Download - Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - June 2012

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The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line


RELATIONSHIP ADVICEThe Power of Doing Nothing!



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Page 2: Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - June 2012

June is here, and with it, the oh so wonderful, long long hours of sunlight which come with the mid-year solstice here in the northern hemisphere. I was incredibly fortunate recently to be able to visit the standing stones of Callanish, on the Isle of Lewis, just west of Skye, in the outer Hebrides. I was also fortunate enough to visit a little before the summer crowds arrived. And so I had the opportunity to sit right in among the stones, to meditate, and just simply to breathe in the amazing energy in that place.

Wilderness places always have a ‘special something’ about them - the feeling that even though there may be no other living person nearby, the space around us is crackling and alive with the vitality of the universe. Callanish was exactly like this! The stones themselves seem to have their own identities. I relate this to you, not because I’m on some kind of commission from Historic Scotland! (By the way - it is free to visit Callanish anyway!) Rather, because visiting this kind of place has the power to really connect us with the land, as the people of ancient times did.

The long days of summer give us a great opportunity to connect with the natural world - to let the healing power of light simply seep into our bones. Even if we’re not on vacation, just ‘being’ for a few minutes during this time of year can be a very powerful experience.




‘The long, light days of summer give

us a great opportunity

to connect with the natural

world - to let the healing

power of light simply

seep into our bones.’

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Reader Spotlight... Lynne LeslieAt Origin Psychics, we pride ourselves on the professionalism, sensitivity and compassion of our readers. Hence, our series which puts our readers ‘Under the Spotlight’. This month, our attention falls to Lynne Leslie...

I have always had an interest in energy – both healing and psychic energy - believing that there is more to life than we can see with our eyes. For a long time, I remember feeling confused when communicating with people when they would say one thing, but I would sense deep down they meant something else. I didn’t realise at the time, but I was picking up on the energy of what they wanted and meant, rather than the actual words they were saying.

I started training in energy work, initially in Spiritual Healing, followed by qualifications in Reiki, Sekhem, and Quantum Touch. When practising these therapies I started having experiences where I was being guided in my healing work and could often sense that I was not alone – clients often commented on feeling another person was there with me in the room. The strong energy link between myself and my guide will always be one of my most treasured psychic experiences.

I realized I was picking up on the energy of other people’s thoughts

and feelings and I was starting to get communication for clients from their loved ones who had passed over. This was when I decided I wanted to focus on psychic development. I had already done psychic work with animals and my most memorable experience in this respect was linking in with a young pony which belonged to a family who had recently experienced the death of a baby. As soon as I linked with the pony I experienced a massive wave of deep sadness – it was carrying the sadness of the family. The depth of feeling was so profound, that even as an animal lover who believes that animals have emotions, I was stunned.

The work I have done in healing therapies has heightened my sensitivity to energy which helps me pick up what is happening in a client’s life in a psychic reading, and makes me especially sensitive to energy blocks – either within a person’s body or in their life. When people find it difficult to see their way out of a situation, I am able to help them see where the block is, then they can decide what action they are able to take to shift it, to get to where they want to be.

Because of my background in healing therapies, I treat each psychic reading as a healing session, and before each reading, I prepare by setting up a sacred space for the reading to take place in – by visualising myself and the client in a protected space, and then creating a psychic link with them by making an energy connection between us both. When I make this connection I often pick up a sense of how the client is feeling even before I even pick up the phone. I also set my intention

that if the client wants it, they can receive distant healing during or after the reading, and it then flows naturally if it is needed.

I have had several clients who had so many things going on in their lives that they were immobilised, unable to make decisions on anything. One of my strengths lies in being able to unpick the confusion and see what is really going on – to clarify things for them, so that they can easily make decisions which will empower them and allow them to move on, rather than remain stuck.

When I do a reading, my intention is always to help clients find a path which is empowering, no matter how dire their circumstances might seem. I link into the energy of the situation and translate what is going on, looking at the possible different ways to deal with it.

