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There are many different meanings of the words Order and Disorder and how they can be interpreted in Art.

The meaning of Order and Disorder

Today we will: THINK about what the different meanings of the


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Where to begin?

order of nature




















Words that link with Order and Disorder …





There are 6 main starting points.


Contextual references

The artists on the next few pages are suggestions to help you think about possible ideas. You may already have ideas of your own.

Keep an open mind at this point...

There is also a Beaumont Pinterest Album of Artists and ideas to support you with your project


Popular and influential street artist and graphic designer Fairey’s work has had a brute cultural impact on contemporary society. His work combines elements of graffiti and advertising and is often politically-charged.

Shepard FaireyLinked words: war, politics, chaos, emotion

Picasso created this piece in response to the bombing of Guernica, a country village in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Guernica shows the tragedies of war and it’s effect on innocent people.

The painting helped bring the world’s attention to the Spanish Civil War and was displayed around the world as a symbol of peace.

‘Guernice’ 1937

Pablo Picasso Linked words: war, damage, impact, destruction, politics, influence

Kathe Kollwitz Linked words: revolt, rebel, chaos

‘March of the Weavers’

Francis Bacon-Explores the “Human Condition” -Graphic and emotionally raw style of painting.

Linked words: destruct, change, confusion

Linked words: confusion, emotion, random

Lynn Skordal

Linked words: perfection, emotion, change

Manny Robertson

Linked words: pattern, destruction, organise

Chuck Close

Linked words: plan, control, destruction

Georges Braque

Linked words: harmony, movement, pattern, emotion

Lisa Nilsson

Linked words: organise, pattern, emotion

Lisa Kokin

“The Great Bear” 1992 – links people of popular culture together.

Simon Patterson

Linked words: sequence, organiseSimon Patterson


Salvador DaliLinked words: confusion,higgledy-piggledy, random

Anselm KieferKiefer is a German sculptor and painter who explores the themes of depression and the effects of Nazi rule. He often incorporates natural materials in his work such as straw, ash, clay and lead.

Linked words: war, compel, stress, chaos

Walter Martin & Paloma MuñozSnow globes are designed to be turned upside down. Martin and Muñoz, though, really turned them upside down. Where traditional snow globes are intended to evoke a pleasant memory, the snow globes of Martin and Muñoz seem to portend an anxious future event.

These orbs seem to anticipate terrible events that might happen, or might be happening right now to somebody else.Where traditional snow globes depict cheerful scenes, Martin and Muñoz give us eerie scenes, scenes rife with anxiety and uncertainty, scenes that reside in the darker parts of the human psyche.

Linked words: distort, stress, order of nature

Rotella was an Italian artist and poet, best known for his works of decollage and psychogeographics, made from torn advertising posters

Mimmo RotellaLinked words: destruction, change

Ed FairburnLinked words: plan, emotion, organised

“Map of my Day” 1995

‘Map’ combines a kind of representation, that is, a map of the United States, with many issues more common to abstract painting. Johns combines colour, lines, and readable gestures (brushstrokes), as well as letting paint speak for itself on flat canvas surfaces.

‘Map’ 1961 Oil on canvas

Jasper Johns Sarah Fanelli

Linked words: plan, pattern, method, movement

Amy CaseyLinked words: construction, method, control, plan

This is a contemporary installation and sculpture. The artist uses familiar objects in ways that become strange and unsettling.The wardrobe and the clothing inside were filled with concrete so they became sealed up and unable to be used.

The space between two buildings was filled with chairs, with a startling effect.

Doris Salcedo Linked words: construction, method, control, plan , messy, chaos


Hiroshige was a Japanese painter and printmaker who was known especially for his landscape prints. He often explores the force of nature in his Art.

Ando Hiroshige Linked words: choas, order of nature, stormy

Doris Salcedo

Doris Salcedo is a Colombian born Sculptor who addresses the question of forgetting and memory in her installation artwork.

