Download - Order Form Christian Fiction - · Publication date: 10 Sept ember 2015 ANGELS WALKING The new inspirational novel from the New York Times No 1 bestseller An Angels Walking

Page 1: Order Form Christian Fiction - · Publication date: 10 Sept ember 2015 ANGELS WALKING The new inspirational novel from the New York Times No 1 bestseller An Angels Walking

Christian Fiction

THE CHANCEBestselling author KarenKingsbury proves it'snever too late for love inthis heartwarming storyabout childhood friends,broken lives, and an age-old promise. With eloquence andgrace, The Chance is abeautiful tale of heart-wrenching loss, thepower of faith, and thewounds that only lovecan heal.

ISBN: 978-1-8498-3965-5Paperback • Price: £8.99Publication date: 13 March 2014

FIFTEEN MINUTESThe New York timesbestselling authordelivers a tale ofcharacter, compromise,and the cost of having it all...

Karen Kingsbury is best known for her life-changing fiction and for creating unforgettable characters. She routinely speaks before more than 100,000 women each year, telling attendees they have

“One chance to write the story of their lives,” and her talk focuses on reminding women to live every dayloving well, laughing often, and finding true life in Jesus Christ. Karen is recognized as the top-selling authorin the Christian fiction industry. She celebrates her faith daily by laughing, loving and living life to the fullest.

Featuring Karen Kingsbury

Religious & Spiritual Fiction Christian Life & Practice • Love & Romance

“Queen of Christian Fiction” Time

ISBN: 978-1-4711-3137-0Paperback • Price: £8.99Publication date: 23 October 2014

CHASING SUNSETSThe second novelin a brand new seriesabout divineintervention and secondchances – the dramaticstory of a womandesperate to find deepermeaning in her life.Inspirational andmoving, Chasing Sunsetsis the story of onewoman's deep longingsof the soul, and thesacrifices she's willing tomake in search of healing.

ISBN: 978-1-4711-4324-3Paperback • Price: £8.99Publication date: 10 September 2015

ANGELS WALKINGThe new inspirationalnovel from the New YorkTimes No 1 bestsellerAn Angels Walking teamhas been assigned to seehope restored for one-time nationalbaseball hero Tyler Ames – who has losteveryone he loves on aquest to make it to thebig league. When angels walk, most people never know,never see. But they are there. And sometimes the stakes are so high, all of heavenstands ready.

ISBN: 978-1-4711-4175-1Paperback • Price: £7.99Publication date: 12 February 2015

THE FRIENDS OF JESUSEach of Jesus' friends –Peter, John, Matthew,Judas, Mary Magdalene,and Lazarus –travelled with Jesus andwere part of His dailyministry, and each has acompelling story to tell.Karen Kingsbury bringsthese fascinatingpersonalities to life inways that will not onlyhelp bring you closer tothe truths found inScripture, but also to Christ.

ISBN: 978-1-4767-0739-6Hardback • Price: £12.99Publication date: 16 July 2015

THE FAMILY OF JESUSThe characters in theseshort stories wereamong those closest toJesus-Mary, Joseph,Jesus' brother James,John the Baptist,Zechariah, and Elizabeth. The Family of Jesus notonly provides a deeperunderstanding of therelatives of our Savior,but also helps readersacquire tools that willdraw them closer to Christ, tothe Scriptures, and to each other.

ISBN: 978-1-4767-0737-2Hardback • Price: £12.99Publication date: 9 October 2014


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Books by Karen Kingsbury978-1-8498-3965-5 The Chance 8.99 _____

978-1-4711-3137-0 Fifteen Minutes 8.99 _____

978-1-4711-4175-1 Angels Walking 7.99 _____

978-1-4767-0737-2 The Family of Jesus Hardback 12.99 _____

978-1-4767-0739-6 The Friends of Jesus Hardback 12.99 _____

978-1-4711-4324-3 Chasing Sunsets NEW TITLE 8.99 _____

978-1-4711-4327-4 Brush of Wings NEW TITLE 12.99 _____

Books by Shelley Shepard Gray978-0-0623-3770-2 The Promise of Palm Grove: Amish Brides of Pinecraft , Book ONE £8.99 _____

978-0-0623-3772-6 The Proposal at Siesta Key: Amish Brides of Pinecraft , Book Two £8.99 _____

