Download - OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday

Page 1: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


Our Lady of Hope Parish


A Jesuit Ministry August 08 / august 09, 2020



NOTICE - Please watch our website for most recently updated informa on (www.ladyo There is about a week "lag me" from when the bulle n is completed and when you see it. Our Parish Staff is on site part of the me. We s ll need to limit in-person contact as much as possible to protect everyone concerned. Please conduct your parish business as much as possible via phone or email. (Mass cards and scheduling Mass can be done via phone or email). Thanks for your faithful con nuing of church support through your envelopes, WeShare and offerings dropped at the mail slot at the Parish Office. You have kept us going financially!

See page 8 for updates on church reopening.

Follow us on social media to stay connected! Facebook: h ps:// opemaine/

Page 2: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


02 Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastoral Staff Finance Council Rev. Paul Sullivan, S.J.- Pastor Bill Green, Charlie Noyes, Barbara Willey,

Rev. John d ’Anjou, S.J.- Parochial Vicar Ann Campbell, Dick Pra , Tim Gibson Rev. Vincent Cur n, S.J. Senior Priest

Rev. Mr. John McAuliffe, Deacon Pastoral Council Bill Slavick, Mary Ellen White, Kathy Eliscu

Parish Musicians Estelle Lavoie, John Mullen, Elizabeth Tarasevich Nancy Curran Joan Dube Michael Luna , Dermot Bostock

Tom Luna Lori Arsenault pastoral.council@ladyo

Office Staff Sacrament of Bap sm Mary Cafazzo Parish Business Administrator Please call the Pastoral Office at 207-797-7026 to register

for pre-bap sm class. Linda McCormack Parish Administra ve Assistant Jean Ingalls Office Assistant

Melodye Deberadinis School Bookkeeper Sacrament of Marriage Andrew Litcher IT and Maintenance Couples should contact the Pastoral Office at least six

months in advance. Christopher Landry Maintenance

Faith Forma on Sacrament of Reconcilia on [email protected] Saturday - St. Pius X Church 2:30 to 3:00 PM

Sandra Litcher-Director of Religious Educa on Or By Appointment

R.C.I.A. Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults Coordinator Deacon John and Gil Doughty

Daily Mass Schedule - Monday (8/10) - Friday (8/15)

St. Pius X 9:00 AM Weekend Masses

Saturday - St. Pius X - 4:30 PM is open by prior reserva on. All Masses are Livestreamed is open by prior reserva on.

Saturday - St. Pius X 8:00 AM - Livestreamed only Sunday - St. Pius X 7:00 & 9:00 AM is open by prior reserva on. Sunday - St. Joseph 10:00 AM

Addi onal Weekly Masses with our Jesuit Community: is open by prior reserva on. St. Brigid School is now in summer recess. We hope when school Sunday - St. Joseph - 5:00 PM resumes we will be back to our usual Monday 8:00 AM Masses! Facebook Live ( only this Mass )

Pastoral Office, 673 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103-2540 207-797-7026 email: [email protected] Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The office is closed on Fridays except by appointment (including phone calls). Phone messages left at any time are returned as soon as possible on the next regular work day.

Act of Spiritual Communion "My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen" (St. Alphonsus)

Catholic Appeal - Many of us have received a mailing an-nouncing the 2020 Catholic Appeal. As you know this Appeal funds many important services of the church in Maine such as Catholic Chari es, as well as the opera ons of the diocese it-self. Our school receives benefit from the Appeal. You can designate your gi to go to a par cular agency, such as Catholic Chari es - Immigrant and Migrant work, for instance.

We have probably all received many requests for funding these days and some of us are facing financial loss ourselves. If you are able to make a charitable gi , please do consider the Catholic Appeal. We thank the 227 donors from Our Lady of Hope for your gi or pledge of $49,935 or 53% of our goal this year. Thanks.

For those who need them, gi /pledge envelopes for the Appeal are available at St. Pius X along with printed copies of the bulle n.

Sunday 5 PM Mass. This Mass will be moving back to St. Joseph star ng Aug 9th. It will be not be livestreamed but will be available online via a Facebook link. You do not have to belong to Facebook to use this link (h ps:// opemaine/live/ ) (Facebook link is live only for the 5:00 PM Mass ).