Linked words: damage, destruction, explode

Linked words: control, organised, pattern, order of nature

Laura Katherine McMillan Embroidered Cells

Linked words: destruction, organised, method, sequence, pattern

Andy Goldsworthy

William Morris Linked words: organised, method, sequence, pattern, order of nature

CollagraphTessa HorrocksLinked words: organised, method, sequence, pattern, order of nature

Diego MaxLinked words: pattern, explode, random, confusion

Natalie RatcliffeLinked words: pattern, order of nature, movement

Natalie Ratcliffe is a Surface Pattern Designer and PrintmakerHer design work combines traditional printmaking techniques with contemporary practices She takes inspiration from nature, particularly the springtime

Damien Hirst Linked words: pattern, order of nature, movement

Eleanor Taylor

Linked words: order of nature, routine, plan, pattern


Things Come ApartTodd MclellanLinked words: destruction, explode, messy

‘My work explores how meaning, value, and associations are placed upon things in the material realm. I am interested in how seemingly worthless objects have the potential for whimsy and how the ‘inanimate’ mundane can reveal poetic and narrative possibilities’

Janice Wu Linked words: neat, organised, emotion, method

Nick GentryLinked words: neat, organised, method, confusion

James HopkinsLinked words: neat, organised, method, confusion

Everything I Have. A poster showing every single possession of artist

Simon EvansLinked words: neat, organised, method

Tony CraggLinked words: neat, organised, method, deconstruction, plan

Joseph CornellLinked words: neat, organised, method, deconstruction, plan, control

Lisa Milroy Linked words: neat, organised, method, plan

Woodrow is an English sculptor. In 1980 he first devised his characteristic method of making sculpture, forming a new object or objects from the skin of found domestic appliances.

Woodrow worked in such a way as to leave evident the original identities of the constituent items as well as the mode of transformation.

Bill WoodrowLinked words: explode, confusion, random

Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker creates large-scale installations to transform common objects and investigate the nature of matter.

Linked words: movement, explode, destruction, method


Claudia PearsonFelicita SalaLinked words: routine, order, plan,


The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer - (Bronze) cast in 1922

"Three Studies of A Dancer," by Edgar Degas,

Edgar DegasLinked words: plan, control, pattern

“I’ve spent the last 25 years of my photographic career investigating movement and its expressive potential. My inspiration has always been photography’s ability to stop time and reveal what the naked eye cannot see. My interest in photography is not to capture an image I see or even have in my mind, but to explore the potential of moments

Lois Greenfield

Linked words: plan, control, strength

Jackson Pollock

Pollock was an American painter, the chief pioneer of Abstract Expressionism.

He created enormous drip paintings. He painted in a tool shed where he could lay his canvas on the floor, and drip and splatter paint across it without worrying about ruining the walls or floor.

Rather than paint a landscape or a portrait, Pollock wanted to paint action. When you look at one of his drip paintings, your eye wanders across the entire canvas in constant motion.

Linked words: chaos, confusion, movement

Brice MardenLinked words: movement, pattern

Yukinori Yanagi's work explores themes relating to his position as a Japanese artist living and working in an international context, as well as broader issues about identity within social or national constructs.

Yukinori Yanagi Linked words: war, damage, impact, destruction, politics, influence

Eadweard Muybridge Linked words: movement, pattern, sequence

Eadweard Muybridge was an English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion and in motion –picture projection.

Wassily KandinskyKandinsky used colour in a highly theoretical way associating tone with timbre (the sound's character), hue with pitch, and saturation with the volume of sound. He even claimed that when he saw colour he heard music.

Linked words: movement, pattern

Roy Lichtenstein

Beginning in 1962 Lichtenstein borrowed images of explosions from popular war comics for use in his paintings. The subject embodies the revolutionary nature of Pop Art and suggests the very real threat of annihilation by nuclear explosion that was prevalent at that time (the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in 1962). But Lichtenstein was also interested in the way dynamic events like explosions were depicted in the stylised format of comic book illustration.

Linked words: explode, energy, war, influence


Hannah HochLinked words: destruction, unruly, messy, explode

Robert RauschenbergLinked words: destruction, unruly, messy, explode

Gregory CrewdsonLinked words: distort, random

Gregory Crewdson is an American photographer who is best known for elaborately staged scenes of American homes and neighborhoods

Jessica Tremp

'When I was little I used to dream about being a dancer or that I could fly and that I would learn to speak the language of the animals in the forest or that of the most dramatic actor. With the click of a finger I’ve found a way to make these things come true'

Linked words: distort, confusion

Rene Magritte was part of the Surrealist art movement.

Rene MagritteLinked words: distort, change

Graphic artist who made repeating patterns into artwork and impossible structures.

M C Escher

Linked words: distort, change, pattern, organised, symmetry