978-0-0622-0440-0 Daybreak: A Days of Redemption Series, Book One £8.99 _____

978-0-0622-0442-4 Ray of Light: A Days of Redemption Series, Book Two £8.99 _____

978-0-0622-0444-8 Eventide: A Days of Redemption Series, Book Three £8.99 _____

978-0-0622-0446-2 Hopeful: Return to Sugarcreek, Book One £9.99 _____

978-0-0622-0447-9 Thankful: Return to Sugarcreek, Book Two £9.99 _____

978-0-0062-0450-9 Joyful: Return to Sugarcreek, Book Three £9.99 _____

978-0-0622-0454-7 Snowfall: A Days of Redemption Christmas Novella £8.99 _____

978-0-0620-2061-1 The Caregiver: Familes of Honour, Book One £8.99 _____

978-0-0619-9096-0 Grace: A Christmas Sisters of the Heart Novel £8.99 _____

Other Fiction978-1-4516-8912-9 The Tomb Stephanie Landsem 9.99 _____

978-0-8129-7222-1 Father Brown Tales G.K. Chesterton 9.99 _____

978-0-6796-0181-4 The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky Hardback 16.99 _____

978-0-0622-0799-9 For Your Love Beverly Jenkins 9.99 _____

978-0-0624-0186-1 The Abbey James Martin S.J. Hardback 16.50 _____

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Page 2: Order Form Christian Fiction - · Publication date: 10 Sept ember 2015 ANGELS WALKING The new inspirational novel from the New York Times No 1 bestseller An Angels Walking

DAYBREAKThe Days of Redemption Series Book OneLife lessons tucked inbetween a great storywe can all learn from.Once again Shelley doesan exceptional job atwriting a series thatdefines some valuablelessons in between,about judging a book byits cover! Daybreak tellsanother story withsecrets that will haveyou turning the pages ofthis story faster than you ever have. It isthe second story in The Days of Redemption series,but could definitely be read as a stand-alone.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-4400-0Paperback • £8.99

RAY OF LIGHTThe Days of Redemption Series Book TwoRay of Light Bestsellingauthor Shelley ShepardGray bringsinspirational romance tolife in this sweet tale oflove in the Amishcommunity,Ray of Light, the secondinstallment of her Days of Redemptionseries.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0442-4Paperback• £8.99

EVENTIDEThe Days of Redemption Series Book ThreePleasing conclusion toThe Days of Redemptionseries. Readers will enjoythis engaging tale as theheroine believes love isthe real handicap.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0444-8Paperback• £8.99

Books by Shelley Shepard GrayTHE PROMISE of PALM GROVEAmish Brides of Pinecraft Book OneA young Amish womanfinds herself tornbetween the man she'spledged to wed and theman her heart desires inthis heartwarming storyof chance, duty, andchoice in the face oflove – the first volume inthe beloved New YorkTimes bestsellingauthor's new AmishBrides of Pinecraft series.

ISBN: 978-0-0623-3770-2Paperback • £8.99

THE PROPOSAL at SIESTA KEYAmish Brides of Pinecraft Book TwoA young Amish woman,yearning for freedom,crosses paths with ahandsome Mennonitecelebrity in a deeplymoving tale offriendship and self-discovery, the secondinstallment in theunforgettable New YorkTimes bestsellingauthor's new AmishBrides of Pinecraft series.

ISBN: 978-0-0623-3772-6Paperback • £8.99

HOPEFUL: Return To Sugarcreek Book OneThe Amish town ofSugarcreek, love comesin many forms. But will itcome at all for Miriam?Miriam has never feltparticularly beautiful,especially because she'salways been a bitheavier than other girlsher age. When Junior,the man she's pined forall her life, suddenlyseeks her out, she'sthrilled to be noticed . . .until she realizes he's only asking her to help getthe attention of Mary Kathryn Hershberger, herpretty friend.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0446-2Paperback• £9.99

THANKFUL: Return To Sugarcreek Book TwoNew York Timesbestselling author ShelleyShepard Gray capturesthe beauty, devotion, andwarmth of Amish life inthis engaging tale offamily, commitment,trust, and love set in thebeloved community ofSugarcreek."A sweet, straightforwardstory about how love canbe tested by family, faith,and personal insecurity.Enjoyable and heartwarming." (USA Today).