We would like to open this Mass to in-person a endance, but we s ll need addi onal people for the Welcome and cleaning ministry for this Mass. (As well as for the Sat 4:00 PM and Sunday 8:00 AM Masses). If you can assist, please contact the parish office. 797-7026. Thanks.

Page 3: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday

Our Lady of Hope Parish 03

SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM - St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L)

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 PM - St. Pius X Marie O'Connell by Guy O'Connell ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Paul)

SUNDAY: August 09, 2020 - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM - St. Pius X For The People of the Parish ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Paul) 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Margaret Doyle by Alice Landers ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L) 10:00 AM - St. Joseph Felix & Marquita Guinoo by Ricamor Guinoo ( Res. Only ) (Fr. Jack) 5:00 PM - St. Joseph For All The Priests of Our Lady Of Hope Parish by Ginny Goodwin ( Facebook Live Only) (Fr. Vince)

MONDAY: August 10 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Kelly McGeough by Judy ( Open No Reservations & Livestream ) (Fr. Jack)

TUESDAY: August 11, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Clifford Orman by Family ( Open No Reservations & Livestream ) (Fr. Vince)

WEDNESDAY: August 12, 2020 9:00 AM - St Pius X Alan Balladur by Eileen Balladur ( Open No Reservations & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L)

THURSDAY: August 13, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Blaine Alves by Kathleen O'Connell & Lena DiMillo ( Open No Reservations & Livestream ) (Fr Bob L)

FRIDAY: August 14, 2020 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Jimmy & Kay Nappi by Robert & Linda ( Open No Reservations & Livestream) (Fr. Vince)

SATURDAY: August 15, 2020 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 AM - St. Pius X In Memory of all Deceased Parishioners & Families ( Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L)

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 PM - St. Pius X Robert & Marie O'Connell by Guy O'Connell ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Bob L)

SUNDAY: August 16, 2020 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM - St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr Vince) 9:00 AM - St. Pius X Sylvia Malachowski by Daughter, Rosemary ( Res. Only & Livestream ) (Fr. Jack) 10:00 AM - St. Joseph For The People of the Parish ( Res. Only ) (Fr. Bob L) 5:00 PM - St. Joseph The Deceased Family Members of the Olshin Family ( Facebook Live Only ) (Fr. Vince)

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week at

St. Joseph Church Charles Harlow

St. Pius X Church Assistance in completing Sale of Property

08/09/2020 to 08/15/2020

A prayer for our journey as a parish

"God of the journey, as we travel on alert us to the things that matter and open our eyes to every sign of your presence. Give us a sense of direction, or at least a sense of purpose, a sense of wonder, a sense that, in everything, You are walking with us step by step, gently leading us to the heart of things."

Observances for the Week of August 09, 2020 09 Sunday Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

10 Monday Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

11 Tuesday Saint Clare, Virgin 12 Wednesday Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious

13 Thursday Sts Pontian, Pope, & Hippolytus, Priest

14 Friday Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr

15 Saturday The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

16 Sunday Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture for the week of August 09, 2020 09 Sunday 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/Rom 9:1-5/Mt 14:22-33 10 Monday 2 Cor 9:6-10/Jn 12:24-26 11 Tuesday Ez 2:8—3:4/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 12 Wednesday Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22/Mt 18:15-20 13 Thursday Ez 12:1-12/Mt 18:21—19:1 14 Friday Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Mt 19:3-12 15 Saturday Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk

1:39-56 16 Sunday Is 56:1, 6-7/Rom 11:13-15, 29-32/Mt 15:21-28

Mass Intentions The Parish Office is open by phone and email and can make arrangements for Mass Intentions this way. At this point we are scheduling intentions for the livestream Masses only - these are the only Masses being celebrated in the parish at this time. If you wish to schedule an Intention for any other Mass, that intention will be put on a "wait" list until we know when our regular schedule can resume and what that schedule be. Thanks for your understanding.