I look at who clients are at a soul level, as we often lose sight of this during difficult times. I see in clients the strengths they have forgotten they even have, and which will help them move through the difficulties they are experiencing, empowering them to make positive changes in their lives.


Lynne Leslie - Aries

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The most beneficial part of this for her was that we were able to take emotion out of the equation, and look purely at the facts. We temporarily put aside her family’s views, so that we could look at the situation on its own merits and this took a huge weight off of her shoulders - I could feel her relax into the reading more when this happened.

By giving her the different perspective which the psychic insights brought to the surface, she could stand back and see more clearly what was really going on. It quickly became obvious that in fact the best decision she could make was to do nothing - to take no action on the situation that had been bothering her. This may seem like a poor outcome to a psychic reading, but in fact it can sometimes be the most empowering decision someone can make. It is not a “cop-out” but a choice that has been carefully and clearly arrived at, and the relief experienced is immense. The difference between putting off making a decision, and making a decision to do nothing is huge. Putting it off means the pressure continues, and worry and anxiety is suppressed, sucking up all our energy. Taking the decision to do nothing, means we have faced the problem head on, worked through it and now understand that taking no action is the most appropriate outcome. Once we have gone


In a recent reading, a client of mine was going through a very challenging period in her life. She had major changes going on, and a lot of these changes were coming together at the same time. Not only that, by many of these changes demanded decisions from her. She was just starting to heal from a major illness, and on top of that, she was being pressured by her family to take action in a particular kind of way. She herself was not sure about which way to go, but with the external pressure, it was making it even more difficult for her to choose.

During her reading, it became clear that she felt she had to take some kind of action - it was expected of her. She hadn’t realized though that she was being emotionally pushed by her family to make the choice that THEY wanted. This combination was creating a foggy mind for her, a state in which she couldn’t actually decide on anything. Needless to say, her anxiety levels were escalating!

Together we worked through the different layers of the situation, pulling them apart one by one, using the reading to show us anything relevant which was underlying the circumstances in which she found herself.

The Power of Doing Absolutely NothingIt is a very common experience when facing emotional challenges, that we feel quite

powerless. The decision of a partner to leave, the decision of our employer to ‘downsize’ - it’s true that we have no control over these circumstances. But as Lynne

Leslie explains, this does not mean that we are POWERLESS!

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through this process, we can let go of the hold it had on us, we don’t need to suppress the anxiety, we don’t have it lurking in the back of our minds, but still in our consciousness, pulling down our energy each day that we avoid looking at it.

The lady in this particular reading was so relieved to have this clarity - she had been stuck - both mentally and energetically - as she tried to figure it out. Afterwards she feel she had been set free - she knew where she was going, what she was doing (and not doing!) and her family were also relieved that the tension between them had dissolved.

Have a reading with Lynne Leslie during June for the following

special prices...

20 mins - £24.00, normally £30.0030 mins - £38.00, normally £45.00

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These discounts are valid with any reader, and you can use each of them once during

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Page 6: Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - June 2012

K e i r a K n i g h t l e y & J a m e s R i g h t o n B e c o m e E n g a g e d

Well it was announced late in May that actress Keira Knightley and her musician boyfriend of 15 months, James Righton, have become engaged. The couple have kept their relationship particularly private – well, as private as you can, when one of you is a world famous Hollywood actress, and the other the keyboardist of a hot Indie band.

We thought it would be interesting to put their relationship under a different kind of 'spotlight', and see what the Tarot has to say about where Keira and James are going in their love life.

I've done a three card spread, and what's appeared are: The Wheel of Fortune, the Three of Wands, and the Queen of Coins.

The little bit of information we have on this relationship is that Keira and James have managed to spend an enormous amount of time together, right from when they met. This relationship was no 'slow burn', and the Wheel of Fortune appearing in the past position, would suggest that their meeting was one of those special, 'immediate connection' type of moments.

