Download - Organised by Co-Hosted by Supported · Meet the expert 1A Meet the expert 1B Meet the expert 1C Symposium 3 – Imaging – Beyond

Page 1: Organised by Co-Hosted by Supported · Meet the expert 1A Meet the expert 1B Meet the expert 1C Symposium 3 – Imaging – Beyond

The 5th Scientific Meeting of theAsian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies 2017

6th – 8th October 2017 • Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Supported by

Organised by Co-Hosted by




Professor Dr Serge Ferrari

Full Professor of Medicine at the

Geneva Faculty of Medicine and

Head of the Service of Bone Diseases

of the Geneva University Hospital.

Professor Dr Peter Ebeling

Head of the Department of Medicine

in the School of Clinical Sciences at

Monash Health.

Dr Matin Mellor ABDULLAH, Malaysia

Dr Tanawat AMPHANSAP, Thailand

Dr Seng Bin ANG, Singapore

Dr Siew Pheng CHAN, Malaysia

Dr Manju CHANDRAN, Singapore


Dr Winnie CHEE, Malaysia

Dr Tien-Tsai CHENG, Taiwan

Dr Ching-Lung CHEUNG, Hong Kong

Dr Siok Bee CHIONH, Singapore

Dr Yong Jun CHOI, Korea

Dr Chee Seang CHONG, Malaysia

Dr Peter EBELING, Australia

Dr Serge FERRARI, Switzerland

Dr Fen Lee HEW, Malaysia

Dr Angela Wing Hang HO, Hong Kong

Dr Jawl-Shan HWANG, Taiwan

Dr Tai-Pang IP, Hong Kong

Dr Bom Taeck KIM, Korea

Dr Tang Ching LAU, Singapore

Dr Dong Ock LEE, Korea

Dr Julie Tan LI-YU, The Philippines

Dr Mastura MD YUSOF, Malaysia

Dr Leilani B. MERCADO-ASIS, The Philippines

Dr Alenjandro V. PINEDA JR, The Philippines

Dr Chanika SRITARA, Thailand

Dr Atsushi SUZUKI, Japan

Dr Akira TAGUCHI, Japan

Dr Yasuhiro TAKEUCHI, Japan

Dr Alexander Tong Boon TAN, Malaysia

Dr Keh-Sung TSAI, Taiwan

Dr Paulo Chih-Hsing WU, Taiwan

Dr Weibo XIA, China

Dr Bu Beng YEAP, Australia

Dr Swan Sim YEAP, Malaysia

Dr Wei YU, China

Dr Ling-Qing YUAN, China

Dr Hua YUE, China

• Endocrinologists

• Orthopaedic Surgeons

• Rheumatologists

• Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

• Oncologists

• Physicians / General Practitioners

• Trainees / MO

• Nurses

• Dietitians


Successful abstracts will be published in the highly

respected AFOS Journal of Osteoporosis &

Sarcopenia. Submission must be done online via


(Free Paper Oral Presentations)

• Award will be given to the Best Free Paper Oral


• Presenter must be the first author of the research.

• Presenter must be below age of 40 on 31st

December 2017.


(Free Paper Poster Presentations)

• Award will be given to the Best Poster


• Presenter must be present by his/her poster for

judges’ evaluation.

TRAVEL GRANT For Young Trainees

Successful trainees will be awarded a USD500

travel grant. Find out more at our conference


• Nutritionists

• Radiographers

• Allied Health Professionals and anyone involved in

the management of patient with osteoporosis

Deadline: 5.00pm, 15th June 2017

CPD PointsWill Be


Page 2: Organised by Co-Hosted by Supported · Meet the expert 1A Meet the expert 1B Meet the expert 1C Symposium 3 – Imaging – Beyond

1. Anyone who has conducted research relevant to

osteoporosis is invited to submit abstracts for Free

Pape O al P ese taio a d Poste P ese taio . Abstract submission is now open and the deadline of

submission is 1700 hrs, 1st June 2017.

2. All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement

issue of the AFOS Journal Osteoporosis and Sacropenia.

3. All a st a ts ill e e ie ed the “ ie ii Co itee. The Co itee ese es the ight to sele t the a st a ts a d de ide o the i al fo of p ese taio .

4. The esea h o k su ited ust e o du ted su sta iall the appli a t. The o k has to

e o igi al a d ust ot ha e ee p ese ted i conferences or published previously.

5. If the a st a t is a epted, appli a ts MU“T egiste fo the o fe e e a d p ese t the a st a t du i g the conference.

6. The a st a t te plate a e do loaded f o the oi ial o fe e e e site. Please use the te plate provided.

7. A st a t ust e su ited i A page, sa ed i Mi osot Wo d ile a ou i g to ot o e tha . MB i ile size.

8. Abstract submission must be done online via

You g I esigator A ard Oral Prese taio s• A a d ill e gi e to the Best F ee Pape O al

P ese taio s.• P ese te ust e the i st autho of the esea h.• P ese te ust e elo age of o st De e e


Best Poster A ard Poster Prese taio s• A a d ill e gi e to the Best Poste P ese taio s.• P ese te ust e p ese t his/he poste fo judges’

e aluaio .