Note - August 15th Feast of the Assumption of Mary

This year August 15 falls on a Saturday. Therefore the Feast of the Assumption of Mary is not a Holyday of Obligation. The

regular 8:00 AM Mass will celebrate the feast that day. As this is being written, the

Saturday 8:00 AM Mass is not open to in-person attendance because we do yet not

have a Team for the Ministry of Welcome and cleaning for this Mass. Watch the bulletin for

updates. The Mass is livestreamed.

Be Not Afraid by Bob Dufford, S.J

Catholic Artists from Home

Page 4: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


Our Lady of Hope Parish 04

7:00 PM Weeknight Masses Suspended We are suspending the 7:00 PM weekday Masses as of August 5th at least for the remainder of the summer. When we began these Masses in March, there was interest and good online a endance. With the coming of summer that a endance as dwindled to a few. We haven’t opened these Masses for in-person a endance because we have not had a “Welcome Ministry” team. Thanks for joining. We will reconsider these Masses in the fall.

The Igna an Volunteer Corps (IVC), a na onal organiza on, is recrui ng individuals over the age of 50 to serve the poor and grow in faith. Portland, Maine is the newest IVC region in the United States. In addi on to service, volunteers meet once a month with a Spiritual Reflector and gather monthly with other IVC volunteers. Due to our world-wide pandemic, some of our Portland placements have paused their ac vi es; however, once the situa on im-proves, service opportuni es will open again at Cheverus High School, Catholic Chari es, the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, Partners for World Health, STRIVE, Portland Adult Educa on, St. Brigid's School in Portland and Holy Cross School in South Portland. Please give considera on to becoming an IVC service corps member. If you are interested in addi onal informa on or an

applica on, please contact Katherine Crosson, IVC – Portland Regional Director, at 207-808-8029. Check out the IVC Web-site at h p// to learn more about the organiza on and, specifically, about IVC Portland.

Something to think about…. For some months now our bulle n has included a brief announcement/invita on from the Igna an Volunteer Corps. If you are over 50 years of age you are invited to think about and pray about the possibility of your sharing your me with others. You may say “not right now” and that may be a wise choice. But keep praying so you know what to do when the me is right. You might want to look at the a ached note for further informa on on the Igna-

an Volunteer Corps. Thanks IVC/Portland For Frequently Asked Ques ons ( h ps://www.ladyo )

Meet the Missionaries Visi ng Maine Visits from missionaries are a summer staple in Maine parishes. Each year, they share stories of the wonderful work they're doing to serve our brothers and sisters in need: providing medical care, school-ing, job development, basic resources, and more. We hear how the faith is alive in countries around the world, despite the hardships many face, now exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the missionaries who rely on your support to con nue their ministry can't travel here, but we can s ll reach out to them, through our prayers and our financial support. A special sec-

on on the Diocese of Portland’s website features descrip ons of the congrega ons that would have par cipated in the missionary coopera ve plan this summer, along with the parishes they were scheduled to visit. We in-vite you to read about their work and consider suppor ng the one from your parish and perhaps extending your generosity to others as well. Visit the sec on at

This year I was looking forward to welcoming a return visit by Fr John Dang, a priest of the Congrega on of the Mission – Vietnam. We have a number of Vietnamese parishioners here at OLH and the visit last year was a great blessing for them. We were hoping for even more connec on this summer. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19, that visit is impossible.

We are asked to share informa on on the work of the Congrega on. There is an a achment here and a link. Please take a look and again we ask your support as you able, prayers and financial assistance as you can. Please do pray for the Church in Vietnam and our Vietnamese brothers and sisters here in Portland and here at Our Lady of Hope. Please see this video link. h ps://

Your gi can be made through the WeShare link: ( h ps://ourladyo ) and also by sending your envelope to the parish, marked “Mission Appeal.”

Faith Forma on for 2020 2021

Just wanted to let you know about Faith Forma on for Our Lady of Hope Parish for Kindergarten to Grade 5. Last year’s families have received le ers and registra on forms in the mail. We would love to have your child / children join us too. You may register on line at: h ps://

www.ladyo onfill.pdf or call at 207-358-7576.