This wasn't just chemistry - there's the sense of that magical kind of feeling, of experiencing a kind of instinct between them, almost as if they'd known each other before. The Wheel of Fortune provides a really powerful sense of strength in the relationship between Keira and James, and I feel this is a pretty secure relationship. Their lifestyles will obviously demand a very secure bond, and the Wheel of Fortune is a really good sign that they've had this so far in their relationship.

Keira Knightley & the Klaxon


This relationship was no ‘slow

burn’, and the Wheel of

Fortune appearing in

the past position

would suggest that

their meeting was one of

those special, ‘immediate connection’

type of moments!

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I feel too they that both spontaneously dived into the emotions this relationship brought up in them - I feel there was a moment when Keira in particular could have stepped back and allowed her rational self to rule. She'd only recently come out of a five year relationship with her former boyfriend, actor Rupert Friend. But the Wheel of Fortune tells us that she listened to her deepest heart, and made a conscious choice to step forward into this relationship with James.

The three of Wands in the focus is a beautiful message about this engagement! It speaks of a confirmation - that this is the right step for Keira and James to take, and at the right time. Their dreams are becoming a reality, and there is no reason not to simply push forwards and into a deeper level of commitment in their relationship. Whilst I don't get the feeling that this will be a particularly long engagement, I feel in the Three of Wands that they'll take their time, and really enjoy the experience of planning their wedding, and this next stage of their life together.

And in the future position, we have the Queen of Coins. On a fairly superficial level, this particular Queen tells us that this relationship will be solid and secure as it develops. But there's much more to it than

that! The Queen of Coins also points towards a deeply fulfilling emotional life, and that Keira and James will have no difficulty in communicating their true feelings with one another.

But I feel another aspect too - I feel that the Queen of Coins hints at a kind of 'muse' quality to their relationship. It's a very subtle thing, that special quality that seeps into the expression of someone who is especially creative. It's not easy to quantify, but it's a depth which emerges in how an artist expresses themselves. I feel that these two are really good for each other, and on so many levels. Clearly there is passion and the romance between them is especially obvious right now. But I feel they're good for each other in other ways. Here's hoping that they're really happy together, and that we can enjoy the effects of that happiness too, in the work they produce in the future!


This month, have an hour’s reading with our most experienced Senior reader

Cathy Cox, for the price of 50 minutes. Call our free call numbers to book...

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Four Steps to a Fantastic Psychic ReadingB y E d g a r D a n m a r - O r i g i n P s y c h i c

When people call for psychic readings, they do not realize that there are practical things that they can do to experience psychic readings that are transformational, insightful and supportive in helping them experience more meaning and fulfilment in their lives. Psychic readings can help you gain clarity and understanding about your life, and how to make choices that are in alignment with your soul potential.

Psychic readings are not just about knowing about what will happen in the future, they are an opportunity to experience healing and spiritual self-realization. It is a shame that many people do not recognize the therapeutic benefits of experiencing a psychic reading. This is the reason why I have been inspired to write about what you can do on a practical level, to increase

the chances of experiencing a fulfilling Psychic reading experience.

Step One - Take some time to prepare for a Psychic Reading:

The single most significant factor in getting an authentic psychic reading is to ask yourself what you are willing to receive. It is important to ask yourself, are you ready to receive guidance. Perhaps you are not willing to hear things that might not match what you are ready to hear.

Sometimes we might not be aware that we are not ready to know the truth about a situation. We might think that we already know ‘the truth’. We might be just looking for someone to confirm it. Sometimes the information that comes through a psychic might be the exact insight that your friend or family member has shared with you. This only reaffirms that we need to hear more about what we are avoiding - to face what our external reality is revealing, through our loved ones.

Step Two - Physically relax with some deep breathing exercises

If you come to the reading grasping a fear about something, you can also prepare yourself beforehand, firstly by relaxing your body as much as possible. And by lifting up your fears to Spirit, you release thoughts about fearful potentials. These two steps support you


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in the reading process to determine the true potential in that fearful environment and to discover practical steps you can choose to metamorphose it into courage and a greater self- awareness of your innate natural wisdom.

