Download - our environment

  • 1. FONTS UFANESThe Fonts Ufanes are a protected area and a unique hydro-geologicalphenomenon that occurs in Campanet, a village in Mallorca.The underground springs leaks out due to an accumulation of rain in the PuigTomir ( Tomir hill).Its one of the most important tourist attractions in the Balearic Islands. Itsvisible after periods of heavy rain.

2. BEACHESIn Mallorca there are beautiful beaches. Here are some examples:Es Trenc might be the best beach in Mallorca. People from all around the world cometo the island to see it. It is 3.000 metres long and it is a natural area since 1984.Es Caragol is one of the virgin beaches in Mallorca. It is an extensive place withdunes of very thin sand. It is less visited than Es Trenc because of its situation, in aprivate area away from touristic centres. 3. ES TORRENT DE PAREIS.The Torrent de Pareis is a torrent situated in one of the steepest sitesof the Tramuntana mountain range. It is a karstic canyon, three kilometreslong. It is widely visited by hikers especially in the summer, when it is dry andpeople can walk it completely, from the beginning in Lluc all the way to thebeach of Sa Calobra. Its a hard trip! 4. SALBUFERA DALCDIAThe natural park of SAlbufera of Alcdia is situated facing the bay ofAlcudia, in the municipalities of Muro and Sa Pobla. It is the most important wetlandin the Balearic Islands.It is one of the most important ecosystems in Mallorca. Flora and especiallyfauna is rich and varied. We can find about 230 types of birds, most of them migrantbirds, such as flamencos, which stop there to rest or to spend the winter. Mammals,reptiles, amphibians, different types of fish are also found.The park can be accessed either on foot or by bycicle. 5. WATER MILLSThe blades of the mill are turned by the wind. This is how the blades start thewater pump. The water pump expands and contracts bringing the water up with it. 6. FUN WITH WATER There are a lot of activities related to water in Mallorca that you aregoing to discover this week. These include not only surfing and sailing, but also:swimming pools, aquatic parks, kite surfing, water skiing,... You can even visit thedolphins at Marineland!! 7. WATER, WATER,WATER.Mallorca is an island in the Mediterranean Sea; therefore we are entirelysurrounded by water. For some people, especially people from the main land or forforeigners, it is a bit claustrophobic because wherever you go, the sea always stopsyou from going any further. However the native people are very proud of living hereand enjoy the beautiful pictures our landscape offers.