I will be at St. Pius X church on August 29th and August 30th a er all masses and St. Joseph church on September 6th a er the 10:00 AM Mass.

We are s ll determining what our program will look like in the Fall / Winter but having the children register will help us as well. Looking forward to hearing from you. Blessings Sandy Litcher

Faith FormationReligious Education

207-358-7576Classes Pre-K - 5

Page 5: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


05 Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Offertory Report Your Gi s of Stewardship

July 25 / July 26, 2020

First Collec on - $ 7.294.00 envelopes - 114 Second Collec on Parish - $ 938.00 - envelopes - 77 Second Collec on Diocese - $ 128.00 - envelopes - 14

Weshare:(1stCollec on Parish)- $ 2,652.01 Transac ons 88 Weshare: (2nd Collec on Parish) - $ 235.29 Transac ons 15

Weshare: (Diocesan) - $ Transac ons

TOTAL Parish First Offertory was $ 9,946.01 (In order to meet our budget for this year, our First

collec on needs to average $13,500.00 per week.) Thank you for your generosity—God Bless

Finance and Administration

_____ Parish Poor Box Collec on $ 253.82

Project Feed Poor Box for _____ -

Coming 2nd Collec ons 08-08/09-2020 — Snow Removal and Grounds Care Fund 08-15/16-2020 — Assump on & St. Brigid School Support 08-22/23.2020 — Fuel and Energy Fund 08-29/30-2020 — Maintenance Fund

If you have any ques ons regarding your envelopes, please contact Linda at 207-797-7026

Thank you for your con nued support and generous dona ons.

Our Lady of Hope Sebas an Rasle, SJ Prayer Circle August 2020 Prayer Inten ons

We now start the third year of urging parishioners and friends to pray for our parish and other world needs and for one another through these prayer inten ons and the idea of a Parish Prayer Circle. I hope that these inten ons and the commitment to pray have been a source of grace and bless-ing to you and to our parish, school, and world. 1. For the spiritual health, vitality, and financial support of Our Lady of Hope Parish and St. Brigid School.

2. Pope Francis' Prayer Inten on for August - The Mari me World. We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and women, and their families. 3. For all community organiza ons, musical groups, service organiza ons, churches in this me of restricted a endance and support that these organiza ons find crea ve ways to con nue their service and ministry and are able to get the financial support necessary for them to con nue, and for those planning for the resump on of school (at all levels) this fall that they decide with wisdom.

Sacrament of Reconcilia on A priest will be available to celebrate reconcilia on on Saturday 2:30- 3:00 PM at St. Pius X We will use the "Small Chapel" next to the reconcilia on room. You must be wearing a mask. As always you are invited to call the Parish Office to make an individual appointment for reconcilia on.

We Pray for Racial Jus ce The Courage to Be Your Love God of Jus ce, we give you thanks for your great glory. God of Love, we give you thanks for your great mercy.

We pray that you will help us to see all your children veiled in the dignity of love.

God, we thank you for the inspiring life and words of Rep. John Lewis, who said “When you see something that is not right, you must say something. You must do something. Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each genera on must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a na on and world society at peace with itself.” Give us the courage to live up to his call.

God, we acknowledge the current mes. The mes of growing fears, growing violence, and growing hate. This world needs your love. Give us the courage to be your love.

God, we acknowledge the children who lost their mothers and fathers because of our broken immigra on system. Our chil-dren need your love. Give us the courage to be your love.

God, we acknowledge the parent who lost their child because of our broken criminal jus ce system. Our parents need your love. Give us the courage to be your love.

God, we acknowledge the youth who are le to bear the pain of our broken racial systems. Our youth need your love. Give us the courage to be your love.

God, we acknowledge the oppressors who have been given posi ons of power. They need your love. Give us the courage to be your love.

God, I acknowledge my responsibility to my sisters and brothers in the current mes and in the future. I need your love. Give me the courage to be your love. Amen.

based on a prayer wri en by Edith Avila Olea, Jus ce and Peace Associate Director at the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois.