Step Three - Be willing to work with the ‘Law of Attraction’

Most of us are familiar with the teachings of the Law of Attraction. We can also set an intention to have a psychic reading that will allow us clear insights, be uplifting, and reveal positive changes that are about to happen.

Step Four - Prepare your Space

If you are calling from your home to have a psychic reading, you can get your room ready by lighting a candle, burning some incense and sitting quietly in meditation. Some people feel comfortable to ask Angels or Enlightened beings to support their purpose in having a fantastic psychic reading.

If you wish to, set your spiritual intent to be open to the highest level of reality that your soul can receive at this point, and you agree to surrender your list of serious questions, you increase the chances of having a psychic reading supports this sacred Intent.

Basically we can be more involved in having a Psychic reading that leaves us feeling like it has really helped us to feel lighter and more positive about our near future. I truly hope these words help others reap the full benefits of having a psychic reading.

by Edgar Danmer Origin Psychic

Healing Mind Spaceby Lynne Leslie

Find a quiet space where you wonʼt be disturbed - you might like to light a candle and dedicate it to your healing, at the same time asking for your healing space to be protected.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting on the bank of a small stream, on a flat, warm rock. You are aware of the sounds of nature all around you, the birds, the sound of the water, the rustle of the leaves. Feel yourself blending with your surroundings, you are part of the scene, rather than separate.

As your energy settles, start to become aware of the sensations in your body - are there areas of tightness, are you holding anxiety and tension in your shoulders? Does your head ache?

You intuitively know that the stream has the power to cleanse and heal as it flows. Feel its cleansing energy move through you, taking with it the tension, anxiety, stress or anger you have been holding onto. Take as long as you need with this. This is healing time for you.

Feel or see the dark, tense energy gently leaving your body, flowing away with the stream, back to mother earth. You may feel a surge of emotion as this happens, this is ok, it is just the energy shifting.

When you feel the cleansing is complete, feel and see the sunʼs warming rays filling you with revitalising energy, and when you are ready, take your time to gently bring your awareness back into the room, moving your fingers and toes, until you are ready to open your eyes. You will be aware of how calm and relaxed you feel, and will be able to hold onto this beautiful positive energy as you return to your daily activities.


Edgar's strength is in intuitively seeing and recognizing people's potential and helping them move in that direction, aligning them with their soul's path, using his psychic skills and with spirit guidance.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI!It’s your month Gemini! And it ought to be a very lively month for you, as both transiting Venus and Saturn are going in a direct motion. So much of what you have been keeping hidden from yourself and others will come to the surface this month. In certain areas of your life, this will have a very liberating and positive effect. But, I’d also suggest you use some caution here, as not everything in your life will be “fun and games”. June is the month to get your finances in order, both past and present, finally. And with regard to love, take your time, and don’t make any rash decisions.

Patience will serve you well this month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

AriesHello there Aries - June might be a bit of a struggle for you in some areas - transiting Pluto is going direct in Capricorn in harsh aspect to your sign. This means that you may very well be met with some changes, which you would rather ignore. Sadly these issues cannot be avoided with transiting Pluto, so “go with the flow” as best you can. Actually in the long run, the results will be good. Financially, you will be given the opportunity by the Universe to get your monies in order, so accept what is being offered. With regard to love, you may be surprised when a former lover returns – take your time with this situation.

TaurusHello Taurus – you’ll be pleased to hear that the Pluto transit in Capricorn this month will be very good for you. There will be many positive opportunities and changes entering your life at this time. The surprise will be that you’re not that used to quick changes. You will definitely adjust though, and hopefully you might even find you accept a new outlook on your life! Financially, June will be a very good month for you, as you are seeing all your hard work come to fruition. In regards to love and romance, don’t wander too far away from what you are used to during June.

