Download - Organizational Issues Semantic Web - Uni Koblenz-Landaustaab/lehre/ss05/sw/1-intro4.pdf · Hobbies, blogs, fanfic, social networks… • The Web teaches us that people will work


Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Semantic Web

Prof. Dr. Steffen StaabDipl.-Med.Inf. Bernhard Tausch

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Organizational IssuesContact:[email protected]@uni-koblenz.deSend mail to arrange for consultation

Web site:


(get an invitation in the first excercise)

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

General ScheduleLectureThursdays 10.15 MK 208Fridays 10.15 MK208

ExcercisesTuesdays 14.15 MK107 Beware of earlier false announcements regarding the room

for the excercises!

Check concrete schedule on the web site for details!

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Semantic Web

What is the Semantic Web?

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Information Convergence• Convergence not just in devices, also in “information”

– Your personal information (phone, PDA,…)Calendar, photo, home page, files…

– Your “professional” life (laptop, desktop, … Grid)Web site, publications, files, databases, …

– Your “community” contexts (Web)Hobbies, blogs, fanfic, social networks…

• The Web teaches us that people will work to share– How do we CREATE, SEARCH, and BROWSE in

the non-text based parts of our lives?

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Syntax is not enough


• Tel1

• E-Mail

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Syntax is not enough – B2B



?Steffen Staab

ISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

The Semantic Wave

(Berners-Lee, 03)



Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Now.• RDF, RDFS and OWL are ready for prime time

– Designs are stable, implementations maturing• Major Research investment translating into

application development and commercial spinoffs– Adobe 6.0 embraces RDF– IBM releases tools, data and partnering– HP extending Jena to OWL– OWL Engines by Ontoprise GmbH, Network Inference,

Racer GmbH– Proprietary OWL ontologies for vertical markets

• c.f. pharmacology, HMO/health care, ... Soft drinks

– Several new starts in SW spaceSteffen Staab

ISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Now: huge potential• Data integration identified as $100Bs world-

wide market– with significant govt interest creating a user-pull

• Ontology development efforts, in OWL, aimed at information mgt ongoing in US govt include– NIST, NLM, EPA, DHS, DoD, DOJ, FDA, NIH, USGS, NOAA

• Huge potential follow-on market - EAI for the small business– making external data and info resources integrable

• Could do for integration what Visicalc (excel) did for report generation

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Now: Tools for tool builders

• Like the pre-MOSAIC WWW…• …but, it is much easier to get started than it was

even a year ago,– Parsers, APIs, triple-stores


– End to end no longer takes a “miracle”• “Building the Semantic Web in one day” (BSCW)

• End user tools just starting to emerge– “Metaphors” growing

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Tools for markup...

PhotoStuff Demo

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

M-OntoMat is publicly available

Shape erasure

Shape Color selection

Visual Descriptor selection

Draw panel

Descriptor extraction

Shape selection

VDE plug-in launch

Domain Ontology Browser Selected


Save Prototype Instances

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

Photo from Grecia

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

OntoWeb Community

AnnotatedWeb PagesGenerated

Content Objects

Participating Site2

{ }

Participating Siten

{ }

Participating Site1

{ }


OntologyBrowse & Query

Front End



Semantic Web Application Portal[CRIS 2002]

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Not tied to specific domains

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Shared calendars

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Calendar + photos + …

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Social networks:e.g. Friend of a Friend (FOAF)

• Say stuff about yourself (or others) in OWL files, link to who you “know”

Estimates of the number of Foaf users range from 2M-5M

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Using FOAF in other contexts

Jennifer GolbeckSteffen Staab

ISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Coming sooner than you may think…

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

… and this…

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

…and this?

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Emerging:Semantic Web Services

Information management capabilitiesDiscovery, Filtering, Composition Steffen Staab

ISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Semantics and servicesinput xsd:complex=”oncogene”

output xsd:complex=”RiskType”


<owl:Class rdf:about=""><rdfs:subClassOf>

<owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource=""/><owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource=""/>



OWL-S grounding (coming to WSDL 2.0)

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Get a B&N price (In Euros)

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Of a particular book

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

In its German edition?

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Later: Automated composition

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Longer term?: Adding Proof

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

The “Policy Aware Web”

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Conclusion• The Semantic Web is here

– The question isn’t if, but “how much”

• Semantic Web technologies have a promising future and an exciting potential– The business case is emerging

• Enterprise integration on the Web

• Database, image, and services as 1st class Web citizens

• Portal technology “in the small”

– The future feed is exciting • Rules and Proof -> “Policy Aware” Web

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Semantic Web

Core Building Blocks from 10,000 feet

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Why XML is not enough - SkillDB Example




<name>Jürgen</name><pgp>CB FC A8 17</pgp><knowHow>SGML</knowHow><knowHow>Java</knowHow>

</Hacker><Person name=”Rainer”>



<seminars><Seminar topic="SGML"




Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Give me all persons!

XQL: //person/name

Returns only „ <name>Markus</name>“!

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Give me all persons!<skill-database><people><Person>



<name>Jürgen</name><pgp>CB FC A8 17</pgp><knowHow>SGML</knowHow><knowHow>Java</knowHow>

</Hacker><Person name=”Rainer”>



<seminars><Seminar topic="SGML"




Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

What is missing?

• Hackers are persons.

• Seminar attendants are persons.

• There may be syntactic variations that aresemantically equally valid.

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Give me all people knowledgable about SGML!

XQL: //person[knowhow=SGML]/name

Returns only „ <name>Markus</name>“!

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Give me all people knowledgable about SGML!




<name>Jürgen</name><pgp>CB FC A8 17</pgp><knowHow>SGML</knowHow><knowHow>Java</knowHow>

</Hacker><Person name=”Rainer”>



<seminars><Seminar topic="SGML"




Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

XML is an important basis, butnot enough

XML at the syntax layer!

Build on top!

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

(One) Layer Model of theSemantic Web

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Some Principal Ideas

• URI – uniform resource identifiers• XML – common syntax• Interlinked• Layers of semantics –

from database to knowledge base to proofs

Design principles of WWW applied to Semantics!!

Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving

the Web

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Knowledge in Linked Tables

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

Knowledge in SuperimposedGraphs

Steffen StaabISWeb – Lecture „Semantic Web“

The Semantic Web


PostDocPostDoc ProfessorProfessor


rdfs:subClass rdfs:subClass





<swrc:name>Steffen Staab</swrc:name>




<swrc:PostDoc rdf:ID="person_sha"><swrc:name>Siegfried Handschuh</swrc:name>



<swrc:cooperatesWith rdf:resource = "