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06 Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Looking ahead

What would be helpful to you in your life and rela onship with God? Helping each other develop and grow in a rela on-ship with God and in living a Gospel-shaped life IS the purpose of a parish. We're not here just to provide Eucharist for our-selves. In fact we are here so that we become a people that are Eucharist for the world - the presence and love of God ex-pressed in our lives. What would be helpful for you to grow in that way? We invite your ideas and ques ons.

Recently your parish priests and Deacon John met to consider plans for the coming months. We expect that small gather-ings will s ll be the norm and that some of us may not feel comfortable in a ending in-person events at all. That means we are planning to offer "hybrid programming" as is being spoken about for some schools. We expect to have some in-person events at parish facili es but that these will also be available on the livestream or zoom or, in some cases, Facebook live formats. There is a troubling concern here that many of our parishioners are not internet-equipped. We also look to con nue to put material in the bulle n, and this is available for those without internet. Copies of the bulle n are available at the door at St. Pius X each week star ng on Friday. Thanks, Fr Paul, Fr Jack, Fr Vince and Deacon John.

Bal more Archbishop William Lori "How Church teaching can explain how Black Lives Ma er"

I offer here a summary of an ar cle in "America" magazine July 27, 2020. The words in quotes are directly from Archbishop Lori. The others are my effort to summarize and condense his ar cle. Fr Paul SJ

The Archbishop begins by sta ng he is not endorsing any specific organiza on (s) but raises the ques on, is there a truth reflected in the BLM movement that resonates with Gospel values? He asks what insights does the church's social teaching give us to the meaning of BLM? Catholic social teaching is not some "extra" to our faith, but is a living part of the church's proclama on of the Gospel. He cites four main points of Catholic Social Teaching.

1. Human Dignity - The cornerstone of this teaching is the dignity of every human person. In the Incarna on, Jesus unites himself to each person. Yes, slavery has been ended, but we must remember that we are part of a na on and a church whose past is stained by par cipa on in slavery and other forms of racism. Racist a tudes can and do con nue long a er the laws have been changed. BLM should prompt us to examine our own consciences regarding racism and move us to advocate and work for social jus ce. "We cannot say we are fully pro-life if we rou nely overlook the condi ons in which far too many people of color live."

2. The Common Good - When any group of people is hindered by bigotry and prejudice from a aining a healthy measure of fulfillment, the common good is undermined.

3. Subsidiarity - Insofar as possible problems should be addressed at the most local level. Following this principle, local groups, communi es (churches) should work to create condi ons where human beings can "flourish."

4. Solidarity - Those who differ from us, by race, language or culture, are our brothers and sisters. Jesus said we are all of us brothers and sisters. This principle "calls us also to have special love for those who are poor, vulnerable or op pressed." This is the truth told in Scripture. If we, too, share any form of human struggle, that should make us more eager to assist and li up our brothers and sisters, not hold them down. Abiding Love Part I: Mom and Dad It’s not romance and a candle-lit dinner, It’s le -overs and Monday Night Football. It’s not pulling off clothes in a wild passion, It’s zipping up her dress before Sunday Mass. It’s not ge ng flowers on their anniversary, It’s ge ng milk on the way home. It’s not sweeping her off her feet, It’s sweeping around her feet and not asking her to move. It’s not proclaiming Love from a mountaintop, It’s whispering in his good ear what the speaker has said. It’s not piles of love-notes, It’s hundreds of quiet cups of coffee, rocking chairs, and Sunday papers. It’s not holding hands, It’s pulling the lint from a woolen shoulder. It’s not sweet-nothings, It’s nothing sweet because she’s watching her weight. Part II: My Brother Jesuits It’s not bold vows before a Host, It’s washing – again- your brother’s forgo en dirty plate. It’s not martyrdom, It’s unno ced kindness. It’s not sanc ty, It’s grace-before-meals in a noisy pub. It’s not weeping in a faith-sharing, It’s loving a brother enough to tell him How cked-off you are at him. It’s not singing our favorite Hymn, It’s listening to the same joke-again- And choosing to smile-again- At the end of it. It’s not chas ty in the face of lust, It’s constancy in the face of boredom. It’s not ecstasy in a dark church, It’s breviary at the bedside. It’s not rescuing anyone from the gates of hell, It’s loving everyone in the kitchen And the rec room. Mark Thibodeau, S.J. www.igna

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Our Lady of Hope Parish 07

Volunteers Wanted: Looking for volunteers to help clean and maintain gardens at St. Pius X Church. A few volunteers meet on Wednesday morning 8:00 to 10:00 to cleaning, weeding and pruning. So please join us on any Wednesday morning or if you have any ques ons contact Tonya at 7743479 or email heske [email protected]

What to do if you can’t or are not yet ready to come back to in-person Masses?