CancerWell Cancer, this month may hold a few challenges for you, as transiting Pluto will be going in a direct motion. Unfortunately, it will be moving into direct opposition to your Sun sign. This may cause you some disruptions and perhaps some emotional upheaval. Nevertheless, this would be a very good time to journal and put your feelings down on paper and out of your system. Doing this will clear up much emotional baggage you have been carrying around with you for some time. Financially, there will not be any major changes, so don’t upset the apple cart. In regard to love, it is a very good time to allow someone to love you, so why not let them in.

LeoWell Leo, June is a month to hang in there! Many of your career desires will come to fruition this month. You may have to make an important decision, with regards to what direction your career ought to take next. Not to worry, you will make the correct decision, as you always do! Financially, you will see some positive results during June, from having been thrifty in the past few months. In regard to love, you are always the romantic, although you can hide it so well! Bring out that beautiful romantic side this month, and share your love with someone who loves you back.


Your Monthly Horoscopes

Angelina Jolie - Celebrity Gemini

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Virgo Well Virgo, the planets are transiting in a positive way for you this month -transiting Pluto going direct this month will serve you very well, and in all areas of your life. Where you have put many projects on hold, you now have the confidence to move ahead, and take the world on. Because of transiting Venus going direct in Gemini, in opposition to your Sun, you will be forced to get going and just get things done. Financially, you are actually doing okay, and are rediscovering how to budget. In regards to love, this month is entirely up to you. Don’t analyze too much, relax and enjoy the ride. And why not trust your Higher Power a little more.  

LibraWell what an interesting and powerful month this will be for you Libra. Transiting Venus going direct will finally open your eyes to what “true love” and happiness is. Wow, what a concept! This month you will be throwing yourself into work and career strongly, laying a strong foundation for the coming months. In the area of finance, you will see a more positive and very welcome trend of increase. In regards to love, not to worry - there are many good and positive changes and surprises are coming your way in the coming month or two!

ScorpioHello there Scorpio - transiting Pluto going direct this month will indicate a positive trend for you this month. Pluto will be in a sextile aspect to your Sun sign, bringing along with it many new, and positive changes. Many of these changes will take place without much effort from you - you’re not so used to that frankly. So please go ahead and embrace this welcome change and adventure, it is long overdue. Financially, it is up to you to make those necessary and long range decisions about your monies. In regard to romance and love, you are always the lover

Scorpio; this month will not be any different, so trust yourself.

SagittariusThis could be a challenging, but also an interesting month ahead of you Sagittarius. There will be two transiting planets going direct this month. Both Venus and Pluto will be making these aspects to your chart, so take a deep breath and go with the flow as best you can. The Universe only requires from you to go along with the many changes you encounter this month. In the area of finances it would be wise for you to be more thrifty than usual. In regard to love and romance, you often don’t slow down long enough to see what is right in front of you. Do so this month and you might just be pleasantly surprised!    

CapricornHello Capricorn - there will many good and positive changes for you this month. Transiting Pluto will be going direct in your sun sign and will be transiting your Natal Sun. Many of the past difficult changes you have encountered in the last few months will be coming to fruition in a more positive manner in June. And a welcome change it will be for you. Financially, this will be a month of building a more solid foundation for you. In the romantic area you may still be working through the pain of a past love. Now is the time to let go of the hurt.

AquariusWell Aquarius, you will very strongly feel the affects of transiting Venus going direct in Gemini this month. This transit will bring about many various, good changes for you. Some of the time you will get into the habit of over thinking situations, people, places and things, when there is no reason to do so. June is about letting go of old, negative habits, which no longer serve your “highest good”, and with good results. In the area of finance, start accepting all the positive forces of the universe working for you. In regard to love and romance, open your heart to the love you deserve.


