Download - Our goal is to encourage students to think about high school graduation and their options for college and career training.


Our goal is to encourage students to think about high school graduation and their options for college and career training. CROP (College Reach Out Program) is a state funded program established in 1983 by the Florida Legislature that provides funding for the program resulting in NO COST to the parents for any activities. In 2007, SFSC partnered with Hardee Junior High School to increase services in Hardee County. Motivate students to pursue a post-secondary education. Develop students' learning skills. Strengthen students' & parents' understanding of the benefits of post-secondary education. Foster academic, personal and career development through supplemental instruction. During the academic year, students participate in support services which include; mentoring, tutorial coaching, motivational workshops, & computerized career exploration, in addition to academic advising & educational field trips. Students bond as on campus club CROP members and Mrs. Collom pose for a picture in front of the USF Marshall Student Center. Reading & Vocabulary Enhancement Mathematics Problem Solving Skills Career Exploration Academic Success Techniques Building Self-Esteem/Awareness FCAT Prep Public Speaking 2013/2014 CROP students are learning aircraft lift and drag flight concepts during a Super Saturday workshop. Guest Speakers! Student Workshops! 2012/2103 CROP members attend the USF Engineering Expo. University students had on display interactive science projects. Lily and Thomas are creating a suspension bridge made of paper and tape only. This exercise was done in preparation for the LEGOLAND field trip. Presenter Kimberly Islas, provided FCAT prep. Usually held in July, members participate in a week long Summer Academy. Workshop presenters equip students with the tools to succeed in their freshman year of high school. Attendance at all campus meetings with Mrs. Collom. Attendance at all events; Super Saturday & Field Trips. Good behavior in school. Honest effort into academic studies. 2014/2015 CROP Culmination Ceremony Provide encouragement for student participation in club activities. Vocalize concerns, areas for improvements, with program administrators. Permission to seek information for program purposes. Mrs. Collum and CROP students posing at a college fair in Orlando, FL. STAFF Fernando Islas SFSC Site Manager Hardee Campus Phone: (863) Mrs. Ana Collom Student Advocate Hardee Junior High Phone: College Reach Out Program members.