If you have internet access: Please join us at one of our livestream Masses Please check out our parish website (www.ladyo There are many resources there, prayers, reflec-

on pieces as well as the bulle n. If you are trying to get to the website or the livestream Masses and are having trouble, please call us (797-7026) and folks here will try to help you out! Some mes the answer is easy. We will be offering programs on our website and through Zoom as the weeks go on. Please join your fellow pa-rishioners. We are having a (usually) weekly Parish Zoom gathering. Tuesday 7-8 PM. If you want to join, please let us know, send us your email address and we’ll send you the link. What happens there? Enjoyable conversa on, some mes good reflec on, a chance to see friendly faces. If you have ideas about what you’d like to see us offer, again, let us know. Take even a li le me (even most) days to be with God in whatever way is best for you. A li le quiet me is al-ways a good way to connect with the Holy Spirit, This is healthy, especially in these days of stress in our country and, frank-ly, some pre y strange behavior on the part of some people. The daily readings used by the church at Mass are listed in our bulle n as are other prayer resources. Some people subscribe to a monthly booklet that has all the Mass readings, some daily prayer sugges ons and reflec ons. We use Give Us This Day here, but there are others. If you’d like more infor-ma on on this, let us know. Find some li le way, when you can, of being part of Jesus’ mission of spreading kindness, forgiveness, welcome, and hope. If you know of someone who does not have internet access, share a bulle n with them and any parish news.

If you do not have internet access: There are various TV Masses available. Try some. Please do use our bulle n. You can pick up a copy all week in the doorway at St. Pius Church. Let us know if we can help you in any way. Call the office or send us a note. Follow the sugges on made above on a bit of me each day for some kind of quiet prayer. Let us pray for one an-other, especially. Find some li le way, when you can, of being part of Jesus’ mission of spreading kindness, forgiveness, welcome, and hope.

Thanks, Your Parish Priests and Staff Thanks and prayers Our school Principal Bill Burke and his wife Rachel send good news and also a request for our prayers. On July 16, 2020 their son Anthony and his wife Erin became the parents of a son, Edward “Teddy” Burke. Teddy’s arrival was a bit early so that his mother can con nue important treatment for cancer. Her cancer surgery was successful and there is great confidence that her recovery will be complete following this addi onal treatment. Let us keep Ted and his parents and grandparents in our prayers.

Earth’s Music: Great Spirit, give us hearts to understand, never to take From crea on’s beauty more than we can give. Never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed. Never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth’s beauty, Nor to take from her what we cannot use. Give us hearts to understand that to destroy earth’s music is to cre-ate confusion. That to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beau-ty. That to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench. That as we care for her – she will care for us. (These words are from a United Na ons program on the environ-ment. Thanks to Peter Millar of Edinburgh for sending them on.)


'can any of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your span of life?' -Ma hew 6:27

"Father-Mother God, you who delight with me in the wonders of the instant, I would rid my mind of fanta-sies and fears, so that I might see beauty where be-fore I saw nothing of value, so that I might learn from children how to live happily and be loved." 'On the other side,' said the man from Nazareth. 'Throw your nets on the other side.' And curiously they did and their lives changed. David Osborne

What might be your 'other side'?

Page 8: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


08 Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Re-opening some Masses at OLH - update ( Here is our plan as of this date of wri ng August 10)

Ministry of Welcome

Thanks to parishioners who are now serving as Ministers of Welcome at each of our open Masses (greeters, us-ers, cleaners). Your generous service makes it possible to welcome our parishioners to live Masses.

