Jesus.
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  • What is the basic point of Lukes genealogy? Jesus is the New Adam Not only is he a descendent of Adam, but he will redeem every descendent of Adam.
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  • How does Matthews genealogy support Jesus kingship? It shows that Jesus is the descendent of a long line of Davidic Kings. What is significant of Matthews inclusion of women in his genealogy? It was customary to limit genealogies to a persons male ancestors reflecting the attitude of insignificance of women. Matthews inclusion reflected that Christ would restore women to their original dignity and equality with men.
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  • Why is Mary properly called the Ark of the New Covenant? In her womb she carried Jesus Christ, the presence of God on earth, who would establish the new covenant in his blood. Marys visit to Elizabeth reveals that the pregnant Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant.
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  • How is the Hail Mary prayer one way in which Marys declaration that All generations will be blessed come true? In the Hail Mary, we repeat the words of the Angel Gabriel and Elizabeth, a prayer said by millions of people every day. Video: Prayer and Song
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  • Questions to Think About What is the Nativity? What is Christian poverty? Who were the first persons to realize the good news of Jesus birth? Why were the shepherds unlikely candidates to receive the news that a new King of the Jews has been born? What does the Angels announcement For to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Jesus Christ the Lord, mean? What is the significance of the three gifts that the wise men brought?
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  • What is the Nativity? Jesus was born in poverty in a stable in Bethlehem, witnessed by lowly shepherds and wise Gentiles. Video: A Child is BornA Child is Born
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  • What is Christian Poverty? We are called to live the virtue of Christian poverty, which is detachment from material things. Examples of the poverty that Christ lived at the beginning and end of His Life is that He was born in a stable and on the cross he died and was stripped of everything.
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  • Who are the first persons to realize the good news of Jesus birth? The shepherds who were watching their flocks in the fields surrounding Bethlehem. Why were the shepherds unlikely candidates to receive the news that a new King of the Jews has been born? They were poor and ignorant members of the lowest class of Jewish society.
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  • What does the Angels announcement For to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Jesus Christ the Lord, mean? Christ was born for them, the poor and lowly. He is the one indicated in Micahs prophecy that a ruler would come from the city of David, and so from Davids line. He is the long awaited Messiah. Jesus is the Lord means He is the Son of God.
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  • What is the significance of the three gifts that the wise men brought? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh represented Christs kingship, his priesthood, and his crucifixion.
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  • Questions to Think About What did Simeon and Anna recognize in Jesus?
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  • What did Simeon and Anna recognize in the Baby Jesus? They recognized that he was the Messiah.
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  • Assignment Explain who the following people are in the Bible Anna Elizabeth Gabriel Magi Mary Simeon This assignment will count as a homework grade.
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  • Questions to Think About Why was Jesus able to be a whole day without his parents knowing it? How long was Jesus lost to Mary and Joseph? How was the finding in the temple a revelation of Christs divinity?
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  • Why was Jesus able to be lost for a whole day without his parents knowing it The men and women were traveling in separate groups. Jesus was twelve and he would be able to travel in either the men or womens groups. Probably Joseph and Mary thought that Jesus was with the other. How long was Jesus lost to Mary and Joseph? 3 days
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  • How was the finding in the temple a revelation of Christs divinity? Even though Jesus was only 12, the teachers of Judaism were amazed by Jesus understanding. Jesus told his parents that he was in his Fathers house, meaning that God was his Father.
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  • Assignment Write a newspaper account, as you are the reporter of one of the events from this chapter. You may use one of the following : the birth of Jesus the visitation the presentation the finding in the temple This should be typed and will count as a test grade.
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  • Questions to Think About Why did God become man? What four reasons for why God became man? What are examples of Jesus redemptive actions? How does Christs Passion compare to Adams felix culpa? What is the difference between actual and sanctifying graces?
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  • Why did God Become Man? God became man to reconcile us with God by making expiation for our sins by his life and sufferings. God became man to show us the depths of his love.
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  • What four reasons for why God became man? To make expiation of our sins To manifest the depths of Gods love. To give us a model of holiness To allow us to share in Christs divine life.
