Download - ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Page 1: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.


Page 2: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.


Aka: Oral and Maxillofacial PathologyDoctor: Oral Pathologist

General w/ 4 years additional education. Dx diseases and conditions of the oral

cavity. WNL

Within Normal Limits• Assistants duties;• Look for tissue that is not WNL

Page 3: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.


Any wound sore tissue damage

Caused by trauma injury disease chemicals

Location Above the mucosa below the mucosa even or flat with

the mucosa On the:

cheekslips tonguepalate

Page 4: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Above the surface

Blister fluid filled sac Bulla = large blister

Vesicle = small blister

Page 5: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Above the surface

Pustule pus in the blister

Hematoma blood in the blister

Page 6: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Above the surface

Plaque, (not dental) patch or flat area slightly raised from

the surface of the mucosa

Page 7: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Below the surface

Ulcer break or defect of the mucosa

Erosion shallow defect due to trauma

Page 8: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Below the surface

Abscess Periapical

around the apex


Page 9: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Below the surface

Abscess Periodontal

around the tooth

Causes poor OHI irritant infection

Page 10: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Below the surface

Cyst sac or pouch fluid and semi-solid

material blocked duct crown of unerupted


Page 11: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Flat, even, or raised w/ the surface

Ecchymosis medical term for bruising

Petechiae small red dots/spots

Page 12: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Flat, even, or raised w/ the surface

Nodules small solid lesions below or above


Granuloma nodule with

granulation tissue

Page 13: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Flat, even, or raised w/ the surface

Tumors ‘oma’ means tumor benign = not life

threatening malignant = life


Page 14: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Dental Caries

Aka tooth decay pt’s call it a ‘cavity’ disease of the oral


Caused by: Streptococcus

mutans lactobacilli

bacteria eat sugarproduce acid

Types incipient arrested root rampant recurrent

Page 15: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Progression of Dental Caries

1. A tooth surface without caries.

2. The first signs of demineralization, a small "white spot" has been formed (initial caries,or incipient caries). It is not yet a cavity, the surface is still hard. With proper measures, the caries process can be halted here and even reversed.

3. The enamel surface has broken down. We have got a "lesion" with a soft floor.

4. A filling has been made, but as can be seen, the demineralization has not been stopped and the lesion is surrounding the filling. It is sometimes called "Secondary caries or recurrent caries."

5. The demineralization proceeds and undermines the tooth.

6. The tooth has fractured - an effect of a process which could have been stopped at an early stage!

Page 16: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Progression of Dental Caries

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Rampant caries

Aka ‘baby bottle mouth’

widespread decaythroughout whole


Page 18: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Amelogenesis imperfecta

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Page 19: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Attrition natural wearing


Abrasion break down of tooth


Page 20: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Anodontia congenital absence

of teeth.One, several, allmost common on,

• 3rd molars and • lateral incisors

Macrodontia large teeth

Microdontia small teeth

Page 21: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Supernumerary more than normal


Twinning aka gemination a

"double crown" or a "double root." Tooth counting reveals a normal number of teeth.

Page 22: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Fusion two adjacent tooth

germs merge producing one tooth

tooth counting reveals decreased numbers

Concresence roots of two

adjacent teeth are joined by cementum

Page 23: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the teeth

Page 24: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the tongue

Glossitis inflammation of the


Fissured tongue

Ankyloglossia aka tongue tied lingual frenum is

attached near or at the tip of the tongue

Tx = frenectomy

Page 25: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the tongue

Geographic tongue aka strawberry

tongue fungiform papilla

Hairy tongue aka black hairy

tongue filliform papilla

Page 26: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Aspirin burn Smokeless tobacoo

Page 27: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Gingival hyperplasia overgrowth of the

gingival tissue. Genetics Medications

Dilantin, anti-seizure

Poor fitting denture hormones


Page 28: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Puberty gingivitis

Pregnancy gingivitis

Amalgam tattoo

Page 29: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Nicotine Stomatitis Aphthous Ulcer aka canker sore

stresshormonesdietpoor immune


Page 30: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Cellulitis inflammation of the


Bell’s Palsy paralysis of one

side of the face.

Page 31: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Cleft lip improper fusion of

the nasal process with the max. process

Cleft palate improper fusion of

the palatal bones

Page 32: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Conditions of the oral tissues

Torus tori (plural)

aka exostosisbony growth

Page 33: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Herpes HSV type I

Herpes Zoster aka shingles

Page 34: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Oral cancer squamous cell


Page 35: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Diseases, conditions (AIDS PT.)

HIV gingivitis Candidiasis aka ‘thrush’ initial sign

(manifestation) of AIDS

Page 36: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Diseases, conditions (AIDS PT.)

Hairy Leukoplakia Kaposi’s sarcoma

Page 37: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.

Diseases, conditions (AIDS PT.)

Candida albicans Bacteria that

causes fungal infection

similar to thrush

ANUG Acute, Necrotizing,

Ulcerative, Gingiva

Page 38: ORAL PATHOLOGY. zAka: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology zDoctor:Oral Pathologist yGeneral w/ 4 years additional education. yDx diseases and conditions.


There are hundred of pathological diseases and conditions.

Always look for things that are not ‘WNL’

Dental assistant can never diagnose!Remember, you are another set of

‘eyes’ for your doctor.Any questions??