1. Those serving need to be willing to be scheduled for a Mass on a con nuing basis. We can expect that these condi ons will be with us for months yet 2. All those serving will have to a end a training session. See our website/Facebook page for a video ( h ps:// ) on what coming to church will look like. 3. Please contact the Parish Office to become part of this important Ministry

How to a end Mass in person Advance registra on is required to a end. No 'walk-ins' will be admi ed. Registra on informa on is needed for our ability to track those a ending should there be a Covid outbreak and to be sure we can seat everyone a ending safely. To register call the Parish Office each (207-797-7026) Monday -Wednesday 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM before the week-end you wish to come. You must speak to a member of the Parish Staff. Reserva ons cannot be made by leaving a message. Reserva ons will be taken one week at a me. Space is very limited, so you may reserve only one Mass for the week to give others the chance to a end. You will need to give us your name and contact info (phone, email) and the number of people in your “party.” People living together in the same place can sit togeth-er (more than two to a pew which is the limit for people not living together). Those a ending need to wear a mask and keep social distance as possible. (see the video: h ps:// ) Sea ng is very limited in order to observe required social distancing. .

Masses that are now open (by reserva on only) as of August 09th Weekday Mases at 9:00 AM Monday through Friday. These Masses are also livestreamed. Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 7:00 AM , 9:00 AM, at St. Pius X Church. These Masses are also livestreamed. 10:00 AM at St. Joseph Church is open but not livestreamed.

Masses not yet opened Star ng August 9th the 5:00 PM Mass is at St. Joseph’s available by using : h ps:// opemaine/live/ . (Facebook link is live only for the 5:00 PM Mass ). We s ll need people for the Welcome Ministry to open the Saturday 8:00 AM at St. Pius X Church. We will open these Masses when we have the Teams in place. We need a few more people to complete the Teams at the Sunday 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Masses at St. Joseph Church.

Note - The Saturday 4:30 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM Masses are drawing good a endance, but there are s ll open spaces, especially at 10:00 AM. A endance at the other "open" Masses remains small. There seems to be some interest in opening the Sunday 5:00 PM Mass (though we need more "Welcome Ministry" people to do that, but so far li le call for the Sunday 8:00 AM. There are s ll very few people at the 9:00 AM weekday Mass-es. If you are not able to come on the weekend or seek a smaller group, you might try these weekday Masses. You s ll need to call a day ahead to a end.

Thanks to everyone for your pa ence and understanding and good will!!

From our Catholic heritage.... "Inner strength, as the work of grace, prevents us from becoming carried away by the violence that is so much a part of life today, because grace defuses vanity and makes possible meekness of heart. The saints do not waste energy complaining about the failings of others; they can hold their tongue before the faults of their brothers and sisters, and avoid the verbal violence that demeans and mistreats others. ..." Thanks Although these words are being wri en ahead of the August 1st Chicken BBQ drive-through, we know that quite a few pre-orders (112) have been made. Thanks to everyone who supported this effort and to the Knights, members of the Events Commi ee and others who made it possible. Stay tuned for future “crea ve events” as we try to come together in some ways and also support our parish community. Thanks all.