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PiscesPisces, June will be a month of massive changes for you! For far too long you have been stuck in several situations that you have felt you had no control over. All of that is about to change now. So, please accept these positive changes with open arms, and an open heart. It is now finally your turn to reap the rewards of your “good karma”. Relax and enjoy the ride. Financially, you may be receiving a long awaited windfall which has been due to you. In the area of love and romance, you are always so giving - now is the time to start accepting all the love you deserve.

by Sandy Johnson

Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

Mercury - Messenger of the Gods

Mercury is the messenger of the gods, co-ruler of Gemini and Virgo. Hermes is Mercury in Greek Mythology, and it is also known as the planet of communication and the God of Thieves. It is interesting too, that the Egyptians called Hermes Thoth and his role was to be the transporter of souls. Mercury’s function is to use rational thought to achieve its goals. Yet it is not necessarily connected to any ethical code, hence the same mental process that could help you to write a great classic work of literature, could also lay out the plan to a flawless robbery. How Mercury aspects the other planets in the chart, denotes how these characteristics will manifest. It can be a highly unemotional planet, but with a stroke of genius attached to it.

Mercury also rules communication and coordination. All sensory information from the unconscious and subconscious within you need to be understood. Mercury’s greatest gift is the ability to analyze, sort things out, and make sense of things.

The positive aspects of Mercury are inquisitiveness, a curious nature, and once more communication. The negative traits, can manifest as being very highly strung or nervous, nit-picky, indecisive, and overly technical.

In the astrology chart, Mercury colors the planets it aspects with a desire for exchange of information. Also the planets Mercury aspects affect the way an individual communicates. Having Mercury prominent in a chart points to wit, liveliness, curiosity and a great sense of joy.

GEMINIModality – Mutable

Element – Air Planetary Ruler – Mercury

• Talkative• Sociable & Changeable

• Flexible

You adapt quickly to new situations, and you make friends easily, and from any walk of life. You are

clever and witty, and happiest when you are able to freely express yourself. Communication for you is

as vital as the air you breathe.

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The Rewards of MentoringB y J o n a t h a n Y o u n g P h D

We reach a stage in life where we find ourselves mentoring others. There is great satisfaction in passing along the treasures we have learned along the way. It is a golden moment when a mentor confirms an overlooked quality in the protégé. There are dimensions in people that can only be claimed when affirmed by another.

Being this special kind of guide is more art than science, but studies have shown those who succeed have found helpful mentors. Sometimes the relationship is a formal part of a work situation, other times, the advisor is sought out or found in a seemingly random way. My guess is some unconscious strategy is at work to find just the right expert with exactly the desired qualities.

The role is essentially to be an extra parent. We get the word from myth. Mentor was the old family friend who provided fatherly support to the son of Odysseus while the warrior king was off in his travels. Mentoring is slightly different from what a parent does. A mentor brings perspectives from beyond the nuclear family. No matter how

dedicated a parent might be, there is more to be discovered – a b o u t t h e w o r l d , a n d a b o u t oneself.

I ’ v e b e e n r e v i s i t i n g Charlotte’s Web. These are the adventures of Wilbur, the runt pig saved from the axe by an eight-year old girl. Later, at risk again, he receives help from a wise spider. The story illustrates how the process of identity formation is guided by the generosity of others. There are key elements of a mythic quest and a celebration of the power of words to be noted in this classic. It may have been meant for young readers, but Charlotte’s Web has abundant wisdom for adults.

The mirrors of timeless stories can show us where we are in our own mythic adventures. There are certain tales that stay with us, to help us find our way, and teach us how to be the people we want to become. Charlotte’s Web tells us we can find marvelous qualities in those we advise. It reminds us to notice when our protégés are terrific, radiant, and humble – in just the right way.


Jonathan Young, Ph.D. -- storyteller and psychologist -- assisted Joseph Campbell at seminars and was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives in Santa Barbara. His books and articles focus on personal mythology. His recent writing can be found at

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Tarot Card of the Month for June - The Ace of Swords

B y S h e i l a J o n e s - O r i g i n P s y c h i c

The suit of Swords is the suit of the intellect – how we think and reason – and it is expressed through the element of Air.


