Download - Order of Service 11 March 2012

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Member of Aberdeen City Grouping

Sunday 11 March 2012

Third Sunday in Lent

Theme: Holy Space!

Faithful action and celebration of adult Baptism

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Welcome and Church Family News

Call to worship

Leader: God is here with us today.

All: Make us aware of Your presence, Almighty God.

Leader: We come to reflect on the faithful Word of God, Jesus


All: Increase our understanding and love of You, Almighty God.

Leader: Rejoice for the Lord is full of wisdom and grace.

All: We worship now in confidence of Your everlasting Love.

Leader: Gracious God speak to us and help us to understand Your

will. In Jesus Christ’s name.


Praise: CH4 193: God is love: his the care

The Offering is collected

Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

Talk with children

Praise: Walking, talking, listening, dreaming (words on insert)

Reading: Psalm 19 v 1 – 10 (to be said as a responsive psalm)

Leader: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the

work of his hands.

All: Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they

reveal knowledge. Their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.

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Leader: In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It is like a

bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion

rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens

and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its


All: The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.

Leader: The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the

simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the


All: The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the


Leader: The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees

of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.

All: They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;

they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the



Praise: CH4 595: O Breath of life come sweeping through us

Adult Baptism of Oliver

Praise: CH4 600: Spirit of God

Reading: John Ch 2 v 13 – 19 (page 873)

Sermon: A Holy place and faithful action

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Praise: CH4 192: All my hope on God is founded


CCL Licence No 409105

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1. The Annual General Meeting of the Congregation will take place

immediately after worship this morning.

2. The Kirk Session will meet tomorrow evening at 7.30 pm. Relevant

papers are available in the Deacons’ Room this morning.

3. Office Bearers will have begun telephoning the congregation, as

mentioned in the last Church Magazine. If you have not received a

call by the end of March, please contact Diane.

4. The Guild of Friendship meets tomorrow afternoon for gentle

exercise with Anita.

5. The Strollers will meet on Tuesday 13 March at 10 am outside

Lloyds TSB at Holburn Junction. You are welcome to join them.

6. Signing Class: Join us this Wednesday evening, 14 March, at 6.30

pm in the Meeting Room.

7. Lent Studies “Ram to Lamb”: this series of five weekly Lenten

studies continues in St Mark’s on Friday 16 March at 2.00 pm to

3.00 pm. The studies continue every Friday afternoon up to Good

Friday. The studies are open to people from all three parish

grouping churches - everyone welcome.

8. Afternoon Communion on Sunday 1 April: volunteer drivers are

required to take members of the Circle of Care to and from

Communion. Please add your name to the list in the vestibule if

you are able to help.

9. Fairtrade Helpers - if anyone is interested in running a Fairtrade

table when we have coffee/tea after Sunday Services please give

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your name to the Church Office using the slip which is available in

the vestibule or in the Hall.

10. Heart and Soul in Edinburgh - Sunday 20 May: this event will take

place in Princes Street Gardens during the week of the General

Assembly. Members of South Holburn Church are trying to

arrange a coach to go to Edinburgh for this. Would you like to go?

Please contact Ian or Marjorie Lord if you would like to be put on

the list.

11. Accommodation required: long-term booking (1 year), 2 nights

per week for a Chaplain working with Aberdeen Council. Please

contact Stephen Steiner on 07751 493 542 or

[email protected] if you can help.

13. Advanced Notice: there will be a Pilgrimage to Israel in November

2013. More information to follow.


Easter Egg decorating


An Easter picture made of anything

Adults and children - everyone - put your thinking caps on!

Enter one or both competitions.

There will lots of prizes!

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The City Centre Parish grouping services throughout Holy

Week will all take place in Queen Street Church - full details to


The Way of the Cross - Good Friday, 6 April: the Ecumenical

urban pilgrimage will commence at 11.45 am at St Andrew’s

Scottish Episcopal Cathedral on King Street. Please see the

notice in the vestibule for full details of this special journey.

Forthcoming Services

Sunday 11 March 6.30 pm OAK Evening Service

Songs of Praise with the Acclamations

in aid of the Scottish Bible Society

Crown Terrace Methodist Church

Sunday 25 March Fifth Sunday in Lent

11 am Morning Worship

Sunday 1 April 11 am Morning Worship

followed by tea/coffee in the Hall

2 pm Afternoon Communion and

Afternoon Tea for Circle of Care

Holy Week Services: Monday 2 – Friday 6 April

Queen Street Church at 7.30 pm

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Sunday 8 April Easter Sunday

9 am Easter Celebration - Well of Spa


9.30 am Easter Breakfast in the Hall

11 am Morning Worship

Family Fun Service, Easter competitions

followed by a short celebration of Holy


6.30 pm OAK Evening Service

Crown Terrace Methodist Church