1. T a el G a ts of U“D a e a aila le fo You g T ai ees.

2. t a el g a t ill e a a ded fo ea h AFO“ Cou t e e ’s su essful appli a t pe e e ou t

3. The e ai i g t a el g a ts ill e a a ded to appli a ts f o de elopi g ou t ies.

4. All t a el g a t appli aio s ill e e ie ed the O ga isi g Co itee. The Co itee ese es the ight to de ide o the i al e eipie ts fo the t a el

g a t.5. Rei u se e t ill e ash du i g o fe e e.6. The appli a t is espo si le fo o tai i g a d pa e t

of his/he o isa a d isa fee espe i el , as ell as for their personal health and travel insurance. AFOS

o itee ill ot ei u se isa fee, health a d t a el insurance.

7. T a el G a t Appli aio ust e do e o li e ia www.


• Appli a t ust e elo age of o st De e e .

• Applicant must submit at least an abstract online for

the th “ ie ii Meei g of AFO“ .• Appli a t ust su it a t a el g a t appli aio o li e

fo the th “ ie ii Meei g of AFO“ .

Deadli e Fo A st a t “u issio a d T a el G a t Appli aio

1700 hrs, 15th June 2017

Fo fu the i fo aio ega di g the a st a t su issio a d t a el g a t, please isit

If ou ha e a uesio s, please o ta t the se eta iat at se eta iat@afos ala sia. o o all + .

Page 3: Organised by Co-Hosted by Supported · Meet the expert 1A Meet the expert 1B Meet the expert 1C Symposium 3 – Imaging – Beyond

DAY 1 - FRIDAY (6th October 2017) *Subject to change.

DAY 3 - SUNDAY (8th October 2017) *Subject to change.


DAY 2 - SATURDAY (7th October 2017) *Subject to change.


• Physical activity – What works? What’s safe?

• Orthogeriatric care model – Preventing the next fracture

• Controversy of calcium supplementation

• Monitoring response to treatment – To scan or not to scan

• Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis – Difficult cases

• ONJ – Guidelines

• Clinical utility of TBS

• FRAX – Update on utility

• Thyroid disease / Parathyroid disease and bone health

• Andropause debunking the myth

• Sarcopenia: The way forward



c/o MEDICAL CONFERENCE PARTNERSP1-2-1, Andalucia, Pantai HillPark, Jalan Pantai Permai, Bangsar South,

59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel : +603 2242 0902 l Fax : +603 6207 6795

Email : [email protected]

Malaysian Delegates

Overseas Delegates

Allied Health Professional / Pharmacist /


Doctor / Specialist

Early Bird (Before 1st July 2017)

MYR 800 MYR 900 USD 350

Post-Early Bird

(2nd July 2017

th September


MYR 900 MYR 1,100 USD 400

Onsite th

September 2017)

MYR 1,100 MYR 1,300 USD 450

Registration Fees includes access to all scientific sessions and exhibition

areas, lunch, tea breaks and conference collaterals.

To be eligible for Trainee rates, trainees are required to submit documentary

evidence of their status (Letter by Head of Department) during the online

registration. Without this documentation, normal Malaysian Doctors /

Specialists rate will be applied.

Meet the expert 1A Meet the expert 1B Meet the expert 1C

Symposium 3 – Imaging –

Beyond bone density

Symposium 4 –

Bone biology and


Free paper oral

analysis and its clinical development

Bone markers in fracture Signaling in bone

Bone biomechanics –

Skeletal determinants of

fracture risk

Q & A Q & A

High-tea symposium

Plenary 1 – Osteoporosis – Disease burden and treatment gap

available tools

Opening ceremony

Tea break & exhibit visit

Symposium 1 –

Issues, controversies

Calcium – What do we recommend our Bisphosphonates

Vitamin D – Is it really necessary? Denosumab

foods and beyondAnabolic therapies

Q & A Q & A

Lunch symposium

Breakfast symposium by A. Menarini

Meet the expert 4A Meet the expert 4B Meet the expert 4C

Symposium 9 –

OP – Hormonal therapies

Symposium 10 – Symposium 11 –

Surgical management

Role of HRT Chronic kidney diseaseManagement of painful

vertebral fracture

SERMs GIOPHip fracture –

Typical and atypical

Testosterone therapyPregnancy induced


Q & A Q & A Q & A

Tea break & exhibit visit

Lunch symposium by Amgen

Fracture liaison service workshop by Amgen

Breakfast symposium

Meet the expert 2A Meet the expert 2B Meet the expert 2C

Plenary 3 – Diabetoporosis and obesity

Tea break & exhibit visit

Symposium 5 – Symposium 6 –


Free paper oral

Recognizing treatment


Sarcopenia & frailty -

Is it inevitable?

Bisphosphonate – Frailty screening tools

to grips– Maintaining intrinsic


Q & A Q & A

Plenary 5 : Update on ONJ

Lunch symposium (poster viewing / judging)

Symposium 7 – Mandarin


Meet the expert 3B Meet the expert 3C

Symposium 8 – Cancer

and bone

Free paper oral

Cancer and bone – Fatal


induced bone loss

(CTIBL) – Size of the


management: New

standard of care

Q & A Q & A

Tea break & exhibit visit

Plenary 7 – Tumor induce osteomalacia