✴ New ideas or plans

✴ Strong decisions or a change of mind

✴ Clear communication of one’s position

✴ Speaking one’s own truth

The Ace of Swords gets to the heart of the matter and in that respect, it is all about communicating what is at the centre of the problem or issue and getting that point across with clarity, integrity and awareness. Often, when trying to get one’s point across, emotion comes in to the picture and makes what we want to say more difficult as we can get angry or start to cry and our message gets confused in the telling. We may not have confidence in what we are saying or in the real intent in our words. We are often left feeling worse than when we started and in more confusion.

The Ace of Swords energy cuts through this. Although not totally detached from emotion, its energy enables us to communicate our feelings in a clear and concise way. It is as if we have the clarity to express what is in our hearts and the ability to speak this truth which is real and positive for us to express. The feeling of empowerment that the Ace of Swords energy gives one is uplifting and can cut like a sword through painful or awkward situations as the truth of what is being said is felt.

In relationships, the Ace of Swords appearing in a spread heralds a time for speaking one’s personal truth.

This can often be in a situation where one is feeling that they are not being heard, or that the relationship is going down a course where they would like changes to happen or are simply not happy with the way the relationship is heading. When the Ace of Swords appears, we know it is time to stop fooling ourselves and that it is time to look within at what we are unhappy about.

This card is very honest. It speaks of listening to your inner truths and inner guidance. It cuts with an edge of steel through illusion and deception. This can bring new ideas, thoughts or projects to the fore. Things we are keeping back or not feeling ready to face. The single sword cuts through all the layers – straight to the crux of the matter.

The Ace of Swords, like all the aces, is about a newness and freshness forming – it is like a seed which has been planted within and the sword of truth will work its way through your intellect. You may experience it as a strong desire for truth, a call to justice, or a compelling need for honesty - speaking up for yourself. It is a reminder that life is never smooth, we all face challenges and tend to put off difficult issues or conversations. The Ace of Swords will stand by your side with courage, honesty and strength. Its message is that in every challenge, there is opportunity.


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The research was detailed in an article to be released in Astrophysical Journal, and the lead author is astronomer Christian Moni-Bidin from the University of Concepcion in Chile. They analyzed data gathered at Chile’s European Southern Observatory (ESO). Dark matter has been theorized to make up 85% of our observable universe; it is invisible, detectable only by its gravitational pull, and assumed to be the force or energy that keeps planets, stars and galaxies rotating faster than expected, based on visible matter present. This study is the most detailed one yet - it studied 400 red giant stars that were up to 13,000 light years away from our sun. Based on the theory of dark matter, they should have detected 0.4 to 1 kg of dark matter in that region around our sun. They found at most 70 grams. This may seem like a small amount, but it has baffled scientists, astronomers and theorists. This research does not state that dark matter does not exist, only that there is none of it in our area of the Milky Way Galaxy. This also does not explain why the Milky Way rotates faster than it should, based upon the amount of matter visible.

One interesting fall-out from this research is that this could explain why we have been unable to detect dark matter on earth - because there is simply none of it here

to detect. It may mean the end of ‘Dark Matter’ as a theory or type of particle that explains the inexplicable, but they still have not figured out what holds or gels our universe together. Those with a spiritual viewpoint would suggest, as I do too, that Dark Matter is a spiritual energy or soul energy that cannot be described, detailed, or scrutinized with the logical mind. This brings up my own theory of why there is no Dark Matter in this part of the Milky Way. If it is spiritual or soul energy, and we have life on our planet, it could be that Dark Matter is integrated or expressed through the life on this planet, so that is why there is a lack of it in our part of the Milky Way. If there are other areas of the Universe where there is a lack of Dark Matter, could it be possible that there is life occurring in those areas, and areas with lots of Dark Matter have not manifested life as we understand it yet? I am sure there will be many logical and reasoned theories coming out about this paradox, but it is always good to give the spiritual side its view too.

by Natalie Arkins Ph D

Origin Senior Psychic15

DID YOU KNOW? The mystery of Dark Matter has deepened:

There is no Dark Matter in our part of the universe...

Artist depiction of “dark matter” as a blue halo in our area of the Milky Way. Credit: ESO/L Calcada.

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