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0447-9Paperback• £9.99

JOYFUL: Return To Sugarcreek Book ThreeA young Amish couplegets a second chance atlove in New York Timesbestselling authorShelley Shepard Gray'sfinal book in her Returnto Sugarcreek series. Abeautiful story of faith,hope, and secondchances. Her charactersare so real that they feellike old friends. Onceyou open the book, youwon't put it down untilyou've reached the last page.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0450-9Paperback• £9.99

BRUSH OF WINGSFrom No. 1 New York Timesbestselling author Karen Kingsbury, comesthe third novel in a brandnew series about divineintervention and secondchances – the dramaticstory of a womandesperate to find deepermeaning in her life

ISBN: 978-1-4711-4327-4Paperback • Price: £12.99Publication date: 8 September 2016

Brush of Wings



THE CAREGIVER Families of Honour Book One

According to herwebsite, Shelley Shepard Grayenjoys writing storiesabout "people whohave a strong faith, aquieter way of life, butaren't perfect." Thus sets the scene forthe first novel in herFamilies of Honourseries, which includes acast of characters thatmost wouldn't expect tofind in Amish novel.

ISBN: 978-0-0620-2061-1Paperback• £8.99

SNOWFALLA Days of Redemption Christmas NovellaTwenty-year old RuthStutzman is a wonderfulcaregiver – but she hasno experience withkinner. Laid off from her job at aretirement home due tobudget cuts, she’srelieved to find work –even if it meanstemporarily watchingwidower Martin Rodes’brood of six!

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0454-7Paperback• £8.99

GRACEA Christmas Sisters of The HeartNovelMelody and Levi arestrangers when theyarrive at theBrenneman Bed andBreakfast in Ohio, bothburdened with painand sadness. But thewelcoming, family-orientated nature oftheir Christmasgetaway will not allowthem stay unhappy forlong. Soon they findthemselves drawntogether during the preparations for theholiday season and slowly they come to realisethat God has great plans for both their futures.Can a miraculous event on Christmas day bringthem together?

ISBN: 978-0-0619-9096-0Paperback• £8.99

Other Fiction TitlesTHE TOMBA Novel of MarthaStephanie LandsemIn this captivatingretelling of a classicbiblical story, Jesusshocks the town ofBethany with Lazarus’sresurrection from thedead, leading Martha – aseemingly perfectwoman trapped by thesecrets of her past – tohope and a new life.

ISBN: 978-1-4516-8912-9Paperback• £9.99Publisher: Howard Books

FATHER BROWN: The Essential TalesG. K. ChestertonWith keen observationand an unerring sense ofman’s frailties gainedduring his years listeningto confessions, G. K.Chesterton’s FatherBrown succeeds inbringing even the mostelusive criminals tojustice. This definitivecollection of fifteenstories includes suchclassics as The Blue Cross,The Secret Garden, andThe Paradise of Thieves.

ISBN: 978-0-8129-7222-1Paperback• £9.99Publisher: Modern Library


Unquestionably one ofthe greatest works ofworld literature. With itsdramatic portrayal of aRussian family in crisisand its intenseinvestigation into theessential questions ofhuman existence, The Brothers Karamazovtackles some of the mostexistential andimportant themesknown to humankind –the existence of God, morality, free will,reason, doubt, and faith. This is a work that everyperson should read.

ISBN: 978-0-6796-0181-4Hardback • £16.99Publisher: Howard BooksFOR YOUR LOVE

A Blessings NovelBeverly JenkinsFor her latest novel,NAACP nominee andbestselling authorBeverly Jenkins returnsto Henry Adams,Kansas – anunforgettable place thatanyone would want tocall home – with a storyof family, friends, and thepowerful forces from ourpast that can irrevocablyshape our future.

ISBN: 978-0-0622-0799-9Paperback• £9.99Publisher: HarperOne

THE ABBEYA Story of DiscoveryJames Martin S.J.Written with thecompassion, insight, andwarmth, Father JamesMartin’s debut novel isinfused with deepspiritual wisdom, wryhumour, and lovinggrace. Through hischaracters’ struggles,questions, and crises, wesee first-hand how Goduses our worries, anger,doubts, prayers, failures,and longings to help uscomplete ourselves and feel loved.

ISBN: 978-0-0624-0186-1Hardback• £16.50Publisher: HarperOne