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  • What are examples of Jesus redemptive actions? Christs poverty which enriches us Jesus hidden life of submission which atones for our disobedience Jesus preaching, which purifies us Jesus taking of our infirmities which heals and exorcises us.
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  • How does Christs passion compare to Adams felix culpa? Christ won our salvation and showed the depths of his love something which would not have happen if Adam did not sin.
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  • What is the difference between sanctifying and actual graces? Sanctifying Graces- It is the free and unmerited favor of God given through the Sacraments. This grace heals human nature wounded by sin by giving man a share in the divine life infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit. Actual Graces- They are specific interventions by God that help us whether at the beginning of conversion or in the course of work of sanctification.
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  • Questions to Think About Why did God became man? How does sanctifying grace change our relationship with God? What is required of us to share in Gods divine life? What is the New Commandment of Christ? What does it mean when the CCC 460 says that we are partakers of the divine nature?
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  • Why did God became Man? God became man to give us a model of holiness for us to imitate. God also became man to give us a share in his own divine life by making us his children.
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  • How does sanctifying grace change our relationship with God? We go from being images of God to sons and daughters of God. This is also called divine filiation. Divine filiation is more than just imitating Christ, since we are actually sharing in Christs love.
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  • What is required of us to share in Gods divine life? We have to make an effort to conform our lives to the words and actions of Christ.
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  • What is the new commandment of Christ?
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  • What does it mean when the CCC 460 says that we are partakers of the divine nature? It means becoming sons of God.
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  • Christs Redemptive Life All of Christs love has redemptive value from his Incarnation until his Ascension. The redemptive value of Christs hidden life shows our ordinary life is also a means of sanctification.
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  • Questions to Think About How does it mean that the words of Christ are redemptive and can purify conscience? What is an example of the power of Christs words om the Sacraments? How do Christs words provoke conversion? How do Christs words help us examine our consciences?
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  • What does it mean that the words of Christ are redemptive and can purify conscience? It means that the actual words of Christ spoke save us and take away our sins. The redemptive value of Christs hidden life shows our ordinary life is also a means of sanctification. What is an example of the power of Christs words in the Sacraments? When a priest repeats Christs words from the Last Supper at Mass, This is my Body, the bread over which he says the words actually transforms into the Body of Christ.
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  • How do Christs words provoke conversion? Hearing them teaches us to love our enemies, practice detachments from material possessions, embrace our crosses and forgive others. How do Christs words help us examine our consciences? Christs words prompt us to see the gap between Jesus teaching and conduct and our own. This can cut us to the heart, and lead us to contrition and conversion.
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  • Questions to Think About What is compassion? How and when does Christ show compassion for others? Why did Christ not abolish suffering when he came to earth? What is Justification? What does redemption give the soul in addition to forgiveness of sins?
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  • What is compassion? Compassion is a special kind of love in which a person identifies with the sufferings of another with a desire to relieve his or her pain. Christs compassion is available to every person in his or own suffering. How and when does Christ show compassion for others? He fed the hungry, healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, gave sight to the blind and forgave sins during his limited time on earth.
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  • Why did Christ not abolish suffering when he came to earth? Jesus did not come to remove every type of suffering, but to redeem men from sin, which is the greatest evil. Video: Why does God let us suffer?Why does God let us suffer?
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  • What is Justification? The sacrifice Christ made for the sins of mankind, which paid the debt owed and which reconciled us with God. What does redemption give the soul in addition to forgiveness of sins? It gives the soul sanctifying grace, the infused virtues of faith, hope and charity, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Video: Is Jesus a Savior for Everyone?Is Jesus a Savior for Everyone?
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  • Citations for this Chapter from You Tube: Why does God let us suffer? Author: Christopher Stefanick. A Child is Born. Author: Christopher Stefanick. Hail Mary, Gentle Woman. Author: John Rodgers. C4 Ignite Your Faith. Author: Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Don Hying. Is Jesus a Savior for Everyone. God in Human Form.
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  • Citations for this Chapter Armenio, Rev. Peter. The Mystery of Redemption and Christian Discipleship. 1 st ed. Woodridge: Midwest Theological Forum, 2010. Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images