Page 9: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday


Our Lady of Hope Parish 09

August Feast Days

Feast of the Assump on of Mary ( August 15th ) Normally August 15th is a holyday of obliga on. Because the feast falls on a Saturday this year, there is no obliga on to a end Mass. The hope is that most of us will be a ending on Saturday or Sunday already! The Feast of the Assump on will be celebrated at our usual Saturday 8:00 AM Mass on August 15th. We would like to be able to open these Saturday 8:00 AM Masses for in-person a endance, but no one has come forward to serve as the needed greeters/ ushers/ cleaners. Therefore the Saturday. 8:00 AM Mass is available by livestream only. There are many customs connected to this feast day: In Eastern countries all women bearing the name of Mary, or a name derived from one of her a ributes, keep open house in Our Lady's honor and welcome all who come. In Poland the day is known as the Feast of Our Lady of Herbs, for the peasants take to church sweet-smelling bou-quets of their finest blossoms mixed with the green of herbs. And Poles in America also honor the feast as that of Our Lady of Flowers; at church children sing hymns both in Polish and English, and later to the lively music of a polonaise the grown-ups swing into the dances of their motherland. In many parts of Italy, the statue of Our Lady is carried in procession through the streets to the cathedral or church. And in Siena there takes place a noted race called the Palio (Standard) in honor of the Assump on of the Virgin. This race is held in the splendid public square of the city, shaped like a scallop shell and surrounded by ancient and beau ful buildings draped with banners for the occasion. Each ward or parish sends to the race a horse, which is first taken past the cathedral door to receive the bishop's blessing. The winning parish or ward carries on a celebra on a er the race. Scaloppine al Mar-sala is the appropriate dish for Italians. In Portugal the Romeria, as the fes val held on the Assump on is called, is marked with the playing of a brass band and of drums and bagpipes. And the statues of Mary, Queen of the Angels, are crowned in the churches. In Armenia there is the Blessing of the Grapes on the Sunday nearest the feast of the Assump on. Great trays of the fruit are brought into the churches, and a er they are blessed each member of the congrega on carries a bunch home. Feasts are held in the vine-yards, and at this me the first grapes of the season are eaten. In France August 15th is in general a day for par es and excursions into the country. At Quimper in Bri any, there is held the Feast of the Soul, dedicated to Mary as the great con-soler. It is here considered a day for betrothals, when young men and women come to ask her blessing on their future. The image of the Virgin is placed at the church door during the day, and at night carried into the village square, later to be re-turned in procession to her shrine. Then to the light of bonfires and the music of bagpipes, the young people dance and make merry. A Quimper specialty is Creve es à la Béchamel (Shrimps with Bechamel Sauce). Happy Feast.

Memorial of St. Maximilian of Kolbe ( August 14th )

This Friday we celebrate a saint of the 20th century. Maximilian Kolbe entered the minor seminary of the Conventual Fran-ciscans in L'viv – then Poland, now Ukraine– near his birthplace, and at 16 became a novice. Though Maximilian later achieved doctorates in philosophy and theology, he was deeply interested in science, even drawing plans for rocket ships. He had great devo on to Mary and founded a group and a magazine to promote the spread of the Gospel and devo on to Mary. In 1939, the Nazi panzers overran Poland with deadly speed. Kolbe and his friars were arrested, then released in less than three months, on the feast of the Immaculate Concep on. In 1941, Fr. Kolbe was arrested again. The Nazis’ purpose was to liquidate the select ones, the leaders. The end came quickly, three months later in Auschwitz, a er terrible bea ngs and humilia ons. A prisoner had escaped. The commandant announced that 10 men would die. He relished walking along the ranks. “This one. That one.” Kolbe stepped forward and said “I would like to take that man’s place. He has a wife and children.” “Who are you?” “A priest.” Fr. Kolbe was bea fied in 1971 and canonized in 1982. We pray for those suffering for their witness to jus ce and charity today. We pray for those struggling with drug addic on, as St. Maximilian is their patron. And we pray for our neighbors at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Scarborough.

God Wants Our Friendship "I maintain that God-out of the abundance of divine rela onal life, not any need for us-desires humans into existence for the sake of friendship. This thesis may sound strange, because it runs counter to much teaching about God. I ques oned it myself when I first began to think it through...I have used the analogy of a personal re-la onship between two people to describe the developing rela onship between God and us. But the no on that God wants our friendship did not easily follow....But as my own rela onship with God has deepened and I have listened to peo-ple talk about how God relates to them, I have become convinced that the best analogy for the rela onship God wants with us is friendship. I hope that you will find [this is true for you, too] and you will trust your experience more fully. I can think of nothing that would please me more than to hear that you...have come to find God 'be er than he's made out to be,' as my Irish mother once put it" William Barry, S.J.

Page 10: OUR LADY OF HOPE and ST. BRIGID SCHOOL A Jesuit ... Our Lady of Hope Parish 03 SATURDAY: August 08, 2020 8:00 AM -St. Pius X Priest Intention ( Livestream ) (Fr. ob L) Nineteenth Sunday

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